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Messages - TimpZ

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General Sonic / Re: Sonic the Hedgehog 3D (3DS)
« on: December 08, 2013, 02:07:25 pm »
Is it anything like the iOS version? I might get it if it is.

But why is it always Sonic 1 that gets a rerelease, I mean that game is on virtually every console imaginable. Where's the love for S2 or S3K. And since they're making so many remakes anyway, maybe throw in a few new level designs and stuff....

I will never understand why SEGA keeps on trashing perfectly good opportunities.

TSC Race Night / Re: Games to race for 2014
« on: December 05, 2013, 09:24:31 am »
S1, 2, 3, K, 3&K, CD, 3D, 4E1&2 and Metal
Advance 1, 2 and 3
Sonic Rush
Sonic Colours DS
Sonic Generations 3DS
S1, 2, Chaos, TT, Blast (GG/SMS/VC)
Tails Adventure, Skypatrol
Sonic Drift 1, 2
Pocket Adventure

Unwiished (daystages only or similar)
Riders ZG
Colours (egg shuttle or w/e it's called again)
Black Knight
Sonic R
Sonic the Fighters (longer categories like all characters or something?)

Return to the origin
S3K the challenges (goal could be something like the first bossfight you unlock when having cleared all challenges for ex.)
S factor
Amy/Tails/Knux in S1
Amy in S2/3 (though they're not as polished and I'm uncertain)
S2: S3 edition (note: the public version has a glitch that softlocks the game on accurate emulators in HT)
Classic heroes
Sonic Boom
Robo Blast 2
Pana Der Hejhog
S2 Dimps
S3 Complete (to have some variation as opposed to S3K races perhaps)
Winter Adventure(s?)
S2 Adventure edition (THE BEST HACK EVER) (NO JOKE)
Metal Sonic Hyperdrive

Some of these can be completed in about 5 minutes and a multiple game race like Thorn suggested sounds great.

Totally forgot about the Unleashed mod for Generations. I'd race that too.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Laptop Specs
« on: November 29, 2013, 07:58:40 am »
If you already have the computer, try this site:

If you don't, you can only check each individual game's system requirements to know for sure.

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night feedback for 2014!
« on: November 26, 2013, 05:06:12 pm »
That's why I'm suggesting once a month or one month at a time.

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night feedback for 2014!
« on: November 26, 2013, 04:08:36 pm »
I agree with the latecomers Werey, but I think you misunderstood what I meant with the popular games. What I meant was that after, before or even another day to host some weekly races for popular games to increase the competition. RN right now is a lot of games with lots of people that either never played them or are bad at them and the ones that win are usually people that either do run the games or practised in beforehand just for the race.

There are weekly races for a lot of games, Ocarina of Time, Super Metroid, A Link to the Past... I don't see why TSC couldn't hostfor example a monthly SA2 race in addition to the normal race nights in order to promote actual competition.

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night feedback for 2014!
« on: November 26, 2013, 01:26:53 pm »
One thing I must say I dislike about RN is the fact that it is at Saturday at 10pm for me. I know we've discussed the time before but I have to dedicate the entire saturday evening for it which also means that I can't join around half of them because I'm either visiting my mom or I want to meet up with a friend or go out etc.

When I can make it, I'd love having a closer group to do more races with since some races take half an hour and then everyone sprawls off doing other things while I sit at home doing nothing a saturday evening. That in itself is not a complaint about RN however since I realise it's more of a personal matter, but it would definitely make me want to join a bit more if we did more races or played online games together afterwards as a sort of afterparty.

I'd also like to see more of games that are multi-platform or easy to get a hold of and less of games that might be for example PS3 exclusive as it cuts off everyone without access to them. While it's not a problem when it comes to races in general I myself could not join the anniversary race because of this for example.

One of the best RN I had was SA All stories. It took me 5 hours and I had a blast with the skype call. I'd like to see longer categories or multiple-game races like this such as Genesis trilogy or perhaps Shadow all endings for random RN's.

For example with the S2 race last week I wanted to be able to perform well, but knuckles was chosen and I had only a few hours to prepare. At least when the categories differ as vastly like that I could do with having an earlier vote cutting point by a day or two.

