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Messages - Spinballwizard

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News and Updates / Re: The future of TSC
« on: June 17, 2009, 01:39:43 pm »
I agree
Rule 1 about posting. Two-word posts contribute nothing. You obviously don't know what's going on.

In theory I can program too, but I don't really know PHP at all. (I'm a software engineer, not a coder.) This doesn't mean that I can't do some conceptual work though. Most of the base is already done, but in the case of random new functionality (my challenge suggestion is a good example) I can come up with a base to leave someone else with the boring chore of coding.

News and Updates / Re: The future of TSC
« on: June 16, 2009, 09:56:30 pm »
Plus we must add write-in candidates.  Question: how long will said individual's term last?  <_<

No, we definitely must not have write-ins. This is not a popularity contest., and it's probably not even a vote in the one person, one vote sense (I expect Rolken will end up having a large say, as at the very least his opinions are highly respected here, and, well, it's still his site, he can do what he wants with it).
You know that any vote is going to come down to a popularity contest...

Also I too fully endorse this rivalries thing. It might actually get me back into competing maybe. I don't know. The main problems that TSC's had though can be summed up thusly:

1. New Sonic games suck in post people's opinions. Now granted I happen to like what they did with the Wii/PS2 version of Unleashed (as a matter of fact, before I got bored of it I did actually compete in that. (I almost have a blueless times chart. The only other 3D game where I have that feat is lolheroes.) But the main thing is that the new suck games usually have some quickly discovered bug/glitch that breaks competition right away. Speaking of which...

2. The old games that actually are good are mostly broken to the point where times nearly match their TAS equivalents. Once it was discovered that a ton of S1 levels were destroyed beyond destruction due to the new magic wall-zips (which started with SB3 and MZ2), frankly it ruined any hope I had of competing. I'm not a fan of huge glitches like that, and I've made it known. But either way, unless something gets broken even more, there's little hope for competition on that aspect.

I do think flyby's leagues are a step in the right direction. While interest did wane towards the end, a few things might fix that. (One idea I just thought about was grouping players by their sitewides and having rankings based off that. Proposed: Orange Up, Yellow, Green, Blue based on average sitewide.) Another thing might be working on reviving something similar to the SA2B challenges of old. With the embargo method created for the league, it's quite possible to have a "daily challenge" where submissions are open for that day only. I for one think it'd be pretty cool.

Plus doing random stupid shit has always been a pastime of mine. >_>

(Sidenote: I need to get around to making a vid of MP1K doing that at one point...)

News and Updates / Re: The future of TSC
« on: June 16, 2009, 01:56:51 pm »
AD I would've included you under community but flyby beats the shit out of you in every category, from being nice to being female *SHOT* and all that stuff.

Also doug I am flattered. I mean yeah I do care but half the time I end up being ignored.

Douglas: zomg presumption!  I can code (rusty in PHP/SQL, but will pick it up again quickly), and am trustworthy when sober.
Also I want to know  how often you are not a drunken bastard. (i.e. more or less than RPG?)

News and Updates / Re: The future of TSC
« on: June 16, 2009, 01:34:41 pm »
A programmer who can maintain the code
A referee who can arbitrate the rules, probably with people with knowledge of the games behind him
A community manager who can keep people together harmoniously
A site designer / director / all-around-visionary who can tie the team together and provide common purpose
I'm going to give my thoughts on who I think is probably best for each area. Most of these are based on perceived qualification and maturity. Not to say that I don't think the others aren't qualified, but I think they'd do the best.

Programmer: Gerbil's been doing pretty much all of that for the last however-long. Most of TSC's new functionality, He's not my favorite person in the world but I don't see why this should change; he cares more about TSC's actual coding more than anyone else ever did, even if he breaks it sometimes.

<GerbilSoft> fu

Referee: Mike is probably most qualified, but he's leaving. Zeupar also cares. Stefan too. Probably best split between them. I don't remember offhand who's on the rules committee and am too lazy to check, but anyone on there should be fine.

Community Manager: There is no doubt that flyby fits this on the nose. And from the implications I've gotten she isn't going anywhere. Whammo.

