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Messages - flyby

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« on: October 22, 2009, 03:57:33 am »
She's too smart to be strung along by you!

Wikkity! / Re: Post your voice!
« on: October 22, 2009, 03:53:34 am »
Could you put -less- effort into that?

Gaming and Grazing / Re: TSC Convention
« on: August 20, 2009, 01:00:18 am »
Looks like CF may have another chance to steal me away! I am not holding my breath that he will actually take it!

Board Games / Re: Return of the genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« on: August 19, 2009, 03:40:14 pm »
Reality / TSC
What's the coolest screen name you've seen on the Internet that isn't yours?

What's in a name? etc etc. I just like names that are original and are not easily confused with someone else

What's the best dream you remember? (I know there's a topic for this, you can link a post of yours if need be).

I haven't kept track for dreams for a long time. I used to write them down in high school, but those were mainly me being gaga about guys I liked. Coolest dream I remember lately was about the shiney eyes, which was pretty cool.

Who do you talk to / hang with most on TSC?

Rolken *shot* I talk to lots of people. Lots of people really. Like I looked through the userlist, and was like, yeah I talk to them from time to time, yeah them too, yeah yeah yeah. Etc and on down the list. I like people.

TSC Furries: Poisoning the site, bringing smiles and happiness to the site, or just more users?

Well...I think sometimes the furries get out of hand (like Umby with his random yiffyiffyiff stuff), but I don't dislike furriness out of hand, I am in #roots. I just prefer it to be there and not in #soniccenter. Though you know, I'd be fine if the competing talk was kept to a minimum in #soniccenter too, so my opinion is not necessarily the best.

Given one day as admin, what do you change around here?

I would shut down the site. WHAHAHAHAHAH. Ok, not really. I mean I could have done that already right? /me shot
I probably wouldn't do anything, I don't really care about competition. I am here for the community.

What do you think about these TSC fads:
* iSketch
yus, though I need more than just Achlys and Thorn to play
* Mafia
<3 Mafia got me through some tough times living with my in-laws. I will forever love it for that. I played it way too much and got my fill of it though, but in 5 years I will be ready for another fad!
* SRB2
I don't know what this is, nor do I care >_>
* Toulouse
I will still win that tournament!

What's your theory on DsS's skills? Genetic mutation, virus, disease, gift from God, result of the Vorlon touch, or something else? Is it (hopefully) communicable?
As has been said, I think it is mainly due to his dedication, which I think comes from having some insane amount of caring about it that I will never understand. But more power to him.

Does Sonic Team has one foot in the grave, both feet in the grave, or is it rising from the grave as an undead? Or *gulp* is it wising fwom its gwave as some sort of Altered Beast? *shot*

Both feet in the grave

Cooler power-up to own: Super Leaf or Fire Flower?
Super leaf~

Coolest "psychic" ability to wield at an unrealistic level: psychokinesis (telekinesis), pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, telepathy, empathy, etc.?
I don't know. Perhaps I am taking this question too logically, but I don't think I'd be able to handle most of them. Pyrokinesis would probably be the easiest to control, but that is because I don't really care about it much, and would use it like camping. I'd want telepathy, but I don't know I'd really be good at having it.

For those of you with a "fursona", or for those just answering for the lulz: your species, gender, and color are...? (I had to do it, sorry... I'm not appealing to a minority with this one anymore~)
I...don't have one, and can't really think of one for the lulz without much more thought, which isn't worth it. So yea~

Cooler height to be for a day: 1cm (0.4") or 50m (164'), Square-Cube Law be damned?
1cm. I want to be able to observe without impacting the people I am observing.

Coolest Sonic-game body to inhabit?
Tails. Yay flying~

Coolest non-legendary Pokémon to be?
>_> I have no idea what any pokemons are. Ok, I know a few, but not enough to choose the coolest.

Coolest Halloween monster to be? (Use traditional definitions, not Twilight definitions)
Vampire! Oh what wait, no twilight definitions. Werewolf! Dang it! That was twilight too~ Twilight wins :D

Coolest video game to play the main character's role in?
Heh. None of the games I like have great main characters. I guess I'd go with Link in Ocarina of Time. That is my kind of setting.

Coolest TSCer to trade lives with for a day?
genus. I was going to have a hard time answering this, as I couldn't really come up with someone, then I saw his name in the topic, and thought I'd be interested to trade him for a day. I'd just be interested to see what a normal day is like for him.

Wikkity! / Re: Rolken and flyby are engaged!
« on: August 19, 2009, 03:04:08 am »
Oh, we beat mike a long time ago. Well, 3 years! Yea~

flyby's League / Re: Extension for Week 1
« on: August 18, 2009, 12:22:18 am »
Don't feel like making a new topic, so week 3 levels!

