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Messages - Donna

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flyby's League / Re: flyby's league
« on: April 19, 2009, 08:16:23 am »
flyby has just given me my most favourite round yet :D.

*shoots self in head with Shadow Rifle... after taking out Maria with it*

Competition Central / Re: TSC's Top Ten Failures
« on: April 18, 2009, 02:59:49 am »
I don't think I should be #1, per se, but I'll be shocked and elated if I'm not on the list. :3

General Sonic / Re: My Rouge the bat fanarts
« on: April 15, 2009, 11:57:51 pm »
Rouge is not lame. Not any lamer than your mom, anyway.


General Sonic / Re: My Rouge the bat fanarts
« on: April 15, 2009, 09:09:28 pm »
What game are you using for her character model? This looks like Rouge circa Shadow, only more anorexic. Also, the first pic, real boobs don't work like that. I speak from experience.

Good otherwise.

Wikkity! / Re: Banned from IRC
« on: April 15, 2009, 06:44:00 am »
donna you dont get banned and go back to just be more annoying. I think iver learned >_> <_< >_>

Well I didn't want to underestimate you. :p

Wikkity! / Re: Banned from IRC
« on: April 14, 2009, 08:52:18 pm »
I want to point out that a little spam when the chat is dead is just fine, especially when it is funny. Werey just can't tell when. A more behaviorist thing to do would be to ban him for 24 hours every time he does it. Then he might actually learn.

flyby's League / Re: flyby's league
« on: April 13, 2009, 08:01:06 pm »
Is there a reason none of my subs are showing? Or do we have to submit our old league stats to the subsite? I'm... confused.

Wikkity! / Re: I'm in Rhode Island and TSC should entertain me!
« on: April 12, 2009, 06:11:35 pm »
Did you know that Rhode Island was founded by peeps who were exhiled from Massachusetts Bay Colony for their religious beliefs? I think it was some dude who got kicked out and founded it, and then this awesome chick who believed that enlightened people were above religious law whose name I forget came there. I uh, I don't remember names so well.

also, here's a funny chat quote:

18:09   Werey   WereTAco sounds awsome

Wikkity! / Annotations on Thorn's Guide
« on: April 12, 2009, 05:52:30 pm »
I have a few notes on Thorn's guide.

This happens to some people naturally, e.g. Werey PM'd me saying that he's almost always known he was dreaming but had no control. Other people have to work at it, e.g. donna and I.

My first lucid dream happened spontaneously, but I was so vexed at myself for waking up when I had become a werewolf (lol furry) that I decided to try and take things into my own hands.

Other people claim that lucidity can lead to spiritual enlightenment, although that's not my belief and your mileage may vary with that reasoning.

I am of the school of thought that your dreams reflect your semi-conscious or subconscious makeup--desires, fears, etc. Also, I've noticed that there are degrees of lucidity--sometimes when I'm lucid dreaming I am basically awake, but other times I am still in a sort of limited dream-thought. For example, my middle two lucid dreams, I was completely aware of my dreaming, the limits of what I can do lucid dreaming, and in the case of the dream where I tried to cover myself, the fact that you're paralyzed while dreaming. My first lucid dream and my last one, I was only vaguely aware of my dreaming, and the way I chose my lucid actions was that sort of quick, automatic thought you have in a regular dream.

I mean, Green Hill is not my favorite Sonic level. If I could go into a dream and plan it in advance while fully awake, I'd TA Icecap S3K, White Jungle, or Lethal Highway Dark, just because of the visuals (and lol snowboarding). But Green Hill has symbolic significance for me. It represents the first time I ever wanted to be something, my wish to be Sonic. And my wish to be Sonic is just a reflection of the powerlessness and lack of agency in my life. I chose to drive to GH1 in my dream because I feel especially powerless this week.

A more discreet way to do this if you're around people is to see if you can bite your tongue (be careful! :P).

Another thing I've heard that works is reading. You read text, look away, and see if it says the same thing. Supposedly, if you're dreaming, it won't. I have not been able to verify this and I'm fairly certain that text in my dreams is static, but I am an English major, lol.

