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Messages - eggFL

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General Sonic / Re: Amy needs glasses. :(
« on: January 05, 2008, 03:27:34 pm »
Colorblind folk are usually guys? huh, interesting... I wonder what's the reason behind that.

Anyway, Amy is not blind! It's already said in the games that she uses a special sense to find Sonic. (apparently male hedgehogs to be specific) Of course, when she finds one, she doesn't actually look to see if it's Sonic or not. So she's only a little stupid. But considering how rare hedgehogs probably are, this kind of makes sense.

General Sonic / Re: Amy needs glasses. :(
« on: January 04, 2008, 03:05:10 pm »
People who suffer color blindness haven't problems with colour black. I know that because I'm deuteranomalous and know some facts about color blindness.
To start off, black is not a color, which kinda helps.

black is a color... >_>

Gaming and Grazing / Re: I think I want to make a video game-based CCG...
« on: January 04, 2008, 05:02:42 am »
How long do we want this to take... you mean like.. how long should a game take to play?

Well ideally I guess it should be long enough to create an intimidating board (like the attachment in my last post) with the game ending not too long afterwards.

We can always increase/decrease the score bonuses and winning requirements to tweak game length...

Anyway I had some ideas for actual gameplay!

OK here it is. Characters would have the following two stats: Power and Agility

Mario might be a 3 Power, 3 Agility
Sonic might be a 2 Power, 6 Agility
Cloud might be a 4 Power, 6 Agility
Link might be a 1 Power, 1 Agility (and use tons of items to increase stats or circumvent the need for stats)

They would of course also have HP and any keyword attributes. (flying, but I was also thinking of hi-jump being an ability, but maybe not)

Stages would have a Power and Agility requirement. Bo-bomb Battlefield might have a requirement of 3 Power, 2 Agility, thus Mario could complete it, Sonic can't. If Mario is on the stage and his player chooses to tackle it (assuming it isn't mandatory) then Mario would win, the player gets points. If Sonic's player enters the stage, Sonic would die or take damage.

So let's say you are a Sonic player who is on this stage. You're screwed, right?

However, you can play a "Variable Card" a one-time card that alters the situation for that stage or battle.

For example you may play a variable card named Five Secret Disks, and the effect of that card would reduce the Power requirement of a stage for that encounter. Just an example.

That way Sonic completes the stage.

Moving on. There could be a stage, Radical Highway. It could be a power requirement of 1, an agility requirement of 6. But a stage can have other requirements listed on the card. For example, Radical Highway may require the keyword "speed" attribute. Sonic and Shadow would have this, so they can complete it. A motorcycle would add the speed attribute to a character, so if Cloud or another character has a motorcycle, he can also complete Radical Highway.

Score bonus - In addition to the normal reward for beating a stage, stages would have additional score bonuses if you meet optional requirements. For example, Radical Highway can have an addition bonus "Gold Beetle - 1000 extra points for agility 7 or higher"

Other effects - I thought of this just now. I was thinking, can stages damage a character. Ideally they would. How to handle this. One of two ways. a) characters that are below the minimum requirements for a stage can still complete the stage, but would take damage to equal to the difference between their P/A stats and the stage's requirement. b) A stage would have written on it how much damage it deals to a character if their stats aren't higher than a certain amount.

I am thinking choice a is very viable... it's more elegant. It also means anyone can complete any stage, and high HP becomes a very relevant stat that can overcome shortcomings in power/agility.

Another way is that HP can make up for Power, whereas Agility is still a mandatory requirement. In other words, if you have a stage that requires 5 Agility, 3 Power, and your character has 3 Agility, 1 Power, your character can't complete the stage. HOWEVER if the stage is listed the opposite: 3 Agility, 5 Power, then your character can complete it, but would take 4 damage in the process.

That is good! That is good because Power and Agility now do different things!

Anyway, how about character vs. character combat. My idea for combat is kinda straightforward. Initiating a fight with another character would deal damage to each character equal to the total Power/Agility of that character subtracted from the opponent's character. So if a 3/6 character fought a 2/3 character, the 2/3 would lose 5 HP. If the losing character has 12 HP, then the attacker would have attack three times in order to kill it.

Either or both players would be able to play variable cards to affect the battle. Each player would play one variable card face down for each attack. This is where negative-effect variable cards come into play.