Sonic Adventure 2 (B) - Weapons Bed 1
Sonic CD - Stardust Speedway 2
Sonic 1 - Labyrinth 2
Sonic 2 - Chemical Plant 2 - Sonic (score)
Sonic Advance 2 - Ice Paradise 2 - Cream
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2
Sonic Advance 3 - Toy Kingdom 3
Sonic Riders - Dark Desert - 3 laps
Sonic & Knuckles - Hidden Palace - Tails
Sonic Chaos - Aqua Planet 1

flyby's League / Extension for Week 1
« on: August 10, 2009, 02:11:39 am »
There will now be a 12-hour extension for Week 1, because some people somehow did not hear about it starting, so want to give everyone time. Week 2 times can still be gotten starting the normal time. So end time is now 12:01pm tomorrow PDT. So, everyone tell DsS to play! Also, everyone else play!

flyby's League / Re: Summer League
« on: July 29, 2009, 02:58:27 pm »
Yeah teams are allowed.

flyby's League / Re: Summer League
« on: July 28, 2009, 10:54:41 pm »
Oh yeah, I had a request for Labyrinth. If someone is willing to volunteer to clock it, I will put a level from it in. So, sign up here to clock for Labyrinth!

flyby's League / Re: Summer League
« on: July 28, 2009, 09:27:21 pm »
Sonic Adventure (DX) - Lost World - Sonic
Shadow the Hedgehog - Lethal Highway - Dark
Sonic The Hedgehog - Crisis City - Shadow
Sonic and the Secret Rings - Evil Foundry - Mission 2
Sonic Advance - Angel Island 1 - Amy
Sonic Rush Adventure - Haunted Ship 1 - Sonic
Sonic 1 - Scrap Brain 1
Sonic 3 - Carnival Night 2 - Tails
Sonic 1 (GG) - Jungle 1
Sonic Pocket Adventure - Secret Plant 2 - Time Trial

Week 1 Levels in an easier place to see them

flyby's League / Summer League
« on: July 28, 2009, 08:29:33 pm »
Ok, I know it's taken me a while to get this running, but it's been a busy month. BUT! Summer league will be starting on Monday August 3 at 12:01am Pacific time (this is the same time the last league ran if you were involved in that one and figured out the difference for your time zone). There will be 4 weeks of normal league. Separate divisions have been dispensed. You simply will want to submit to at least 4 different levels each week to maximize your score potential. (Scoring will work similar, just based on 4 overall, not by division). There are 4 levels each week that should be emulatable, so that everyone should be able to submit 4 times each week.

To be honest, I will probably not end up getting the results hidden each week, so you may want to wait to submit, but I would encourage everyone to submit their times all week, and everyone can try and compete all week long!

There will be representation from a lot of games here, and I have tried to get help from people who play the games for choosing most of the levels, so hopefully they should be good choices. Week 1 Levels are up, but once again, only times gotten within the week will be elligible.

If you are participating with a team that did not participate in Spring League, tell me, and I will get you an account that you can submit with for Summer league. Any other questions, feel free to ask! :D

Gaming and Grazing / Re: TSC Convention
« on: July 22, 2009, 01:05:27 am »
Ok, so the timing is getting pretty fixed for next summer, looking to be probably right around the end of June, beginning/middle of July. Want to know what people's timelines are like, and probably avoid the 4th, because even though I wouldn't really mind having it over the 4th, I am sure it would make it harder for at least one person to go, so either want to do it before or after that. Also with it being in the summer, I am not really concerned about space at all. People can camp out in our backyard, etc if we have tons of people.

So yeah, give me any conflicts, to see if we can find any dates with no conflicts, and what dates would work for people, and remind me again if you are definitely coming, a probably, or a maybe with your dates. Thanks! :D

Wikkity! / Re: Don't like Twilight? Don't tell anyone!
« on: July 16, 2009, 02:20:40 pm »
Hey, not all of us Twilight fans are violent <_<.

SonicAD has said many derisive things to me about it, and he hasn't taken any abuse :D.

Also generally it seems like people would be more open to your analysis of Twilight if you had actually -read- the book, instead of just not liking it because it is popular and you think girly, and you read some reviews from people who didn't like it. Also don't do the whole "I already hate it, so I will read it with the intent to hate it so then I can be justified." That is just noob also.

I mean, I will admit that I did that with Harry Potter at first. But I will also admit that I was a major idiot. be the judge.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: July 03, 2009, 01:57:43 am »
Sondow looks much older.

