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Messages - finalrush7_

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Oh, it was Zealous you meant! Well, right, you're not the old FR masta, you're still the masta at it =D
I actually didn't even notice Zealous being in front of me... <_<

What I also noticed when I observed Jawzun's vid is that at around 30 seconds, he is 0.8 seconds behind me, yet my final time was only 0.63 better than his. So there is *shudder* some room for improvement. But I'm definitely not going into that!!!

Well, my eyes are still perfectly fine, I have sharp 120% vision on both (just went to the doc yesterday), but they sure did hurt a bit. But it's not the first time that this happened (hmm, November 2008?) so I know it'll be gone within days. Yeah my job is actually a really awesome one, but being 6+ hours in front of a PC sucks. I hate that.. and I'm not sure where to set the refresh rate to 70 hertz..?
But I know about the different you were talking about. My friend just bought the new Panasonic TV with 600 hertz, and damn that thing is like another dimension! Everything is just so clear and fluid and vivid!

Taking a break, yeah. I can't do score attacking for too long until I get pissed off, so that's my next plan! Too bad I forgot to submit my scores yesterday.. <_<

odds are i'll end up taking the plunge again :/
That's awesome to hear! Just make sure to take things slowly in the beginning, especially as the competition is calming down a little bit. And then it'll suddenly go like BOOOM again! <_<

Yeah, I know that you are above me, CE(and overall) Masta!!
Sure brings good old memories back, but it looks a bit weird that the time was submitted in 2007 <_<

Oh.. very easy question to be honest. Fact is, I can't even describe how impossible 1:35 would be. Impossible, impossibler, impossiblest? Most impossiblest?
The chance of me being the complete time champion is higher than getting such a time.

Also, the chances of sub40 SR1 aren't even THAT off, to be honest. Think back a month or two and tell me who would have thought that even sub41 would be possible? Definitely not me. The same might happen this time. Or a crazy newcomer (I always like to mention that :D) comes around and beats it, or some little tricks are found. The time is at .62 now, a bit more than half a second - one cut and the barrier is in sight!

I also don't want to play any SR1 anymore until something new is found, because should I actually happen to slightly lower my time by 0.1 seconds or so, I'd be pretty pissed off because this is actually the first time I have my best time on video. No 2:07 in Final Rush, and no 2:22 or even 2:25 on Final Chase that were recorded.

Yeah I think as soon as the beginning is down, M5 shouldn't take too long. Though honestly said, I think I need a break from this game, or gaming in general. I work on Mondays-Fridays (always in front of a PC <_<), and I've been playing SA2:B for the last two weeks for more than 5 hours a day!! (More than 8 on weekends). Idk, but it's just a bit too much for me. I've been rubbing my eyes a lot lately. I don't think I'll be playing more than an hour in the next few days/weeks.

Though a few days of rest and finalrush7 is back on track! I've been feeling the urge to do some score attacking lately, so I'm pretty soon gonna submit all my scores probably so I have the better overview on what to concentrate next.
But I also want you to get back into the game, so beating your Crazy Gadget time will in inevitable for me!

Wikkity! / Re: I'm Leaving TSC You Bastards
« on: October 29, 2009, 06:09:37 am »
Anyway, if I get a record...will people be bothering me too?
You'll get banned immediately.

I haven't had a successful Perfect Switch on M5 yet, gonna try that later today. And I think I'm using the same route as you do, but the best time I can reach the first checkpoint at is 0:16. This is already 4 seconds slower compared to M1. That, plus the fact that you lose time after the rail switch on the last platforming section over M1, I'm losing way more than 5 seconds on the way...
Oh well, I'll just play some more today.

1:35 is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE, not only for me, for everyone. I wouldn't even make it with the "one-check speedshoe trick". <_< =D

EDIT: Wow, even Jawzun said that this looked perfect. ;D

Thanks guys ^_^

I'm not sure what's next, but most probably Sky Rail 5, as long as I have the skill. But I have a hard time finding an optimal route at the beginning, I'm losing a lot of time there I think.. And from what I've read from various comments, it seems that after the rail switch even an AWESOME jump doesn't get you to the higher platform. I was never able to do it, so I guess that must be true?

SR5 aside, I'm definitely beating Paragod's Crazy Gadget record and hope this will act as a little motivation for him (he mentioned something like that briefly in a previous post).
I also want sub1:45 on City Escape, but that is just so damn difficult for me.. <_< I actually have a lot of plans and don't even know where to start. Sub26 in Green Hill for example.

