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Messages - yoshifan

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Introductions / Re: another Mario Galaxy 2 player joined :)
« on: July 09, 2010, 06:18:34 pm »
Yeah, I'm still playing, just more slowly than before (have other stuff going on).  But I'm going to get back to my SMG1 speedrun after just a few more SMG2 stats, so it'll be a little while until I really try to fill up the charts.

Introductions / Re: another Mario Galaxy 2 player joined :)
« on: July 06, 2010, 12:34:50 am »
Hi slowbro, good to see you!  Well, it's always nice to see so many new stats, especially for levels that have no stats yet.

...Oh wow, did you submit to every chart?  Nice.  Guess I should get that Total Time working then. >_>

Introductions / Re: Fear me? Right? Right.
« on: June 25, 2010, 04:47:31 pm »
Hmm, I could take a closer look at the Hard/S-Hard WL4 bosses then.  Apparently my Spoiled Rotten time didn't change from the difficulty, but I could check out Cractus and Cuckoo Condor; I think I did pretty well on them in Normal.

I don't remember my Spoiled Rotten strategy, though.  At one point I got into the habit of typing out my strategies for records I made (in various games, not just WL4), but it wasn't until after I did that boss...

Introductions / Re: Fear me? Right? Right.
« on: June 22, 2010, 05:53:48 pm »
Is there any difference on bosses (other than time) on different difficulties? Cause if there aren't, couldn't you just play one and then count what your time would've been on the other difficulties?

You know, I was wondering about that too.  I guess someone must have said there was a difference when we added those charts - but I don't know what the differences are, if any.  It'd be worth investigating at some point.

If/when we decide to keep just one difficulty, then playing on any difficulty and counting what you would've gotten sounds fine to me.

Introductions / Re: Fear me? Right? Right.
« on: June 21, 2010, 05:28:25 pm »
Cool, nice to see some more WL4 stats.  I'd like to try more of Hard and S-Hard myself sometime.

Hope to see your SMG2 stuff, too!  Welcome to the site.

Mario News / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
« on: June 17, 2010, 05:39:57 pm »
One thing I need to ask you yoshifan, how do you get sub 4 seconds on the first green star of Sky Station?! Seriously, with a run that I think is not too far from perfection I can barely get sub 8. Can you avoid the talk with the luma at the start?
Yes!  Wait for at least a half second or so before you skip the second opening cutscene (where Mario/Luigi is flying toward the planet).  By not skipping the cutscene immediately, you will be able to move as soon as the level starts.  After you skip the cutscene, hold left and jump as soon as you can (I mash A and get it most of the time).  You should jump away from the Luma without talking.

Oh, and some considerations for totals (some of which I realized yesterday):
- In order for Total/Total to work, it looks like we'll want either Level totals (by galaxy) or Division totals (by star number), but not both, and not neither.  So, pick one!
- Level totals make the most sense, but will add 49 totals charts, which might clutter your times page if you do something like sort your times by rank.
- Division totals won't make clutter, but they don't make a lot of sense; star numbers don't carry much meaning of what the star is about.  For example, comets can appear as star 2 or 3.

Mario News / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
« on: June 16, 2010, 03:19:05 am »
Okay, so for Times, it seems like we will go with Option 3.  To clarify, that means it will be like:

Levels: Sky Station, Yoshi's Star, ...
Divisions: Star 1, Star 2, Star 3, Green Star 1, Green Star 2, Green Star 3
* For Totals, we'll have at least a Total/Total (total time for all stars).  We can additionally have totals for each star number (Total/Star 1), and/or totals for each galaxy (Sky Station/Total).  What do you guys say on this?  These totals can always be added some time later, though.

Then the Extra category... maybe something like this:

Levels: Wild Glide, Fleet Glide, Fluffy Bluff - Stomp Challenge, Freezy Flake - Skating Challenge, ...
Divisions: Fluzzard Races, The Chimp's Challenges
* I saw that Cyberscore named the Fluzzard race levels after the galaxies, so I did that as well.  Besides, there are two different stars associated with each race, which creates a little ambiguity if we want to use star names instead.  For the Chimp's challenges, a reminder of the challenge theme seems like a helpful addition to the name, along with the galaxy name.
* We should be able to make separate totals for the races and the Chimp's score challenges.
* Game-completion times (to be added later) would add another two levels and another division, and maybe its own total chart as well.

So I will add these whenever I can.  Any more opinions or suggestions?  Opinions on which totals should be added?