Finally, I think you would be able to play variable cards on stages in advance, face down under a stage card. Either that, or you should be able to play variable cards at the exact time your opponent does a mission. In other words, both players can play variable cards whenever either of them does a mission, in order to mess them up.

So... what do you all think.

Wikkity! / Re: A strange idea...
« on: January 03, 2008, 07:06:36 pm »
Just in case you didn't know, I was kidding about the logging in part.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: I think I want to make a video game-based CCG...
« on: January 03, 2008, 03:53:22 pm »
Quote from: magnum12
Sure FF7 is a good game, but it is not the "holy grail of all RPGs" that the fanboys would like to tell you, complete with an overrated villian with a big sword (Kefka is a WAY better villian). I can think of several better RPGs (FF4, FF6, KOTOR, Disgaea, SMRPG, etc). Cloud being an emo jerk with a big sword is a bad thing because he is guilty of starting the whole "mainstream emo antihero" trend that seems popular with RPGs as of late. I'd go so far as to say that Laharl is a parody of this kind of "protagonist" Cecil is the good way to do a "dark" protagonist. He's been through hell and has done things he's not proud of but unlike Cloud, his past hasn't turned him into a selfish emo jerk. While still real grim and serious, Cecil is still a good person at heart who fights for what's right, moves foward with his life and attempts to atone for his past mis deeds.

I don't even like FF7. But it's automatically in this. This ccg is supposed to be based on all game/series, something is not gonna be excluded just because someone doesn't like it. Also if this game is really going to go anywhere, then its popularity is kinda relevant, and having FF7 decks could drastically add interest. AND THUS SAVING TSC.

That said, Cecil would make an interesting card considering his whole transformation in the story.

Disgaea is a great suggestion too. It's another interesting RPG franchise.

Quote from: magnum12
No, the actual text would not actually say "Maria Effect".

well... obviously not. Although I can see why you would think that's what I thought.

But I was saying, having Shadow's Maria complex in SA2 turned into an ability is getting a bit too obscure. We might as well try to have that, chaos spear, chaos control, chaos blast, Sonic06 chaos snap, Super Shadow, guns, and vehicle abilities all on the same card.

What we could do however is as is common in many TCG's, have multiple versions of characters. For example we can dedicate one Shadow card to one facet of his abilities, let's say chaos powers... make another version based on his SA2 appearance and focuses on speed.. etc.

Quote from: SBW
1. Difficulty as a resource to play cards I don't like, as it seems too generic. (Excuse me if I read this wrong).

I don't know what you mean by that. X(

I suggest a "loyalty" resource system. Two ways this can be done. One can be genre-based (so Sonic and Mario could be bunched into platform, Pokemon and FF can go into RPG, etc. For the sake of argument, Smash Bros. can go with fighting.) Another could be developer- or console-based. For instance, "Sega" resources could be used for Sonic or Monkey Ball stuff (for example), "Nintendo" for Mario/Pokemon/Smash Bros, "Square" for FF, etc. It'd probably need more fine tuning but it forces players to stick to a particular archetype instead of piling good cards together.

I was thinking that consistency in decks would come sorta naturally as players would want to gear their decks toward the types of stages they want to earn points from. IDEALLY, characters from JRPG's would be better at completing stages from JRPG's in some way.

Also, it should be all genre based, and then franchise based. No old-school/new-school based, and company alignment, should not matter. Except maybe a few companies, only because they would count as franchises. I am obviously thinking of Nintendo and pretty much only Nintendo when I say this, if even.

Good discussion everyone! I'll add more later.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: I think I want to make a video game-based CCG...
« on: January 03, 2008, 12:51:58 pm »
FF7 is overrated hugely popular, that's why it's the first choice for the ccg. Without FF7 you're really reaching for popular characters from the series, because none of the other games are close to being as liked as FF7. And yea duh he's a spiky haired emo, you say that as if it's a bad thing. Cecil is a good choice though, since he is being remade on the DS and he is pretty neat...

But uhh anyway... if we start putting Maria effect on cards, we are asking to be swamped with text and superfluous abilities. However the Maria was just an example. The slots might be a good idea, it can add a lot when it comes to specific interactions.

gender - might as well, it takes up very little space (and you never know when that can come in handy..?)
innate element - ok but I imagine most characters wouldn't have any element here. But for Pokemon and etc it would come in handy.
alignment - so basically, hero or villain? or maybe in-between
type - what kind of types would there be besides humanoid? animals and what else?

