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Messages - Aitamen

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Gaming and Grazing / Re: So...what's up?
« on: October 11, 2016, 10:17:29 pm »
Been enjoying SA2 and Generations...  Also just found the Crush 40 cover of Sonic Boom, and briefly wondered how I existed so long without it.

Also have mostly completed a book, which I'll soon be publishing!

Aside from that, playing Story of Seasons with the wives, and have been studying finances and optimizing our savings for, we hope, early retirement.  Which sounds more boring than it is, though I guess that's not saying much.

Generations 2 I can take or leave...

But Mania?  Made by Taxman?

About damn time SEGA pulled its head out of its ass and realized that the fans love the game more than they ever could, the soulless bastards.  I get there's politics and lots of issues, but I agree with this being a nice last push.

The Sonic anniversary party was the saddest thing I've ever seen... which mostly reflects the current state.  Let's hope the next one is better (or that they invite actual fans, instead of the meh sort...).

Only way I could be more excited for new sonic is if the S1MM team actually finished their thing (or if someone made a Sonic Adventure with the US Robotnik and world instead of the Japanese one).

Would it count if I did Hot Shelter, or would it not count because it's a piss record?

It's boring as fuck, and then some... but I might do it for $30, I guess.

News and Updates / Re: Hello TSC
« on: June 21, 2015, 11:54:07 pm »
I still lurk, and I wish they'd put out something on the order of Colours so I'd want to play again... but alas.

But from what I've seen, few of us move on forever~

S2 > all > dogshit > S06

Aside from that, generally speaking, I like spinball better than most others do, both because nostalgia and pinball, and I think that SA is terrible.  otherwise I fall into the "2d 'til I die" sorta category, loving colours reworking of stages and the SAdva series.

Only game I haven't played is Dark Brotherhood, which is actually sitting in my 3ds waiting for me to beat Ni no Kuni and Eternal Sonata.

This is awesome.  I'm digging my Ekans as a starter...

Competition Central / Re: Full Game Score Runs
« on: May 25, 2013, 01:51:37 pm »
Define "glitch".

No zips, go through walls, etc.

Like if you first played the game.

Zipping isn't a glitch. It's an ejection routine intentionally programmed into the game. Going through walls isn't glitching either provided the wall isn't solid to begin with, or if it gets unloaded somehow.

I don't remember what happened the first time I played the game as I was about 3-4 years old, but I do know that there's been a lot of crazy shit that's happened to me even when I didn't try to do anything funny.

Then of course there are a lot of things that aren't glitches, but still shouldn't be included as it ruins the competition like this.

My point is that either you try and create a definition where you pinpoint every little thing YOU don't think should be in a run, which in turn means other's might oppose your definition of "glitchless" and consequently ruin any competition for the category you just created. Or you try and pinpoint just the stuff that matters, like the points-exploit in the last link, that everyone can agree would ruin competition and everyone is happier.

You're free to play the game any way you want, but there's no prestige without competition and I personally agree with the stance TSC has taken.

Er...  you do realize that we don't actually agree that the birds are a problem, right?

I don't think it ruins competition, it just changes what we're competing in.  Like, say, ring recs with ? boxes, it's just testing stamina and patience.  S2 tests SD/dexterity.  S1 is knowledge and very specific timings.

The rules that decide the rules are: non-arbitrary, non-timed maximums (which we define as skill-less) are excluded (see: Eggman standing on a light for infinite points is disallowed, as is the Gamma-Hot-Shelter thing), but MG1 rings is fine).  Anything that cannot be done on some original hardware is excluded (which is the "original game" stigma).

Aside from that, it's good to go.  Uncontrolled glitches (usually hardware glitches) are generally considered unfair because they aren't reproducible and lends unfair advantage, but I don't think that's ever come up here that I know of.  Codes are cheating explicitly, and are noted as WoG, and disallowed *within* competition (beginning to end of a give run), though can be used for utility (level select save-states, for example).

We seek mastery of the game as it exists as code and the challenges set forth within the software.  Everything within the game we can use to do that that's part of that challenge is viable (which excludes codes).  We're about low times, high scores, and every ring we can find.

Competition Central / Re: Full Game Score Runs
« on: May 22, 2013, 12:59:18 pm »
Tom Votava was the verifier for Genesis for awhile (rdrunner), and he's also an SDA member.

They have different rules, and while I consider them bullshit, they're the "official" source.

