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Competition Central / Re: Sonic Heroes - Mystic Mansion 'Fake Wall'
« on: February 22, 2007, 10:57:11 pm »
Go for it, whether you have a lot of glitches or not. (You probably do.)

I put the few I discovered into a guide of glitches for random games. It's on my site,
but I don't think the Sonic Heroes stuff is on there. I'll have to get that updated.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Heroes - Mystic Mansion 'Fake Wall'
« on: February 22, 2007, 09:10:40 pm »
You're welcome. :)

And yeah, when I tried it before making the video, it was even easier than I remembered.
It's like those panels of the wall just aren't there. There's a back wall, and there are side walls,
but the diagonal-like walls are completely fake. Another XBox player will have to check it out to see
which versions have the glitch. (Also, PS2, since it came out at the same time as the XBox version, didn't it?)
Is there a way to find the version number on the disc, like with GameCube? That'd make it easier.

Random claiming of a glitch: At the end of Chaotix's Egg Fleet, go past the goal ring and try climbing
the wall by flying and using Thunder Shoot. You can climb over and get stuck in the conveyor belt place.
I don't think this is good for anything, though.

I definitely play more than Sega* games, but I have quite a few that are from Sega.
They include the Sonic games (Sonic Adventure, in both versions :D ), but also a few others, like F-Zero GX.
SA is the only one that could be said I play regularly.

*What is it, Sega or SEGA? I keep switching. SEGA/Sega seems to use both themselves, but maybe Sega more often.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: The worst of the worst games you ever played
« on: February 18, 2007, 04:41:05 pm »
I found TWoC to be not too bad, but I agree that there are frustrating spots and that the loading's
really, really slow (I think it's 20 seconds or something on GameCube- beaten only by The Hobbit).
Also, the graphics are really bad, especially considering what I've heard about the XBox version.
But I found the gameplay to be fine. I haven't tried the original games yet, so I can't compare them.

Information Kiosk / Re: New Competition Suggestions
« on: February 18, 2007, 03:18:00 pm »
Virtual Console, like Sonic Mega Collection, is emulation. But yeah, it's probably the same.
(SMC does have emulation glitches, by the way, but I doubt that the gameplay is affected at all.)

Isn't Shuffle pointless? Unless there's a score mode that I haven't unlocked, there doesn't really
seem to be anywhere to compete. (I'm guessing that you plan to play regular mini-games
against players of a set difficulty level, and then submit a ring score from that game.)
Mario Party is way better for competition, as it actually has mini-games that save scores.
(Of course, this isn't The Mario Center.)

General Sonic / Re: TSC and the Secret Rings
« on: February 10, 2007, 08:14:23 pm »
You're telling me! I can't wait. I'm so excited; I've started the charts once again. What'll you do when you first get the game? For me, I'll see the Mini-Games first. I'm dying to know how they feel and how it all runs. I can't wait to unlock Blaze and Silver. ;) It'l be my first time ever playing as Blaze.. :o

I'm very interested, as well, to see the "100 Skills" and the EXP system for the Rings; sounds very cool. I'll head to Party Mode, then Specials then Story Mode. :) Can't wait to see Tails in action. ;)

I wonder what my playtime for this'll be... After all, I have played Riders for almost 400 hours I believe or is it 300.. I've lost count. XD

Thanks for keeping this alive, eggFL. What else are you stoked about for the game?

When are wiis going to be in stock ok.

...looks like I won't have this game for a long long time if ever. And s2006 statistics aren't even up yet. :(

tell me about it.. I'm SO glad that, as a Canadian, I have a Wii. I can't wait to get SSR. I REALLY gotta start getting $ somewhere... XD
Yeah, I saw some Revolutions in the flyer. What store was it, again? Toys R Us? But I don't care. By the time I try getting one,
they'll be as common as GameCubes are now.

When I get the game? Options menu. Language- Japanese. Then, thoughts of redoing the voices, and more hatred for Sonic Team's stupidity.
Then, the main mode. Story, or whatever. Maybe the voices shouldn't bother me so much, but they do.
It's as if all the characters were replaced with the most unlikeable characters ever, thanks to this, and it just ruins the perfection
of the game (if there is perfection). Another thing is that any average Joe or Mark could go and do way better voices and acting,
and without even practicing or anything.

