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Messages - Brian

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Great time man :D, I can't wait to see any video of it, even better if you get sub 45 on tape, and the Final Rush video... the quality isn't perfect but I could see that he enters the building at very low 18, but that's 'cause he was slow after the first check :/.

Thanks man, I'll tape it once I get it, I'll take the GC to my house today(I'm at Cort's house now), but I haven't though about the max for GF1, I'll only need to adapt again to the little delay when playing in my PC :P

So jawzun is gonna compete for the gold trophy with you? That's a great new :D

Yeah, I've seen his video before, that beginning route is great, it's all timing, but a very hard strat to pull of fast to me xD, I'm still playing with my old strategy(which you guys will see when I tape a run of FR).

OMFG!!! How could I forget that o.O, it didn't even caught up my mind when I was typing, it surely is a crazy time, I really suck hard at that stage :P

Hey guys some good news, I went to Cort's house yesterday and played some SSBM then some SA2B, I decided to play Green Forest and what came out of this? Now I can get sub 1:30 every 2 runs, checkless of course, it's just too easy for me now, I had 4 sub 1:30 completions in a row, they were: 1:29:60/1:29:57/1:29:60/1:29:49, so when I bring the GC to my house, I'll try to tape my "Dream" Speedrun, I won't stop until I get 1:28 there, when I get this I'll submit this time, 'cause I'm not the record holder anymore and I want to have a fair competition with yoshifan. And that reminds me of putting my GC time back in Meteor Herd mission 3.

Hiya Folks / Re: Hello fellow people
« on: November 07, 2009, 05:08:59 am »
I hope you put all of your effort in other stages like you're doing with Green Hill, you have such a great potential there ;D

I got now :P, hahahahaha I really need to get some time to play, then I'll tape the tricks run of Green Forest and maybe some others ;D

I can't wait to see it, and F7 is right, 2:08 is an awesome time, you think it's not 'cause you're the man who always pursue perfection. get the these new crazy times fast please \o/, and I'm sure you guys will get this 2:06. And I'm sure we've become a lot better since 2008:

Paragod got 1:06 on CE mission 3, sub 33 in mission 2 and almost got his mission 1 record, got the sub minute Chao record on Radical Highway

Final got the Sky Rail mission 1 record with an amazing video, almost got Para's record in Crazy Gadget mission 1, had the Final Chase mission 2 record, 3 seconds better than the old one, got 1:23 in Green Forest(1:31 in GC)

and I got some records but more important, I learned how to play the hunting and mechs stages :D

Competition Central / Re: Green Hill zone - SA2B speedrun (24:94)
« on: November 06, 2009, 08:53:50 am »
You're a great player, but 23??? You guys are really crazy, don't you sleep tonight? Anyway, if you'll go for it good luck then :D

I feel the same since I was 12, many things has changed from there, but nothing that made me change the way I live.

that would look REALLY cool to see you at sub 2:10 with us! If you can handle it, do it!
This was a big hit in my face! This is the first time you don't had faith in my abilities D:

If you'll really go for 2:06 please don't forget to tape it, I still want to see your mission 1 video, it must be awesome!

Hey PoT you really had a bad time with SR man o.O, don't give up, you'll take this record , it's just a matter of time, and I can't wait to see what's this new shortcut you found in FC2 ;D

And I've been reading the first few pages of the topic again and found something really nice:
Hopefully you guys make up a new generation of SA2 elite.
This means a lot for me, Stefan is a very cool guy, and a great player too, I'm happy we could turn yourselves in what he said that time :D

Hey guys, don't you sleep or what? I was awake until almost 4am and when I wake up, there's another page here xD

Para, don't say these things about reaching the 20's to me D:, I'm barely 1 year from there T_T

I liked your goal PoT! I remember when I said to Paragod that one of my goals was to be one of the top 10 in times, now look where I am! I guarantee you that, you don't need GC to get to the top(We can't use yoshifan as an example because he's beyond humanity), look at my times, there's only 2 of them that were done in DC, and another thing, I don't even did the hunting first missions TA(what can make me lose at least 80 points, I'm 128 points behind yoshifan, then it'll come down to 48, you got the idea ;D). Ring Attacks aren't that hard as you may think, of course some of them are very annoying, but most of them are easy to do, and I love RA 'cause it's something I haven't done in the game until I started for the rankings, if you're having problem with any of them I can help you.

