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Messages - Marth

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Competition Central / Re: Hey Guys, sad news =/
« on: December 30, 2006, 09:24:49 pm »
I keep a copy of my SADX file on another memory card.

But anyway, don't let a deleted save file stop you. I wouldn't. Of course, I always use my file,
but if I didn't have one anymore, I'd just start over. Your records are still backed up on TSC,
if nowhere else, right?

Information Kiosk / Re: New Competition Suggestions
« on: December 30, 2006, 09:17:21 pm »
Can't the updates be disabled or something? Like, you get a patch to fix your game,
but you turn it off while time-attacking. If they can be disabled, just disallow downloads.
If not, I say that allowing any version is okay. Forcing players to use the latest patches
not only has the problem of some would-be competitors not being allowed to compete,
but it's also dumb, because it would void all times every so often. Imagine this in SA:
We get times under 10 seconds for Sonic's Final Egg. (I know this wasn't done back in DC times.
That's not the point.) Then, the GameCube version comes along. All of those times have to
be replaced with slower 0'5-"-- records. Then, imagine Sonic Team making a patch available,
if you sign up and go online with GCN. (This is worse than XBox Live, since XBL is actually used.
But again, this isn't the point.) Ban all times that use the two shortcuts, and only allow runs made
with the patch that fixes the fake walls. Then, another patch comes, and it fixes any other problems,
like the half-solid spiky things on the conveyor belts, or the missing walls in FE3, where Sonic falls
through that long shaft while collecting rings. MORE VOIDINATIFIED TIMES!!!!!!

Okay, maybe that wasn't the best way to explain it, but you get the idea.
Basically, it's dumb because it voids all the records every so often, and because it's like
only allowing the system that has the disadvantage
(only GC is allowed for FE, TP, CP, etc.).
Why not just ban all glitches? Who knows which ones will be fixed?
(Obviously not all of them, as this is Sonic Team, but there could be a few.)

Competition Central / Re: Random SA2B/SADX challenges.
« on: December 28, 2006, 08:51:18 pm »
Don't forget that TSC was down for a while. Also, the 30-day rule can be broken if there's
a fairly good reason. I think this is good enough. I'd kind of wanted to revive this sometime, anyway.

Wikkity! / Re: Sonic, spirnt or endurance runner?
« on: December 26, 2006, 11:19:58 am »
Well, like just about any game character, Sonic will never get tired,
but then, he's not even that fast when he's just running.

He runs fast in Sonic X, but since it's a TV show, he can get tired.
Also (though Crowbar already got to this first), Sonic X doesn't match
the games, and it doesn't count, since all the "facts" are junk.

News and Updates / Re: Merry Christmas!
« on: December 26, 2006, 11:07:58 am »
Merry Christmas!

(Sorry I'm late. I was busy yesterday- fairly long trip.)

Competition Central / Re: Minimal A Challenge
« on: December 23, 2006, 03:09:18 pm »
I got this just after my last post:

Speed Highway (Sonic): (1 press)  1'46"60 

And this a few days after:

Casinopolis (also Sonic) (0 presses) 4'47"76 (The Dreamcast version has a clear advantage here.)

Now, I just need to redo each level for faster times. Except Sky Deck and Lost World.
I don't know if I'll do them at all. They need too many jumps.

Paragod, don't forget that what you found was only one trick. You're still missing one-
the Death Line Hax. Anyway, I should redo WV, either for a faster time, or for 4 A-button presses.

Competition Central / Re: Minimal A Challenge
« on: December 17, 2006, 09:05:41 pm »
Amy: Yeah, I know it's harder to speed up without pressing A, but the main point of these challenges
is pressing A as little as possible. It's not as good when everyone ties, and only time can be used to decide a winner.

Gamma: The first two are pointless like Amy's. Hot Shelter needs too many jumps. Red Mountain is good, though.

