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Messages - douglas

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 28
Fine then. Should I make an '___ asks' topic instead?
* Emerl shot

No.  You have nothing worthwhile to contribute.

Edit: Why am I still posting in 'Ask ___' threads?

You can't tear yourself away from me.

What level of awesomeness do I have?

You have earned my respect (in gaming at least), which elevates you to Grade 3 Awesome.

If I fused with you to combine my awesomeness with your awesomeness, what would happen?
Obama++, with the ability to pwn at 2D and 3D Sonic.

Why do I sometimes subconsciously sing those awesome 25-minute japanese medleys?

Your perverse subconscious finds them catchy.  On the plus side it can obviously take in loads of info if it's multiple long medleys.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Chaos.Control
« on: January 22, 2009, 11:34:27 am »
Cool :)  To be going on with could you describe your ring strats - in particular SB3, since I obviously know the correct one and can validate it?

This topic is full of win and lulz.

Unrelatedly, why did this 'Ask ___' fad begin anyway?
Magnum started it.
Also, Should I make an 'Ask ___' topic too?
No, you should ask me questions, for that is the path to wisdom.
Also, What is your secret weakness?
I have no secret weakness.  Some of my non-secret ones are: I'm very allergic to ibuprofen and asprin (as in two of either would probably hospitalise me); vodka makes me ill due to a bad experience (everyone seems to have one drink this is true of); as we saw in the marathon, I can't play S3&K; 3D Sonic makes me sad; I cannot get up at a sensible time in the morning unless the F1 is on; and I'd rather be right than happy.
Also, Is iji ( awesome?
It may find itself elevated to the status of awesome if I play it.  In general I like and respect indie games, so it's got a good shot.  On the other hand that requires some free time, so don't expect it soon.
Also, why am I posting in an 'Ask ___' topic when I secretly vowed not to?
You can't keep away from my Field of Awesome.  It's like gravity, only with pwnage instead of mass.
Also, should I waste my time by getting back in the TSC chat?
Yes.  RPG's not around so the average IQ is running a little high.
And in regards to the 3rd and 5th question,
* Emerl binds douglas to truthfulness via machinegun connected to lie detector
You realise, of course, that polygraphs only detect stress, need calibrated/interpreted by actual peoples, and aren't 100% accurate?
* douglas has just ruined the premise of every daytime chat show on the planet

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Chaos.Control
« on: January 21, 2009, 06:50:10 pm »
I think 163 on SB3 from a newcomer requires some sort of proofs, I think.

Can I submit my Sky Chase Subgame scores gotten with Tails on SA(DX) into a Sonic chart?



I never said he couldn't because of TSC rules, noobcake.  'Can I' could be interpreted as a request for my permission rather than a request on the nature of the fundamental restrictions of reality.  For instance, he could have asked "Can I submit BS stats?" and both "Yes, but you'll be banhammered" and "No" are valid answers depending on the interpretation of the question.  In this case, an answer with respect to fundamental truth and the consequences thereof would be "Yes, but you will incur my displeasure for playing SA:DX in the first place".

This is a problem generally; human language is too riddled with such ambiguity to allow efficient communication of my infinite wisdom to you mere mortals, and you're not capable of understanding my perfect language.  We do the best with what we have.

Can I submit my Sky Chase Subgame scores gotten with Tails on SA(DX) into a Sonic chart?
Why am I better than you?
You're not.  You're higher in the charts because of Affirmative Action.
Oh so knowledgeable Gamer of Yore, I beseech you...

How is it that we shall garner GOOD sonic games from sonic team?
By replacing the entire staff of Sonic Team with people who give a shit.
Quote from: Aitamen

Why is it you don't compete on TMMC in Power Battles? >_>
I have never played any Mega Man games, which makes it hard to compete in them.

Do you have 1337 ajukka?
Please rephrase your question in the form of something comprehensible.
I have to admit that these are some pretty consistently high quality answers.
Please rephrase your question in the form of a question.

Wikkity! / Re: Fine, fine, you can ask Sondow.
« on: January 20, 2009, 07:36:23 pm »
What does RPG's face look like?  Is it anything like THE FAEC!!!!?

Doug advocates catch-22s confirmed
I didn't say it was the only way.
I'm currently in Grade 12 Awesome. What does that make you feel about me?
It makes me feel that you're either deluded or a liar.

Do you have any opinions on how something/someone is to achieve Grade 1 Awesome?

Not that I myself care, but for the sake of others >_>
By getting me to like them.

Do you like?
My default state of being is to mock rather than like.  For something to be liked by me, it must achieve at least Grade 1 Awesome.

Why is it that you believe you are always right?
Because I am.

Give me SCIENTIFIC PROOF you are always right >:O
Science cannot definitively prove a proposition, as you should know; there is however an obvious null hypothesis (give an instance of my being wrong) and there is a weight of evidence supporting the hypothesis (occasions where I have been right), and therefore it is reasonable to conclude in favour of the hypothesis, shifting the burden of proof onto any who claim the opposite.

Quote from: Jawzun
What game do you recommend me?
Baldur's Gate 2, Half Life 2, Ocarina of Time and Sonic 2 are all classics; more recent worthwhile titles are Fallout 3 (ignore the storyline though), World Of Goo, Bioshock and MGS4  (only really applicable for series fans though).

why are people making So many "Ask [Insert name]" topic >__>
Maggie started a new fad.

Why is it that you believe you are always right?
Because I am.

What record should I try to beat next in SA2B?
Trick question, the answer is none.  You should play a good game instead.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to discover The Truth(tm) about any issue you like, from one who is never wrong.  Ask away (unless you're genus, in which case form a coherent question first please).

