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Messages - EngiNerd

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News and Updates / Re: YOU DECIDE 2007: Who's the Best at TSC?
« on: June 29, 2007, 09:52:58 pm »
Thorn = gamersince93
And Duke RPG = RPGnutter

Holy cow. That explains a LOT. And, I'm beginning to notice a trend - everyone is scared to match against Rolken.  Considering this was probably his idea in the first place....

News and Updates / Re: YOU DECIDE 2007: Who's the Best at TSC?
« on: June 29, 2007, 07:22:24 pm »
Two questions:
1:  I don't see Duke RPG ANYWHERE on that.  How would people vote for him?
2:  Why is Thorn nowhere on this?  I thought he would be in this (I would have voted for him).  Or is he High and Mighty Judge like with everything else? XD

Bummer, though - I'm not on IRC, and it probably runs WAY too slow on the ol' dial-up.
And voting for mike makes your time stats go higher.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Looking for a Windows 95 emulator for XP....
« on: June 29, 2007, 09:12:03 am »
Interesting.  Didn't know that multiple versions of DirectX could be installed on the same computer (though it makes sense when you say it).  I will definitely have to try that.

EDIT:  Dunno why, but it now looks perfect when I just left DX9.  The problem now is, there isn't any music.  And I like that music (second only to Sonic).  Any ideas now?

General Sonic / Re: Petition for more Sonic PC games
« on: June 29, 2007, 09:09:50 am »
Only wanted to point out: I regard the GCN as an EXTRA $100 because I'm going to have a PC regardless.  I mean, I'm a second-year Computer Engineering major.  A computer is kinda important for that, you know?  And even the most basic school computers come with really decent graphics capabilities (for all the art/new media majors out there).  I didn't realize, though, that the game prices were so low.  Anyway, here's the spread:
GCN - $100
SA2B - $20
ShTH - $20
Total - $140 FOR TWO GAMES.  I don't even know if that includes the memory card or not (probably does).  I could try to find others I'm remotely interested in, but those would come few and far between.  Heck, I don't even like Mario games.  (except maybe Smash Bros., so 3 games for $160 - still harsh)  It's just, no matter what people tell me about it, I can't justify in my own mind getting a console.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Looking for a Windows 95 emulator for XP....
« on: June 27, 2007, 09:57:35 am »
Didn't work when I first tried it.  The game still has messed-up graphics and zero music (and I love that music).  I THINK it may have something to do with a much older version of DirectX (5 compared to today's 9 or 10), but I can't install one without removing the other.  I was hoping for a software way of doing this, because I wonder how even the compatability settings really work.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Looking for a Windows 95 emulator for XP....
« on: June 25, 2007, 09:31:30 pm »
Sorry, Thorn, that was just a joke about the one and only subject of our conversations so far.  I wasn't even expecting you to respond.  No hard feelings?

And, I've heard that the PC is stricter for the time limits, good because that keeps it fun.  Unless you have a PS1 emulator in mind, though, I couldn't do that either - I don't own a PS(anything).

Gaming and Grazing / Looking for a Windows 95 emulator for XP....
« on: June 25, 2007, 09:10:37 pm »
Yes, Thorn, an emulator.  I'm looking for a freeware Win95 emulator for WinXP.  I have an old Frogger (the 1997 Hasbro version) that I would like to play again, but it won't work on this machine.  That's all I'm actually planning on using it for.  Does anyone have any ideas?

Competition Central / Re: More rules questions
« on: June 25, 2007, 08:32:26 pm »
I'm back:
Are we allowed to break the blue rocks in Hill Top Zone as many times as we want for the score stat?

General Sonic / Re: Petition for more Sonic PC games
« on: June 25, 2007, 10:11:21 am »
@Marth: the PC was purchased by my parents for school.  I doubt I'll be able to convince them to buy a video game console, considering they have disliked video games for quite some time now (mostly, it's the "buy a $100+ console and $60+ games when we already have a PC that can play most of them for $30/$40 AND can surf the web and word process" mindset).  I mean, come on, we're talking a Gamecube just to play two games, a Wii for 3 games (they can play GCs, right?), or worse, a PS3/X360 for ONE GAME.  Hence, I have always been a PC player.  Besides, I think most consoles are ripoffs anyway (though the Wii looks pretty sweet).

