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Messages - Maru Kiba

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 7
Wikkity! / Re: Spot the meaning!
« on: March 13, 2009, 08:34:54 pm »
That pyramid reminds me of the ruins in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald.
But I am thinking this looks to be the the Pyramid of the Moon in Egypt?
If not, than the pyramid with the bright light coming out of the top in Las Vegas. (I forgot its name)

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: March 12, 2009, 04:18:52 pm »
I found this interestingly funny: NOT!

16:02   DaleG    (Peu importe)
16:02   Rolken   also FKE isn't very good at the swinging rod ascent thing lol
16:04   DaleG   (Everwhat)
16:05   DaleG   (Jamais ce que)
16:05   SDM   :エ
16:06   DaleG    (Здравствуйте Там)
16:06   SDM   これらの括弧...相撲は、脂肪のように頭を見る
16:06   DaleG    (I said hello there in Russian)
16:07   DaleG   (こんにちは)
16:07   DaleG    (この広場は何のフォントです)
16:07   CodeGirl   [-New Record-] Flying Fox got 15'46"912 on Sonic06 / Times / Boss Attack (Silver)
16:07   DaleG   I don't like the square font)
16:07      *** Knux quit (Ping timeout)
16:07   DaleG    (zeu by)
16:08   DaleG   (lavea)
16:08   SDM   :または
16:08   SDM   その
16:08      *** PK joined #soniccenter
16:08   DaleG    (Pizza)
16:08      +++ Xbox has given op to PK
16:08   SDM   5
16:09   DaleG    (5)
16:09   SDM   何が地獄
16:10   DaleG   (l)
16:10   DaleG    (Ciao Vi)
16:10   DaleG   (è Spin Dash Minori)
16:11   SDM   ニャー
16:11   SDM   looks like a cat with a missing whisker
16:11   DaleG   (私は月曜日が嫌い)
16:12   DaleG   (I hate monday)
16:12   SDM   ちょっとは自分の翻訳が起こった
16:12   SDM   オハイオ
16:12   DaleG   (ソニックセンター敗者に満ちている)
16:13   DaleG (そう私はそれだ!)
16:13   Firstkirbyever   そう私はそれだ!
16:13   Firstkirbyever   <_<
16:13   Firstkirbyever   そう私はそれだ!そう私はそれだ!そう私はそれだ!そう私はそれだ!
16:13   Firstkirbyever   :O
16:13   DaleG    (何何何何何何何何何何何)
16:14   SDM   それ
16:14   DaleG (ハワイ)
16:14   DaleG    (インディアナ)
16:14   SDM   ハワイ
16:14   DaleG    (はずれて)
16:14   DaleG   (左)
16:14   SDM   〜の下に
16:14   SDM   左
16:14   DaleG   (右)
16:14   DaleG   (上へ)
16:14   DaleG    (下に)
16:14   SDM   インディアナ
16:14   DaleG    (1)
16:14   DaleG   (2)
16:14   DaleG    (3)
16:14   DaleG    (4)
16:14   DaleG   (5)
16:15   Rolken   all I see in this chat are boxes. I guess I need a better font
16:15   DaleG   6)
16:15   SDM   thaないために多くの地獄の
16:15   Firstkirbyever   lol
16:15   DaleG   (男)
16:15      *** Sondow|Away is now known as Sondow
16:15   Zeup   me too :/
16:15   DaleG   (女)
16:15   Firstkirbyever   そう私はそれだ! u :D
16:15   DaleG   (わたしも)
16:15   Firstkirbyever   er
16:15   Sondow   so I see I walked in during moonspeak session
16:15   DaleG   (なる)
16:15   Rolken   alright say something again
16:15   DaleG    (だから私は自分で歩いてmoonspeakセッション中に参照してください)
16:15   Firstkirbyever   女 女 女 女 u
16:15   Firstkirbyever   :D
16:15   Rolken   bah
16:15   SDM   ハワイ
16:15   DaleG    (フン!)
16:15   DaleG   (:エ)
16:15   Firstkirbyever   女女女女 you :D
16:15   Sondow   rolk do you have the language pack
16:15   Firstkirbyever   <_<
16:15   DaleG   (あなた:エ)
16:15   Rolken   the language pack?


