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Messages - Muzozavr

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Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: September 20, 2008, 04:51:39 am »
I'm asking someone to replicate it because it's funny, but I can't do it again. :(

Remember the "go too fast and die" glitch in GHZ1? Well, I somehow managed to do it in MZ1 -- TWICE. And can't do it again to record the giz.
I jumped onto the first big slope, and rolled... across the platforms, then across the lava sequence without a scratch... and then died at the second slope due to being too fast. :D
Can someone pull it off and record?

Competition Central / Re: Holy crap, my first perfect stat!
« on: September 20, 2008, 03:00:27 am »
I've done LZ2, as you've suggested, some time ago. But right now, I also successfully RAed LZ3!

I always tried to backtrack to the shortcut route after the top one and failed spectaculalry.
Today I check the record, and it's the same as simply going through the top route! F**k!
Then I check the lower route, and it indeed has no rings!

General Sonic / Re: Your type of RA: the puzzle or the trick?
« on: September 20, 2008, 02:08:16 am »
I hate bugs in a RA really. Some are more or less well known, and some can be logically deduced if you know a little about the game engine, but sometimes you're just reduced to trying stupid stuff in hopes of finding stuff so stupid that the game can't deal with it and produces a glitch.
(And no, won't vote)

General Sonic / Your type of RA: the puzzle or the trick?
« on: September 19, 2008, 05:02:36 pm »
So, what's your favorite RA? The ones that are complex logically, but can be done with no glitches, or ones that require ridiculous bug exploits and tricks?

My favorites are the puzzles, but I'm a poll holder, so I'm not voting. :P

Competition Central / Re: Holy crap, my first perfect stat!
« on: September 15, 2008, 08:35:39 am »
Finally did GHZ3, this was the first time ever I was scared of the boss. :D Even though I had a shield, I was still nervous, and took safe approaches.

Competition Central / Re: Holy crap, my first perfect stat!
« on: September 14, 2008, 11:08:09 am »
Question: do you know any other levels in the S1-S3K range that don't need these oddball glitches that kinda ruin the puzzle nature of RA?

And I've done GHZ3 once, then screwed up at a rotating spike bridge on my way to the boss :( And I keep screwing it up here or there.

GHZ1 though... I know HOW do you get there for many tries, but damn if I can pull it off. Like landing precisely when you can't even see where are you landing.
Wait, is pause abuse allowed?

Competition Central / Holy crap, my first perfect stat!
« on: September 14, 2008, 04:01:06 am »
Marble 1 RA -- perfect!

Looks like GHZ is a much harder zone to start off -- no wonder I chalked it off as too hard for me.

Time to look at Marble 2, now I'm motivated!
EDIT: And Marble 2 RA also perfect to boot... Wtf, it's my lucky day. Gotta figure out how to visit both routes on Marble 3, shouldn't be too hard.
EDIT 2: Another one bites the dust, Marble 3 also done. Took me longer since I kept screwing up, but it still was pretty easy.

Now, let's try some others.

Information Kiosk / Re: Ring Allergy?
« on: July 30, 2008, 11:47:59 pm »
OK, but I didn't say neccesarily ZERO rings. I said "as few as possible".
And in Marble 2, there are more in the lava chase segment -- at least 4 rings are forced there -- seven if you don't use a shield to get hit.

And SB2 can be done, blad005 was challenged to it and did it. Here:

He couldn't do:

* Marble 2
* Spring Yard -- ALL OF THEM (there was something evil in act 2 also)
* Labyrinth 2
* Scrap Brain 1 -- he has done 1 ring, which seems to me as the best possible result.

Could you show me this topic, if you can? I tried and coudn't find it, and I am obsessed with this ring allergy challenge, so it would be an interesting read to me. :)

Information Kiosk / Re: Ring Allergy?
« on: July 30, 2008, 05:09:59 pm »
Yes, they are, but that doesn't make them EASY. :P

Also, a lot of things depend on character choice. Sonic will be a lot harder than Tails or Knux.

Information Kiosk / Ring Allergy?
« on: July 30, 2008, 04:34:48 pm »
If you have a Ring Attack, why not have a Ring Allergy, where the goal is to collect as FEW rings as possible, and you can't lose rings in any way. (i.e. can only lose shields. That's to prevent things from being too easy)

It's a lot more difficult than it sounds, to the point where zero rings is impossible in some levels (example: Labyrinth 2 due to that ring box on a switch)

LOL, this trick is so funny to watch!
Did you know that if after doing this, you try to go BACK and fight the boss, it will never appear? You'll get stuck!