Wikkity! / Re: Marathon Zone Act Two
« on: July 03, 2009, 01:54:57 am »
I might sign up for this, game over in Sonic 1, and then just you know, watch the rest of the ride.

flyby's League / Re: Interest in Summer League
« on: June 24, 2009, 01:32:20 am »
Ok, thinking about running this starting July 6th. I am thinking 6 weeks again should be good, but that is subject to change. I think much longer than that and it would drag on too long.

Wikkity! / Re: What to do for Sonic's Birthday?
« on: June 21, 2009, 03:01:58 am »
I will honor Sonic by working hard :(

Gaming and Grazing / Re: TSC Convention
« on: June 20, 2009, 06:43:55 pm »
Ok. So, with Mike's recent departure, I have been reconsidering the timing of the convention. The main reason for having it in the winter was so he could come. He said he would still probably come, since it was not the purpose for his trip, but I question the idea of planning the convention around someone who does not care that much, when if it were timed differently, we could potentially get many more people able to come.

So I am considering instead of January 2010, sometime in the summer of 2010? I am still up for January if people would prefer that, but am thinking that summer may be a better time all around. Just looking for thoughts on this, and really if anyone is against the change. I was thinking we could maybe even do it around Sonic's birthday :O.

There are lots of advantages to having the convention in the summer, but if there are reasons that people think January would be preferable, I would like to hear those too, so we can have all views before making a final decision.

flyby's League / Interest in Summer League
« on: June 07, 2009, 11:43:52 pm »
Hey, just trying to figure out who is still interested in a Summer league. I know a lot of those from Spring don't want to continue on, so just trying to figure out who is interested. Would probably end up starting near the beginning of July. So, any and all possible interestees, please post. And also if you were in the Spring league and are interested in being in the summer league too, want to know that. I'll use this topic to discuss changes to the format as well (which will be tweaks more than anything), but just want to guage interest for now.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: June 03, 2009, 06:44:24 pm »
are you smiling in this picture too?

*flyby shot*

flyby's League / Round 2
« on: May 25, 2009, 02:49:08 am »
Hey, since I have to do levels based on these results, Round 2 levels should be up an hour or so after this round ends, and that is pretty much how it will run for all of the rounds. It gives you one less hour a week.

flyby's League / FINALS
« on: May 17, 2009, 02:53:24 am »
Ohai. This is your friendly league runner.

Round 1 levels are up. Weeks will run as they did for the league. Submissions will be due by the usual time. Please only submit to your division <_<.

If one person/team wins 1 level each, the winner of the round will be determined by who was closest as the 2nd place player. (ie, losing by 25" will beat losing by 2 seconds).

Also, for teams, each member is expected to do one of the levels. If there is a week where one person submits both times, the teammate who did not submit will be disqualified from continuing in the finals.

Anyway, so 24 hours!

Also thanks to werster for his help in picking tournament levels. :D

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 13, 2009, 07:21:26 am »
I think at least if we are going to not have a typical mafia setup, it would be nice to know what the roles are. I would have been a lot more weary of following genus on a stefan lynch if i knew there was a lyncher out there. <_<

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 12, 2009, 03:38:39 am »
Yeah, that is how I knew PPA was legit, because I knew he would use the he thing to cover me X). (Though to be sure is also why I asked for a CC if there was one).

I really don't want this to turn into some mass-claiming first day. Yes I'm following genus. I don't really have a good feel for how forum mafia works, and genus has written enough for me to feel like I have a decent read on him, whereas everyone else I don't, and if genus convinces me he is town-sided, then I am willing to follow him while I try to work out my own way of figuring out how to read things in the forum setting.

I feel like I'm walking blind atm.

flyby's League / Re: Onto the finale?
« on: May 12, 2009, 02:48:47 am »
Yeah, finals will start next week at the normal time, this week is off, for me to get finals ready, etc. I'll post up the first round levels hopefully Saturday night.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 10, 2009, 08:56:58 pm »
i almost like to back stefan lynches more than genus lynches even <_<
Vote: Stefan

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 10, 2009, 05:25:24 pm »
well i don't want to jump that quickly to a lynch on douglas <_<

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 10, 2009, 05:20:16 pm »
lol genus, werster is not in this game. ok, PPA lynch off the table, unless we have a CC. douglas flattering genus does not seem like a good reason to assume his innocence <_<.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 09, 2009, 01:16:34 am »
As much as it is true that the accusations of PPA are not very founded...he is responding so guiltily, which I assume is why genus accused him on something ridiculous in the first place, just to see his reaction. His reaction: guilty. Still want to see how other people are responding etc, but at this point, I would back a PPA lynch.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 05, 2009, 03:08:31 am »
SIGN ME UP!!!!!!!

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