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Messages - Alondite

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News and Updates / Re: New HD *2D* Sonic Game in 2010
« on: September 09, 2009, 12:35:17 pm »
Well Thorn, given Sonic Teams recent track-record, it's hard not to be skeptical. However, I think it's more of a reason to get excited about than anything they have done in the last decade. Also that little detail that PPA (and likely many others) noticed I think is fairly significant and reason enough in itself to be at least a little excited.

Wikkity! / Re: Gifts for the person who always wants "anything"
« on: September 08, 2009, 09:09:59 pm »
Maybe not, but you are a furry. >_>

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Gens/GS r7 S2HD Edition
« on: September 08, 2009, 04:31:52 pm »
Yeah but it would be cool if it was ever finished.

And I'd also like to point out that actually adding certain effects like those into an emulator for use with any game could actually be pretty cool.

Hiya Folks / Re: Hi everbody
« on: September 08, 2009, 03:56:07 pm »
What if I do!?

Hiya Folks / Re: Hi everbody
« on: September 08, 2009, 03:51:47 pm »
Hi, I'm Alondite. I enjoy long sex on the beach and gundams kicking each other in the bag. Welcome to the community.


Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: September 08, 2009, 12:17:09 am »
Lol Tippman...My Karni will shoot 23 balls per second :D

Wikkity! / Re: Gifts for the person who always wants "anything"
« on: September 07, 2009, 11:54:18 pm »
Well...a lot of girls genuinely don't want something in particular. To them it's the thought that counts, something personal and thoughtful does the trick better than something pricey most of the time.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: September 07, 2009, 11:51:54 pm »
Oh heh. I've been hit by a few frozen hurts. I used to play, I've got a Dynasty Shocker with a Virtue Board and a Karnivore...which is my favorite <3

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: September 07, 2009, 09:45:27 pm »
Ok I've gotten hit by an Ego with velocity turned way up at like 10 yards away and didn't even get a welt like that, and I was wearing a t-shirt too. Are you sure you weren't playing with frozen paintballs?

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Gens/GS r7 S2HD Edition
« on: September 07, 2009, 12:50:31 pm »
The system requirements make me lol, but I'm going to d/l this just for S&Gs to soo what GS is trying to pull now...

*edit* Am I wrong or is this just Sonic 2 with an HQ filter and a lense flair, and then some browning screen filter? :\

Board Games / Re: Return of the genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« on: September 04, 2009, 05:57:02 pm »
Well, considering that Sonic Team's recent games are among the worst they have every produced (or that ANY team has produced for that matter), I wouldn't say they are rising. The quality of the main Sonic releases has declined steadily over the last decade or so, coming to an all time low with Black Knight, which essentially is a compilation of design flaws.

Board Games / Re: Return of the genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« on: September 04, 2009, 01:03:09 pm »
I find it highly amusing that people legitimately think that Sonic Team is rising, also it's obvious who the newer Sonic fans are heh.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: August 27, 2009, 12:59:58 pm »
Fail. Also I am reminded that I have some new pictures I could put up :D

« on: August 26, 2009, 09:19:43 pm »
So will it be at the same time of year it was going to be before? Like January? I'll be home on winter break if so. I'm in central New York, very near Syracuse.

Board Games / Re: Return of the genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« on: August 21, 2009, 11:03:25 am »
Coolest video game to play the main character's role in?
I'd like to be Tidus in FFX probably. Blitzball seems like it would be fun, and Spira is a pretty awesome place, minus Sin and all >_>
*SPOILERZ* And the whole not existing thing? *mauled*

Of course! I could do whatever the hell I want because I don't really exist. Not existing would also make my "existence" more meaningful (I know that doesn't sound like it makes sense but if you've played the game it does).

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: August 21, 2009, 02:42:36 am »

1. I don't have an STD. I stay away from those girls, and besides, that's what condoms are for.
2. My life is pretty interesting, and I have a lot of fun.
3. I suspect that someone would want to get in my head, because it's obvious that nobody else here thinks like I do.

Board Games / Re: Return of the genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« on: August 21, 2009, 02:18:48 am »
Reality / TSC
What's the coolest screen name you've seen on the Internet that isn't yours?
Bulbasaur Lv 8. Epic win.