And Tails doesn't seem so great. Yeah, other characters aren't really worth having in this challenge.
Gamma RM should stay, though. Otherwise, I win automatically. :D

Okay, for my next set of records (all Sonic). I didn't try to do them quickly (yet).:

Final Egg (2 presses) 2'22"26 (Oh, by the way, this is GameCube. Dreamcast would be boring.)
Icecap (1 press) 3'07"56 (just used one for the capsule)
Twinkle Park (1 press) 3'35"78
Speed Highway (2 presses) 3'38"16
Red Mountain (0 presses!) 2'49"56

Casinopolis... I'm considering a few ways to get something like 1 or 2, but I'm not sure.
I'll probably be using Dreamcast for this one, because of its different vault design.

And Paragod's post just reminded me that it probably is better to do SH with shortcuts.
(I took the long way when I got 2. 1 is probably possible.)

Oh, yeah, about WV, I know it seems insane, but it really is possible and has been done.
Some of it's secret, but I will say that you don't need to use every jump panel.

Competition Central / Re: Minimal A Challenge
« on: December 16, 2006, 10:54:48 pm »
Okay, here's the start of my SA stuff:


Emerald Coast- (1 press) 1'24"73 (Forgot how good the record was, so I stopped. Also, EC is boring.)
Windy Valley- (5 presses) 1'55"50 (4 is possible by trying harder, or by playing on Adventure mode.)
Final Egg- (4 presses) 2'03"60 (3 or even 2 may be possible. I'll have to look more.)


Final Egg (0 presses) 3'58"26 (Didn't really try on the first 2 Gamma stages, because they're boring.)
Emerald Coast (0 presses) 3'18"53 (Also boring.)
Windy Valley (1 press) 2'46"25
Red Mountain (2 presses) 2'14"33 (It's crazy, but 1 may be possible.)

Okay, that's all. I did test out a few, though:

Icecap: 1 or 2 is possible.
Twinkle Park: I think I actually completed this one. Anyway, 1 is possible.
Speed Highway: Umm... *thinks*  what's that... 3? Yeah, I think so.

This is pretty cool. I'll try some more stages. I can explain these when everyone's done.

Uh, about Amy... isn't that pointless? I mean, her best jump is done with B or X, anyway.

Competition Central / Re: Minimal A Challenge
« on: December 13, 2006, 08:24:47 pm »
Did we add Sonic Adventure/Dx yet? That might be fun... (maybe a minimal a&b challenge would be fun....)
EDIT: Move this to competition central some1, would ya?

On my way home from school I was thinking about that. Maybe I'll do a few runs and check it out.

And Ring Rush, trust me, Riders could still work. Yes, it is a racing game but trust me that's not all that's there for each track. As I mentioned earlier, the challenge would be good because you'd be seeing how a person would do without using non-formation type (e.g., Speed, Flight, Power) shortcuts (which requires the usage of the A Button). But if you don't wanna add it, then scrap it. I don't mind.

But seriously, let's do SA too.

Oh, and Groudon, I knew you'd help me with the chart so it was kinda like a rough cut of it. Ring rush, don't forget to take Groudon's updated chart not my old one, okay? Thanks, G.
Yeah, do SA. I think I'd try it.

Um, about Riders, a no-A run would just mean no proper use of ramps, and no use of rails.
How does flying or punching use the A button?

General Sonic / Re: What do you think of Sonic 360?
« on: December 08, 2006, 10:46:35 pm »
(Keep in mind that I haven't played this game.)
There's no excuse for the camera in StH 2006 to be bad.
SADX already had a good camera system (not counting that it kept getting disabled).
All they had to do was take it and put it into all the newer games.

And then, about the glitches, they just don't know anything. SADX has hundreds (if not thousands)
of major glitches, like fake walls, weak corners, and missing polygons (like in backgrounds).
And many of them are so obvious! Just walk over to a building and look behind it!
Or, just jump into a pit, or away from the course.
And the newer games, though they have fewer glitches like this, have annoying glitches instead.

Game design is a little different. It may be difficult (I'm already pretty sure level design,
at least, is a challenge), so I'll let Sonic Team off easy for that part.
They could just remove gameplay types that are annoying, though.

