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Messages - douglas

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 28
News and Updates / Re: The future of TSC
« on: June 16, 2009, 12:45:50 pm »
I agree with Stefan: DsS and Zeupar would make an awesome enforcer team.  Except now DsS would now know how to circumvent the cheater flag....
Hah :)

Who's actually on the Rules Committee as it stands?  Maybe we should have an all-new one if mike's departing.  Either way, I wholeheartedly endorse DsS and Zeupar as members.

News and Updates / Re: The future of TSC
« on: June 16, 2009, 09:18:24 am »
I am willing to take on pretty much anything people want to throw at me; I'm probably not the person to do community management, due to my somewhat polarising sense of humour*, but I can definitely help with code and maybe as rules committee secretary/organiser/dogsbody?

* although putting me in charge of people would make a TERRIFIC reality TV show.  We could call it "Doug screws people up through sophomoric humour and pure distilled evil".  In fact screw this helping out, I'm off to pitch this to the networks.

Board Games / Re: Pick Up the Phone Booth and TSC
« on: June 11, 2009, 07:16:55 am »
I thought the point of the topic was to have something happen as a result of your action, not have 2-3 paragraphs of something completely irrelevant and interchangeable. >_> At least the other ones have some relevance to it...
Yeah, I figured some people might not have seen the original topic and not get it, and others might not think the whole MOAR BUS thing was funny.  However, the epic that is MOAR BUS cannot be stopped by such concerns :)

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: June 10, 2009, 03:44:25 am »
Ironically, this topic is called: "Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments" So if that was an unfunny log then it belongs here. But it definitely is not long at all.

*runs away unnoticed and even if someone noticed it was their imagination

Stop being so stupid.

Board Games / Re: Pick Up the Phone Booth and TSC
« on: June 05, 2009, 06:54:42 am »
> west

You head over to the groups of TSCers talking to the west. Due to sun glare, you can't make out who they are until you're right next to them... oh, boy. You've wandered into a furry meeting. PPA and Koshi are pissed that you are intruding on their private meeting: after all, PPA's insecure about his furriness when in front of non-furries. You apologize profusely, but it's not enough; PPA throws a punch, and the two of you begin to fight. After a quick scuffle, you come out victorious, though not unscathed.

Later that night, as you go to bed, you check up on your injuries. You have a few bruises here and there, but you seem alright for the most part, save a spot on your shoulder where you appear to have been bit by PPA... the blood still hasn't clotted. You dab some hydrogen peroxide on it, cover it with a bandage, and go to bed.

When you wake up, you freak out. There's spots of orange fur growing from the backs of your hands, your nails are unusually long, your ears are stretched out... you've caught the furry virus. You cover it up well enough for a few days, but it eventually grows out of control. Weeks later, you could pass for a superhero: agile as a furry, improved hearing and eyesight, an incredible sense of smell... but none of it matters. You're a social pariah due to a pheromone your body releases that causes those nearby to think "eww furry". Your parents, your girlfriend, your friends... they all reject you. You can't get a job due to affirmative action not being applicable to different species. Worst of all, PPA and Koshi, the only fellow furries you know, won't take you in.

*You spend the rest of your life alone, save the ticks and fleas that take residence in your fur*

Wikkity! / Re: Name TSC's Band! Post names and requests....
« on: June 01, 2009, 02:36:20 pm »
Band name suggestions:

4 N00bs of the Apocalypse
RPGNutter and the Harbingers of Fail
You Know Who Else Played In A Band?
I'd Rather Have A Tiger
Take It To #roots
Fission Mail'd
Ecks Dee
PPA Is A Furry
Necromancy Is A Sin
No Strangers To Love
You Know The Rules
And So Do I
* douglas shot

Wikkity! / Re: TSC's Got Talent?
« on: May 31, 2009, 12:46:17 pm »
I win things.

Wikkity! / Re: Ask Iceman
« on: May 28, 2009, 05:40:18 pm »
Oh come on, the quote was "there's no such thing as a stupid question", then HolyG beautifully proved that wrong!  Comedy gold, says I!

ITT we discover that Gerbil is controlled using a Wiimote.

