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Messages - Maru Kiba

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 7
Wikkity! / Re: I'm in Rhode Island and TSC should entertain me!
« on: April 11, 2009, 11:19:08 pm »
Here's a chatroom segment I found enjoyable:

DaleG: You know that Konami has killed itself?
Nightmuse: What really how?
DaleG: Rock Revolution is killing it.
Tikal: Uh, I think that Konami had already killed itself before they released it.
Shade: That is true. They had numerous of failures.
DaleG: What game company already didn't have failures?
Nightmuse: None.
Rolken: True that.
DaleG: And it will continue to have failures. But some have less failures than others.
Nightmuse: Like Sonic Team?
Tikal: But when I was made they were at the peak.
Shade: But when I was made they underestimated me!
Chaos: I know that one Tikal.
Tikal: CHAOS? When did you arrive here?
Chaos: <15:42> *Chaos has joined #soniccenter*
Tikal: Oh
Rolken: Then I kicked him for making chaos in the chatroom
Nightmuse: hey! Chaos is needed for order to exist and Tikal represents order.
Tikal: I do? I do!
Chaos: Chaos is fun! Destruction and all of that.
Nightmuse: Seconded!
Werey: Thirded!
DaleG: Fourthed!
Groudon199: Fifthed!
Werey: Sixthed!
Nightmuse: Hey you already put your hand up! No doubles! Don't do it again!
Rolken: Sixth!
Werey: Seventhed!
Nightmuse: >_< Ok plz?
Tails: Seventhed!
*Werey has been kicked from #soniccenter (You are shot!)*
*Werey has joined #soniccenter*
*Werey has been kicked from #soniccenter (Marked +b (come back when you are good and ready and beg me to get you back in)*
*Nightmuse sighs*
*Rolken sighs*
*DaleG shoots the remains of Werey*
*Chaos shoots the remains of Werey also*
PPA: Eighted (and no this doesn't relate to Furries)
RPG: Ninthed
Douglas: Tenthed

And therefore Werey was kick-banned for cheating in a game that was fun. Later he was allowed back in after he sent Rolken 10 messages about being allowed back in. Hopefully Werey learns of his mistakes and doesn't do this again.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: April 11, 2009, 11:02:34 pm »
Looks like Harry Potter to me

OMG! Is the same person! :O

He needs to cut his hair imo.

Also not to mention he'll have to cut his forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt or at least pencil/ink it on his head. You can do all that In MS Paint though

Wikkity! / Re: I have a dream.
« on: April 11, 2009, 08:56:03 pm »
Hey I can do all of those myself. I can plan my dreams before I go to sleep :o

It might be fun, exciting (Shooting Dhaos and take him down to 451th of the Overall Rankings and put some unlikely person in first. (Say Sonicandamy or PPA)

Wikkity! / Re: I have a dream.
« on: April 11, 2009, 12:34:42 pm »
His name is Cortex :)

I had a dream last nite that me, sonic, and Sally were on Jeopardy! (don't ask why that) and it was down to the final jeopardy,  I had 12,000, Sonic has 8,000, Sally had 13,200. The wagers were: I risked everything (:O) Sonic wagered 7,000. Sally had wagered 10,000. The last question I did not know (I forgot the answer question so, so I wouldn't know how to question it) so Sonic and Sally had wrote answers I believed. So I was pondering and then bing my green chaos emerald activated and then I knew the answer and boom I came out winning. Standings: 24,000, 23,200, 1,000. So I came out from behind in this. but ahead of Sonic. I came to the conclusion each of the 7 emeralds has each there own special powers:
Green: Super Intelligence
Red: Super Strength (affects machinery)
Yellow: Energy Attacks (plus flight ability)
Grey/Silver: Super Senses
Blue: Super Speed (Speedier if you were like Sonic)
Sky Blue: (Low-Oxygen and Under Water breathing)
Magenta: Chaos Control any other thing related
Master Emerald: All 7 abilities for a limited time (refers to S3K when Mecha Sonic goes Super for a short time when he absorbs the Master Emerald)

:D This dream was enjoyable but different.

Wikkity! / Re: I have a dream.
« on: April 10, 2009, 08:08:30 pm »
Ever have REM sleep disorder? Where you act out your dreams while you are still sleeping? I haven't but I know some people that did. And it is weird but can be seriously harmful. (Say you act out a dream where you are flying off your balcony or your chair) Heh

Wikkity! / Re: ITT What Are You Listening To With A Hint Of Twist!?
« on: April 10, 2009, 06:08:54 pm »
Don't post links to DL...

not a bad track, but This is made out of win...

