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KirbyMastah's Videos

Profile | Ranks (7) | Records | Awards | New Stats (07-26-24) | AntiRecords | Guides | Videos | Forum Profile
Game Level Category Division Rank Stat Video Codec Size Date Added
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort Boss Bosses Sonic 4 / 66 0:21:33 Embedded --- --- 02-11-15
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival Boss Bosses Sonic 8 / 56 1:02:93 Embedded --- --- 02-11-15
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 6 Times Sonic 7 / 53 0:54:66 Embedded --- --- 02-15-15
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 5 Times Sonic 6 / 54 1:03:19 Embedded --- --- 02-11-15
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park Boss Bosses Sonic 3 / 46 1:23:46 Embedded --- --- 02-15-15
Sonic Colors Wii Terminal Velocity 1 Times Sonic 10 / 53 2:07:33 Embedded --- --- 02-17-15
Sonic Colors Wii Terminal Velocity 1 Times Sonic 2 / 53 2:05:86 Embedded --- --- 02-19-15
Sonic Colors Wii Game Land 1-1 Times Sonic 2 / 45 0:21:16 Embedded --- --- 02-18-15
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 1 Times Sonic 2 / 125 0:23:22 Embedded --- --- 04-11-22
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 1 Times Tails 3 / 105 0:28:17 Embedded --- --- 04-12-22
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 1 Times Tails 1 / 105 0:26:78 Embedded --- --- 07-19-24
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 1 Times Knuckles 8 / 108 0:26:48 Embedded --- --- 05-16-15
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 1 Times Knuckles 2 / 108 0:25:78 Embedded --- --- 04-12-22
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 1 Times Knuckles 1 / 108 0:25:43 Embedded --- --- 07-19-24
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 1 Times Amy 5 / 101 0:31:95 Embedded --- --- 12-26-15
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 1 Times Amy 1 / 101 0:30:47 Embedded --- --- 07-19-24
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 2 Times Sonic 6 / 93 0:45:62 Embedded --- --- 03-12-15
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 2 Times Sonic 4 / 93 0:42:92 Embedded --- --- 12-25-15
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 2 Times Sonic 2 / 93 0:41:83 Embedded --- --- 04-04-22
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 2 Times Tails 9 / 79 0:48:97 Embedded --- --- 03-12-15
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 2 Times Tails 2 / 79 0:43:82 Embedded --- --- 04-05-22
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 2 Times Knuckles 1 / 78 0:41:65 Embedded --- --- 04-07-22
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 2 Times Amy 7 / 73 0:50:18 Embedded --- --- 12-17-14
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 2 Times Amy 5 / 73 0:48:47 Embedded --- --- 04-19-15
Sonic Advance Neo Green Hill 2 Times Amy 1 / 73 0:47:20 Embedded --- --- 04-07-22
Sonic Advance Secret Base 1 Times Sonic 5 / 92 0:39:82 Embedded --- --- 02-27-14
Sonic Advance Secret Base 1 Times Sonic 4 / 92 0:37:92 Embedded --- --- 02-01-16
Sonic Advance Secret Base 1 Times Sonic 1 / 92 0:35:87 Embedded --- --- 03-10-22
Sonic Advance Secret Base 1 Times Tails 12 / 78 0:43:35 Embedded --- --- 02-22-14
Sonic Advance Secret Base 1 Times Tails 6 / 78 0:40:67 Embedded --- --- 01-18-16
Sonic Advance Secret Base 1 Times Tails 1 / 78 0:38:93 Embedded --- --- 03-10-22
Sonic Advance Secret Base 1 Times Knuckles 3 / 71 0:38:88 Embedded --- --- 01-21-16
Sonic Advance Secret Base 1 Times Knuckles 2 / 71 0:35:23 Embedded --- --- 01-23-16
Sonic Advance Secret Base 1 Times Knuckles 1 / 71 0:33:92 Embedded --- --- 03-10-22
Sonic Advance Secret Base 1 Times Amy 8 / 68 0:44:23 Embedded --- --- 02-28-14
Sonic Advance Secret Base 2 Times Sonic 6 / 79 1:10:97 Embedded --- --- 03-12-15
Sonic Advance Secret Base 2 Times Sonic 4 / 79 1:05:45 Embedded --- --- 04-19-15
Sonic Advance Secret Base 2 Times Sonic 1 / 79 0:59:88 Embedded --- --- 03-17-22
Sonic Advance Secret Base 2 Times Tails 1 / 64 0:57:92 Embedded --- --- 03-17-22
Sonic Advance Secret Base 2 Times Knuckles 3 / 63 1:01:82 Embedded --- --- 01-31-16
Sonic Advance Secret Base 2 Times Knuckles 1 / 63 0:59:28 Embedded --- --- 03-17-22
Sonic Advance Secret Base 2 Times Amy 6 / 59 1:11:87 Embedded --- --- 10-23-14
Sonic Advance Secret Base 2 Times Amy 5 / 59 1:08:03 Embedded --- --- 04-19-15
Sonic Advance Secret Base 2 Times Amy 1 / 59 1:03:43 Embedded --- --- 03-17-22
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 1 Times Sonic 7 / 75 0:37:17 Embedded --- --- 10-23-14
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 1 Times Sonic 3 / 75 0:28:48 Embedded --- --- 03-29-22
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 1 Times Tails 13 / 63 0:42:58 Embedded --- --- 02-22-14
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 1 Times Tails 1 / 63 0:28:95 Embedded --- --- 03-29-22
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 1 Times Knuckles 9 / 62 0:41:87 Embedded --- --- 02-26-14
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 1 Times Knuckles 1 / 62 0:28:82 Embedded --- --- 03-30-22
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 1 Times Amy 5 / 58 0:39:33 Embedded --- --- 05-02-15
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 1 Times Amy 1 / 58 0:34:35 Embedded --- --- 03-31-22
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 2 Times Sonic 3 / 60 0:49:23 Embedded --- --- 07-04-22
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 2 Times Tails 7 / 54 0:57:63 Embedded --- --- 02-27-14
