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Messages - Cream147

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TSC Race Night / Re: Unofficial Race Night 1
« on: November 14, 2012, 04:46:15 pm »
Mastakirby, you have no reason to feel guilty. I was going to bring up the discussion of goals anyway, because I think it was a discussion worth having. Your stream was the tipping point.

The thing is, I played this myself blind yesterday anyway, and I got a time of 3:30. Now, I won't say I was speedrunning it, but I certainly wasn't exploring. I'm a particularly bad player at this sort of game, so I felt I would be a good representative of the lower end of the spectrum if you will. 3 hours plus IS a realistic possibility for someone playing this game blind. However, 3 hours plus is also a realistic possibility for someone playing SADX Sonic's story blind, or even S1GG if you game over enough times. Having played the game through myself now, I do think the funnest thing to do would be a full game completion.

TSC Race Night / Re: Unofficial Race Night 1
« on: November 13, 2012, 02:43:53 pm »
The reason I raised this is because I was watching MastaKirby stream this live yesterday and he said it took him 3 hours approx to playthrough the game. He was playing completely blind, which I for one certainly won't be this weekend, but I do know that people do like to hop into these race nights and play blind or near blind - that certainly happened last weekend with S1GG. I'm not saying that we shouldn't do a full game race, but I just think it's important to think about how much we want to accommodate for those playing blind, if we accommodate for them at all.

At any rate, clearly Robotnik's Revenge is the game that should be played first, as that game will end lightning fast.

Also, definitely 2011 version.

TSC Race Night / Re: Unofficial Race Night 1
« on: November 13, 2012, 10:45:36 am »
I think a discussion of goals is needed here, particularly for Retro Remix, which to my understanding is too long to do a full game playthrough. Maybe Thorn could give us an idea of a good goal?

Rules Revisions / Re: Cannon's Core 3/5 FS?
« on: November 09, 2012, 10:01:46 pm »
I already have a WR for CC1 freestyle, i dont wanna get beaten by a bunch of shitty kids using a console i dont even own :(


You mean just like Final Egg on SA sucks if you don't have a Dreamcast? And that's not even Freestyle!


News and Updates / Re: Possible Xmas Mini-Marathon?
« on: November 08, 2012, 01:03:53 pm »
we have to have TeeNTee for sonic 1 in my opinion

No, we need the best person who is available and volunteers. If Tee-N-Tee had volunteered, do you think I would have bothered?

No one has said they'll do Sonic 1 yet, so I'm simply saying I can, if necessary.

News and Updates / Re: Possible Xmas Mini-Marathon?
« on: November 08, 2012, 09:08:03 am »
The only thing I'd consider running for the marathon is Sonic 1 as a last resort if no one better wants to. I could put in a decent time with the amount of practice I would do, but I couldn't pull off a couple of the glitches that were done last marathon - not single segment. I would be happy to do a 100% run as well if that's what was wanted, and I would be happy to do it at any ridiculous time it may be needed. But I think it would be better if someone else did it.

TSC Race Night / Re: Unofficial Race Night 1
« on: November 06, 2012, 07:46:17 pm »
Nothing is stopping you from speedrunning a piss break

I've certainly done it lol.

One possible idea here is that maybe next time we do this we say it's a 3 in 1 race from the start and choose our games accordingly.

TSC Race Night / Re: Unofficial Race Night 1
« on: November 06, 2012, 12:46:37 pm »
The idea of racing through all 3 games to me sounds quite enjoyable - the only problem is that it may alienate people who only want to play 1 or 2 of them. For example, I really don't fancy playing SRB2 if I can help it. Personally, I would race it in an all 3 games race if that was the decision because I think the fun of doing that would outweigh my dislike of SRB2. However, it can't be guaranteed that everyone would do the same if they didn't want to race one of the games.

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night 9: S1GG
« on: November 05, 2012, 03:12:30 pm »
Any% for initial race, 100% for rematch. This game is pretty short.

I like this idea.

As for game overing, yeah, it will suck. Luckily this game is extra generous with lives so I think people can manage. It's also very easy.

