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Messages - sonicam

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Competition Central / Re: Starforce 1 Question
« on: June 25, 2009, 07:42:07 pm »
If it's used to only access the boss, that's fine, but I'd recommend an emulator. This is the same case for all MegaMan games with versions, such as MegaMan Battle Network 3-6.

Competition Central / Re: Questions concerning the rules.
« on: June 25, 2009, 07:51:50 am »
You have banned normal playthrough because you think elves remove challenge from the game...

seriously, in my mind, it's like requiring people in S2 to never spindash, because it makes the game too easy...  wtf

If you don't like them, you shouldn't be competing... challenges are a fully seperate category from speedruns, and manipulating what can and cannot be done does NOT show what humans are capable of making the game do, which has always been the goal of modern speedrunning.

I could see Ultimate being added into the charts, but at the moment, it's not there. 

Honestly, more than anything, I'm sick of people refusing to annihilate a game as fast as possible because they feel it's "cheap" or something of the sort.  We aren't here to test how much time you've put into a level, nor are we here to test who's more skillful, as it's not the kind of competition.  Rather, we're here to see how badly we can hurt this game.  How fast can we beat every section of it.  How low can it really go, in human hands.

If you're going to handi-cap every record, how are we supposed to define ourselves as the best competition website on the planet for our game, like TSC has?  Sure, maybe we could have the "best non-elf times" ever, but that's very different from challenge runs in other games, and it's also very different from speedrunning.

People are opposed to glitches in much the same fashion, in my eyes: They see it as an unfair advantage in a game.

I'm sorry, but the only unfair advantage they gain is that they understand that HOW they do it is of little or no consequence, because they realize that the goal of speedrunning isn't to play through a game, or enjoy the scenery, or the music, but rather, quite simply, to stop the clock as early as possible, by any means possible.

First off, calm down, don't take the fact that this site isn't totally geared to your standards as a personal insult. This subsite is still in the works and hasn't been updated much due to lack of interest. The charts that I made were Zero 1 and 2. Ultimate Mode is up on 1, I cannot remember if Ultimate Mode is in Zero 2 or not.

Last time I checked, speedrunning requires a lot of patience, dedication and skill. You must understand techniques, glitches and the physics of the game in order to beat the clock so that statement is false.

I do realize the redundancy of restricting Elves when there is an S-Rank category.

When SJ and magnum reads this, I'd like to hear their opinion.

Competition Central / Re: Questions concerning the rules.
« on: June 24, 2009, 12:38:24 pm »
there is precedence for enabling Cyber Elves for competition.

Mostly, because of one of my ideas for SU-fixing (requiring a character to be max level to help out on score-precedence)

I was told, by more than one admin, that we "cannot ban a perfectly legit first-playthrough"


What does that mean?

Not only magnum, but I also voted against the use of Cyber Elves. I figured that since we have Ultimate Mode up where all Elves are in effect without penalty; we should have a mode where Elves cannot be used for those that don't like them; for a more restricted speed run.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: andy120195
« on: June 24, 2009, 01:18:57 am »
OK. I only describe the second route of Knuckles because Sonic's route should be easy to get. I got every ring of these 6-ring-bunches with getting the big ring before , then I turned into Hyper Knuckles and got into the bonus stage without getting a ring there. Then I turned back and got the second big ring, because you can jump far enough to get the spring. It could have been many more rings if I wouldn't be so slow. I finished this zone in 9:59, so I could have submitted 99900 more points, but this isn't allowed I think... And I wondered why you didn't get all rings.
And BTW, here's why I submitted so quick. There were many, many stats I got long ago so I only had to find the paper where I wrote down those stats.

Sonic & Knuckles

Super and Hyper forms are not allowed, except in The Doomsday Zone.

Rings Divisions
You may not enter a Bonus Stage in the middle of a level.

I think that pretty much ends this. Your record will be deleted. Please refrain from submitting until you have went to this link and read the rules.

