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General Sonic / Sonic Heroes: The truth about the Super Glide
« on: February 22, 2014, 09:09:33 pm »
I found it before DsS, in Egg Fleet, 4 weeks ago:
In this video, I thought it was a simple super useful trick for every version. I told about this trick to THC98, since he's doing a T-Sonic Story TAS, but he said this trick wasn't possible for GC. And there I saw I found it, not DsS. Two members of TSC comented that video thinking the same I did.
We all thought that DsS discovered it because he's da best and I'm not known as him.
In this video, I thought it was a simple super useful trick for every version. I told about this trick to THC98, since he's doing a T-Sonic Story TAS, but he said this trick wasn't possible for GC. And there I saw I found it, not DsS. Two members of TSC comented that video thinking the same I did.
We all thought that DsS discovered it because he's da best and I'm not known as him.
Hiya Folks / After one month and four days...I'll say hi!
« on: September 07, 2013, 03:14:10 pm »
Hello guys! Here I am, RafaelMSantos2010, the true Shadow the Hedgehog(because I'm really serious when I make a joke or try to face against my brothers). Today is the Independence's Day in Brazil. I'm a pure versatile player of Sonic games, but I'm not really good. Well, I'm fast, as everyone I know around here. I'm not here to everyone say hi to me. I'm here to say hi to everyone, especially who's new around here, the TSC, where everyone speaks English to understand the others and reads the rules before submitting.
Rules Revisions / The problem in S4E1 ranking for IOS and Android
« on: August 10, 2013, 04:43:02 pm »
We, players in IOS and Android, need a ranking for Casino Street and Lost Labirinth, both in Act 2.
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