Also, please ignore the video itself (but I did use that one because it had the lyrics listed)
You don;t have to download it there to see it.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Iceman / Eis the Dragon
« on: April 10, 2009, 04:53:08 pm »
I got my tabs on people like him. I'll set him straight if he meanders things. Eis if you get into something like this again in the future. You know where to find me. (But plz try not to find me or get in this predicament :)

Wikkity! / Re: ITT What Are You Listening To With A Hint Of Twist!?
« on: April 10, 2009, 03:13:06 pm »
Since the last 2 posts were not about this topic at all. I will have to restart the trend. -_- :) :D

After the Storm-The Cynic Project

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: April 09, 2009, 11:58:01 pm »
I'm not used to seeing you without glasses (actually, I've only seen you without them twice).
Oh yeah. Plus you never seen my house at all. Now I have two different personalities. Both useful, Good and Bad, both controlled to switch whenever. Oh yeah.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: April 09, 2009, 10:57:19 pm »
Finally got my Veo to work :D

Three facials:
1 with glasses, 1 with sunglasses, and the other does not.

Wikkity! / Re: Cake
« on: April 07, 2009, 08:47:58 pm »
Fine If it is Cake you want it is Cake you don't get!

Enjoy! (NOT!)

flyby's League / Re: flyby's league
« on: April 06, 2009, 08:45:52 pm »
try to use FireFox or Google Chrome not Internet Explorer.

Wikkity! / Re: Cake
« on: April 06, 2009, 06:59:02 pm »
*me drives a wrecking poison spike ball version of dodgeball into Werey's stomach!

DaleG: Oops do you think we might have overdid it?
Nightmuse: No, but it'll be hard to bring him back alive
Tikal: I have Cake and Chaos Soda!
Nightmuse: Oh and I have Coconut Cream Pie and Chao in Space movie!
DaleG: All I have is this: Sonic '06

Sorry for the bloody mess Werey but I cannot resist a good little hit on someone! :D

flyby's League / Re: flyby's league
« on: April 06, 2009, 06:12:10 pm »
We did pretty good Groudon, now for rnd 2!

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: Son1cGu1tar - SA2 Rings
« on: April 04, 2009, 04:58:39 pm »
Like Knuckles she can dig too. Screw Kick is the dig move Rouge.

flyby's League / Re: flyby's league
« on: April 04, 2009, 01:43:14 pm »
You aren't late! Your just in time dude!

Hiya Folks / Re: Gpt BEEF HATERS?``
« on: April 04, 2009, 12:58:31 pm »
I think my "laughing gland" and my "funny" bone broke after reading that first post. This is all to funny to miss out on. Probably the worst and funniest April Fools joke ever, this guy is worse than dealing with Conficker (this was the April Fools Virus name that I saw on the news., (Appeared to be real although I wasn't infected (thank god, since I don't have the money to get this fixed))). Anyway if this was sonicandamy again (I think I know why he keeps appearing even after being banned) I will laugh if he comes and does this. Even though not him, thank you for lightening up my saturday!

Hiya Folks / Re: Howdy!
« on: April 04, 2009, 12:30:17 pm »
I'd expect him coming here using a Windows 95 or NT (I think NT was the first to ever have internet)  Or even the crappy WinMEs )I know that because I have one at my mom's and it  don;t have internet! :O

Welcome to the Place of Joy and Wonderous Cakes of Lying. Pie is the winner! Pie is joy too. Pumpkin Pie, Lemon M, Coconut Cream Pie, Banana Nut Cream. Coffee Pie!

Good day to you/

It appears as though he did (The bolded are detailed):
"Sonic 2 and S3K were very good, S3DB was great too, Sonic CD was pretty good (one of the only games with peel out dash instead of just the spin dash, Peel Out Dash was the up-B and spindash was the down-b), SA2B is hot (Chao garden was much easier here than SA1 (by over 9000 stars), levels were well thought (I only hated the Tails missions, Eggman missions powns Tails, Knuckles and Rouge levels were pretty good, Knuckles is better, I like Shadow more than Sonic, but Sonic has the Bounce ring which is very helpful). Sonic Unleashed is pretty nice for the 360 not one of the best but it has a good value. SAdv1 and 3 also were the best GBA sonic games. I like 2 as well but the Special Stage is harder than both 1 and 3, which is really bad then. I want to get Rush as I hear that is really good."

