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Messages - Ring Rush

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News and Updates / Re: Penultimate Unleashed news topic
« on: November 26, 2008, 10:50:55 am »
Okay, point of debate: Windmill Isle or Apotos? Jungle Joyride or Adabat? etc.

As having the wii charts by island names and the 360 charts by area names is a bit dumb.

News and Updates / WII CHARTS TO BE ADDED
« on: November 24, 2008, 07:58:36 pm »

Time format: same as S06

~Sonic Unleashed TSC Chart~
Total Time
Day Total Time
Night Total Time
 - Day 1
 - Day 2
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Day
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Day
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Day
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Day
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Night 4
 - Day
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Night 4
 - Day
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Night 4
 - Night 5

Total Time
Total Time Sonic
Total Time Werehog
Note: [Sonic/Werehog] will be after each boss, and will be the division and total time the boss will go into.
Egg Beetle [Sonic]
Dark Gaia Phoenix [Werehog]
Egg Devil Ray [Sonic]
Dark Moray [Werehog]
Dark Guardian [Werehog]
Egg Lancer [Sonic]
Egg Dragoon [Werehog] (Yes, this is an egg boss and still fought with werehog)
Dark Gaia [Sonic] (See last comment and reverse it)

Ring charts may come later after further debates. No score charts will be added do to respawning enemies at night and no scores in the day.

Edit: Yeah, day rings seem good enough to be added. Night rings may come soon after testing about death / competativenes
Rings-Total Rings
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day
- Day
- Day
- Day
- Day
- Day

Yes but it displays, and you must be slow since everyone else seems to be able to read it off. In unleashed it -doesn't display at all-.

Don't turn this into an SRA topic, we already have multiple topics for that.

The difference is in SRA, after you finish a mission the timer freezes so you can see what you actually got. In SU, the timer goes from counting down to simply gone, so you can only estimate what your time was.

Question: aren't there multiple missions per day stage?  I KNOW I saw a video for a specific "get 100 rings" challenge on Apotos, and IIRC the challenge was timed and ranked.

There are missions, but times in them are not saved. In addition, the time you see counts down, not up (its a limit, not for records). To top it all off, The time doesn't freeze after completing the mission, so its impossible to actually record your time!

So, I just found a way to break Gaia Force in ~95% of night levels.

Those enemies that you can hang onto to get over gaps can be killed over and over and over again, and every time you do so you get a few gaia force.

So those charts are out.

Also: Rings and Gaia Force do not dissapear after dieing. Just died after killing the very last enemy of Adabat 4 and still S ranked it.
Also2: After further testing, not only does your ring and force count not go away, but also rings and force in the level respawn. That means banning dieing or infinites.

*contains spoilers*

~Sonic Unleashed TSC Chart v1~

Total Time
Day Total Time
Night Total Time
 - Day 1
 - Day 2
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Day
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Day
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Day
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Day
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Night 4
 - Day
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Night 4
 - Day
 - Night 1
 - Night 2
 - Night 3
 - Night 4
 - Night 5

Total Time
Total Time Sonic
Total Time Werehog
Note: [Sonic/Werehog] will be after each boss, and will be the division and total time the boss will go into.
Egg Beetle [Sonic]
Dark Gaia Phoenix [Werehog]
Egg Devil Ray [Sonic]
Dark Moray [Werehog]
Dark Guardian [Werehog]
Egg Lancer [Sonic]
Egg Dragoon [Werehog] (Yes, this is an egg boss and still fought with werehog)
Dark Gaia [Sonic] (See last comment and reverse it)

Important Discussions Before vFinal:

Add rings day?
- I find the problem with this is that A] rings don't actually display on the clear screen or level select screen and B] There is definate potential for rings in some levels maxing at 999. B will need to be tested more, but A is for sure and may be grounds enough for deletion.

Add rings night?
- In this mode, you can't lose rings when you get hit. In addition the rings are fairly easy to find in general. Unlike day, rings do display at the end, but don't appear on the level select screen.