This is also not a complaint, but there's so many goddamn Sonic games. I personally would think it was cool if we had a small list of the most popular and easily accessible Sonic games (e.g. S1, S3K, SA2B and Generations) which we could do for example: Have it on sunday, 1 game for all 4 weeks of the month and make it more of a competitive thing like the weekly AlttP or Bingo races. Alternatively we could have the same game every week for a month then rotate between months. Or something of that sorts, you get my point.

That is all I can think of right now.

General Sonic / Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« on: November 24, 2013, 09:53:57 am »


TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night 49: Sonic 2
« on: November 23, 2013, 10:33:38 am »
I vote for 1

Competition Central / Sonic Lost World 3DS Charts (Spoilers)
« on: October 29, 2013, 01:24:00 pm »
The 3DS version is quite different fom the Wii U one so I was recommended to create a new topic for it.

Anyway, Sonic Lost World 3DS have 4 modes of playing the game:

"Play game"
Basically story mode. Saves your best time, score, red rings and rank. Lets you use items and RC stuff. This mode lets you use super sonic I'm pretty sure (haven't unlocked him personally).

"VS mode"
Lets you play through stages and special stages. Doesn't save scores other than ranking. Also has a battle mode where you collect rings.

"Time attack"
Only saves your time, doesn't allow items/RC. I think colours are unlocked based on your progress in the main game.

Available in main game and time attack, has separate charts but I don't think there's any major changes other than you only having 1 ring throughout the stage.

Small stuff:
Checkpoints don't reset your time. Timer goes down instead of up in story mode or whatever. You can't submit your time from story mode to the leaderboards which also means the WH tutorial stage can't be submitted. Lava mountain is basically "Boss rush zone" so I don't think anything other than times would be meaningful to track

Trackable stats:
Time attack
Standard time attack done from the time attack mode. Would restrict using RC's, super etc. Also excludes the tutorial stage

Tracked in the main game only. Would allow RC's, items and possibly super if you go by the score that's saved.

Normal ring attack, could be done without restrictions I guess. Have to be decided upon.

I personally dislike this as you basically just go faster. We'll have to see if the IL's become different enough. Decreases rings etc so I think it would only be useful for time attacks.

Dumb... But it is tracked on the official leaderboards.

with added suggested stats
Windy Hill:
Act 1: Times, Rings, Score
Act 2: Times, Rings, Score
Act 3: Times, Rings, Score
Boss: Times

Desert Ruins:
Act 1: Times, Rings, Score
Act 2: Times, Rings, Score
Act 3: Times, Rings, Score
Boss: Times

Tropical Coast:
Act 1: Times, Rings, Score
Act 2: Times, Rings, Score
Act 3: Times, Rings, Score
Boss: Times

Frozen Factory:
Act 1: Times, Rings, Score
Act 2: Times, Rings, Score
Act 3: Times, Rings, Score
Boss: Times

Silent Forest:
Act 1: Times, Rings, Score
Act 2: Times, Rings, Score
Act 3: Times, Rings, Score
Boss: Times

Sky Road:
Act 1: Times, Rings, Score
Act 2: Times, Rings, Score
Act 3: Times, Rings, Score
Boss: Times

Lava Mountain:
Act 1: Times
Act 2: Times
Act 3: Times
Boss: Times

Special Stages:
Special Stage 1: Times
Special Stage 2: Times
Special Stage 3: Times
Special Stage 4: Times
Special Stage 5: Times
Special Stage 6: Times
Special Stage 7: Times
(I'm assuming there are 7 special stages)

Example IL's:

Windy Hill 1 by p800xu

Windy Hill 1 as Super Sonic by p800xu

News and Updates / Re: TSC has been online for a decade!
« on: October 25, 2013, 12:49:27 pm »
You have certainly matured since when I first met you Sonicboom.

I was pretty sceptical when I first signed up. I thought most people here were stuck up snobs that banned anyone they didn't agree with and that the competition was 50% pointless (like special stage ring attacks) and the rest somewhat uncompetitive. But I was wrong, instead I found a nice group of people I love to spend time with and lots of great challenges in my favourite games coupled with a lot of encouragement. Thank you for that.

News and Updates / Re: TSC Birthday Race
« on: October 11, 2013, 04:14:30 pm »
Friday or Saturday (25-26th). I don't have a time preference for those days but if it's any other day then it has to be sometime between 4pm and 7pm GMT for me to be able to join.