Rules Revisions / Re: S3K glitch question
« on: July 09, 2008, 11:25:29 am »
In a level that is not Ice Cap, since the boss hop was specifically disallowed there, is it permissible (if possible at all) to:

1) Skip the act 1 boss.
2) Change act 2 in a way benefical to you. (Like open a certain door)
3) Skip the boss boundary BACKWARDS. (I don't know if it's actually possible anywhere in the game, but it's a theoretical question anyway)
4) Fight the act 1 boss.
5) Enter act 2, pre-modified for your pleasure.

Where to draw the line for pre-level modification? The mind boggles...

I vote yes, but make it a separate chart.
Even without player control, it's possible to perform glitches not possible with Sonic or Tails alone, and some of them (ice cap bug anyone?) can be SO benefical it will simply be unfair in a Sonic or a Tails chart. (To get onto the ice block without airlifting, you have to damage yourself so that you land on a block. Then Tails will automatically break it.)

Rules Revisions / Re: S3K glitch question
« on: July 09, 2008, 03:43:29 am »
Fine then, is your stat for act 2 valid if the game displays it as act 1?
If you do the Knuckles's boss trick in Launch Base 1, and then die at the score tally, you start act 2 from Sonic's start but it displays as act 1.
(If you'll mention about starting act 2 from the wrong location: Knuckles's boss IS the end of act 1, nobody said it's got to be the right end out of two)

Because then, if you kill Knux's boss with Tails you WILL get to Mushroom Hill.

And also another question: is your stat for act 2 valid, if you somehow manage to move before the timer starts, during the "Act 1 clear" message? It was done in TAS for Mushroom Hill, and since it doesn't RESET the timer, but rather you start before it starts, so...

Rules Revisions / Re: S3K glitch question
« on: July 08, 2008, 08:33:24 pm »
"You may start any zone's Act 2 from the end of Act 1 or from selecting Act 2 in stage select, but from nowhere else."

That clause is what you're looking for.

Thanks, now I know.

You mean 5 times, as act-1 bosses require only 6 hits.

Oops, sorry.

Icecap 2 has a similar trick by flat-out skipping the act 1 boss and playing against the act 2 boss as though it were still act 1.

As the TAS demonstrates, the same can be done in Marble Garden.

Fine then, question number 2: is it sufficent to get the "act clear" message or do you need to be able to get to the next level?

Launch Base 2 has a trick that allows you to access Knuckles's boss as Tails (I think, the vid used Sonic+Tails for flight) but when you get the cutscene... the game never, ever, goes onto the next level.
Not that getting to Knuckles's boss is any quicker. (In fact, I don't know)

Rules Revisions / S3K glitch question
« on: July 08, 2008, 07:46:54 pm »
There are some particular glitches which either "shift" the beginning of the act to a later part (well, that could be considered resetting time to zero) or make the game think that you have completed an act while, in reality, you haven't.

The former -- Play Ice Cap 1 as Knux. Reach the boss without hitting any checkpoints. Die from the boss. The act will restart directly from the boss fight and you can easily get a small time.

The latter -- Launch Base 1:
1) Take an elevator. You need one particular, but I don't remember which, I saw it in a video anyway.
2) Either take damage or turn super while inside the elevator. You'll maintain control.
3) Spindash a few times to pause the camera. The elevator will unload and you'll be stuck in a wall.
4) Zip to the right. If you took the correct elevator you'll be able to reach Knuckles's boss area. Now, he has TWO guys to fight, right? Sonic, however, normally has only one.
5) Hit both of the bosses 7 times.
6) Kill one of them.
7) Wait for the game to give you "act 1 completed" message".
8) As soon as you regain control, kill the other boss.
9) The game will credit you for completing "act 2" under 2-3 seconds.

Are such actions allowed? I certainly hope not, cause if they are, such bugs will utterly destroy any competition on the levels vulnerable to them.

Look at the previous page for cream147's post. I've only posted in an already revived topic.
And, is bumping old topics THAT frowned upon here?

This is the way you would get through boss "fights", with donuts as protetion items. A small fanfiction. Actually I think you couldn't get through most of the levels, and the Silver Sonic fight is way too risky, especially for the weakly me. So it's just some abstract funny things.

