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Not at all new or next-gen, but yeah, SADX>>>>everything.

I'm sure it's possible to make games that are way better by fixing SA's flaws,
but I don't think anything can replace SA, even if it's "better".

General Sonic / Re: Post-Completion Days
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:33:54 pm »
About the Chao, I meant raising two of them so you could earn the Chao Race emblems.
Like when I do SADX emblem speedruns, I use a Chao that I raised on a previous file to save time.

I don't know why I forgot Sonic Heroes. I think the timer is around 90 hours.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: 279 Rings on Mystic Mansion (Team Rose)?
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:23:54 pm »
I knew about the fake wall in MM, but I didn't know chaotix can go through it.  it wont help in timed runs, but I'll look into it.
Are we thinking about the same fake wall? This wouldn't help in time-attacking either,
but I don't think you would've found this one with a team other than Chaotix.
It's in that place where most of the teams drop into a pit, but an air current stops Chaotix,
and they have to use a flower to teleport ahead of that small section.
You can push against the back-right wall to go outside and then fall back in below the wind.

News and Updates / Re: New stuff around the site
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:16:46 pm »
Edit your post some more. Besides the 4 people in the west, it looks like there are at least 10 or 11 dots in the east.
So you were way off. And where do you think the idea about Canada having the best players came from?
(I guess you weren't there when that was said.)

And in case you didn't get that tiny hint, yes, I'm in Canada. That's one of the reasons it's the best country
for Sonic players.

News and Updates / Re: Sonic 06 demo on Xbox Live
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:09:02 pm »
Sonic Team made a decent port???? Impossible!
We're talking about the company responsible for those Sonic games that looked terrible,
or at least worse than they needed to. Even the original versions don't look good.

Unless the PC version plays well, but looks bad. But still, even that's surprising.
Wasn't SADX's PC port really bad for controls? (I still haven't played it myself.)

Sonic 06/Next-Gen can be ported, but I doubt Sonic Team is capable of doing that.
SADX looked terrible, and they were porting to a more-powerful system.
They'd have to either downgrade Sonic06 slightly or do a better job than they did on the XBox 360.
And it doesn't help that they already said stuff about needing the XBox 360's power for that game.
(But then, most of what they said was untrue, anyway, like about the speed, and if they did the polygon counts.)
Anyway, they'd better learn how to program stuff, and then port it.

Information Kiosk / Re: TSC site integration
« on: October 28, 2006, 08:51:50 pm »
I'm not sure, but I'm thinking unified membership might be good.
It should work out well about any way, but I just don't want the Sonic stuff getting cluttered
and everything. If it was to be done like CF suggested, I'm thinking of this:
The TSC4 Forum

-The Sonic Center

-The F-Zero Center

-The whatever Center


...and TSC's boards would be exactly like they are now. The other sites would be a little smaller.
Like CF said:
|---- Local News and Updates - The new stuff in F-Zero. Fear it.
|---- Leaderboard Disputes
|---- General F-Zero


^And this would be on a separate screen from the main list of boards (Sonic, F-Zero, whatever),
and, of course, from all the Sonic boards.

My second choice is (copying CF, but changing it a little):
The TSC4 Forum

-The F-Zero Center (click on this to bring up the F-Zero boards I mentioned earlier)

- The Sonic Center (this is where the regular TSC boards start)

|- Welcome Center
|-- Global News and Updates The new stuff on the site. Fear it.

|- Competition Central



I hope the post isn't too messy. I can make a quick picture if it's needed.

Well, it is the only way I can get the Dreamcast SA. Emulation is messed up for a bunch of reasons,
even just for exploration and comparisons, not to mention time-attacking, which is nearly impossible
(slowdown after a few minutes, bad controls, too-high framerate, floaty glitch, inaccessible stages, and more).

Yeah, the price is a little high, although I paid $60 for an N64 bundle at the same store in 2002
(console with one controller, the RF switch and modulator connection set, an Expansion Pak, and The Legend of Zelda: OoT).
And it's way cheaper than any other system would be... except GBA, which I could get brand-new for $50. :(
(That's like nothing compared to even the Revolution.)

I'm checking eBay right now, but as I remember, almost everything there costs too much because of shipping.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Ummm.... I was wondering......
« on: October 24, 2006, 08:43:50 pm »
Right now, the rules still say TA mode has to be used, but there's obviously an exception for Sonic R.