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 2 Times Tails 3 / 54 0:52:98 Embedded --- --- 01-18-16
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 2 Times Tails 1 / 54 0:50:28 Embedded --- --- 07-04-22
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 2 Times Knuckles 1 / 56 0:48:00 Embedded --- --- 07-04-22
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 2 Times Amy 5 / 51 0:55:57 Embedded --- --- 03-13-15
Sonic Advance Casino Paradise 2 Times Amy 1 / 51 0:52:42 Embedded --- --- 07-04-22
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 1 Times Sonic 3 / 68 0:41:93 Embedded --- --- 03-24-22
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 1 Times Tails 2 / 59 0:47:12 Embedded --- --- 03-24-22
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 1 Times Knuckles 1 / 57 0:46:42 Embedded --- --- 03-24-22
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 1 Times Amy 6 / 54 0:55:67 Embedded --- --- 03-04-15
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 1 Times Amy 4 / 54 0:54:47 Embedded --- --- 05-02-15
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 1 Times Amy 2 / 54 0:47:20 Embedded --- --- 03-24-22
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 1 Times Amy 1 / 54 0:45:95 Embedded --- --- 06-09-24
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 2 Times Sonic 7 / 60 1:12:10 Embedded --- --- 10-23-14
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 2 Times Sonic 3 / 60 1:04:25 Embedded --- --- 04-16-22
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 2 Times Tails 9 / 54 1:05:05 Embedded --- --- 02-22-14
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 2 Times Tails 1 / 54 0:59:23 Embedded --- --- 04-16-22
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 2 Times Knuckles 10 / 51 1:04:10 Embedded --- --- 01-08-15
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 2 Times Knuckles 1 / 51 0:59:28 Embedded --- --- 04-16-22
Sonic Advance Ice Mountain 2 Times Amy 1 / 50 0:59:47 Embedded --- --- 04-16-22
Sonic Advance Angel Island 1 Times Sonic 12 / 58 1:16:92 Embedded --- --- 03-04-14
Sonic Advance Angel Island 1 Times Sonic 3 / 58 0:37:12 Embedded --- --- 12-26-15
Sonic Advance Angel Island 1 Times Sonic 1 / 58 0:33:32 Embedded --- --- 06-09-24
Sonic Advance Angel Island 1 Times Tails 1 / 49 0:35:20 Embedded --- --- 06-09-24
Sonic Advance Angel Island 1 Times Knuckles 1 / 53 0:30:65 Embedded --- --- 06-09-24
Sonic Advance Angel Island 1 Times Amy 14 / 48 1:16:97 Embedded --- --- 02-28-14
Sonic Advance Angel Island 1 Times Amy 11 / 48 0:48:25 Embedded --- --- 10-23-14
Sonic Advance Angel Island 1 Times Amy 2 / 48 0:35:40 Embedded --- --- 03-04-15
Sonic Advance Angel Island 1 Times Amy 1 / 48 0:34:97 Embedded --- --- 06-09-24
Sonic Advance Angel Island 2 Times Sonic 3 / 53 1:14:27 Embedded --- --- 03-04-22
Sonic Advance Angel Island 2 Times Tails 4 / 49 1:07:97 Embedded --- --- 01-18-16
Sonic Advance Angel Island 2 Times Tails 1 / 49 1:04:65 Embedded --- --- 03-04-22
Sonic Advance Angel Island 2 Times Knuckles 3 / 48 1:00:68 Embedded --- --- 01-31-16
Sonic Advance Angel Island 2 Times Knuckles 2 / 48 0:58:02 Embedded --- --- 03-04-22
Sonic Advance Angel Island 2 Times Knuckles 1 / 48 0:56:63 Embedded --- --- 06-17-24
Sonic Advance Angel Island 2 Times Amy 6 / 42 1:24:13 Embedded --- --- 10-23-14
Sonic Advance Angel Island 2 Times Amy 2 / 42 1:15:68 Embedded --- --- 03-04-22
Sonic Advance Angel Island 2 Times Amy 1 / 42 1:08:88 Embedded --- --- 06-11-24
Sonic Advance Egg Rocket 1 Times Sonic 3 / 49 2:55:13 Embedded --- --- 12-17-14
Sonic Advance Egg Rocket 1 Times Tails 5 / 49 0:53:63 Embedded --- --- 12-15-14
Sonic Advance Egg Rocket 1 Times Tails 1 / 49 0:47:65 Embedded --- --- 01-18-16
Sonic Advance Egg Rocket 1 Times Amy 4 / 45 2:26:12 Embedded --- --- 05-03-15
Sonic Advance Cosmic Angel 2 Times Sonic 3 / 53 1:17:40 Embedded --- --- 12-10-14
Sonic Advance Cosmic Angel 2 Times Tails 7 / 49 1:20:42 Embedded --- --- 02-25-14
Sonic Advance Cosmic Angel 2 Times Knuckles 7 / 47 1:17:83 Embedded --- --- 02-27-14
Sonic Advance Cosmic Angel 2 Times Amy 4 / 42 1:26:23 Embedded --- --- 12-10-14
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Sonic 10 / 41 0:58:88 Embedded --- --- 12-14-14
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Sonic 4 / 41 0:49:32 Embedded --- --- 04-20-15
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Sonic 3 / 41 0:47:08 Embedded --- --- 04-21-15
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Sonic 2 / 41 0:45:78 Embedded --- --- 03-18-17
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Sonic 1 / 41 0:44:05 Embedded --- --- 05-11-24
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Tails 10 / 40 0:57:05 Embedded --- --- 12-14-14
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Tails 3 / 40 0:47:95 Embedded --- --- 04-21-15
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Tails 2 / 40 0:46:55 Embedded --- --- 03-19-17
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Tails 1 / 40 0:45:47 Embedded --- --- 05-11-24
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Knuckles 13 / 34 0:59:87 Embedded --- --- 12-14-14
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Knuckles 5 / 34 0:49:57 Embedded --- --- 04-20-15
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Knuckles 3 / 34 0:47:18 Embedded --- --- 04-21-15
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Knuckles 2 / 34 0:46:17 Embedded --- --- 03-19-17
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Knuckles 1 / 34 0:45:13 Embedded --- --- 05-11-24
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Amy 13 / 39 0:54:50 Embedded --- --- 12-14-14