Add score night?
- Score in Night is not named score, but Gaia Force. This goes up when you break force capsules, break boxes and pots, or beat enemies. I don't know the exact formula, but it seems very easy to max with no time bonus or ring bonus. I am not sure if this carries over death.

Super Sonic?
- As I do not know how to unlock him, I don't know the full details, but many say it is possible to play as Super Sonic in day levels. As we don't know how it works, if you can turn it off/on, or anything else, we can't rule on it. Before the charts go up, somebody from TSC needs to unlock Super Sonic and describe him so we can judge.

For various reasons, (not displaying at final screen, possibility of maxing in day levels, no ability to lose rings in night levels, etc.) I think its best if rings are -not- added to the site for Sonic Unwiished.

That would make times and bosses the only divisions. As soon as I finish up this last zone I'll create a temporary chart.

Wikkity! / Re: Sincere Apologies
« on: November 20, 2008, 08:24:40 pm »
Now I understand why your stats are so bad. >_______>

Competition Central / Sonic Unwiished (and PS2)Competition Topic
« on: November 19, 2008, 08:03:56 pm »

Unleashed charts are up, so this topic will now just be used for normal competition discussion

Old topic:
Thought that I should create this, where we can compete until the charts go up

So far, all I've done is RA Apotos. Got 637 and I'm fairly sure I missed around 2 rings in the boss fight. Still have only done Apotos and Holoska, so I should go unlock more levels... {later} Also got 230 in Apotos 1, 639 in Apotos 2, and later 644 in Chun-Nan

And maybe if I ever get this sonic drift down I can TA :(

News and Updates / Re: And now for some good news!
« on: November 18, 2008, 10:57:24 pm »
I know my opinion as a random TSC denizen is completely ignored, but I would like to say that banning glitchs because they are "less fun" is a very, very bad idea.

Its pretty much restating what has been said, but TSC is about getting from start to finish as fast as possible. Note that this does not include what is the "fun" strategy or the "correct" strategy. As long as the strategy doesn't create a new starting point (CC1, R101-2, or various S3 levels), it should be valid.

Saying glitchs make competition worse is not a proven fact. Some people may dislike glitchs, as shown here. But I know, personally, I enjoy glitching (and I'm fairly sure people like SadisticMystic would say the same). It's fun creating routes that the designers never dreamed of in order to slowly increase your time. It's fun to know tricks like superbouncing or spindash jumps and trying to figure out where to best use them to cut off chunks of the course. It's exciting to finally get through that wall and have a chance and setting an amazing new personal record. I'd say glitchs are one of the main reasons I do compete here: they just add so much depth to competition and allow the unimaginable to become possible.

Time attacking is not and has never been about taking the "right" path through the course. Even in the days when time attacking was just in racing games, people would cut corners or find other tricks to improve their times. What makes sonic different? For us, cutting corners may be zipping through a wall or hover out of bounds. Simply put, if we want to stay the authority on sonic competition, we have to continue to allow glitchs.

Wikkity! / Re: I'm leaving.
« on: November 17, 2008, 07:53:15 pm »

Beef / Re: Ok so confession time. :(
« on: November 07, 2008, 08:53:38 pm »
You were the only person in all of epicmafia invited to TSC...and you happened to be smizzla? I just don't see how that could happen :(

Hiya Folks / Re: Hi TSC :(
« on: October 29, 2008, 07:08:32 pm »
Easily the coolest new member we've had in a while :(

General Sonic / Re: A record that will hold for a REALLY long time.
« on: October 29, 2008, 12:25:32 am »
Do a different level this year...lets get a new earth-shattering record.
I suggest something 3D.

Wikkity! / Re: Cakesters
« on: September 28, 2008, 04:26:32 pm »
I'm Allah and I approve this message.

Competition Central / Re: Quesiton for Sonic 1 RAers.
« on: September 21, 2008, 12:36:38 pm »
Out of the six final levels (not counting Final Zone), Star Light 2 is the only one whose difficulty is around the same as the first four zones. Regardless of whether you will go onto sonic 2 or not, do that act first.

