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Messages - Rolken

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News and Updates / Re: Chun-Nan 360 DLC
« on: March 13, 2009, 05:51:01 pm »
Perhaps a separate DLC category should be created.

News and Updates / Chun-Nan 360 DLC
« on: March 12, 2009, 02:19:17 pm »
Sega put some new Chun-Nan stages down the pipe today for Unleashed, with 4 day stages and 2 night stages for 250 MS points ($3.12), apparently along the lines of a 'hard mode' type thing. I think FKE is planning on doing some videos for us.

It'll be going on the rankings, but I'm leaning against including it in the overall ranking after how little playtime the Sonic06 DLC got and the early poor reception of this batch. Contrary opinions will be entertained.

(TSC topic merged into comments)

The secret area discovered through the werehog wallhax glitch is part of the DLC, so you can take that as evidence of Shamar and Adabat DLC coming later, and probably one for each region.

edit: Chun-Nan Day 1-2
Chun-Nan Night 3
The other stages are 2-2, 4 and 5 for the day, and 1-2 and 3 at night. So they're not all as derivative as 1-2 is; the '-2' stages are designed essentially as hard mode variants.

News and Updates / Re: Sonic Unleashed DLC For XBL
« on: March 12, 2009, 01:17:39 pm »
That's interesting. I guess it sort of explains why the original Chun Nan mission count was wrong, and also why a game update came down yesterday.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Iceman / Eis the Dragon
« on: March 12, 2009, 11:42:52 am »
That's not going to fly. I asked you to check your cartridge in chat before I revoked your stats, and you responded that you did in fact check it, at that moment, and that they were correct. That was in order to prevent this situation in which it turns out you 'typed it in wrong'. If you didn't check it, then you lied.

Wikkity! / Re: I'm at work and TSC should entertain me!
« on: March 10, 2009, 02:56:28 pm »
Yeah, well, SonicAD told me to come on TSC. Who do you think I'm going to listen to?

edit: note that SonicAD is a respected TSC staff member, probably

edit: also that milk in the fridge really ought to be tossed

Wikkity! / Re: I'm at work and TSC should entertain me!
« on: March 10, 2009, 02:46:41 pm »
Where did you put the powdered milk >:O

Leaderboard Disputes / Iceman / Eis the Dragon
« on: March 10, 2009, 12:35:06 pm »
His stats have been suspended until he can come up with proof of the following Sonic Advance times:

Neo Green Hill 1
Sonic - 0:41:63
Knuckles - 0:42:79
Amy - 0:46:46

Exact times only, no substitutes need apply. He says they're his second place times because he didn't want to submit first place times and come under suspicion.

News and Updates / Obligatory downtime post
« on: March 09, 2009, 09:06:35 pm »
Yeah, so some new functionality was being tested this morning, and things didn't go as planned. Since we here at TSC have at least a passing idea of what we're doing, a backup was made first - but a comedy of errors resulted in about eight hours instead of eight minutes spent bringing the backup back up. Unless you were one of the three people who made a post on the forum this morning, you won't have any losses to gnash teeth over.

In other news, a few more Black Knight reviews have joined the fray, if anyone's still paying attention to that. I probably won't be making further updates; just check that metacritic link.

And since there continues to be minor confusion, yes, Zeupar was made an admin, and he's cleaning up the charts, because he cares. 8)

Further bulletins as events warrant.

edit: yes black knight rankings coming soon.

Competition Central / Re: Hey, remember when Sonic R was fun?
« on: March 09, 2009, 10:59:39 am »
The glitched times will always be the 'real' charts. If there was actually demand for parallel unglitchy charts, it would go in freestyle or maybe even a separate "game" with its own overalls, but either option would be splitting the competition and probably only viable with some method of automatically submitting times to both sets of rankings at once when applicable, and I don't see sufficient demand for glitchless charts to justify doing that.

Dood, I've mentioned the idea of "glitchless" charts at least a year ago. (I was probably the first person to come up with the idea.) Though I despise Sonic R, the idea of glitchless charts for other games is one that I could see revitalizing competition on the whole, especially for 3d Sonic games.
By 'demand' I meant more than a couple people...

Competition Central / Re: Sonic and the Black Knight competition
« on: March 09, 2009, 10:57:09 am »
I think you'll have too many charts that way. It'll take a miracle for the game to crack 30 players; nobody's going to bother submitting for four characters on the same course.

News and Updates / Re: Another nail in the coffin of Black Knight
« on: March 07, 2009, 01:06:52 pm »
Well, like I said, the matter is in the past now. Rankings are going up, provided there's anything left when Paraxade is through with the game.

