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Messages - Brian

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OMFG!!! I just can't believe this :O, how? when? who? Stop playing CE man, if you keep doing well like this, I'll have no time records at the end of the month xD. Got any video? Checkfree? Are you happy? Your heart still beats? I have some chance of surviving if I don't go to the hospital? Why can't I stop writing shit?



I thi..k is


Oh well, I didn't feel like playing too much the last few days, but that changed today. What a mistake that I started with CE5. I was just able to confirm that I absolutely hate City Escape 5!! Even though I was able to get a decent time after like 50 tries, I still hate it. That set me in a bad mood and I wasn't able to do anything anymore.
I don't like this mission so much too, but calm down, or else you'll break something like I did(I broke my room's door with a strong kick) when I got my first sub 1:25 in MH xD

On the good side, I've studied yoshi's FC2 video and noticed a lot of small parts that could get me the record. We'll see..
Also, I was able to get a 36 check for the first time in CE :D - too bad I fucked up not even 5 seconds later <_<
Great to see you wanting this record, if you get it make sure you'll get a great time, 'cause this one was on my wanting list :D, also it's a great thing that you're making progress with CE too :D

I actually like it as it is. We got 200+ views in the last 2 days, so that's definitely a good sign. It just seems that most of the people who read this topic don't have anything worthwhile to say <_<

I like it how it is too, I don't like outsiders posting useless junk that has nothing to do with the game's competition, especially the ones that don't even play. I like it when new players join our elite group though, but sometimes...(let's stop here, no one want more problems to anyone)
Looking from this perspective, you guys are right, good things doesn't need to be changed.

From what I see in your CE video Brian you definitely make lots of mistakes at the beginning and still got 37, you can take it much lower.
For sure, that video was only a test, I don't make those mistakes on good runs(that's why they're called good xD), but even when I don't make mistakes, my best was 36:22.

I'm soon gonna try for the FC2 record, sub32 is definitely possible. Only thing that giving me trouble is the line of 4 rings on the tube near the end. Usually, when I light dash them, I get sent flying or get stuck somewhere and 3 seconds later Shadow falls to earth <_<
Gotta find out how to get around that..
Yeah this damn chain of rings has already ended some really good runs of mine. Damn them, I'll find a way around it. I'LL FIND A WAY!
I have the answer to your question FRM, it's quite simple: You just need to get the first ring in the chain, then light dash the other ones with the control stick released(like the 2nd chain of rings in MH). That's what I do, and it always work for me :D

I'm...improving? Green Forest? Seriously? No way, the MH time wasn't just a fluke?
I adjusted some display settings, mostly color and abstract on my TV and noticed how everything became much more beautiful :D
I was just playing through all Sonic/Shadow levels again to see how much more beautiful they had gotten, and I must say I'm really liking the green of Green Forest. >_< I thought why not speedrun it quickly for the hell of it? Man, I could even take this to sub1:32 (and maybe will)!
so the DC invisible floor saves 5.5 seconds?

It's so great to see you being interested about GF man, I really want to see what you can get in this stage :D, yeah I talked about doing a sub 1:30 run(I got 1:30:10 the last time I played), which is great since I can't play on DC :/, but that's not my real goal, my goal is a sub 1:29 run, 'cause I want to tie the time that made me go to the LD and meet Paragod, at that time, something like this would be flat out crazy! But I can see it happening :D. Also, the floor trick saves at least 8 seconds, I compared my run with yoshifan's one, and I was 8 seconds or so faster than him due to the trick, and I got stuck on the floor once :D. Now it's up to you and Paragod to make the calculations and see the full potential of GF in DC xD

BTW Paragod, He's totally right, if you submit new times for the missions you don't play since 2006, you'll get higher in the rankings with ease

HA! I hope they ban you, and then ban Brian, and SM and yoshi and blazest and whoever else is in my way of the SA2 championship! muahahahahahha
Oh... you're so MAD man... please, do anything with me but let my family alone T-T

LOL Edit: I haven't seen your comment PoT, I LOL'd hard xD

exact some thing, just more optimization. I think half of the difference comes from the boarding part, on my 1:36 the boarding must have been bad since I landed at 27.0, usually I can land at sub 27, maybe 26.6-.8 or so.
Oh great, I need to work on my beginning, my first check is 37 in average :/

