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Messages - yoshifan

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Marathon Planning / Re: Schedule (Final Draft)
« on: March 22, 2013, 11:37:54 pm »
Edit: Never mind, SA2's Monday, not Tuesday. All's well.

TSC Race Night / Re: SA2 race
« on: November 19, 2012, 09:58:56 pm »
I was considering joining this race, but I didn't notice it was tomorrow (Tuesday).  I won't be free until 11 PM EST at earliest.  I'm quite sure that's not gonna work for Europeans, so count me out of this one.

Good luck to all participants, and uh... let's see, a random tip... remember to hold A or B (instead of mashing) when you home into Finalhazard.

Rules Revisions / Re: Cannon's Core 3/5 FS?
« on: November 10, 2012, 03:54:59 am »
Objectively, I don't see a particular reason to have a bias against the HD (PSN/XBLA) version.  At least from what I've seen and heard, the HD version doesn't seem like a particularly bad port, and could be compared to how the GC version was a reasonable port of the DC version.

We're allowing GC only and DC only tricks, and we practically even have GC only charts (see: kart racing and R101/R280 rings).  The merging of GC and DC stats has always been a bit of a point of contention, but that's what we've done up to now.  The thing that would be most consistent with our previous handling of this game would be to allow HD only tricks, and even charts, like Freestyle Cannon's Core 3 and 5.

Two potential issues:

Maybe the way we handle versions at TSC isn't the best way (I believe there's been a lot of discussion on this in other threads), and we shouldn't follow the example we've made up to this point.  Then again, what could we do otherwise?  Two other options are a. banning the HD version, or b. making a separate TSC game for Sonic Adventure 2 HD, neither of which seem very appealing to me.

SA2(B) competition has been just DC and GC for a very long time - for the whole 8-9 years of TSC's existence, in fact, and SA2B has been out for even longer than that.  Allowing HD only tricks could be a bit jarring for the more serious competitors who've been around for a while, particularly those who don't have (or plan to get) the HD version.

Now, Freestyle charts don't really have a history of intense competition anyway.  However, HD only tricks or shortcuts in non-Freestyle charts seem like a distinct possibility, even if we don't know of any yet (I think?).  And our policy about the HD version should be applied consistently to both Freestyle and non-Freestyle charts.

(Personally, though, I wouldn't mind HD only tricks or shortcuts.  I was already too lazy to get the Dreamcast version, even though I could get a used DC for relatively cheap on Amazon.  And the HD version would actually be easier for me to get, since I have a PS3.)

So in short... I would lean yes to adding these charts.  But I mainly wanted to lay out some issues and points to think about.

News and Updates / Re: Possible Xmas Mini-Marathon?
« on: November 04, 2012, 01:53:43 pm »
A continuous marathon (as Umbreon suggested) has additional issues to consider, even if the marathon's not very long:
(1) Unless Thorn can stay up for 1-2 days straight, there would need to be at least 1 or 2 other people willing to run the show in his absence.  Preferably at least 2 others, in case sleep and availability don't work out perfectly as planned.
(2) Going around the clock could make it a bit harder to have commentators and runners available at any given time.  It depends on how many participants are non-US, though.

The lesser availability of AGDQ attendants could be an issue; in particular, Sylux and DsS covered a lot of games last time.  But at the same time, there are plenty of people not attending AGDQ, and this mini-marathon would be another thing for them to look forward to.

Competition Central / Re: Reviving the idea of M&S charts
« on: September 03, 2012, 02:20:35 am »
As a Mario Center admin, I'd suggest putting the charts on the Sonic Center.  There are a lot more people here.

News and Updates / Re: The Charity Marathon is Here!
« on: August 28, 2012, 04:09:34 pm »
That was a really entertaining week - thanks to everyone involved for making it awesome.  And I have to say, I had serious doubts about us hitting the $1500 goal, but amazingly we passed that goal and got plenty more in the end!

Gamble: you were definitely the least lousy performer in Puyo, out of 15 or so different players, for what that's worth.

Random things:

- Thorn's stream setup seems to work, after testing today.  Can get a good audio balance between game audio, his voice, and others on Skype.  Still has yet to test with an omni-directional mic, though, which would allow him and others in the same room to talk (particularly during M&S Winter Olympics and Shuffle).

