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The Official Top Tens Topic


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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #360 on: March 12, 2007, 09:49:03 pm »
With Overall Rankings up I don't think a regular top ten would carry too many surprises.

Current front runner is the rivalries idea.

<3 Thorn.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #361 on: March 19, 2007, 08:19:07 am »
I have an announcement to make!

The April top ten category will be... the Top Ten Titanic Tussles!

Alliteration ftw.

Each day, RPG or I will name two (or more) players and a game, and give a bit of history on the duel that took place on that game between the players. There's bound to be some classic memories revived here!

<3 Thorn.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #362 on: March 19, 2007, 02:40:46 pm »
Fail collection: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
:o - :O - X) - :D

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #363 on: April 13, 2007, 12:18:49 am »
I think people should start speculating soon. >_>

See, I can do alliteration too. <_<
Hay guiz, I made a table showing how many points each game tracked by TSC is worth. You should go see it.
Also v2.0 of my TSC calculator is available to use. You should totally use it.
I update these every Monday around 2:30pm GMT.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #364 on: April 14, 2007, 05:09:27 am »
Here we go again!

TSC Top Ten Titanic Tussles!

For the sake of clarification, this refers to championship-level rivalries only. TSC's scoring system doesn't allow good rivalries to emerge below 60% anyway (sparring over one level does not count), and the championship ones are more memorable anyway.

Now, I know you're all going to ask where's the "real" top ten. Well I say: here it is!

As I've been computer-deprived for the past week I'm going to wait for RPG to consult with me on the list I've made up, but as soon as that happens one of us will release the #10 Titanic Tussle.

<3 Thorn.

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #365 on: April 14, 2007, 07:47:18 am »
I officially declare this iteration of the top tens... OPEN! Whether RPG likes it or not.

SkyLights vs Crowbar (Sonic Rush)

Possibly not the most inspired selection to open proceedings, but these two have been gunning at each other on Rush almost since the game's addition to TSC. SkyLights was the first competitor to really learn the tactics, paths and tricks of the game, then Crowbar leeched off all his good work and took the game to new levels. However, due to Crowbar's lack of expertise outside time and score divisions, SkyLights's more rounded abilities have allowed him to maintain a comfortable championship lead.

Thanks to the two of them Sonic Rush competition has taken off in the past six months with new competitors such as SDM, Auriman1 and myself joining in the fun.

Crowbar held the championship for a short period last year, but I think it's fair to say this rivalry is so far decisively in favour of SkyLights. With Crowbar not making many moves towards getting the championship back, it looks quite safe in SkyLights's hands. Perhaps he's secretly gunning for the longest held championship on the site?

CURRENT LEADER: SkyLights got a KO in the sixth round, but Crowbar got style points in the meantime for his colourful vids. :)

The Mysterious List

#10: SkyLights vs Crowbar (Rush)
#9: ??? vs ???
#8: ??? vs ???
#7: ??? vs ???
#6: ??? vs ???
#5: ??? vs ???
#4: ??? vs ???
#3: ??? vs ???
#2: ??? vs ???
#1: ??? vs ???

Once we get up to #6, somebody please remind me to make people guess at the top five. I've forgotten about it the past two top tens and consequently it's been left way too late.

Of course, you can still speculate. In fact I highly suggest you do.

<3 Thorn.

Offline Crowbar

Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #366 on: April 14, 2007, 08:12:30 am »
Wow, sweet.

Yeah, I have kinda stopped playing lately. Apart from the fact that I honestly haven't had time, SL's just been getting stats I really feel I can't compete with. :( Not to mention SDM pwning it up too.

Though maybe come summer I'll give it another bash...we'll just have to wait and see.

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #367 on: April 14, 2007, 08:15:39 pm »
#9: Cybrax vs Rayku (SA2B)

Seriously guys, hands up who doesn't remember the epic battle between these two SA2B powerhouses from the good ol' days? In one corner, we had the long established king of SA2B, and in the other we had a newcomer who was smashing records left right and center. I for one can distinctly recall raykus hold on EVERY SINGLE Shadow level time. I know this because I tried to take Final Chase from him with little success.