I was going to play some CE3 tonight but my mind doesn't feel like concentrating right now and all I can do isscrew up, it's kinda telling me "oh please not this again tonight.. maybe tomorrow" :P
It's so frustating to me when I want to play but I simply don't want to do the same thing again, and again, and again, that's why I'm posting less times than I usually do(not to mention I have some very old times to submit)

That will be so awesome!!! We should have the #1 spot soon thereafter, dominating once and for all time as the most popular topic to ever live on this site!!
I wish we had more dudes with us here :D

I did manage to play some radical highway though....(for about 10 mins) and M3 gave me  1:00.32! I got such a great improvement because I had a crazy time on the first check, faster than I've ever seen..and I don't even jump on the boxes, I just use the pulley.


What first check did you have Brian? it's hard to tell from your video but it seems like it may be a little slower than maybe sub 1 min can be done!
Good to see you playing RH again :), you got too close to the record, did you know rayku already got the record? He don't submitted it 'cause he said he would do this only if he got sub 1 min, he got too close, his time is 1:00:02 LOL. My best first check was on the chao mission, if you watch the video frame by frame you'll see that when I jump from the check, the timer changes to 26:72, so I got something like 26:67 or :69, this means you have the best first check in RH xD

Btw, I'm going to make the absolutely ridicolous assumption of CE1 once going sub1:30! If it happens, you can call me THE ONE WHO SAW IT COMING. If it doesn't happen, then I'm just a crazy idiot.
Also, I'm basing said assumption off of absolutely nothing.
It's a near impossible thing to happen, but as I said: Near impossible, Paragod can get 1:35 now, even sub 1:35 if everything goes perfectly, if we find some new tricks or improve the ones we already have, maybe he'll be able to get this ABSOLUTELY AMAZING INCREDIBLE AND EVERYTHING ELSE TIME :D

EDIT: 20000 views!! Celebration time?
Great! The number of replies is growing fast too, we'll have the 2nd most replied topic before the end of the year!!!

I got a new record today...unfortunately not a level record, but I got to the first check on CE1 in 35.32! What a jump, everything felt really perfect. I used 70 lives and tried to get a 1:35, but of course no luck. :( Just for fun of course, I wouldn't dare submit a 1:35 that had me using 70 lives ;)
Great first check :O, I really though your 35.5 check was far beyond perfection, BTW you used the same strategy from your 1:36 run to get a 35 first check?

I'll definitely upload CE5 1:40, and my new CE beginning run (first check 35.32) for you, but unfortunately it will probably be a while thanks to some technical issues :(
Awesome, no matter how much time it takes, but I really can't wait for them >_<

Nah there's no way flying off the hill cost me a 1:34, it would of been a high 1:35 at very best. Remember I got 1:37.8, 2 seconds lost is 1:35.8. Since I didn't go very high in the air, I didn't lose as much time as you'd think.
Yeah, maybe you're right, sometimes when you have so much speed you don't fly so high, and you can get to the floor faster.

I'll try my very best for a perfect checkfree 1:35, but failing that a low-mid 1:36 would be a nice improvement :)
Go for it man! Even if you get a low 1:36 first, you'll get a 1:35 anyway :D. I'm sure you'll get your 1:35 soon, don't give up Paragod sensei.

LOL I read through my post 5 times and didn't see that typo... >_<
It seems that your rush for the FR record gave you some injuries, don't you follow the things that are in the instructions booklet(someone really follow that xD): You need to rest after some hours of play, or else you'll have a seizure that makes you shake like James Brown. Stop doing this or I'll tell your mom.


I do have it on tape.
So can you upload the video file to somewhere, I really want to see the truck part and the part before the first check :D

I find that dashing the left turn is actually easier to do than trying to line up with the middle of the road and hit the panels, but the U-Turn seems impossible to me, so I won't be doing that one.
Really, I haven't tried it so many times, but it seems to be hard for me to do it :/, the U turn is easy for me if you are doing it touching the speed pads, I said it is very hard, but without touching them.