News and Updates / Re: The future of TSC
« on: June 21, 2009, 07:52:21 pm »
Yes sir, hey RPG, sad that you guys are leaving. :[

News and Updates / Re: The future of TSC
« on: June 21, 2009, 07:01:32 pm »
Wow, I thought I'd come back and check up on the site and I see this news update. Quite saddening, but this site really did hold up pretty well. Rolken, whatever you do, you should be very proud of what you have achieved with this website. Not only did you create a place for healthy competition in Sonic games but you helped create a community of people and long time friends. I wish I could do something to help, but my absence has been way too long for me to know anything about Sonic gaming anymore.

News and Updates / Re: Penultimate Unleashed news topic
« on: December 01, 2008, 05:14:45 pm »
I only have the Wii, would I be a total loser and waste my money if I get the Wii version? Besides the fact that it might not be tracked on TSC, is the Wii version that much crappier than the 360/PS3 version?

Zelda II: Adventures of Link is a totally different kind of game. Obviously it's a formula that didn't stick with the Zelda series, which makes it unique. But think, why didn't the formula stick? I've played AoL only recently, around the time that Zelda Collector's Edition came out for the cube. I HATED the game. but this is because I despise frustrating games. AoL had a very steep learning curve and LIVES. What semi-RPG type game needs lives? I admire your joy for difficult games, but not everyone likes that and that's why later Zelda games needed to be easier. Zelda II, will always be for the hardcore, but remember, it's not typical Zelda formula. That's just my opinion.

Ocarina of Time is very overrated, but it's a good game. It's a nice transition for Link to 3D. Game isn't perfect, but it was done right. Majora's Mask grows on it, growing so far to make Zelda only have a cameo and Ganon no where in sight. This is also a different game, but it keeps the working formula, introduces 4 additional playable forms, a darker storyline, sidequests to introduce more story, plenty of items and humor to go around. Different, yet not frustrating. I'd prefer that any day. I like to enjoy my games, not hate them. Again, just my opinion.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Crazy Idea: The TSClympics.
« on: September 26, 2008, 10:27:29 pm »
Sounds like a good idea to me.

Cam: 3823-8244-2742

Lag certainly isn't fun and this tournament sounds a bit on the lol side, but I'll give it a shot. It's nice to be different and "innovative" but don't fix what isn't particularly broken, especially when we haven't built anything yet. :O

Blah, I realized that nicknames only allow 5 characters... :x

ALttP was a good game, it's overrated though. I enjoyed Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask so much more. MM actually had a story and LA was just plain out fun.

Damn, lol, apparently I use only low tier characters. Maybe that's why I'm not good. <_<

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Mega Man 9
« on: September 24, 2008, 07:38:05 am »
Damn, had no idea this was out already. Definitely going to get this some time this weekend.

I'll join also granted that the matches will be at night (Eastern Standard Time... >_>). Also, fu all for saying Sonic sucks. :/

Wikkity! / Re: itt Mike goes to America!
« on: September 16, 2008, 09:14:05 am »
I want to go to DR. :( Enjoy the BEAUTIFUL ladies, BEAUTIFUL beaches and the WILD clubs. :(

TMMC News / Re: New Hope
« on: February 03, 2008, 01:18:07 pm »
Blah, haven't been here for a while. I'm still willing to help out in anyway I can, it's just that my stay here is going to be inconsistant due to stuff that needs attending to. We definately do need to spead the word. TSC pretty much started on GameFAQs so we probably need to advertise heavily on sites like those, eventhough it's filled with many not so inviting guests. Unfortunately, the MegaMan message boards there aren't that into time attacking.

More needs to be done here in order for it to seem legit and inviting. Right now, it lacks that. A skin would definately be a good start. Site maintainance is also a good idea, but the admin options were funky last time I tried to fix things up. Making elemental weaknesses charts are nice, but I doubt it'd attract people, but I guess it can build some credibility and that we know what we're talking about here.

Wikkity! / Re: MIKE IS A MEANIE
« on: November 13, 2007, 07:04:10 pm »
(No comment) <_<

Wikkity! / Re: MIKE IS A MEANIE
« on: November 13, 2007, 07:00:26 pm »
egg, you really need to learn when to just keep your mouth shut. Wikkity!'s purpose is for it to consist of topics that have nothing to do with Sonic and are totally out there. The Pokemon topic fit and apparently, people were enjoying it. Sure, it was probably stupid (I haven't read it at all, but I can't just imagine... :/) but it fit. Stop sucking up to mike and understand what's going on.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: I Call BS: blazest, Egg Quarters 5 [Rings]
« on: November 05, 2007, 11:16:19 am »
Oh, then just the lack of acknowledgement is the issue?

