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Messages - magnum12

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Competition Central / Re: Questions concerning the rules.
« on: October 18, 2009, 06:35:26 pm »
If I remember correctly, the issue was discussed a very long time ago. Now that I think of it, the flat out cyber elf ban seems kind of redundant with the S rank division running around. One of my original ideas regarding the rule was to allow nurse and animal elves as I thought those weren't so bad compared to the potential effects of the hacker elves.

For Zero 3, I'm thinking that satelite elves should be allowed. None of those seem to be harmful to competition. Where this issue gets really complicated is in MMZ4 and the master elf system. IIRC, the major concern with the master elf system (and to lesser extent the elf system in general) was with being able to enforce any rulings on it. If you set a level cap on it, how are you going to prove that a run was done with that cap or with +1 level.

During initial rules development, one of the common strategies with rules development was the idea of the "sheathed sword". What this means is that the best approach is to find potential problems early and quickly/quietly eliminate them before they get a chance to grow. Its better to error on the side of caution. Its much easier to give a little more slack on something that is discovered to not be a threat than it is to rein it in after it was identified too late. Those who know my academic background should know that the "sheathed sword" approach is a must when attempting to combat disease (especially with cancer). Its also a wonderful approach to game design and I would not be surprised if a lot of top game developers use it in the creation of their games.

I have them written down. Big question is how does the game format its time? Is it second time, centisecond time, or millisecond time?

The 2nd Mega Man Legends was actually MML2. I'll need to explore what competitive options that game has in order to determine how to deal with it.

General Sonic / Re: Kotaku article about Sonic
« on: October 12, 2009, 06:00:02 pm »
Sega is completely missing the point and have their priorities completely out of whack. If they're trying to market to kids, then the proper thing to do from a game design perspective is to focus on the game's quality (to get 9.0+ reviews), then make sure the actual content is okay for kids. The truly legendary games/shows/movies for kids were the ones that focused on quality first and while marketed to kids has the solid core (and the occasional subtle joke) that can appeal to adults as well. Look at the Mario series, Looney Tunes, and the better Disney films as examples of this.

General Sonic / Re: Kotaku article about Sonic
« on: October 12, 2009, 12:43:54 pm »
Just recently found this and was horrified. Also, no topic about it. This is certainly discussion worthy.

General Sonic / Kotaku article about Sonic
« on: October 12, 2009, 12:29:58 pm »

Seems that Sega doesn't define quality for the younger audience as a metacritic 90 scoring game. Sega's core Sonic target is no longer the original fan base, but rather the under 12 group. Interesting read.

Wikkity! / Re: Disney acquires Marvel
« on: September 11, 2009, 01:43:37 am »
Could the mergers continue?

There's more implications stated in that article. With 4kids likely going under, we're going to need yet another cast for future voice acting for the games.

Wikkity! / Re: Disney acquires Marvel
« on: August 31, 2009, 09:13:12 pm »
I forgot to mention my ideal boss team for such a game. Maleficent (dragon form), Galacticus, and either Nemesis or Omega (final form as its the most powerful and most psychotic).

Wikkity! / Disney acquires Marvel
« on: August 31, 2009, 05:37:23 pm »

The first thought that came to mind was the potential for Disney vs Capcom, a spiritual successor to Marvel vs Capcom (technically MVC3). This might not be so far fetched as Capcom has made games with the Disney license in the past (very good games might I remind you). Based on that thought, I made a roster assuming 100 characters. Some characters from MVC 2 were cut (Dan, Servbot, Roll, and Bone Claw Wolverine) to make room for better characters (Zero, Harpuia, Dante, and Night Crawler).

Capcom: (34)
Albert Wesker (new)
B.B. Hood
Captain Commando
Chun Li
Dante (new)
Gene (new)
Harpuia (new)
Jedah (new)
Jill Valentine
Kenji (new)
M. Bison
Mega Man
Mike Haggar (new)
Okami (new)
Ruby Heart
Strider Hien (new)
Strider Hiryu
T. Bonne
Viewtiful Joe (new)
Zero (new)

Marvel: (33)
Captain America
Doctor Doom
Doctor Octopus (new)
Iron Man
Mr. Fantastic (new)
Night Crawler (new)
Omega Red
Punisher (new)
Shuma Gorath
Silver Samurai
Silver Surfer (new)
Thor (new)
War Machine

Disney: (33)
Scrooge McDuck
Goliath (Gargoyles)
Dark Wing Duck
Mr. Incredible
Peter Pan
Captain Hook
Jack Sparrow
Davy Jones
King Triton (could easily play like the merman from Dark Stalkers or that squid from Red Earth)
Nega Duck
David Xanatos (Gargoyles)
Buzz Lightyear
Axel (need to think of the coolest or most popular member of organization XIII)

« on: August 17, 2009, 06:28:41 pm »
You know the rules.....