Well it was the first and only time getting .5, so it will probably be quite rare unfortunately. I get get a sub 36 check 80% of the time though if everything goes well. It's usually 35.8 or .9 though, sub .7 is rare.
That's amazing, I usually get a 37 check, and a 36 check is very rare LOL

I would of had a new record for sure, but I used the checkpoint and I used about 40 lives, so I doubt I'd want to submit that over my checkfree run, because it would suck in comparison, even if I did get the 1:35... Yes, I think I am finally improving, getting a perfect checkfree run doesn't seem such a challenge as it used to, I feel that my consistency is going to be better than way back then when I played. 1:35? I think I could actually achieve this without playing for 500 hours like I thought I would have to, maybe 5-10?? but we'll see if I am up for that.
Yeah, your 1:36 run would still be better, but if you feel you can beat it in a check free run, then do it! We really want to see you beating a near unbeatable run again :D

PS:I'm sure it would be a 1:34 instead of 1:35, you flied off the hill once, and even if you corrected the mistake fast, you probably lost more than 1 second.

What!!!!! That would be the most awesome run ever(maybe not compared to your 1:36 which was check free), it obviously could be a sub 1:35! I really really want to see it if you have taped it, if you don't want to put it on youtube just upload the file to media fire or something else.

You did it? I only could do it a few times, it saved time for you? I think it wouldn't be a good idea to try to do this in the U turn 'cause it's too hard to do in a great run, I really won't try it if I'm on an amazing run.

Talking about the loop trick, I can get it done now consistently, so thank you very much, Brian!! It sure helped me. I got a 1:03:65 yesterday with a decent run, that's much better than my rusty and old 1:39 <_<
This, it was supposed to be "13" right? When I saw this I got to the index to see if your time was there, then later I saw the correct time at the New Stats page xD

Talking about the loop trick, I can get it done now consistently, so thank you very much, Brian!! It sure helped me. I got a 1:03:65 yesterday with a decent run, that's much better than my rusty and old 1:39 <_<
No problem :). BTW Man! Fix this typo in your post, I almost fell off my bed when I saw this time xD.

Where can you see these forum stats?
You can see by clicking in "more stats" at the very bottom of the forum index.

Of course breaking barriers is a good thing and it's awesome for the player who achieved it, but 1:00:xx looks much more attractive in my eyes than a 0:59:xx.

I have to agree with Zeupar here... when I first got the GF record I really wanted a sub 1:25 run, 'cause I really like to get sub xx:xx:xx. See Radical Highway M3, Rayku haven't said anything here, but I've talked to him and he's still trying to get sub 1 min

3 of us, yeah. oh well.. a new crazily skilled player will definitely pop up someday.
I hope so :P

by the way FRM( FR masta) did you know according to the forum stats this is the 4th most replied to topic? at around 505 posts now.. the most popular topic is 795, so very soon you will have THE most replied to topic on the site. AWESOME man!!!!!
Yeah! PoT Sa2B surely owe you a big one :D. If you don't started this topic how many records wouldn't be beaten :O

I sure do love this topic, we have such great discussions! this topic cannot EVER die!
We've made so great things just 'cause this topic was created, it's already an epic topic.

They have enough proof of his actions as a BSer, so there's only the 3 of us again :/

talon is banned? either they hastily banned him for stupid reasons(like how they deleted all of your SA2B stats) or my judgment really sucks after all.

Man... I really didn't saw that coming, I never though about such thing, Talon banned...

There's 121 single records in total in the time division, and out of these 121
Para has 14 records atm
Brian has 28 records atm
and I have 4

so we already have 46 together.

that's really cool, if me and Brian push ourselves to the limit we could probably grab at least 80 or 100 of them! 46 is still really cool, we should go for at least over half (61)

Yeah, that's a great goal for us now :D

Brian, thank you very much for uploading the two videos! I tried something similar to the first cut you did, and I really don't know if that saves time or not. The rail thing would be a little faster if it works, and the final sideways-loop skip would definitely be a good time cut, I thought about bounceballing it but for some reason I never thought of just rolling right into the wall and bouncing like you did. I will practice that one for sure! I understand what you say to do on CE3, I really hope it starts to work more often.