* GerbilEgg accidentally lets go of a Wiimote, which flies out of his hand and hits Douglas in the head
* GerbilSoft has quit (Input/output error)

<Typo> just in case
<Typo> newcar
<Typo> and... NEW WANTED LEVEL
<Typo> :D
<Douglas> lies
<Douglas> it's all lies
<Douglas> nobody wants you
* Typo has quit (Quit: )

Hiya Folks / Re: Sup
« on: May 25, 2009, 04:57:28 pm »
ohai Rayku, nice to see you back :)

Wikkity! / Re: Doug brings teh secksay game remake piccies
« on: May 17, 2009, 03:35:44 pm »

Lifehacker tells us there is MOAR PICCY:

<3 Stardust Speedway

« on: May 16, 2009, 04:31:26 am »
a lot of people say that W7 is better than Vista, and I can easily see that being true...

but is W7 better than XP?  (Also, when my box broke about a year ago, I picked up Knoppix (which allowed me to actually boot the computer, as windows was having problems with a busted HDD), installed another HDD I had laying around, stuck Ubuntu on it and LOVED it.  I was only a little sad that the computer wasn't powerful enough for what I needed it for, and as such, on this box, I'm running XP.

I'll have dual-boot set up once I get a new box, but sadly, I'm not sure when that'll be...

The RC is definitely better than Windows XP.  I'm now running the 64 bit RC full time, and although my graphics card driver is crashing more than I like (not taking the whole machine with it ftw, user-space drivers at last!) - in-app performance comparable to XP (unlike Vista when it came out), boot time/general responsiveness is excellent, Aero Peek is a really neat feature, UAC is done properly this time, etc etc.

Yes, Linux has done most of that for a long, long time, and I work almost exclusively in Ubuntu, and 7 is essentially a polished version of Vista, but it's at a point where it's an easy choice for me to ditch XP.

Edit: forgot to mention that the taskbar model is the best one out there bar none, and this comes from a serious Gnome fanboi.


Anyone who hasn't played Rocket Knight Adventures and it's sequel Sparkster, do so now.



Done?  Good, now you're as excited as I am about the prospect of this :D

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Battle High Scores
« on: May 14, 2009, 01:20:26 pm »
I've already explained myself. I held off submitting these scores for two years after I learned of the glitch because I felt it'd be banned, but now that it's been ignored for two years and we allow a three-second lap in Sonic R, freezing the timer in various games, etc., I've said "fuck it" and finally submitted.

Also despite my comment I still need to to the glitch to Emerl... I had a combo attached to R and didn't get all of the Special Attack KO bonuses, so my stats are 10th place and below for him. Once I do that I should have the championship (unless everybody bandwagons and does the glitch now... pricks :( ).

EDIT: Now comes the fun part. The debate opens up!
"That glitch breaks the game! Ban it!"
"What, no! There's still competition!"
"No there's not, it finishes levels in two seconds!"
"Then there's two seconds of competition!"
* Thorn gets popcorn and soda. Thorn reclines in chair and sllluuurrrppps soda.

Also douglas I know you like to automatically win topics, so in the off-chance you suddenly join the "ban glitches" brigade, I have a plan to win this debate.
I'm usually pro this kind of glitch for a number of reasons (consistency, enforcement, the question of banning things just because people don't like them, arbitrariness of how much gets banned), although here there's probably a case to be made for this one to go (Cannon's Core springs to mind).

Epic find though, must try it out.

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Battle High Scores
« on: May 14, 2009, 03:46:59 am »
I'm guessing that would be me :)

Depends on the character; I typically only use specials to get the bonus for that.  You also need to finish quickly, obviously, and you also need to pretty much never get hit throughout a run (or allow the computer players to get a KO).  I have no idea what Thorn means with his "glitch'd" comment though - Thorn?

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 12, 2009, 03:58:29 am »
Yeah, that is how I knew PPA was legit, because I knew he would use the he thing to cover me X). (Though to be sure is also why I asked for a CC if there was one).