Unless my memory is very much mistaken, back when these two were duking it out 'full time', the Championshup used to change daily, if not multiple times per day, squabbles over levels to maintain a lead would go back and forth like wild fire. Its a damn shame neither of them are still active in SA2B, who knows what they'd've done to the poor game if  they still were? As it stands, their stats (and specifically totals) now stand as benchmarks for people to aim for, although to this day, their not easy targets, in fact I think they both might have a record or two each possibly somewhere, and if not first, a fair few stats very high up.

Statistically, this is a VERY tough one to call. Cybrax has held the Championship for longer than Rayku altogether, however, Rayku was ahead when Score and Rings were given weightings and cybrax slid down the table at that point. As it stands, I am VERY close to calling it a tie, however

CURRENT LEADER: Rayku, after being the underdog initially and being behind for a number of rounds, finally got the upperhand on cybrax and dished out a KO. Obviously not taking into account that Rayku removed all his stats. :/

The List of which is of a Mystery

#10: SkyLights vs Crowbar (Rush)
#9: Cybrax vs Rayku (SA2B)
#8: ??? vs ???
#7: ??? vs ???
#6: ??? vs ???
#5: ??? vs ???
#4: ??? vs ???
#3: ??? vs ???
#2: ??? vs ???
#1: ??? vs ???

And on an unrelated note, Crowbars vids are awesome. I still have the Altitude Limit 2 vid you made for me :D
« Last Edit: April 14, 2007, 11:09:58 pm by RPG »
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #368 on: April 15, 2007, 12:32:47 am »
Though maybe come summer I'll give it another bash...we'll just have to wait and see.
I'm all for it. Rush competition in general is rather boring now without SDM prodding me on the Score/Ring fronts, and sonicandamy just isn't very fun to compete with at all >_> (And I'm still not happy you nabbed WP1-S from me <_<)

But sometime, we should race to get sub 44 minutes overall X)

Offline Crowbar

Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #369 on: April 15, 2007, 07:54:30 am »
I'm all for it. Rush competition in general is rather boring now without SDM prodding me on the Score/Ring fronts, and sonicandamy just isn't very fun to compete with at all >_> (And I'm still not happy you nabbed WP1-S from me <_<)

But sometime, we should race to get sub 44 minutes overall X)

Yeah well I'm certainly not happy that you and Auriman took LS2-S, and ESPECIALLY not happy SDM took LS1-S. >:(  Those are definitely going down some time.

I also need to poke more holes in your records on all the later levels.

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #370 on: April 15, 2007, 09:20:10 pm »
SJ vs eredani vs sonicam (Sonic Heroes)

One of the site's great rivalries which started way back from the Great Downtime. magnum12 had finally removed the championship from Kev's iron fist when two young upstarts by the names of eredani and sonicam launched their assault. Evenly matched throughout their run up the rankings, they traded blows and the championship many times a day during sonicam's peak hatred of SADX. For a long time they both sat at around the 700 point mark... and then Shadow Jacky came along.

SJ owns most of the time chart now, but was once a terrible boss player. When he was alerted to the fact that he could be champion with a bit of work on them, he rolled his boss times and became the champ. sonicam dropped off the pace, but eredani was not letting the fight go, and SJ and eredani remain at the pinnacle of the chart today with incredible percentages of 96%+.

CURRENT LEADER: Too close to call. It's not sonicam, but you could make a case for either of the other two.

#10: SkyLights vs Crowbar (Rush)
#9: Cybrax vs Rayku (SA2B)
#8: SJ vs eredani vs sonicam (SH)
#7: ??? vs ???
#6: ??? vs ???
#5: ??? vs ???
#4: ??? vs ???
#3: ??? vs ???
#2: ??? vs ???
#1: ??? vs ???

<3 Thorn.

Offline Waxwings

Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #371 on: April 15, 2007, 10:17:36 pm »
I'm off for a while and I miss this.


I'll be watching when I have Internet access.

