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Messages - Thorn

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Competition Central / Re: Video deletion request
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:05:06 pm »
^ We'll handle the deletions when the new videos are submitted so that something is visible in the meanwhile.

News and Updates / Re: Submissions Temporarily Halted
« on: September 16, 2014, 04:56:23 pm »
^ You should have received an on-screen notice the moment you tried to submit telling you that the submission system was down, so the news has been available the entire time. This post simply repeats the news in another location.

News and Updates / Submissions Temporarily Halted
« on: September 16, 2014, 04:19:50 pm »
GerbilEditâ„¢ on 2014/10/22 12:21 AM EDT: Submissions are back up. See the last post in the thread for more information.

Okay, let's get that marathon article off of the front page. That's been over for too long.

At the moment, we are trying to fix some unexpected issues with the rankings, and until this is finished, the ability to submit statistics is disabled. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have a resolution shortly.

Also if you feel that way about factions, you could bring someone in who is not involved in any of the three:



Are you trying to imply that there is beef between these "factions"?

No. They simply don't interact with each other; that doesn't mean there's beef.

It sounds to me that you are still upset over the Metroidhunters skype group.

No, this was years ago. If I was upset, I wouldn't have waited nine hours for you at AGDQ 2013; I'd've just went somewhere with the other TSC people. After I didn't get to see you guys, I just stopped associating altogether.

I would also like to bring up the fact that you didn't like the group was made and you made it out to be some resistance group that didn't want anything to do with TSC.

I did, yes, as did many of the other admins. At this point, though, I haven't heard a peep out of you guys in ages and haven't brought you up in ages besides the mention that you are your own group. This and my previous quote kind of seem like dredging up the past for the sake of it, because I haven't given a shit about these things in over a year.

How can you be against groups/cliques but at the same time you and amongst others did the same thing with the TSC race night group? that #soniccenter chat room has no one talking in there and I know you all moved to the TSC Race Night skype group to talk about everything. Hmmm the exact the thing we are being blamed for doing?

I did not organize the TSC Race Night group and left it about a year ago because it was filling up to the point where its members couldn't hold calls; I wasn't an active racer, so I left. I'm not entirely sure how I can be talking about everything in a group of which I'm not a member. However, I do constantly get fed news and complaints about the group. I largely use Skype to talk to people who are not in IRC such as sonikkusama and Don.

Oh, and having groups within communities such as this is nothing out of the ordinary. Go to any other website with a decent amount of people. You don't have to post on forums all the time to have an active community. People still compete here, records still get broken here and people still have a good time here. I don't see anything wrong with this that needs a thread. That's all I gotta say.

That's perfectly fine! I think this is a totally valid point of view and I actually stayed out of this topic for a long time precisely because some people were privately sending me such an opinion. However, when people start saying "the admins don't care because they haven't posted here", I have to speak up and say why I think they're perceiving a lack of activity and why I have not been motivated to be a community manager instead of just an administrator.

My comment was not meant to decry single-segment speedrunning as the last two posts imply. By saying I'd never want to see the site become some radically different, I'm referring to the small fragments of old TSC "culture" remaining. I have nothing against individual level or full game speedruns.

I've refrained from posting because my opinion is not going to be a popular one, but since everybody insists, here it is. I would rather see the site die with pieces of its past awesomeness intact than morph into something different from its roots. Maybe that seems selfish, but I think it's a fine opinion to have; I respect many sites and webcomics that have similar opinions. Yes, we could change our media platform and attract a brand new community, but what makes that different from being another site with its own community? That, and some of you overestimate the impact of social media; the only marathon advertising I saw was on Twitter with the exception of GerbilSoft and Zeupar getting us promoted on Sonic Retro and, respectively. As it stands, we are very much being swept away by the new livestreaming culture of speedrunning, as I said when I stepped away from the site for a bit in February. TSC can livestream, yes, but my one condition when I let flying fox organize the marathon in TSC's name was that it represent the TSC culture that was respected in the past; "Kappa" had no place in the commentary. For the most part, this was followed, and I appreciate it greatly.

