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Messages - sonicam

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Information Kiosk / Re: TSC Convention!
« on: March 06, 2007, 07:55:43 pm »
Hmm, that's moderately close for me, I suppose I'd be able to take a train down there as I vaguely remember taking a train to Baltimore. but the main issue is parents, I'll be 19 by that time, but still, they're very restrictive. Also, I plan on taking Stats over the Summer and maybe get a job at a bank full time, so I might have to say no on this one. :( If it's ever in New York, then I'll be the first one there, heh. :x

Rules Revisions / Re: E-102 Hot Shelter and dumbness [Resolved...again]
« on: February 27, 2007, 07:30:17 am »
when someone updates a Gamma time, Hot Shelter's time effects should be eradicated from their total time. This might be a problem for someone like VMU who doesn't show up often. My HS\G was removed before and I never bothered to resubmit so I currently have a hole in Total Gamma yet I'm missing no Gamma times due to the new chart. Updating in the category should make thing right I assume.

Competition Central / Re: S1GBA
« on: February 11, 2007, 07:46:16 pm »
Yea, Rolk said he'd put them both up, but Classic mode is just a watered down Sonic 1. Anniversary gives you Spindash making it that much different. Classic is redundant.

Competition Central / Re: S1GBA
« on: February 11, 2007, 07:30:37 pm »
I'm for it. It is a Sonic game, so why not? Something for those of us that can't play Sonic Jam, and well, it's a legal Sonic Jam, heh. I'm for Anniversary Mode go to up, as opposed to Classic Mode. Classic Mode is a poor man's Sonic 1 like mike said.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: BS? Probably just a typo.
« on: February 05, 2007, 03:34:47 pm »
It seems that many of this guy's records are from memory, if you check out Crazy Gadget 1, he says that he thinks this is his record. The record itself is ludicrous. :/

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic Heroes - Team Blast Glitch [Resolved]
« on: January 25, 2007, 06:01:18 pm »
Bad idea. There is nothing wrong with using Team Blast for Chaotix Rings.  The only issue is that the rings you get are random. However, if this is the reason for removal, then SADX and SAdv1 and 2 would have to go due to the ? boxes. The only reason Mike feels that TBG should be banned from Chaotix Rings is for consistancey and the fact that TBG might leak into other stats. Put up the rule I said in my last post (and perhaps on the Sonic Heroes Submissions screen) and problem solved.

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic Heroes - Team Blast Glitch [Resolved]
« on: January 25, 2007, 02:37:53 pm »
Agh, you bastard mike, why'd you have to do this, you're making it really hard for me to keep my promise and stay away from Heroes. D:

Just keep TBG banned for divisions that are affected by times. This applies for Times, Bosses, Extra and Scores; unaffected by Rings. You will never know when someone TBG'd Rings or not; you can implement the ruling and you'll never be able to tell if a person TBG'd or not, honestly, it doesn't even matter if they did. Forcing vids is even more stupid since no one would want to sit down and watch 30 minutes Chaotix ring runs, nor actually tape them. Honestly Mike, banning TBG from Chaotix rings is just ludicrious. If you need a proper rule, just use this or something similar:

TBG, also known as the Team Blast Glitch, is banned from all competition in Sonic Heroes that is affected by Times (including the Time stat as well as the Time Bonus). The affected divisions are Times, Extra, Bosses and Scores. Any record acheived from using TBG will be void except for Rings.

Poor wording, but you can get the jist.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: bertin's STT times
« on: January 20, 2007, 01:31:23 pm »
Ok, do so as soon as possible.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: bertin's STT times
« on: January 20, 2007, 01:19:09 pm »
He's defending him because they are best friends. That's good enough reason as any as what I did with goalie, but like I already said, there's a fine line as to what you can do.

Yes, I realise this after reading your post. But the way in which he's defending him by going off-topic and insulting other members isn't really acceptable.

Yes, I agree, it's unacceptable.

bertin: Show the vid to me or someone else.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: bertin's STT times
« on: January 20, 2007, 01:01:27 pm »
The main reason bertin got pressured is because you kept defending him without anything that resembles good reasoning, you have posted a lot of crap in this topic which only serve to make the situation worse for him, it wouldn't go this far if you two didn't fuel the fire. I mean you claim that you know nothing about STT and bertin's times in that game, so why did you feel the need to defend him in a matter you aren't familiar with? And why didn't he admit to cheating and correct his times in the first place?