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #372 on: April 15, 2007, 11:17:35 pm »
Wouldn't surprise me to see PB/RPG (S06) or PB/Groudon/YF/SJ (Shadow), but meh, I thought they were both lower than even Crowbar/SkyLights. (No mention of BenB17 who was up there for a while as well?)

F-Man vs. Marth has to be near the top, as far as SA(DX) is concerned.

It isn't up there right now, but sonicam vs. Rolken/SPA should be top 5, mostly for the lol.

...Maybe McKenzies in S3. Or Maggot vs. Sprint in SCD.

Now I'm just throwing random shit into it, lol. Not sure which is #1.
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #373 on: April 16, 2007, 03:40:18 am »
I wish cybrax was here cause then yall would have the greatest tussle ever of him vs me in all the sonic levels

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #374 on: April 16, 2007, 04:19:07 am »
and to think when I came back to do heroes I just wanted to get back scores.  I dont know if this rivalry of ours will last as long as the ones coming up.
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #375 on: April 16, 2007, 03:40:28 pm »
Wouldn't surprise me to see PB/RPG (S06) or PB/Groudon/YF/SJ (Shadow), but meh, I thought they were both lower than even Crowbar/SkyLights. (No mention of BenB17 who was up there for a while as well?)

You mean PB/D1AOS (S2006) and PB/YF/SJ (shth) of course.

RPG has kinda dropped out of competing in S2006 for now, D1AOS has come into the S2006 fray, and about Groudon, well, he was never REALLY a competitor. >.>

* PsyBorg run from Groudon
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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #376 on: April 16, 2007, 03:55:58 pm »
RPG has kinda dropped out of competing in S2006 for now

I cant be arsed X)

But mark my words, I might come back at some point possibly maybe
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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #377 on: April 16, 2007, 04:18:54 pm »
PB/Groudon/YF/SJ (Shadow)

and about Groudon, well, he was never REALLY a competitor. >.>

When I got Shadow, it was well past the competitive days.  I have beaten a few of you guys in a couple levels (most notably, me being the first to get sub-2:00 in CP-H, and let's not forget 8.44 LH-H).  Okay, I've pretty much only beaten you guys in a small number of levels (but strangely swamped Psy on BC-H), but there's just no more good anything for me to compete against.  Also, with the strat knowledge fading of you 3, there are some tricks I'll never know about, so I can't even try to be any type of threat to you guys on levels I already haven't beaten any of you 3 on.  Of course, if I had some videos...
* Groudon looks at yoshifan and SJ

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #378 on: April 16, 2007, 05:06:23 pm »
that last batch of shadow vids will probably be my last.  I cant be arsed to even take the game seriously anymore with getting overly mad from the game failing on me.

I might try rings again...but after that it will be my last stance on Shadow and that will give me a full chart.
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #379 on: April 17, 2007, 07:17:42 am »
And now we arrive at many people's sentimental choice for #1...

Rolken vs eredani (Sonic Chaos)

Ah, who can forget the battle of the two superpowers? *cough*ICALLBS*cough*

One of TSC's greatest ever mismatches on paper brought about a short lived, but highly entertaining rivalry. There was a time on Sonic Chaos when, since the levels are so bloody short, every time was considered as good as perfect. Complacency exists no more after Rolken smashed a sequence of such times held by myself, vgm777, and plenty of others. RPG also chimed in with a few records, but it was eredani who took up the challenge of squeezing the life out of these tiny levels. eredani's total time now stands 45 seconds ahead of Rolken at a most incredible 5:30!

Rolken then shifted the battlefield to an area he was more likely to win: scores. In fact, to this day Rolken holds the scores matchup 18-13 and leads the division by three points. However, eredani won the war with his unbelievable times.

CURRENT LEADER: eredani initially won by split decision, but the crowd rioted when they were informed that Rolken didn't win, and the crown was handed to him to appease them.