Yeah, the times leadership... but this will most probably be a dream forever because of all the mech and hunting levels...

~Video is coming in less than 20 minutes!!

I'm doing my best <_< The vid is over 100 MB big because I got the run like on the 30th life, and encoding that takes some time.. It may even not finish today... :(

- Please don't die =D

You thought my 2:22 in Final Chase was good? Yeah? Yeah, I thought so, too. But what is this, then? TAS? I call it "Pure Perfection"!

Sky Rail - 40.62

And what's more awesome than this time? Right, the fact that I have it recorded!

Oh man, never would I have thought that such a time would be possible. But seriously, I see absolutely no flaws in this run.
...Still gotta encode/edit the vid, but you can definitely look forward to it!

I'm not exactly sure if I can get M5 that easily, but it's definitely coming up next!!

I made a stupid mistakes at work and had to stay a bit longer so I just got home an hour ago.. Of course I immediately went onto recording a run, and I entered the level with 50 lives. After a few practice runs, I set the camera up and I instantly had a perfect run with a perfect switch. I don't know what happened at the end, but I got stuck somewhere and the run was screwed! I still saved the vid should I not get anything better later on.
Then nothing good came out for another 30 runs, but suddenly I had a semi-perfect run (lost 0.1 seconds on the way), but I slightly screwed up at the end again and the final time was 41.30. Again, I saved the vid, should I not get anything better anymore. Well, then I just kinda ran out of lives and now I'm posting this.

Gonna go eat something now, then I'm meeting a friend later on, and I might do some more recording later today, but I fear I won't have much time left when I get home. Though I will say again that you will all see a run better than Jawzun's very soon, and with a bit luck, the broken 41 barrier will be recorded as well (no guarantee for that though <_<)!

I am really out of ways to congratulate you anymore and I feel silly saying the same things over and I'll just simply say: YOU DA MASTA!
Thanks Paragod ^_^
I know exactly how you mean it! And it means a lot to me!!

Btw: This is the 700th post!! =)

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One try later:


Even with a small mistake at the end that UNFORTUNATELY cost me a SUB41!!
Pretty perfect run until the rail switch, Perfect Switch naturally, everything else was executed perfectly except that the last hill shot me up, but a quick homing attack and I touched the goal ring. Probably only lost 0.1 seconds or so (yeah, and lost sub41 with that.. <_<)

Still, it feels VERY VERY AWESOME to get a record in a non-Final stage!
I'll definitely record tomorrow and see if I can get something good on camera (and yes, there a high chance I can!).

Oh, I see you're a funny guy.

EDIT: Messed up a perfect run with a Perfect Switch. I hate myself, this would have been a sub41 one!!!

EDIT 2: Hmm, so I just had a decent run with the perfect rail switch and got 41.52... Maybe it's not saving a whole second..
Still, a good run and the perfect switch will get me the record! I can already smell it. -.-'

Haven't had the time to try the trick in WJ, but I'll do that later on and tell you if it worked or not.
Yes, I am insanely close! I know I can get 41.1 if everything works out with an excellent rail switch, and should the "perfect switch" happen then the door beyond 41 is open!
And after I get the record, I'm calling this Final Rail <_<

Actually, screw what I said about the Perfect Switch, with some more testing (I can do it 3 times out of 72 now - 1/24 - roughly 4% success rate) I came to the result that the time saved is definitely in the range of a second..!!
Well, well...

Yes, the Perfect Switch! I think you misread that, I never said I'm not going to include it in a run, I just said that I don't know how I did it exactly, so I'll have to play the level so many times until I get a really good run and the Perfect Switch works out. Record is going to be mine, I can guarantee you that. The question is only when..
I can't wait for the vids btw!!