He's defending him because they are best friends. That's good enough reason as any as what I did with goalie, but like I already said, there's a fine line as to what you can do.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: bertin's STT times
« on: January 20, 2007, 12:54:31 pm »
Having a "bad temper" really isn't a good enough excuse. Being at The Sonic Center is a privilege. If you aren't able to uphold to our regulations, then you don't deserve to be here. It's not just the bullshit times, it's the attitude of the member in question. I understand that you may be his "better half", S&A, but we need to hear from him as opposed to from you, and what we hear from him is nothing but "gtfo and leave me alone". He's not rectifying the situation, just making it so much worse. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of assholes here (my lips are sealed. X)) but one way or another, they are either trustworthy or don't put on tantrums like this (Eh....).

S&A, I can completely relate to you however. I've brought my best friend to The Sonic Center and he was accused of cheating and ultimately quit. He didn't make the right decisions to fight against TSC, it was mostly out of anger, so I wholeheartedly understand. He's your best friend and you'd do anything for him, as I would have for goalie. He's gotten over it, as have I (would have pwned if he stayed and competed with a best friend) but that's out the window. Unfortunately, I didn't know much about Sonic Advance 2, nor do I now, and I've never seen him play so I can't say a thing on that factor, but it appears you are able to provide proof for bertin. That's a good thing.

Long story short:

1. Get rid of the gifs from your sig, now, it's very annoying and distracting.
2. Don't be a messenger, we need to hear from bertin, if he cares enough for his account, he'll resolve his problems with his anger and come. If not, why should we trust him again if he doesn't put the effort.
3. Pic proof might not be enough for Sonic Triple Trouble as the checks are a big problem, even with scores. He can restart the level from a checkpoint and his time bonus will be substantial. That's another reason why he's scores might have to go.
4. I commend you for standing by your friend, but when your friend is wrong, you have to understand that it's affecting other people in the process. I wish I could have done more for goalie, but there was virtually nothing I could do... Just think about that S&A.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: bertin's STT times
« on: January 19, 2007, 08:24:04 pm »
Ok, I see your times are gone, bertin, but what about your Rings and Scores. Are they bsed too? This is one of the few games Rolken actually spent a lot of time on so I don't see how you were able to defeat so many scores and Ring counts.

Information Kiosk / Re: The Last Order of 2006/The First of 2007
« on: January 02, 2007, 09:54:34 pm »
Eh, TSC4 won't come for a long time I presume, but I still agree that there is no need to change the name. The Sonic Center, as simple as it is, just works. No need for extravagent names. The Sonic Center is simple. We are the centre for Sonic. Unless you want to make it more obvious and say (The) Sonic Compeition Center, eh that sounds worse, scratch that. but TSC just flows, I say leave as is.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: anybody got quake 3
« on: January 02, 2007, 09:47:57 pm »
I used to play it, but no Multiplayer since I have dial-up. Yea, loldialup ftl.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: SADX- Ring records
« on: January 02, 2007, 09:46:48 pm »
Hmm, this problem still persists? This was a problem a long time ago when charts allowed maxing out rings. Twinkle Park/Sonic, Lost World/Sonic, Casinopolis/Knux, Speed Highway/All and the like all have infinite Rings. P1 Pause manipulated this long ago and set records of 999 IIRC. I did the same thing as well, but I was nice enough to revert the stats to reflect the rules. >_> P1 Pause hasn't been around for a long time, but as soon as he submits all missing stats to reflect the new rules, the chart should be good again.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Freestyle for SA2(B) has a problem....
« on: December 30, 2006, 02:58:23 pm »
It's to make sure that there is no weight on the overall rankings. Just submitting one last place stat for Freestyle will make you Champion of it. Leadership in Freestyle means nothing.

News and Updates / Re: Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2006, 02:44:15 pm »
Merry Christmas all!! and ¡Feliz Navidad! to you MK. X)

Competition Central / Re: Minimal A Challenge
« on: December 13, 2006, 07:26:37 pm »
Seaside Hill / Sonic

Time: 4:34:76
Score: 52430
Rank: C
A Button presses: 2

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic Heroes - Team Blast Glitch
« on: December 08, 2006, 10:29:59 am »
Spinny, it's on luck because it's random... You even said it yourself, it's the randomness that determines wheither you get 5/ 10/ 20 Rings.