General Sonic / Re: My thoughts on a Sonic RPG
« on: December 08, 2006, 10:35:10 pm »
Too bad everything needs programming and an amount of work that may only be possible
by professionals (they don't have to do it in their free time).

This already sounds good. Funny story? Sounds more like AoStH than Sonic X, and that's
definitely a good thing. Real-time battles? Also sounds cool. I'm not sure about the camera,
though. Is this kind of like side-scrolling? (I haven't played the Tales games.)
A regular 3-D Sonic view is fine, if it's like the Free Camera, and if Sonic doesn't die from falling.
Could you make some pictures of this game? At least some quick, sloppy ones,
just so I can see sort of what it would look like?

I was already thinking about making a thread about Sonic game ideas a while ago.
My ideas right now are SA3, SADX True Edition, and SA64 (yes, 64).
I'll probably be using sloppy drawings, at least for some of it.
3-D rendering can be used, but it takes too much work.
Also, I haven't been able to make a good Sonic model,
and the Amy model still needs a little work.

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Goes Wiiiii!
« on: December 08, 2006, 10:23:36 pm »

-This game could be ported by a better company. It could not be ported by Sonic Team.
-Yes, it was. It does both.
-XB360 has a big CPU or something, but that doesn't do much. The game has bad graphics, anyway.
Also, the loading times are affected by the disc drive. I doubt Revolution is slower.
-Nah, probably not.
-Good, but I don't see why StH 2006 can't be ported.
-"Hey, we don't actually care about you. Just to prove it, we're not letting you buy our games!
So there! Ha ha ha!" Okay, fine! Don't take my money! I'd rather buy more Sonic Adventures, anyway.
-I'm pretty sure it does have downloading. Isn't that what that WiiConnect24 or whatever is supposed to do?
-Who cares about new features?

knuckles_sonic8: Sonic Team's not ready for that commitment or anything else.
They've already shown that they can't make a good port or anything with good graphics.
I think a true Sonic Adventure DX would also be cool, but they're obviously not capable of that...
of course, unless they hired me to help them. :D (I might end up brainwashing myself into
actually going to them and demanding a job if I keep this up. Oh, well. It can't hurt.)

Hiya Folks / Re: I have an important question...
« on: December 08, 2006, 09:53:02 pm »
Welcome to TSC! :)

If you time attack break the targets at a professional level, then you can simply apply the concept of dedication and commitment here as well. The more time you put into something, the better it will be.
True. Sonic time-attacking is similar, although you're obviously playing a very different game.
And the length isn't usually that bad... except for those times that you have to skip checkpoints. :(

Tails stages? There are secret places where you can get bigger combos or a lot of rings.
Focus on getting the biggest combos possible (without getting hit of course),
but try to go fairly quickly. Shortcuts are usually bad if you're going for a high score.
I might be able to give better help if you name a specific stage, but maybe someone else could help more.

News and Updates / Re: Sonic 06 and Sonic Genesis release
« on: December 02, 2006, 10:13:02 pm »
I tried Sonic Genesis (downloaded it, of course) last month. It's old news, but TSC was down the whole time.
It's unbelievable how badly-made it is. The title screen is flat (one layer plus the Sonic emblem),
and there are no animations. The framerate is so choppy that it's a little hard to play.
The invincibility music plays about 40-50% longer than I remember because the game's so slow.
I guess this explains why the Sonic Advance games had less-than-deep backgrounds.
And isn't the GBA supposed to be quite a bit more powerful than the Genesis?

(I haven't looked at the real Genesis version in a while, but I remember it well enough.
The framerate in the real version shudders a little, but it's not so bad that it hinders gameplay.)

See the subject of my post? Someone should do the same thing to the thread.

There must be something better that can be done. The existing rule could void just about any time.
I can't be 100% sure I didn't hit a switch twice on my run months or years ago.
(You could say, "just do it again", but I don't know if I want to, or if I could match my old time.
Also, if making everyone redo their runs is no concern, then why not just ban shooting switches entirely?)