My favorite method, which has yet to actually work, is a five senses check. When I"m dreaming, at least one of my senses is dulled or absent. So I go through them in order. Sight, sound, touch, taste, smell. Now you may be thinking, "what if you're not touching/tasting/smelling" anything? But there's the native tension ofy our muscles to feel, the taste of nothing in your mouth, etc. I actually do a left-right check for the touch one. I have trouble telling my left from my right, but I know I'm left-handed, so I focus on my arms and try to feel which one is tenser to tell left from right.

Waking up after five or so hours of sleep, then going back to sleep with the intention of recognizing the next thing you see as a dream is a popular way. A very difficult yet rewarding way is to wake up after five or so hours, then lay still in bed as the body goes to sleep (see Chao_Fan's post on sleep paralysis sans the creepiness) and repeatedly think about lucidity, keeping your thoughts active as the rest of the mind and the body go to sleep. Keeping just this one part of the brain on takes a lot of practice, because thinking too hard'll keep you awake, and too little will see you fall unconscious. I haven't gotten this one to work for me yet, but since you go in conscious, this also gives you the most time in the dream to exert your will.

Time is an important factor, and so is basic cognitive conditioning. In my experience, the best time to lucid dream is when you're at least caught up on your sleep, and sleeping more than ten hours total in a 24 hour period. I think you have to be in good mental condition to "catch" your lucid dreams, and to exert control. Before my sonic dream, I'd slept about 15 hours over two days; my first lucid dream happened during the summer when I was in sixth grade, when I could sleep in as late as I want.

The way I usually catch my lucid dreams is a logical inconsistency. "I'm a werewolf, and these trees look like Dr. Seuss stuff, so I must be dreaming." "I already passed eighth grade, so I must be dreaming." "I already passed Art, so I must be dreaming." "I'm on an unfamiliar highway that should be one I know, and I have no idea why, and I was just in bed, so I must be dreaming."

A person's short-term memory lasts about 20 seconds. Set your alarm ten minutes earlier than usual so that you can spend a short while dwelling on what you just dreamt, or even write it down if you want to keep a log. If you notice you're having recurring things in your dreams, consider doing the breathing test any time you see that thing in reality or in a dream.

I find it's easier to remember the dream if you can tie it into something you've been thinking about, and in fact I had almost forgotten my Sonic dream before I began thinking about league for the day. Since my fictional interest have deem symbolic importance to me, I tend to remember fictional franchise dreams (like running around in GH1, or that time I got kidnapped by Mewtwo) much better.

Keep your cool, don't get too excited lest you wake up. Go in with a plan as to what you might do -- not that there's anything wrong with taking in the scenery, mind you :P. If things start to fade, common practice is to rub your hands together or to spin around -- studies have shown that stimulating dream "senses" like sight and touch helps to keep you anchored in a dream longer than just walking where you want to go and having the only sensory change being the small change in appearance of things due to perspective as you get closer or farther away.

Do not will too hard. The more you wake up the harder it will be to maintain the dream. If you're still semi-asleep, whatever you will will come very naturally. If not, you'll have a bit more control, but don't force it or you will wake up, probably just as whatever you want comes through the door.

Oftentimes it's tough to just "will" something to happen. If that fails, know (not expect, KNOW) that what you want is just around the corner, or on the other side of a door, or maybe you've had it in your pocket the whole time. Personally, I've walked out of doors into more suitable landscapes for what I want to do many times. Trying to be a "god" and making your will be done doesn't always work. I operate on the opposite principle: dream characters know more than I do and that if I struggle doing something, I can always ask them how. One crazy personal example: an old task posted on a lucidity forum involved, among other things, growing. I struggled trying to will it to happen, but the dream was on my college campus, so I asked a dream character for help. I was given the absurd solution to grab my hair and yank it straight up to stretch (width and depth be damned!). Months later, I remembered that silly dream and tried that for shits and giggles, and it still works. :P

A million times this. Stay within the physics and context of the dream. If you are in a room and want something to be there, will it to walk through or be carried through the door. If you want to leave, walk/fly/swim/&c out the door. If you are driving, like I was, drive to your desination, and then get out and do waht you like. Try to reinforce your decision using dream context--like for my example, put Green Hill Zone on the exit sign.