Speaking of the marathon, flying fox did a wonderful job organizing things largely alone. The number of people that volunteered to help but caused more problems than benefits was astounding, though, and is part of why I don't feel driven to change the site around for the "new" TSC crowd. I feel as if the current vocal members of TSC have big ambitions and little drive, which may sound rude but is a conclusion drawn from observations. If somebody is around to do the work for them, little assistance will be given, and as soon as nothing exciting is going on, portions of this crowd flake away. For example, I can name somebody who asked me last year to deactivate his TSC account when the site fell quiet, came back for some activity this year, and is now thinking of leaving again and wiping most of his TSC contacts off of his Skype account. This isn't friendship and this isn't how a community works. There are some quiet and loyal people who I would trust with things if they would only be, well, less quiet. The outcry when I left in February largely came from these quiet people who had no idea that my concerns were even things in the community.

As mentioned, there's a serious problem with administration in that our only coder is largely inactive while the most active administrators know less and less about speedrunning. I'll openly admit that I've decided to do things for TSC and then lost motivation, largely due to the aforementioned nasty parts of the community killing my motivation to provide things. However, I could give admin powers to every member of the site, but without the ability to edit the codebase, TSC's core won't change.

Lastly, we have a problem in that the site has split into factions. There's the quiet crowd that does most of its talk in #soniccenter (read: no talk), there's the Race Night crowd that gathers for Race Nights HyperSonic7701, and there's the MetroidHunters crowd. The inter-crowd talk is basically nonexistent, and each group has its own quirks that get exaggerated because its members only have each other. Despite all the talk about the quiet administration being the biggest problem (and I do take some blame), I think the biggest problem is that the community doesn't want to interact with itself as a whole. I refuse to play a faction-pleasing game where I pray that helping one doesn't aggravate the other, and this also makes adding extra staff hard as any new staffer is likely to cater to its own crowd.

Feel free to comment on anything I just said, be it understanding or hate. That said, if you intend to argue that the character of the community isn't what I think it is, show proof or give examples. We're past the point of empty promises mending wounds.

TSC Race Night / Re: Just to say...
« on: August 27, 2014, 01:32:15 pm »
For all the sadness about races being "gone", it seems like it'd be easy enough for you all to organize them if you work together. Why not do just that? Just because Hyper said "this must come to an end" doesn't make that true. If he's correct and it's lost its appeal, then you all wouldn't be so bummed, right?

Honestly, I agree with him on that point, but you guys aren't acting like you agree, so I'm interested in seeing what you do about it.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: Diamond
« on: August 13, 2014, 06:15:37 pm »
^ I know for a fact that another admin asked you about getting 219 rings in Green Hill Act 1. Why didn't you remove the stat at that time?

News and Updates / Re: 2014 schedule (final draft hopefully)
« on: August 07, 2014, 05:44:17 pm »
I'll take responsibility for a small part of the charity switch, as when flying fox said she was struggling to get in touch with the charity, many of the marathon players said they wouldn't mind doing the marathon for fun without any charity involved at all. This sounds noble on the surface, but the audience will interpret this as "shameless publicity stunt with no goodwill" (and I have a small suspicion that some of the runners are using the marathon this way anyway). I pointed out that Child's Play leaves itself open to any and all donations by publicly posting its PayPal address in an attempt to have a charity involved at all.

That said, after poking around in our widget from last year, I found that ImRaising does list last year's PayPal address as a charity account that we can still use. Even if we can't get in touch with the American Cancer Society, we could theoretically still donate to them. Ultimately, this is flying fox's decision, although I'm sure she wouldn't mind hearing from you guys. I know I'd prefer a marathon for cancer over one for in-hospital comfort, but I do think the latter is a worthy cause if the situation forces us to do that.