I'm already waiting with about 40% eagerness and 60% dread for the next Sonic game after this one.
What'll they do? Butcher it even more? Decide that Sonic X really is the true Sonic, and that every future game will be based on it?
Glitch it beyond playability? Find actors that are even worse than those of Sonic X?
But then, maybe it'll turn out perfectly: they do such a good SA3 that I feel as if they took all my ideas, and they hire all the SA actors,
and they get a new Robotnik who sounds almost exactly like Deem Bristow or Long John Baldry, and they set a reasonable
release date so they can polish the game as much as is necessary to make it way better than SA1!

Yeah, right.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Heroes - Mystic Mansion 'Fake Wall'
« on: February 10, 2007, 07:25:43 pm »
Okay, video here:

Hax0ring / Re: The Hardest Sonic Game Ever. Period.
« on: February 06, 2007, 09:14:41 pm »
Oh! Oh! Oh! I just thought of something! That Robotnik loop reminded me of those old
Mario-style stages my brother used to make. He had a door that led to a Robotnik bonus.
This Robotnik bonus had a picture of Robotnik in the background (looking very happy),
and there were spikes covering the floor. And the door couldn't be opened again.
Obviously, this wouldn't work perfectly in a Sonic game, but maybe you could
make a place with pits that have to be jumped into (and only one right way).
Or one of the bonus stages could be set up to work like this. If that's possible.

Hmm... I don't know. I wonder if there could be a better way of using that.

Another evil trick he used: putting wonderful items (tons of 1ups*) and doorways that look as if
they lead to the final boss, but which get destroyed before they can be reached. Maybe they
could drop into bottomless pits, or into deep spike pits, or get stuck in walls. The original idea
of a Chomp eating them was funnier, but that obviously couldn't be done in a Sonic game.

*There probably won't be a need for 1ups in this game, so the 1up picture could be edited
to show 100up or Chaos Emeralds or an unlockable character or something instead.
It would really be a regular 1up, but it would be out of reach, anyway.

He might have other evilness I've forgotten about, or maybe I can come up with something.
But probably not.

Rules Revisions / Re: New Games Are Up, But OLD Rules Remain Ambiguous
« on: February 06, 2007, 07:57:21 pm »
The Launch Base over-the-top trick only works on a rather obscure version of the game, and is both predated and postdated by versions of the game which behave similarly and don't allow that path.  Think along the lines of "Why can't I use S1GBA to submit to S1 charts?"

The problem with "don't use unlimited ring tricks, mmmkay?" is it's rather vague what that actually means.  Is any use of anything that can provide endless rings prohibited (in other words, "If you're not taking unorthodox paths for Lost World S, you don't even get to compete on that chart" among other things)?  Is it limited to the default 1 repetition?  What's a repetition?  Currently you can use Speed Highway bells to get 5 hits:15 rings.  Would "1 repetition" mean you would only be able to get 1:5?

In E-102 Hot Shelter, the variable cap on minutes is different across systems.  Just as you can have 100 or more lives and only have it display as 99, so too (on Dreamcast) can you rack up a timer of 100 or more minutes, at which point it says 99:59.99.  The limit on minutes is an unsigned byte, or 127.  This would just be a simple version difference, except that if you complete the level with 100 or more minutes, there's nowhere at all where the full time is displayed.  Either the initial 1 is truncated, the whole time is sent down to 99:59.99 for display, or the minutes go down to 99 with the seconds unchanged depending on where you look.  But because one of the displays simply truncates the 1, it's clear that the time is read internally as 100+.

At this point, my inclination for Hot Shelter is to scrap the chart entirely, much like Casinopolis S doesn't have score or ring charts.
The obscurity is probably the only thing that would count. The newest version of SADX
took out glitches, didn't it? (I don't know if it removed shortcuts, though.) But fair enough.