5. See what kind of furry PPA is. Optionally, get injected with the furry virus.
9. Get bit by Werey and become a were-something.
10. After doing 9, follow this up by inflicting this fate on the rest of TSC.

I sometimes dream of being a werewolf. :3

Wikkity! / Re: ITT What Are You Listening To With A Hint Of Twist!?
« on: April 11, 2009, 08:32:47 am »
OH geez, Quartz, you and Jaiku are going to be like BFFs >.> If I get recced one more tokusatsu song... That one's not bad. Kind of fun, in the vein of the Abaranger theme, but with a bit of epic, a la the Dekaranger theme. Well, I think the Deka theme is awesome, but I'm also a ranging PR:SPD fangirl.

I'm listening to this: It's "Brand New Day" from the web musical Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Performed by Neil Patrick Harris. :3 The story is that Billy/Dr. Horrible is this wimpy supervillain who's enemy is this playground bully-esque superhero, and their conflict escalates over a girl who goes to the same laundromat as Billy. The song is from the end of the second act; it has three. Give it a listen! It's badass and it's about killing people. You can't beat that.

Hiya Folks / Re: Greetings Internet
« on: April 11, 2009, 02:21:16 am »
Hey. One thing this site doesnt do is make your love for sonic rise heh.  Trust me if you deccide to play heroes belive me. Its gonna be hard :/

Ignore Werey. My love of all things Sonic has increased since being here, except for SA2 and SADX. I enjoy Heroes more than I did before :p

Hiya Folks / Re: Greetings Internet
« on: April 11, 2009, 12:46:56 am »
*chao voice* HIIIIIIIIIIIII!

:D Submit to Sonic 1! Dooo it! YOu'll pwn my times with your eyes closed. :3

Wikkity! / Re: I have a dream.
« on: April 10, 2009, 10:07:50 pm »
Anyone here woke up during sleep paralysis? It's rather frightening since you can't move and can be made worse when your mind's still dreaming.

I have sleep paralysis frequently when I'm waking up, but only rarely when I'm still dreaming. It's horrible. I usually spend the whole time trying to scream and it lasts a good 10-20 seconds.

Wikkity! / Re: I have a dream.
« on: April 10, 2009, 12:32:28 pm »
I only lucid dream when I'm getting enough sleep. Like, I've been sleep deprived lately, but then I slept for 3-4 hours yesterday morning, five hours yesterday evening, and then seven hours last night.

Good luck to you. :)

Wikkity! / Re: I have a dream.
« on: April 10, 2009, 08:45:24 am »
Apparently thread duplication is a greater sin than Necromancy. Oh well.

So, as you all may have noticed from chat, I have some serious problems with sleep. My terrible nightmares make me hatehatehatehate sleeping. I often won't go to bed when upset out of fear of causing them, because when I go to bed angry, I have nightmares. These nightmares include a lot of things I would rather not talk about and I think I've only told one of you even close to how bad they really are.

Well, I was furious last night when I got home, but I was also wiped out from a week of sleep deprivation (largely from anger). Plus I had a killer headache. So I lay down angry, and started to have nightmares.

I don't remember the content very well, but I was having a very bad nightmare about driving. I think that I was lost trying to get somewhere, or trying to get away from someone, but I remember being very frightened. I woke up for a second and fell back asleep, and realized that I was dreaming.

This is the first lucid dream I've had in about six years. A lucid dream, for those who don't know, is a dream where you realize that you're dreaming (lucid meaning aware of what's happening to you, generally). Now, having read all that I have on lucid dreams, I knew that I could change my lucid dreams. In fact, every time I've had a lucid dream, having the knowledge that I did, I changed something.