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Amy 2 / 39 0:49:03 Embedded --- --- 04-20-15
Sonic Advance X-Zone Times Amy 1 / 39 0:47:30 Embedded --- --- 05-11-24
Sonic Advance Special Stage 1 Special Anyone 1 / 19 182 Embedded --- --- 03-19-17
Sonic Advance Special Stage 2 Special Anyone 1 / 14 208 Embedded --- --- 03-19-17
Sonic Advance Special Stage 3 Special Anyone 1 / 11 202 Embedded --- --- 03-19-17
Sonic Advance Special Stage 4 Special Anyone 1 / 10 203 Embedded --- --- 03-19-17
Sonic Advance Special Stage 5 Special Anyone 1 / 11 226 Embedded --- --- 03-23-17
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Times Sonic 2 / 128 0:28:10 Embedded --- --- 02-20-23
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Times Tails 8 / 86 0:36:42 Embedded --- --- 01-05-15
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Times Tails 4 / 86 0:34:70 Embedded --- --- 02-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Times Tails 1 / 86 0:33:82 Embedded --- --- 11-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Times Knuckles 12 / 79 0:36:15 Embedded --- --- 01-05-15
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Times Knuckles 3 / 79 0:33:99 Embedded --- --- 02-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Times Knuckles 1 / 79 0:33:52 Embedded --- --- 11-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Times Cream 10 / 80 0:36:50 Embedded --- --- 01-05-15
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Times Cream 5 / 80 0:34:85 Embedded --- --- 02-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Times Cream 1 / 80 0:33:99 Embedded --- --- 12-01-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Times Amy 11 / 52 0:36:37 Embedded --- --- 01-05-15
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Times Amy 3 / 52 0:33:95 Embedded --- --- 02-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Times Amy 1 / 52 0:33:57 Embedded --- --- 11-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Times Sonic 5 / 106 0:31:88 Embedded --- --- 12-26-15
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Times Tails 5 / 69 0:41:07 Embedded --- --- 02-19-15
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Times Tails 1 / 69 0:38:15 Embedded --- --- 09-05-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Times Knuckles 7 / 75 0:29:45 Embedded --- --- 01-05-15
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Times Knuckles 1 / 75 0:28:68 Embedded --- --- 08-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Times Cream 6 / 68 0:40:32 Embedded --- --- 02-19-15
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Times Cream 2 / 68 0:38:63 Embedded --- --- 02-12-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Times Cream 1 / 68 0:38:25 Embedded --- --- 12-12-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Times Amy 4 / 45 0:38:75 Embedded --- --- 01-05-15
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Times Amy 2 / 45 0:37:73 Embedded --- --- 02-12-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Times Amy 2 / 45 0:37:65 Embedded --- --- 09-05-22
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Times Amy 1 / 45 0:37:47 Embedded --- --- 12-17-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Hammer Tank II Bosses Cream 1 / 56 0:05:62 Embedded --- --- 07-26-24
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Sonic 6 / 106 0:37:63 Embedded --- --- 09-12-15
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Sonic 1 / 106 0:35:87 Embedded --- --- 11-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Tails 9 / 64 0:44:99 Embedded --- --- 02-21-15
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Tails 4 / 64 0:42:78 Embedded --- --- 03-11-22
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Tails 2 / 64 0:41:78 Embedded --- --- 06-09-24
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Knuckles 10 / 64 0:44:73 Embedded --- --- 02-21-15
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Knuckles 4 / 64 0:42:58 Embedded --- --- 03-11-22
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Knuckles 2 / 64 0:42:07 Embedded --- --- 06-09-24
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Cream 8 / 61 0:44:52 Embedded --- --- 02-21-15
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Cream 4 / 61 0:42:60 Embedded --- --- 03-11-22
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Cream 3 / 61 0:42:08 Embedded --- --- 06-09-24
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Amy 12 / 44 0:45:00 Embedded --- --- 02-19-15
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Amy 4 / 44 0:42:35 Embedded --- --- 03-11-22
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Times Amy 2 / 44 0:41:99 Embedded --- --- 06-09-24
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Sonic 6 / 88 0:39:63 Embedded --- --- 08-28-15
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Sonic 3 / 88 0:37:32 Embedded --- --- 04-11-22
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Tails 9 / 57 0:46:95 Embedded --- --- 02-21-15
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Tails 2 / 57 0:42:92 Embedded --- --- 04-12-22
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Tails 1 / 57 0:42:57 Embedded --- --- 05-11-24
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Knuckles 9 / 56 0:46:95 Embedded --- --- 02-21-15
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Knuckles 4 / 56 0:42:82 Embedded --- --- 04-12-22
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Knuckles 1 / 56 0:42:12 Embedded --- --- 05-11-24
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Cream 7 / 55 0:46:48 Embedded --- --- 02-21-15