Then again, I thought we cleared up the "glitching is cheating" bullshit back when MvSNK2 happened... but then Bungie tried to upset that and we have a boatload of casuals, so the scene's changed so much I don't know what to think.

I know what I play, though, fuck the rest.

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic Adventure Series System Separation
« on: May 10, 2013, 04:51:06 pm »
They aren't different games, they're different versions.  In any game, you're expected to use the version best suited to level times.  The fact that we divide by levels means you're free to switch for each level, as opposed to the entire game.

It's a rule from older games and other communities, and it's still functional in newer games.  A lot of speedrunning groups do this.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic 1/2/3&K SS(single segment) charts?
« on: April 01, 2013, 06:01:44 pm »
No, for the same reason we don't track challenge runs.  We're here for maximization, and SS isn't about maximization.

Board Games / Re: Ask the Next Person a Question
« on: February 21, 2013, 09:50:57 am »
^Does "Live in Texas" count?

If not, getting into school events (mathletes, and spending three months trying to get into robotics club (they didn't let me in because I was an atheist)) in an attempt to fit in was, in retrospect, a massive fucking waste of time.  That's about as close to ashamed as I really get...

What are the three most expensive things you've ever payed for?

News and Updates / Re: Possible Xmas Mini-Marathon?
« on: November 09, 2012, 10:12:00 pm »
Thorn: Considering I've given money to a number of street performers and know exactly one person who's ever bought a CD...

And I was more just saying running side-by-side with them might be a bad idea, which if we're running 27-30 doesn't matter much. 

News and Updates / Re: Possible Xmas Mini-Marathon?
« on: November 06, 2012, 12:33:34 pm »
Lucario: Your school is not associated with gaming, and it's not directly self-supporting (in terms of visibility in the gaming realm or benefit to others) like Child's Play is.  Unless we're big enough to warrant talking about on our own, like SDA is, we should just infuse the community with more goodwill.  Besides that, donating to Child's Play could be good press for us.

Further, we're speedrunners, we run games with the best people available given the opportunity to.  The fact that some people will be running multiple games is offset by the fact that commentary is from a lot of members of the community, some runners are quiet while focusing, some can't talk (no mic or too much background noise, etc.), and the like.

Also, running around Xmas might be fine for a short marathon, but don't forget that SDA's marathon happens in early Jan, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who wouldn't want to run into that with them.

News and Updates / Re: Charity Marathon Final Thoughts
« on: August 29, 2012, 08:16:34 pm »
Quote from: Umby
In terms of a marathon on Christmas, we should probably think more about what we want to do long-term. Do we want to do a marathon at least every year? If so, then it's worth considering that people might not want to see a marathon of Sonic games over and over. We would be doing the same games every time. In that regard it might be better to space them out a little more, or otherwise switching the focus to different things.

We could always do some "Bastard Children of SEGA" runs... 4P PSOv2 PC clean runthrough/Challenge runs, maybe?  JSR just got a digital-distribution re-release, maybe have someone train up on that?

I don't know if I'd be able to stream, or even run, these, just throwing out ideas.  I do have a private PSO server for PSOv2PC if other people want to run it, if that's any help...

News and Updates / Re: Charity Marathon Final Thoughts
« on: August 29, 2012, 06:54:46 pm »
Cheers to you for setting it all up Thorn... I know I've been absent frequently, as of late, but I absolutely loved the marathon (watching more now, heh)

Do PC players use controllers?

Further, worn controllers are a ton easier to run with (You think a stiff controller lets you 6-tap easily?), and as long as the input is still human I support it. Spoons/nails, combat sticks, or anything else.

Competition Central / Re: The Co-op Center...?
« on: June 22, 2012, 12:46:47 pm »
In S4E2, you can play online, which means almost infinite goes with people: no issue there, especially since there's a few TSCers who are willing and able to play as well as the rest of TSC (or be able to learn, we're a generally intellectual bunch).  I know a lot of people have lag and it's not at all a perfect system, but lots of people *could* get use from it that way, if limited to some extent.

In the rest, you'd have to play offline (does/can netplay work over LAN?  I need to go look...), and I'm not specifically sure there's an advantage in all of the levels that have co-op... like in S2, there's no benefit to having Tails in EH1 in any category, I don't believe (maybe score?). 

And while I'm only one person, I learned how to use Tails in S2/S3 for a handful of uses because I wanted to try and copy parts of the TAS.  I can either dual-palm the controllers (A trait I'm not sure how many people have learned...), or in some cases play with my feet (if it's something like one-tap SD or just keeping tailed desynced)

Also, if it's a sub-site you wouldn't be required to play.  It wouldn't have any base effect on TSC except the extra bandwidth (which I don't know that that's a problem, afaik our site runs plenty well).