Information Kiosk / Re: Constitution is outdated, needs an update
« on: August 17, 2009, 05:11:51 pm »
Allow me to point out a few things:
TSC: Thorn
SonicBC, a neanderthal anthropomorphic creature (anthro)
"Furry" is a derogatory term – to address one of these users with respect, call him/her an anthro.
Thorn = SonicBC = anthro = furry
OMG. The furry is in this very room. It could be you. It could be me. It could even b...*head asploded by shotgun*.

We also need an amendment on fan fiction and fan characters. *Gets the flame thrower ready to burn some heretical works.*

2/10, type O


Completed green challenge (barely) and yellow challenge for all Shadow stages except Sky Rail. The pink one, I did a long time ago.

Wikkity! / Re: Don't like Twilight? Don't tell anyone!
« on: July 19, 2009, 11:22:14 pm »
Wow. I've heard of attacks, but never anything that violent. Even otakus don't get THAT violent, and that's saying something. Anyway, time for some snarking. Now, some photos of vampires that are cooler than that sparkling loser.

Yes, the Blood Angels chapter of Space Marines has a curse that eventually turns them into blood suckers griped with psychotic battle rages. Part of the heroism of this chapter is in their struggle to fight it and search for a cure.

Wikkity! / Re: Why you shouldn't recolor.
« on: July 07, 2009, 12:40:56 am »
I thought the Spanish Inquisition was something that got corrupted into the sterotypical form we know it as.

The goal of the TSC Inquisition (for those who want a part of the action) is to protect TSC from the well documented "Fan Dumb" in the infamously divided Sonic fan base by combating the following forms of heresy.

1. Fan Characters (especially the really bad ones).
2. Fan Fiction
3. NSFW content, including legendary bad fan fics.

Recomended course of action: purge offending posts and topics to S06 Land after some snarking at the expense of said offenses.

Wikkity! / Re: Why you shouldn't recolor.
« on: July 06, 2009, 03:14:22 pm »
This will make a great poster for the TSC Inquisistion as an example of what we hunt and purge from this site.

General Sonic / Re: so long fuckers!!!!!
« on: July 06, 2009, 03:09:39 pm »
Fuck all of yall!!!

First off, this is the wrong location. Second, I respond to that misspelling with this.

Wikkity! / Re: NEW AND IMPROVED: TSCA 2.0
« on: June 24, 2009, 01:12:32 am »
Too bad there's no option to classify enemies by type such as construct, plant, demon, etc. Looking at the screens, it could still be done manually by individual enemies to make a pseudo group. Taking the plant example, I could see all plant like enemies resisting bludgeon type weapons (fists, staves, etc), light, earth, and water, but being weak against slashing, fire, and sometimes ice. It would be cool if all that resistance stuff could be applied to PCs.

Wikkity! / Re: NEW AND IMPROVED: TSCA 2.0
« on: June 06, 2009, 04:58:27 pm »
Is there anyway to program passive effects onto characters or equipment? For example, giving certain weapons and characters a damage bonus when attacking certain enemies. Or even weirder, modifiers to damage inflicted or taken if the en enemy's level is higher than the characters.

Information Kiosk / Re: My fan fiction
« on: June 04, 2009, 06:50:26 pm »
Definition of exterminatus extremis: A War Hammer 40k term. Held in reserve for extreme planetary infestation from something irredemably foul that has progressed long beyond the point of recovery (in said universe usually from Tyranids or demons).

As a whole, fan fics and fan characters tend to be unwelcome here at TSC because they are inexorably linked to the "fan dumb" and "broken base" that the Sonic fan base is infamous for. and for references. For what a typical fan fic means to a normal person, see Squad Broken, a legendary horror that will enrage any 40k fan (and has put entire 40k communites up in arms) that knows of it merely by mentioning it. I don't want TSC to become infected with something like that.

Also see the Strong Bad cartoon "Fan Club" as its a widely known and widely parodied phemonenon.

Information Kiosk / Re: My fan fiction
« on: June 04, 2009, 02:17:13 pm »
This is not the site for fan fics (most of them are bad anyway). Requesting exterminatus extremis on this topic.

My thoughts on this stupidity.

News and Updates / Re: Snippets of Sonic 06 news
« on: June 02, 2009, 11:40:14 pm »
Oh ho ho, how naive some people are. Come here zombie.

-Ultimate Zombie: GwoooooooooooOoooooOoohhhhh...!!

Behold. The fists of a Dark Karate master... The legs of the fastest demon in the Netherworld... The brain of Mahogany, a famous sorceror... The iron body of Hercules... And a horse wiener, all combined into one.

News and Updates / Re: Snippets of Sonic 06 news
« on: June 02, 2009, 04:03:48 pm »
Necromancy = Sin

As punishment, I hearby sentence the necromancer to meet the Ultimate Zombie. (Yep, that one.)

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
« on: May 26, 2009, 10:54:05 pm »
Way....too....easy. I'd give it a 7.5. I still think a battle system derived from the awesome Tales of Vesperia is the best way to go for a Sonic RPG.