On a related note, the biting sarcasm directed at flying fox is getting really old really fast. I've heard too many stories about how upset she's getting with the current crowd for its attitude and inability to do things in a timely manner, and some of the stories make me want to coldcock certain individuals. The lot of you are going to be representatives of TSC for a large audience and are going to be trying to convince people to donate to a good cause. I will take action as head administrator if the former is fucked up, and while I can't take action on the latter, I think the audience reaction will take care of things if the latter is fucked up. I don't like how all of my posts lately are for disciplinary reasons, so hopefully everything from here out goes without a hitch. :)

Information Kiosk / Re: Submit a reccord
« on: August 02, 2014, 04:41:35 pm »
Don't feel as if you should only submit records. Submit any times, ring counts, and scores you earn to climb TSC's leaderboards.

News and Updates / Re: TSC Marathon 2014
« on: May 06, 2014, 12:24:10 pm »
Since the talk has come up, I should make it known that MainMemory from Sonic Retro put the original music back in the PC version, and beyond that, it's very easy to dress up the MIDIs with soundfonts now that it's not the year 2000 anymore. That link also has another link to the HQ hack that allows for custom soundtracks, so it could go even further. The PC version would actually be a viable option and could be an incentive for soundtrack donations since we can customize it completely with the HQ hack. $20 for replacing Carnival Night with Numa Numa or something, perhaps? $20 for Hard Times Ice Cap? The only thing I'm aware of that doesn't work on PC or Saturn is the horizontal wrap in Marble Garden 2, as the PC and Saturn ports of the game have a different behavior for going over the ceiling that doesn't allow the zip. It actually opens up a nifty trick in Launch Base 2, though, although I believe there's already a horizontal wrap there that negates this advantage.

I do agree with not using Gens, though, especially after our long discussions about emulator accuracy. The PC version would be an official port, but if we're emulating, Regen and Fusion would be the emulators of choice for accuracy and even have better default screen filtering than Gens. They also don't enable the "better" (read: worse) PSG interpretation by default, although I'd think anybody here would be smart enough to disable that.

News and Updates / Re: An Apology and Handling BS
« on: April 25, 2014, 09:16:20 pm »
While it's on my mind, sorry for the delay in doing anything with this topic. I've been sick all week and have been in no mood to do anything resembling work.

News and Updates / Re: An Apology and Handling BS
« on: April 12, 2014, 07:16:34 pm »
If I understand correctly you are more for scrapping the new rule parax purposed in favor of employing more trusted members to monitor stats?

I wouldn't say that, as I do need to sift through that topic as well as look at the summaries posted after my ultimatum, but I think having people beyond just me, Parax, and Zeupar is necessary considering we have over 50 charts. We're not DsS, so we can't know that many game's mechanics inside and out. :)

News and Updates / An Apology and Handling BS
« on: April 12, 2014, 04:46:29 pm »
First of all, I want to extend an apology to anybody I publicly called out in the out-of-control topic. Yeah, you know the one. While I do think it was time for discussion to be brought to a close and for further pot-shots to be curbed with discipline if necessary, I shouldn't be venting so publicly and making people the targets of that venting, and I could have handled that much more maturely. Considering I chewed people out in public, I think it's only fair that I admit wrongdoing in public.

While that topic discussed many points, one that kept coming up (to the chagrin of a few people) was BS calls and how proof helps or does not help to solve them. Back in February, I brought up how flying fox would be assisting us and would further have a team of people who are knowledgeable about TSC's tracked games to assist with that. I believe now may be a good time to proceed with such a plan, as talk (and a video) about our BS catching methods has been popping up lately. While Parax and I could certainly come up with some names, I don't want to be passing over potential candidates simply because their names aren't coming to mind right away. Therefore, if you feel you have expertise in particular games and have an interest in assisting with BS calls, please reply to this post with what games you know well. Posting is not a guarantee that you'll suddenly become a trusted source, but it does help us choose properly.

News and Updates / Re: New rules regarding emulators
« on: April 10, 2014, 06:27:24 pm »
Tempbans have been delivered to those who broke the rules. Attacks/arguments directed at specific people have been edited out of posts. Feel free to continue discussion in a civil manner.