I mean, I have a 2P (My gf), I have net, and I have the ability to play two characters in some instances, so I certainly stand as someone who could/would have full use of the site.  Which is why I *don't* support it being on the main site: having someone to play with isn't something available to everyone, and it's far harder to get a decent, competent player than, say, to get DLC, and those already warrant separate games.

I don't even know if I'd really compete (I would probably upload my S4E2 stats I have with my gf, if for no other reason than that I have them), but I think having it open would be better, and unless it's a huge load on the site (which I don't know, both not being a networking expert and not knowing the site specifically), I don't see the problem with it, since SDM said "I'll do the charting" and "it won't be hard", from what I've seen.

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic CD RA Rules Change
« on: June 11, 2012, 10:56:16 am »
Isn't it true that GF and BF have nothing different except the presence/lack of robots?

As FF said, that's not fully right... but then there's the fact that sometimes enemies are in the way, and other times they're useful thanks to the bounce physics in this game.

There are quite a few levels where ring bonus can trump time bonus

Really?  Off the top of my head, I was thinking that almost every level has a 255+Ring Box soft limit for 25500 points, and didn't see many combos in comparison, no perfect bonus (Which is was sealed it for S2), etc.  I was also citing that the scores chart for TT2 is much lower that every other level except bosses.  I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just curious as to where this is...  Still, I think a single chart might be better overall even it it weren't the case...

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic CD RA Rules Change
« on: June 10, 2012, 09:28:53 am »
More thoughts:
TA could easily be either fastest normal run (Allowing Time Travel), fastest TA only (current), or fastest per starting time period...  I do like the starting-time-period version because it wouldn't invalidate current TA status (They'd count for "Present"), and it'd open up competition in the other 2/3 of the game.

For rings, All-area normal-game RA gets the highest ring counts, so that's what we should use.  By-time-zone could be used, but it seems arbitrarily restrictive without providing much more in the way of challenge.  If console players don't like it, they have a computer to play with, because they can jump on TSC, so it's a choice to not compete, and that's not something we reflect in our charts (That people are unwilling to play X or Y... otherwise we wouldn't have S06 charts >__>).

Scores...  For scores, each time period could have a different score, and it could be higher/lower than the full-run score (I don't think are enough rings to offset the time bonus in any level, feel free to correct me).  I think allowing all start points (from L Select and/or TA) and normal game play as score routes and only having a single score slot would probably be best, similar to KC's "Use whatever time you want" ruling.  Gives highest scores and lets each player do what's best/easiest for them, or what's best for score.  I don't think RA and SA are the same for many levels, so I think whichever start gets you to the end the fastest and thus allows for more time to combo/ring/etc would wind up being the biggest, but I'd love to be wrong.

tl;dr: This is roughly what I want:

PP1 Past
PP1 Present
PP1 BFuture
PP1 GFuture
PP1 (allows normal gameplay, ta, or different start, whichever is best)
PP1 (allows normal gameplay, ta, or different start, whichever is best)

Wikkity! / Re: A ghost tried to approach me...
« on: June 09, 2012, 02:45:47 pm »
There are no stooges on Pumpkin Hill, my friend.
Except Knux, right?

General Sonic / Re: Rating Sonic Platformer Games
« on: May 26, 2012, 11:04:46 pm »
I think S2 is probably the best of the series, personally, while Chaotix is the hardest to play but is extremely enjoyable, perhaps because of that.

SA2 is decently enjoyable, but the effort to unlock everything for TAing is somewhat annoying.  Was much better with a DS3 instead of the DC controller, though.

SAdva was great, as a series, I just wish the first one has a human-able TAS to work off of, honestly. 

SatSR, S06, SBK, and Heroes are nigh-unplayable abominations.

Colours easily outdoes everything after SA2, so far.

Shadow could've been good, but it's clunky and hand-holding.  Takes control away from characters in the middle of levels like clockwork, and could've been a lot better than it was.

SR and SRA are obnoxious is that most of the normal gameplay is based around crappy QTE-style stuff, the small screen and not-enough zoom make them annoying.  With camhacks I could imagine it being a lot better, but I've never bothered.  The fact that it has auto-max-speed an an actual mechanic, and it's sustained, means that it feels more like a "Through the hoops" game than anything, and I can't stand that.