I was listening. :D

Anyway, the rules need to be fixed. So do SA's. There are things I already suggested, but I forget what they were.
And I'm pretty sure TA mode has already been used by many players on one course.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: 279 Rings on Mystic Mansion (Team Rose)?
« on: October 24, 2006, 08:39:10 pm »
Okay, trick, then. But it wasn't meant to be done, and it stretches the flying characters' jumps.

Do I get to take credit for the other tricks I mentioned, or did someone else find them first?

Congratulations to everyone who won. :D And at least one SA video got in.

Also, yse forgot something. :( *sniff*  /me cries
Hint: it's a classic. It fights a version difference...

Sonic and the Secret of the Rings is the one I won't have to buy a whole $400+ system for, so...
yeah, it wins, even though I still wonder if SEGA can make it really good.
But they seem to be messing up Sonic 06 already, so at least SotR has a chance to be better.

And I'll say it again: I'm still unsure about getting a Dreamcast at Ca$h Converters,
and that'd be only a little more than $50, even with a memory card and SA included.
Getting an XBox 360 or Playstation 3 for an expensive game that most likely
isn't nearly as good makes that purchase look like nothing.

General Sonic / Re: The best sonic games for the genesis
« on: October 22, 2006, 08:48:40 pm »
I know it's very different. What I meant by "difference" was that I don't expect that
the Japanese soundtrack will be way better. If it is, it must be the best-sounding Sonic game ever.

It has the same past music as US, right? And does it also have some jingles from SA (invincibility and speed shoes)?

Chaotix's music is good, but I don't think it can beat Sonic 2. Speed of Sound is great, though.

News and Updates / Re: Even the OLD new sonic games suck
« on: October 22, 2006, 08:42:55 pm »
"You guys"? If you mean SM, I don't know. You'll have to ask him what he's done in game programming.
As for me, I don't do programming, but I have done graphics and level design and stuff.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: 279 Rings on Mystic Mansion (Team Rose)?
« on: October 22, 2006, 08:40:30 pm »
Wait... this MM glitch was just discovered recently? My brother found that one months ago
(probably almost a year, actually). I tried getting to the goal ring, but getting to the altars
seemed impossible. I never thought of using it for more rings, probably because I don't compete
in those charts. I should fool around with glitches more, so I can take advantage of them. Muhahahaha!

Hey, what about going back from the start? I did that on Rail Canyon and Lost Jungle (both Rose).
I can't remember if there were rings, though. Has anyone else done these?

Oh, and then there's getting Team Chaotix into an extra part of MM with another bobsled
by pushing through a fake spot in the wall. I found that one of the first times I played.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Ummm.... I was wondering......
« on: October 22, 2006, 08:31:35 pm »
Are you sure it has to be GP mode? It's not in the rules, and I thought everyone submitted
time attack times for RI 3-lap. (Right now, the rules still say TA mode has to be used,
but there's obviously an exception for Sonic R.) But anyway, it's all forward, not reverse.

That glitch probably will be allowed, along with any other glitches that might be used/found
(unless they're really cheap). I wonder if my outside-the-walls glitch (also RC) could be of any use.

News and Updates / Re: Even the OLD new sonic games suck
« on: October 22, 2006, 08:18:21 pm »
Yeah, that would be cool. All the series needs to get back to its former glory are some competent people who are talented Sonic players themselves actually making them. With SM doing programming, Marth on beta testing, and others making game ideas and concepts, it would a good era for Sonic games. Even I have some cool ideas for Sonic games, such as a RPG game with a Tales of Symphonia style battle system and Sonic style dungeons designed to make the game (and its combat) fast and fun, and a Sonic/Mega Man fusion spin off posted in an old thread in the General Sonic section. (SJ and sonicam would probably get the most enjoyment out of it though.)
For the series to get back to its former glory, SEGA would just have to open their ears for a minute.
If we started working there... this would be Sonic at his best. (Okay, maybe that's a bit much...
or is it? It would take some simple changes to make huge differences and create something better than SA.)

So it's settled. It can be as you said, and I can help occasionally with general supervision and random ideas.
And if I can get Robotnik's voice right (with a little practice), a bit of acting with that.
Now... let's go to SEGA headquarters and demand that they hire us!!!!! :P
(Really, it is frustrating. This would be for their good, but I somehow don't think they'd just
hire some Sonic fans who walk in, no matter how good they seemed to be at designing games.)