Normally I'd vote for the "Sonic" categories but we've done that a lot the last few racenights, so I'm going to vote:

Beat S3K as Knuckles
Beat SA as Tails
Time Attack mode (obviously, this is TSC)

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night 43: Sonic 1 GBA (you crazy people)
« on: September 29, 2013, 04:41:11 pm »
Like Mastakirby there's only a very small chance I'll be able to join on this one. I'm gonna vote for anniversary without emeralds but if it hangs on a single vote then you can count mine out.

TSC Race Night / Re: Unofficial Race 10: Sonic The Hedgehog Megamix
« on: September 22, 2013, 11:36:47 am »
normal as mighty

Hiya Folks / Re: Better load the Kappa Cannon.
« on: September 22, 2013, 11:34:11 am »
Oh yet another Kirby. That makes it... 4 I think? Anyway welcome

Competition Central / Re: Sonic 3&K Questions
« on: September 14, 2013, 10:12:34 am »
You can use SonED2 or SonLVL with a split disassembly to see how many loose rings there are in a level and exactly where they are, even if they're inside a wall. You can also use it to check for a lot of other things such as solidities, objects other than rings, path 0/1 etc.

Information Kiosk / Re: Late Introduction
« on: August 24, 2013, 04:53:08 pm »
I guess your best shot is ebay or something like it. I've always had problems with getting good 2nd hand controllers though

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night 37: Sonic 3 & Knuckles
« on: August 05, 2013, 08:47:49 pm »
Sonic 100%, otherwise just Sonic

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: FocusSight64
« on: July 08, 2013, 06:59:32 pm »
Quote from: FocusSight64
I believe you misunderstood what I said.

Quote from: FocusSight64
I took it as I was lying.

Quote from: FocusSight64
Mainly because I just tried to remember what I had, and got it wrong

Quote from: FocusSight64
Those other stats I never had

Quote from: FocusSight64
Reason: Lied in the Ring Stats in Sonic 1 2013.

I hope you understand why you are banned from submissions, as you've shown you can't be trusted. If you ever wish to come back, you should read some of the other forum posts here to see how people have done it.

TSC Race Night / Re: Special Race: Sonic 1-3&K Marathon
« on: June 12, 2013, 07:12:16 am »
Personally I can do it pretty much whenever.

I made a pollcode of it so people can vote without cluttering the forum:

TSC Race Night / Re: Special Race: Sonic 1-3&K Marathon
« on: June 09, 2013, 10:29:59 am »
1 and 3. Sonic in all the games.

News and Updates / Re: Recent Rule Changes
« on: May 30, 2013, 09:13:35 pm »
IIRC Classic Collection isn't allowed because it doesn't emulate the games very well and SADX is fine. Again though, not totally sure.

You mean an official rerelease of the game isn't allowed? As long as "The original game and all its contents must be preserved and unmodified." or "Any re-released version of this game (official or unofficial) that has been modified to create a functional change to level layouts is not permitted for use in competition" is true it shouldn't be a problem, especially since ingame time usually is used.

I have played it myself and it's not really going to pose any threat as it is an inferior version. Any glitches exclusive to the version would obviously be banned though.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: Markoszarrate
« on: May 24, 2013, 08:19:41 pm »
I'm very doubtful you would obtain the electric shield in the level as it wastes a second or two compared to getting it in act 1, and since you said you were on an emulator there would have been no problem to savestate with it just before the level started and to then use that for your runs.

All that you mention about the route is things you can see plainly in Mike's video. His time was 3:21 and that's with using a shortcut that saves about 10 seconds, so basically you're saying you saved around 20 seconds compared to that video from pure optimisation. This is roughly how that would look like:

This is a video I made using savestates. It's not 100% optimised and perhaps 2-3 seconds could be shaven off of that, but it also uses superhuman spindashing and jumping at places in order to get some insane jumps and tricks that only insane IL-runners would go for, and you got a second faster than this on what most people would call an inferior controller (keyboard or 3rd party USB-controller I'm guessing).

This is the main reason I don't believe you when you say you got this time while using inferior strats (like the electric shield), don't really care if it's deleted (as it would be one of the most prestigious runs on the site that you worked really hard to get) and lastly you believe a human could shave a couple seconds off of it. This is a case where the stat has such a level of optimisation that it's right at the edge of human capability, and it's claimed by someone who doesn't have proof, a sufficient explanation or in other ways shown that he is capable of such a time.

