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Messages - finalrush7_

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Wow, now that's some impressive numbers! Together that's 111 out of 121 time records!

Thanks yoshi, I gotta say PC2 was really hard to get, and now I feel like an idiot because I lost so many good runs trying to get the 20 ring box on the left wall at the end of the hall where I could've just used the rapid pausing trick to make things much easier as seen in some other video. It's just crazy how so many things have to work out perfectly to get a record of a 20-seconds long level!

Though I have to admit that I'm a bit surprised here, if I had had to guess, I would've said that yoshi had 30 records at least!

I don't really have a goal for how many records I want to get or something, but I do know that Crazy Gadget* and Final Rush** are the levels that are within my reach. CE is impossible anyway <_< MH and GF are impossible due to version differences and I'm just not that good at the other ones (though I haven't tried myself at White Jungle yet!).

And don't worry Brian, I'm getting that sub24 in a few days! Not like I'll stop if I'm only a tenth of a second away >_>

*m1 and m3 for sure, if Para/Brian don't give me some competition! Seeing talon beat the m2 record by 2-3 seconds makes me think I could definitely beat the tsc record. Not too sure about m5, but I guess it's not completely out of reach.
**m3 will be hard, but it's possible. For m5, we'll have to wait for the competition, and honestly said, even though I see some small flaws in brian's 39.42 run, I can't see me beating it that's not saying I'm giving up!! >:O

Are you telling me that I should go for sub24? =D

Thanks man! The record sure was tough, with a perfect run 20.5 would be possible, but there's just too much BS during these 20 seconds <_< And it's become pretty standard for you to help me out, hasn't it? =D

I counted it quickly and I can't believe Paragod is still over the 50% mark with 21/41 record!! Though no hurry with the records Brian..

The only guy who can tie Paragod's videos is someone called persononearth!
Oh I c wut u did thar >_<

Yes we reached a new high of 37/41! 39/41 if you count talon

Metal Harbor 1 - That has to be you. You're the only one with the skill and the needed console :P
Crazy Gadget 2 - Seems really hard, but it's not unbeatable.
Radical Highway 3 - Perfect you say? I'm not that good at RH, so I will unfortunately have to leave this one to you. You are very close, but is that record really that perfect?
White Jungle 2 - No idea on this one, but I'm sure one of us could take it if we really try. Or at least I hope so..

Then again, we could make a challenge out of the challenge and say that we will only start the FR5 competition when we have 41/41? No.. xD

Near perfection is the name of your game? The Paragod that I know's name is PERFECTION. =D And you're already giving me too much credit! Sonic master? Did we agree that that person was you? <_< And while there are many reasons why 41/41 is impossible for me to do alone, be it because of the version differences (MH, GF) or be it because the record is just too good, 2 words should be enough here. City Escape.

I hit the last ring box and I'm pretty sure I got the record! But hey, why isn't the screen turning white? I pause (20.99) and notice that I have 99 rings, I must've missed a ring in the ring chain. Next run is gorgeous as well, though as usually I miss a ring, but seeing as that run was just so good, I continue only to pause a split second after I hit the last ring box and notice the counter at 20.55!!!!! Over the course of 400 lives on this level today, I get another 2 runs like this. One ends up with 20.67, the other with 20.73.
But then, on my 8th-to-last run, with a very very small error: 20.79!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my 10th time record =D

That was just crazy. I finally got everything right! That record was absolute hell to get, not only because yoshi set an amazing time for me to beat, but also because I don't like PC THAT much, and this mission is just FULL OF BS! From the not always at the same time changing camera at the first second to the two very difficult to light dash ring chains to the 20ring box that you just can't see and you can only HOPE to hit it, and then hope for the hit not to stop your run by going too far to the left or right, to the last ring chain that Sonic sometimes stopped light dashing in the middle of the chain to the last ring box that I somehow missed on a beautiful run 2 days ago. (!!!!)

Yes I set 52 as my goal but that level gave me almost as much BS as PC2 did, so I might avoid it for a few days <_<
And 2:22 sounds awesome! Seems like sub2:20 isn't too difficult for you, eh? Well, you might wanna try to get 2:15:75 (if that time says you something..?)

Hmm, that's very interesting. To me it seemed like as soon as there are 2 rings or more, Sonic would always have the same speed. I'm gonna try that out and I'm pretty sure it's going to work. That's going to save me a damn lot of retries! Thanks a lot my friend!
I also tried some GF3 today to find out that I completely suck, can even get under 56 <_< I sure hope that changes as the day goes by..