Speaking of exorbitantly difficult games, does anyone want to try to beat this?

Gaming and Grazing / Re: I think I want to make a video game-based CCG...
« on: January 03, 2008, 03:55:09 am »
ok lackeyccg, so I guess we can use that, I'll look into it when the time comes

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but... who's SBW? =(

Spinballwizard, aka Spearow. He lives in a volcano.

I'm actually torn about this one. I think for certain sets, like based on linear platformers, the board will be very linear. But for other games, like Metroidvania-esque ones, the board could be maze-like. And of course, if one player is playing a Mario deck and the other a Metroid deck... there's going to be rules on how those boards can be and it will most likely be odd. But neat, I'd hope.

ok I gave this a lot of thought actually... so I guess there would be two kinds of stages.. action stages, and adventure stages. Action stages would be in a line, but adventure stages can be placed adjacent to another stage and create branching paths. I've pretty much figured this part out, but then damn me I thought of a third type of stage I think should be in the game, and now I'm confused. I was thinking of "hub stage" cards which would be like Peach's Castle or Station Square. These may not even be worth any points, basically they are not missions, but the idea was that they would allow action stages to be placed adjacent to them.

Also, as for attachment cards, you can attach "warp zones" onto a level, which lets characters skip spaces.

Also, some kind of combat system that could work with multiple styles of games. Something not too simple but not too complex, so that Mario can fight a Goomba as well as so Ryu can fight Ken.

Ok so characters have to be able to fight each other too. Makes sense... ok that's something to think about.

maybe if, rules-wise, characters counted as pseudo stage cards if two of them fight. If characters can work the same was as stages, then that's already an elegant way to handle character vs. character combat.

Anyone think it would be worthwhile to start brainstorming important characters and genres from gaming history?

Yea... sounds good to me. That way we can decide on a gameplay system that suits them all.

Here's what I'm thinking: Mario, Sonic, Zelda, Metroid, Final Fantasy (for all intents and purposes: FF7), Street Fighter, Halo, Metal Gear, Star Fox.

..that covers platformer, adventure, JRPG, fighting, shooter, and RTS... and with those by extension you have rules that apply to action games, Western RPG's, and turn-based strategy games.

Metal Gear is a crucial series because it will be how we decide to handle stealth.

Star Fox or something is also important because it will be how he handle flight... in other words, vehicles.

I initially listed Command & Conquer, but I took it off, because we might not need that either, since it is not really character based, and I take it this is more like "Smash Bros TCG". But let me know.

I doubt this CCG needs to cover racers, puzzle games, and music games... though racing and puzzle COULD work if we really want them in there. (Tetris would make the sweetest "joke" faction)

You wanted different characters to have life/death systems that represent their genre.

So that would mean:

Sonic would have 1 Hp and have some sort of regrowable 1-time defense because of rings. Sonic would use 1-ups.

Mario for the sake of development will be oldschool and have 1 Hp but can get one-time shields that also increase his abilities. Shouldn't be hard to implement.

Ryu and Ken would have HP and their continues would have a cost. (example: discard 1 card)

Cloud would have HP and rely on save points, same with Samus. Link however doesn't need save points, and has free continues. If damage isn't permanent in this game, then Master Chief would work just like Link. But besides permanent damage, there is the question of a growth system. (i.e. Link/Samus/Cloud able to increase their health capacity. Sounds like it's really complicating the game, but in all honesty it would be kind of cool, if we figure out a way to pull it off)

Solid Snake would work like Link I guess.

genus named Pheonix Wright, which is a great idea... and completely unconventional

General Sonic / Re: Amy needs glasses. :(
« on: January 03, 2008, 03:24:56 am »
now that you mention it, she does refer to Shadow as a black hedgehog. That means she can't be colorblind... right? o.o

Wikkity! / Re: Likely the funniest video on Youtube
« on: January 02, 2008, 07:23:27 am »
nephew showed this to me yesterday

I laughed almost to tears

Wikkity! / Re: A strange idea...
« on: January 02, 2008, 07:16:07 am »
What if everyone, just for giggles, logged in this Friday at like 6:00pm to set a new "most members online" record?

But that would almost definitely crash the site.