What's the best dream you remember? (I know there's a topic for this, you can link a post of yours if need be).
I'm sure if you think real hard you can figure out what it was like :)

Who do you talk to / hang with most on TSC?
Well...nobody in person, but I guess Bertin and Sondow in chat.

TSC Furries: Poisoning the site, bringing smiles and happiness to the site, or just more users?
Umm...they can be amusing to a point, but it's mostly annoying.

Given one day as admin, what do you change around here?
I dunnno. I'm out of the competition loop so I'm not sure what the state of things now is, let alone what I would do the change it.

What do you think about these TSC fads:
* iSketch

* Mafia
Was win, but got old

* SRB2
Played for like a week, then realized that it sucked

* Toulouse
I suck at it, but I like it

What's your theory on DsS's skills? Genetic mutation, virus, disease, gift from God, result of the Vorlon touch, or something else? Is it (hopefully) communicable?
Would need to know more about his social life to know for sure...that is...if he has one >_>

Does Sonic Team has one foot in the grave, both feet in the grave, or is it rising from the grave as an undead? Or *gulp* is it wising fwom its gwave as some sort of Altered Beast? *shot*
IMO there hasn't been a good Sonic game since the Genesis era, so yeah, Sonic Team is in trouble.

Cooler power-up to own: Super Leaf or Fire Flower?
Fire Flower

Coolest "psychic" ability to wield at an unrealistic level: psychokinesis (telekinesis), pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, telepathy, empathy, etc.?
I'd want to be like Tetsuo...except not mutate and die.

For those of you with a "fursona", or for those just answering for the lulz: your species, gender, and color are...? (I had to do it, sorry... I'm not appealing to a minority with this one anymore~)
Cooler height to be for a day: 1cm (0.4") or 50m (164'), Square-Cube Law be damned?
Tough call. 50m you can smash shit, 1cm you can sneak around, but bugs would be giant. Even still, I think I'd want to be 1cm. I'll probably get attacked by tanks and shit if I were 50m.

Coolest Sonic-game body to inhabit?
Sonic. Running that fast seems like a good time.

Coolest non-legendary Pokémon to be?
I dunno. I've always kinda liked Charizard...

Coolest Halloween monster to be? (Use traditional definitions, not Twilight definitions)
A Reaper.

Coolest video game to play the main character's role in?
I'd like to be Tidus in FFX probably. Blitzball seems like it would be fun, and Spira is a pretty awesome place, minus Sin and all >_>

Coolest TSCer to trade lives with for a day?
Um...I think I'd rather just keep my life :P

Also Aita I'm curious as to why you'd want to ban me. Last time I checked all my stats are legit. Because I have radically different ways of thinking than pretty much all of TSC's other members? I'm sorry if it's offensive to you, but I'm not all that into being another sheep.

Information Kiosk / Re: Constitution is outdated, needs an update
« on: August 07, 2009, 12:54:10 am »
I also approve. Though I demand, with my utter lack of influence, somthing about "Arguing with Alondite" :D

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: August 05, 2009, 02:27:22 am »

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: August 04, 2009, 02:00:13 am »
While we are off topic, Sondow your icon thinger wins.

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: August 01, 2009, 02:48:08 pm »
LMFAO. Found this poking around in my logs, from the looks of it it's from around October 31 last year.

[20:53] <&mike89> 1:55 LR1 holy hell
[20:53] <wersterlobe> yeah
[20:53] <wersterlobe> i saw  trick that could do that
[20:54] <wersterlobe> by some smizal or something
[20:54] <@spooky_blood> smizzla
[20:54] <@spooky_blood> that's mike's brother
[20:54] <+Sonic> NOOOOOO!!!!
[20:54] * +Sonic hides
[20:54] <wersterlobe> ...
[20:54] <+Sonic> <_<
[20:54] <+Sonic> What?
[20:54] * +Sonic idles
[20:54] <+SkyL> old
[20:54] * wersterlobe doesn't get it
[20:54] <wersterlobe> but yeah
[20:54] <@spooky_blood> Smizzla is mike89's little brother
[20:55] <wersterlobe> there was a giz
[20:55] <wersterlobe> of him doing a wall zip
[20:55] <@spooky_blood> like in real life
[20:55] <CrUiZ3R> mike has a brother?
[20:55] <CrUiZ3R> XD
[20:55] <wersterlobe> wow
[20:55] <+Sonic> :/
[20:55] <&mike89> yeah
[20:55] <wersterlobe> real life!
[20:55] <@spooky_blood> yeah
[20:55] <&mike89> he's about your age werster
[20:55] <&mike89> and just as annoying
[20:55] <+Holoholobird> no such thing as real life!
[20:55] * &mike89 flee~
[20:55] <wersterlobe> lol
[20:55] <FoxBoy> XD
[20:55] <CrUiZ3R> XDDD
[20:55] <CrUiZ3R> Harsh man
[20:55] <@spooky_blood> nah he's more annoying