Mario News / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
« on: June 13, 2010, 07:04:00 pm »
Option 3 definitely. I was wondering if using that option you could have a galaxy total time. No problem if not obviously, but was just something I was wondering.
Oh, yeah, actually we could.  We could have Level totals like in TSC's Sonic and the Secret Rings (and with option 3, the Levels are galaxies).  The Level totals themselves will also have to count toward the rankings if we do this, but I don't see any real harm in this (~40 totals versus ~240 normal charts, and having low totals is a mark of good consistent play anyhow).

Also, I would put Fluzzerd and Chimp both underneath "Extra", but that's just me.
Thanks for your input, I was thinking the same.

Also, if we can manage to add the two game-completion-time charts (see Miles' post), I guess they can also go under Extra.  However, adding game completion charts may take a bit more work because they'll be in a hh:mm:ss format, something new to TSC to my knowledge.  (Yes, we could always masquerade a mm:ss.xx format as hh:mm:ss, but might as well try and get it right... anyway, we can add these charts some time later.)

Mario News / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
« on: June 12, 2010, 01:14:20 am »
Right, so... I have now played the game (just 30 stars in, but still).  And no, I'm not from Europe, just a strange coincidence that I only just got a chance to play. >_>

Anyway, here's how I'm assessing the Times chart options right now:

1. Level - galaxy + star name, Division - something generic like "Mario"
    * A grand-total time is possible.
    * Charts of the same galaxy will *not* link to each other.
Quite doable, though less features than option 3.  Plus, longer chart names.

2. Level - galaxy name, Division - star name
    * Totals might not be possible (but I'll have to check).
    * Charts of the same galaxy will link to each other, and viewing the charts in compact view is possible.

Would rather not go with this option.  I don't think the chart creation system will take kindly to creating 120-ish different division names... at all.

3. Level - galaxy name, Division - star number
    * Totals by star number, as well as a grand total time, are possible.
To be fair, totals by star number aren't going to be very meaningful, in my opinion.
    * Charts of the same galaxy will link to each other, and viewing the charts in compact view is possible.
    * Game doesn't use the numbers for the normal (non-green) stars.
Most likely option, I think.  The numbers don't really seem confusing as long as you look at the in-game star select screen (see Taillow's post).  But I still wish we could have star names as subtitles for each chart or something.  For example, someone could get confused when transferring their times from Cyberscore to TMC.

Then, there's Fluzzard races and the Chimp's score-based challenges.  We could:
- Add Fluzzard races as part of Times, and put the Chimp's challenges under Scores.
- Group both Fluzzard races and the score challenges under "Extra".

What do you think?

Mario News / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
« on: June 05, 2010, 04:14:36 am »
Sorry for being away lately... and I am still not picking this game up for another week (when school's over).

Assuming the stars for each galaxy are organized more or less like Galaxy 1, I'm leaning a bit toward using the names instead of galaxy + number, if the game itself doesn't number the stars.  Though, I also see that the TSC chart format is better optimized for a format like galaxy + number.  The level list could benefit from compact view; and if we made galaxies the levels and star numbers the divisions, the charts in a particular galaxy could link to each other.  Hmm... makes me wish that charts could have subtitles, or something.

Some possible ideas for the charts:

Level - galaxy + star name, Division - something generic like "Mario"
    * A grand-total time is possible.
    * Charts of the same galaxy will *not* link to each other.
Level - galaxy name, Division - star name
    * Totals might not be possible (but I'll have to check).
    * Charts of the same galaxy will link to each other.
Level - galaxy name, Division - star number
    * Totals by star number, as well as a total-total, are possible.
    * Charts of the same galaxy will link to each other.
    * Game doesn't use the numbers (right?)

Mario News / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
« on: May 28, 2010, 03:05:46 am »
Thanks for the information, Thorn.  I suppose I don't understand enough about how the game works to decide on categories and divisions (given that I haven't gotten the chance to play yet), so I'll leave it to you guys to discuss for now.  It is definitely exciting that there's a saved time for every star, though.

Mario News / Super Mario Galaxy 2
« on: May 14, 2010, 01:07:43 am »
Well, I hear that this game might be coming out pretty soon, so here's a hype topic!  If you haven't been following, it's out in the US on May 23.  Official gameplay footage can be found here.

And yes, there's been talk of adding 3D games to TMC before; I think the main reason it hasn't happened is laziness.  In the meantime, I think some Galaxy 1 charts are in order - it'd be a bit awkward to add Galaxy 2 before 1.  I'll leave the coin charts alone for the moment, as I don't know whether people wanted to have one coin chart per galaxy or per star.  That's something worth discussing for Galaxy 2, as well, when people get to play it.

EDIT: Galaxy 1 times charts are up.  Discussion for coin charts (per galaxy vs. per star) is welcome.

*EDIT 2*: Galaxy 2 charts... are up!
Still have to decide between level or division totals, though.  Also, game-completion-time charts will be added in the future.