What Alondite said. Saying it's "pretty good", "hot", or "pretty nice" is neither detailed, meaningful, nor in-depth. It is a subjective viewpoint, which is all well and good, we all have them as well as a right to express them, but don't try to claim it's a detailed or valuable.
*wonders why I haven't replied to this yet*
If you want details on something. I can do that.
On one game:
Sonic Advance 3:
Let's look at some things with the game shall we?
My Vote on the game: a 9
Music: This has a very nice set of music for each level. Plus different soundings of each act on the same zone (which is always nice). Easy to capture in mind. Easy to remember songs. My favorites on this subject:
       Chaos Angel (all acts) (because it sends the message that this level isn't a pushover. The dangerous level music gives it away, the heavy in Act 3 shows just how this level can be deadly (maybe a boulder hit you or one of those spikes or buzz bombers hit you to the death line) in Act 2 has a lightness tone. Meaning that most of the level is outside of the main castle as it looks in the background. Act 1 starts it all, fusion of light and heavy to prepare your mind for it) Another fave:
       Cyber Track (I like techno and electronica, something you can dance to, or step. Strobe light dancing all that fun.)
       Twinkle Snow music: Brings to mind that the level is all about cold, ice, and snow! Now if Twinkle Snow happened to be having a version of something like Chemical Plant or Angel Island (SonicAdv1 or Sonic 3) they don't fit the level.

Team Moves: There happens to be a great balance of team usage. Knuckles and Tails combination for excellent chao hunting, extra height glide helps, tails throwing you high. Tails lifting you to other parts of the level or if you need an emergency (if about to hit the death line and are able to find land before you die)
      Teamed with Sonic (Extra Speed, Amy has Super Peel Out!? :o, Knuckles gets to headbutt! :o),
      Teamed with Cream (You can use chao attacks for those lazy players, or a little boost if you jump which is somewhat useful but not as useful as using Tails, except you get the Chao with Cream anyway, Tails has an odd flight andI don't find it very useful unless going straight up, Sonic has that blast move after pressing A after jumping which is helpful in the last boss before Altar Emerald)
      Teamed with Knuckles (you get to have power moves, able to break certain walls, super slides, tails tornado (holding b makes you continue until dizzy (don't recommend being dizzy on a boss fight or on Chaos Angel Act 3), Amy's big hammer)
      Teamed with Amy (You get to hammer! :o high spring jumps :o no regular spin jumps! :x)

Excellent difficulty average. Unlike SonicAdv2 with Egg Saucer being one of the hardest bosses rather than Egg Frog (oh. Chao attack on Egg Frog can be fatal. Gravity changes and napalm blasting) Egg Saucer: Very annoying hand! Take out cannon first or it blasts you, and if you don;t after your fourth hit on Eggman, it blasts a big one straight out at you each time it comes around again, other than the cannon, the hand becomes more annoying in the pinch.)
Most annoying boss in SonicAdv3 is in Chaos Angel definitely if you aren;t using Chao attacks, let's see you have to go under to hit, if you don;t get away or if reckless in battle you get bounced into the spikes. I have yet to beat Nonaggression or even get to him yet (needs a couple more emeralds))

Special Stages: I must say these are easy for the first four. The last 3 get difficult.
This is a big difference between SonicAdv2's! SonicAdv2's were hard to do. 300 rings in a time, and the hard cornering, going everywhere to find rings, Zero is not really a problem. SonicAdv1 had some easy ones too. Last 3 of them are hard.

We covered alot of text here. Luckily I only detailed about 1 game and references to the two prequels) since this would become a novel if I tried detailing every single Sonic game I have played or not. So I will stop here.
Top this Eis!

Wikkity! / Re: Post your desktop! (2nd Edition)
« on: April 03, 2009, 11:41:29 pm »
I got this one because I thought it was really great. These characters are awesome in detail and may your dreams be protected (Your so called Dream Catchers are now obsolete, I present you with this. Also if you feel any weirdness it is because you are succumbed to the nightmares and you need to get these guys' phone # and or email

flyby's League / Re: flyby's league
« on: March 29, 2009, 03:24:56 pm »
Let's see I am able to do SA Twinkle Park with Sonic so that's good. I am just waiting on Groudon to get back to me for what levels he is doing. I then Do the levels he isn't. So let's say he isn't doing Labyrinth 3, so I'd do it (since LZ 3 happens to be a very hated level, but I like to do though for fun so I know the level. Just getting through the boss is hard enough, the rest is nothing.

flyby's League / Re: flyby's league
« on: March 26, 2009, 03:35:53 pm »
I'm in, but probably not as a team.
How about me and you?
Since I am improving with Sonic stats if this happens to be a Sonic League anyways, but anyways I am also In the league too.

