don't you guys know how the monopoly set up works?
the shittiest properties go on purple, and the most luxurious (or worth the most $) properties go on blue.
Look around other monopoly boards and see for yourself.
In some editions of monopoly, you've got a nice luxurious building for the blue properties (like Golf monopoly, chicago monopoly, etc) while in other games such as star wars monopoly, you've got the frickin emperor's palace! It is pure evil, yes, but nevertheless worth shitloads I'm sure, otherwise the emperor would not live in his palace :(
so basically, I think you need to swap a few things around.
The first two properties should be the shitties, ugliest, and just plain stupidest (lawl that's not a word it? :( ) zones ever. Can't really think of one in my head right now...but just very shitty zones. Any abandoned or deserted zones might be good too!
From there, you simply build up, will sticking to an appropriate theme. I have no idea why, but spring yard zone pops up in my head when I think of the third set of properties (light purple) but the other casino zones don't seem to really fit in
I definetly like what you have for the red properties. This is perfect! Do not change this!
The green properties, I believe, should be stuff like green hill/emerald hill zone. Basically, the green properties would be good for really beautiful zones.
The blue properties. Like starwars monopoly, we've got the evil shit for last! :D so that's fine I guess.
Overall, I think we need to change alot. If it helps, I have the National Parks Edition of monopoly. It may seem useless, but think about it, it's the National Parks Edition!!! That means parks from all over the country, in various climates and regions! ZOMG don't sonic games take place in various climates and regions? I mean I've got parks here that take place in mountains, snowy terrains, lava areas, green forests, etc. I think it might be a good idea to take some of the properties from this national parks board and apply it to some (not necessarily all, we'll see which ones seem weird) of the sonic zones for our monoply. For example, in the national parks version, they've got the red zone for mountainous parks, and well, we've got the mountain theme for our zone too, so that works out just fine!
I'll try and get pics or drawings of the board later though!
and maybe I'll go out and actually buy the "make your own monopoly game" kit later :D