Also Para, I liked that pics of the FM's records, I haven't noticed the FR ranking, man... I really need to get a sub 2:10 there :/ I can't see you guys 6 seconds ahead and don't feel like this xD.

I still don't feel like playing again :/, after seeing your video of CG(1:41) for the 352th time I've realized something. I can't get a DC now, so don't expect something coming from me in Green Forest mission 1. But even if I can't keep up with you guys, I'll be here to help with new tricks, Mr. shortcut will always be analising your runs ;D

The videos are great! All of them are pretty awesome, CE was really great, and I saw you did the B+A in the rail like I did in my 1:47 video :D, it really helped a lot. The FR video I tough you didn't have the tape anymore(You said that a month ago when I said I wanted to see it), it was just amazing, I've never seen almost all of your tricks, you beat my mission 1 time in mission 5, this is very fun xD. WJ was great too, now I don't need to make a video of it anymore xD, except for the second loop skip, everything else I already did in my 1:30 run, so for me there's not too many things to make me able to get a lower time there :/. Awesome, just awesome, I can't wait for the other videos :D


The pumpkins were done with insanely smooth precision, no bouncing or any BS. That and the rail switch are the hardest and most impressive parts!
Sure!!! That run was extremely perfect man, you did the switch perfectly, just amazing. So... what's your next level to start the PWNAGE?

Hey Paraxade, good to see you saying things like that, I think he's angry with this topic 'cause these guys helped me a lot, and now I'm better than him at SA2B xD.

40:62 OMFG!!! This time is awesome! I really, really can't wait for the video :D, you'll get the "times" leadership if you keep playing like this o.O

Great improvement on SR man ;D, your vid is great, I'm pretty sure you can get this record soon, BTW what about the "Perfect Switch"(I loved this name xD)? It's hard enough to not put it in a run for you? IMO the rest of the stage is pretty much consistent so I think it's worth the risk. But we still need a video for the other people, then I'll try to make it(and the other ones too) this week.

Hey Para, it's been a while since you attempted something in WJ, I have some good news for you :D, remember when I said I had a trick that could make the spring always shoot you past the spring there? So, it's part of the instant spindash trick, do you remember how the vines dropped me faster than normal when I used the trick? That's the same deal with WJ, you just need to do the InstaSpindash trick before that vine, then it'll drop you past the spring. Try this out and tell me if it's working for you.

What you said is right, whenever you can't have fun playing, there's almost no reason to keep up, I feel like this too now, that's why I haven't submitted new times in the past few months or weeks, I have some to submit but I don't even care about getting the GC if it's not for making a video for you guys, that's the real only why I still play for real, but if you can't have fun anymore, try to do what I usually do, play without spindash, doing combos, tricks, getting "A" ranks.

If this can't make you have fun, then you really should find something else. I have some activities other than my job and competing here, I practice kung fu every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, I play PSO, I'm renovating my old house(yeah, it's not as big as almost everyone's house but it'll be mine :D), it will be my place to rest.

But I know you just need some time to start having fun again :D, everyone needs a break sometimes.

Talon's video was great! Hahahaha if he was a girl, I would say he likes you xD

Man, you guys are really getting so awesome times! I simply can't keep up with you anymore, but I can still bring you good news, if you'll try to take jawzun's record for SR, there's something you need to know, there's a trick in the rail switch after he last check, instead of jumping on the other rail, you can get to it with a normal rail switch, of course it's harder to do, but it can save a good amount of time. I'll make a video of it too when I get the GC again.

Hey guys, a lot of things had happened while I was off as usual xD.

