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Messages - Aitamen

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Gaming and Grazing / Re: Pokemon Nuzlocke!
« on: February 24, 2012, 04:34:51 pm »
I didn't know not-releasing your starter was an option... what's to stop you from one-running the game?

Competition Central / Re: Questions concerning the rules.
« on: January 28, 2012, 12:09:08 pm »
Also, I'm curious as to why Black Zero/Ultimate X are banned, (at least in X5 where they can be obtained through normal play, I'm not sure about the rest)could someone give me a heads up?

What's the grounds for banning in TMMC, since it's obviously not something to do with competition value or timer resets?

Rules Revisions / Re: ? Boxes
« on: January 04, 2012, 09:16:03 pm »
iirc, yeah, the heroes thing wasn't because it was random, but rather that it was maxable in every level and the control of it was random, so there was no "just don't do it", because it wasn't intentional in the first place, it just sort of happened.  So the reason was that it wasn't feasible to "just not do it", as opposed to most infinite-tricks (like birds in S3&K before they were un-banned).  That they were random is the reason that *that* was scrapped instead of being amended, and that's fine, but it's unrelated to this.

This requires luck to get a good stat, and if you wanted to ban something for that, I have a list of luck-based-bullshit (or mostly-luck-based-bullshit, for a second list, like the single-frame-botnik'-dash in AR2) I can post and we can start banning arbitrary things all day long.

Also, if "because people don't like it" ever becomes a reason to ban anything, I'd like to ban S06 twice, for good measure.

Rules Revisions / Re: ? Boxes
« on: January 03, 2012, 03:24:02 am »
Our charts are about the mastery of the game, the maximums possible therein.  Banning things because people feel they're based on luck instead of skill, or for similar reasons of discontent, is contrary to the previously stated purposes of our charts, and inane, so far as I can tell.

Wikkity! / Re: Your best Christmas present?
« on: December 26, 2011, 11:33:19 am »
My four favorite gifts can't be mentioned here because of applicable laws, I do believe.

*after* those, though, I got a couple hundred dollars I'll be spending on upgrades for my PC and my gf got an extra day off this week (which only happens about 3-4 times a year...), so I got to spend an awesome surprise day with her, which was thoroughly awesome.

And I don't celebrate anything, but others do and I'm never opposed to people giving me gifts, regardless of reasons involved.

Wikkity! / Re: Predictions for 2012!!!
« on: December 23, 2011, 10:17:04 pm »

Wikkity! / Re: What's your favourite TV show?
« on: December 23, 2011, 09:42:08 pm »
I'm kinda surprised I'm the first one to dive into the geek forest...  but hey, I'm good for it.

Star Trek, primarily TOS and TNG, but the rest are OK at worst.
Firefly, because reasons.
Monty Python
BBC's new Sherlock is awesome for stuff that's current running.

There's plenty of stuff I've watched for the sake of getting in-jokes, like Seinfeld and FRIENDS... and I enjoyed most of it, since, ya know, it's fun. (YAY PHEOBE!)

Wikkity! / Re: Predictions for 2012!!!
« on: December 20, 2011, 09:25:00 pm »
Site predictions?  Probably run 10-20 more records and a few "new discovery" runs here and there...  so essentially lurking and maybe getting a wild hair now and again.

Gaming wise?  PSO2 will launch and I'll have the ammunition I need to drag people back to my side of cyberspace.  Along with that, I'll have Wizardry: Empire and thus be learning Japanese at a pretty good clip by then.  (Hopefully I get into the PSO2 Alpha2, but not holding my breath...)

Life wise?  Japanese and other language studies, lots of music stuffs, maybe more graphic art once I get my new computer, too.

I hope to be proficient enough in Japanese by the end of the year to be able to pull words apart and start learning by context instead of having to look every word up.  That's my goal as it stands.

Hiya Folks / Re: Hey There!
« on: December 11, 2011, 07:58:52 pm »
Just because a TAS frequently break games doesn't mean that it's the only way to break a game (Most speedrunners have been known to break games quite thuroughly) and it doesn't mean that all TAS's do.

TAS just means "Tool-Assisted Superplay" or "Tool-Assisted Speedrun".  A TAS without tools is, thus, not a TAS.