Competition Central / Re: Emulator Proof Thread
« on: April 08, 2014, 01:38:58 pm »
Marble Garden 2 Knuckles, 1:23. This was also submitted to the videos section despite only being orange rank due to no better video existing for Knuckles. I'm aware that we're saying YouTube videos don't provide proof of anything, but the idea here is that I have the Fusion-encoded AVI to back it up, so if somebody wants more proof, I can show beyond a doubt that I used a non-TASable emulator (Kega Fusion) and didn't use savestates.

News and Updates / Re: New rules regarding emulators
« on: April 07, 2014, 10:56:23 pm »
^ By all means, please express your opinion to the fullest in your post. I know that my rant did take a shot directly at you, and honestly I'm glad to hear that you acknowledge the video was a joke you made that me and some others found in bad taste. I did phrase something poorly in my post; it's not necessarily you that I was a bit disgusted with, but more the idea that it was suddenly okay to let a bandodger slip by when there were other ways you could have gotten your message to us. It's the fact that bandodging is "okay" despite your past offenses that I'm disgusted with, not your points or that you did something to try to help the site. That said, since you've been here, you've been posting very reasonably and I'm in no rush to send you "back to that 'special place'", so please keep on keeping on. I've gotten my small grudge off of my chest and don't intend to hold anything against you while you make your point.

I do know that you care for TSC as a competitive platform even if we don't always see eye to eye. The same goes to SDM; I believe that he really does want to help with the things he said, even if I think much of it was uncalled for. I do hope he comes back and makes a clear post explaining his views without using other people for context. I just want such things expressed in a civil manner, and I needed to bring up two things that went wrong very quickly.

News and Updates / Re: New rules regarding emulators
« on: April 07, 2014, 09:58:17 pm »
SDM: I've received complaints from several people about your posting style, and I'm inclined to agree. If you think somebody's attacking you personally, then as a former forum admin on two different sites you should have the sense to tell an admin instead of countering it. When I get zero complaints from you about others but get many from others about you, then I have to examine you, not them.

Way to spend your single post, btw.

News and Updates / Re: New rules regarding emulators
« on: April 07, 2014, 09:39:50 pm »
I tried typing three different posts about the way this topic has progressed, but not one of them sat right with me. So instead of writing a nice, logical post that somehow sifts through the bickering and creates a nice resolution, I'm going to say what I actually want to say.

SDM, you argue like an asshole. The posts you made in the past few minutes are sedate, and I appreciate that. However, the majority of your posts in the topic are not. Making claims that you have no official stance on things and accusing individuals of misconstruing what you're saying even as I and several people I talk to interpret your words the same way without us influencing each other, telling us what is and is not "competitive" and saying it relies just on what's done in the level when you know full well it takes competitive skill to set up runs in the first place (e.g., carrying slope glitch from Act 1 to Act 2) and a savestate makes it much easier, saying that convenience isn't a factor when your vouching for Parax's ruling clearly oozes of "it doesn't inconvenience me, so let's not go any farther because that would", personal attacks aimed at people while you yell at them for making personal attacks, Latin just for the sake of making people have to go look it up... every post you've made lately has infuriated me to some extent, and if you didn't mean for them to be that way, then I need you to stop typing until you can express yourself properly.

sonicandamy posted a valid concern about an emulation issue with Dolphin. The fact that we so quickly moved to "all emulators likely have serious problems" blows my mind. Dolphin and Bluestacks are clearly a different case than a Genesis emulator due to the processing power needed to run it. If we want to insist on accuracy for emulating weaker systems, then we should be pushing for usage of accurate emulators instead of creating extra hurdles. For example, we could insist on Regen instead of the more inaccurate Gens variants for applicable games. Beyond that, sonicandamy has been allowed to do more than present his valid point and what he thinks should be done; he's been allowed to actively debate in one of the most argumentative threads on the forum. Granted, his behavior hasn't been terrible so far, but allowing somebody who has repeatedly bandodged and has even posted to YouTube that Parax takes bribes of boob pics for TSC decisions and that I stole the $4000 we raised for charity is basically letting him know that it's okay to make the staff look like fools if he occasionally does something productive. I'm rather sickened that he's still being allowed here to argue a situation that is evolving beyond the issue he presented, but I guess that concern ultimately doesn't solve this debate. I did have to get it off my chest, though.