TSC Race Night / Re: Hack Night 1
« on: November 04, 2012, 02:01:51 pm »
Return to the Origin, Sonic Classic Heroes, Robotnik's Revenge

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night 9: S1GG
« on: November 04, 2012, 01:58:48 pm »
While undoubtedly learning the positions of the chaos emeralds would take two seconds (I remember where the first 3 are for a start) that is effort, so put me down for no chaos emeralds.

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night 8: Sonic Adventure (DX)
« on: November 03, 2012, 03:33:23 pm »
because boo hoo
Should be because the PC version could save 3-7 minutes (estimate) opposing someone on GC, XBLA, PSN, or Steam. But it doesn't really matter to me anyways.

I would totally call that 'boo hoo'. How about if a Dreamcast user said it wasn't fair that everyone isn't waiting 20 minutes at the start because they have to sit through ~20 mins of cutscenes?

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night 8: Sonic Adventure (DX)
« on: November 03, 2012, 08:54:32 am »
I would also recommend that the PC version not be used because of its instant loading times. It could save 3-7 minutes (estimate)opposing someone on GC, XBLA, PSN, or Steam versions(I think Steam is good...). As HyperSonic mentioned, DC is obviously not recommended, since you can't skip cutscenes in the first place

Please don't ban me out of the race!

News and Updates / Re: Possible Xmas Mini-Marathon?
« on: November 03, 2012, 08:20:23 am »
The idea that comforting the ill isn't a worthwhile cause is not one I can possibly sign up to. I'm happy with most charities but I certainly don't object to Child's Play. It's one of those charities where the amount of money we can raise will make a genuine difference to individual's lives.

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night 8: Sonic Adventure (DX)
« on: October 29, 2012, 06:28:50 pm »
Oh, quick random note. If you are British, like myself, this week the race will be held at 9pm our time rather than 10, due to the quirks of daylight saving around the world. Don't miss it.

TSC Race Night / Re: 3D Race Night: SADX
« on: October 28, 2012, 08:35:05 pm »
For me, they're all too short to really get into other than Sonic. And Sonic is funner. So Sonic.

TSC Race Night / Re: TSC anniversary race night
« on: October 25, 2012, 09:51:24 am »
It's because the goals right now have a lot of synergy. On most bingos the grid generally won't have a single synergy point. With no synergy it is impossible for a duplicate to come up in the same row, because that has synergy, and the code will always try and go for the lowest synergy. In the Sonic grids, because of the way I have categorised things, there are lots of synergy points, meaning that there is a possibility of duplicates in the same row (on long and short cards only). The way to combat this will be to add more goals, which is what we are in the process of doing.

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night October-December Schedule
« on: October 24, 2012, 08:43:42 pm »
I'm definitely going to enjoy November! Good to see this happening, and good to see Sonic 2 getting raced again.

TSC Race Night / Re: TSC anniversary race night
« on: October 24, 2012, 03:06:19 pm »
Cosmo's bingo generator doesn't do an error like that so Cream must've altered the code in some way.

Wrong. Cosmo's code DOES do that if that is synergistically the best option, which right now it occasionally is.

And Thorn, it's not a problem if the same goal appears in different rows and columns in other bingos, but I'd rather they didn't in this one becaue otherwise one game might get a monopoly on the board.

TSC Race Night / Re: TSC anniversary race night
« on: October 24, 2012, 11:43:18 am »
The race happened, by the way. 10 racers, not bad for a Tuesday night on a day's notice. Hope everyone enjoyed racing, and all critique on the bingo has been noted and will be considered and hopefully dealt with. If anyone else has anything to add then please do tell me, because I'm really keen to get this idea working as best as it could.

With regards to TimpZ's comments, I will first say that yes, the more games you own, the better, as it gives you more choices. However, if the goals were perfectly balanced (which they never will be, but we'll go for as balanced as we can) then in theory there would actually be no advantage, as as long as you could complete a single row all rows would be balanced. What I'm saying is the more balanced I make the goals, the less having more games is going to be an advantage.

I do agree that offering an option to select the games the card picks from is a good idea, but right now we're some way away from being able to offer it. This is in my future plans.

I'll also respond to your numbered points:

1) The routing is choosing which games to play, as many goals are open to multiple games. There's also figuring out in what way you're going to best achieve the goal. And of course choosing the row itself requires thought. I've made route adjustments on the fly in the last two Sonic bingos I've played, by doing all sorts of calculations while playing. It just adds a new element to simply playing through the games.