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Cream 3 / 55 0:43:13 Embedded --- --- 04-12-22
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Cream 1 / 55 0:42:28 Embedded --- --- 05-11-24
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Amy 9 / 41 0:46:55 Embedded --- --- 02-21-15
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Amy 2 / 41 0:42:72 Embedded --- --- 04-12-22
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Times Amy 1 / 41 0:42:25 Embedded --- --- 05-11-24
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Bomber Tank Bosses Sonic 2 / 58 0:10:68 Embedded --- --- 09-12-15
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Bomber Tank Bosses Sonic 1 / 58 0:10:58 Embedded --- --- 02-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 1 Times Sonic 6 / 80 0:47:22 Embedded --- --- 09-03-15
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 1 Times Sonic 1 / 80 0:39:52 Embedded --- --- 04-16-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 1 Times Tails 8 / 49 1:00:57 Embedded --- --- 02-24-15
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 1 Times Tails 2 / 49 0:50:40 Embedded --- --- 04-16-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 1 Times Knuckles 6 / 49 0:58:40 Embedded --- --- 02-24-15
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 1 Times Knuckles 1 / 49 0:49:05 Embedded --- --- 04-16-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 1 Times Cream 7 / 53 0:59:93 Embedded --- --- 02-24-15
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 1 Times Cream 1 / 53 0:50:37 Embedded --- --- 04-16-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 1 Times Amy 1 / 36 0:48:25 Embedded --- --- 04-16-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Sonic 4 / 73 0:49:63 Embedded --- --- 09-26-15
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Sonic 2 / 73 0:48:20 Embedded --- --- 02-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Sonic 1 / 73 0:47:27 Embedded --- --- 12-17-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Tails 7 / 44 1:02:77 Embedded --- --- 04-12-15
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Tails 3 / 44 0:55:58 Embedded --- --- 02-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Tails 1 / 44 0:54:37 Embedded --- --- 12-17-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Knuckles 8 / 44 1:02:87 Embedded --- --- 04-08-15
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Knuckles 3 / 44 0:56:18 Embedded --- --- 02-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Knuckles 1 / 44 0:55:60 Embedded --- --- 12-17-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Cream 7 / 48 1:02:73 Embedded --- --- 04-09-15
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Cream 4 / 48 0:56:63 Embedded --- --- 02-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Amy 7 / 30 1:01:92 Embedded --- --- 04-08-15
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Amy 4 / 30 0:54:92 Embedded --- --- 02-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 2 Times Amy 1 / 30 0:54:55 Embedded --- --- 12-17-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Totem Bosses Sonic 14 / 53 0:05:77 Embedded --- --- 12-13-15
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 1 Times Sonic 5 / 72 0:53:48 Embedded --- --- 08-30-15
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 1 Times Sonic 2 / 72 0:51:63 Embedded --- --- 03-26-22
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 1 Times Tails 6 / 42 1:05:25 Embedded --- --- 12-27-15
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 1 Times Tails 1 / 42 0:59:03 Embedded --- --- 03-26-22
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 1 Times Knuckles 4 / 43 1:00:85 Embedded --- --- 12-27-15
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 1 Times Knuckles 1 / 43 0:58:78 Embedded --- --- 03-26-22
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 1 Times Cream 6 / 48 1:05:47 Embedded --- --- 12-27-15
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 1 Times Cream 1 / 48 0:58:35 Embedded --- --- 03-26-22
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 1 Times Amy 4 / 32 1:01:87 Embedded --- --- 12-27-15
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 1 Times Amy 1 / 32 0:57:68 Embedded --- --- 03-26-22
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Sonic 4 / 66 0:39:65 Embedded --- --- 09-01-15
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Sonic 3 / 66 0:38:78 Embedded --- --- 09-27-15
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Sonic 2 / 66 0:38:33 Embedded --- --- 02-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Tails 6 / 44 0:49:73 Embedded --- --- 12-28-15
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Tails 2 / 44 0:47:99 Embedded --- --- 02-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Tails 1 / 44 0:46:85 Embedded --- --- 12-01-22
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Knuckles 5 / 44 0:47:45 Embedded --- --- 12-28-15
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Knuckles 1 / 44 0:44:00 Embedded --- --- 12-01-22
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Cream 6 / 46 0:49:50 Embedded --- --- 12-28-15
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Cream 2 / 46 0:47:65 Embedded --- --- 02-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Cream 1 / 46 0:46:82 Embedded --- --- 12-01-22
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Amy 4 / 30 0:45:95 Embedded --- --- 12-28-15
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Amy 2 / 30 0:45:23 Embedded --- --- 02-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 2 Times Amy 1 / 30 0:43:95 Embedded --- --- 12-01-22