- I've previously tried streaming while talking on Skype, so I'm good on that front.  (I have to use separate computers for streaming and Skyping, though, since my main laptop bluescreens when I do both streaming and Skyping on it.  This just means I can't stream while including a Skype call in my stream, so as long I'm not running the main stream, things are fine.)

- For Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, 2 hours should be an okay timeslot to do all 3 stories from a new game.  I expect the run to take around 1 hour 50 minutes, so accounting for setup and bad performance or luck, 2 hours should be just enough.  FYI, I'll skip the Hero and Dark credits with resets.  Also, I can also include a timer and run splits on my stream.

- So... Sonic Unleashed (Wii) doesn't have a runner right now.  After SA2B, I could maybe try to very quickly refresh myself on the basics on SUWii and... maybe run the game for the marathon.  I wouldn't expect it to be a pretty performance though.  Isn't there anyone who can stream and has played the game more recently than I have (my last stat was May 2009)?

Rules Revisions / Re: Unbanning Team Blast Glitch
« on: August 13, 2012, 01:29:42 pm »
I don't know, but it sounds like people have very different ideas about how game-breaking or tedious (or not) Team Blast Glitch would be to use.  If someone could make a video showing the Team Blast Glitch pushed to near its limits, that could clear things up a lot.  Surely if people are willing to allow TBG, someone must be able to make a demonstration of it, right?

The most relevant team for a video demonstration would be Team Dark, although it sounds like Team Rose and one of the other two teams would also be good to show for comparison.

So I pretty much already told Thorn about this, but for SA2B:

I can run it (any of Hero, Dark, or Last story), but I'd like to be considered a backup, i.e. I'll play if no one else steps up.  I feel like I've already had my time in the spotlight with live-streaming this game, since I've streamed a lot of races with Zeph and played the game during Speed Demos Archive's AGDQ marathon.  I know there are a lot of excellent SA2B players here, and I'd love to see another SA2B player step up to run the game live and get some time in the spotlight.  Doesn't matter if they're particularly better than me or not.

Thorn said it's a sample schedule, so no, not set in stone.  However, he's emphasizing that more of the runners really need to provide time estimates for their games soon, so that the schedule can be made more accurate.

To clarify: be sure to provide real time (not game time) estimates, and account for possible mistakes/game trolling, as well as pre-game setup time.  As a rule of thumb, assume at least 5, perhaps closer to 10 minutes for setup time.

Also, if there's a particular day or time of day when you can't stream, then that's important to mention too.

Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: July 07, 2012, 12:39:57 pm »
I recorded it with Visual Boy Advance with the (U) rom.  I'm not sure whether that means it's incompatible with other emulators (like No$GBA) or other rom versions (like (J)).

Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: June 27, 2012, 02:52:51 pm »
Here's a random .vbm... does that count as a random .giz?

Sonic Advance (U), a so-far useless Cosmic Angel 2 wall entry and zip.  I don't know if it's been found before, but if it hasn't, it's probably because my time attack route is weird.

I got the actual zip on this recording's 5th attempt of the level.  Sorry for making you fast-forward through the rest, but the 1st attempt is also kind of interesting, so I figured I'd include it.

Hiya Folks / Re: New year, it's time.
« on: January 03, 2012, 05:12:26 am »
Hi SqwareEcks!  Good to see you here, and have fun competing.  This place is actually pretty laid back for the most part.  People in the IRC are often willing to help with strategies, site questions, chatting, and all that.

TSC might look serious/intimidating because of the Leaderboard Disputes forum, but if you're an honest player then you shouldn't have any problems.  (Even if you do get called out, it might just be that someone noticed a typo in your stat.)

I'm also really bad at Touhou, but I'm a fan of it anyway (especially the music).

Competition Central / Re: Time charts for MvDK GBA?
« on: January 02, 2012, 09:20:39 pm »
Sorry for the late reply.  Honestly, I'm not sure if there was a good reason for leaving Times out.  Perhaps I thought that Times might have too much strategy overlap with Scores, but I'm pretty sure that's not going to be the case.  Scores always make you go for the 3 presents, and that alone tends to make you go out of your way, compared to making a beeline for the key and exit.