Didn't you know? Rolken recommends logging into the site as few times as possible. (preferably doing all your submitting/posting once a week)

Not even GerbilSoft can raise the user cap. It's the server's limit, no coding can solve this.

Besides, we already did this in July, AND Gerbil, being cool and all, increased the amount of users with hax, how else do you think we got 68.

The site was down for weeks afterwards...

We learned that the site can't handle more than 30 people at once. Thankfully, there are only about 18 members on the site, so there shouldn't be a problem as long as there are no shenanigans.

However it's still recommended that you log into the site less often. And I mean a lot less often.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: I think I want to make a video game-based CCG...
« on: January 02, 2008, 05:58:25 am »
I can totally offer help on designing the game. After all I invented three seperate card games in my life, the most recent of which was NOT based on Sonic. (or any existing IP for that matter) I also loved making up Magic cards on So anyway yea I think I have a good sense for this plus I would enjoy discussing it. :D

We should probably go ahead and create cards in Magic Workstation OR another application, and then we get a test group together, and play and work out the rules as well as create more cards. (for the record, trying to create cards on MWS is an enigmatic process, and I did not find anyone who knew how to use it either, or any guides on the subject, so if anyone knows a better application as I'm sure somebody does since I am an MWS fanboy, then let's go ahead and use that instead. Also there's Apprentice which we can use if we are willing to lower our aesthetic standards)

ok I'll start by simply going organizing and over the elements you wanted in the game:

 1) Stages/Level cards. Based on videogame environments, sequences, challenges, or minigames. Character cards would have to progress through these or complete these in some manner. Stage cards would need relevant stats so that they would favor certain types of characters more than others.
     - The stage cards laid out would essentially create a gauntlet, like a board. (potentially a maze?)
     - Stage cards would have difficulty levels which affects the order in which they can be placed. Some stages would be deliberately "tougher" than others, denoted by their difficulty level, meaning they might have tougher stats.
     - Completing stages would earn score.
     - Players win by earning a higher score than their opponent(s).
     -  Sidequests? These could either be optional part of the stage cards, or be another type of card themselves. (I think an add-on card that attaches to a stage is a good solution. Then there could also be cards that are mandatory side-quests, to slow down opponents.)

 2) Character cards. Characters from various videogames. Each would have their own strengths/weaknesses, and stats representing their ability to complete various types of stage cards.
     - Weapon cards. These would benefit the equipped character in some way. Each character card would also be marked with what types of weapons they can use. (Besides weapons, maybe the weapon cards can also be various tools like a hammer or misc. videogame items like fire flower. The items may be called something besides weapons, or they can all have the same name, like "enhancement card")
     - Each character's life system and death penalty would reflect that of their actual games they originate from.
     - Save points. Players can save at certain levels. (using a save point card or some other means) In order to reduce the severity of a character death. Only certain types of characters would rely on save points.

... Ok cool, that's something to chew on. I'll see what I come up with and post later.

oh we're making up ones. That's cool. Some good ones here. :]

now I'll do some. umm let's see...

Megaman X6
You have two cows with two frames of animation each. You now have the ability to slash.

Megaman X7
You have two ugly cows. One of them is 2D and the other is 3D. Everyone hates the 3D cow for making the 2D cow look bad. The 3D cow listens to its fans and kills itself. You have one ugly cow.

Megaman X8
You have two cows. They are 2D so you are able to pretend they are as good as the cows you had ten years ago.

Xbox 360
You have two cows that each cost $50 a year to use. One of them eats your game disc, and the other one blows out its power brick.

Halo 3
You have two cows. You get a third cow, and find that it's exactly like the first two cows. But you didn't have a choice because all the other cows on the market suck. Some say that 2007 was the best year in the cow industry, and your cow is named Cow of the Year.

Playstation 3
You are laughed at for having two cows.

You have two cows. They don't moo, because only the japanese cows moo. You are content because that's better than them trying to moo in english and screwing it up.

Dead Rising
You have two cows. You can only milk the first cow with your left hand and the second cow with your right hand, because the japanese aren't comfortable with using both hands at the same time.

Mario Sonic Olympics
You have two cows. They go to compete in the olympics. Holy shit, I'm sold.

Sonic Rivals
You have two cows. Neither of them likes Sonic Rivals.