News and Updates / Re: Another nail in the coffin of Black Knight
« on: March 07, 2009, 01:04:09 pm »
The chances of SBK going without leaderboards were never particularly high. I merely was leaving the option open and gauging opinion in the event that the leaderboards were actually viable, with a sufficient range of charts (and no cheating potential) such that people wouldn't want to take the time to submit on TSC anyway.

News and Updates / Re: Another nail in the coffin of Black Knight
« on: March 07, 2009, 12:46:11 pm »
SRA was added because the online leaderboards were deficient. SBK will be added because the online leaderboards are deficient. I don't know anything about SRZG so I can't comment there.

By 'status screen' I meant 'results screen', so I'll edit that. I don't own the game, but as I understand it, there's nowhere to check your final time.

News and Updates / Re: It is... inevitable
« on: March 06, 2009, 01:16:36 pm »
Heh, I thought you were responding to mark your enthusiasm in NWFC stat grabbing.

News and Updates / Re: It is... inevitable
« on: March 06, 2009, 11:48:53 am »
It no longer matters due to the subsequent revelations about the leaderboards. Even without the infinite break it'd only be scores.

News and Updates / Re: Another nail in the coffin of Black Knight
« on: March 06, 2009, 11:47:38 am »
He was responding to Minus.

Eh, maybe tracking times using the time with the highest score could be interesting anyways?
You can't compete like that. You'd get locked out after you got a score you couldn't beat on a speedrun.

News and Updates / Another nail in the coffin of Black Knight
« on: March 06, 2009, 05:09:21 am »
If you were planning on buying Sonic and the Black Knight to compete, you might want to hold off, because Paraxade's busting the game apart, and not in a good way. Not only is there infinite score potential on every enemy and object, thus destroying any score competition and presumably shattering the online leaderboards, but the game generally doesn't save your fastest time. On any level with a score, it saves the time you got with your highest score, no matter whether it's better or worse than your last. And since it doesn't show your time on the status results screen either, times are pretty much sunk. We're left with the eleven (plus three?) missions that track time instead of score and the bosses. (update: bosses have the same time tracking problem)

It's not quite Sonic Blast or Labyrinth levels of dysfunctional unviability... yet. But, yes, those few missions and the bosses will be tracked, barring further revelations.

edit: On the bright side, our nice clean '4000' chart number on the front page may remain intact.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic and the Black Knight competition
« on: March 06, 2009, 04:33:28 am »
the game saves whatever time you had when you got your best score, regardless of whether it's actually your best time (it can even be slower than your previous best).
EDIT: I just managed to pull it off on an enemy. Scores are officially broken. So, we can't do score charts, and we can't do a lot of time charts. Not looking good. :\

EDIT again: Looks like the only levels that properly save time are Beat the Clock and Legacy missions. Bosses should also be fine.

So the online leaderboards are completely useless then?

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Anno 1602
« on: March 04, 2009, 10:29:56 am »
Heh, I just heard about this series a few days ago. I'm disappointed to hear it's mostly micro; I thought it sounded like my kind of game, but endless micro isn't.

News and Updates / Re: It is... inevitable
« on: March 04, 2009, 10:27:58 am »
So, er, is the idea of automatically grabbing your stats from NWFC exciting to anyone? Else I'll probably take this off my gamefly queue, and there hasn't been much interest so far <_<

edit: also I admit I'm shocked by the reviews. I expected it to be bad... but not this bad.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: sonic star
« on: March 04, 2009, 08:50:22 am »
Suspended stuff until something more tangible comes out of this

News and Updates / It is... inevitable
« on: March 02, 2009, 10:14:15 pm »
I hope you like Sega's game model of a smidgen of Sonic time and a wallop of drudgery, because it isn't changing:

Sonic and the Black Knight director Tetsu Katano tells Videogamer "You will see the Werehog again." That's despite the general shunning of the Werehog version of Sonic by many longtime Sonic the Hedgehog fans and mixed reviews from critics.

"In principle, I think that the users are always right. They're the ones paying the money and playing the games. If they don't enjoy it, they're not going to buy it," Katano tells Videogamer. "I don't think that producing the Werehog was a mistake per se, but there were a lot of things we could have done better if we had more time and resources."

In TSC news, if you are a player who still cares about Sonic R and would like to see some form of nonglitch competition, speak now or forever hold your peace. (but glitch rankings aren't disappearing)

Oh, and Black Knight which comes out tomorrow apparently has online leaderboards, so it's quite possible that TSC won't have charts for it. Or maybe I can wangle into their system again and extract TSC member data straight from Nintendo. Hm...

3/4 update: IGN gave Black Knight a 3.9, their lowest Sonic review yet, lower even than Sonic06's 4.8. I... er... I'm sure they're just biased. That's gotta be it.