Wikkity! / Re: I'm at work and TSC should entertain me!
« on: March 10, 2009, 03:53:06 pm »
I was going to say either Yellow or Crystal since they were the only few that wasn't mentioned or seen. They could have easily gotten them since they were unnoticed. But magnum might be right.

News and Updates / Re: It is... inevitable
« on: March 03, 2009, 06:08:37 pm »
If SBK came out on something better like the 360 then I probably would suggest myself getting it (since I am set on saving up for the Xbox360 (Yeah by that time a new Xbox will be on the market :D)[size=1pt]I was not really saying there is a new one coming out in the next 6 months! Say by 2012 there would[/size]

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Anno 1602
« on: March 03, 2009, 05:43:41 pm »
I heard of that game well Anno 1702 or 1701 or what ever. I tried that once but my computer wasn't ready for it. But this was when I had a 2000.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Activities for TSC Convention
« on: February 22, 2009, 06:59:07 pm »
I suggest these board games Flyby.

1: Monopoly (Any kind of Monopoly (Pokemon, Nascar, or What else they made)
2: Scrabble (or Scrabble Junior)
3: Life (Any kind of Life (Different Themes that Life has)
4: Clue
5: Sorry! (Any type of Sorry! game: (I have a PKMN sorry! board game (lol)
6: Operation
Any others? (I don't play board games that much ok!)

I suggest bringing the biggest book in the world! Bhutan! (You can get this. Only on Amazon. ANd it is worth $10000!) NO NOT REALLY! I WAS KIDDING!

General Sonic / Re: News From Yahoo!
« on: February 22, 2009, 06:34:16 pm »
Didn't notice this till now. But Sonic, NFS, and Crash Bandicoot are awesome! Yahoo! can go to hell for saying underrated stories about these three! DDR and Stepmania are really good too (At least they didn't burn Stepmania)! I don't know about that 4th one.

Next I suppose, Yahoo will burn Pokemon, Yugioh, Mario, Guitar Hero and Rock Band!

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Unleashed: Which System are you getting it for?
« on: February 20, 2009, 04:47:16 pm »
If I am getting the 360 then I definitely will get it for the 360. (The PS2 version just sucks)

Hiya Folks / Re: Hey chiefs.
« on: February 20, 2009, 04:30:56 pm »
Sup playa! You do well in Sonic or Mario games? (Or Megaman). Teh don't bring ya self down. Bring ya self up bi workin' hard and shatta the competition.

Oh yeah and don't forget to submit. You don't appear on the home page (on the bottom right wher it shows the new players) until you have at least a 0.1 in the Overall rankings. (Submitting once is all it takes to show yourself)

Wikkity! / Re: ST. VALENTINE'S DAY
« on: February 16, 2009, 09:31:29 am »
It certainly is a loss because he doesn't believe me and this is what really happened. And it would be a loss for someone who doesn't believe since this is a great true life story.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Passively Multiplayer Online Game
« on: February 16, 2009, 09:28:19 am »
Quote from: Nightmuse
chrome is full of bad reviews.

I sincerely doubt that. I demand proof.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Passively Multiplayer Online Game
« on: February 15, 2009, 11:34:15 pm »
That seems... rather pointless.

I can't be bothered to switch back to firefox to actually try it out though :/
\Try it! It is great. btw, chrome is full of bad reviews. I suggest going back to FF.  Do it anyway it is fun,

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Passively Multiplayer Online Game
« on: February 15, 2009, 10:39:57 pm »
Hey I signed up to it. My name is Nightmuse. I just started one of the missions now too. But I still am using my Space Shuttle FF skin tho

EDIT: Found the DP card! I got 13 DP now.