Designer/Director/Visionary: Mike is the logical progression for the top (DAMN YOU FOR SAYING YOU ARE LEAVING), but this one is pretty open-ended and vague, to be perfectly honest. Stefan? Thorn? Zeupar? *shrug*


I'd volunteer to help with some of the community stuff as well considering I haven't really had the competitive spirit lately. I've had several ideas that would've been great to help tie the community together, particularly in a more casual sense. (See also the magic tournament that I pretty much ended up running, the failed box league, the failed TCG, some league ideas.) I've got a few other fledgling ideas too that I wouldn't mind bouncing off of someone.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: SonicKudos
« on: June 13, 2009, 12:51:12 pm »
( ) Despite your claimed omniscience you appear to be ignorant of some basic facts about the game, of which any real experienced gamer would be fully aware
Obligatory reference.

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: June 12, 2009, 01:06:16 pm »
I hereby ban johas/457 from posting in this topic.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: Josh
« on: June 12, 2009, 01:01:05 am »
That, and there's this thing called ban evasion...


10.  Coloured text is pointless and annoying.

flyby's League / Re: Interest in Summer League
« on: June 09, 2009, 12:19:35 pm »
RPG I don't understand you... first to truncate two letters of the word You, then you add two letters onto the next word.  Unless you're wanting to maintain the same amount of typing so that you can emphasize the latter term, you really do make me want to cry.
Understanding the mental process that takes place in RPG's estranged brain is like trying to comprehend quantum physics at the age of three. It's not going to happen. Ever.

Also I think the reason interest was lost in the end of the last league is the whole competitive thing in the end. After 6 weeks, I for one thought it got to be too much. That, plus the fact that our level choice was gone come playoff time made it less fun. And I joined the league for fun purposes, so that really took a lot out of me.

flyby's League / Re: Interest in Summer League
« on: June 08, 2009, 07:52:43 pm »
I'd be game, but I want a teammate this time so I don't have to do as much. >_>

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Team Fortress 2
« on: June 06, 2009, 01:27:46 pm »
For those interested, I made a TSC Steam group.

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: June 06, 2009, 12:43:49 am »
ITT the server hates DsS, Paraxade, and GerbilFail.