Speaking of MvsDK, one thing that bothers me about the current chart organization (which I probably came up with) is how the scores are split into Scores and Extra.  It might work as is, but the organization would start to look strange if we added Times and Extra(Times) to go along with it.  It'd probably be better to have a single Scores division and a single Times division.

Either way, I probably won't get to adding or reorganizing charts until January 12 or so.

Until then, a note to self: the Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Plus battles can also be added for Times.

Competition Central / Sonic Adventure 2 story mode races
« on: September 16, 2011, 02:12:47 pm »
Zeph and I (and others) have been doing full-story races of Sonic Adventure 2 on speedrunslive.  Feel free to join in or watch!

Next scheduled race: None scheduled yet


We're using this to organize our races.  For Story mode, we start with a new file, so you have to collect upgrades as you go.  Start timing (Racebot says GO!) at the Story Select screen, and end timing (type .done) when we get the last hit on Shadow/Sonic 2.
Site: main page, SA2 page
Channel:, #speedrunslive
Racebot commands: here

Player streams
During a race you can watch both streams simultaneously here. Just click on our names under the Sonic Adventure 2 Battle section to open up the streams.

SA2 help
TSC Videos
son1cgu1tar's Hero and Dark story speedruns
99 lives trick (Just for practicing, obviously.  Also, I find that the beetle needs to move 8-9 times to get close enough for the death into the back ring.)
Hunting locations.  I made this for my Hero story speedrun from a while back.  Will be added to and improved.

Mario News / Re: Super Mario 64
« on: August 02, 2011, 09:41:01 pm »
Okay, a couple of other things:

(1) What should the rules be for the Koopa the Quick races?  I know the Bob-Omb Battlefield race had a trick involving the Wing Cap to finish with an arbitrarily low time (down to 0.0 seconds), and I'm not sure if the Tiny-Huge Island race had anything weird going on.

(2) Let me know if you guys want Boss charts.  There's only a few possible Boss charts though - Wiggler and the 3 Bowser levels (I think these are the only bosses where you enter a new area as you encounter the boss).

Mario News / Re: Super Mario 64
« on: July 31, 2011, 12:05:04 am »
Right, so I modified the rules about the timer codes.  I don't know about every single timer code that SM64 speedrunners use, but I laid out rules that any timer should follow to be eligible for use in competition.  (Of course, a timer can be eligible in some levels and not others - for a given level, you just use a timer that works for that level.)

I'll see about changing the charts next.  Here's what I'm thinking for now:
  • I'm thinking of making a separate "Races" category for Koopa the Quick and the Slide, after all.  This will offer some times competition for those who only play on console and don't own a GameShark or modded Wii.
  • Then, for the "Times (Main Courses)" category, I'm looking to "hide" the Koopa the Quick and Slide under 21"0 charts.  This means that the charts won't be completely deleted, but you won't be able to submit to them and they won't affect the overall rankings calculations.  (I believe this has been done before at The Sonic Center, for the Sky Chase / Tails charts in SA(DX).)

Edit: Done.

Mario News / Re: Super Mario 64
« on: July 26, 2011, 04:10:53 am »
Okay - that makes sense now.  Thanks for clarifying.

I got Project64 and tried two timer codes:

1. 9-address code starting with 81249688 A03B, from here) - "Time how long it takes to get a star V1.1 (JS)" for NTSC

2. 40-address code starting with 81249688 A02D, posted by Devin here

Manually resettable timer.  Press L to reset the timer.  Normally you do this at the star select screen, or during the fadeout before entering a Bowser level, etc.  You don't have to be precise at all with the timing of pressing L.  Be careful not to press L during the level, though, since you can actually reset the timer during the level (and that would make your time ineligible for submission).

Auto-resets when a level is entered.

Stops when you touch a star or when you touch the key after a Bowser fight.


Doesn't autoreset when you enter a Bowser fight, so this timer works for tracking an entire Bowser level, from entering the level to finishing the boss.