General Sonic / Re: Trail-er Blazin'!
« on: October 20, 2006, 05:56:34 pm »
I don't think this was too "successful", but I saw the Sonic Heroes McDonald's toy commercial.
"Dude, looks like you need one of these!" I also saw Sonic Riders... not sure what else.

And this wasn't on TV, but the first time I saw Sonic (that I can remember)
was in a flyer for the electronics section of some store. All I remember is that it said
"Genesis", and that it showed a picture of Sonic. It was probably Sonic 3 or Sonic and Knuckles.
(I was only 3 when Sonic 2 was released, and I don't think this was Sonic 3D Blast.)

General Sonic / Re: The best sonic games for the genesis
« on: October 20, 2006, 05:51:51 pm »

S3K > Sonic CD > Sonic 2 > Sonic > Knuckles Chaotix

Sonic CD > S3K > Knuckles Chaotix > Sonic 2 > Sonic
Chaotix? I'd forgotten about that, although it isn't really Genesis, anyway.
I'm thinking more like:

S2 > S3&K > SCD > S&K  Maybe Chaotix goes here, just after S&K, but maybe it should rank higher.

S2 > SCD > S&K > Chaotix

Oh, and you are aware that this is the US Sonic CD, right? If you already noticed I said that,
CONGRATULATIONS! You have good taste in music, and you're someone who doesn't complain
about that version. :D (I don't doubt that the Japanese one has good music,
but there probably isn't as much of a difference as some people seem to think.)

Wait a minute... is Sonic CD that great? It's a little slower, and... no, wait... it has a Time Attack and stuff.
But then, I remember Chaotix being fast and fun, and having cool special stages.

News and Updates / Re: Even the OLD new sonic games suck
« on: October 20, 2006, 05:31:41 pm »
It's not so much that it feels good to bash it, as that it would feel bad to go along with it. Ultimately, sure, it doesn't matter to SEGA specifically whether I make an angry post on the front page or not. But the kind of malfeasance that leads to my angry posts on the front page also leads to a general wave of angry (or plain dismissive) posts across the Internet, and it is that kind of general bad will that has led to SEGA's demise in other areas in the past and in the long run will lead to the demise of whatever it infects in their corporation. The 4kids voice acting, the shoddy ports, the generally unfinished games, and entirely misguided atmosphere all are aspects of a malaise that while not individually recognized by most still inexorably lead to the single impression that Sonic is simply not worth considering.

But to get back to the initial point - I created TSC as a hub to foster competition and generally encourage appreciation and longevity of the Sonic games. To direct the work I've spent on the site towards fostering interest in such a terrible, lackluster game seems to me a destructive act, and I refuse to engage in it, not because I want to hurt Sega but because I don't want to encourage people wasting their time on crap when there is stuff out there that realizes the "vision" (if you could call it that) of that game so much better.
Okay. Yeah, that's true, except about the overall low opinion of Sonic.
This has existed for a while, but SEGA doesn't seem to be getting hurt by it much.
Reviewers can complain, sites like TSC can avoid supporting it,
and the Sonic games can be generally considered garbage, but the games still sell.
But I understand what you mean about not supporting the extremely terrible games/ports/remakes.

As most of you might know already, I got Sonic Riders just over a week ago.
It was my choice, and I felt just a bit bad about doing my part to support it and increase the sales.
But like I said, I can't do anything. SEGA won't notice one sale. They wouldn't care if they
lost thousands of sales. I know that sounds dumb (if everyone did that, the sales wouldn't drop at all),
but it really seems like nothing can be done. So all I can do now is try to do my share of
complaining (like you said about the general opinion on the internet), or, though few people know,
refuse to listen to most of the bad acting and voices. Or I could get a job in Sonic Team. :P
(You'd notice the difference if that happened, whether I became a tester, programmer,
designer, producer... pretty much any job that could affect the gameplay or glitches.)