Emerald Hill Zone

Eggman: "I'll kill you, Soni... WAIT! Where the heck is Sonic? And who are you?"
Me: "A man who decided to do Sonic stages in real life. There is no Sonic there."
Eggman: "DAMMIT!"
Me: "I understand."
Eggman: "Why the heck do you do it anyway?!"
Me: "I want to win the Internet the second time"
Eggman: "You're crazy."
Me: "Yes. Want a donut?"
Eggman: "Sure."
Me: "I'll do level select just in case if a stage will be some sort of an instant-death for a human."
Eggman: "0-o"
Me: "By the way, in the game your drill car is pathetic. You should change your plans in case you actually want to kill poor sonic."
Eggman: "DAMMIT!"

Chemical Plant Zone

Eggman: "Soni..., ah, sorry, hello again."
Me: "Put something in there so that Sonic can't immediately hit you WHILE your tube gets the chemical.
Eggman: "DAMMIT!"
Me: "Oh, I just wanted to help you.
Eggman: "Can't stand smarta$$es."
Me: "Sorry."
Eggman: "That's me, who should say sorry. Your tips are actually helpful."
Me: "Want a cookie?"
Eggman: "Yep."
Me: "OK".

Aquatic Ruins Zone

Eggman: "Sonic! Sonic the hedgehog, goddammit! Come here now!
Me: "As he isn't currently here, may I suggest you to edit it so that the totem poles are already all the way up instead of rising up as Sonic arrives.
Eggman: "Why so?"
Me: "Cause otherwise Sonic immediately gets on top of a pole and then just spindashes into you for a cheap hit. I know it casue that's the way I pass this stage when I play it in-game.
Eggman: "Ouch, that really sucks. Thank you!"
Me: "Want another donut?"
Eggman: "No way, bastard! I'm already dangerously close to being too large for several of my contraptions, and building another one can be VERY costly!"
Me: "Oops. Sorry."

Casino Night Zone

Eggman: "It's a long and boring wait!"
Me: "I understand."
Eggman: "And what do you suggest this time, Mr. SmartiePants?"
Me: "Pretty much nothing, actually. Only you might want to change the round corners to normal square corners. So that you can't cheap your way out with a small spindash. It's still possible to use flippers, but it would be hard enough to not to matter THAT much."
Eggman: "OK, then!"
Me: "Want another donut?"
Eggman: "DAMMIT!"

Hill Top Zone

Eggman: "Soni, ah that's you again. And what will you annoyingly nitpick this time?"
Me: "Everything. This is so flawed from the beginning, that unless you figure out a way to mdify it so that you can't be hit at the moment you come out of lava, you may just as well ditch the entire idea."
Eggman: "Is it so bad?"
Me: "Easiest boss fight in the history of Sonic games!"
Eggman: "But if he tries to do the bounce, won't he fall into lava?"
Me: "There're RINGS."
Eggman: "DAMMIT."

Mystic Cave Zone

Eggman: "And I at first thought you are Sonic's follower. Your little touches are amazing."
Me: "And this time, either make your contraption more dangerous to hit, or just go faster. I really can't think of anything else to add. It's also possible to change it into something different."
Eggman: "You're very crazy for attempting this. I really didn't think it's possible to go this far. I'll have to change the level traps as well."
Me: "Whatever."

Oil Ocean Zone

Eggman: "You like it?"
Me: "If you wouldn't resurface to check out the damage, then yeah. And also block the oil, otherwise Sonic can hide in there and you won't even know. Make a radar or something."
Eggman: "Wow, that actually... that actually works!"
Me: "Want another donut?"
Eggman: "Not really, or I probably won't fit in my next invention."
Me: "Err, whoops."

Metropolis Zone

Eggman: "One of my best anti-Sonic contraptions."
Me: "Um, yeah, especially if you don't do your opening up attacks, and just start lasering everything before the sphere shield gets blown. It's nearly impossible that way."
Eggman: "At least there's nothing to change in the contraption itself."
Me: "Maybe, remove the now unnecessary opening up option, to not to make bloated software for your gagdet."
Eggman: "DAMMIT! Sorry, I just hate rebuilding something over and over."
Me: "Want another donut?"
Eggman: "Oh, COME ON! It's already a snug fit and I really want to have something for this place!"
Me: "You know, you could save it up for later, when Sonic gets defeated. You can be as fat as you want then."
Eggman: "Thank you."

Sky Chase Zone

Me: "Eggman, Eggman, where are you, oh crap, this is a no boss zone, dammit!"