Well I'll definitely play it for another 2-3 hours and try for the record, but I'm honestly not too sure if missing the ring box really cost me 0.6 seconds seeing as that run was exceptionally good! Who knows though, I have a different strat than yoshi, so maybe I should attempt the next few runs with his?
I also meant to ask you two whether you knew how I can avoid to get a bit into the air after the first light dash in PC2? There's a speed panel right after the ring chain, but usually Sonic is sent a bit into the air and I have to wait for him to fall onto the panel. It happens only rarely that Sonic is not sent into the air and gets straight to the panel? Not sure if I explained that good, but I hope you get it..

Yeah I know I should be able to, but it's not that much fun to me, so when I fail for like three times, I just turn away from that mission and play something else. I didn't have much time to play during the week, but I'm quite satisfied with what I could achieve during the weekends.
Also I'm not quite sure how people will like ring attack speed runs, but I guess you could record one or two and listen to the responses..? I got my new phone btw so I'm ready to tape some stuff. Maybe PC2 since I could get very close to yoshi with a different strat. Though I don't like the level THAT much, but that may change..!?

Well I'll be trying out what you just said and see if it works for me. And you should remember that what is a HORRIBLE run in CE for you is probably a decent-to-quite good run for me! But the boarding section's ring are definitely very to get. I'm lucky if I can get 62 there, out of..74 I think? Oh well.. I'll paly a bit later and tomorrow and see if I can get them all. And I've been watching some RAs lately and damn it, why does even RA have to have at least one really difficult part where you have to backtrack the level.. :( But Sky Rail mission 4 rings looks really fun, and I know the record on TSC is 10 rings short of the max, so I may attempt that later..
speaking of CE M4... if I made a near-perfect 440 ring/time run in the range of say.. sub 2:25 or even 2:20, would you enjoy watching it?
1. I have never not enjoyed any of your vids, CE-masta
2. It's freaking City Escape, how dare you even ask me something like that?

Oh City Escape has been fucking with me for the last two days. I just can't seem to get ALL rings in the boarding section without having to slow down massively which would cut a lot of time. Anything else is pretty easy to get, except for a few certain rings that are on the left side of the first curve to the left (from Sonic's view) just after the third hill on the truck chase.
And since we're already talking about CE's rings, I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I've played CE5 for over 10 times now and I always end up with either 435-441 rings. ALWAYS. Where the hell could I be missing those rings..? When you suck rings towards you with the blue shield and you get too far away from them, they should return to the initial position, shouldn't they? I somehow have the feeling that I just lose them.. <_<

most replied to topic? i knew we could do pwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, and the next step would be 1000 replies! Or 1000 posts should it stop at that, but I doubt it.

now M5 will be very easy, and you can even take the record 2 times, since you can use the check to get a magnetic shield, then you get the secret ring, later you can use the check to get more rings, this way you'll appear in the index 2 times xD
Oh, I can? Well, I'll see what I can do. Though of course I'll be going for the absolute max as always. Backtracking's the level is incredibly hard because of: 1) at one point you have to super bounce up to the pillar where there is a flame and you have to hit pretty much exactly the edge to not get burned, and 2) where you have to backtrack from the first checkpoint to the first U-tunnel. I just can't seem to make the camera stay still and face the small opening, it always shifts back and I can't see where I'm jumping to.. But that's not going to hinder me >:O

Oh damnit, I meant to jokingly lock the topic for a couple of hours before it got to this point. Oh well, it's the thought that counts.
Lol.. >_>

EDIT: Been doing some PC2 lately and I've been getting better and better. And now I just had a perfect run with the possibility of getting a time very near yoshi's and then Sonic missed the last box ring....... DAMN IT!!

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Neo Aquarium: King of Crustacean
« on: November 19, 2009, 05:01:02 pm »
This is Dragon Ball with animals. Under water.

The Topic Creator equals with this post the amount of posts of the number one topic by replies, The Official Top Tens Topic!

We are the number one!

EDIT: Talking about number one, Pyramid Cave 1 has officially been maxed by me! Never thought I'd ever hold a ring record alone ;D 3 days took the whole process, but I'm glad I have that behind me now. The run was around 43 minutes long.. (I still suck at going through the door). I'm also quite sure that the 5th mission of this level is going to profit from that, too. And Mission 4 has no checks so it isn't affected by that.
Also, my new super awesome cell phone just arrived, I wonder how much better my videos are gonna look now with the awesome 12.1 megapixel camera =D I guess I'll maybe make a partial run at some point, not too sure though.

That's a good strat Brian, but you are losing ~0.2 compared to blazest strategy. Though this doesn't matter too much, not like anyone's gonna come as close to your times soon.

so master final.....when are we going to have that awesome FR5 competition? I can't wait!
Hmm, I don't know. I would suggest we start somewhere in mid December? We could start earlier if you want, though I fear the next few weeks are gonna me a bit more busy for me than usual. Though not before Dec 2nd, plz >_>

I may try this out when I have chance Final, it looks it can save more time than you expected since what Para said makes sense, if we can do 2 spindashes there this can make the beginning a lot faster :D.
Got a 13.07 checkpoint with that. ^_^

I can't do the super bounces up the tree AT ALL though, even after several tries.
Really? I found it to be quite easy and got it on the first few tries. My problem is that I usually jump way too high <_<
Did you position yourself in the same spot Brain does in his video?

