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Messages - Spinballwizard

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Competition Central / Re: TSC's Next Game to Rank - First Look
« on: June 05, 2009, 01:01:59 am »
Holy hell. Me want.

Information Kiosk / Re: My fan fiction
« on: June 04, 2009, 03:49:00 pm »
Talk to donna.

Wikkity! / Re: ITT PPA realises the world is absurd
« on: June 02, 2009, 03:16:15 pm »
tl;dr, but it took you this long to realize the world is absurd!?

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: June 02, 2009, 02:51:59 pm »

Wikkity! / Re: Name TSC's Band! Post names and requests....
« on: June 01, 2009, 10:21:05 pm »
4.      If you’re pressing Submit on your third one-liner in a row, you might want to stop and think about the quality of what you’re posting.

Wikkity! / Re: Name TSC's Band! Post names and requests....
« on: June 01, 2009, 08:51:57 pm »
Band name suggestions:

4 N00bs of the Apocalypse
RPGNutter and the Harbingers of Fail
You Know Who Else Played In A Band?
I'd Rather Have A Tiger
Take It To #roots
Fission Mail'd
Ecks Dee
PPA Is A Furry
Necromancy Is A Sin
No Strangers To Love
You Know The Rules
And So Do I
* douglas shot

And Desert You
Make You Cry
Say Good-Bye
Tell a Lie and Hurt You
* Spinballwizard shot

Wikkity! / Re: TSC's Got Talent?
« on: May 31, 2009, 02:47:26 pm »
I win things.
Only topics. And you need to work harder to win this one.

News and Updates / Re: Snippets of Sonic 06 news
« on: May 28, 2009, 11:33:51 am »
Necromancy = Sin


Wikkity! / Re: NEW AND IMPROVED: TSCA 2.0
« on: May 16, 2009, 02:51:33 pm »
Yeah I need the RTP again because I has a new computer since I played the original.

Wikkity! / Re: ITT a TSC meet that doesn't involve Rolken and flyby
« on: May 15, 2009, 03:37:05 am »
I think that's a broom SJ...

Wikkity! / Re: ITT a TSC meet that doesn't involve Rolken and flyby
« on: May 15, 2009, 03:21:01 am »
I love my playoff beard. >_>

Also, lolenglishmajor, Donna was the only one who noted the Coney Island + Chili Dogs + Sonic meet = hilarity.

American Fun Center I believe it was. Something silly like that.

Wikkity! / ITT a TSC meet that doesn't involve Rolken and flyby
« on: May 15, 2009, 01:45:14 am »
As a few of you on the IRC know, there was a southeast (ish) Michigan meet this past Wednesday involving myself, SonicAD, donnashowl, and her boyfriend (because he insisted she isn't that great of a driver) at Oakland Mall in Troy. Initially met at Kerby's Koney Island. They didn't wait for me despite the fact that I said I wouldn't arrive until around 5 (which I did), so I got there and they were already done eating. Then we just kinda hung. Walked over to the arcade and watched this guy be crazy at look-alike-DDR while we talked next to Gerbil's favorite pinball machine. (...Wheel. Not Rick Astley.)

We also got to play the "pronounce SBW's last name" game. As expected, everybody failed. (I know only a few people not related to me that can pronounce it correctly.)

Anyway there's a pic or two, but Ben (donna's bf) has the pics right now. So everyone saying "pics or it didn't happen" has to wait for her. (And yes, we did comment on that.)

Other highlights:
-My first words of the day: "See? I showed up this time!"
-Us talking about how we all fail at Sonic. (Including me commenting that RAing Shadow isn't as hard because you don't lose everything when you get hit.)
-Sega claw machine in the arcade. Baby Silver Surfer? Baby Hulk (who looked like Gumby with hair)? Abu?
-Finding out that donna has a friend whose redeeming point is a Yaoi obsession
-Obligatory "I CALL BS" and "mmmballs" references, even though neither of them got the latter because neither was around for the !quote 8 shenanigans. (I decided not to move on to "also I kissed a guy.") Actually AD did a really good "I CALL BS" complete with a dramatic lunge that I'm surprised we didn't get weird looks for.

One of them will have to post what happened before or after I left though. I had to run because I had to live up to a challenge I made, and I had $700 worth of miniatures in my trunk. >_>

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 12, 2009, 09:20:43 pm »
Stefan, the doctor, was brutally murdered by angry townspeople.

Well that was anti-climactic, if you'll excuse the pun.

And SonicAD seals the finishing vote.



Yeah, genus owned you bitches old school. Props to him.