General Sonic / Re: The best sonic games for the genesis
« on: October 17, 2006, 09:44:05 pm »
My favorite would have to be Sonic the Hedgehog 2.  It had some of my all-time favorite 2D Sonic music, and I couldn't begin to count the number of times I've played that game.  It also featured the best (IMO) multi-player for any 2D Sonic game (Running laps in S3&K just wasn't as satisfying).  Sonic 3 & Knuckles would come in as my close second.
I agree with all of that. Except I'm trying to figure where Sonic CD fits in, both in gameplay and music.
Maybe after S3&K for gameplay, but in second (after Sonic 2) for music.
Oh, and by the way, I've only heard the US version. *puts on bulletproof, blastproof armor*

I don't know if the memories of playing Sonic 2 affect anything. Maybe a little.
Even SA... I still remember trying to glitch through the gate to the jungle (at least I'm pretty sure that's what I was doing... I never figured I'd succeed eventually) back when it was in stores.
But anyway, this is off-topic.

News and Updates / Re: Even the OLD new sonic games suck
« on: October 17, 2006, 09:29:02 pm »
No, they didn't. Well, I guess they did... sort of, if you mean putting in a popular character,
changing the attitude, and fixing the rail-switching... but I've heard the controls are overall
just as bad as ever, and the game is just as flawed as Heroes or anything else.
I mean, like getting someone to just come in and say, "I didn't like Heroes because the
controls were really bad and because the team thing was a dumb gimmick." It's that simple.
And it's not cleverness. I see what you mean- it could be clever, but it isn't in this case.
They're making changes in an attempt to make the series better.
It would've cost them less time and money to make all the games more like Sonic Adventure.
(I mean, they wouldn't be fixing its flaws, but they'd be making money, and at least they
wouldn't be introducing new flaws or making the existing ones worse.)

Aww, I'm missing all the excitement. (I'd better be sure not to just skip visiting a forum again.)

I'm guessing that something of F-Man's will show up in the Top 10, but I can't be sure if they'll be noticed.
I mean, there are a lot of games and a lot of videos to choose from.
Anyway, Final Egg shows an insane glitch done extremely well. (Just how extremely
I can't be sure, though, until I get Dreamcast.) But I hope my Sonic Casinopolis video will show up, too.
It's not all that great, but it's a classic! It shows me fighting a version disadvantage.
And the move it introduced was used to make Final Egg in 9 seconds possible.

Competition Central / Re: Yet another TBG topic
« on: October 17, 2006, 09:09:42 pm »
In single player competition, it shouldn't matter so much, and therefore the rules can probably afford to be a bit less restrictive. Something like 0:00 on any MegaDrive level is obviously out of the question, but perhaps something like Hydrocity 2 on Sonic 3 needs more consideration. (If you don't know what this is, it's the ability to skip the boss on this act and hit the capsule. The timer doesn't stop, and you can't move out of the victory pose position, but you can prove you've completed the level by resetting - the game will take you to Marble Garden. Completion time would be at the frame of hitting the capsule. This differs from the now-freestyle MG2 in that the level can be proven to be completed.)

My idea for a general rule:

All statistics are considered permissible by TSC's rules as they stand at the point of level completion. Level completion can be defined by any of the following criteria:
* Flagpost crossed / Capsule hit / Goal ring hit etc.
* Screen fade out where the above is not applicable

Any additions?
I see F-Man already commented on this. I was also just about to.
You have to reset, and the timer doesn't even freeze! Is this allowed?
In Sky Deck, the timer does freeze as normal, so the only thing that's unusual is that
the screen never fades, and so the game has to be reset without saving.
I don't know if the Hydrocity glitch should be allowed, but if it is, the Sky Deck one should definitely be allowed.
F-Man and SadisticMystic said that completion is defined as the screen fading out and the game saving.
I already suggested what you said (hitting the capsule, which is the game's definition), but they disagreed.
(Oh, great. Here comes the same argument for what's at least the third time.)

About other things: Glitching through walls is okay, in my opinion. It'd be kind of cool to do
no-glitch competitions, but I wouldn't want them to take over as the main (or only) category.
The same goes for time-freezing, although it's a little cheap. It's still not a really big problem, though.
I mean, how many levels (I'm mostly considering SA right now) have places to freeze time?
There's Icecap, but the skipped area is just copied in Tails's stage, anyway.
And then Hot Shelter runs with Gamma can be made quicker (not better) with freezing.
Taking out all glitches would be ridiculous. It's almost impossible to decide if this shortcut or that
was intended to be used, or whatever. All it takes is a simple jump to glitch up stuff in
a sloppily-made game like SA. We just can't be sure.