On the account that it's too "easy", no matter what, if you are RAing a Chaotix stage, you will use TB on every enemy in the stage, if you don't, you won't get the record. Simple as that. Sure you'll get lingering Rings from some enemies until the gauge is depleted, but it's the same as using  a TB on it. Nothing changes.

TBG doesn't make up for anything but quickness. It makes stages a lot more tolerable. Why play a 30+ Chaotix stage and ring run it and in the end find out you are like 100 Rings off the record? It's not fun, there's no skill at all so why not make something that's grueling a little be better?

Mike, on the account of it leaking to other things, well, unfortunately we aren't able to see everyone play. People may use TBG, wheither it's banned or not just to get on the rankings (but not necessarily get the record). Rule breaking it evident to some people, I know you want to minimize it as much as possible, but you have to understand, Chaotix rings is ridiculous. :/

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic Heroes - Team Blast Glitch
« on: December 06, 2006, 09:50:19 pm »
Now here's an idea. Scrap Chaotix rings entirely!
I'd have to agree with this.  Chaotix rings is somewhat very random to begin with.

Tell me about it. If I had to choose a competition on the site that I hate the most/would scrap, I really dislike Chaotix Ring missions! It's so random and so unfair, to me. It's probably the only thing that's keeping me from obtaining 1st Rank on Rings for Heroes, I believe.

But regarding this, I also agree. Forget the Chaotix rings.

So your reason is "damn, I'm not good at it, so get rid of it!!!!"? Not good enough reason.

If all randomness were to be removed from the site, like I said, Knux/ Rouge SA2B Mission 1 times would have to be removed. All of SADX ring/ score attacking would have to go. There's still no good of a reason to get rid of it. I've already brought randomness up a while ago and I'm pretty sure I got "it's vaild competition" as my answer.

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic Heroes - Team Blast Glitch
« on: December 04, 2006, 12:27:18 pm »
Long story short, ban TBG from all divisions except Rings-Chaotix.
My opinion, it has to be all or nothing. Because quite frankly, TBG could, depending on the number of enemies in a level and how many appear onscreen at a time, completely throw away ring competition for Chaotix. In a sense, with TBG active, RAing Chaotix is more about luck than skill, which is why casino levels get tossed already. I wasn't really a fan of Chaotix rings anyways. :/

Albeit there's still room to manipulate parts without TBG, and depending on the number of enemies and the number of rings you get from them you could get a decent charge on your next TB quite quickly.

That said, I've never knowingly used TBG, except maybe on Egg Emperor Sonic, but I mash square on that (and the other teams) while in the air when he's standing still. (I have near or max level Tails anyways, which is more effective for me.) But Not really anywhere else.

Also, I believe the point was made that TBG on some dark levels is actually slower at points. (If I recall, yoshifan's Grand Metropolis vid uses no TBG.)

lolwut Spinny? :X Rings Chaotix is still going to be on luck regardless if TBG is allowed, now if you want to ban TB, then that's a different story. The equivalent of a TBG Chaotix-Rings level is a 20+ minute non-TBG level. It's just a waste of time. Either you use TBG or you just sit there using Flight formation's Thundershoot to build up your gauge. Rings Chaotix will always be on luck, only until TB is banned from Rings Chaotix, which isn't going to happen since we do keep track of Knux/ Rouge M1s. Allowing TBG for Rings Chaotix just makes things a lot less annoying, that's all.

Yes, that's true, that's true with or with out TBG, that's just using TB. I'm only talking about Rings Chaotix, nothing else.

No, I didn't mean on Dark stages, I'm sure that all Dark stages have the potential of being at it's max with the use of TBG, I meant for all other characters, in which TBG is only used as an enemy clearing attack. yoshi's GM record isn't the record for GM. magnum has it and he used TBG.

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic Heroes - Team Blast Glitch
« on: December 04, 2006, 10:51:12 am »
Ok, this is probably going to be another failed topic, but I'll post in it anywayz.

For Egg Fleet, I don't see how it's beneficial for times, except you mean only to use it at the E-1000 robots. Even then, you should already have a TB ready, like Groudon said. I agree on everything else though. It really shouldn't matter what stages they effect to great detail, effecting Dark so much and giving unlimited invulunerablities/speedups/levelups with Rose is enough for straight up banning.