Your new cut is cool PoT, I've never though about something like that there :p, it can save at least 0.5 sec!!! 'cause you'll only do a HA instead of charging a spindash + jump. Great job on the FC mission 3 TA too, you lowered the record in 5 seconds o.O

Hiya Folks / Re: Hi!!
« on: October 23, 2009, 01:23:42 pm »
Happy birthday Max!!!

Paragod... GF really don't likes you xD, have you noticed that you blame GF almost the same way FRM did with CE?

Your times were good, but I've never though about getting a 12 first check, I remember I got so many 13's but not even a single 12 one :/.

News and Updates / Re: Happy 6th Birthday TSC!
« on: October 23, 2009, 10:37:39 am »
I'm here since half of the last year, and I'm really enjoying every little competition I get, no matter if it's on the game I have more submissions, or in a game I only played for 3 hours in my whole life(SAdv).

Congratulations not only for being the best site ever for Sonic competition, but for having one of the best communities I've ever joined :D

DAWN YOU PARAGOD!!! I just wanted to be there with you just to deliver a punch in your FACE!

Serious mode activated

Wooray!!! It was almost 1:23 man :D, great job! How did you felt? Did you made any big mistakes? And the Invisible floor? You got stuck in it once like me? Tell me everything!!!

Hey kairi, it's the first time you come here :D

Hey guys :D, let me say something about talon first: I make PoT's words mine, I won't believe him anymore(or at least for a long time) without a video, and yes, you can do the SS trick in CE. I've seen his video before he deleted it, I haven't noticed anything until the last superbounce, he was clearly too fast for someone who did only one spindash :/. I felt like he underestimated our intelligence >:O

Since I can't say something about FC2, this will make you understand everything O.O

Hey Paragod your new time on M5 is great, it's been a long time since you put your hands on a DC controller :D, I've seen your video FM, I already had noticed that trick :p, but it's great to see you putting your efforts on discovering new tricks ^_^.

Hey Para, there's not secrets between the 3 of us here ;D, I'll try to make a video of the new tricks this weekend, so you'll be able to be the first one to beat the Japanese guy SM talked about :D, and take the first step to reach my sub 1:20 goal \o/

Oh hey you all are actually starting to realize talon is a liar! What a surprise!

Maybe ya'll should trust me when I ban someone for whom there's clear evidence of being a BSer, and not just go "oh the admins banned him for no reason it's so unfair I don't trust them!!!!" Conspiracy theories ftl.
I've never said that, when I first saw your PM I understood everything that was going on but I must admit that I really felt he would change his actions :(

You guys are making me feel so NOOB with your times xD, Paragod is improving every single time he has on TSC, Master Final is showing again what he's capable of when he all effort in something(See CG and FC), and Talon... he's beating times I once though to be simply unbeatable o.O(See CG mission 1 & 2).

Leaves the room crying

OMG you guys really want to blow up my mind, I can't reply to everything, but I have to say you got a really tough competition here PoT. Who would think of Psyknux coming out of nowhere to take your record like this o.O?

I won't talk too much but I know something that can help you, it's up to you to decide if he'll know it or not, I can PM it to you or post it here...

Oh I want so much to repair my job's main PC to be able to talk to you guys from there :P

You beat me in CG PoT! That's great :D, but expect competition for the 2nd place(or even for the record if Paragod don't get another 1:36 xD).

I can't wait for the video Paragod, it's an amazing time even if it was done with checks, but who'll blame you for this, an awesome check followed by a trick that don't work sometimes = check abuse

Jawzun's history makes sense to me :/

What happened, Brian? =O I hope it's nothing serious!!!

Nothing great, I just looked at your stats that day, and fell down to the floor, than I woke up in the hospital. I came back yesterday :D

About Jawzun's stats, they don't wanted to take them off 'cause they're the champion's stats, it would mess up the charts(in fact it did, since they toke most of them down :/). I don't wanted to see that some day :(

Hey, what's this picture thing you and Paragod are talking about?