Rules Revisions / Re: S&K: Lava Reef 1 - Respawning Badniks
« on: March 28, 2010, 04:10:41 am »
I might not have a particularly strong opinion on this, and I might be way behind on the debate, but I guess I might as well try and post anyway.

It really depends on the players' unanimity of whether the charts are "boring" or "pointless".  One way to look at it is that the rankings are made as a service to our competitors, since the competitors are the ones who are using the rankings.  Therefore, we should try to form the charts/rules to make the playing experience better, whenever reasonable (while maintaining reasonable integrity of the rankings).  In our case, I think all the cases (S1,2,3,&K and SAdva2) seem similar enough to lump into one decision; one would expect about 5-8 minutes of repetitive point scalping.  So it's just up to the preference of those who are really playing the games.

If we decide to do something, then as for the options:

Make a rule - Making a rule against point scalping tricks generally seems too difficult, because repeatedly gaining points a few times (say 2 to 5) tends to be a natural part of gameplay, and making a cap is too arbitrary.

Delete charts - I agree with Zeupar that this seems better than the rule option.  But sometimes people still enjoy playing with the point scalping option (or enjoy getting very high scores for the sake of it).  Also, sometimes non-point scalpers may want to show their scores out of pride, even if it doesn't earn them the highest rank.  I think these are legitimate concerns that a ranking charts system should address.  Deleting the charts doesn't really satisfy these concerns.

Freestyle charts - For the reasons stated above, this would be my preference.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: SDA Marathon: Classic Games Done Quick
« on: January 02, 2010, 12:32:55 am »
Yeah, that's correct about the timezones.  However, the event started 3 to 3.5 hours late due to technical difficulties, so all the upcoming runs will probably be pushed back some amount (depending on how much the speedrunners can catch up on the schedule).

Gaming and Grazing / Re: SDA Marathon: Classic Games Done Quick
« on: December 31, 2009, 02:22:20 am »
Definitely looking forward to watching some Sonic and Mario runs.  Good luck, mike!

To be fair, he did say he had 30900 saved on emulator.  Anyway, I can try asking for a strategy, but won't go through great pains to do so (Cort isn't a native speaker of English).  Thanks for understanding though.

Prenz, the Mario Center (and the greater Sonic Center) allows playing on an emulator.  This is partly for greater accessibility of the older games such as the original Super Mario Bros. series, but it's also because we're more lax about proof compared to sites like Cyberscore.  Every competition site has a balance of strictness and accessibility, and ours leans more toward accessibility.

I'm not saying that an emulator picture should remove all doubts, but it's a reasonable display of good faith.  Considering that only one record is in question (and it's not even untied), I don't see much point in pressing further for now.

In other words, Cort's scores will not be removed.  I hope you understand my decision; please let me know if there are any other problems.

I don't personally know how tough 30900 is, but I'm inclined to take your word for it, as I've played the game a lot as well.

I've asked Cort to replay the level and then submit the score that he gets; that should be enough.

Introductions / Re: Hello from the world master of Mario vs Donkey Kong
« on: December 21, 2009, 07:29:37 pm »
Hey there, Prenz, welcome to the Mario Center.  Unfortunately this place is still fairly empty (even after adding NSMB Wii), so it's probably going to be some time until we see that level of competition here >_>.  Still, thanks for stopping by and submitting.

Yeah, you're in the right place.  I'll send Cort a PM, then.  I remember noticing this score before, but forgot to tell him about it; I think he's a trustworthy player so it's probably a typo.

Going from his YT profile info, maybe he's too uncomfortable about his English ability to join an English site.  Come to think of it, we do have the site functionality to translate TSC into another language, though no one's done it yet...

Mario News / Re: About Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land
« on: November 28, 2009, 04:32:51 pm »
So in the absence of strong opinion, I think what we'll do is leave the Coin charts up and see how they turn out (whenever more people submit coin stats, that is).

We could also add all the 'different-version' level charts in question and see how they turn out.  I think there's been overall TMC support lately (expressed in chat) for adding powerup charts in most of our games, indicating we should try to value varied competition over convenient competition (at least to a good extent).  We could add powerup charts to this game, too.

Also, I think Course 4 is going to be added to stay consistent with our current autoscroller definition (as seen in the NSMBWii topic).  Course 4's screen doesn't literally scroll, and there's a reasonably non-trivial section after the thwomp ride anyway.

Wow, I've been pretty out of the loop here and I didn't know you guys were going for all Sonic/Shadow records.  You guys are already ridiculously close, though!  Nice to see more of the missions getting very high competition, especially from you lately, finalrush (great job on PC2!).