And Imma try this instaspindash-vine trick.. see how that works out.. I never thought of something like that before <_< =D

On another positive note though, I found a new timesaver (0.2 seconds roughly) in Sky Rail!! Though it's pretty hard to pull off, but that is usually the case with any new trick.. so yeah ^^

EDIT: 41.42!!!!!
Wooohoooooo, gonna need to rename this level sooner than I thought!! Rail switch was pretty good, but it can be slightly better. I also lost a tiny little bit of time before the last rail. And the 0.2 second timesaver I was talking about before.. no, it doesn't work.. =(

Yeah I knew the rail switch was only "okay" and thus the second was was a bit slower than usual. I've compared it to another run I had saved and noticed that I definitely lost some time there. I may even break the record without the "perfect switch", but then the run will have to be perfect. I've got some more time to play today and tomorrow, so I hope that'll be enough. Weekend's gonna be pretty busy <_<

Should I not get the record today then I can at least borrow the cam from the my friend again tomorrow and then I may even have a recorded record! But should it happen today... oh well <_<

41/41 would be a final goal of course. Even if we have 85%+ now, it's still far away. After SR1 come the other missions of SR and the inevitable FC2 as well. Lots to do!!

Good news! I got a cam from a friend today! (And only for today) <_<

Oh well, went into the level with 99 lives, cam set up and ready to record and got a 42:34 pretty soon. Not bad I thought, and kept on playing. 20 lives later, a sub42 happened again! 41.92!!

Awesome!, I thought, but my goal was it to record something better than yoshi's 41.79 time. Well, I did get a better time at life #52, but it still doesn't beat yoshi's <_<

Still a new record for me! 41.80!!!

I won't edit the vid and put it on YT because what's the point of having only the third best run up there that also loses in the quality aspect? Yeah, there's no use for it on YT, not unless I at least beat yoshi's time.
Oh well, you should still see it, I'll be putting it on tinypic quite soon. The quality is slightly better than usual =D What an embarrasing moment for the run to happen though, as my brother was listening to a radio station and they played a song form Britney Spears at that exact time. <_< The sound is also a bit desynced anyways, so you better just turn the sound off!!



Anyway, about the run. First 12 seconds were just perfect, then I know a lost a little time between 0:14 and 0:25 (probably loading the first/third spindash on the pumpkins) because looking at it in frame-by-frame mode and comparing it to my 41:92 run, I lost around 0.1 seconds. I lost a little bit of time during the second rail switch (you can hit the rail a bit earlier) and I somehow have the feeling that I've done the second rail slower than usual. Maybe it's because I hit it slightly later than usual? Not too sure on that. The rest of the run was pretty much perfectly executed from what I can tell.
I am honestly not sure if I lost some time during the jump from the rail to the first pumpkin, but I guess only Jawzun/yoshi can tell me that.

So 0.1 seconds of loss before the rail, hitting the second rail slightly later also lost me around 0.1 seconds + if what I'm feeling is true and I did grind the second rail a bit slower than always (a rough guess would be that I lost half a second there?), that would be make around a difference of 0.7 seconds!! And even if it's a bit less, the record is definitely in reach!!!

EDIT numero due:
Wow, I just experienced the "perfect rail switch" Brian was talking about in this post:
there's a trick in the rail switch after he last check, instead of jumping on the other rail, you can get to it with a normal rail switch, of course it's harder to do, but it can save a good amount of time.
Not only did I naturally save time by not having to jump for the little while, but Shadow was also incredibly fast on the second rail. This is a huuuge 0.7+ seconds timesaver!!!! Man, should I ever get this nailed in a good run the record is mine for sure.

Official confirmation: sub41 is possible!

Hmm, so Brian is affected, too. Well, I guess I'm not at that stage yet (but I was for like 3 times though)..
Can't do anything but hope that you guys will have fun again soon! Until then, the only thing I can do is to keep on playing :P

Hahaha nice joke... really.. I mean.. nice..

Wait, you're not joking, are you?..... I'm sure you'll come back to this game, you just need a bit of rest. Like a month or two, or even half a year like before.. I mean, you've gone through this before. Remember the time before the keydoor skip was made possible? As soon as we were able to go through the door, you got back into the game with setting a new record in Pyramid Cave.
I'm sure something like that will happen again!

Until then, have fun doing something else!


I was just "warming up" and expecting a 43 run or so so I could practice more tomorrow for a 42 and then something like this happens!! Rail switch was good, but could be better. The first 14 second were pure perfection (it's not that hard, happens ever 20th time).

On the first rail switch however, Jawzun does a real rail switch with pressing A while holding the control stick to the left. Not only does Shadow sometimes still jump (meaning with aura around him) when I hold left and press A (he shouldn't do that then..), but I also can't seem to reach the pumpkin when Shadow rarely decides to do the real rail switch.. I'll still have to look into that.

But damn man, the sub42 I could never get back then is finally mine! I need to record this, then maybe you guys can help me out as well. Now let's see which one of my friends has a decent camera..