No Problem, I really don't know if the first trick saves time, but the other 2 does :). Now I think it's time for me to tape a Tails/Eggman speedrun

LMAO, btw I've taped a CE M3 run, my time was exactly the same I submitted 6 months ago o.O

(Back to taping)

Edit: I did the PC video too, I'll upload both in a few hours :D

Edit2: Pyramid Cave video is UP:

Final Edit: City Escape Mission 3 is UP too:

Hey bro this level will be mine got it? And after a really amazing competition you got it :D
I didn't say it exactly like that, but that's one of the best quotes I've ever heard!!
Yeah xD, I've putted it in Ghetto style

Sure, it would be really awesome if we have met in 2007, most of the records would be ours xD.
There's 121 single records in total in the time division, and out of these 121
Para has 14 records atm
Brian has 28 records atm
and I have 4

so we already have 46 together.

15 more and we (no, more accurately you two) will RULE!!
I haven't noticed this :O, it's a great amount of records in our hands :D, you have 4 'cause you don't stages other than the "final" ones xD

I'm also thinking off making videos that aren't as fast as my times, but just good enough to stop people doubting my times. Is that good enough for the admins on the site?
Not sure, but I think so.
Paragod is longtime very well known player here, and Brian's just so awesome, and I'm also known very slightly, so if these 3 people can tell them that you are not cheating, there's no way they're gonna doubt you. (Y)

Thank you Para :)

Anyway to reply to what FR/Brian there's a lot to read and say!
Hahahahahaha now you know what happens every time I wake up and see lots of posts of you guys xD

I don't know either, I watch jawzun's video but it takes me probably 30 minutes to get through the loop once. It is really irritating, because I could get 1:06 within MINUTES if it was not for the damn trick not working!! A video in depth would be great. Also, if you could make that pyramid cave video showing shortcuts I did not use would be great too, I have been putting off improving pyramid cave because why waste time playing if there's time savers I don't know about?
I'll tape them tomorrow, it's a promise :D

By the way I got 1:37.7 on CE1 last night... I don't know what to think of the run, but everything was pretty good. I think I landed from the building drop faster than my 1:36, but something happened at the end to lose time but I can't tell what. Still cool because...well... it's my first and only 1:37 run of the level! Now I have 1:36, 1:37, 1:38, 1:39, 1:40... 1:41.. 1:42...and so on :P
That's a great thing! This means our living legend is getting close to his better shape again ;)

Great man :) keep improving them, this way you'll get to the top 10 very fast. Also you can take photos of your times, it's a good way to prove your stats, but you don't need to do this right now, since we trust you enough, but a proof video will keep people away from you xD

Yeah, imagine us 4 being here in 2006-2007, we would of smashed the records so hard, 99% of the people here wouldn't even dare to try themselves at it!!! Oh well, better we have met now (late 2008 onwards) than never, right? I'm happy with how it is now anyways.
Sure, it would be really awesome if we have met in 2007, most of the records would be ours xD.

Thanks. It's just i need to be assured by an elite player.
I'm not exactly the elite player here, but I can definitely tell you that your times are very good for a newcomer.
I agree with PoT, when you said you wanted to get sub 1:40 in CE, you made me come back to the first post of this topic, you are acting like PoT when he got here his first time :), you're already a great player dude :D.

I've been trying to get better lately. I've mainly been doing Hidden base and PC. I'm not that good, but I've been trying out different things and just using my basic knowledge.
That's how you'll become a great player, even if you think you cannot get the "X" record, as the time passes you'll notice that you are getting closer to it, then you'll look back and think about what you said xD

Not just that. He simply owns everyone and everything when it comes to City Escape. It's his trademark level, so he should be invincible there.
Just like Brian's Green forest. But I wonder why he still doesn't have the M5 record. If Paragod easily lost 5 seconds in his 1:37 run, and the record is at 1:34, then Brian should be able to get that.
I'd like to say that Final Rush is my trademark level, but I only have the M1 record. I'll give it my all this week to at least get the M3 one!!!
Yeah, CE really is his signature stage, as you in FR and me in GF, each of us have a great history with these stages, Paragod really got this stage really close to perfection, leaving a 8 seconds gap between him and the 2nd place, you came here and said: Hey bro this level will be mine got it? And after a really amazing competition you got it :D, me... well GF was my first record here, and it made me go to the LD xD, and more than that, it made me know Para and Jawzun :D. Talking about GF, I haven't tried the mission 5 :p, at least not in DC, if I could get a DC again, I would get this record, with some new tricks and a better overall gameplay :), I only play GF for fun now, my only goal in this stage is get sub 1:30 in GC(I have low 1:30), if I got it I'll tape the run and put here for you guys :)