The List of Mystery

#10: SkyLights vs Crowbar (Rush)
#9: Cybrax vs Rayku (SA2B)
#8: SJ vs eredani vs sonicam (SH)
#7: Rolken vs eredani (SC)
#6: ??? vs ???
#5: ??? vs ???
#4: ??? vs ???
#3: ??? vs ???
#2: ??? vs ???
#1: ??? vs ???

Have I ever mentioned how much I love writing these up?

And while I think about it, in the top six there's some rivalries which contain either me or RPG. In these cases we will write our own perspectives on these rivalries, rather than forcing the other guy to do it (as has been the case in the past).

Memo to RPG: Remember to ask people to guess the top five tomorrow! Or possibly make it the top four as that'll be hard enough to pick.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2007, 07:48:48 am by mike89 »

<3 Thorn.

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #380 on: April 18, 2007, 02:08:41 am »
I'm gonna take that back again soon. You know it'll happen.
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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #381 on: April 18, 2007, 03:52:48 pm »
We gotta have at least one tussle between two players that spilled into multiple games, right?
Ever know what its like to get pwned by a book? Sonic certainly does.

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #382 on: April 18, 2007, 10:21:38 pm »
has that happened?
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #383 on: April 18, 2007, 10:55:31 pm »
I was around way back when. When the site was new, had clunky blue framesets, and tracked less than a fifth of the stats it does now. As such, you should mark my opinion, or at least as far as the past rivalries are concerned.

6) Skylights vs. Rolken (Sonic and the Secret Rings)
5) Mike vs. Turbos vs. RPG vs. the world (Sonic Advance 3)
4) Nintendan vs. RPG (Sonic Advance 2)
3) Rolken vs. sonicam vs. RPG (Sonic Pocket Adventure)
2) F-Man vs. Marth (Sonic Adventure)
1) Nintendan vs. Zeupar (Sonic Advance) I think this is a decent list. A few ideas I discarded for the number 1 rivalry ever:

1) Everyone vs. sonicandamy (everything)-As far as I remember, nobody on the site has ever been hated more than s&a. As far as I remember, there has also never been such a large collective effort to sabotage a single member. Almost any record he sets is guaranteed to have at least three attempts per at least two irate users to take back. Discarded as top spot because mike and RPG wouldn't well want to encourage them.

2) Xebra vs. Brian vs. FoxLuc vs. Mike (Sonic 3)-In the early days of the site, Mike, Brian, Foxluc, and Xebra went at it for ages in Sonic 3. It was epic. One day someone would set a record, and the next day someone else would throw around allegations of 'bs' so frequently that it became a site tradition to do so as a greeting*. Then they would have a grand old time going back and forth for the championship. Excluded because there's evidence Brian and Xebra used clock slowdown to obtain some of their records, and Mike vs. Foxluc doesn't tell the whole story.

3) Nintendan vs. Rolken vs. RPG (Sonic Advance)-Nintendan destroyed every record in Sonic Advance almost overnight. It was a 100% championship for...I think roughly 2 years. Ignored because this was not a rivalry. This was a massacre.

And on and on.

*This is a lie. I don't think mike was calling bs before I went on a 6 month hiatus.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2007, 11:33:14 pm by genus »


Offline Ring Rush

Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #384 on: April 18, 2007, 11:14:13 pm »
No way SL vs Rolken on SSSR. That isn't that big of a rivalry. Its more of SL and Rolk vs S&A (with me backing up a bit on the scores front and recently SJ coming in). Even then, it wasn't that big.
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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #385 on: April 19, 2007, 02:45:52 am »
Placeholder post for #6
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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #386 on: April 19, 2007, 04:08:51 am »
1) Nintendan vs. Zeupar (Sonic Advance)

:O. I think it was a personal tussle more than a tussle between two players. It was me against Ninty's great stats.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 04:19:20 am by Zeupar »
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:o - :O - X) - :D

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #387 on: April 19, 2007, 09:35:35 am »
2) F-Man vs. Marth (Sonic Adventure)
There was a rivalry between Marth and I? Seriously, I frankly don't remember... I think I only competed with myself. What I do know is that Marth never got the championship. :P

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #388 on: April 19, 2007, 11:20:53 am »
and to think when I came back to do heroes I just wanted to get back scores.?  I dont know if this rivalry of ours will last as long as the ones coming up.