This still seems flawed, but I support a reasonable limit on shooting switches.
Maybe it could be three shots per life (instead of 3 consecutive shots).
Or, if there's absolutely nothing that will work, we can just leave it the way it was, with no rules.

And now I'll complain more about the rules:

Also, there should be some more general rules that forbid any kind of "unlimited (whatever)" tricks.
Why was the Gamma rule added so quickly, when other rules were suggested long ago?
If "unlimited" tricks are forbidden, just say they are. It's dumb to just shoot down scores as they come.
(No digging up rings. Okay, now you can't reuse a switch for rings. Oh, and now you can't
hit a bell after making it disappear. Oh, and you can't repeat Amy's Twinkle Park for more rings. Oh, and...)

And, what's going on with the level complete rule? The Sky Deck thing should be allowed if
the Hydrocity boss skip is allowed, and maybe even if the HC glitch isn't.
So if HC is allowed, so is SD.
If HC is not allowed, SD may be allowed.
If SD is allowed, HC may be allowed.

Rules Revisions / Re: E-102 Hot Shelter and dumbness
« on: November 13, 2006, 11:06:25 pm »
I'm in favor of moving the switch scalping trick to free style. To be fair to the DC version (i.e. make it so its not at a 90+ minute disadvantage), I'm also in favor of moving the Hot Shelter time freeze glitch on the GC version to free style. I'll have to move my time since I did one cycle of the trick on my time (GC version). Oh well, I had a pretty strong time (4:30+ I think) without the glitch.
Edit: Slightly off topic, but I think I also had a sub 1:00 run for Lethal Highway (Hero) without that glitch.
Um... freezing time gives more like a 10 or 15 minute advantage.
There's a limited number of checkpoints.

Anyway, the 100-minute trick could be moved to Freestyle, but what else would go there?
I say we should keep the time-freeze glitch, as it's not cheap, other than that it gives GC an advantage.
If it goes to Freestyle, it should get a separate chart from the 100-minute trick.
(Otherwise, there'd be no use for the time freeze.)

General Sonic / Re: What's the best move?
« on: November 13, 2006, 10:02:01 pm »
Rolling down a hill and gaining speed, physics for the win.
Oh, no! Physics in a (3-D) Sonic game!
Next thing you know, Sonic will accelerate as he falls!
(Actually, that probably will happen, but it will be super-exaggerated and annoying,
if I know Sonic Team... with their exaggerated animations, bad control, and whatever else.)
Anyway, that is a cool move. It's surprisingly overlooked.
(I used to overlook it all the time, in Lost World for example, and I've seen other players do the same.)

First, it's pointless to lock a topic so soon. If someone will post, someone will post.
Be patient. Saying you'll lock it just looks like an attempt to draw attention to it.

Second, triple-posts are not encouraged here. I'm not going to start screaming at you for
cluttering the boards, but I will say that you should modify your posts and avoid posting so many times.
(Double-posts are also kind of bad, but there are rare times that they can be okay.)

General Sonic / Re: Who do you think would win?
« on: November 10, 2006, 11:24:46 am »
or rather, "Froggy? Is that you?" (at least I think those are the exact words)

Okay, Big obviously won't be winning in a race or a popularity contest,
but he's not a bad fighter, with that fishing rod. (He's slow, but human-sized,
and the rod is also fairly big, with decent range.) He's better at beating the Egg Walker
than Amy is! (using Action Replay, of course) And maybe he can annoy the others into quitting.

Duhhh, me 'n Froggy are gonna beat you, I guess. Huh, er, what? *looks at the fishing rod in his hand,
which he obviously plans to use as a weapon* Heyy, maybe we could use this! Duh.
*swings the fishing rod at Sonic* Sorrrryyyyy! Umm... I'm getting hungry.
*runs off to start fishing- Sonic isn't exactly pleased* Duhh... hey, I caught a fish!
5 feet long and 700 grams! Now I only need to catch 50 more! *4Kids wave passes over Big*
(now in silly, slow, high voice from Sonic X) Sorry, Sonic, I'll be back soon.