Then i need to get all orange times at least and hold at least 1 record. Most of my times i want to be in the top 10 but i really don't like the shooting levels since i think there too slow and boring IMO. The hunting stages are pretty fun and i shall try to get in the top 10 for them unless its a DC only glitch then i shall try to get in the red. The sonic and shadow levels i hope to be in the top 5 and maybe even get a record. I shall try to get all avadiable rings in the game and get ok scores. The bosses will be slightly annoying but i shall try.
Hahahahahahaa you reminded myself when I got here xD, I though the better I would get was a 9th place or so. But don't let any DC only glitch intimidates you, keep this in mind: I have only 2 times done in DC: My GF M1 record and my Meteor Herd M3 time. And a better example is yoshifan, he never played the DC version and is the CHAMPION!!! You can get to the top without playing in DC :)

Thank you very much Paragod, but I don't think I'm a times GOD, you(at least in Sonic/Shadow stages) and yoshifan does, and you Talon surely is one of the players with better potential in SA2B, you're getting so great times, even though you're just a newcomer :D. And I agree with Talon Para, you're not rusty, if you can nail a 1:39 on CE, then you probably aren't rusty xD.

You're getting so good times in CE Talon, I think you should put all of your effort on it first, you try other stages later. Also, Paragod, I'm really excited too see your video, man... you simply OWNS at getting to the first check fast, in M1 I got a 36:22 check once, which is my best so far. I simply don't understand why you can't get the loop trick to work, maybe with a detailed video you'll get the knack easy :)

Oh... so you've done it Para :D, got any video? It's a great time, now you'll have a tough record to beat talon :)

Edit: Great time on M5! I really didn't saw that coming so fast :D

No problem talon :), as I can see the competition has begun, so let's see who'll be the first of you to get sub 1:09, I don't think I'll be able to do so, but I'll give it a try whenever I can.

And PoT, I'm sure you just need some pratice to get this trick to work, I'll tape a partial run to show you exactly what I do, and to show how to do the turn trick at the truck part.

Paragod, I'm sure it's possible to get a high 1:09 in DC, but you'll need to adapt yourself to the DC joystick again, what's very boring to do, but I don't think it sucks, it's a very good controller, it gives you a lot of precision, so much more than the GC controller IMO, 'cause the GC's one have an octagonal shape, which makes go in straight line easier, but the DC's one have a circular shape, and this gives you more precision to change your direction or make turns.

Final Rush is one of the stages I have more problems to get everything right in one run, it took a while to get my 2:13, and I don't see myself getting something like this without a lot of pratice, I really really really hate that rail shortcut at 29 seconds, that's what make me don't play it so much :/

Yeah, while you keep training, you'll start to get the tricks to work, and eventually get sub 1:45. And about the loop trick in M3, there's a way to do it properly: when you reach the loop you just need to do a homing attack at that spot shown in the videos, but here's the knack, instead of push the control stick to the corner, you need to aim to the corner and release the control stick, this way sonic will push himself through the loop :), that's how I do and it never failed. Talking about M5, it was a real surprise to see myself in the 2nd place, 'cause I got that time while playing just to get to the red section, and when I submitted it, what?! 2nd place? o.O. I never touched it since this day :P. Oh, I almost forgot... I'll try to tape that turn trick on the truck part for you guys, and I finally can record the sound. I'll maybe do it this Sunday, I'll finally have a break from my job, so I'll tape it in the morning and in the evening I'll go to the Video Games Live Show!!! Woorray :D

Competition Central / Re: Tails Windy Valley 00:18.50!!!!!! (WR)
« on: October 01, 2009, 01:20:00 pm »
You're getting really good at this stage dude :D

I really hate to lose good runs because of this feeling that take control of me :/, all of my sub 25 runs in GH were lost because of this, hahahahahahha if you see my 25:39 video you'll see what I'm talking about, I missed a stupid homing attack there, another example was my RH M5 run, when I'm about to reach the goal ring, I was shaking so much, and that made me miss the "A" button twice, then shadow did that single jump instead of a homing attack xD