Wikkity! / Re: Favourite non-sonic game?
« on: December 03, 2011, 02:54:43 pm »
Favorites, by Genre:
PCRPG: Somewhere split between the Wizardry series and the Ultima series, while they were both alive, historically I think the ending trilogy for Wizardry (6, 7, 8) was an amazing gem in the crown, Planescape: Torment gets a special mention for being amazing.
JRPG/CRPG: Phantasy Star 4, Phantasy Star 2, Chrono Trigger top the list, FF6 and SMRPG below them.
MMORPG: They all have their place, but the player bases change means the quality of the games change too...  EQ, UO, and The Realm all get special notes, and WoW gets a small prize for most time spent in a single MMO.
MORPG: PSO, hands down.  May be changed to PSO2 if SEGA can get lightning to hit the rod twice. Spiral Knights is worth a mention for being check-out worthy.
SRPG: FFT and Shining Force. Disgaea 1 too.
Capture/Collection RPG: DQM, Pokémon 1st/2nd gen, Monster Rancher 2.
ARPG: King's Field.  This genre is a little broad, but there ya go.
FPS: Heretic, Hexen, Hexen 2.  For those that count these as Hybrid games, my answer would then be Ultimate DOOM.
Competitive FPS: Quake 2.
TPS: Probably not one here...  I guess I'd slot Heretic 2 or Deus Ex: Human Revolution here if I was forced.
Sh'mup: The Gradius/Parodius Series.
Run'n'Gun: Contra series, esp. Hard Corps. and Neo. GODS is underrated.
Platforming: Sonic 2, SMW, SMB2(US), Cool Spot, Prince of Persia
Hack'n'slash: another broad category, Dynasty Warriors and Chaos Legion can fill this space, though.
Beat'em'up: Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, ALTERED BEAST WOO!
ARC: Ridge Racer
Simulation: No one likes simulations, go away.  Freak.
Multiplayer: Mario Kart 64
Combat: Twisted Metal, but Mario Kart 64 qualifies here as well.

Getting bored... may come back and update/finish this, might not.  Here'sa dump of some games of worthy mention that either don't fit into the above categories or lost out to something up there, in no particular order:
DUNGEON DEFENDERS, seriously, go buy this game it's awesome. (But if you have the option, get the Steam version, it's the only one that's constantly updated.)
The Lost Vikings, Deus Ex, Marathon, Team Fortress 2, Portal, Exile 3, Helherron, Might and Magic (*NOT* Heroes of Might and Magic, those suck), Chip's Challenge, Wizardry: Nemesis, SSB, SSBM, LoZ2, Etrian Odyssey, Mystic Heroes, Fantasy General, Warlords 2.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Drift in PAL = no?
« on: December 03, 2011, 01:58:56 pm »
Sonic 2 SD in my SCD?


Wikkity! / Re: Who uses emulators?!
« on: November 11, 2011, 06:25:43 am »
Bertin won a topic so hard I'm forced to agree with Alondite...


Wikkity! / Re: Who uses emulators?!
« on: November 09, 2011, 09:25:42 pm »
OP is obnoxious and doesn't understand copyright law nor the archival clause.  Also, Emulator use doesn't directly constitute piracy, for example to use an Emulator to play a retail copy of SCD.

News and Updates / Re: Sonic Generations Charts Discussion
« on: November 05, 2011, 02:16:40 pm »
I thought RAing was in essence gathering all the rings naturally lying around in a stage, not gathering all the rings in a stage + an extra 10 that the game just gives you.  But I can't think of an identical situation that's happened before (Especially since SatSR doesn't have ring charts)

Also I'm pretty sure there's some skills that would make at least a slight difference.  Aren't there speedup skills?  Endless boost, faster wall jumping, elemental shields, etc.

Another thing: it's like in the GG game where having a ring count as a multiple of 10 nets you extra rings via signpost. Not directly, but that's what it made me think of.

Nothing identical though, no, not so far as I'm aware.  That's why it's causing more talk: new concept, new rule for the ages.

News and Updates / Re: Sonic Generations Charts Discussion
« on: November 05, 2011, 05:33:25 am »
I can't imagine that something that'd improve scores but is annoying would be disallowed.  I'm led to think about S3&K RAs wherein you need to have beaten the level before and left any flag boxes up so you can get those rings for the Act 2 RA: Still legal on all charts, small flat bonus required for ring scores, requires set-up.  Side note of Holy Shit That's Annoying, especially for anyone who wants to compete in S3&K on console.  Just sayin'.

It's limited, it doesn't reduce the competitiveness of the stat, it increases maximum scores.  It should certainly be allowed.

Hiya Folks / Re: Hi
« on: October 26, 2011, 04:46:04 am »
^Yeah, sharing of tactics and working together is part of the spirit here.  Of course, you'll want to do as good as you can for personal glory, but the goal of the site is to see just how hard we can annihilate a game.  As far as strategies go I've contributed only about 2 or 3, but there's no flak for that, because I shared them once I found them~

News and Updates / Re: Sonic Generations - The Next Sonic Game
« on: October 25, 2011, 09:25:39 pm »
Snagged the demo, highly restricted in everything (when you can jump, when you can SD, when you can boost) and generally not showing any care for actually maintaining speed.  I didn't expect gold, SEGA, but when you shit in a bag and write "Gold" on the front in a pretty font you're not exactly going to hear cheers from me.

Colours seems to be a lone win, thus far... maybe the full version won't be made of shit, but this gives me no hope and I've since canceled my pre-order.

But hey, that means more money for my video card for PSO2... obviously SEGA took all the good out of STeam and put them to work in PSO-land~

News and Updates / Re: Sonic Generations - The Next Sonic Game
« on: October 21, 2011, 08:36:50 pm »
Since when is a Sonic game considered "Strategy" and "Casual"???  I can kinda-sorta understand strategy in Colors, but ... what??

Bitches don't know 'bout TSC.  If they did, they wouldn't dare think Sonic is Casual.

Strategy I don't know... don't they have a platformer tag?

