Hm, originally I thought that we were only saying what we really thought about people posting in the topic, but I guess we could expand it to other people. Some might be afraid of knowing what others feel about them, and remain withdrawn because of it.
Ok so on with the ranting. Even if I don't consider it a big deal, I will talk about everyone who has posted in the topic who has had nothing said about them. And groudon. Because like I said he tends to sidestep questions.
Groudon-If you didn't want to know what other people thought about you, then why did you post? You have a cloud over your head from the whole incident with the questionable times, one that has not dissapeared because you have provided no proof. If you really want to get this monkey off your back, do so. Removing the submissions only made you seem of more questionable character. Oh, and you are taking this too personally.
F-Man-Honestly, I don't have much to say about you that's negative. However, you do tend to be intimidating, and don't trust outsiders much. People will make mistakes, and you can't jump down their throats for it.
Paragon-Well, you really don't say much. But you do seem a bit too trusting, which is also bad. You're always giving people the benefit of the doubt, even if they don't deserve it (I can't recall a specific incident at the moment).
Spinballwizard-You seem to have changed since I left. Before, you seemed like you were willing to try new things, and would always try your best, with the assumption that you would get better. Now, you seem to have confidence issues and look like you're going through burnout. You just don't seem to care, and are afraid of what others think.
Magnum-I have lots to say about you. You may want to arm yourself with your trusty asterick beforehand. And then attempt to make us laugh to make up for a lack of character depth. However, most of what you say is really not amusing. I just do not get you. You'll monologue yourself into the eventual hole, and then you'll just quit. No offense of course.
Oh, and I'll just do a few people. I could easily talk about more, but won't for now.
Aitamen-You are overly dramatic and act like nobody understands you. When we do. And see that you just want to get attention and so ignore things like "*Aitamen laughs" in a situation where laughing generally is not something someone would do. Lighten up. And get an internet connection capable of going to TSC. Well actually, that makes what I posted about you irrelevant.
Alondite-Do you not understand that people want to accomplish things for themselves, and not have the solutions handed to them? We don't all want to know the secrets of [strike]DWM[/strike]life before we should. Really...or was that Antoshi? Not to mention that you are headstrong. And ignore the opinions of everyone else. I mean, there's a difference between arguing and despondantly clinging to what you believe in face with logic. Learn it. And respect that other people have opinions, and just because they differ from yours does not mean they are wrong. Plus, you are a bland person.
Antoshi-You whine too much, and have the same problem as Antoshi in regards to ignoring what other people say. Or maybe it was you who spoiled [strike]DWM[/strike]life...I don't remember. You too seem to be devoid of any sort of interesting personality, and blend in.
eggFL-You take everything as an insult. And have the same problems as Antoshi/Alondite. It's all well and dandy that you like what you do. It isn't that you try to force other people into liking the same and consider them inferior when they don't. Oh, not to mention how you say things just to seem different (your gametrailers review page among other things...).
knuckles_sonic8-Man, you're too ambitious and care too much. Stop that.
PsyBorg-Overly arrogant and angsty at times. Plus, you're paranoid.
I have more I could say about people, but I'll wait until they post, or I develop any major grudges. If I didn't say much about you, I probably don't consider it a big deal. If I said a lot about you, I probably don't consider it a big deal. If I said nothing about you, then kindly wait your turn.
Oh and as stated, consider it all a form of constructive criticism.