Sonic: AHHHHHHHH! *runs*

General Sonic / Re: Back In the Day...
« on: November 10, 2006, 11:14:06 am »
I don't think Sonic 06 ("Next-Gen") is SA3. It has Silver to slow it down, and although I haven't
seen just how bad it is, the thing about Sonic speeding up as he collects rings sounds
super-annoying. And it would mean no restarting in time-attacks.
SA3 probably has to be designed by TSC members to succeed. (In other words, when it comes,
it'll be a disappointment, and it won't even beat SA2. And forget about it coming close to SA.) :(
It needs 100% good, fast gameplay (not 30-50% or whatever the existing games give),
an improved ranking system (which I've already worked out), better voices,
a SADX Free Camera that never switches back on its own, and fewer annoying glitches.
If it fails on any of these (and it will, unless some big changes are made), it will probably end up
being a disappointment, like I said. And that's if they try making SA3.

knuckles_sonic8, I can tell you what I think of Riders sometime (maybe in the chat), if you'd like.
For now, I'll say that yes, the voices are terrible, but the game seems good otherwise.

Competition Central / Re: Random SA2B/SADX challenges.
« on: November 10, 2006, 10:59:26 am »
No, I mean falling off and landing on the higher floor. If you go down the slope normally,
you'll have to go under, then up that half-loop, and then probably bump into the Hintball.
Falling off the top of the slope would drop you right next to the jump panel and cut off a second or more.

Different challenge levels? Hmm... that would be nice... and I could do the easier SA2 ones.
(Those older challenges like Metal Harbor without the Light Dash were around my level.
But no rockets means I have to reach the platform where M3 ends, and that's frustrating.
Also, I don't know how it can be done without smashing a robot- another perfectly timed jump?)

Oh, and yeah, the Jump Dash is the name of the A-A attack when Sonic isn't near anything.
Although it's sometimes called the Homing Attack, the real Homing Attack is only when he
curls up and automatically targets something. (Yeah, these stupid names are confusing-
Jump Dash, Air Dash, Spindash Jump, Spin Jump... and then there are the names of stages
and games and other stuff... SA, SAdva, EC, other EC, CE, FE...)

Competition Central / Re: Random SA2B/SADX challenges.
« on: November 09, 2006, 11:40:42 pm »
Okay, I did the Emerald Coast one in 1'28"78.
I wasn't sure about certain things, so I didn't use them. The first things that come to mind are:

1. At the last checkpoint, is it okay to fall off the steep slope and land at the jump panels?
2. Before the lighthouse, is it okay to skip the first spring? (Sonic passes over it, but he doesn't land.
It's something I used to do wayyy back, when I used to get 1'30" or something at my best.)

I'm thinking that they count as shortcuts (and are not allowed), but I was just wondering.

About new challenges... like I said, there could be a series of no-shortcut challenges,
but that would probably need its own thread. I'd like get-here-if-you-can challenges, if there's
anywhere left to go. Other than that, time-attacks or just about anything is good. It would be interesting to see what challenges like the SA2 ones are like when I'm more familiar with the game.
So just make whatever you think would be interesting. Do a variety.

General Sonic / Re: Who do you think would win?
« on: November 08, 2006, 10:31:16 pm »
Groudon: Don't forget that in SA2, Sonic can also use Chaos Control.

SilvertheAlmighty: They were walking, and then speeding up in that cutscene.
And after, when the name of the enemy hedgehog appears and that enemy talks
(whether that's Sonic or Shadow), the running is still scripted, and it could be limited.
Only gameplay can show who's faster. I remember reading about the results of a test made using SA2.
I think Shadow was slightly faster on flat ground, but Sonic was better in other areas because of his better acceleration.

about Sonic06: Stupid ring collecting thing. I haven't seen videos, but I'm guessing that Sonic starts
off walking like a turtle, and with a hundred rings, he can run as fast as before, which still isn't all that great.
Also, that gimmick is about as much of a Sonic fact as the thing about him being able to
fly around and do weird Spindashes when he grabs one ring.

General Sonic / Re: What's the best move?
« on: November 08, 2006, 10:19:12 pm »
Running is nice, but it isn't that useful for time-attacking. Also, Sonic is slow when he runs (in the games).