CG5 is next, yes. And I may try for the CG3 record, but it's already ours, so I'll leave that one out, maybe.. Not too sure. I feel like it's not the right time for going for records now because I still can't record for another month...

Good to hear that this is allowed, and this should definitely go into our plans, because when you have one speedshoe, you don't need to shindash jump to the last platform with the spring on the edge, you can just jump to it if you B+A'ed before. Quite a time saver if you ask me. It may even be worth a hit from an enemy somewhere!

I'm also getting back into Sky Rail. I've watched Jawzun's run a few times and noticed that it isn't completely impossible to beat that time.
But seriously, I have too many things on my To Do List.. there's at least one thing in every of the 11 levels that I want to achieve or tape!!

It may not look hard, but it's actually not that easy for me. Well, I haven't really practiced it yet, so it works every 5th time for me as of now. Should go down to at least 33% soon!

M3 is still not that perfect, I may even be able to take it sub2:30, but that would have to be a really awesome run, somewhere near the quality of M1. Oh well, I just made sure at least no one is going to catch up that soon. I was a bit afraid because yoshi had just a "good run" with a "so-so" last tube, and I was only like 3 seconds away from him, so yeah..
Of course the 254 retries were combined. How could I get that many lives anyway? lol

And about M2.. I haven't really tried during the past two days, but I guess I'll dedicate some time to it looking for some time savers.. Though my expectations aren't that big. >_>
And I'll be working on a decent CG3 time tomorrow, my time of over 2 minutes is just unacceptable. <_<

EDIT: IT'S HERE!!! I did it! The second person to sub1:40 on CG1! YES!
And I've got one more surprise! Even though I had to restart at the last check twice, I got to it in an unbelievable time of 1:29:99!
I had a perfect beginning with a 37 check naturally (somewhere around .8 I would say..) and my new shortcut worked almost perfectly (lost around 0.1-0.2 seconds), so I didn't have to restart at the 37 check.
Anything else in the run was pretty perfect for my standards. B+A came almost instantly after the 3 ACs near the end, and I successfully skipped the spring at 1:04 as usual.

If this run was a checkless one, I'd have sub1:39(!!!) because I strangely happened to have 80-89 rings when I touched the last check, so I got a speedshoe (Wait, is that even allowed? <_<)! Too mad I missed the last chain of rings (yes, I light dash them. I find it to be equally fast, but easier to pull off than 2 spindashes)..
Last check loses you around 0.6-0.8 seconds I guess, so with the speedshoe... yes, I could have gotten 1:38.8x or something.

I think this is it from me for CG. At least for mission 1. It has cost me a lot of nerves lately because I desperately wanted a sub1:40. And there's a German saying saying that you should stop when you're at the best/highest or whatever.. I can't really translate it that well.. <_<
And Para, I have the feeling that sub1:39 is more than possible for you, you should go for it!

Another edit, I just snagged the 2nd place in CG3. Wasn't really hard, because my new trick is working 100% for me now!

Thanks Brian! I felt like the M3 record should be quite a bit lower when I looked at the progress of my M5 time and saw how yoshi showed me that the record wasn't very good <_<

Yeah the cut is coming very soon. It will be edited into this post!

2-3 seconds sure is a hard task. I still have no vid of CG, so that's stupid as well.. (Luckily I still had 11MB left on the memory card and the shortcut vid is only 10 seconds long, else I wouldn't be able to record even that..)

This time, the cut isn't so easy to pull off, so you'll gotta see if you can incorporate that into a checkless run like you usually do. But hey, you used my huge through the door in PC shortcut in a checkless run, so you should be able to do this, too!

I don't exactly know which ring chain you mean before the 44 check..? Can you explain that a bit more in-depth for me? Sorry..

And honestly, I think my CG1 road will end somewhere at 1:39.7x or higher. I don't see ANY chance of me getting ANY lower. And it's not a Final Stage, so I guess the record isn't supposed to be mine. :P
But you should definitely go for sub1:39 at least! My new trick plus the one of Brian you mentioned should save you the needed time!

Here's the cut!
I'm surprised the sound of me hitting the A button is so loud <_<

254. That's the number of retries it took me from the last checkpoint in Final Chase until the last tube gave me a perfect run without any stops and without touching any electric barrier plus the jump to the Chao without the pulley. Can't complain about these 254 retires, even if they took away 4+ hours of my life. It's very rare for me to stay at home on Saturday evenings, so I might as well do something "good" <_< Oh well, I definitely can't complain. You should know what I'm talking about as soon as you see my new FC3 stat!!!