Also, there's some impressive distribution of the Times records between players at this point:
me - 22, Brian - 21, Paragod - 21, SM - 19, Psyknux - 18, PoT - 10.
I'm amazed I still have the most, it must be because it's spread so evenly between several players.

Competition Central / Re: Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis
« on: November 25, 2009, 12:49:35 am »
Thanks for organizing the information here.  I'll add it after NSMB Wii.

Though, is there a reason why you separated the minigames from the regular floors?

Mario News / Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
« on: November 25, 2009, 12:19:30 am »
Okay... well, here's what I think:

(1) I also go with (c).  I think starting with powerups is more than convenient enough for competition, but at the same time, there should be a place for speed runs that don't start with a Starman all the time.  Hmm, if there's 3 votes for (c) (as I'm adding mine), looks like this is decided fairly comfortably.  Should the two types of charts go in separate divisions (e.g. Times(small), Times(powerups))?

(2) Separate charts; I see the secret entrance as no different from a secret exit whose finish is close to the start (like SMW Star World 1, perhaps).

(3) The more I think about the levels that are borderline autoscrollers (5-4, 6-Airship, 8-7, etc.), the more I suspect that the autoscroller definition is too arbitrary and that all levels should be added.  But until we get to discuss this more, we can compromise with tradition and add everything except the 'purest' autoscrollers: where the screen literally autoscrolls except at the trivial start and end stretches. (Miles has listed these, I believe.)

Is that all well and good?  If so, then I'll see if I can add these charts very soon (possibly tomorrow).

Mario News / Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
« on: November 21, 2009, 12:52:04 am »
Cort: yes, charts will be added when we decide on the issues that I mentioned.

ieatatsonic: enemy stage charts would be cool, but unfortunately I don't think the game assigns numbers or names to them, so they would be hard to make charts for.

I'll hold off on my rules opinions for another couple of days, so other people can answer first (and so I can finish playing through the game myself >_>).

Mario News / Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
« on: November 17, 2009, 11:55:12 pm »
And here are the current rules issues, with minor spoilers.  Please correct me if I've made a mistake about any information, as I haven't yet played the game myself.

(1) We have the standard three choices concerning powerups.  Do we: (a) Allow starting with powerups? (b) Say you have to start each level small? (c) Have separate charts for both ways of playing?

So far the Mario Center precedent has been (b), but compared to most other Mario platformers up to this point, NSMB-Wii is fairly friendly towards starting level speedruns with powerups:
  - Like in SMB3, you have a storage of powerups (including stars), and you can use a powerup on the map screen in order to start the next level with that powerup activated.
  - Unlike SMB3, though, your powerups storage is large (double-digit counts for each kind of powerup), and you can obtain powerups quickly from sources such as Toad houses.
  - If you enter a level with a powerup, and you lose it during the level, you can select 'exit course' from the pause menu and you will gain back your powerup.

(2) As Miles pointed out, there is one level that has two entrances, one of which lets you start a short distance before the boss.  Should we have separate charts, or just one?  If just one, do we allow the before-the-boss entrance?
(There is no precedent for this.  In Super Mario World, we didn't add Front Door and Back Door because the timer disappears at the boss fight.)

(3) Allowed autoscrollers: there are regular levels that autoscroll, and there is at least one fortress/castle level that autoscrolls up until the boss.  We can just use the NSMB-DS precedent of allowing only the autoscroll+boss case, but does anyone think this should be changed?

Mario News / New Super Mario Bros. Wii
« on: November 12, 2009, 12:42:56 am »
It's almost out (for most people), so I figured a news post would be good.

Let's try to get this game added fairly soon after release, so that we can start the competition while the game is still new.  We would need a list of levels (and secret exits), and we'd have to determine which ones are autoscrolling.  Then there's the rules on power-ups, which may work differently from NSMB DS.

In the meantime, feel free to post your thoughts, preliminary times, etc. about the game.  Since we could be revealing stuff like secret exits, read with caution if you don't like spoilers.

[EDIT] Miles has provided us a level list in post #2 of this topic.  Also, rules issues are detailed in post #3.  Please discuss!

[EDIT 2] The rankings have been added, have fun!

Competition Central / Re: So.....
« on: November 07, 2009, 01:48:19 am »
Yes, it'll certainly be added, hopefully fairly soon after release.  Maybe this place will see more activity with the addition of a newly released game.  I assume charts would go more or less like the current NSMB charts, so I guess it'll be fairly simple once we get a level/secret exit list.

I'm a bit slow to reply here, but... wow, that's a really significant shortcut in Pyramid Cave.  It looks really hard, but it's kind of cool that it skips the slowest part of the level.  Great work to all involved in discovering and polishing this.

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