The Spindash is the best. It's an important part of every Sonic game, and it's what made
the best game ever made... the best game ever made!

Nonono, wait. How about the Super Duper Jump from Casinopolis? :D
responsible for ruining Final Egg on Dreamcast, and Casinopolis on GameCube
It's not usually an attack, but it can be, as it involves a Spin Attack (jump) and a Light Speed Attack.

Competition Central / Re: Random SA2B/SADX challenges.
« on: November 08, 2006, 10:12:07 pm »
The EC one looks cool. I'll have to try it. (I should do other stages like this, too.)

After I do this one... make some more (SA) challenges! I planned to do something like this some time ago,
but I never got around to it. Maybe I will sometime, but for now, I can do these challenges.

Hiya Folks / Re: member^^
« on: November 08, 2006, 09:08:37 pm »
douglas and PK: What do you mean? This is THE Sonic site! (Okay, seriously, although the guides at TSC are mainly about competition, there are other guides about glitches and a bit of beta stuff. One of those, of course, is my SA glitches guide. I've been doing a little to expand the site in this area, but there are things I don't feel like making right now, like maps and the full comparison guide.)

Competition Central / Re: The Official Guides/Videos Feedback Topic
« on: November 04, 2006, 10:54:48 pm »
As low as 1'40" is possible? Wow. There must be a lot I don't know about.
Back when there were times under 2 minutes, I figured that the best runs had very lucky
(or well-aimed) rolling near the end. (I've almost done it without bouncing, but I'd still be over
2 minutes if I put that in a time-attack run.) But then, I'm not a serious SA2 player, and I
haven't done much time-attacking or glitching, besides some Sonic/Shadow M1 times
and that Cannon's Core Knuckles glitch I found (which is probably what everyone uses).

Oh, and I demand that you change that message above your avatar to "1337 at 3D".  :P
I didn't notice that you were in SA until a few days ago, but you're good at that, too.

Competition Central / Re: Possible future idea: TSC Video Collection DVDs
« on: October 30, 2006, 05:10:23 pm »
How about new pictures? I can probably do drawings (they'd have to be shaded by someone else)
or CG renders* for some characters or environments or something.

*Remember that Amy model? Imagine her with better colour, fewer glitches, no flat shading,
and slightly improved proportions. Also, I might do Sonic, although I'm still trying to figure out
exactly how to make his head and all those spikes without any seams or other problems.
EDIT: Here, you can see what Sonic's head is like so far. The main problem is that the spikes can
only go in one direction without bending (like in the Saturn games).

What would be done about the video quality? Some of us can send bigger videos,
but others (like me) only have cameras and make videos that look even worse when not compressed.

An introduction might be good. So would the commentary. And can there be a second SA disc just for random glitches? :D

One more thing: Is it legal? I don't know if Crowbar meant using images (that's not a problem),
but making gameplay videos could also be illegal.

News and Updates / Re: New stuff around the site
« on: October 30, 2006, 04:43:42 pm »
I said it because I'm here (the most important part, obviously :P ), SuperSonic101 is very close,
and F-Man is also in Canada (though not Ontario... I could've narrowed it down to "Ontario is the best" if he lived here).

The best SA players and the best- *checks rankings*... er, one of the best SA2 players are in Canada.
(SS101 was the champion at the time.)

Hiya Folks / Re: Woo
« on: October 30, 2006, 04:24:01 pm »
If you rather have a 3D game, let me recommend Sonic Adventure (the first). It's the best game ever made. (no arguments allowed :D)
No arguments needed. :D
I prefer the GameCube version (so far), but you should get whichever one you can.
And if you like it, get the other versions!

General Sonic / Re: The best sonic games for the genesis
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:42:27 pm »
It's interesting that your ears deceived you, even though you don't know what the US version sounds like.
Also, make that, "due to its supposed inferiority". Again, I haven't heard the Japanese soundtrack yet,
but I already know that the US version is up to Sonic standards, whether it's slightly inferior or not.

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