Bad news, the trick doesn't work at all. Though I may have found something else interesting, but very small.

Right at the start, when you go down the first hollow tree to hit the ramp, release the spindash and try to load another spindash right as you hit the ramp (this gets you into delayed summersault mode). So when you hit the ground and light dashed the 4 rings, you will do the immediate spindash and save 0.2 seconds maybe (?)
This is worth doing since it's not hard to do and isn't going to ruin a good run because it's at the very start.

General Sonic / Re: Have you ever met a fellow TSC player?
« on: November 17, 2009, 03:25:27 am »
Not yet, but Brian, Cort, Paragod, Jawzun and I may meet in a future where money doesn't play such an important role.. <_<

I might have accidentaly found a small timesaver in Green Forest (all missions)! I'm going to try it out today and see if I can get it to work! It might save a few tenths, and it's worth doing since it's at the very beginning of the stage. But as always, I'm not telling you more until I am 100% sure that it works out. ;)

Brian, let me first tell you this: HOLY MOTHER****ING WTF SHIT WHAT THE FUCKING HELL WAS THAT???????????? That's not just good or great or amazing or something like that, it's just CRAZY!!!! I mean seriously, just look at all the shortcuts!! They look like they're pretty hard to pull off, but you did it all just so smoothly! I had to watch the run three times in a row to make sure I got that you were doing. Superbouncing up the tree, that was just fabolous! I'm sure some may have thought of that, I but I always thought the height difference would be too big. And the gravity control on the loop! I'm out of words for now... And then he says he should be >_>

*takes deep breath*

Ok I should calm down. That was just a completely insane run! You need to upload it to youtube to the world can enjoy an excellent run!

EDIT: woohoo, I submitted the 250th video of SA2:B!

Thanks Brian!

My spindash SUCKS! I really suck at this simple thing, as you guys can see if you compare my RH and MH videos to anyone else, my spindashes are slower than almost all the others especially when compared to you guys, look at my last 2 spindashes in GH, or how many spindashes I can do after the second light dash in MH, I always do 1 less than everyone else 'cause my stupid fingers don't push the button fast enough to charge another spindash before I lose some speed.
Not too much to say here to be honest. I'm sure you've done a lot of speedruns already, so you have the practice. But it's all useless if your fingers just can't keep up. Though doing more than one spindash in a row is not used THAT often, so you're a bit lucky there ^_^

2- My B+A sucks too, I don't have videos to show you that, but almost all of them are a big problem to me, 'cause I need to wait longer to do it or else I'll touch the floor before doing the HA, see Para's Crazy Gadget video, his B+A after the last superbounce was done VERY CLOSE to the floor, just watch his video in slow motion.
What I said before counts pretty much here though, but looking at your 1:4x in CG3, you did the B+A quite fast. Coincidence, or are you underestimating yourself? =D

3- My skill as a Sonic/Shadow player is not as great as you guys think, the only thing I can do well in this game is find new strategies, most of my records were done with a new strategy or just an optimization of the current one, and I don't call this skill, it's totally different of you guys, who can push any stage hard to the limit.
OBJECTION! You should make yourself clear that finding a completely new strat for more than 20% of the level is almost impossible in this time. This game's been out for over 8 years, people here have been competing in it for over 6 years. The best route is usually well-known, but what makes true skill is optimizing that and maybe you'll find a shortcut or two yourself. And seeing as you've already found so many shortcuts, I just cannot believe you think you deserve only the third place! And it's not like I found any major timesaver so far..

But I do see what you mean when you exclude the shooting/hunting missions, as this competition we have is pretty much all about Sonic/Shadow..!
Also: What Para said ^^

Sky Rail 5 - 0:44.94 -

Sky Rail 2 - 0:22.64 -

No idea why the quality of one is a bit worse than the quality of the other one. I can't figure this new tool out, I need to find a good torrent for Adobe Premiere Pro.. >_>

Vids are on their way, 10 more minutes!

SR2 isn't much different from yoshi's 23.29 video. I haven't watched his video again and compared them, but the differences are surely the minor optimizations. I don't like SR3 at all. It's not much about skill but more about luck. SR5's 44.4 is quite crazy, probably almost as crazy as my M1 run. Too bad I didn't tape the 44.4, but I got a 44.94 on tape and the two runs are completely identical save for one mistake, and that's a quite obvious one (I missed the mega jump). I almost finished setting up my new PC so if all goes well I might upload them even today!
I've always sucked at RH so your mission 3 run looked perfect to me. I don't see where time could be saved anymore, so my comments would be quite useless. <_<

And I don't know why Brian insists to be third either..? I'm curious to read that list of why he deserves to be third though. I actually got a nice solution to this, but more about that later..