I didn't mean to remove the individual ring rules. They'd stay along with the general rule, to support it
and, of course, lessen or eliminate vagueness. If there's no rule, you can expect me to abuse
any new trick I can find, and temporarily get into an easy first place. But then, it gets harder to find good
glitches of any kind, and it's possible that there aren't anymore new ways of getting unlimited rings.

I knew about all that weirdness and the different displays of the time from what you said before,
but unless I'm missing something, there's no way to get GCN-level times on a Dreamcast, besides
waiting until the time is around 100 minutes before attempting to beat Zeta. Is that what you did?
The only other way to get a lower-than-max time (not counting the case in which the 1 is cut off
to make the record look worse than it is) is to use the time which uses the correct number of seconds
(the level clear screen, I think), and that one can be manipulated. (Wait until it's about to
show a "59" before destroying the final cannon, and you've got a 99'58"-- or 99'59"--.)
It looks as if the best options are (in order):
- Allow both versions, and Dreamcast players can add 100 minutes to what's shown on the stage select.
- Use the 3 consecutive hits rule.

Did I forget one option? I feel like I did, but I can't think of what it is. Maybe those are the only options.

Anyway, a chart only needs to be deleted completely if there's no competition.
There's nothing wrong with Hot Shelter, besides that it's broken, but so's just about every stage.
I don't see several players tying for first (anything easily maxable), or competing simply to
see who has the most patience (like in Casinopolis-Sonic).

Or is the problem something about proof? This isn't Cyberscore. The records can be proven
with a recording or screenshot taken at the stage clear screen, which is no different from playing
the original StH on a real Genesis. And I have records that aren't saved on my file, for different reasons.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Heroes - Mystic Mansion 'Fake Wall'
« on: February 04, 2007, 08:48:04 pm »
Should I make a video? I already plan to do some recording of Sonic Riders (the cutscenes,
not best times), so I already have an excuse to set up the little TV and everything.

I should definitely try out the glitch to make sure I've described it right, at least.

Rules Revisions / Re: New Games Are Up, But OLD Rules Remain Ambiguous
« on: February 04, 2007, 08:43:48 pm »
  • I had always assumed that you could end an act anywhere but needed to start at the correct start for a character (i.e. no three-second IC2).  The newest IC2K record uses Sonic's start.  Can this somehow be written into a rule to make it clear that it's legal?
  • From what I've seen, rings uncovered by the Act 1 finish sign count towards either act.  This really needs to be said...
  • I've been told that a Launch Base 2 shortcut in Sonic & Knuckles Collection is forbidden since it's blocked by invisible walls in the original.  It's already banned as a "functional change in level layout", but since it's an invisible solidity object that moved and not the level layout, it could use mentioning.
  • Balloon Park's balloon-per-lap rule establishes Freestyle, but disallows a perfectly acceptable method.  I wouldn't begin to know the correct wording, though.

Sonic R:
  • Grand Prix and Time Attack are both acceptable modes for Three/Single Lap records.

That's all I remember, although I'm sure there's other things we hit on in the last few months.  Please say anything that needs to be said.
What's this about Launch Base? Isn't that the same as a GCN advantage in Sonic Adventure?
Like how that invisible wall in Final Egg was removed (before the 8-second runs). Why would it be banned?

Also, speaking of Sonic 3, isn't there some weirdness about Hydrocity? The capsule can be hit, but
the timer doesn't even freeze, and the screen doesn't fade out, or something. Has that been settled yet?

^Tied in with that is Sonic Adventure. Sonic can die or get trapped after hitting the capsule.
This can be a huge annoyance (Final Egg on Dreamcast) or a huger-than-huge annoyance
(Sky Deck on either system). Unlike in Hydrocity, the timer does stop, meaning that it's easy
to keep track of the record, and the only problem is that the game doesn't return to the Character Select.
Obviously, times gotten like this (with Sonic getting stuck, at least, or maybe even if he dies)
will have to be allowed if the Hydrocity times are. This problem is many months old.

Also in Sonic Adventure are the unlimited ring rules. Why are the unlimited rings tricks being
banned one at a time. Make a rule which states that no tricks that could be used for unlimited rings
are allowed. Or, just ban the levels that have gotten broken (if everyone knows, and there's no competition).