News and Updates / Re: Sonic Generations - The Next Sonic Game
« on: October 17, 2011, 06:04:36 pm »
Bangin', looks like I'll get to demo this after all!

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Adventure(DX) Story Mode Speedruns
« on: October 16, 2011, 12:28:50 pm »
There's no Knux run on SDA because of how they do timing: all your deaths would count, so it'd be faster just to hunt the pieces "normally" (I think...) luck + restarting might be faster, but it's already hard enough to get a good setup, and getting a good setup in two/few lives would be pretty insane and take *way* more dedication then I think anyone would put towards something just to adhere to SDA rules.

Wikkity! / Re: Steve Jobs has died
« on: October 06, 2011, 12:23:42 am »
^wasn't he still on the board?  I thought he still had some control (and besides, if you work for Apple and Steve Jobs tells you to do something, do you think they'd argue?).

Wikkity! / Re: Steve Jobs has died
« on: October 05, 2011, 09:53:31 pm »
^I hate Apple more than most, but I will state that his money-management and capitalist thinking that did a lot of good, such as the popularization of pointing devices (mouses) can be somewhat attributed to him.  He himself never made anything, and he's a huge douchebag, but he's a douchebag who was amazing at what he did and helped popularize a lot of technology for people who have since made a difference.

Love him or hate him, he was kinda a big deal.

Competition Central / Re: Flying Fox is retiring!
« on: October 02, 2011, 03:44:51 pm »
didn't make it?  looks like someone else'll wear the mantle of 1k.

Best of luck in whatever you decide to do, I guess.

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Unleashed PS2 vs PS3
« on: September 11, 2011, 11:26:19 pm »
@Chao_Fan: Since when is easy good?  What the fuck?

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Unleashed PS2 vs PS3
« on: September 05, 2011, 08:46:50 am »
play both, they're different games, as opposed to truly different versions (i.e. SA vs. SADX)

The only banned Time-Stop is TBG in Heroes, because it voids competition due to how it's done.  In general, Time-Stop glitches are allowed (S3K, Knux in Sonic's path in LB2, for example, or SA's IC-S Time-Stop.  Time-Stop isn't banned in SA2, either, the only thing banned in Cannon's Core is skipping characters for a lower time.(Which is what the Cannon's Core Freestyle chart is for)/(SM's run, current record, uses the DD-Time-Stop bug, according to the vid of it.)

So no, no rule should be made, and it's completely legal based on current mindset of the community.

News and Updates / Re: Sonic Team Franchise Anniversaries 2011
« on: July 06, 2011, 02:02:11 am »
Holy shit, a news article made of news!

Will be snagging the demo since it's coming down, because it may well be a beta-version-broken-thing for use in competition later.  Still can't play it because 360 controllers are made of fucking eggshells for all intents and purposes.

I love the LD album thus far, totally worth the time to DL for... well anyone...  it's hit and miss for me, but I'm sure it would be for anyone (people will like what I hate etc.), but I double what thorn said in that there's something for everyone.

And I suck at Puyo Puyo, though I did beat MBM, it took forever.

News and Updates / Re: Sonic Generations - The Next Sonic Game
« on: July 05, 2011, 02:38:16 pm »
^Maybe, but it depends on our market force.  Unfortunately, since the Halo Advent, people who like the game no longer influence market share, so we're left to how well it's built for morons, in addition to how good it is...

Doesn't mean we can't shock them and hope they keep retro sonic around.

Also, insulting any kind of sonic fan seems poor sport: Don't we already suffer enough from the things we love?  Do we need it from our enemies too?  It's like punching a victim of domestic abuse: the real torture is his or her passion~

News and Updates / Re: Sonic Generations - The Next Sonic Game
« on: June 08, 2011, 03:33:41 am »
Awesome stuff: watch the city escape vid with the CE theme instead of it's own music... it matches up eerily well. (thanks to kotaku readers for that, heh).

I'm not sure how I'll feel if they don't at least have an option to listen to the original music, actually.

A lot of people might whine about new content, but for me, if they bring back the classics, the nostalgia, and manage to not fuck up the controls/feeling along the way, I may have to give this one to them.

Regardless, City Escape looks absolutely amazing.  The screens they posted are just jaw-dropping, heh.

Rules Revisions / Re: Charts Revision
« on: June 07, 2011, 06:48:08 am »
Debug is banned as a general rule (alteration of the game).  So is direct manipulation of tails (in S+T runs), even if by a single person, even if it's before a run, as I understand it to be. (I may have used a state that set something like this up, but I've never done it myself, should a rules revision occur I'll gladly take down any offending stats.)

The fact that trick points don't reset is a technicality based on the fact that the points aren't awarded, and the way our scores work still gives them to the current run, because they aren't awarded until the run is complete.  a loophole, if you will, that's been generally allowed because it makes SAing Rush a lot easier of the DS, and if I remember correctly, it was by popular decision of those involved at the time that such a judgement was made.  In theory, the max scores with and without it are the same, and take just as much skill either way, without having as much bs spamming to do during the entire run.  I'm not specifically sure, though, as I wasn't involved, only overheard it.

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