First answer to the womenfolks here (and most of the menfolks too really): sorry, I'd rather just stay friends.  Except with RPG, obviously - he gets to be neither.

Why is a duck?

Wikkity! / Re: Ask magnum
« on: January 20, 2009, 04:34:15 pm »
Q4: First you'd have to take out both of my Bane Blades (super heavy tanks the size of two-three large houses) and their body guard of 10 Leman Russes (tanks similar to WW2 ones). That assuming they don't get out flanked by several squads of Sentinels (mechs similar to AT-STs with a special rule in which they can come out of reserve and deploy at either side of the table depending on the roll of the dice. There's also the Grey Knights, who are 8-9 foot tall super soldiers with giant double barrleled uzis strapped to their arms and blessed weapons (either glaives or swords) that augment their strength to the point where they are every bit as strong physically as a large demon. Some come in terminator armor (super heavy suits of armor that can make a guy take a normal tank shell to the face and laugh at it) who are lead by guys who can transmit psychic power through their weapons, causing their enemies heads to explode from a mere nick. Have fun trying. <3
I loved playing as Orks against Imperial types who thought Armour solved all problems; bazillions of tankbusta-equipped infantries ftw :D

Competition Central / Re: About Sonic Unleashed...
« on: January 15, 2009, 02:09:08 pm »
Let's do the same about zipping in the early Sonic games and everything that involves glitching.

I thought speed runs were about skillfully going through the levels, not who can walk through the walls the best.

You're skillfully maneuvering out of bounds and skillfully going through the walls.

So in other words, you guys decide what kind of glitching/tricks/etc. is ok and what isn't.
As a rule of thumb, if there's still valid competition then a glitch isn't banned.  At the point where the wall glitch means everyone can easily get the same score, there'll be a case for banning it, but as long as there's still variation involved it's likely to stay.

Wikkity! / Re: Where'd you come up with your username?
« on: January 13, 2009, 05:58:53 am »
It's my name.

Wikkity! / Re: ITT "All I know, I learned from TSC."
« on: January 12, 2009, 11:40:32 am »
ps I achieved :23 in GH1 like 3 years ago or something

23:39 IIRC. >_>
Clock doesn't go that high, noob <_<  Anyway, I pwn you all because I've done GH1 in 14 seconds.

what do you mean S1GBA doesn't count :(:(

News and Updates / Re: Werehog is blown to pieces
« on: January 08, 2009, 08:01:33 pm »
It's a terrible thing to do to a game so young, unleashing DsS' unholy anger upon it.  A moment's silence, if you please, for Unleashed's lost innocence.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: COMING SOON! To Channel TSC!
« on: January 08, 2009, 10:38:01 am »
Well douglas, you have to remember Miles is competing, who's the current SDA record holder. I think we may also have stanski on board, whose record speaks for itself. The first two games aren't going to be a cakewalk :P
I'm very well aware of that and fully expect to be destroyed everywhere; my point merely was that I'm going to suck sufficiently badly at S3&K that to be anywhere I have to be out front to start with and as such I have to attack S1 and S2 hard (although a slow-and-steady don't-GO-at-any-cost approach might actually bring me back into play . . . hmm, what to do . . .).

Gaming and Grazing / Re: TSC Convention
« on: January 07, 2009, 11:04:10 am »
As if I'd ever voluntarily fly to the USA lol :(

If you make on in the United Kingdom in summer, I might try though. if I manage to defeat my fear of being on a plane and a long way from home.
Seeing as the 3-4 hour car ride to the Netherlands is already stressing me every year!

I'm up for organising a summer jaunt for the Eurotypes if people want - I've run similar meeting-internets-only-friends events for my cult (long story) before so I know the ropes.  Thoughts?

Gaming and Grazing / Re: COMING SOON! To Channel TSC!
« on: January 07, 2009, 06:51:06 am »
I'm now intrigued; having done a couple of playthroughs I'm fairly sure I'm not going to GO in S1 or S2, so I'll be going on the attack in them, but S3&K is a minefield for me so I'll be easing off and taking bonus stages for life spam.  If I'm not ahead at the end of S1, and in the top 3 by the end of S2, you can comprehensively count me out.

Saturday needs to hurry up getting here amirite

Gaming and Grazing / Re: COMING SOON! To Channel TSC!
« on: January 06, 2009, 11:25:23 am »
Proposal: a 10/7/4/2/1 sitewide point bonus for the top 4 places and finishing the race.
Doug is not pro this plan (despite it giving him 10 points for sure >_>); sitewides should be about our core competition, it excludes people unable to compete, more party pooping reasons, etc.  How about custom awards?  They seem the ideal way to recognise this, and then you can extend the principle to all sorts of extra-curricular activities.  Maybe some custom siggy photoshopness too?

Gaming and Grazing / Re: TSC Convention
« on: January 06, 2009, 11:22:12 am »
Well, no one other than me.  I'm totally in :)

Gaming and Grazing / Re: COMING SOON! To Channel TSC!
« on: January 05, 2009, 06:41:16 am »
11pm this coming Saturday means I am so in.  Prepare for a whipping guys :)

Gaming and Grazing / Re: COMING SOON! To Channel TSC!
« on: January 04, 2009, 06:11:38 pm »
Just to be clear (given I've never completed S3&K without all emeralds >_>) this is just to the end of Death Egg 2, with no emerald collection at all?  Also if the timing suits I'm totally in.

Wikkity! / Re: Top 10 most (and least) sane people at TSC
« on: December 22, 2008, 08:28:54 am »
Why has nobody mentioned SkyLights yet?  Surely the Tikal fetish and AHHHHHHetc fall in the nutter category.  Also PPA thinks he's an emu, I mean srsly.

Frankly it's obvious I'm the lone bastion of sanity here.

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