Lol. This is funny now that we all know about Werster and Smizzla lol. I especially like:

[20:55] <&mike89> he's about your age werster
[20:55] <&mike89> and just as annoying

Hiya Folks / Re: Week late welcome
« on: July 19, 2009, 01:21:35 am »
Ahoy. You're username alone wins cool points with me, which is a good thing for you as I am generally considered resident asshole.

Wikkity! / Re: Don't like Twilight? Don't tell anyone!
« on: July 16, 2009, 07:11:48 pm »
Hey, not all of us Twilight fans are violent <_<.

SonicAD has said many derisive things to me about it, and he hasn't taken any abuse :D.

Also generally it seems like people would be more open to your analysis of Twilight if you had actually -read- the book, instead of just not liking it because it is popular and you think girly, and you read some reviews from people who didn't like it. Also don't do the whole "I already hate it, so I will read it with the intent to hate it so then I can be justified." That is just noob also.

I mean, I will admit that I did that with Harry Potter at first. But I will also admit that I was a major idiot. be the judge.


Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: July 16, 2009, 07:10:21 pm »
Is that a Metroid poster?
Also I see his Xbox 360 and Wii :P
I don't WANT to see his Xbox or his Wii.  I don't think ANY of us do.  Except Paraxade.

I can't say I do either...

I'm going to start calling vagina's Xboxes :D Also Sondow wins.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: July 16, 2009, 04:55:55 pm »

EDIT: The topic is "post your face!", and if you can manage to show your face while looking away from the camera, I think you may need a doctor... or some serious psychoanalysis.

o wait, this is alondite, that was already established.

Clearly you and your obviously doughy physique are envious of my muscular self :D

Wikkity! / Re: Don't like Twilight? Don't tell anyone!
« on: July 16, 2009, 01:35:47 pm »


Also would that be this Kerry Illman person?

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: July 16, 2009, 08:04:34 am »

Alondite is skeptical of....something

Now if only I were green. >_>

Wikkity! / Re: Don't like Twilight? Don't tell anyone!
« on: July 16, 2009, 08:00:46 am »
I'm interested in just HOW you found this Sondow, lol.

Hiya Folks / Re: About Me
« on: July 16, 2009, 07:45:06 am »
You should avoid Black Knight at all costs, as it's an atrociously bad game. Even worse than other modern Sonic games. Also Welcome.

« on: July 16, 2009, 07:43:42 am »
For those unaware, I'm pretty sure the topic is a response to this. Feel free to correct me though, PPA.

Also as this is my first post in some time I would just like to point out that rumours of my departure have been greatly exaggerated.

That reminds me of This song:


I have toyed a bit with the idea of a single Zelda timeline. I've tried to logically link the games together in some way (no pun intended).  I've basically ignored official timeline statements in favor of my own, but I don't even remember how mine went.  If I recall, It was something like:

Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Ages
Wind Waker
Phantom Hourglass
Legend of Zelda
Adventures of Link
Twilight Princess
A Link to the Past
Link's Awakening

I ignored Four Swords, mostly because I don't know the story well enough to find out where it places, but also because I don't consider it a main Zelda installment. I also have no idea where Minish Cap would go, but I would probably place it first, because there is no reference to Ganondorf whatsoever, and it doesn't obviously follow another game that does.

*edit* Forgot a few. Added.

*edit 2* Moved Twilight Princess. Makes more sense where it is now.

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