Wikkity! / Re: ST. VALENTINE'S DAY
« on: February 15, 2009, 10:28:20 pm »
Well my date was pretty nice until something bad happened. I shall explain why.

Well there we were at a diner for dinner. (It was in Whitehall)
And in the midst of the date all of a sudden my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend comes in the diner. I was like how did he know we were here. He probably got word of it somehow. And he sees us. He was pissed that she was going out with me. And then a fight breaks out with me and him. Well luckily I had weapons around so I used the fork and knife tactic. But all hell breaks loose when the Manager walks out to us and breaks the fight up and kicks us both out. I told the manager why we were fighting and the manager didn't let us back in so the date was pretty much ruined there, I really was pissed at him for ruining such a night.

So then me and my girlfriend drove off. The ex-boyfriend then comes chasing us! (What a be-ach!) It wasn't a speed chase just your usually city chase without the speeds. We finally lost him by driving into an alley that had another alley (BTW we had a Garmin attached to the car so that helped us more. So we quickly drove into that alley and around on to the same road we were on and we drive in to 9th Street go down Jackson Street. We drive until we got to liberty street and we drove on that until we got to I-78. By that time we really lost him. (Back in the 1st alley I spoke of, he hit a big pothole,

(we hit that but our car has a good suspension so it didn't harm the car as much as it did him, (He had no suspension on his car so the shock affected the car more and stopped it for awhile until drove out, we were already on Jackson when I suspected he got out.) So we took I-78 back to the turn-off that goes into Route 209, then went on RT 22, back home. And we just stayed at my house. Luckily here ex-boyfriend doesn't know where I live.

BTW, My girlfriend drove the car, I set up the Garmin. I gave her directions to try to lose the mad-man.

That was pretty adventurous for me. That's the first time I ever had a car chase!

At that point, I'd worry about her judge of character, ponder my own existance, and possibly be prepared to flee for my life from both undead chickens and tidal waves...

also, new sig that totally rocks (PM me if you know what book it's from)
This actually did happen. If only I wish i could have filmed this. It actually did happen! No joke! No joke! But.. if you don't believe me, that's your loss not mine...

Hiya Folks / Re: A very late Hi
« on: February 15, 2009, 02:17:20 pm »
Have a late hello! And have a late welcome to the Competition and Forums. Be sure to check the chatrooms and see us there.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: fireboy
« on: February 15, 2009, 02:13:55 pm »
Um. Nightmuse, I think you read a couple digits wrong >_>

Yes, we can see the picture. Yes, it is (barely) legible. But it's not 14 seconds, it's 1 minute 47 seconds. <_<

EDIT: Er, yeah, what Groudon said.
I read it right, I typed in 14 instead of 45. Yeah it is 1:45:72. I looked at a bunch of times. I even put it in MS Paint and made it larger and it is a 45:72

Wikkity! / Re: ST. VALENTINE'S DAY
« on: February 15, 2009, 02:10:44 pm »
Well my date was pretty nice until something bad happened. I shall explain why.

Well there we were at a diner for dinner. (It was in Whitehall)
And in the midst of the date all of a sudden my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend comes in the diner. I was like how did he know we were here. He probably got word of it somehow. And he sees us. He was pissed that she was going out with me. And then a fight breaks out with me and him. Well luckily I had weapons around so I used the fork and knife tactic. But all hell breaks loose when the Manager walks out to us and breaks the fight up and kicks us both out. I told the manager why we were fighting and the manager didn't let us back in so the date was pretty much ruined there, I really was pissed at him for ruining such a night.

So then me and my girlfriend drove off. The ex-boyfriend then comes chasing us! (What a be-ach!) It wasn't a speed chase just your usually city chase without the speeds. We finally lost him by driving into an alley that had another alley (BTW we had a Garmin attached to the car so that helped us more. So we quickly drove into that alley and around on to the same road we were on and we drive in to 9th Street go down Jackson Street. We drive until we got to liberty street and we drove on that until we got to I-78. By that time we really lost him. (Back in the 1st alley I spoke of, he hit a big pothole,

(we hit that but our car has a good suspension so it didn't harm the car as much as it did him, (He had no suspension on his car so the shock affected the car more and stopped it for awhile until drove out, we were already on Jackson when I suspected he got out.) So we took I-78 back to the turn-off that goes into Route 209, then went on RT 22, back home. And we just stayed at my house. Luckily here ex-boyfriend doesn't know where I live.