News and Updates / Re: Even the OLD new sonic games suck
« on: October 17, 2006, 08:25:49 pm »
Addendum: Please, no one support this kind of shameless abuse of Sonic. Sega has constantly been pushing the bar in the degree of greed and apathy towards quality with which they "develop" their games, and at some point there has to be something said against it. If it remains in the current state, I do not intend to create rankings for it; to have such a mockery of decent Sonic games on our rankings is abominable. There's plenty of fan-made Sonic 1 hacks out there with spindashing that are of far better quality.
But it won't matter. Thousands of angry Sonic fans signed petitions to get rid of the 4Kids actors, but did anything happen? No. Those games were very successful (at least in sales).
SEGA can do one stupid thing after another, but people will still buy their games,
either because there's no choice, or because they're kids who want the games because
they have "characters from sonic x" in them. But I agree that... how do I describe it?...
it kind of feels good to bash badly-made games and do extreme and even ridiculous things about them, even if few people know (like my plans to redo some of Riders's acting).

SilvertheAlmighty:  Off-topic, but it's true that Tails can get annoying. I use Metal Sonic for
a few stages, including Sky Deck, because Tails attacks planes to make Sonic float up a bit,
and Lost World, because he randomly presses the 3 switches to change the camera.
My complaint about the graphics is that they don't come close to GameCube quality.
It's a huge leap over the Dreamcast version in some ways, but I would've expected a perfect framerate,
consistent texture quality, and waaaaay more polygons. And waaaaaaaaaaaay better draw distance.
I don't know what you mean by "sharp", though. Polygony, or too much flicker? (Both are true.)

eggFL: 1.  Yeah, the change in screen size was to be expected. Or could it have been
crunched in a bit to just get more pixelated? (If that had happened, it would've looked really bad.
I just tried it, and it makes everything a bit blobby. Also, the zeros all turn into Ds. "TIME D:D1")
2. But GBA is weaker than Genesis! (When SEGA makes the GBA games, that is.) It'd be impossible!
3. Bomberman Act Zero is good because it's on XB360, right?
4. I'm not sure what you meant about SADX's framerate. I thought you said you hadn't seen DX.
Anyway, some people did think the framerate was too high, but there are many more complaints
about how it manages to keep chopping when it's not even displaying much of anything.

douglas: I thought they got good sales on everything. If not, why is Sonic Heroes a
Player's Choice and Platinum Hit, and why did Sonic Riders get into Nintendo Power's sales lists?
Anyway, they should release big collections (I liked Gems, but they could've done better- like
by putting in Chaotix, although I'm already aware that they can't emulate anything),
and good remakes (lots of stuff added, nothing removed, maybe some beta content),
and good new games (by actually listening to the fans for once, or even just hiring some guy
at minimum wage to spend a few hours testing their games and find the obvious flaws).
Just find a good balance that gives most of your old games to all the players at a good price,
and also delivers great new games to everyone- including Nintendo players. How hard can it be?
They haven't done too terribly so far, but they've made a ton of stupid decisions, and
I can't even begin to explain how ridiculously easy it would be to fix the problems.
Oh, and I agree about them not trying to see what people liked about games.
But this will need a whole new thread if we're (or I'm) to complain much more.

Wikkity! / Re: itt Inter-TSC Constructive Criticism
« on: October 17, 2006, 07:26:42 pm »
Marth-for the first few months you were here, I thought F-Man had changed his nick and gotten more boring.
I'm like F-Man??? (Okay, you just paid him a big compliment. :P
(Just kidding. I hope no one thought I'd seriously say something like that.))
So... if you're posting this in the criticism thread, does that mean that being like F-Man is a bad thing?
Or does it mean that F-Man's excitingness is the only thing that stops you from saying negative things about him?

Wikkity! / Re: ‭‮‭‮ಠIn this topic we talk backwards
« on: October 13, 2006, 05:57:38 pm »
So... would anyone like to explain this picture?

!lla ta ssensdrawkcab oN

.retupmoc loohcs a ton s'ti dnA

Hiya Folks / Re: TSC-A Glossary
« on: October 13, 2006, 05:29:33 pm »
AR = Action replay
Adding to that...