First off, here's how night 1 went, because it was pretty LOL.

1. FKE was janned, you all knew that. He was hooked too for some strange and yet weird reason.
2. PPA's claiming of Watcher meant nothing, as the Stalker knew he was the watcher already.
3. The cop had an innocent report on genus.
4. The randomization of genus' lyncher target was hilarious considering the flowchart in the top 10.
5. Yes, there was a mismason.

Now, here's everybody's role!

Villagers (5): 1stkirbyever, Paraxade, Waxwings, Bertin, ieatatsonic
Doctor: Stefan
Cop: flyby
Watcher: PPA
Mason: mike89 (masoned doug)

Lyncher: genus (target: stefan)

Hooker: Chao_Fan
Janitor: SonicAD
Stalker: Douglas

Maybe we should start a new one on a more standard mafia type thing?

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 12, 2009, 01:08:22 am »
Yeah, I didn't want things to take too long. I think I'm going to stop voting at 9PM EDT Tuesday night. Anyone who hasn't voted is SOL. I do kinda want to get this game moving.

So far -
Votes for stefan: 3 (flyby, genus, PPA)
Votes for flyby: 3 (douglas, Waxwings, stefan)

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 08, 2009, 05:21:41 pm »
Mafia are allowed to PM at night. You are allowed to PM only if I told you you could.

Otherwise, no, you can't PM.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 08, 2009, 05:07:25 pm »

Several gunshots were heard throughout the night. One unfortunate casualty of this, found at Fishbone's by the People Mover station, was mike89, a mason. There was a horrified look on his face, as if finding something he did not expect.

Another unsolved crime, however, exists. More gunshots were heard outside the Fox Theatre, but no body could be found. As you meet at the Detroiter Bar during the day, you find that everyone is there, except 1stkirbyever, who is now considered missing.


mike89 (Mason)
1stkirbyever (???)


It is currently DAY ONE. Players who are still alive must discuss who they think are the mafia in this forum only, and each should vote for somebody. Whomever gets the most votes will be killed by a lynchmob. With any luck, you find mafia.

I'll give you at least 24 hours to vote, at most 48. BEGIN.

Information Kiosk / Re: New Topic Status Icons!
« on: May 08, 2009, 01:11:18 am »
Obligatory "necromancy is a sin"

Also obligatory "doug wins the topic"

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 07, 2009, 02:19:58 am »
Yes, PPA. Read the edit that I just finished.

EDIT: Look for day to start once I'm out of work tomorrow.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 07, 2009, 01:59:43 am »
Sending out roles now...

Edit: All roles have been passed out. Let's start!

Well we're in downtown Detroit today, and it is rumored that a potential mafia is forming out of the Greektown Casino. There are currently THREE (3) mafia members alive.

It is currently NIGHT ONE. If you have an action that you do at night, make sure you send it to me (Spinballwizard) ASAP. You can send me your targets through PM on TSC, through PM on IRC (/msg Spinballwizard), through AIM (Spinballwizard), or through MSN ( Please make sure to get everything to me in a timely manner. Mafia, you know who your partners are so you can PM them.

Wikkity! / Re: My Yard!
« on: May 06, 2009, 11:39:01 pm »
That grass is poorly cut! >:O
It's early in the season yet. I've only mowed once, and only the back because our front yard looks like shit.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 06, 2009, 08:42:04 pm »
Alright, I have 13. I'm stopping sign-ups. I think I will use an Epic setup, or a variant thereof.

Alright. First off, to answer questions and set ground rules.

Your Role
Each player will receive a role. This role will be determined randomly (rather, pseudorandomly, since I'll probably write a brief program to distribute roles. You are able to claim this role publicly, but this is your formal warning that it could potentially be used to your disadvantage. If the Mafia has a hooker on their side, you might want to consider not claiming, lest you be rendered unable to use your role's ability. If you are a Doctor, you probably don't want to claim either, because, well, you can't save yourself. Note that Mafia roles should only claim to each other, not to the town. Role-sharing (telling someone else your role just for the hell of it, whether clear or not) is especially prohibited. See the next heading.

PS: You will not know what roles are in the game unless they are revealed to you.

Messaging other players is restricted. This is more to keep the game in check than anything. I mostly want to be in control of how the game plays. If players are randomly messaging each other, I can't do this and therefore I will kick your ass.

Mafia members are allowed to message each other at night only. This is so that they can coordinate their night kill. They are allowed to share their roles with other mafia members. If any other roles are allowed to message, you will be told in your role's description. If you are not allowed to message, you are NOT permitted to.