BTW, My girlfriend drove the car, I set up the Garmin. I gave her directions to try to lose the mad-man.

That was pretty adventurous for me. That's the first time I ever had a car chase!

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: fireboy
« on: February 15, 2009, 01:36:29 pm »
I can see it just fine: I see 00:14:72. As I keep looking at it. You can make the picture bigger by clicking on the picture (Not link) or make it larger in MS Paint

Wikkity! / Re: Remnant of my past
« on: February 15, 2009, 10:19:44 am »
Neat. I think I saw something like that at Hot Topic. It wasn't the same one, but still had Sonic on it. (It had Sonic and Shadow and Metal (Metal not Mecha or Silver) Sonic racing).

Wikkity! / Re: The music maker (is leaving after last post).
« on: February 15, 2009, 10:14:00 am »
Hey Azure if you are still floating around here until you really leave and you see this post. If you want to still compete in anything, I suggest you can go to Cyberscore instead. They have a load of charts and not just Sonic games. (BTW, Groudon is a mod there so careful ;)

They do have a chatroom but doesn't get as much traffic as we do here. But they do allow you to get on other channels like here. They do have forums. (I'm usually not in there) I am SuperVegeta5425 if you want to meet me there. So try there, if you don't like it fine, I don't want to push you to do something you don't want.

But try them, and see if you can do better there.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: fireboy
« on: February 15, 2009, 10:01:44 am »
Yes plz, and if it isn't enough do you know what strat you used?

Wikkity! / Re: Doug brings teh secksay game remake piccies
« on: February 15, 2009, 09:57:58 am »

Wikkity! / Re: Doug brings teh secksay game remake piccies
« on: February 14, 2009, 05:11:30 pm »
they look awesome dude. I'd like to see a Hydrocity and a Hidden Palace one. Not to mention Chemical Plant and Labyrinth Zone. (I hate the stage when playing it but the look of it is nice)

Wikkity! / Re: The music maker (is leaving after last post).
« on: February 14, 2009, 05:03:34 pm »
Bye old chap. I believe we all miss ya.  Good luck out there. Maybe our paths will cross again someday. But until then, see ya later. (Exit music plays for Azure)

Wikkity! / Re: ST. VALENTINE'S DAY
« on: February 13, 2009, 08:41:14 pm »
Well tommorow i have a date with my girl. (she asked me out) I have a couple plans for that. Heheh

Hiya Folks / Re: Hi there
« on: February 13, 2009, 05:11:17 am »
And that relates to the topic? This is Light Sector's topic not a blackhole topic. See above, for directions!

Hiya Folks / Re: Hi there
« on: February 12, 2009, 04:43:09 pm »
Hello there! Nice to meet you! I hope you do well here. Don't do anything to get yourself banned. Believe me you won't like it.

Wikkity! / Re: The music maker.
« on: February 08, 2009, 12:24:59 pm »
Pretty good I'd say Cutiefox. The boss battle one was pretty honorable, robust, and action-packed.

Hiya Folks / Re: Hi People!
« on: February 07, 2009, 12:43:06 pm »
Hello there. Welcome to TSC. Enjoy competing!

Wikkity! / Super Bowl 43
« on: February 01, 2009, 06:36:16 pm »
Who do you think will win the super bowl 43 and why do you believe so?

As for me, I kinda am going towards rooting for the Cardinals. Reason is that no one expects and unexpected team to win a super Bowl, one because the Cardinals I believe only got in once and lost, so I think that they can win because of the most would expect a more prestigious team like the Steelers to win, and that proves to make most lose. And as result the of the saying: Expect the unexpected. Except no one really does!

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