AR: Action Replay. A device that is primarily used for fooling around and glitching up games.
      It is often yelled about because people accuse owners of AR of using it to achieve record times.
      This is also a cheat device used by ex-members. (See "b&".)

There, now it includes some info about banned cheaters and about the arguments at Cyberscore.

I'm sure there are even more things that need to be added.

Wikkity! / Re: How much of pi do you know?
« on: October 10, 2006, 07:32:26 pm »
CF is just angry because he only knows pi as 3. :P
Just kidding, I already said it's pointless.

General Sonic / Re: Post-Completion Days
« on: October 10, 2006, 07:08:42 pm »
My first 180 file was 44 hours.

That 28 was my 2nd, 21 was my 3rd and Ive yet to finish my true 180 emblem speedrun, heh
That's still too good. Was that your first file? Like, you didn't have any SA2 experience,
but then you got the game started a file, and played through? And you raised Chao on that first file?

knuckles_sonic8: Wow, that's quite a lot. The game just came out last... March?
But I might've played that much SA at the "peak", like early this year.

I got the real numbers for my files:

SADX has 507:20 and 149406 rings.
SA2B has 172:31 and 39527 rings.

Hmm, I overestimated a little... especially on SA2B's rings. Not even 40,000???

General Sonic / Re: Back In the Day...
« on: October 10, 2006, 07:01:16 pm »
Yes, it has quite a bit of unlockables, you're right. No JPN voices. There are language settings but it only applies to text. Personally, I don't look at voices in any Sonic game unless they're really bad and/or a noticable deterrent or annoyance.

The controls are had to talk about; I didn't have too much of a problem with them but a lot of others did. I'm sure osmeone can offer their input in that area...

There's quite a lot of replay value especially for multiplayer purposes. But, if it's ONLY single player (don't know if that'll be your general/predominant case), it can get kinda boring after you've unlocked everything, beaten the heck out of all of your already-good records (speaking from experience on that one; but not bored since I still have multiplayer :P), and tired of the game's "flaws" (whatever those are :P - lol). There are quite afew biased reviews out there on gaming sites so don't rely on their opinion to sway you whether to get or not. If I did, I wouldn't have got it... actually, that's not really true cause I was kind of excited about it from the beginning it was announced.

For multiplayer, you can do Free Race and Grand Prix (2ppl); Tag Mode (2-4); Survival - Race and Battle (both 2-4; I recommend Battle; excluding me, a lot of people I play with love it)

And I'm glad you can still play Heroes; out of all my family members, cousins, and/or friends, NO ONE will play multiplayer with me anymore. ROTFLOL. My favorite was Battle, personally, and Expert. They probably just got tired of me winning all the time - which is usually the case in most if not all the games I have with multiplayer ability. :P

Hope that helps a bit. If you ened any more info on the game as to whether or not you should get it, I can be of assistance, since Ive played the gamefro over 250 hours and counting :P. Just let me know.
1. Blah. What's their lame excuse this time? 2 hours of FMV? Or is it that the game is
really like 900 MB, and SEGA just did this to be annoying. This needs the Japanese option, not Sonic Adventure.
And yes, it is a big problem. I can't stand hearing the weird Sonic, girly Tails, and ancient Knuckles.
I might be crazy enough to actually make a CD with better voices and play that instead.
(If I'm not, I can talk as I play. Of course, I have to survive the game once before that.
But I need to work on consistency, especially with Tails's voice.)

2. That sounds good enough. I have too many games to play, anyway. When will I ever find time for SADX again? *sob*
And it was already bought... I don't know, I guess a little more than a week ago.
I could probably return it, but I won't. Besides, it helps complete my Sonic GCN collection.
Anyway, thanks for the info. :)

3. Yeah, but it's not as great as you think. Action Stages (mainly Action Race and Expert Race) are okay,
except there's a bit of randomness (not as bad as SA2... don't get me complaining about that),
and my brother sometimes complains about not knowing all the shortcuts.
(I've barely done any time-attacking, and he's done little if any, so he doesn't know the shortcuts
like he would in, say, SA. Rail Canyon is the one he really hates. Easy to remember... once you do it.)
I win too much in the bobsled one.
Battle is basically just button-mashing with a bad camera angle.
The Special Stage has graphics problems... if the pop-up is that bad on GCN, what's PS2 like?
And like I said, there's the Ring Race... that's like a bad joke. What were they thinking.

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