Autoresets when you enter a Bowser fight.  This timer might work for timing the Bowser level only (minus the Bowser fight), but it's hard to determine your exact time since you don't see the timer stop as you enter the pipe to Bowser.

Keeps running when you enter a sub-area like Jolly Roger Bay's sunken ship or the slide area in Cool, Cool Mountain.

The timer actually stops when you enter a sub-area.  At least in the sunken ship it stops, and in Cool, Cool Mountain's slide it actually seems to reset and stop.  This timer won't work for timing these levels.

Doesn't reset in the Princess's Secret Slide, but using the timer code, the under-21"0 star won't appear.  The "block" category can be timed accurately though.


In Koopa the Quick levels, the timer resets upon talking to Koopa the Quick.  So only the race time will be trackable in these levels.


There may be other codes to look at, but... tl;dr: as long as the player uses a code that starts at the start, ends at the end, and doesn't do anything weird in between, then it's usable.  Otherwise, it's not.

We need a fairly static page that lists the actual addresses/values for codes that are available for use.  Perhaps I'll just edit them into the first post here when everything's settled, and then put a link to that post in the Rules page.

Oh, and I almost forgot - I'll put in the rules that a tenths or hundredths timer can be used, and that using hundredths means you'll just truncate the last digit.  I don't know what the tenths codes are, but they have been used, here for example.

Then, there's determining what to fix in the current charts.  I suppose the only ones that really can't be timed so far are: Princess's Secret Slide under 21"0, and both Koopa the Quick stars (only the race itself can be timed).  For Bowser levels, I vote to time the level + boss fight together using the non-autoreset timer code, because it's much easier to see your time that way.  Levels with sub-areas can be timed using the non-autoreset timer code, as well.

Mario News / Re: Super Mario 64
« on: July 23, 2011, 12:04:54 am »
Thanks for the deciseconds fix, Gerbil!

Hmm... if the timer resets when you enter a sub-area, then does that mean the following charts are also affected?:
Jolly Roger Bay - Star 1
Cool, Cool Mountain - Star 1, Star 3, 100-Coin Star
Lethal Lava Land - Star 5, Star 6
Shifting Sand Land - Star 3, Star 4, Star 6, 100-Coin Star
Snowman's Land - Star 6
Tall, Tall Mountain - Star 4, 100-Coin Star
Tiny-Huge Island - Star 6, and anything involving a pipe (as sausage948 said)

For Koopa the Quick and the Secret Slide, I think they could still go in their respective Times categories, but maybe under a different Division or something, just to clarify that the rules are different. ("Bob-Omb Battlefield - Star 2" as the chart for the Koopa the Quick race might be slightly misleading.)

Mario News / Re: Super Mario 64
« on: July 22, 2011, 01:07:37 am »
Okay... hrm.  We'll have to see if we can reorganize the Koopa the Quick / Secret Slide charts, since I doubt we'll get a patch for the timer override problem soon.

It also seems that the Tenths time has a bug, judging from Devin's stats so far, which all end in .0 - we'll have to get that sorted too.

Gamepro: I wasn't clear about it in my post, but the problem I have with the Bowser (level) charts is that it's very hard to determine your "final time" when you enter the pipe, because you never actually see the timer stop.  Here's an example.  (Boss charts might work though.)

SonicandInuyasha: we're not going to add Mario Kart games, since they're covered very well by Mario Kart-specific sites already.

Mario News / Super Mario 64
« on: July 21, 2011, 01:23:40 am »
Super Mario 64's open for submissions!
There's more Times charts than you might expect, given that Super Mario 64 levels generally don't have a timer.  I'll let the Rules do the explaining here:

For all Times charts, you must input a code to make a timer display on the screen.

There are several different timer codes out there, but any timer code must adhere to the following rules:

  • When the level starts, the timer should start. (Some codes reset the timer to zero automatically as the level starts; others require you to reset it by pressing a button during the star select screen or the fade-to-black.  Either type of timer is allowed.)
  • When you collect the Star (or grab the key/star that Bowser leaves), the timer should stop, showing your time for that level.
  • The timer may not reset or pause at any time during the level, except during certain messages such as the instructional message in the Tower of the Wing Cap.  Note that some timers pause for a short time when you use a warp (such as the one between flower beds in Bob-Omb Battlefield) - avoid using this kind of timer if you use a warp during a level.
  • The timer must display tenths of seconds.  Displaying hundredths or thousandths is okay, but you must submit your time in tenths; if you use a timer with hundredths or thousandths digits, simply ignore those extra digits to get your time in tenths.