Sonic Advance 2 Aero Egg Bosses Tails 1 / 34 0:06:03 Embedded --- --- 06-15-24
Sonic Advance 2 Aero Egg Bosses Knuckles 2 / 34 0:05:88 Embedded --- --- 02-20-23
Sonic Advance 2 Aero Egg Bosses Cream 3 / 48 0:06:03 Embedded --- --- 06-21-24
Sonic Advance 2 Aero Egg Bosses Amy 1 / 36 0:05:85 Embedded --- --- 12-14-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Sonic 5 / 61 0:45:97 Embedded --- --- 12-26-15
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Sonic 4 / 61 0:44:07 Embedded --- --- 02-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Sonic 1 / 61 0:43:13 Embedded --- --- 11-09-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Tails 5 / 41 0:52:70 Embedded --- --- 12-28-15
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Tails 2 / 41 0:50:27 Embedded --- --- 02-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Tails 1 / 41 0:47:82 Embedded --- --- 11-09-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Knuckles 5 / 42 0:51:45 Embedded --- --- 12-28-15
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Knuckles 2 / 42 0:49:38 Embedded --- --- 02-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Knuckles 1 / 42 0:46:88 Embedded --- --- 11-09-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Cream 5 / 44 0:52:08 Embedded --- --- 12-28-15
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Cream 2 / 44 0:48:70 Embedded --- --- 02-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Cream 1 / 44 0:48:37 Embedded --- --- 11-09-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Amy 4 / 32 0:52:78 Embedded --- --- 12-28-15
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Amy 2 / 32 0:49:75 Embedded --- --- 02-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 1 Times Amy 1 / 32 0:49:60 Embedded --- --- 11-09-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 2 Times Sonic 1 / 57 0:43:30 Embedded --- --- 04-23-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 2 Times Tails 8 / 40 0:57:67 Embedded --- --- 12-29-15
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 2 Times Tails 3 / 40 0:52:07 Embedded --- --- 04-23-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 2 Times Tails 1 / 40 0:51:53 Embedded --- --- 06-28-24
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 2 Times Knuckles 6 / 41 0:54:53 Embedded --- --- 12-29-15
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 2 Times Knuckles 3 / 41 0:50:05 Embedded --- --- 04-23-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 2 Times Knuckles 1 / 41 0:49:50 Embedded --- --- 06-28-24
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 2 Times Cream 7 / 43 0:57:32 Embedded --- --- 12-29-15
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 2 Times Cream 2 / 43 0:52:17 Embedded --- --- 04-23-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 2 Times Cream 1 / 43 0:51:55 Embedded --- --- 06-28-24
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 2 Times Amy 6 / 30 0:54:33 Embedded --- --- 12-29-15
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 2 Times Amy 2 / 30 0:49:60 Embedded --- --- 04-23-22
Sonic Advance 2 Sky Canyon 2 Times Amy 1 / 30 0:49:02 Embedded --- --- 06-28-24
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Saucer Bosses Tails 1 / 32 0:17:73 Embedded --- --- 07-26-24
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Saucer Bosses Knuckles 1 / 33 0:19:05 Embedded --- --- 07-26-24
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Saucer Bosses Amy 2 / 32 0:24:05 Embedded --- --- 07-26-24
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 1 Times Sonic 1 / 60 1:08:17 Embedded --- --- 03-29-22
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 1 Times Tails 5 / 41 1:26:15 Embedded --- --- 12-30-15
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 1 Times Tails 2 / 41 1:19:70 Embedded --- --- 03-29-22
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 1 Times Tails 1 / 41 1:19:62 Embedded --- --- 07-05-24
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 1 Times Knuckles 2 / 38 1:18:63 Embedded --- --- 03-30-22
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 1 Times Knuckles 1 / 38 1:17:78 Embedded --- --- 07-05-24
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 1 Times Cream 5 / 41 1:26:40 Embedded --- --- 12-30-15
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 1 Times Cream 2 / 41 1:21:13 Embedded --- --- 04-01-22
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 1 Times Cream 1 / 41 1:19:07 Embedded --- --- 07-05-24
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 1 Times Amy 5 / 30 1:22:08 Embedded --- --- 12-31-15
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 1 Times Amy 2 / 30 1:15:95 Embedded --- --- 03-31-22
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 1 Times Amy 1 / 30 1:15:75 Embedded --- --- 07-05-24
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 2 Times Sonic 2 / 57 0:38:25 Embedded --- --- 03-18-22
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 2 Times Sonic 1 / 57 0:37:99 Embedded --- --- 08-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 2 Times Tails 9 / 38 0:49:62 Embedded --- --- 12-31-15
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 2 Times Tails 1 / 38 0:46:50 Embedded --- --- 08-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 2 Times Knuckles 5 / 39 0:46:37 Embedded --- --- 12-31-15
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 2 Times Knuckles 4 / 39 0:45:30 Embedded --- --- 03-18-22