General Sonic / Re: Favourite 3D Sonic!
« on: January 02, 2008, 01:16:35 am »
PPA - congrats on beating Sonic06

General Sonic / Re: Amy needs glasses. :(
« on: January 02, 2008, 01:13:51 am »
ok I will stick to my Sonic sense theory if nobody minds >_>

General Sonic / Re: Amy needs glasses. :(
« on: January 01, 2008, 07:59:40 am »
I guess she relies more on her supposed 'hedgehog sense' than her eyes.

That games looks really cool, but I think the creator shouldn't have made it quite so hard.

I'd have to suggest that you should do something else with your time. This game is just a bad, cruel joke.

Wikkity! / Re: Likely the funniest video on Youtube
« on: January 01, 2008, 01:13:40 am »
btw about the Boot to the Head clip

It's not the funniest thing I saw but it's really neat, it's definitely entertaining, not to mention funny. 'Awesome' somes it up pretty well indeed.

so I take it that the sound is taken from a radio show. But the creator of that cartoon did a really good job with it and the characters and animations suit each role perfectly. :D

anyway I had another idea for a clip to post... forgot what though...

oh yea! time for some derrick comedy:

Gaming and Grazing / Re: TSC Extended Magic Tourny!
« on: January 01, 2008, 01:02:18 am »
I worry that the fad dies the moment this tournament ends. So let's cut to top 4.

Plus I get another chance to beat you.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic 06 question
« on: January 01, 2008, 12:20:43 am »
I still fail to understand why we can't have a clean competition without the use of gems.
Gems can make or break a record somewhat more easily and it's somewhat hypocritical to call it "competition" because, when it boils down to it, it's not "true" competition.

It isn't?

For the record, Sonic times are all about who is the best at abusing gems. (on second thought, I wouldn't even know, although it's obvious that's the case)

But maybe no-gem Sonic competition would be kind of .. boring? All things considered. Plus we have Shadow who is basically like Sonic but with no gems... although instead he has chaos snap... and then Silver is all about glitching. So whatever, I dunno.

It sounds like an idea discussed once (no-gem Sonic competition) but I don't remember, I only remember the thing I brought up about if it's ok to use saves in which only a select few of the gems are attained. (in order to save time switching through gems)

Personally I hate gems but my reasons go beyond competition. The fact that they're broken doesn't really matter to me either. (if you can turn Sonic 1/10th his size and jump from the air, who cares if the gem meter is infinite or not, the game is already ruined)

yea Quartz I made it up. Plus I didn't even realize there was more pages of cow jokes. Some good ones too.

And yea, nice Shadow cow joke, even though it's the exact same joke we all thought of. (edit: oh and it's already been put up)

aanyway when I came to post I initially was going to take one of the worst cow jokes on the page and quote it just to show how lame some of them are. I think this was it:

    The government shoots you and takes your two cows!!

granted, many of them are pretty funny. and hurray for videogame and anime cow jokes

Big O
You have two cows. You get into your Big O to fight another giant robot. Tomatoes???!!!

    You have two cows. One of the cows finds a hot female artificial cow in the trash and takes it home. He turns it on and they subsequently fall in love. But it's okay, because the artificial cow has real feelings and it's not like he took home a used, overpriced cow RealDoll.

Galaxy Express 999
    You are an independent orphan boy who dreams of having two cows. And so you embark upon an adventure. You ride a space tractor with a Matsumoto blonde. The voyage turns you from a boy into a man before you've even hit puberty. On the voyage, you learn how much it sucks to have two cows. You see what it does to people and how much they regret it. So you decide to destroy the planet where cows are made. Little do you realize that the blonde you've been traveling with is... a farmer!!!

    You have two cows. They are out in the field - WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THOSE HAMSTERS, THEY'RE TALKING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    You have two cows. Nobody likes Naruto.

Neon Genesis Evangelion
    You have two giant robotic cows. You make your mental-disorder-guidebook children ride in their stomachs to save the world. The cows turn out to not really be robotic. One gets BSE and starts eating other cows. The other cow accidentally attacks and kills the plot. The plot dies. Nothing makes sense anymore. Cattle fanatics praise it as the best bovine-related anime of all time.

    Two cows duel each other. In the middle of the duel a third cow delivers a long friendship speech. The second cow makes some snarky comment giving the first cow the opportunity to rearrange his deck and win by 'the Heart of the Cards.' An American company edits out the knife fights and udder jokes.