Yes, I meant AM.
And I meant meant that I would have to PAY $60 or something..

You clearly notice all the errors because I was really tired when I posted that.. <_<

Yeah don't worry, I didn't think of you being impatient or whatever.. Just wanted to tell you what's going on :P Of course I remember our 2:11.64 tie! But do you remember the 2:0.79 tie? That was the first time I went through Final Rush without any checks. That sure was awesome for me (and neither of our times were rounded up =P)

EDIT: Awesome new check time in Crazy Gadget! I managed to hit the first check at 37.72! And of course right after that I ran into a robot. <_<

EDIT 2: I think I found a timesaver in CG! Not too sure how much time it saves, could be from 0.2 to almost a whole second! A video of the cut is to come very soon!

Hmm, got home an hour ago.. eating something and then going to bed.. not much to do at 3:45 pm xD

Yes, if anything happens to my GC I will still have the Wii, but if the controller dies on me I'm doomed. Not only would it be ridiculously hard to find one, but I'd also had to play probably $60 for it <_< But I'm usually the calm person who doesn't throw controllers at walls. If I get upset, I rather punch the wall..

Ah yes, I see what you're getting it. Too bad I forgot the file at work so I will probably be able continue on it on Monday..

2:06, lol.... NEVER!!! Or do you want me to commit suicide <_<
But didn't you say you recorded a 2:08 somewhere?

They aren't just rare, they're completely gone. It's even impossible to find a Gamecube controller here!
Yeah the beginning is full of surprises, as doing the exact same thing twice gets you tow different times.. <_< Guess you'll just have to have a really lucky beginning and finish the level off perfectly.

And I remember this pic =)
Of course, how could I ever forget it! But.. why bringing this up now? Did I miss something? Are we tied somewhere again?

Hmm, I was only able to play for 20 minutes now, but I noticed that I'm doing pretty good on Final Rush again! Been a goal of me to record something at least equal to my 2:09 run just with a quality where you can actually SEE something..

Uff, if I continue doing well, I might as well make a video of that. Probably with 99 lives though, because I'm not up for torture.. <_<

Also tried some GF5 today.. best I could get was 1:50 <_< My personal best is 1:47, but I'm sure I can cut at least 10 seconds there if I really try!

0:12 check is definitely possible, I had a 13.07 and a 0:13.09 once!

Anyways, good luck to both of you! I wish I could compete with you because I feel like I've gotten really good at GF, but yeah.. <_< someone wanna sponsor me a DC? :D

And did you ever think of the possibility that we don't live in the same time zones? Boy that must be a shocker!

Brian and I have MSN, but we're practically never on at the same time..

I guess kairi_pso is the third brother of our Brazilian friends, huh? Welcome to the topic <_< .. lol

Wow Para your new times are really good, and you saying that you could do much better is even more amazing! With all the new cuts you guys could even break the sub1:20 barrier... (and I'll break the sub1:30 one at least!)
But it's really bugging me that the invisible floor is a DC only trick, so I want to find out the EXACT TIME it saves in a perfect run so I could at least compete with you in that way! Brian said that the floor saves 8 seconds, but I figured it must be a little less, because if it really saves 8 seconds then I would be the record holder (1:31 -> 1:23), which I doubt I am.. <_<

Glad to see my new shortcut (not new to brian T_T) helped you out, Para! It's really easy to pull off and saves almost half a second (got that some quickly testing it yesterday, could be a little more or a little less).

you can do the SS trick in CE.
hmm, how? I tried it yesterday and found out that getting a speed shoe from the checkpoint and a speedshoe in the box (when being sent off that ramp at around 0:47 in a speedrun) doesn't give you a faster speed forever. Guess it needs to be 2 speedshoes from checkpoint for that trick to work. Either that, or I just did something wrong.. (but what's there to do wrong? <_<)

there is NO other level in the game with more ways to get screwed over than this one!
City Escape, Final Rush (especially that), Final Chase, Radical Highway. No?

Oh and Brian I meant to ask you if you ever thought about making a White Jungle mission 1 vid? I'm stuck on a 1:38 there forever and feel like I'm definitely missing out on something.

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