Congratulations man, you're a guy who always encourages people to them can overcome the limits! no doubt, you're amazing
Yeah, I've said that to him, too! xD

Can't wait for the vid of GF! It doesn't matter if it's not sub1:29, because what's the difference between 1:29:00 and 1:28.90? Nothing, so just upload it for us to enjoy a crazy run!! ;)

First to the most important answer: I got the record 22.64 for SR2 on tape. Plus the (second best time) 44.94 for SR5 (at least it's sub45, plus the only mistake I did is very clear and not too hard to avoid).

Sucks to hear that you have the worst weather conditions atm, but at least that's over now! Good thing you survived >_>
No, actually 27.69 should be improvable by about half a second.

You ARE the FR, SR, FC *****MASTA*******
^__^    ;)

Yeah superstar is really near there, you should try to get back into the level soon if you want to defend the record! Not much to say to RH3 though.

1. Brian
2. FR7
2. Paragod
No matter how you turn it, I'm definitely in third. =D

I think I should reread the whole topic again because this isn't the first post I've apparently missed.. I'll sure be up for that to see if it's possible.

Ah, I think you're going a little bit too far there. Sure, I've got some really good records lately, but it's still limited to certain levels, whereas your potential in all levels and Para's determination completely overwhelm me.

I'd say you and Para are tied for first and I'm in the third place, but I guess I got a step closer to you guys =D

Oh, damn. It's not like I wanted to steal it from you or something, I was just watching a ring run today and that came to my mind. I'm sorry.
But yeah, I'm going to try out if 457 is possible. I'm actually sure it is, but judging from Parax' video, the backtracking seems really hard. Maybe I'll even make a partial video about it. Who knows. With the new cam I'm getting plus the new PC and the much better internet connection along with the better editing program I'm going to download making vids should be much easier for me!

Yeah, a sweep in Sky Rail, who would have thought..? I'm going to try and get something decent (better than yoshi's vid at least) on cam while playing Sky Rail 2. If I can get something recorded quickly, I might even switch to make a SR3 video, but I really hate that mission. >_> We'll see..

EDIT: Got a nice 23.15 on tape. I'll see if I can get an even better time recorded!
EDIT 2: One try later, I get another 23.15 >_>
EDIT 3: 23.04! New record! On tape!
EDIT 4: THIS IS IT! A PERFECT RUN! SR2 22.64! That's what I've been waiting for! And you will be seeing it, too! Phew... I guess there was a bit of room for improvement after all.

It goes like:

23.25 - Hey Brian! Let's hold the record together! I'm about to beat you by 00:00:01 lol 2nd time attack sweep!!!
23.24 - Win.
-> I can see JUST see 22 being possible. Maybe I'll get it? I'll spend the whole day tomorrow playing SR2 and filming. I'll see if I can get something good on tape. ;)

9 records now, btw ^_^


EDIT: Found a way in Pyramid Cave where you can backtrack from the goal ring to the starting point (new?). This will most likely increase the max ring amount to 457 because the last checkpoint becomes available: 417 + 10 + 10 + 20 = 457

Too bad I wasn't able to get the 45.14 run on tape. I'm sorry. But yeah, Jawzun said along the lines of "You don't need to take a break. I'm going to get sub45 ;)". And should we really get into competing there, the chance of you guys seeing as awesome run is not only increased due to two people playing and able to record, but we might get the estimated max even lower (dare I say that..?). Not to mention that Jawzun's vids are of awesome quality!

Yeah I usually also enter the building at low 18, but I'm much faster after the first check. I'm seeing almost a second there!
I wish you good luck on taping an awesome run in GF1! And don't forget to play some stages just for fun, you didn't have the GC for a long time IIRC!!

EDIT: finalrush7 is holding 7 time records in SA2:B now! =D

Zeph edit: 6 now. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.

finalrush7 is holding 7 time records in SA2:B! =D

And now with a sub45 in SR5! This weekend was/is really good!!

The weekend got even better! Damn man, I didn't think I'd get it that low! 44.40 I am officially DONE with Sky Rail mission 5 unless Jawzun somehow manages to beat me. Now I need Sky Rail 3. And I know I can get that without much trouble..!

49857th EDIT: SR3 = 20.45
Took me a while, and I think the time is quite good. Maybe I can get another sweep down? I currently have 29.2 in SR2, but that's likely to change soon. Let's see how difficult this will be..!
Hmm, so I watched yoshi's vid twice and after around 20 failed attempts I already get the third place? I don't remember the run exactly but I'm sure I can cut another 1.3 seconds there, no..!? We'll see..

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