Hi guys :(, I'm really sad about jawzun, and I somehow understand his feeling, I haven't been able to talk to him since this, so I still don't know exactly what happened to him.

A lot of things happened since I got to the hospital, FC2 is getting really great! This is by far the stage I suck most(even my mission 2 time being good), I could see the record being taken away from yoshifan, but I didn't expected to get soooo low, sub 30?!?!?!?! That's simply crazy!!!

Hey Paragod, I've seen your RH times, but I haven't noticed the little words after them, I really though you had broken my record and yours(and saying that 58 sec would be possible), I though: "Oh man... I can say bye to my Sonic/Shadow records :/". BTW, what about your vids? I can't wait to see them >_<

Also PoT... I liked this picture idea, how you'll do it?

Brian here... they got me to the hospital after my collapse, I can't reply to everything 'cause they said I need to rest right now, but everything you guys are doing is GREAT! Ouch! I can't keep screaming like this. Your new times are awesome PoT! You really owns when you want to :D.

Also Paragod, I couldn't see how that loop trick could save time to me, 'cause if you guys don't noticed yet, I can't do spindashes as fast as you guys(and almost eveybody else) do, just watch my videos and compare to one of yours(MH is the perfect example), that's why my beginning in Green Hill only have 2 spindashes, I can't do some things as fast as the other people do, not to mention the fact that playing as mechs to me is hell, I need to use the pause button almost eveytime I do a hover jump, 'cause my fingers don't hit the button fast enough, some of my GH runs are wasted in that last 2 spindashes :/

Talking about GF, your new time is just great! It would have been a low... well... read my other post about GF(the one I wrote today at 1:29 AM) and make the calculations, I can't mess the surprise :D

CONGRATULATIONS MAN!!! OUCH! I really need to stop with this...

Change the topic name so RPG doesn't go insane :x

Ironic because PoT did bandodge, he was banned as finalrush7 and recreated an account under PoT. <_<
I didn't know that :P

We use this topic to discuss about game strategies and such, I see no reason for deleting/locking this topic

Also, liking it or not, what they said about Talon is right, there's ways of getting back into competition other than ban dodging :/. A good example is PoT

[...] but you have to understand I was simply frustrated at the way Zeupar treated me. Like I said I simply asked why ban someone who is completely honest, and he doesn't give me an answer, he just tells me I am a waste of time and to leave if I don't like it..that's not the way an admin should act towards it's members..not at all.

I know nobody can be foolproof in determining whether someone is cheating or not. To make matters more complicated people can cheat, and then someday be more morally correct and want to play honestly, but still get banned again anyway. I think that's what happened with Talon, because he has a few great videos of his SA2B times up on his page. I still believe he is honest. But I'll let you guys determine what to do with him, maybe you can give him another chance some day.

About the off-topicness, well yeah but we could always rename the topic to "SA2B Competition Discussion" Since we talk about anything and everything, but we recently opted to keep the name the same because it's cool and classic.

Hopefully you understand what I said here.. I don't attack people without a good reason.

^ this

Man... let's stop this discussion, I know you guys have real reasons for banning people(even though at least talon and zeronebula have some video proof for some times they got), also Paragod and PoT if you have sent a PM to SonicAD, and read his reply, I'm sure you guys have no reason for blaming them so hard.

PoT they banned you once, but what happened to you was a great amount of stupid things happening one after another, your topic gone the way most of the BSer's ones go(even you're not being a BSer :/), that's why they deleted your stats.

Do you remember this?

I sent you a PM but reconsidered that there was no need and deleted it from the database. Apparently I didn't do a thorough job, lol.

Those shots are great, thanks.

When you posted some pics, Rolken forgot(I think) everything and talked to you like everybody else does now :D. That's what I'm trying to say, when they catch someone, if you look like a BSer, they'll have to do something, but if you prove yourself to them like you did(A little late but did), no one will come after you without good reasons.

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