And personally, I think a little suspension of disbelief is in order.  A petition means that you're hoping to change something, whether you believe it will or not.  I don't think it will change anything, but I made it because I simply would like this to come true.  If you agree, then sign away.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Guess what I'm calling!
« on: June 23, 2007, 10:09:44 pm »
I saw those; thought it was a visual glitch or something.  Great, now that means I'm missing 8 rings somewhere.

General Sonic / Re: Petition for more Sonic PC games
« on: June 23, 2007, 06:24:22 pm »
I don't want to start an argument, but I just want to respond here.

1) It's quite likely that for the 1-platform titles they've been given incentives to keep them 1-platform so as to make that platform look good.

My focus for this petition is SA2(B), ShTH, and Next-Gen.¦nbsp; All of those have been released on multiple platforms.

2) Games that require non-standard input (SSR, DS games) would require a lot of work to effectively translate and would lose a lot of what makes them special.

Again, different focus, and that's primarily why.

3) Games for handhelds would look like ass compared to current PC games so would have to be sold cheap, which devalues the handheld title.

The only handheld title I suggested was Rivals, which (from everything I've seen) has graphics comparable to Sonic Heroes.

4) Who wants to play Shadow, I mean srsly.

67 of the 163 people on this site, over one third, are in the Shadow competition.¦nbsp; I wouldn't know myself how low quality Shadow is, because I've never played it.¦nbsp; I would like to play it.¦nbsp; That's why I'm hoping it comes to PC.

To my mind, this leaves SA2:B and Sonic06 as the only viable alternatives.¦nbsp; SA2:B is old so would have to be bargain bin priced, which makes it worth less, which makes the level of effort Sonic Team will likely put in less.

Couldn't the same have been said of SA1?¦nbsp; Yet SADX was released for multiple platforms (including, thankfully, PC) with better graphics and newer features (mission mode, for example).¦nbsp; Somewhere else where I posted this someone commented on how awesome it would be for SA2DX to be released simply with an internet multiplayer feature.¦nbsp; I will admit, of all the Sonic games that have never seen a PC release, SA2B is the one that I am most interested in.

Sonic06 was widely panned by critics and gamers alike, which means either they fix it and obsolete the 360/PS3 versions, pissing off those who have bought it, or they ship a port with the resulting issues and get slammed even more.¦nbsp; Further, it hasn't sold well at all which is likely down to both poor quality and wrong target audience for the consoles - the latter's only going to be worse on PC given the likely spec required to run the thing.

The thing that ticks me off the most about NextGen is the fact that it was advertised for PC yet never released for PC.¦nbsp; It may have been widely panned, but it was also widely praised.¦nbsp; I played the demo version on a Wal-Mart X360, and I feel that it's one of the best of the 3D Sonic games to be released.¦nbsp; Besides, if Sega fixes the problems for the PC, then it would take little to no extra effort to create a patch for the console versions (I think) and upload it through the live networks available.

In conclusion: if rule #1 of the internet is "all the men are men, all the women are men, and all the kids are FBI agents", then rule #2¦nbsp; is "online petitions never achieve ANYTHING".

What prompted me to start this petition was a petition concerning the Virginia Tech shootings.¦nbsp; Word was out that the infamous Westboro Baptist Church, notorious for protesting the funerals of fallen American soldiers, was planning on doing the same to the funerals for the victims.¦nbsp; An online petition was started, and it eventually convinced the church to back down.¦nbsp; Simply put, it worked.¦nbsp; Besides, one of the major things I want this petition to prove is that there is enough interest in PC ports to make the one and only thing that Sega has consistently looked for - a profit.

Again, I don't mean to start an argument with you, douglas; in fact, the primary reason I am even writing this is so people can see better where I am coming from with this petition.  Thanks for your input though.

Leaderboard Disputes / Guess what I'm calling!
« on: June 23, 2007, 06:01:24 pm »
Aquatic Ruin 2 with Sonic:
Max rings: 335 by Stanski, RPGNutter, MiStEr_ShAoLiN, and Aitamen
Best time: 0:36 by Aitamen, second is 0:37 by Stanski
Max score: 76400 by Stanski, second is 70400 by Aitamen

According to the times, nobody has reached the sub 30 needed for a 50k bonus.  However, note the number of rings.  The 335 max would give an end-of-level bonus of 33500+50000=83500, not including in-level score and time bonus.  Yet the max score is only 76400.  I'm confused.  I would say that something's wrong, but I don't see why anyone would lie and place their scores LOW.  Furthermore, the Knuckles ARZ2 scores reach into the 90k range.  What's going on here?