[00:34:49]   <GerbilSoft>   Dhaos is a f-urry
[00:34:51]   <flyby>   it was just licks
[00:34:52]   <Umbreon>   but eh, didn't bother because it wouldn't do anything without wildcards >_>
[00:34:52]   <flyby>   >_>
[00:35:03]   <Umbreon>   Gerbil: fu
[00:35:03]   <Umbreon>   rry
[00:35:04]   <flyby>   so it really was dumb
[00:35:07]   <flyby>   lol
[00:35:09]   <flyby>   umby wins
[00:35:10]   <Umbreon>   yeah lol
[00:35:13]   <GerbilSoft>   is a fur
[00:35:16]   <GerbilSoft>   nbsp
[00:35:17]   <GerbilSoft>   :D
[00:35:21]   =-=   GerbilSoft was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:35:25]   <flyby>   XD
[00:35:26]   <flyby>   pwned
[00:35:27]   -->|   GerbilSoft ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:35:27]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v GerbilSoft by Xbox
[00:35:27]   <GerbilSoft>   ...
[00:35:29]   <flyby>   XD
[00:35:32]   <GerbilSoft>   wtf
[00:35:35]   =-=   Umbreon was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:35:35]   -->|   Umbreon ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:35:36]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v Umbreon by CodeGirl
[00:35:37]   <Umbreon>   D:
[00:35:38]   <SkyL>   wat
[00:35:42]   <flyby>   what the crap
[00:35:47]   <Bit> ohhhh yeaaah, diggin' steams new weekly specials list
[00:35:49]   <flyby>   inb4kick
[00:35:50]   <GerbilSoft>   services revenge!
[00:35:51]   <Umbreon>   wtf
[00:35:55]   =-=   GerbilSoft was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:36:00]   -->|   GerbilSoft ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:36:01]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v GerbilSoft by Xbox
[00:36:01]   =-=   Umbreon was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:36:01]   -->|   Umbreon ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:36:01]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v Umbreon by CodeGirl
[00:36:02]   <GerbilSoft>   .
[00:36:06]   <SkyL>   lol
[00:36:08]   <Umbreon>   wtf!
[00:36:14]   <SkyL>   1
[00:36:14]   <SkyL>   2
[00:36:14]   <SkyL>   3
[00:36:15]   <SkyL>   4
[00:36:15]   <SkyL>   5
[00:36:20]   <GerbilSoft>   b
[00:36:21]   <SkyL>   ?!?!??!
[00:36:25]   <Spinballwizard>   lolwut
[00:36:29]   <DBG>   Umbreon... is 466 the max Rings on Arid Sands Night 3?
[00:36:29]   <Umbreon>   skyl go to 7
[00:36:33]   <Umbreon>   dbg yes
[00:36:35]   <Bit>   6 seconds you boob
[00:36:35]   <SkyL>   nou
[00:36:44]   =-=   GerbilSoft was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:36:49]   -->|   GerbilSoft ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:36:49]   <SkyL>   lol
[00:36:49]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v GerbilSoft by Xbox
[00:36:50]   <GerbilSoft>   !?!?!?!!??!!?
[00:36:50]   <werster>   ...XD
[00:36:57]   <SkyL>   gerbil is a marked man
[00:37:02]   <DBG>   I'm guessing it took you many tries, didn't it?
[00:37:03]   <GerbilSoft>   FUCK YOU XBOX
[00:37:05]   =-=   Umbreon was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:37:06]   -->|   Umbreon ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:37:07]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v Umbreon by CodeGirl
[00:37:09]   =-=   GerbilSoft was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:37:14]   -->|   GerbilSoft ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:37:14]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v GerbilSoft by Xbox
[00:37:14]   <werster>   X)
[00:37:14]   <GerbilSoft>   :(
[00:37:16]   <Umbreon>   dbg it's not that bad
[00:37:23]   * Bit   slaps Xbox around a bit with a large trout
[00:37:25]   <Umbreon>   but i had to do it twice because the first time i wrote down the wrong number >_>
[00:37:25]   <Spinballwizard>   LOLOLOLOLOLOL
[00:37:28]   <Dhaos>   chatzilla fails
[00:37:41]   |<--   Dhaos has left (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316])
[00:37:43]   <Umbreon>   why xbox?
[00:37:46]   <Umbreon>   it's
[00:37:47]   <Umbreon>   :(
[00:37:49]   <DBG>   Yeah, well... I'm having trouble with it.
[00:37:51]   <werster>   no
[00:37:57]   -->|   DsS ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:37:58]   <GerbilSoft>   xbox is services
[00:37:58]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v DsS by CodeGirl
[00:37:59]   <GerbilSoft>   that's why
[00:37:59]   <werster>   its too
[00:38:04]   =-=   GerbilSoft was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:38:09]   -->|   GerbilSoft ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:38:10]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v GerbilSoft by Xbox
[00:38:10]   <GerbilSoft>   ...........
[00:38:11]   <Umbreon>   !kick xbox
[00:38:22]   <Umbreon>   gerbil stop flooding
[00:38:22]   <Umbreon>   :(
[00:38:28]   <werster>   inb4 umbreon kick?!??!?!
[00:38:31]   <GerbilSoft>   i'm not flooding
[00:38:37]   =-=   Umbreon was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:38:37]   -->|   Umbreon ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:38:38]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v Umbreon by CodeGirl
[00:38:49]   =-=   DsS was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:38:52]   <Spinballwizard>   so whenever this stops it's making the topic >_>
[00:38:53]   <werster>   XD\
[00:38:53]   -->|   DsS ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:38:54]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v DsS by CodeGirl
[00:38:59]   <DsS>   uh...
[00:39:01]   <DsS>   <_<
[00:39:04]   <GerbilSoft>   <_<
[00:39:05]   <Umbreon>   it's making the topic?
[00:39:06]   <SkyL>   >_>
[00:39:08]   <DsS>   :D
[00:39:15]   <Spinballwizard>   the topic.
[00:39:20]   <Spinballwizard>   (not the channel topic)
[00:39:23]   <DBG>   I keep jumping past poles by accident... getting Rings in that one area...
[00:39:25]   <GerbilSoft>   the game?
[00:39:27]   =-=   DsS was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:39:29]   -->|   DsS ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:39:30]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v DsS by CodeGirl
[00:39:31]   <DsS>   >_>
[00:39:32]   <Umbreon>   oh that topic
[00:39:33]   <werster>   lol
[00:39:35]   =-=   Umbreon was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:39:36]   -->|   Umbreon ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:39:36]   <werster>   pwned
[00:39:36]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v Umbreon by CodeGirl
[00:39:45]   <Umbreon>   :(
[00:39:50]   <Spinballwizard>   So for some reason the server hates Gerbil, DsS, and Parax?
[00:40:01]   <GerbilSoft>   apparently
[00:40:03]   <Umbreon>   fursecution i say
[00:40:03]   <Umbreon>   :(
[00:40:04]   =-=   GerbilSoft was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:40:06]   <werster>   clearly every division wants revenge on someone
[00:40:09]   -->|   GerbilSoft ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:40:10]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v GerbilSoft by Xbox
[00:40:12]   <DBG>   I'm having too many issues trying to Ring/Score Attack Arid Sands Night 3...
[00:40:16]   <werster>   3 targets have been chosen :O
[00:40:51]   <DBG>   But I'll keep trying until I get it...
[00:40:56]   <Maru>   00:39 Maru awaysat #,7##,7##,7##,7##,4##,4##,4##,4##,4##,4##,4##,5##,5##,5##,5##,1##,1##,5##,5##,1##,1##,1##,1##,1##,1##,1##,1##,1##,1##,1##,1##,1##
[00:41:01]   <werster>   gerbil furry confirmed?
[00:41:10]   <DBG>   It took me a while to figure out that little fork in the road.
[00:41:13]   <GerbilSoft>   what
[00:41:14]   <GerbilSoft>   bs
[00:41:27]   =-=   DsS was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 6 lines per 5 seconds))
[00:41:29]   -->|   DsS ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:41:30]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v DsS by CodeGirl