And finally, there's the E-102 thing. The current rule is dumb, and it's not being enforced, anyway.
If nothing can be worked out, just go back to no rule at all. I don't know exactly what to do about
Dreamcast, though. Just allow the maximum for a version advantage?
Hey, SadisticMystic, how did you get a time comparable to GCN times, anyway?
I thought it just stayed at the "maximum" (of just under 100 minutes) for almost half an hour.

Hiya Folks / Re: Here comes a new Rival!!!
« on: February 04, 2007, 08:18:07 pm »
Hey there dude, welcome to TSC :)
RPG, I personally request non-lazy use of a webcam and sugar.
Speaking of webcams, that's a fourth way of recording a video. That's how I do my videos.
(Of course, it doesn't have to be a webcam. Any video camera that can connect to the PC will do.)

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Plans for RPGmaker 2003
« on: February 04, 2007, 08:06:32 pm »
Don't forget the OHRRPGCE. I found it to be pretty good. It has a lot of features, and it can be expanded
a lot with plotscripting. The main limitation might be the graphics: 320x240 and with 8-bit colour.
But it still doesn't look too terrible.

Oh, and it's free. Not a trial or anything.

General Sonic / Re: Not bad, huh?
« on: February 01, 2007, 10:54:24 pm »
It looks great. Very professional. I've only seen screenshots so far, though.
Still, it looks great. Maybe I should ask him how to make a stupid seamless Sonic head. :P
(Or I can just keep trying. I should be able to get it eventually. Even the pros can do it, so it can't be too hard.)

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Heroes - Mystic Mansion 'Fake Wall'
« on: January 30, 2007, 09:50:34 pm »
I don't know how to explain it, besides what I said in the other thread. I'll try a picture I made,
although I don't know how helpful it can be. If you still can't get through the wall,
get Groudon to make a video, so you can be 100% sure that you were doing it wrong (or right).

I used Speed formation, by the way, and I found it really easy. I used GameCube.

General Sonic / Re: 500 things that make sonic better than mario
« on: January 21, 2007, 07:34:18 pm »
I agree that a 3-D Sonic probably has more potential. (It would be interesting to see what
can be done with 2-D, though... like a 3-D sidescroller with some modern features (grade system).)

If I could be the developer or producer of a Sonic Adventure, I'd try to do better than to take the
best of other Sonic games. Probably easier said than done, but this is fantasy, anyway.
I'd take SA or SA2 gameplay (while attempting to fix the minor flaws), a new grade/rank system,
the SADX camera (seems like everyone forgets how good this one is when it's not being
blocked out by Auto Camera leftovers), better-than-Sonic06 graphics (if it's for a next-gen
system, that is), basically-like-SA controls (the floaty feel is nice, but I like how SA makes
Sonic feel like he actually has weight, and without having exaggerated physics like N64 Mario games...
also, SA2's multiple commands on one button thing has to go), and a mostly-SA soundtrack
(that takes various styles from various Sonic games), including the original SA voices,
or at least sound-alike actors.

This off-topic post reminds me again that I should make a thread for my Sonic game ideas.

General Sonic / Re: Which Sonic CD soundtrack?
« on: January 18, 2007, 10:58:44 pm »
The only one I've heard is the US soundtrack (Gems Collection), but
it's great, anyway, so if the Japanese one is better, it must be pretty awesome.
I think it seems like the "Japanese is better" thing, or maybe the Japanese one
is "better" simply because it's first. I don't know. I'll have to hear it.

Also, I thought the Past stages tended to have more boring (or even annoying, after hearing it
for too long) music compared to the other stages. If I had to choose, I'd probably pick Good Future.
Anyway, the Past music is usually good, but I don't think it stands out,
and it shouldn't be listened to for extremely long periods of time. Actually, nothing should.

General Sonic / Re: 500 things that make sonic better than mario
« on: January 18, 2007, 10:49:08 pm »
Sonic Adventure does not belong in the "earlier half of Sonic's history". It's part of the new generation Sonic that has OUTLIVED the old generation considerably. All the 3D Sonics starting with Sonic Adventure as a collective whole belong in the same group and deserve recognition together as the current gen of Sonic.