Competition Central / Re: Anyone up for a Time Attack Duel?
« on: June 23, 2007, 12:33:25 pm »
I'll pass.  Let me know when it's RA time.
Oh, and Judgement?  Try 7-Zip.  That's what I use for all my Frets on Fire stuff, because the archives store them all as .rar's.

General Sonic / Petition for more Sonic PC games
« on: June 23, 2007, 12:12:03 pm »

I started this a couple of months ago (before I joined TSC) and finally found it again to post here.  This is a petition to Sega for the company to re-release some of the 3D Sonic games for the PC platform (if it can be called that).  The petition focuses on SA2B, ShTH and Next-Gen, with room for SSR and Rivals.  Like I said, I started it a couple of months ago, and now we're looking at Rush Adventure, Sonic RPG, Rivals 2, and Olympics, when all the PC is getting is Sega Splash Golf (yuck).  I'm posting this here because if Sega listens, it could open up the boards to greater competitions too.  I've been a PC only person due to low budget, and having already discussed with others how little I like emulators I think this is one of the only options left.  So if you're for the cause, please sign and help me out.

News and Updates / Re: Sonic Rivals 2 announced
« on: June 23, 2007, 09:35:28 am »
Quite frankly, I am peeved.  Not that there's another two games coming out, one that appears to be lame and another that could mess up badly.  But that they're both on handhelds.  Where's the PC love?

Competition Central / Re: Different Game Gear Versions
« on: June 16, 2007, 08:22:49 am »
I have no idea how the other maps were made.  I'm leaning closer to only putting the tiles and ground objects visible, so I can actually just grab a bunch of sprites for the tiled grounds and various objects and recraft it.  (the screenshot method was a little annoying, but I can still go with that if necessary).
And, just curious, does the Saturn still have the flaming flicky visual glitch?

News and Updates / Re: The future direction of TSC
« on: June 16, 2007, 08:16:18 am »
This is what I get for being gone all day.  @ Thorn:

Quote from: mike89
1) Subsites as we know them now will be no more... due to a lack of advertising on the part of the respective admins

Okay, let's see... The hacking community won't stop arguing amongst itself, the SRB2 boards are full of recolors and people hoo tawk lik dis, and some of the other fangames on the site have no community. I think keeping our "advertising" down to just moving existing TSCers over to TUSC was a better idea. >_>  No offense to the intelligent people from those communities, btw.

Quote from: Antiporcupine
I just want to point out, though, that such competitions should be available by video upload, unlike the current emerald challenges which require ROM uploads.

Who told you to upload a ROM? You only need to upload a key input file. And do you know how much space would be needed on the TSC server to hold competition videos from everybody, instead of the system we have now? I think I'd rather download the 50 KB key input file than the 10000 KB video when I have to grade challenges.

First off, I never realized that we were involved with SRB2/TMR until you stated that.  Those are among the reasons I don't visit that board anymore (at least my fanchar is original, and I actually made a serious attempt at editing the EXE).  Well, that and the fact that to this date I cannot beat Aerial Gardens 1.

And by "ROM upload" I meant "ROM related upload".  I still don't like the idea of ROMs, and I just think having a video option would be nice.  Not directly to TSC; put them on SendSpace or YouTube and link them or something.

Finally, I sure hope that we don't try to combine everything into the same ranks; at least keep those separate.  Why?  (I'm gonna get flamed for this)  I have never played MegaMan and never intend to.  The fact that I probably will not add any stats there will keep me needlessly low on the charts.

Competition Central / Re: More rules questions
« on: June 15, 2007, 11:23:18 am »
Yeah, that's NO GOOD.
And did we ever actually reach a conclusion on the Chaotix stats?  Because I just did an amazing extra mission run on Grand Metropolis that I would really like to put on for stats.  At least, it shouldn't matter for Grand Metropolis, Rail Canyon, and Frog Forest, because the extra mission is just basic mission plus a time limit, right?  Someone just needs to post a final verdict on this.
Cheez, do I wish I had my old save for SH.  I had all emblems, all emeralds and all A's, plus had finished Super Hard Mode, so I could just have uploaded everything and worked from there.  Instead I need to start from scratch and beat every A over again.  I'm dreading Bingo Highway; that stage was HORRIBLE with Team Chaotix.