Sidenote: it's still going on.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Team Fortress 2
« on: June 05, 2009, 12:06:23 pm »
I think I indirectly noticed because Taco noticed I had come back from playing.

Well with the change in network settings I can actually play online now! So yeah.

steamid: Spinballwizard

Currently display the same as I have no clan tag. I'm in the TSS group *shot* but I don't tag myself with them. Taco I am adding you.

Pyros are still awesome. I'm also a decent medic and am becoming an ok demo.

Also it sucks, I have every unlockable for sniper (Huntsman, Razorback, Jarate) and I pretty much never play him.

Competition Central / Re: TSC's Next Game to Rank - First Look
« on: June 05, 2009, 01:01:59 am »
Holy hell. Me want.

Information Kiosk / Re: My fan fiction
« on: June 04, 2009, 03:49:00 pm »
Talk to donna.

Wikkity! / Re: ITT PPA realises the world is absurd
« on: June 02, 2009, 03:16:15 pm »
tl;dr, but it took you this long to realize the world is absurd!?

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: June 02, 2009, 02:51:59 pm »

Wikkity! / Re: Name TSC's Band! Post names and requests....
« on: June 01, 2009, 10:21:05 pm »
4.      If you’re pressing Submit on your third one-liner in a row, you might want to stop and think about the quality of what you’re posting.

Wikkity! / Re: Name TSC's Band! Post names and requests....
« on: June 01, 2009, 08:51:57 pm »
Band name suggestions:

4 N00bs of the Apocalypse
RPGNutter and the Harbingers of Fail
You Know Who Else Played In A Band?
I'd Rather Have A Tiger
Take It To #roots
Fission Mail'd
Ecks Dee
PPA Is A Furry
Necromancy Is A Sin
No Strangers To Love
You Know The Rules
And So Do I
* douglas shot

And Desert You
Make You Cry
Say Good-Bye
Tell a Lie and Hurt You
* Spinballwizard shot

Wikkity! / Re: TSC's Got Talent?
« on: May 31, 2009, 02:47:26 pm »
I win things.
Only topics. And you need to work harder to win this one.

News and Updates / Re: Snippets of Sonic 06 news
« on: May 28, 2009, 11:33:51 am »
Necromancy = Sin


Wikkity! / Re: NEW AND IMPROVED: TSCA 2.0
« on: May 16, 2009, 02:51:33 pm »
Yeah I need the RTP again because I has a new computer since I played the original.

Wikkity! / Re: ITT a TSC meet that doesn't involve Rolken and flyby
« on: May 15, 2009, 03:37:05 am »
I think that's a broom SJ...

Wikkity! / Re: ITT a TSC meet that doesn't involve Rolken and flyby
« on: May 15, 2009, 03:21:01 am »
I love my playoff beard. >_>

Also, lolenglishmajor, Donna was the only one who noted the Coney Island + Chili Dogs + Sonic meet = hilarity.

American Fun Center I believe it was. Something silly like that.