Team or no team. I will probably only team with Groudon since he lives near me and I don't have any recording device if needed for this but he does so if he allows it thanks anyway.

If it happens to be a straight answered no then I will be unteamed unless someone else takes me.

I'm pretty sure recording something isn't required, but that's just my guess.

I hadn't really expected to be on a team, but that'll work for me. 

Ok then

flyby's League / Re: flyby's league
« on: March 25, 2009, 09:00:49 pm »
I'm in, but probably not as a team.
How about me and you?
Since I am improving with Sonic stats if this happens to be a Sonic League anyways, but anyways I am also In the league too.

Team or no team. I will probably only team with Groudon since he lives near me and I don't have any recording device if needed for this but he does so if he allows it thanks anyway.

If it happens to be a straight answered no then I will be unteamed unless someone else takes me.

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Lefties: Unusual Ability?
« on: March 25, 2009, 08:55:33 pm »
I play with my right hand with my left in use as well for the directional buttons and what not.

But mainly I am stronger with my right than left, even though I can eat with my left or right. But I am right handed.

I do not have a stat list here as of now since April 2nd of last year! But I do have a Cyberscore list though to make up for it.

You didn't go into detail, you just listed loads of games without saying anything meaningful about a single one of them (giving an explanation of how to do a spin-dash and a super peel out does not constitute "meaningful").

That said, I don't see why anybody would pick on Eis in this thread with Cort_pso running rampant like he has been.

It appears as though he did (The bolded are detailed):
"Sonic 2 and S3K were very good, S3DB was great too, Sonic CD was pretty good (one of the only games with peel out dash instead of just the spin dash, Peel Out Dash was the up-B and spindash was the down-b), SA2B is hot (Chao garden was much easier here than SA1 (by over 9000 stars), levels were well thought (I only hated the Tails missions, Eggman missions powns Tails, Knuckles and Rouge levels were pretty good, Knuckles is better, I like Shadow more than Sonic, but Sonic has the Bounce ring which is very helpful). Sonic Unleashed is pretty nice for the 360 not one of the best but it has a good value. SAdv1 and 3 also were the best GBA sonic games. I like 2 as well but the Special Stage is harder than both 1 and 3, which is really bad then. I want to get Rush as I hear that is really good."

News and Updates / Re: Ten Million Stats!
« on: March 21, 2009, 12:06:03 am »
About 1/4 to 1/16 of that. Give or take 9000/OVER 9000

Information Kiosk / Re: Question need an answer.
« on: March 20, 2009, 11:23:17 pm »
Yes they are. I use Sonic Mega Collection Plus all the time with 2D games. I want to get Gems Collection though.

But, if you have Super Mario Advance 4 it is not eligible I believe since they're differences between Super Mario 3 and this (am I correct?) But Super Mario Advance 1, 2 and 3 are I think. (I have a belief they'd make a 5th but no rumors about it so heh. >_>) I do believe SMA4 should be a separate chart anyway for those who don't have a NES and/or the game itself.  And those who don't have a emulator for it. <_<))

But yes That is allowed (SUGC)

News and Updates / Re: Ten Million Stats!
« on: March 20, 2009, 11:15:14 pm »
Hmm we probably have more stats than Cyberscore right?

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Iceman / Eis the Dragon
« on: March 15, 2009, 02:01:47 pm »
I have both a Veo Stingray Camera and a Argus Camera for the Comp.
But unfortunately I can't find the disc that installs Argus on the Computer nor can I get my Veo working. So as soon as I find a way to get these two working it will be possible and do us both some good

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Iceman / Eis the Dragon
« on: March 14, 2009, 10:56:15 pm »
I have a question.
I know Iceman, and if he would need a camera and he can't use the school's computer to put the photo on the computer and he comes over to my house and he would have to use my computer to prove it, would it be allowed if he uses my profile to prove his stat or would he have to do it on his profile while using my computer? Or would it be better to go to the library to do this?

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