Update again: 26/40 (or 6.5 average) from Famitsu, the most popular Japanese gaming magazine, but even that's not as rosy as it appears, since they gave Sonic06 29/40, Secret Rings 32/40 and Unleashed 360 34/40, all well above average. I would guess that this is the lowest score from them too but there's nowhere convenient for me to check that. (edit: it is)

Update yet again: Zeupar has been made a site admin so he can handle some of the stat chart maintenance, since he is quite interested in the status of the rankings. Cheer for him, and then send him all your problems. ;D Why SonicAD is an admin has yet to be determined.

Oh, and it looks like TSC will definitely be having Black Knight charts. Why, you ask? Funny thing, that: though Sega graciously provided leaderboards though NWFC, it turns out... that they track score. Not time. Yes, I'm serious. I'm getting this info from Paraxade and the leaderboard servers appear to be offline to boot, so maybe there's a sliver of hope for sanity in there, but... well, there's a history of violence here.

(Is this TSC's longest news post yet?)

Competition Central / Re: Hey, remember when Sonic R was fun?
« on: March 02, 2009, 09:42:32 pm »
The glitched times will always be the 'real' charts. If there was actually demand for parallel unglitchy charts, it would go in freestyle or maybe even a separate "game" with its own overalls, but either option would be splitting the competition and probably only viable with some method of automatically submitting times to both sets of rankings at once when applicable, and I don't see sufficient demand for glitchless charts to justify doing that.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Chaos.Control
« on: February 26, 2009, 09:22:21 am »
It was also mentioned in chat that recording an AVI in a non-gens emulator would be pretty much 100%, but I don't know what would be required for that.

News and Updates / Re: What's new in Sonic
« on: February 25, 2009, 05:25:27 pm »
Zero Gravity is one of those games I forget exists until someone brings it up, like the Rivals pair or Pinball Party.

I would like to note that I, personally, would be torn between down-ranking a game and upranking a game based on updates... it really depends on how they're implemented, and if they nerfed anything...

For example, if all they did was graphics-patch the game, it'd be an automatic -3 off of whatever the other score was...

On the other hand, if they patched broken peices of the game (like the capsule in FE... or wherever it is (not my game, sorry...)), I could see as being positive...
If you would dock a game's score for improving the graphics, then you and I are simply two different people.

But that's not the only effect in play. Scores also tend to naturally degrade over time as more is expected out of a top-tier game. You can protest that N64 games were just as fun as 360 games, but in terms of features and functionality there's no comparison. And Sonic Adventure had a lot of basic problems that were glossed over by hype in the beginning but didn't wear well over time.

News and Updates / Re: What's new in Sonic
« on: February 24, 2009, 09:38:24 pm »
Heh, well, Nintendo Power actually gave SADX its second-best review, so it wasn't just them. It had the worst metacritic reviews of any "main" Sonic game until Sonic06 (both Riders games got slightly worse). Bear in mind that it did pretty well on the Dreamcast; its terrible scores on Gamecube were in part punishment for not fixing any of the problems with the original release.

News and Updates / What's new in Sonic
« on: February 23, 2009, 05:25:37 pm »
Gametap did a video retrospective on the original Sonic games that includes a lot of interviews with people of Sonic's past. It's around 20 minutes long but it's got some interesting stuff in it.

Sonic 1 Megamix is back in development and, apparently, has always been. Yeah, they said they cancelled it, but they didn't. Here's the Retro topic/drama with some videos.

Sonic and the Black Knight still has a couple weeks to go, but Nintendo Power has already reviewed it and given it 8.0. For comparison, some past NP scores: SADX - 7.4, SA2B - 8.4, Sonic Heroes - 8.4, Shadow - 8.0, Secret Rings - 8.5, Unleashed - 8.0. So, uh, I guess that score doesn't tell you much.

Wikkity! / Re: I have to leave TSC
« on: February 23, 2009, 05:17:38 pm »
Note that I share an IP with flyby.

News and Updates / What's new around TSC
« on: February 03, 2009, 02:36:53 pm »
Upthorn has been methodically replacing all of Stealth's orphaned SonED maps with brand spanking new ones. Now Sonic 1 & 2 have fancypants collision shaded maps, and I think he's planning on making "virgin" maps when he gets through his mapping project.
Sonic Unleashed Wii/PS2 has ring competition.
All game record sheets now have an extra box at the top reporting the total of all records in that category.
Our clunky old cgi chat client has been supplemented with a newfangled ajax mibbit client.
Sonic06 is still a bad game. How is it nobody has submitted for STT in half a year? :(

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