Wikkity! / ITT a TSC meet that doesn't involve Rolken and flyby
« on: May 15, 2009, 01:45:14 am »
As a few of you on the IRC know, there was a southeast (ish) Michigan meet this past Wednesday involving myself, SonicAD, donnashowl, and her boyfriend (because he insisted she isn't that great of a driver) at Oakland Mall in Troy. Initially met at Kerby's Koney Island. They didn't wait for me despite the fact that I said I wouldn't arrive until around 5 (which I did), so I got there and they were already done eating. Then we just kinda hung. Walked over to the arcade and watched this guy be crazy at look-alike-DDR while we talked next to Gerbil's favorite pinball machine. (...Wheel. Not Rick Astley.)

We also got to play the "pronounce SBW's last name" game. As expected, everybody failed. (I know only a few people not related to me that can pronounce it correctly.)

Anyway there's a pic or two, but Ben (donna's bf) has the pics right now. So everyone saying "pics or it didn't happen" has to wait for her. (And yes, we did comment on that.)

Other highlights:
-My first words of the day: "See? I showed up this time!"
-Us talking about how we all fail at Sonic. (Including me commenting that RAing Shadow isn't as hard because you don't lose everything when you get hit.)
-Sega claw machine in the arcade. Baby Silver Surfer? Baby Hulk (who looked like Gumby with hair)? Abu?
-Finding out that donna has a friend whose redeeming point is a Yaoi obsession
-Obligatory "I CALL BS" and "mmmballs" references, even though neither of them got the latter because neither was around for the !quote 8 shenanigans. (I decided not to move on to "also I kissed a guy.") Actually AD did a really good "I CALL BS" complete with a dramatic lunge that I'm surprised we didn't get weird looks for.

One of them will have to post what happened before or after I left though. I had to run because I had to live up to a challenge I made, and I had $700 worth of miniatures in my trunk. >_>

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 12, 2009, 09:20:43 pm »
Stefan, the doctor, was brutally murdered by angry townspeople.

Well that was anti-climactic, if you'll excuse the pun.

And SonicAD seals the finishing vote.



Yeah, genus owned you bitches old school. Props to him.

First off, here's how night 1 went, because it was pretty LOL.

1. FKE was janned, you all knew that. He was hooked too for some strange and yet weird reason.
2. PPA's claiming of Watcher meant nothing, as the Stalker knew he was the watcher already.
3. The cop had an innocent report on genus.
4. The randomization of genus' lyncher target was hilarious considering the flowchart in the top 10.
5. Yes, there was a mismason.

Now, here's everybody's role!

Villagers (5): 1stkirbyever, Paraxade, Waxwings, Bertin, ieatatsonic
Doctor: Stefan
Cop: flyby
Watcher: PPA
Mason: mike89 (masoned doug)

Lyncher: genus (target: stefan)

Hooker: Chao_Fan
Janitor: SonicAD
Stalker: Douglas

Maybe we should start a new one on a more standard mafia type thing?

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 12, 2009, 01:08:22 am »
Yeah, I didn't want things to take too long. I think I'm going to stop voting at 9PM EDT Tuesday night. Anyone who hasn't voted is SOL. I do kinda want to get this game moving.

So far -
Votes for stefan: 3 (flyby, genus, PPA)
Votes for flyby: 3 (douglas, Waxwings, stefan)

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 08, 2009, 05:21:41 pm »
Mafia are allowed to PM at night. You are allowed to PM only if I told you you could.

Otherwise, no, you can't PM.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 08, 2009, 05:07:25 pm »

Several gunshots were heard throughout the night. One unfortunate casualty of this, found at Fishbone's by the People Mover station, was mike89, a mason. There was a horrified look on his face, as if finding something he did not expect.

Another unsolved crime, however, exists. More gunshots were heard outside the Fox Theatre, but no body could be found. As you meet at the Detroiter Bar during the day, you find that everyone is there, except 1stkirbyever, who is now considered missing.


mike89 (Mason)
1stkirbyever (???)


It is currently DAY ONE. Players who are still alive must discuss who they think are the mafia in this forum only, and each should vote for somebody. Whomever gets the most votes will be killed by a lynchmob. With any luck, you find mafia.

I'll give you at least 24 hours to vote, at most 48. BEGIN.

Information Kiosk / Re: New Topic Status Icons!
« on: May 08, 2009, 01:11:18 am »
Obligatory "necromancy is a sin"

Also obligatory "doug wins the topic"

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 07, 2009, 02:19:58 am »
Yes, PPA. Read the edit that I just finished.

EDIT: Look for day to start once I'm out of work tomorrow.

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