Wikkity! / Re: NEW AND IMPROVED: TSCA 2.0
« on: May 22, 2009, 02:05:50 am »
I don't know if this is a bug or just because its a teaser, but when the Rescue RPG quest is finished, it results in a loop in which the quest repeats again but with parts of RPG and mike's squads put together. Any way, we need less generic stuff, such as fail replacing miss or stuff like that.

Wikkity! / Re: NEW AND IMPROVED: TSCA 2.0
« on: May 17, 2009, 05:41:40 pm »
How far is this game in development? We need to have some really ridiculous enemies in this game to keep in line with the humorous story. Things like "Macho Zombies" (Zombies with really colorful garb, personas of pro wrestlers, and fight in huge swarms, ultimate zombies (boss), toilet mimics, man eating couches, killer rabbits, grue, etc would do just fine.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT, we remember awesome game villains
« on: May 03, 2009, 01:23:20 am »
Who can forget about that magnificent bastard Adachi. He has everyone fooled during the serial murder case and even manages to trick some sucker into tossing people into the TV. Said idiot thought he was saving people from the murderer, completely unaware that the TV world IS the weapon. Of course it was obvious to me that Adachi is the killer around October. (Hint, in October the party receives a clue that can best be described as the "smoking gun").

In unrelated news, Mid-Boss is now availible for DLC in America. You can play as him now.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT, we remember awesome game villains
« on: April 27, 2009, 10:33:01 pm »
How could I forget Wesker, the witty psychopath with the awesome shades. Like with Eliphas, for me, its about his charisma.

How is Vyers a villan? He doesn't even do anything evil besides maybe loot your picnic basket (a chaotic act rather than an evil one, just ask Yogi Bear). The pendant didn't even attack him either (though to be fair, he wasn't lying when he said he found it fair and square). Still, he's great. Like Lamington, much smarter than he looks and so hilarious. He's going to be a playable character in the third game's DLC (released in Japan, will be coming soon to the US).

Also from the Dawn of War series is Gorgutz. Gotta love a violently comedic brute who sounds like a soccor hooligan. Everything that comes out of his mouth is pure gold despite him not being very smart. That and he kills a World Eaters Chaos Lord in one on one combat. A KHORNITE Chaos Lord. The guy who played Gorgutz eventually went on to play Ryuk from Death Note.

Gaming and Grazing / ITT, we remember awesome game villains
« on: April 24, 2009, 03:06:27 am »
Simple enough, talk about villains in video games. Nominate a few (3-10) that you believe should be considered to be in the pantheon of great video game villiains and why. There are a few conditions though.

1. No fanboyish comments. Lets keep the discussion intelligent, such as involving traits that stood out, something about the character design (development as well as art), clever writing, etc.

2. No stuff from licensed games unless said villain is an original character created specifically for the game.

Here's some of my personal favorites.

1. Omega (Mega Man Zero 3): This guy was different from the generic villain with a generic "world domination mwa hahaha" motive. He had no goals, no long term plots. The only thing running through this psychopath's head was murder. He cared not whose blood spilt, merely that it did. At the time of the game's release, he was scary in a symbolic way. With possession of Zero's original body, Omega is exactly what fans believed Dr. Wily intended Zero to be from the beginning. To add to the symbolism, you fight this guy in the very same room where the Zero series began.

2. Eliphas the Inheritor (WH40k Dawn of War Dark Crusade): The thing I like about this guy is his personality. He can best be described as a suave evil knight with a commanding aura of dark charisma. For every insult or taunt directed at him, he had a clever, witty comeback. He virtually never raises his voice and loses his temper even less often. To top it all off, the voice acting for this character was excellent. Considered the most popular Chaos Lord by a VERY wide margin (and none of that is through making fun of him, unlike the others especially Carron) and one of the most popular characters in the entire Dawn of War series.

3. Gig (Soul Nomad and the World Eaters): It takes special talent as a villain to make being an omnicical maniac absolutely hilarious. Everywhere you go, he comes up with some form of smart ass comment, insult, or sociopathic idea. and he's on your side trying to make you do stuff that will cause him to take over the main character's body (he's sealed in a sword). Like example 2, part of this is due to outstanding voice acting. Yuri Lowenthal did an excellent job to the point where the US Gig is widely preferrend to the Japanese version.

4. Kefka (FF6): To summarize this guy, take the Joker at his absolute worst and crank it up to eleven. This guy stands out because he's one of those guys you simply love to hate. What I remember him for is for his atrocities, which got progressively more awful, more horrifying as if he was trying to beat some personal record. All of this with some form of witty comment.

I'm also a major sucker for anti-villains, as they are often some of the most well developed characters around.

Competition Central / Re: TSC's Top Ten Failures
« on: April 16, 2009, 06:11:18 pm »
S&A or egg for #1. I say next time should be for top 10 snarkers.

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