    You have two cows. After a bunch of confusing dream sequences, they both die. You're not sure exactly what happened, but think that you should probably feel sad.


    You have one cow named John Mooden. People like Mooden and start buying his milk for $50 a gallon. You realize that Mooden has sold millions of gallons of milk. You buy all the other cows in your area, who have been selling less popular, higher quality milk and force them to turn out sour milk at a rate they are not accustomed to. When the a cow's milk does not sell, you shoot the cow and buy another one. Soon the milk drinking community hates your guts but continues to buy your milk because its the only milk on the market.

Harvest Moon
    In this game, you actually have two cows. They do normal cow-like things. Damn cows.

Katamari Damacy
    You have two cows. You also have three policemen, two turtledoves (I wont finish that joke), The Sistine Chapel, a crapload of igloos, some kind of random chickeny type thing and ?! Who's this now?? Why, it's second cousin Daisy! Good God, Daisy. do stop getting in the way. You later turn them all into stardust to see the pretty lightshow. You are far too easily amused.

Mario Kart Double Dash!
    You have two cows. One is trying to drive while the other just presses 'L and R' to throw you off course.

Mario Kart DS
    You have two cows. One of them snakes to victory and calls snaking legitimate. The other makes up excuses like how it's only supposed to be done on corners and how it's cheating because he doesn't know how to snake. They take it to GameFAQs and argue their way to a 500-post topic within minutes.

Need For Speed Underground
    Yo dog, you got two cows. You put some chrome horns, decals, and the works on those babies.

Super Smash Bros. Melee
    You have two cows. You get frowned upon because they aren't top-tier cows, you play with items on, and you pick arenas that aren't Final Destination.

Tetris DS
    You have three Japanese cows, and one American cow. The Japanese cows team up on the American cow.

although yea, many of them are just awful...

also my Sonic one should be up there.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: The (Risk by web) thread.
« on: December 31, 2007, 07:07:21 am »
Speaking of maximizing our potential for gaming, egg, it's your turn in two games right now.

lol, ok. I took my turns, and they were good turns if I do say so myself.

btw tell me Upthorn, so you really have to buy the additional maps? With REAL money? So the only way to make games with those maps is to pay for them?

For real?

Sonic the Hedgehog
 You have two cows. But that alone is insufficient.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic 06 question
« on: December 30, 2007, 11:20:42 pm »
I meant a quarter as in 3/4

but nevermind, as I somehow believe DSS

Competition Central / Re: Sonic 06 question
« on: December 30, 2007, 09:59:32 pm »
It's impossible to tell by looking at the timer... >_>

You'd need a measurement device.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: The (Risk by web) thread.
« on: December 30, 2007, 09:55:00 pm »
Hurry, before the fad dies, Upthorn, create like 10 more WW2 games already and invite everyone. Or another idea I had is that each game would be missing one person from the group so if someone dies on us for too long, the rest of the games would still move on. We can still make "real-time" games whenever using people from IRC on the side. Why not, I mean you can apparently play in as many games as you want. But ugh, now THIS happens. The end of diplomacy. X( (since this game is apparently that good) If not, then I want to make games on the perfectly functional default board. Everyone trade emails with me. >:O you too genus.

As it is, we're not maximizing our potential for gaming. That can't stand.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic 06 question
« on: December 30, 2007, 09:27:16 pm »
RPG once told me it was a useless gem, I guess he was being sarcastic. Never really fully caught the fact behind what it did until after I stopped competing. Then again I mainly score attacked anyway.

I never used the red gem except for the ring-a-thon town mission, and not for the time boost but to be able to get all the rings accurately before they scatter

also I don't think it halves your time, maybe more like a quarter. I'm probably wrong on this though....

Wikkity! / Re: Likely the funniest video on Youtube
« on: December 29, 2007, 10:48:56 pm »

Gaming and Grazing / Re: The (Risk by web) thread.
« on: December 29, 2007, 09:21:13 pm »
ok nevermind now I get -everything-

mike's turn

Wikkity! / Re: Likely the funniest video on Youtube
« on: December 29, 2007, 09:07:43 pm »
magnum - damn, those ARE funnier. I laughed so hard. :D

except the third one. The third is one bad. The first two rule.

Anyway, this isn't as funny but I got a kick out of it, also this is where I heard M.Bison's "this is delicious!" quote, as well as some awesomely bad cartoon fight choreography:

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