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 2 Times Knuckles 1 / 39 0:44:28 Embedded --- --- 08-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 2 Times Cream 6 / 40 0:48:83 Embedded --- --- 12-31-15
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 2 Times Cream 2 / 40 0:46:82 Embedded --- --- 03-18-22
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 2 Times Cream 1 / 40 0:46:38 Embedded --- --- 08-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 2 Times Amy 5 / 29 0:45:47 Embedded --- --- 12-31-15
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 2 Times Amy 4 / 29 0:44:37 Embedded --- --- 03-18-22
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 2 Times Amy 1 / 29 0:43:83 Embedded --- --- 08-25-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg-Go-Round Bosses Sonic 5 / 50 0:09:33 Embedded --- --- 09-12-15
Sonic Advance 2 Egg-Go-Round Bosses Sonic 1 / 50 0:07:87 Embedded --- --- 07-12-24
Sonic Advance 2 Egg-Go-Round Bosses Tails 1 / 33 0:08:27 Embedded --- --- 07-12-24
Sonic Advance 2 Egg-Go-Round Bosses Knuckles 1 / 35 0:08:27 Embedded --- --- 07-12-24
Sonic Advance 2 Egg-Go-Round Bosses Cream 1 / 48 0:06:52 Embedded --- --- 07-12-24
Sonic Advance 2 Egg-Go-Round Bosses Amy 1 / 36 0:08:18 Embedded --- --- 07-12-24
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Sonic 3 / 55 1:09:85 Embedded --- --- 08-26-15
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Sonic 3 / 55 1:06:30 Embedded --- --- 03-04-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Sonic 1 / 55 1:03:70 Embedded --- --- 11-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Tails 5 / 41 1:19:65 Embedded --- --- 12-31-15
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Tails 2 / 41 1:11:85 Embedded --- --- 11-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Tails 1 / 41 1:08:92 Embedded --- --- 07-18-24
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Knuckles 5 / 37 1:18:45 Embedded --- --- 12-31-15
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Knuckles 2 / 37 1:13:72 Embedded --- --- 03-04-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Knuckles 1 / 37 1:12:18 Embedded --- --- 11-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Cream 4 / 39 1:19:23 Embedded --- --- 12-31-15
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Cream 1 / 39 1:13:28 Embedded --- --- 11-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Amy 4 / 31 1:16:72 Embedded --- --- 12-31-15
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Amy 2 / 31 1:13:32 Embedded --- --- 03-04-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 1 Times Amy 1 / 31 1:12:43 Embedded --- --- 11-19-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 2 Times Sonic 4 / 55 1:08:75 Embedded --- --- 08-27-15
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 2 Times Sonic 1 / 55 1:03:33 Embedded --- --- 12-01-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 2 Times Tails 4 / 38 1:21:48 Embedded --- --- 01-11-16
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 2 Times Tails 1 / 38 1:04:58 Embedded --- --- 06-19-24
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 2 Times Knuckles 4 / 38 1:19:23 Embedded --- --- 01-11-16
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 2 Times Knuckles 1 / 38 1:08:70 Embedded --- --- 04-07-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 2 Times Cream 4 / 42 1:21:20 Embedded --- --- 01-11-16
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 2 Times Cream 2 / 42 1:08:07 Embedded --- --- 04-08-22
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 2 Times Cream 1 / 42 1:06:67 Embedded --- --- 07-18-24
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 2 Times Amy 4 / 30 1:17:43 Embedded --- --- 01-12-16
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Utopia 2 Times Amy 1 / 30 1:08:32 Embedded --- --- 04-07-22
Sonic Advance 2 Special Stage 1 Special Anyone 1 / 14 999 Embedded --- --- 03-21-17
Sonic Advance 2 Special Stage 2 Special Anyone 1 / 13 999 Embedded --- --- 03-21-17
Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 1 Times Any Team 7 / 96 0:33:72 Embedded --- --- 04-16-15
Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 1 Times Any Team 5 / 96 0:31:85 Embedded --- --- 09-12-15
Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 1 Times Any Team 2 / 96 0:31:50 Embedded --- --- 12-24-15
Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 1 Times Any Team 1 / 96 0:30:77 Embedded --- --- 03-05-22
Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 2 Times Any Team 3 / 76 0:41:37 Embedded --- --- 02-22-15
Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 2 Times Any Team 5 / 76 0:43:30 Embedded --- --- 07-18-15
Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 3 Times Any Team 7 / 76 0:49:17 Embedded --- --- 03-27-15
Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 3 Times Any Team 6 / 76 0:47:32 Embedded --- --- 09-07-15
Sonic Advance 3 Sunset Hill 2 Times Any Team 9 / 74 0:28:30 Embedded --- --- 04-03-15
Sonic Advance 3 Sunset Hill 3 Times Any Team 3 / 65 0:40:97 Embedded --- --- 09-04-15
Sonic Advance 3 Sunset Hill 3 Times Any Team 1 / 65 0:39:45 Embedded --- --- 03-06-22
Sonic Advance 3 Ocean Base 1 Times Any Team 5 / 60 0:39:68 Embedded --- --- 03-27-15
Sonic Advance 3 Ocean Base 1 Times Any Team 2 / 60 0:37:75 Embedded --- --- 09-12-15
Sonic Advance 3 Ocean Base 2 Times Any Team 4 / 52 1:06:67 Embedded --- --- 03-06-15
Sonic Advance 3 Ocean Base 2 Times Any Team 2 / 52 1:03:08 Embedded --- --- 07-18-15
Sonic Advance 3 Ocean Base 2 Times Any Team 1 / 52 0:58:65 Embedded --- --- 02-26-22
Sonic Advance 3 Ocean Base 3 Times Any Team 6 / 60 0:42:87 Embedded --- --- 03-31-15