Yes, I agree on Extra.

For bosses, I'm not too sure. I'm sure PsyBorg whored TBG for all of his records. I don't know about Egg Hawk though since his records are close to mine and I didn't use it. For Egg Hawk and Emperor it's not smart to use TBG, Albatross is though.

Banning TBG from Chaotix rings is stupid to be honest. All it does is makes the levels so much more long and annoying. Doing ring runs won't give you a good score, I can assure you. Speed and robot death are key and TB makes chains kills shorter.

For Scores, yes TBG can be benificial for some situations. Taking down hammer robots or E-1000s and to ensure some chains.

TBG can make things better and worse, it's all about planning, but still, it should be banned. Enough already. ;/

Long story short, ban TBG from all divisions except Rings-Chaotix.

I'm still not too sure on what I TBGed, I'm sure it was only for some Dark bosses (the ones that have comments on them) and I think one of the Robot Waves with Rose, I really have to try out some of the bosses again and see if I can get the same time without TBG, but I'm sick and tired of playing Heroes... ;/

About just having times removed just because they don't come here is like the only reason why I say Freestyle even though it's pretty much a waste.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: I Am Fucking Pissed
« on: December 03, 2006, 03:25:01 am »
Wow, you're seriously ranting cuz you can't get a material possession, can't wait to see you when you grow up. There are a lot more important things in the world and there are people with serious problems out there. Just get over it. Go read a book or study for an exam or do some homework or something. Do something productive.

Rules Revisions / Re: E-102 Hot Shelter and dumbness [Resolved]
« on: November 15, 2006, 02:53:47 pm »
Omg..., how about you just subtract one second from your time for everytime you shoot a switch more than once. Accidents happen, so correct them. If you are mashing B trying to shoot the switch and shoot it more than you are able to count, well, too bad and don't do that.
That'd be an idea if I could actually be sure when it happens. Most of the time, I wasn't. There's not even a 1-second bonus that appears on screen (or if it does, it doesn't always appear), so you'd have to be checking the timer constantly.

EDIT: besides, not only is the rule awfully arbitrary (why forcing you do shoot switches no more than once? Why not 0, or 2, or 3, or any number at all? All are just as arbitrary as 1), but you guys are also trying to force more complicatedness into it. mike in the channel even suggested that you could shoot it more than once, but not more than once per in-game second (so if the time is frozen, you can't do it more than once). Not only could that be abused, but it is even more ridiculous. As I've said in the channel before, if you guys really are ready to make such rules for the stage, just delete the stage entirely. That'd be better and far less ridiculous than all the nonsense you're throwing at it.

You don't really need the +1sec indicator to appear on the screen to know that you acquired one second added to your time. There is a certain jingle that indicates that a second has been added to the timer. If you hear more than one, then you hit it more than once and/or more than one second was added.

If this switch is really that much of a big deal, don't shoot it, step on it.

If everything still is a huge problem, then erase the stage like F-Man said because if Groudon says that the rules are "lenient" (which they aren't, one centisecond is very important to competitions, look at ParaGod's new Green Hill SA2B time vs. Cybrax's 3 year record, centiseconds matter), then I'm sure other people well/do feel the same way, then get rid of it.

Rules Revisions / Re: E-102 Hot Shelter and dumbness [Resolved]
« on: November 14, 2006, 11:37:31 pm »
Omg..., how about you just subtract one second from your time for everytime you shoot a switch more than once. Accidents happen, so correct them. If you are mashing B trying to shoot the switch and shoot it more than you are able to count, well, too bad and don't do that.

General Sonic / Re: Back In the Day...
« on: November 09, 2006, 05:46:12 pm »
Sonic Battle 2.

General Sonic / Re: What's the best move?
« on: November 09, 2006, 01:38:27 pm »
Rolling down a hill and gaining speed, physics for the win.

Heh, yea, a 2D Sonic with gunplay would have been pwn, eh, well, the very least interesting..

What's wrong with Project Shadow? :( I actually like it.

EDIT: Also, RPG's vid was pwn, haven't seen yours yet Thorn, so no vote for me. :(

Wikkity! / Re: itt Inter-TSC Constructive Criticism
« on: November 07, 2006, 12:36:48 pm »
haha, true story though..

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