Allowed versions: Nintendo 64, Wii Virtual Console, and emulator.

All charts are available for submission now!

(The only stars that don't have charts are Bob-Omb Battlefield Star 2, Tiny-Huge Island Star 3, and the Princess's Secret Slide in under 21 seconds.  The reason is that the timer code and the level's race timer interact poorly, making it impossible to time these stars from start to finish.)

There's quite a few very talented Super Mario 64 speedrunners on YouTube, and many of them use the timer hack for individual-star speedruns and challenges.  Hopefully these charts can be a useful way to collect everyone's best times for each level.  For those unfamiliar with the setup required to use the timer hack, we'll do our best to get more informational links.

If you don't have a timer hack, you can try your hand at Coins and Races.  But don't forget about the coin chart rule (if you don't know what it means, then you're probably fine):

Tricks that can be used to spawn infinite coins are not allowed.

Thanks to Devin for the game information, as well as the suggestion to add the game.  (And thanks to Gerbil for tech support.)

Update: charts issues have been resolved!
Thanks to Gerbil for the help again.  For the new Koopa the Quick / Secret Slide charts, see the Races category.  These Races charts do not require timer codes, so those who play on console without access to codes can compete.  (Also, the "Princess's Secret Slide - Block" star time is still there under Times (Sub Courses); that one still uses a timer code, to time from the start of the level to the star.)

News and Updates / Re: Registration Problems
« on: December 31, 2010, 02:23:03 am »
Go go Gerbil!  Great to see the progress.

In general, if we wanted to have support for stats made with different systems (50hz/60hz, NTSC/PAL, Gamecube/Dreamcast, etc. etc.), then it would be worth looking at sites like the Mario Kart Players' Pages or Elite Scores.  These sites allow you to view records and charts in multiple ways: with stats from both versions, with stats from version A only, or with stats from version B only.

Mario Kart: Double Dash!! examples:
Chart: 60hz, 50hz, combined.
Records: 60hz, 50hz, combined.

Elite Scores examples (Super Monkey Ball 2):
Chart: NTSC, PAL, combined.
Records: NTSC, PAL, combined.

Of course, it is harder to have focused competition (or focused bragging rights) when there are multiple possible rankings to view.  I'm not going to get into this debate here, though - just throwing out possibilities of what could be done.

The Sonic Center doesn't have terribly many issues with 50hz/60hz, perhaps, but if we could support general system differences like Dreamcast/Gamecube in the same way, then this sort of Mario Kart-style integration might be useful for us.  But it would also be a lot of work, as has been stated, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of motivation to overhaul TSC at this point.

Also, some people here have access to multiple versions of the same game (DC and GC in Sonic Adventure, for example).  As far as I know, the Mario Kart Players' Pages and Elite Scores make sure that you submit only in one version - for example, all of your submissions in 50hz.  Allowing people to have times for more than one version would be going beyond these sites, and it could get complicated.  For example, only the combined ranking for a game should count toward the sitewide ranking, so that people don't get double credit for having both versions.  A player's best time from either version would be the one that counts toward their combined-version times page.  Etc.  It'd be doable in theory, though...

Mario News / Some powerups charts
« on: December 25, 2010, 08:34:06 pm »
Happy holidays!  They're pretty overdue, but I finally added powerups charts to New Super Mario Bros., Super Mario World, and Super Mario Bros. 3.  In these charts, you can start a level with whatever powerups you like.  Powerups charts for more games may also be added, if people request them.

The rules for the original Times categories have remained the same.  I'd like to re-name the "Times" categories for these games to "Times(small)", for clarity, though I asked GerbilSoft about re-naming categories and he said there wasn't a way right now.  Maybe someday.

Note that any stats that you achieved for Times can also be submitted to Times (powerups), since Times (powerups) just has more relaxed rules.  So feel free to copy your Times stats over to Times (powerups).  Then go ahead and hunt down the levels which get easier or faster when you start with powerups.