Sonic Advance 3 Toy Kingdom 1 Times Any Team 4 / 55 0:39:17 Embedded --- --- 04-05-15
Sonic Advance 3 Toy Kingdom 2 Times Any Team 3 / 49 0:47:72 Embedded --- --- 07-18-15
Sonic Advance 3 Toy Kingdom 3 Times Any Team 6 / 51 1:03:88 Embedded --- --- 07-18-15
Sonic Advance 3 Toy Kingdom 3 Times Any Team 1 / 51 0:58:78 Embedded --- --- 02-22-22
Sonic Advance 3 Twinkle Snow 1 Times Any Team 4 / 61 0:40:75 Embedded --- --- 07-19-15
Sonic Advance 3 Twinkle Snow 1 Times Any Team 2 / 61 0:39:35 Embedded --- --- 12-24-15
Sonic Advance 3 Twinkle Snow 1 Times Any Team 2 / 61 0:38:40 Embedded --- --- 02-19-16
Sonic Advance 3 Twinkle Snow 1 Times Any Team 1 / 61 0:37:73 Embedded --- --- 03-28-22
Sonic Advance 3 Twinkle Snow 2 Times Any Team 3 / 54 0:59:80 Embedded --- --- 08-29-15
Sonic Advance 3 Twinkle Snow 2 Times Any Team 1 / 54 0:27:63 Embedded --- --- 02-04-17
Sonic Advance 3 Twinkle Snow 3 Times Any Team 3 / 55 0:51:83 Embedded --- --- 04-05-15
Sonic Advance 3 Twinkle Snow 3 Times Any Team 1 / 55 0:48:17 Embedded --- --- 03-20-22
Sonic Advance 3 Cyber Track 1 Times Any Team 4 / 61 0:34:88 Embedded --- --- 03-10-15
Sonic Advance 3 Cyber Track 1 Times Any Team 3 / 61 0:34:22 Embedded --- --- 03-12-22
Sonic Advance 3 Cyber Track 2 Times Any Team 5 / 48 0:34:00 Embedded --- --- 04-04-15
Sonic Advance 3 Cyber Track 2 Times Any Team 1 / 48 0:31:00 Embedded --- --- 08-26-22
Sonic Advance 3 Cyber Track 3 Times Any Team 1 / 46 1:23:02 Embedded --- --- 07-24-15
Sonic Advance 3 Chaos Angel 1 Times Any Team 4 / 50 1:19:87 Embedded --- --- 03-26-15
Sonic Advance 3 Chaos Angel 2 Times Any Team 3 / 46 1:19:02 Embedded --- --- 03-29-15
Sonic Advance 3 Chaos Angel 2 Times Any Team 1 / 46 1:06:85 Embedded --- --- 04-09-22
Sonic Advance 3 Chaos Angel 3 Times Any Team 3 / 49 0:34:05 Embedded --- --- 03-29-15
Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 Boss Bosses Any Team 4 / 50 0:59:20 Embedded --- --- 04-16-15
Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 Boss Bosses Any Team 4 / 50 0:59:13 Embedded --- --- 09-12-15
Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 Boss Bosses Any Team 2 / 50 0:58:55 Embedded --- --- 09-18-15
Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 Boss Bosses Any Team 2 / 50 0:58:47 Embedded --- --- 02-13-22
Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 Boss Bosses Any Team 1 / 50 0:58:43 Embedded --- --- 04-11-22
Sonic Advance 3 Sunset Hill Boss Bosses Any Team 3 / 51 0:35:87 Embedded --- --- 07-18-15
Sonic Advance 3 Sunset Hill Boss Bosses Any Team 2 / 51 0:34:90 Embedded --- --- 09-19-15
Sonic Advance 3 Sunset Hill Boss Bosses Any Team 1 / 51 0:34:82 Embedded --- --- 02-19-22
Sonic Advance 3 Ocean Base Boss Bosses Any Team 7 / 50 0:40:85 Embedded --- --- 03-07-15
Sonic Advance 3 Ocean Base Boss Bosses Any Team 2 / 50 0:39:18 Embedded --- --- 09-19-15
Sonic Advance 3 Ocean Base Boss Bosses Any Team 1 / 50 0:38:73 Embedded --- --- 07-02-24
Sonic Advance 3 Toy Kingdom Boss Bosses Any Team 1 / 46 1:32:75 Embedded --- --- 03-07-15
Sonic Advance 3 Twinkle Snow Boss Bosses Any Team 2 / 47 0:37:38 Embedded --- --- 08-29-15
Sonic Advance 3 Twinkle Snow Boss Bosses Any Team 1 / 47 0:36:88 Embedded --- --- 12-06-22
Sonic Advance 3 Cyber Track Boss Bosses Any Team 1 / 38 0:51:57 Embedded --- --- 03-15-15
Sonic Advance 3 Chaos Angel Boss Bosses Any Team 1 / 43 0:40:82 Embedded --- --- 03-29-15
Sonic Advance 3 Altar Emerald Bosses Any Team 1 / 34 0:41:40 Embedded --- --- 03-29-15
Sonic Advance 3 Nonaggression Bosses Any Team 6 / 26 0:49:77 Embedded --- --- 03-30-15
Sonic Advance 3 Special Stage 2 Special Any Team 1 / 15 263 Embedded --- --- 03-30-15
Sonic Advance 3 Special Stage 3 Special Any Team 1 / 13 268 Embedded --- --- 04-01-15
Sonic Advance 3 Special Stage 4 Special Any Team 1 / 12 272 Embedded --- --- 04-02-15
Sonic Advance 3 Special Stage 5 Special Any Team 1 / 11 275 Embedded --- --- 04-04-15
Sonic Advance 3 Special Stage 6 Special Any Team 1 / 11 323 Embedded --- --- 09-06-15
Sonic Rush Leaf Storm 1 Times Sonic 12 / 120 0:38:96 Embedded --- --- 08-29-16
Sonic Rush Leaf Storm 1 Times Blaze 7 / 57 0:42:57 Embedded --- --- 08-31-16
Sonic Rush Leaf Storm 2 Times Sonic 9 / 94 0:59:33 Embedded --- --- 08-19-16
Sonic Rush Leaf Storm 2 Times Blaze 5 / 50 0:59:20 Embedded --- --- 08-20-16
Sonic Rush Water Palace 1 Times Sonic 5 / 87 0:49:79 Embedded --- --- 09-22-16
Sonic Rush Water Palace 1 Times Blaze 7 / 50 0:52:89 Embedded --- --- 09-22-16
Sonic Rush Water Palace 2 Times Sonic 8 / 63 1:05:79 Embedded --- --- 08-13-16
Sonic Rush Water Palace 2 Times Blaze 6 / 41 1:09:86 Embedded --- --- 08-16-16
Sonic Rush Mirage Road 1 Times Sonic 6 / 70 2:08:55 Embedded --- --- 08-15-16
Sonic Rush Mirage Road 2 Times Sonic 6 / 59 2:22:13 Embedded --- --- 08-16-16
Sonic Rush Mirage Road 2 Times Blaze 5 / 34 2:24:54 Embedded --- --- 09-01-16
Sonic Rush Night Carnival 1 Times Sonic 7 / 70 1:12:00 Embedded --- --- 08-17-16
Sonic Rush Night Carnival 1 Times Blaze 7 / 44 1:17:33 Embedded --- --- 09-19-16
Sonic Rush Night Carnival 2 Times Sonic 7 / 49 2:02:28 Embedded --- --- 08-21-16
Sonic Rush Night Carnival 2 Times Blaze 7 / 36 2:11:47 Embedded --- --- 08-22-16
Sonic Rush Huge Crisis 1 Times Sonic 8 / 62 1:19:64 Embedded --- --- 08-16-16
Sonic Rush Huge Crisis 2 Times Sonic 5 / 49 1:40:25 Embedded --- --- 08-24-16
Sonic Rush Huge Crisis 2 Times Blaze 5 / 35 1:37:43 Embedded --- --- 08-24-16
Sonic Rush Altitude Limit 1 Times Sonic 7 / 52 1:58:96 Embedded --- --- 08-22-16
Sonic Rush Altitude Limit 1 Times Blaze 5 / 33 2:03:50 Embedded --- --- 08-23-16
Sonic Rush Altitude Limit 2 Times Sonic 7 / 41 2:12:37 Embedded --- --- 08-24-16