General Sonic / Re: Your type of RA: the puzzle or the trick?
« on: September 19, 2008, 06:02:27 pm »
Probably, my favorite RA in all of Sonic is Crazy Gadget 5 (which is even more fun using the dreamcast strategy...which I've done on gamecube but nets no more rings on that version). That level requires so much strategy, interesting tricks, and things you have probably never thought possible.

Edit: I'd call it a puzzle level, although its both puzzle and glitches combined (which is part of the reason its so awesome).

Leaderboard Disputes / Attention Brian_pso
« on: August 05, 2008, 02:22:29 pm »

Would you have an videos or pictures of the time? Or can you explain what you did differently than everyone else?

Competition Central / Re: A compendium of game saves
« on: August 01, 2008, 02:16:58 pm »
Here are saves of all s1gg levels with 0 score going into them, which eliminates a lot of the confusion for score attacking.

---Note that Sky Base 1 and Sky Base 2 have 10000 score going into them, so you have to subtract. This is because Scrap Brain 3 is impossible to complete without rings.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: I call BS on Gnome77
« on: July 31, 2008, 04:33:40 pm »
Chances are you won't be banned, at least not from the site. If you continue to argue against the majority of TSC, you may be banned from the forums though. I say we just end this argument and lock this topic. As long as you get stats that are 100% legit by the standards being presented, there is no problem. Lets not extend this further than it needs to be.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: I call BS on Gnome77
« on: July 31, 2008, 03:58:21 pm »
How about instead of arguing you just play those levels, get times, and submit them. You can always improve them later if they are bad.

Information Kiosk / Re: Regarding S2 Metropolis 3 Knuckles' rings
« on: July 30, 2008, 03:15:54 pm »
So...why haven't you submitted this yet? Claim the record thats rightfully yours.

Competition Central / Re: soo...
« on: July 29, 2008, 10:38:14 pm »
"I mean it's easy to memorize Stanski's routes and load save state after save state until you get a good time, but its hard to perfrom under pressure and finish each level without dying and doing it as fast as possible in order to do a single segement that would be anywhere near the record time. "

Last time I checked, you don't have the record in every individual level. How can you say they are easy when you can't even do them yourself? When you become champ of Sonic 2 I may consider your argument that individual levels are not a show of skill.

Also, beat the SDA speedrun of SA2. Then beat Paragod's City Escape 1. Tell me which takes longer.

Competition Central / Re: Chemical plant act 2 speed route
« on: July 29, 2008, 01:08:05 pm »
1. That is really bad music.
2. That is chemical plant act -1-
3. You probably need to catch an earlier block cycle. Or add a spindash at the end somewhere.

Competition Central / Re: hi everybody
« on: July 27, 2008, 02:49:16 pm »
How old are you? Have you finally decided?

Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: July 24, 2008, 09:38:51 pm »
Just passing this on to SL.

« on: July 21, 2008, 11:59:16 pm »
Just want to make sure I'm doing it right before I continue designing this level

119 The same site I used to learn what total to shoot for you use to call bs on me.

Seriously, I'm kind of reposting what thorn said but:

A] I'm not a bser. If I was, why would I bs on something as trivial as SRB2 rings. And why wouldn't I just match the "Total ring count" on SRB2wiki if I really never played the game?
B] Notice how everything is beaten by 50 or 100 rings. That is no coincidence.
C] Just as Thorn was saying, there is a third way to get rings, that *shock* *shock* comes in multiples of 50s.

That is all, just felt like I needed to say something as you are calling bs on me.

Edit: ...I don't HAVE a Castle Eggman 1 ring stat, yet you still call bs on me there.

Competition Central / Re: I found an insane glitch
« on: July 18, 2008, 01:45:39 pm »
Do you have more information? You are the third person to get a glitch in this level, and the rest of us would really like to know where to do it.

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