And what was that thing about Mario on XBox supposed to mean?
You think he'd suddenly be cooler? Are you trying to prove your XBox-fanboyness?

Well it couldn't be PS3 because that would be the first to go.

A while ago I have retrospectively realized that Sonic wasn't truly born to me until Sonic Adventure, and it has been seriously nothing /but/ magic ever since.
1. Sonic Adventure looks and plays kind of differently from the newer games. Plus, it's old.
I understand your point, though. It is the beginning of the 3-D platformer set.
Also, by saying that the new generation outlived the old generation,
you are showing that you already know about this shocking discovery. Right? (More on that after.)

2. That's not the point. Why would Mario improve on another company's systems?
(Of course, it won't happen. Unless this information is false, Nintendo once said that they
won't become a 3rd-party developer. So if Mario can't be on a Nintendo system, he dies.)

3. I thought you were complaining about how bad SA is in an earlier thread.
Anyway, I agree on the "wasn't truly born" part (I liked Sonic games already, but
I didn't really get into the Sonic series until SA), but I don't agree that it's "nothing but magic".
The 3-D games have a lot of flaws. Yes, even SA has flaws. I can overlook most of them,
and somehow I can enjoy the 3-D games as much as or more than the 2-D games.
By "most", I mean that I still get frustrated occasionally, and that I still HATE the new voices.

Okay, so to conclude this off-topic post, I'd like to present this less-than-detailed Sonic timeline.
It shows one of the shocking facts that shatters the false image of SA that is held by so many.
In case anyone's wondering, it ends at June '07 to stay at a simple 16 years.
I marked the current time on it, although it's so close that it barely matters.
Yes, that's right. SA is over 8 years old, yet it was released 7 1/2 years after the first game! OH NO!!!!!!!11111one
There are two other facts, one about Robotnik's name, and the other about Sonic's appearance, but they're even more off-topic.

General Sonic / Re: The Great SA2 Glitch Extravaganza Video
« on: January 18, 2007, 10:05:52 pm »
marth: can you come up with something from every level with every character? (I know amy and sonic won't have many problems.. but yeah.)

or even one from just every level? you could use tp-a, f-s, caisnopolis sonic or tails, etc.
Of course!

behind-walls glitches:

Station Square (main): Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Big, Gamma (maybe Amy)
SS (casino/station): Sonic, Tails, Gamma (maybe Knuckles and Amy)
SS (hotel): Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Gamma
SS (city hall): Sonic, Tails, Knuckles
SS (sewer): Sonic, Tails, Knuckles
Mystic Ruins (main): Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Gamma
MR (Angel Island): Sonic, Tails
MR (jungle): OH NO!
MR (The Past- pyramid): OH NO!
MR (The Past- altar): Sonic (maybe Tails)
Egg Carrier (main): Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Gamma
EC (transformed- back): Sonic, Tails, Knuckles
EC (transformed- front): Sonic, Tails
EC (main hall): Knuckles (maybe Tails)
EC (pool): OH NO!
EC (tower when transformed): Knuckles
EC (captain's room): Sonic, Tails
EC (prison): Knuckles
EC (hammer area): OH NO!

Emerald Coast 1: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Gamma
EC2: Sonic (Tails and Knuckles, if you count that spring below the stage)
EC (Big): OH NO!
Windy Valley 1: Sonic, Gamma
WV2: OH NO! (unless falling out the bottom and dying counts)
WV3: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles
Casinopolis (main hall): Sonic, Knuckles
CP (Sonic Pinball): OH NO!
CP (NiGHTS Pinball): Sonic (if flying off the screen and dying counts)
CP (Dilapidated Way): Sonic, Tails
Icecap 1: Sonic
IC2 (Sonic): Sonic
IC2 (Big): Big
IC3: Sonic, Tails
Twinkle Park 1: Sonic (and Knuckles, if you count him)
TP2: Sonic, Amy
TP3 (mirror): Amy
Speed Highway 1: Tails (and Sonic, if falling into fake buildings counts)
SH2: Tails
SH3: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles
Red Mountain (Sonic): Sonic
RM (Knuckles): Knuckles
RM2: Sonic, Gamma
Sky Deck 1: Tails
SD2: Sonic
SD3: Sonic, Knuckles
Lost World 1: Sonic
LW2: Sonic, Knuckles
LW3: Sonic, Knuckles
Final Egg 1: Sonic (Amy, though barely)
FE2: Sonic
FE3: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Gamma