Sonic Rush Altitude Limit 2 Times Blaze 6 / 32 2:10:62 Embedded --- --- 08-24-16
Sonic Rush Dead Line 1 Times Sonic 5 / 50 1:35:57 Embedded --- --- 08-29-16
Sonic Rush Dead Line 1 Times Blaze 3 / 31 1:43:30 Embedded --- --- 08-29-16
Sonic Rush Dead Line 2 Times Sonic 6 / 46 1:49:65 Embedded --- --- 08-26-16
Sonic Rush Dead Line 2 Times Blaze 4 / 31 2:04:49 Embedded --- --- 08-26-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Plant Kingdom 2 Times Sonic 5 / 41 0:42:43 Embedded --- --- 09-01-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Plant Kingdom 2 Times Blaze 4 / 34 0:44:42 Embedded --- --- 09-01-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Rex Bosses Sonic 3 / 35 0:51:59 Embedded --- --- 09-09-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Rex Bosses Blaze 4 / 29 1:10:50 Embedded --- --- 09-09-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Machine Labyrinth 1 Times Sonic 5 / 40 1:02:84 Embedded --- --- 09-02-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Machine Labyrinth 1 Times Blaze 3 / 29 1:06:60 Embedded --- --- 09-03-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Machine Labyrinth 2 Times Sonic 4 / 35 1:06:23 Embedded --- --- 09-17-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Machine Labyrinth 2 Times Blaze 3 / 29 1:08:08 Embedded --- --- 09-17-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Coral Cave 1 Times Sonic 5 / 37 1:08:62 Embedded --- --- 09-15-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Coral Cave 1 Times Blaze 3 / 26 1:10:43 Embedded --- --- 09-17-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Coral Cave 2 Times Sonic 4 / 32 1:34:18 Embedded --- --- 09-19-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Coral Cave 2 Times Blaze 3 / 24 1:37:89 Embedded --- --- 09-19-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Haunted Ship 1 Times Sonic 3 / 32 0:56:76 Embedded --- --- 09-03-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Haunted Ship 1 Times Blaze 4 / 29 0:58:67 Embedded --- --- 09-05-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Haunted Ship 2 Times Sonic 4 / 28 0:41:37 Embedded --- --- 09-12-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Haunted Ship 2 Times Blaze 4 / 29 0:45:77 Embedded --- --- 09-10-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Pirate Bosses Blaze 3 / 25 0:33:84 Embedded --- --- 09-14-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Blizzard Peaks 1 Times Blaze 3 / 30 0:59:27 Embedded --- --- 09-06-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Blizzard Peaks 2 Times Sonic 4 / 33 0:54:69 Embedded --- --- 09-22-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Blizzard Peaks 2 Times Blaze 3 / 23 0:58:52 Embedded --- --- 09-21-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Sky Babylon 1 Times Blaze 3 / 26 1:29:84 Embedded --- --- 09-21-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Pirates' Island 2 Times Sonic 2 / 31 1:44:57 Embedded --- --- 09-10-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Pirates' Island 2 Times Blaze 2 / 17 1:48:79 Embedded --- --- 09-09-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 1 Times Sonic 4 / 44 0:10:35 Embedded --- --- 09-01-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 1 Times Blaze 5 / 40 0:09:37 Embedded --- --- 09-01-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 5 Times Sonic 2 / 30 0:12:96 Embedded --- --- 09-17-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 5 Times Blaze 2 / 29 0:12:40 Embedded --- --- 09-17-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 7 Times Sonic 2 / 28 0:15:54 Embedded --- --- 09-10-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 7 Times Blaze 4 / 23 0:16:21 Embedded --- --- 09-10-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 8 Times Sonic 2 / 27 1:00:57 Embedded --- --- 09-18-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 8 Times Blaze 2 / 23 1:02:89 Embedded --- --- 09-18-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 9 Times Sonic 3 / 31 0:10:49 Embedded --- --- 09-18-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 9 Times Blaze 4 / 25 0:11:52 Embedded --- --- 09-18-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 12 Times Sonic 3 / 23 0:19:59 Embedded --- --- 09-17-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 12 Times Blaze 2 / 20 0:21:27 Embedded --- --- 09-17-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 16 Times Sonic 2 / 31 0:37:32 Embedded --- --- 09-08-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 16 Times Blaze 3 / 22 0:41:57 Embedded --- --- 09-08-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Blue Emerald Times Sonic 4 / 30 0:55:79 Embedded --- --- 09-10-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Yellow Emerald Times Sonic 4 / 30 0:39:79 Embedded --- --- 09-15-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Green Emerald Times Sonic 5 / 25 0:48:34 Embedded --- --- 09-21-16
Sonic Rush Adventure White Emerald Times Sonic 2 / 24 0:47:99 Embedded --- --- 09-19-16
Sonic Rush Adventure Light Blue Emerald Times Sonic 2 / 24 0:55:85 Embedded --- --- 09-21-16
Sonic Colors DS Starlight Carnival 1 Times Sonic 6 / 24 1:10:43 Embedded --- --- 01-08-16
Sonic Colors DS Asteroid Coaster 1 Times Sonic 6 / 21 1:36:32 Embedded --- --- 01-08-16
Sonic Colors DS Skullian Bosses Sonic 3 / 23 0:23:65 Embedded --- --- 04-15-17

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Player ID: 5630
Hits: 3,943 | Hits This Month: 36 | DB Calls: 18 | Mem Usage: 1.48 MB | Time: 0.66s | Printable

The Sonic Center v3.9
Copyright 2003-2011 by The Sonic Center Team.