News and Updates / Re: The future direction of TSC
« on: June 15, 2007, 10:45:16 am »
I like it.  A lot.  It sounds like a good idea, open things up to more challenges and competitions, and keep the old ones running.  By all means, keep the "classic" stat pages running; I just now found them, I really like the challenge of climbing them, and they prompted me to pull out games I hadn't touched in a while (namely, SADX and Sonic Heroes).  But, adding more competitions is an awesome idea.  I think it would add a little more fun to place an identity to the people I'm beating.  I just want to point out, though, that such competitions should be available by video upload, unlike the current emerald challenges which require ROM uploads.  Just thought I should point that out.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Pinball Party charts.
« on: June 14, 2007, 04:25:23 pm »
Uh, I think pinball games are hard to really score/time attack anyhow.  If I'm not mistaken, that's why we don't have Spinball charts either.  At least, that's the n00b opinion.

Competition Central / Re: Different Game Gear Versions
« on: June 14, 2007, 04:23:49 pm »
Holy cow.  The level of detail change is staggering.  But, I can't afford the PC/Saturn version on my budget (which is currently zero).  Besides, I've already started mapping Green Grove Zone 1.  Boy, did this thread go off topic.

Competition Central / Re: More rules questions
« on: June 14, 2007, 04:21:01 pm »
Bad news: more questions.
1.  It isn't stated in the S2 Knux Ring charts that you cannot lose a life in the attempt either, when death will leave K.T.E with the same number of rings he touched the starpost with, and all the other rings are respawned.
2.  Do I need to collect the emerald in the S1 special stage charts for my ring stat to count?

General Sonic / Help w/Debug Mode
« on: June 13, 2007, 05:05:02 pm »
For some reason, I can't seem to get the debug/config modes working in Sonic 1/2/3/K the way that MC+ describes them.  Can someone give me a few more details?  Thanks.

Competition Central / Re: A compendium of game saves
« on: June 09, 2007, 05:34:58 pm »
If anyone's interested, I'm working on saves for Mega Collection Plus; I can upload those when I'm done.  It should have all games and hints unlocked, with saves for level select screens (and possibly S1 and S2 special stages; those are harder to level select).

Competition Central / Re: Different Game Gear Versions
« on: June 09, 2007, 04:47:32 pm »
Heh, oops, I have the Mega Collection version, so it is identical to the Genesis version.  I don't know; I thought that the original would be less distracting anyways.  It's the same layout, right?

Competition Central / Re: More rules questions
« on: June 08, 2007, 09:37:09 am »
Glad I could be of assistance.  Though I am a little disappointed now that my score isn't so great.

EDIT: Another question.  This one takes the cake: I'm assuming it isn't allowed for time charts to let the time run out and then start with 0:00 from the last star post, right?  It isn't posted anywhere.  But, PLEASE don't tell me it isn't legal to die in a run, or else a number of my times will probably be wrong (and I don't know which ones).

Competition Central / Re: More rules questions
« on: June 08, 2007, 09:19:58 am »
Yet another question:
Is entering special stages in S3D score charts allowed?  My first score attack on Green Grove 1 put me on the chart at first place, mostly because I had a decent Tails bonus.  The bonus came from Tails rings, not the special stage itself.  I know that as a player whos average stats are in the green levels, getting a white on my first shot at something is probably wrong.

P.S. mike: the clip doesn't work.  I only get sound, even on VLC.

Competition Central / Re: Different Game Gear Versions
« on: June 08, 2007, 08:29:06 am »
^For the S3D maps, you could just get a picture of the Pause screen from the Saturn or PC games, draw the hidden rooms not tracked, and place dots down to mark badniks, Dimension Rings, Knuckles, and Tails. If I weren't so lazy I'd begin now... unfortunately, I am lazy.

That's what I was planning, but why bother place dots when the badniks and friends would show up on the screenies?  Heck, it would also show all rings and item boxes and still wouldn't be too large.

Competition Central / Re: Different Game Gear Versions
« on: June 07, 2007, 10:36:02 am »
Gotcha.  Hmm, maybe I should make maps for the version I have to post them here.  Add that to the "maps for 3D Blast" project that I've been considering but haven't started yet.

Competition Central / Different Game Gear Versions
« on: June 06, 2007, 02:30:53 pm »
Is it just me, or are there some major differences between some of the Game Gear versions?  I have Mega Collection Plus (do I say that every topic?) and the Sonic 1 Game Gear that's on there doesn't match the maps on here, particularly with Bridge 2 and Jungle 2.  The difference is enough that, when I just now RAed Bridge 2, I only missed maybe 3 rings and came up 50 rings short of those in this competition.  How are the versions so different?  And, should we have different charts for each one?

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