Wing Fortress Zone

Eggman: "Got you! Pretty impossible to get outta there, no?"
Me: "Sonic can. Your laser barries are generated by the laser at the top's programs, and when that's broken, the barriers will disperse. Want to be real cheap? Disconnect the programs. So that when you defeat the laser at the top, the barriers will never vanish.
Eggman: "And how will I get around that?"
Me: "Break floors, build ladders."
Eggman: "Sorry, this is just impractical."
Me: "Whatever, this is still pretty tough when you actually play the game. And if you do a real-life run, it's impossible. GET ME OUTTA HERE!"
Eggman: "Oops, sorry. *disables barries* Here you go."
Me: "Could you take me to Death Egg Zone? It's the last zone before I win the internet the second time!"
Eggman: "Sorry, forgot about that. Let's go on!"

Death Egg Zone

Silver Sonic: YOU WILL DIE!
Eggman: Uh-oh, sorry, I kinda forgot about that. I don't think I will be able to turn it off fast enough.
Me: *waits for Silver Sonic charging a spindash*
Eggman: "What the hell are you waiting for?!"
Me: *whistling a merry tune, and going out of the plane , hanging onto the lader, just as Silver Sonic dashes.*
Silver Sonic: *dashes out of plane, falls to his death*
Me: *goes back in* "I've expected it. That was pretty stupid of him, don't you think?"
Eggman: "DAMMIT! That was my only prototype for Metal Sonic."
Me: "Sorry. I've had to get through, you know. And I have two important tips for your final huge Eggman boss fight".
Eggman: "Sorry. OK, what do you suggest?"
Me: "Make it taller and harder to hit, and don't bend over when you land. That's it".
Eggman: "Thanks".
Me: "Want another donut? Just kidding, I don't have em anymore. I'll have to go back, I quit." *vanishes by quitting the game*
Eggman: "Whoever he was, he sure helped me!"

Emerald Hill Zone

Sonic: "What the hell is this? There should have been a drill tank...."
Eggman: "I've changed my ways".
Sonic: "DAMMIT!"

Hiya Folks / Re: Very new here!
« on: May 15, 2008, 06:04:12 am »
"for reccy"
Please translate from Sonician Centrian to English. I hate it when it happens, but sorry, I don't understand such words.

Hiya Folks / Very new here!
« on: May 15, 2008, 05:21:40 am »
So, I like Sonic games (although I'm a wimp, and often use savestates, I'll try not to) and I see these killer stats...
Okay, let's see... Time Attack -- scrap it, I can't do a well TA of ANYTHING. I'm Slow The Hedgehog. :D
Score Attack -- ditto.
Ring Attack -- this will probably my favorite, but definitely NOT simple. Since this is more of a challenge of routeplanning than action (except of getting hit by the damn exploding stars :D ) I will try that first, but seeing what has been done, you're crazy. And in a damn good way that is.
So, what do you suggest for a good start (other than ditching the savestates, that is?)

Hax0ring / Re: Sonic Turbo
« on: March 30, 2008, 11:31:47 pm »
Don't mention the goddamn pit in Robot Factory 3! Argh!! It took me so much time to figure it out!!!
Oh yeah, and thanks for helping me at Final Factory, I'm gonna try it right away.

EDIT: Okay, I tried it out and completed your hack. MASKING A LEDGE AS A WALL BY USING BACKGROUND IS EVIL. PERIOD! :D

Some comments:
1) You've got it perfect with the increased boss hit-counts. Metal Sonic is now actually hard. (since 6 of the 8 hits could be done in an "automatic" way, increased hitcounts now get a good length -- he is now pretty tough to defeat, since you need to destroy him before he does his spike-jump, which is pretty much an unavoidable death)
2) The final boss is now a bit easy with the ledge at the top: the trick of holding a spindash in place to damage a boss still works.
3) Love the boss music.
4) Boardwalk boss is still as bastard as ever. ;)

Hax0ring / Re: Sonic Turbo
« on: March 30, 2008, 02:35:55 pm »
I'm sorry that I'm bumping up this thread again, but I downloaded your hack (1.0 I presume, I downloaded from the Sonic Retro community) and in need of some help on Final Factory Zone.
I come to the rings that make a left arrow, and after them there's a huge bottomless pit. I then try to come back, but what? Nothing but a straight route that leads to this place.
I simply can't find how to get out of that compartment.

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