Also, for special stages, I love the half-pipe stages from S2, think the Rush versions were ok adaptations, didn't mind Blue Sphere, and hated the spin-rooms of S1.  Also, the SAdva SSs were interesting, but not exactly enjoyable, especially not for competition.

My thoughts on the big games, at least...

I liked Spinball, but I've played a lot of pinball and prefer other games and even a couple machines to it.  I loved the style of S3DB, but felt that the level design defied the controls (Also, for reference, I prefer the Genesis soundtrack).  The Tails games were great. 

General Sonic / Re: A question about Blue Knuckles
« on: May 26, 2012, 10:45:45 pm »
Is this banned for competition?  Does it have any application?  Or is it covered by the "You may not play games in the wrong region" thing?

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic CD RA Rules Change
« on: May 26, 2012, 10:43:05 pm »
It does, but that doesn't make it particularly useful; it autosaves at the end of every level.

oh and you only have 4 save slots, even on the PC version.
Aren't they actually files, though?  Couldn't you just set them to read-only and make it so only the one you currently want to play is loaded by the game by re-naming them so it can't see them?

I don't know, never played the PC version...

Competition Central / Re: The Co-op Center...?
« on: May 26, 2012, 10:38:20 pm »
Would it take issue with the fact that I'd be obtaining them myself, as a proper speedrunner?

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic CD RA Rules Change
« on: May 20, 2012, 05:56:52 am »
Quote from: Aitamen
Kinda related, were Starting Time Zones times ever finalized?  I thought they were but I didn't see a real word from a mod...

I'll look into this. For now only submit stats with a starting point in the present.

I meant for TA.  Since time-traveling from level-select resets you, we were going to have all-times TA charts, I thought it was finalized and waiting for GS or someone to actually chart them, but I might've been wrong and was asking for a status update...

And yeah, there are emu advantages all over the place, we've never seen that as reason to disallow things before.  And yes, save-stating before a run is legal, just not *during* a run.  If I had to trigger various glitches or obtain shields in S3&K before each run... *shudder*

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic CD RA Rules Change
« on: May 15, 2012, 07:48:37 pm »
An awesome rule change, methinks.  This wouldn't invalidate current charts (Right?), and opens the other two parts of the level up to RAing... and will probably get me back into the game before too long.

Kinda related, were Starting Time Zones times ever finalized?  I thought they were but I didn't see a real word from a mod...

Wikkity! / Re: Test your typing skills- again!
« on: April 28, 2012, 08:25:02 am »
I have to agree with RPG, honestly.

But I still took it:
Your score: 340 keys per minute ~ 68 words per minute
Language/mode: en
Ranking: That was fast - you can still improve, though.
Comparison: 23% of 37420 registered TyperA users using this language have typed a better result; 77% have a lower or equal result.

You typed: All you need do is leave them just as they are, call on Lord Halifax two or three months hence, thank him for his kind observation on those passages, and then read them to him as altered. Eight and four is twelve. If, in addition, we can get them to accept the further proposition that whatever form the Deity may have in their own theology, the Deity is not only external, but internal as acts through them, and they themselves give proof or disproof of the Deity in what they do and think; if this further pro It towers above its competition like a giant among dwarfs. In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. Recent research has tended to show that the Abominable No-Man is being replaced by the prohibitive

Mistakes: as(and), prohibitive(Prohibitive)

not too shabby... stumbled over Lord Halifax and Deity (3 times...).  Could done better, I think, but I just got up and am a bit shaky.  might try again later *shrugs*

Competition Central / Re: Glitchless sonic 2 single seg
« on: April 02, 2012, 01:46:11 pm »
Various intents on the word, we've ranted in circles about what entails a glitch. 

I say, do whatever feels right to you.  Alternatively, the best other course I've heard is "If it doesn't make sense in-world, then it's a glitch", which means that, yeah, 'Sonic could duck under the oil for a bit and shake it off after, no biggie, as long as he doesn't breathe it' could still be considered glitchless.

For me, most of the game's physics are accidental, so I don't bother distinguishing, but if you do, go for it.  Best of luck.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: April 02, 2012, 10:48:55 am »
Aita, Blue hair makes you look so different.

Yeah, I really love the effect.  It's great for shocking people when I go out too, it's so bright.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: March 26, 2012, 06:53:35 pm »
Wigs finally came in and I finally got mine cut to fit me.  Bonus pic of my gf in the dark blue wig, since she makes it look good (before the dark blue wig was cut).

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