My first lucid dream, when I was twelve, was also a nightmare that turned into a good dream as I became a superhero-werewolf, and after I saved the day and got the boy, I woke myself up. That dream was only semi-lucid, I wasn't really thinking straight or I would have stayed in it and had more adventures. My next lucid dream was when I was 14 and I was stuck in 8th grade again, so I made my crush come to my classroom, but I woke up before he got there from focusing too hard. My next lucid dream, when I was 16, was a nightmare about failing art (which I had passed the previous year), and when I became lucid I realized I was cold because my legs were uncovered in the waking world, so I tried to pull up my covers without waking up. It didn't quite work, but it almost did.

Right, so back to the present. I was driving along some kind of messed up highway, I think I-75 or I-675, and I realized that I was dreaming--I'd just been in bed and if I were anywhere on 75 or 675 I'd know where I was going. Then I realized that I was lucid dreaming, for the first time in a long time. I thought to myself, "This is a rare opportunity, I have to do something awesome."

So I managed for the first time to change my dream into something I wanted.

And I made my biggest dream in the whole wide world come true. To the point where I'm tearing up as I write this.

I drove to Green Hill Zone and ran through Act One.

I lost visual halfway through as I was waking up but I still remember that freedom, zipping through the landscape, finally living the dream I've had for 18 years. The details escape me now, except for one--bouncing on the spring, flying into the air, feeling the wind through my hair (spines?), the stretch of my leg as my toes pointed toward the ground as if I were dancing, the pull of my shoulders as I reached toward the sun.

I am finally having a good week.

Wikkity! / Re: Cake
« on: April 07, 2009, 06:15:37 am »
I see you your kodos and raise you one very confused hedgehog.

Wikkity! / Re: Cake
« on: April 07, 2009, 03:36:13 am »
Guess who made the popcorn?

Wikkity! / Re: Cake
« on: April 06, 2009, 10:45:06 pm »

Take it to #roots.

Information Kiosk / Re: Diving into some of the 2D sonic games?
« on: April 06, 2009, 10:41:50 pm »
SonicKnuckles, if you can play on a physical old school system using real cartridges, that's a lot easier than Mega/Gems--at least if you're using a gamecube. I do better on my boyfriend's Yobo (a cheap knockoff of the Genesis... and NES and SNES) than I do on the cube because my little tiny girly thumb is too short to reach the dpad well, and the stick is too sensitive. I have yet to verify how faithful the Yobo is. It's supposed to be just like playing a genesis for most part, but I noticed some color differences and one time I got a really weird glitch.

A lot of people here like using Gens+ becuase it allows them to easily record video of the run. Honestly, if you own a copy of the game legally, I don't see the problem with using an emu to play it if that'll help you share your acheivements.

Information Kiosk / Re: What is the new TSC member experience?
« on: April 06, 2009, 12:42:59 am »
I might be a little tool oldbie here for this thread, but I only joined in December, so... idk.

I have to agree with all the other n00bs about the looming concerns about proof. I only have a shitty webcam, so proving anything would be hard. After reviewing the quality of someo f my webcam record runs on Lethal HIghway, I've decided not to go for any records until I can get something better. :(

I also find the way suck/noob/etc is thrown around so easily a little jarring, but I  may just have thin skin.

Wikkity! / Re: ITT What Are You Listening To With A Hint Of Twist!?
« on: April 06, 2009, 12:38:05 am »
That song makes me feel really, really old.

I'm not going to introduce one, you just have to see the awesome for yourself. :3

Wikkity! / Re: ITT What Are You Listening To With A Hint Of Twist!?
« on: April 05, 2009, 12:20:06 am »
I really dislike that tinny electronic sound that some kinds of techno have, but I hvae to admit that song you linked is well-composed.

I've been listening to Julien-K almost non-stop lately. Here's the song I sang for my post your voice post... Lyrics NSFW in the first verse. It's called "Someday Soon" and it's awesome.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your voice!
« on: April 05, 2009, 12:05:46 am »
SkyL, you sound alot like Jaiku.


So I'm getting in on this mess. If you want to hear me talking, you can go watch one of my youtube videos (username is jketchum31, look me up).