Also, if you missed out on Super Mario All-Stars for the SNES, and you're not into using emulators, there's been a Wii release of All-Stars lately.  Yes, it's a bit expensive for an SNES re-release, but it is an option for SNES competition.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Wellbe6 - Mario Galaxy 2 times
« on: December 22, 2010, 08:05:13 pm »
I probably should've mentioned that I took the case to the Sonic Center, here.  Still need to poke a real admin to take action, though.  Sorry for the delays.

Edit: Done.

Leaderboard Disputes / ATTN: Wellbe6 (from Mario Center)
« on: December 12, 2010, 02:43:05 am »
I hope it's okay if I bring up a semi-handled Mario Center case here (and yes, a months old case... I've been busy/lazy).  I figure this is a better idea than trying to catch an unsuspecting mod in the TSC chat to handle this.  I'll try to give plenty of detail so that someone not so familiar with Mario can take further action/inaction on this post.
If this isn't okay, this topic can be removed.

I'd like to suggest that Wellbe6's times be removed from the rankings.  He has many submissions in Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, but it's mainly his SMG2 submissions that concern me.

In Super Mario Galaxy 2, Wellbe6 submitted many first place times (times page here), many of which tied the incumbent first-place times despite the fact that the game tracks centiseconds (see the "2 players" records here).  Other submitted times beat packattack's well-optimized (as evidenced by videos) times by significant margins.  Wellbe6 submitted enough to gain the championship for Galaxy 2.

I sent Wellbe6 a PM and mentioned that his times were obviously fake to me, but I did not mention specifically why, or which ones.  I'm not sure if he noticed the PM, but a few days later he changed about eight of his submissions into slower times (all 6 Sky Station levels, and the first 2 stars of Yoshi Star).  Most of these times were suspicious ties before he changed them.  He changed enough stuff so that he would forfeit his championship.  Many of the new slower times were strangely even times such as 1:50.00.  He's changed some of these times yet again on November 28, so check out the stat histories if you're inclined to.

Many of the un-changed times are still strange centisecond ties or beat solid records by large margins (e.g. by 2 seconds in a 20 second level).

About a week after the PM, I posted in TMC's Leaderboard Disputes to call out Wellbe6.  He visited the forum well after the LD post was made, but hasn't replied.

I'd also heard that Wellbe6 got into some trouble at Cyberscore ( ), though that may or may not hold weight for this case.

Leaderboard Disputes / Wellbe6 - Mario Galaxy 2 times
« on: November 05, 2010, 11:42:56 pm »
Sorry to make a topic about this, Wellbe6, but I tried PMing you and haven't gotten a response.  Anyway, can you give any explanation of your stats in SMG2?  Are you unclear about how the site works?  You're only allowed to submit times that you've achieved yourself.  If you're not willing to do that, then it'll spoil the competition for others, and we'll have to suspend your account here.

Introductions / Re: another Mario Galaxy 2 player joined :)
« on: July 15, 2010, 06:51:47 pm »
Whoops - I added Level Totals to the SMG2 rankings, but there was a problem, so they don't actually work yet.  I'll try asking the TSC admin (GerbilSoft) and see if he can fix it.
When it's fixed, it should get the grand total (Total / Total) working as well.

Looking forward to the SMG1 speedrun too!

Thanks!  I've already gotten back to practicing the next segment.

**EDIT**: the totals are fixed.  But, everyone will have to submit new submissions to kick-start their own totals... just turns out that way, sorry.  They should work, though!

Competition Central / Re: New Super Mario Bros.
« on: July 14, 2010, 03:39:18 am »
You can find some intense competition for these minigames at Cyberscore:

They have the minigame charts, we have the time charts... nice how that works out!  That reminds me though, adding start-with-powerups time charts for NSMB was something on the TMC to-do list.

Competition Central / Re: New Super Mario Bros.
« on: July 12, 2010, 02:07:43 am »
I believe we wanted to stick with the more platforming related aspects of the Mario games.  Similar reason we're not adding Mario Party/Kart/etc., I guess.

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