And so my argument is made and I will let the mods decide how to proceed.

Competition Central / Re: Full Game Score Runs
« on: May 22, 2013, 01:15:59 pm »
Define "glitch".

No zips, go through walls, etc.

Like if you first played the game.

Zipping isn't a glitch. It's an ejection routine intentionally programmed into the game. Going through walls isn't glitching either provided the wall isn't solid to begin with, or if it gets unloaded somehow.

I don't remember what happened the first time I played the game as I was about 3-4 years old, but I do know that there's been a lot of crazy shit that's happened to me even when I didn't try to do anything funny.

Then of course there are a lot of things that aren't glitches, but still shouldn't be included as it ruins the competition like this.

My point is that either you try and create a definition where you pinpoint every little thing YOU don't think should be in a run, which in turn means other's might oppose your definition of "glitchless" and consequently ruin any competition for the category you just created. Or you try and pinpoint just the stuff that matters, like the points-exploit in the last link, that everyone can agree would ruin competition and everyone is happier.

You're free to play the game any way you want, but there's no prestige without competition and I personally agree with the stance TSC has taken.

TSC Race Night / Re: Unofficial Race 6: Sonic 1 Tails
« on: May 19, 2013, 01:29:07 pm »
emeralds are gay

Competition Central / Re: Full Game Score Runs
« on: May 16, 2013, 07:42:01 am »
Define "glitch".

Either way you could always check out the score leaderboards if you want to compare, though they're only for single acts


Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: Markoszarrate
« on: May 05, 2013, 04:20:22 pm »
Oh I must have missed your answer to this, but I want to try to explain why I think you lied about this stat.

First of all you spent weeks if not months trying to get the "perfect time" so I find it weird how you'd give it up so easily if it was legit.

Second of all, the fact that you thought someone else would have beaten it by at least 1 second shows that you think it's unoptimised and don't really know how perfect a 3:10 actually is.

Third of all, your description of your route is lacking at best. You went right in the first tube and then just followed the level? I understand it was a couple years ago now but no mention that getting an electric shield in act 1 is pretty much required for it? No mention of the innumerous difficult jumps anywhere in the level? 2 cycle fingers? Not even unloading the stairs? If you spent months trying to improve this level I would expect a better description than "pretty straight forward".

Also, getting a time like this requires top-tier execution skill, none of which show in any other of your submissions for the game. I can understand the reasoning behind filler times or having a few stages that are your favourites. But looking at your other submissions close to the date you submitted the WR time; 0:58 AI1 Sonic (59 submitted the same day)? 1:09 IC2 Sonic (with several attempts being made)? I will admit some of the times are pretty decent but by no means are they Romulo, SDM or eredani quality.

So the question isn't whether or not the stat should be removed. It's whether or not you lied about it, and right now I'm not convinced you didn't

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night 25: Special Race
« on: April 11, 2013, 06:47:13 am »
Not sure I can join (about a 30% chance), but otherwise 1.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: April 04, 2013, 05:40:40 pm »

Also, cool top, Werey.

I found your evil twin

Since the mod uses 3D-models from Unleashed, shouldn't that technically require you to own Unleashed as well?

EDIT: I actually read from the link you posted and this was what it said:
•Is this free? Do I need to own Sonic Unleashed to play it?
Yes, it is free. As for requirements, you don't need to own Sonic Unleashed to play this. Someone will likely ask if this is even legal then, but seeing as Sega has unlisted Sonic Unleashed due to a low MetaCritic score, and they haven't issued any sort of statement yet, we'll have to assume it's in the safe zone.
The only requirement you need is Sonic Generations on Steam; no more, no less.

General Sonic / Sonic Generations 3DS strats
« on: March 18, 2013, 05:06:44 am »
So I've gotten into this game and I find it hard to get the best strats for all the levels.

I PM'd some of the top players here but only Groudon answered. I also made a playlist on youtube with all the videos of this game I could find that weren't let's play's. I then made a more detailed post on SDA, but interest is low and progress is slow.

So anyone feel like helping out? Here's the playlist I was talking about, and any tips regarding faster strats or combination of in the runs here would be helpful.

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