Alright, Heroes FTW. Had a feeling you guys would make it. It really is an interesting rivalry, that's for sure.

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #389 on: April 19, 2007, 11:24:57 am »
NintenDan vs RPG vs douglas (Sonic Advance 2)

ah, good times.

Perhaps one of the better known rivalries to grace TSC's history, which started out as just a small little race to take the Championship.

Back in the day when zealous was the unquestioned King of Advance 2, and I had a horrible time sheet that was mostly times in dead last, I set myself the task of bettering them, with no real foresight into how far Id go. So I started out with Leaf Forest and got into the upper ranks, and then as I got through more and more levels I started breaking records. First just one level with one character, then a sweep, then a whole zone, at one point I think I held about half the time records but I could be exaggerating there to make myself sound more awesome than I already am if thats even possible *inhales*

At this time, Ninty had picked up Advance 2 and started owning various levels into the ground. His first was Hot Crater 1, I know I used his vid to get my time <_< Then Leaf Forest 1. And 2. And it escalated from there.

At this point it was just a matter of time before Zealous was knocked out of first, with myself not far behind him and Ninty some distance behind in 3rd. With an almost complete bracket in hand I was ready Ninty went and swept almost everything, the bastard. >_>

However, with almost no boss stat submissions, and those that were being substandard, once I finished my bracket I was a clear first by around 200 points. Then Ninty started raeping all the bosses too. As the gap got smaller and smaller it was only a matter of time till he took first. And he did. From this point it was full scale war. We would both TA relentlessly to knock the other out of first, the championship often stayed held by the same person for days, sometimes weeks at a time before changing. This went on for, Id estimate, 6 months. And what a awesome 6 months it was. After this it slowed down a little, and it wouldnt switch hands for months at a time.

Then there was the new kid on the block, doug.

Doug came out of nowhere with a bunch of impressive stats, immediatly catching our attention, and gradually whittled down his points till he was within striking distance of first place. Now I have no qualms in saying that we thought he was bsing for a while because of the genus incident (<_<) in Advance 2 not long before, but its a good job he wasnt because doug is awesome and stuff. Oh and I used his vids to better some of my times. By the time doug took first, Ninty had pretty much retired from the TA scene, and I cared not to fight back being engaged in competition in other games and procrastinating and stuff. As such dougs iron first held for a long time, up until, in fact, the addition of scores and rings to the weightings.

With scores and rings now in weighting, doug fought hard to claim as many records as he could in both these categories, and dropped his total to a staggeringly low 150 or so at one point.

Doug held first up until he had to fend Quartz off on all fronts, with the championship changing hands rapidly in the space of a week, however doug emerged victorious.

But all was not over yet! I gave one final ditch effort to wrench the Championship from him, with my spring spamming antics in the Score division.. >_>

As it stands, we were tied first for a while before Judgement came along and knocked us both out of first place, however doug hasnt given up yet, just a few days ago he improved a few stats aiming to get his championship back :o

CURRENT LEADER: Douglas is the clear winner here by far, having held the Championship for the longest and being the highest up of the charts of the three of us. I would be inclined to say I am a close second but my spring spamming antics lead me to not want to put that <_< And with Ninty now down in 5th place it is unfortunate to see him sliding down the charts with times as awesome as his :<

The List that could in fact be described as somewhat of a Mystery

#10: SkyLights vs Crowbar (Rush)
#9: Cybrax vs Rayku (SA2B)
#8: SJ vs eredani vs sonicam (SH)
#7: Rolken vs eredani (SC)
#6: NintenDan vs RPG vs douglas
#5: ??? vs ???
#4: ??? vs ???
#3: ??? vs ???
#2: ??? vs ???
#1: ??? vs ???

Go ahead and specumulate some more, as Ill be posting #5 later to get back on schedule
Did you not think I had a mind?


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