Chaos 0: OH NO! (Sonic can almost go through the ceiling, though)
Chaos 2: OH NO!
Chaos 4: OH NO!
Chaos 6: OH NO!
Perfect Chaos: Super Sonic (duh)
Egg Hornet: Sonic, Tails (getting around the walls before dying)

^List is incomplete, because I'm too lazy to finish. It'd include Chao Race Entrance and all 3 gardens.
Anyway, that's just behind-walls stuff. I can easily get a good glitch for every stage
(except maybe some boss stages), but some characters would have to be skipped at least a few times.

But actually, I can't really make a good video. I could try to make videos with the webcam,
but low quality can be expected. Also, a dial-up internet connection doesn't help.
(I could probably get around that problem using a DVD, though.)
Maybe I could choose some glitches and get someone else to do the dirty- er, fun work.
(That'd take out most of the fun, though. Seriously, it would.)

Information Kiosk / Re: video for upload
« on: January 18, 2007, 09:34:23 pm »
ah,  it happened to you. but, do you know how to activate it 99.69 %? huh huh do ya do ya?
Ah. Now I know where the seemingly-random 69 in "sonicandamy69" came from!

About Perfect Chaos, I obviously haven't been keeping up. (But then, I made up for it on other stages.)
I should try it again. Before, I could only get one direct hit per fight (meaning one full minute-long run)
using the tornados. I didn't know Super Sonic can be moved around while he's attacking.

General Sonic / Re: 500 things that make sonic better than mario
« on: January 14, 2007, 09:19:04 pm »
douglas: Like you said, modern. SA is not modern, as it's different from the latest games,
not to mention that it's in the earlier half of Sonic's history. Sonic made a successful jump into 3-D,
and this opinion is held by many, even if they don't know it's the best game ever made.
And the complaints you have are all about the truly modern games, or rather, the Sonic X-influenced games.

eggFL: Sonic wins on GBA, as Mario doesn't even have games that you could use to compare to Sonic.
Sure, they're good. I haven't played the GBA Sonics enough, but Mario could easily be better.
But those aren't even true GBA games, anyway. That's like saying Sonic has an awesome collection
of games on GCN because he has Mega Collection and SADX. Oh, wait, isn't that me? Ah, never mind.

And what was that thing about Mario on XBox supposed to mean?
You think he'd suddenly be cooler? Are you trying to prove your XBox-fanboyness?

General Sonic / Re: The Great SA2 Glitch Extravaganza Video
« on: January 14, 2007, 09:01:42 pm »
Sounds cool, but it would take forever to download such a long video on dial-up.
Maybe I'll look at it when I get a chance.

SA needs something like this. Except there's so much that it deserves a whole series of videos.

There are tons of things. I tried it only a little on an emulator...

*starts emulator*

"SEGAA-" <----clipped sound sample like out of Sonic Blast!?!?!?

Then, this flat title screen comes up, and it's not animated or anything.
And then, I start the game to find out that it runs at about 70% speed, which was even
worse than I expected.
And it's all glitchy and uneven, and the background is flickering and disappearing.
And then, the most crappiest and most funniestest part is probably right at the end of the first act:

*spins signpost*
*music plays: "da-da-DAAA-da    da-da-DAAA-da..."*
*background flickers on and off with near-perfect timing to match the music: (0 for off, and 1 for on)
"0-1-0000-1   0-1-0000-1   0-1-0000-11111-0-1-0-1110101010101010101"
(It's hard to explain, but basically, it turns on or off with each note, and on the last note, it flickers rapidly and steadily.)