2) I agree that this is a shame, you have to sort of make do the best you can.

3) They're as open-ended as the goals allow them to be. A large part of the open-endedness in the bingo comes from choosing the games you wish to use, and planning your route accordingly.

Most importantly, a Happy 9th Birthday to TSC, and here's to many more years of being the best competitive Sonic resource on the net!

TSC Race Night / Re: TSC anniversary race night
« on: October 23, 2012, 04:47:12 pm »
>exceeds 20 rules
>not overly complicated

I personally disagree with your implied point

TSC Race Night / Re: TSC anniversary race night
« on: October 23, 2012, 04:11:38 pm »
We have about 100 goals. The fact is there is no specific code in SRL bingo v5 that prevents same goals popping up. I will attempt to add this at some point.

TSC Race Night / Re: TSC anniversary race night
« on: October 23, 2012, 04:05:40 pm »

I'm just going to leave this here. Four goals appear on the grid twice and the middle row is impossible as it requires four games when the competition rules only allow three.

These problems are far worse in long (and short) cards than normal. It will be fixed as more goals are added.

TSC Race Night / Re: TSC anniversary race night
« on: October 23, 2012, 02:07:25 pm »
With regards to a lot of what you say Thorn, I will say that the answer is "it's allowed until the rules say it isn't". However, there are definitely a number of points that need clarifying and I'm working on it.

1) Acts, zones and stages have now been defined in the rules in terms of what they mean in Sonic bingo. However, I will be changing the goals for Sonic CD to be clearer.

2) For now, yes, although I may disallow this as it could be open to interpreation.

3) With regards to entering special stages, until I say otherwise. I may need to define the finishing point for this goal a bit better, but it's basically as soon as the game has awarded you all the points you need, irregardless of whether you've completed the acts/zones or not.

4) For now, yes, although I may change this. The problem is people may not be aware which games have S ranks and which don't.

5) Hmm...this one needs thought. I could just make it so the number of rings the counter reads is the number you have, but that seems unfair, particularly in GG games as you will never be able to get over 100.

6) It doesn't ask for consecutive, so I don't really see this as ambiguous. Again, I would say as soon as you have the rings you're done.

7) Will change the goal to "Have X lives on the life counter". This is horifically ambiguous as it stands.

8) This one is the player's choice, because you don't actually choose the games you're going to play until after the race has started because that's when the card is given.

9) Goal changed to include special stages.

10) Rules now do not allow hacks, fangames or prototypes.

TSC Race Night / Re: TSC anniversary race night
« on: October 23, 2012, 10:22:50 am »
So just so people know what we're potentially getting into with this, Sonic bingo is a game played using multiple Sonic games (any ones you like) completing goals on a bingo grid that looks something like this. The objective is to complete a row or column or a long diagonal of this grid. You may use a maximum of 3 different games. (Other rules are listed by the card)

By no means do you need to have every Sonic game there is, or every Sonic game on the card - you can avoid rows and columns that involve games you do not have. I do recommend you have a reasonable smattering of Sonic games, including one of SADX/SA2B and a few 2D ones, presuming that we are gong to be playing the mixed 2D/3D card (which no one has indicated otherwise).

The estimated time of completion of a normal length card is just over 2 hours.

TSC Race Night / Re: TSC anniversary race night
« on: October 23, 2012, 10:06:52 am »
I'm cool with a small adjustment later like 6:10. Not much more as it will start getting too late for me.

TSC Race Night / Re: TSC anniversary race night
« on: October 22, 2012, 08:17:01 pm »
If you can only do 5 you're probably shit out of luck anyway as bingo will probably take over an hour?

Yeah, it will

TSC Race Night / Re: TSC anniversary race night
« on: October 22, 2012, 04:42:31 pm »
I have to vote for Bingo, I need repayment for the hours I spent fixing my mistakes in javascript, which means I need to play as much bingo as possible.

TSC Race Night / Re: 2D Race Night 4: Sonic CD
« on: October 21, 2012, 08:27:31 am »
Are both versions allowed? I won't vote on a goal just yet as I may or may not race, I don't know Sonic CD at all.

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