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: I Call BS: blazest, Egg Quarters 5 [Rings]
« on: November 05, 2007, 10:59:24 am »
If he doesn't respond in a reasonable amount of time, just get rid of it. If he comes crying saying "omg, where's my stat", just explain that it was in violation of the rules.

Wikkity! / Re: Favorite Anime/Manga
« on: October 28, 2007, 09:08:31 pm »
Gundam series (Mobile Suit, Wing, 8th MS Team, etc; wasn't too fond of Seed)
Pokemon (Indigo & Orange Islands series)
Outlaw Star - fantastic show
Tenchi series (Muyo, In Tokyo, Universe) - <3
MegaMan NT Warrior
Dragon Ball & Z
Ruroni Kension

I don't watch any anymore. They took all the good stuff away. :( GX is horrible, Seed wasn't good, Pokemon after it's first few years was trash, etc...

Information Kiosk / Re: Wait a sec. Someone PLEASE answer this for me!
« on: August 20, 2007, 09:41:51 pm »
Yes, including you and me for that matter. So what does this mean?!?!?! D:

TMMC News / Re: Fate of the MegaMan Center
« on: June 30, 2007, 04:44:08 pm »
Yea, I don't know of any. Either sites want to stay isolated or they just don't care. There has to be other people out there that would play MegaMan for times out there. Just don't know where. :/

TMMC News / Fate of the MegaMan Center
« on: June 24, 2007, 03:03:18 pm »
I'm wondering if anyone at all here is still interseted in the MegaMan Center. It certainly did worse than I anticipated. If not for the lack of members, but the lack of interest in the members that fought for it. Should we coincede, or are people still willing to compete and find new members?

EDIT: Heh, it seems that nothing here functions anymore anyway. It's already been eradicated. So I guess this post doesn't matter at all.

They're very serious, mike. :( The only thing I'd honestly be interested in is default equipment for Riders only because I hate the High Booster so fucking much. :/

Wikkity! / Re: TSC Popularity Contest 2007?
« on: May 24, 2007, 06:05:04 pm »
blueblaze is genus.

Wikkity! / Re: TSC Popularity Contest 2007?
« on: May 24, 2007, 05:48:48 pm »
And with this, I throw Sonicam out for sleeper of the U.S. bracket.

<_< Hey, don't blame me for having a job and going to school... >_>

ROCK Challenges / Re: Rock Challenge Series 1: Buster Only Pwnage
« on: May 19, 2007, 06:01:34 pm »
Oh, ok, sorry about that name mistake.

Ok, cool, I'll take a look at those when I get the emulator. We don't have any of the prizes yet, but we'll definately keep your vids and give them to you when we create them.

ROCK Challenges / Re: Rock Challenge Series 1: Buster Only Pwnage
« on: May 19, 2007, 10:27:52 am »
When I do my "MegaMan Hard Mode," I disallow all use of Special Weapons (Items/Rush included), Hearts (X games), Sub Tanks/ E Tanks, and Armors (Including MM6 Rush equips). However, like Creamer said, there are times where your pathway is impassible without an item, armor or special weapon. In that case, use of them is acceptable only at that instance. Once your path is passable without the use of the item, weapon, or armor, then it's use is disallowed.

Also, I'm all for going in order. Like if the challenge is simplistic and systematic like this, we can just submit this challenge for all the games and let people play at their leasure.

For a rule:

1. Any use of items or special weapons besides the Mega-Buster/X-Buster, is disallowed. However, if you pathway is completely impassible, use of the a required item is acceptable until impassible task is complete.

Competition Central / Re: grounds for FULL playthroughs
« on: May 19, 2007, 10:18:25 am »
Battle Network and Legends Game Completions should probably be scrapped.

I don't know about Xtreme, the save system is so unreliable, but Game Completion might be the only thing that might be accurate.

New Game+ Game Completion is worthless, only a fresh New Game. I don't remember if you get your total time from it telling you at the end, or if you have to save the game. Either, really doesn't matter I guess... but I'm for just a normal New Game Completion.

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