Information Kiosk / Re: New Competition Suggestions
« on: January 10, 2007, 10:02:23 pm »
magnum12: This is Sonic Team. My guess is that they'll fix a couple of glitches which are not annoying
(meaning they'll get rid of shortcuts to annoy time-attackers while leaving in fake floors Sonic can fall through),
and then leave the rest. Maybe they'll have to make a bunch of patches, but maybe they'll give up
right near the start. Either way, they won't fix all the glitches, and the glitches they do fix will be
the glitches that could've stayed in the game. And I'm still against voidinatifying times because
they don't use the latest/only patch.

General Sonic / Re: 500 things that make sonic better than mario
« on: January 06, 2007, 06:20:41 pm »
PsyBorg, you just overlapped #29. Not that it matters- Mario already ran on walls in Super Mario World,
and he could even run on the ceiling better than Sonic could using a star in Yoshi's Island.
29 can be moved to 28, and 28 can be removed.

about 31: Best reason yet. Or second, after #8 (of course).

about 29: um... yeah... strange and interesting is one way to put it... especially seeing some fan works...

Wikkity! / Re: I am on the wii
« on: December 30, 2006, 10:03:53 pm »
Yeah well I'm posting this from my PS3 and it's better than your Wii Opera. :P
Yay, Firefox!
Well, I haven't tried Opera, but I've heard it's good. Also, I don't know what online stuff
I'd be doing, anyway, even after I get a Revolution.

What's Dreamcast like? Also, the SA downloads can't be gotten from other places, can they?
I guess I'll have to get a new ISP, though, or at least borrow someone else's internet.

Wikkity! / Re: A bit of a leaving topic
« on: December 30, 2006, 09:58:48 pm »
Right. Taz is an animal, meaning he can kill any human effortlessly. Also, he's 4 feet tall. [/sarcasm]
(Really, he's 2'4", if I remember right, so he won't be swallowing you too easily.)

Sorry, magnum12. I know you were just trying to make a little joke.
Unfortunately, I was in a bad anti-Sonic X mood from other posts I made today.
Again, sorry. :(

General Sonic / Re: 500 things that make sonic better than mario
« on: December 30, 2006, 09:52:00 pm »
Sorry, but I have to disagree with both of Chao_Fan's points.

5. Humans>hedgehogs. I'm always complaining about Sonic X and its way of making humans look bad.
They're always slow, stupid, and weak, and even a 6-year-old rabbit has more fighting ability.
But real humans are smart... *thinks about Sonic X and 4Kids* ...uh, maybe not. But at least they can be.
And there's no way a 3-foot-tall hedgehog is stronger than a grown man.

6. Sonic rescues tiny animals, Tails, Amy, dumb humans, and anything else that gets into trouble on a daily basis.

My interpretation of #7: Sonic is one of the few game characters that isn't really slow.
(Well, Mario wasn't too bad in SMB3 and SMW, but he's really slow in all his new games.)

EDIT: DUH! I forgot to add new reasons.

8. Sonic Adventure

9. His games contain no more than 30% randomness, while Mario games have an average of at least 70%.
(Numbers are made up.)

General Sonic / Re: Favourite 3D Sonic!
« on: December 30, 2006, 09:44:39 pm »
also look up the ratting and compare sonic heroes to SA2B on ign and gamespot.
Umm, yeah, I don't know how good the game is after playing it, so I'll let someone else tell me.
*plays SA* Was that fun? *checks ratings* Hmm, not really. No, wait, it was, because the graphics
are really good compared to most N64 games. Yeah, SA was fun, because the graphics are good.

Also, I wouldn't trust reviewers completely even before playing a game.
Overall opinion can give you a good idea of whether a game's good, but it doesn't always.
Also, several TSC members agree with the old>new idea. Like I said, I haven't played Shadow,
but I doubt it's much better than Heroes. Even if the gameplay is a little better (which it may or
may not be), it loses for its inferior sound (meaning the voices, at least- don't know about the music).

Competition Central / Re: Try this challenge!
« on: December 30, 2006, 09:31:56 pm »
Maybe this is just stupid, but doesn't fighting Robotnik count as fighting a robot?
He's in a machine thing. It's not exactly what I'd call a robot, but what's the difference?
What is the definition of robot, anyway? [/silly complaining]

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