Any questions should be asked now. Night 1 will begin at roughly 2AM tonight Eastern Daylight Time. If you are unfamiliar with Mafia at all, you might want to ask now.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: TSC Convention
« on: May 06, 2009, 04:30:45 pm »
Convention activity idea:

Eggman Drop.

Nuff said.
Fixed for thematic joke.

Gaming and Grazing / ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 05, 2009, 03:07:30 am »

Current Players:
1. flyby
2. mike89/yse (Mason)
3. Chao_Fan
4. 1stkirbyever (???)
5. PPA
6. SonicAD
7. douglas
8. genus/General Throatstomper
9. Paraxade
10. Waxwings/Achlys
11. Stefan
12. Bertin
13. ieatatsonic

Gauging interest before I cap stuff, but I think I'll peak at 10. I might use an Epic setup if you're lucky. I'm considering not telling you the setup, too. Just to mess with your heads.

So yeah. I'll declare whether or not it is day or night. Usually when everyone's sent their votes, but if it takes too long I'll move things forward. Mafia can talk to each other outside this topic, but otherwise players are not allowed to talk about the game outside of this topic.

Interested? Post...

flyby's League / Re: flyby's league
« on: May 03, 2009, 02:44:58 am »
For the uninformed, Hot Crater 2 is in Sonic Advance 2.

iirc when knuckles dies he gets back the rings he had when he hit the last checkpoint AND all the rings respawn.
...which invalidates a score run anyways, because there has been a death. That was my point in the clarification.

And as for MH1/2 vs. LR1, I only suggest adding MH to it because you're still getting the points for doing the same thing over again. Still involves minor scalping.

I wasn't even going to bring up the Advance 2 trick spamming method that I came up with, either.

Shouldn't there be the Knuckles/Rouge digging clause here?

Digging up items doesn't add on points to your score iirc.
And what about the rings? I haven't done a hunting stage in a while, but yeah.

Competition Central / Re: Time over issue.
« on: May 01, 2009, 04:07:37 am »
Checked over the rules and noted an ambiguity, so I made a topic in Rules Revisions addressing this and more.

So after Cruizer's question on time over ring shenanigans, I decided to randomly go through the rules and poke into some ambiguities.

"Statistics are taken from the time the timer stops. This is usually when the signpost, goal ring or the capsule is hit, though in some levels it may apply to other events, eg. in Wing Fortress, time is taken from when the screen fades out. Scores are taken after all the relevant act bonuses are added."

By this wording, the time over shanigans are semi-legal because technically, the timer stops at time over. Perhaps "Statistics are taken upon completion of the level. This is usually when the signpost, goal ring, or the capsule is hit..." and keeping all the other stuff. Maybe adding a mention of a results screen except on the exceptions listed.

Also, the "you can only use the listed character for the stat in question" rule has mysteriously vanished, so theoretically it is legal to use Sonic + Tails in Sonic 2/3/K. I thought this was ruled not to be the case.

Shouldn't it just be "Entering a special stage is not allowed."? Theoretically, as written, Sonic can enter a special stage, get the ring/gem bonuses, continue the level, and have a legitimate score.

It's also worth noting that the second half of the written Knuckles rule ("nor is dying after hitting a starpost.") is redundant considering general rules. ("Scores must be attained in a single continuous run (without deaths).")

"In Lava Reef 1, you can't destroy a badnik which came from the same origin as a badnik you already destroyed." - Add Mushroom Hill 1 and 2, as you can continuously go back and spawn new mole-bots.

Explanation on why HS-G is in Freestyle should be present, I think.

Should this rule -- "In Twinkle Park and Lost World, you can't hit a switch to create any more rings after any such rings have already been collected once." -- be there as well? Again, kinda redundant with General, but yeah.

Shouldn't there be the Knuckles/Rouge digging clause here?

Maybe reword it so it sounds less weird and more consistent with the charts. "Ring statistics on night stages must be attained in a single continuous run (without deaths)."

Chaotix rule should be in effect since linked co-op play is possible, however unplausible. (Theoretically, it's possible on bosses, I'd think, but I've never co-opped Adv3 so I don't know for sure.) i.e. "You must use single-player mode (computer-controlled partner)."

Competition Central / Re: Time over issue.
« on: April 30, 2009, 01:02:39 pm »
It should be in there that a stat is only legal if the level in question was completed...

Gaming and Grazing / Re: TSC Convention
« on: April 29, 2009, 01:41:21 pm »
Third the jobs thing. I have one, but it's not ideal...

I'd still love to come to this. hopefully i can get some money soon
Obviously you stowaway on mike's flight.

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