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What IS this site anyway?

TSC is the primary resource for advanced Sonic game play and competition. Our main highlights are the automated competition rankings, chat/forum community and an assortment of related media.

How does the ranking system work?

Players are ranked in each game by points. Points are calculated by adding up your rank in each division in a game and then subtracting the number of divisions. This means that first place is worth 0 points, second place is 1, and so on. If you had all the site records for a game, your point total would be 0.

The videos aren't working. What's wrong?

There are codecs used by site players to encode their videos which you probably don't have on your computer. The program FFDShow will enable your computer to play them.

How do you know people aren't cheating?

We have mathematical analysis methods that allow us to determine questionable times and will request proof if they're questionable or ban the offender outright if we have absolute evidence that times are illegitimate (which we have in almost all cases - our methods are quite precise). Once someone is banned, he will never be allowed to reenter the competition, since that does a disservice to the players who'd never cheated to begin with. And if you think you know our methods, you probably don't.

I know someone's cheating! What should I do?

Tell us on the forum or chatroom. Remember though, if you think someone's cheating just because their times are insanely fast, there's a good chance you're wrong. :)

How do I submit videos?

Request authorization on either of the above. Note that for videos larger than 2MB, you need to upload directly instead of through the submissions system due to server restraints.

What does the Time Machine do?

The Time Machine is a method for viewing the ranking sheets in a nobler time. It is revered by TAers everywhere for its ability to let them cling to those championships of old which are now long since whisked away.

What do the italicized stats mean?

The italics are an indication that the submitter attached a comment; hover the mouse over the stat (or click on it) to see it.

I can't log in! What's my password?

If you joined before the login system was created (WAAAAAAAAY long ago) and you haven't logged in yet, your password is 'default'. You really ought to change it, and also come back more often. Otherwise, use the forum's lost password functionality, as TSC/forum logins are identical.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Go to the forum!

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The Sonic Center v3.9
Copyright 2003-2011 by The Sonic Center Team.