I really don't want this to turn into some mass-claiming first day. Yes I'm following genus. I don't really have a good feel for how forum mafia works, and genus has written enough for me to feel like I have a decent read on him, whereas everyone else I don't, and if genus convinces me he is town-sided, then I am willing to follow him while I try to work out my own way of figuring out how to read things in the forum setting.

I feel like I'm walking blind atm.
Okay, now I'm confused - it's sounding like either PPA and flyby are both legit or both clear, yes?  Unless there's a mafia night role thing going on here (flyby hooker confirmed <_<).  Damn, it'd be really helpful to know what roles we had.

Who haven't we heard from at all?

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 11, 2009, 07:45:31 pm »
And my final piece of evidence: mike would SO recruit flyby to masonry. Almost everyone would.
Actually yeah, that would be awfully like mike, now you mention it.  That and Parax bandwagoning are basically all I've noticed of interest thus far (50/50 on genus, on one hand he's playing like he does when he's town, on the other he has this crazy idea that he can manipulate me so that might be why he's steering you away from me).

I shall unvote: PPA & vote: flyby instead in solidarity stefan, for I agree we are killing the wrong person here :(

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 11, 2009, 10:25:44 am »
douglas isn't obnoxious

Also Vote: PPA.  Someone visited genus?  Well duh.  Not convinced by that I'm afraid.  Also harmless rebelling against the bandwagon cos stefan is getting it <_<

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 10, 2009, 06:42:35 pm »
As messaging other players is disallowed, I think I'll pass on claiming unless you're actually seriously contemplating lynching me >_>

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 09, 2009, 10:24:57 am »
Douglas isn't trying to gut me, and I think that's proof enough of his innocence.
Doug and genus mafia together confirmed

wait wut

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 08, 2009, 06:51:18 pm »
That's why everything should be done over IRC. We already know PPA has a night action, though, because he specifically asked what he should do to enter orders. Similarly, I'm pretty sure that Stefan and flyby were the only members who weren't on before SBW left before work. But I guess this is going too far in observation, and we should drop it.

However, not responding immediately when you have so little to say is still fair incrimination.

Edit: to combat what Paraxade mentioned earlier, I suggest a buffer from when SBW's received all night actions and his  update to the game.
genus occassionally speaks sense :)  I think unless PPA has anything compelling to say in his defence he's probably getting my vote.  PPA?

Information Kiosk / Re: New Topic Status Icons!
« on: May 07, 2009, 12:51:50 pm »
Quote from: Gerbil's last post
Reply #11 on: December 10, 2007, 03:50:26 PM

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 05, 2009, 11:33:47 am »
I'm in, and I second the genus lynch.

News and Updates / Re: Lifting faces
« on: May 05, 2009, 11:32:41 am »
There is a download lurking somewhere on the intarwebs that gives you IE versions 5 through 8 as standalone binaries if you really wanted to make sure everything worked (I can look it out if you want?), but yeah just tell people to use a decent browser for great justice.

Also, the "you can only use the listed character for the stat in question" rule has mysteriously vanished, so theoretically it is legal to use Sonic + Tails in Sonic 2/3/K. I thought this was ruled not to be the case.
That has been re-visited and deemed legal.

Information Kiosk / Re: fuck everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: April 26, 2009, 11:12:43 am »
fuck everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I find your suggestion offensive and impractical.

Competition Central / Re: TSC's Top Ten Failures
« on: April 26, 2009, 04:19:13 am »
And it should be noted its a furry x furry relationship >_>
OK, doug/genus and cruizer officially switch places.
Why the FUCK would I want to be in a threesome with genus and a furry?

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: April 23, 2009, 07:17:59 pm »
ITT what we all knew already is confirmed.

<Werey> you have gun down you pants
<Werey> :o
<ShadowJacky> why yes
<ShadowJacky> doesn't everyone?
<Firstkirbyever> <_<
<ShadowJacky> >_>
<Werey> no
<Werey> cuz we value our balls
<Douglas> pump action, is it?
<ShadowJacky> -that- is
<Douglas> <Werey> mmmballs
<Werey> wtf
<Werey> ive never said that :o
<Douglas> I KNEW IT
<ShadowJacky> orly?
<ShadowJacky> lol
<Werey> yarly

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