If you want to hear me sing... here's the second verse of "Someday Soon" by Julien-K. Yes, I messed up a number of times. I don't care.

General Sonic / Re: BG Moosics
« on: March 30, 2009, 05:49:11 pm »
Of the ones I'm reasonably familiar with.

Sonic 1:
Marble Zone
Runner Up: Starlight Zone
Worst: Spring Yard

Sonic 2:
Aquatic Ruin
Runner up: Chemical Plant Zone
Worst: Hill Top

Sonic 3:
Hydrocity Zone
Runner Up: Angel Island
Worst: Launch Base (but I STILL LOVE LAUNCHBASE)

Sandopolis Zone
Runner Up: Flying Battery
Worst: Mushroom Hill

Sonic R:
Livin' in the City (sorry, can't remember the level name lol)
Runner Up: the one from Regal Ruin
Worst: the one from Reactive Factory (sorry, I like the lyrics, I just... don't like the song)

Sonic Adventure 2 (sorry, I still haven't beaten DX)
Pyramid Cave (sorry, don't remember the actual title)
Runner Up: Cosmic Wall (Soaring Over Space)

Sonic Heroes:
Rail Canyon (the level I hate with the song I love)
Runner Up: Egg Fleet
Worst: Power Plant

Shadow the Hedgehog
LETHAL HIGHWAY!!!111!!111oneonetwo
Runner Up: Death Ruins
Worst: Final Haunt. THIS IS NOT SONIC'S GAME. In terms of actual bad quality though, I'd say Air Fleet's pretty lame.

Boss themes and character themes excluded all throughout. I'm very partial to the final boss theme from S3 and all the GUN boss music from SA2 and Shadow, particularly Sonic and Diablon. Also, is it just me, or is Black Doom scored like a Disney Villain?

flyby's League / Re: flyby's league
« on: March 24, 2009, 08:59:36 pm »
I'm in if and only if someone will take me as a partner.

In the freakish event I get more than one offer, SJ gets first dibs.

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Lefties: Unusual Ability?
« on: March 20, 2009, 04:12:46 am »
Sitewide data is probably more relevant here.

The reason I want individual game stats is becuase I suspect there's a difference between lefthanded play ease in 2D versus 3D. I noticed that I was much more skilled at the 3D games than the 2D ones almost immediately when I first got SA2, and find it odd that I, who used to get made fun of for sucking so hard at video games, can come close to keeping up with you all. That's part of what made me wonder.

Also, if I want sitewide data for anyone, I can easily look it up quickly with a few clicks. Trying to look at everyone's individual game chart positions is hard and takes up a lot of tabs.

General Sonic / Sonic Lefties: Unusual Ability?
« on: March 19, 2009, 05:23:40 pm »
So, a while back on another high score site, I noticed a number of people in the Shadow high score lists were left-handed. An unusual number. Like more than 1 of the top ten, which is about the normal distribution of left to right. And I thought, hmm, relationship?

So I'd like to do an informal poll. Post whether you are left/right handed and your ranks in various games in descending order of percentage. If you know of anyone who doesn't post on the forums and their handedness, feel free to include them as well.

For me:
Ambidextrous (Left-bias)

Shadow: 23/96
Heroes: 42/188
SA2B: 90/219
SR: 39/62
S1: 92/202

I'm not sure what to do with the data; one of you sciency types help me out please? <3

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: March 17, 2009, 11:54:19 pm »

There are also the matsuda pics. I'm not linking them here. Just go to and look for Matsuda if you want to see my crossdressing.

Wikkity! / Re: ST. VALENTINE'S DAY
« on: February 15, 2009, 01:03:35 am »
I'm at my boyfriend's right now. We went to dinner at his grandparents, then hung out with his best friend, then came back and cuddled. Only problem is, I'm an idiot and left his present at my house. An hour away. Crap.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: BROWZER WARS!!!
« on: January 29, 2009, 04:26:02 am »
OPERA! I have mine set up to make HAL 9000 sounds. :3

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