Yeah when I first noticed the record in the index I was like: OMG!!! Someone did it, with video! When I watched the video I though: Most of the difference is on the boarding. Then Son1cGu1tar did it again, and another second was saved, but again due to a new amazing time saver. I'm sure his record is beatable(not for me, I can't play this stage past the mid check :P), 'cause in both runs he was really slow in different parts, in the first run his was slow after the mid check(mostly after the second loop, after the spindash jump), and in his second run, he was slow until he reached the mid check. And another thing comes on my mind, I really hated what happened to a guy, who got your record in February, he got 1:12:80 using basically the same strategy you used in your run, and playing in GC! And no one knew about it, 'cause Son1cGu1tar got your record. I've pasted the link to his video in that topic about TSC translations months ago, I really think he deserve some congratulations. That's why I think you can beat his record, even playing in GC, of course it would be very hard, but it's possible even with the 1 sec advantage :D

PoT I think you lose so much more than 1 second when you fly in the truck part of CE, I think it's something around 3 or more seconds, 'cause while you are in the air and slow, you could be in the street rolling at a very high speed, I'm sure it makes you lose a BIG amount of time, more than most of the tricks in this game :P. LOL do you liked my nickname? Yeah, I though about it due to my sig(what made me remember of naming some tricks I haven't put there), and my personal text was based on my Total Mission 3 ranking :D

Edit: I forgot to mention... if that guy have used Son1cGu1tar's tricks, that run could be a  low 1:10 or high 1:09 for sure(In DC of course)

Great strategy man :D, you got a rough record.

This is what makes me lose a lot of good runs xD, I know what you're talking about PoT, whenever I play Metal Harbor again I keep looking at the clock, even if I'm only playing for fun, but this don't annoys me, unless I see I'm not playing as good as I've played before.

And talking about perfection, I keep torturing myself for not being able to do most of my record runs without checks :/, I really want to stay playing an entire day, only to be able  to get a check free run in any stages I play for real.

I can't play right now due to my job, we are changing some things, and this is taking all of my time :/, I haven't got the Ring record yet too, but don't worry I'll give it a try when I have sometime :)

I was talking about this topic xD

Yeah talon, you can't touch them 'cause if you do it, you'll lose the speed you got from all spindashes, this way you'll have the speed the pad gave you, which is slower than your current speed :)

Also Paragod and PoT, I really felt so incomplete for not being able to write a chapter of Final Rush with you both :(, but I'm very happy for being a friend of yours :D, something that couldn't ever happen if I haven't been called out, and you asked this question PoT.

I'm sure you can reach the top too talon, you're so good, even knowing you're a newcomer you can get this sub 1:40, maybe faster than me :)

Who would say that a topic that was made to answer a simple question would make us grow up so much?

Hey dude, this is an awesome time! And without checks! I think you'll get sub 1:40 soon, I'm working a lot these days, and I couldn't play since the day I uploaded my last videos, but I'll try to do 2 things that can make a sub 1:40 run be "easier" than before, of course they're hard to do:

1. Get the last rail instead of doing the jump and B+A just before you enter in the truck chase, this is very hard to do in a good run, since at least with me, these moments make me shake a lot and increase my chance of making a mistake.

2. Do another spindash just before the first curve in the truck part without touching the speed pad, this will make me retain the speed I got in the first part of the chase instead of limiting myself with the speed pad's speed, this is easier than the first trick, and will make me save some time, for now I can't see this being done in the second part, since it's a 180ยบ turn, which makes it so much harder than the first one :/.

Ahh. I was trying to get the 2nd spot of CE1, but brian's got 1:41 :(. Looks like i need to practice more to beat it
Hmmm... looks like I'll have some more competition now, let's see who will be the 2nd best player in CE: Me, you or jawzun :D

Good luck PoT, I hope you can do it soon :), I'm still wanting to sub 2:25 in this mission, my mission 1 time is satisfying for me, 2:13 is something I've never though being possible for me :/, but 2:27(my new mission 5 time) is very bad IMO, the CWS really helps a lot in mission 5, I don't even remember how to do the ending without it xD.

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