Here's the deal. If you want to post here, you get to say what you think TSC's stance on emulation should be and why another ruling would have problems. That doesn't mean to find exactly what your debate opponent has said and knock it down point by point; this isn't about saying your opponent's reasoning is faulty. It means you should mention the issues that matter to you the most and say how they get addressed with your desired ruling. You get one post from here on out, and you can edit it to add points/concerns if you think of them on your own or by reading another post, but you are not to say "addressing the post below, I disagree because..." or similar because it's been quite the argument starter so far. I want to see people argue a point without playing some sort of psychological game. If I can teach high school students to do it, then the twenty-somethings that are currently arguing can do it too.

Any personal attacks, either directly or indirectly, will lead to a tempban. Do I make myself clear?

News and Updates / Re: Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.6 Released
« on: March 30, 2014, 07:03:51 pm »
You can simply use the batch file for launching the game in windowed mode instead of clicking the main executable.

News and Updates / Re: Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.3 Released
« on: March 20, 2014, 12:40:24 pm »
That link works. It works quite well, might I add! My mouse makes a most satisfying *click* sound when I follow the link. :)

News and Updates / Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.6 Released
« on: March 19, 2014, 04:51:51 pm »
The last front-page post was looking pretty dated, so let's put something new here.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.6 has been released, with enough changes from v2.0.7 to keep old players occupied and enough difficulty-based adjustments to get new players involved easily. For your inner TSCer, the Time Attack mode has been completely revamped into a generalized Record Attack mode that supports Score, Time, and Ring records.

No, it will not be worth points in the TSC rankings. It's being mentioned because it's a fairly well known fan game and our "News and Updates" posts should actually have news. :P

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic Colours Egg Shuttle IL times
« on: March 19, 2014, 02:55:47 pm »
TimpZ, we literally just had an argument like this.

Quote from: TimpZ
What I'm saying is, if you're gonna use an emulator for competition, why allow the use of one that allows for TASing, memory watch/editing and LUA-scripting as basic functions when very much viable alternatives exist?

In this situation, the question is, "What I'm saying is, if you're gonna have competition, why allow the use of a mode that allows for starting a level with rings and boost when a viable alternative exists in the form of just choosing the level from the area maps?" When we make BS calls, my first instinct is to get a screen capture of the Records screen to show it was earned in some fashion (even if illegitimate) and not a typo, and allowing Egg Shuttle means that people can simply say they used the Shuttle and thus don't have the level time/score saved. I know you're all for having the stat recorded in-game, as you posted here saying you'd like screen shots of console stats as proof; this allows you to get that shot at anytime.

tl;dr the things you are asking for here contradict views you've expressed recently, so it looks self-serving, and we're keeping Egg Shuttle individual levels banned for the reasons you expressed in those prior views. I expect to hear how this situation isn't exactly the same, as it's not about deliberate cheating, so I'll say in advance that it's more than similar enough in the context I used.

SpinDashMaster: Since when do you void stats? That's some of the most egregious backseat adminning I've seen out of you yet, and your attitude's starting to piss other members off instead of just me. Cool it.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: Rubio975
« on: March 01, 2014, 07:21:02 pm »
We can't prove anything about many of the stats, but the lack of ability to explain where 1100 extra points came from in Labyrinth 2 is a glaring problem, as the level is very straightforward. This stat was suspended. No disciplinary action has been taken, as Rubio has not logged in since the 16th and the other stats were plausible.

Beef / Re: SAnic cRaYons
« on: February 20, 2014, 01:36:27 pm »
Excuse me? Nobody is exempt from the rules. Those days are long past over.

Before any complaining starts, the original is here and I won't object to resetting it. >_>

Beef / Re: SAnic cRaYons
« on: February 20, 2014, 01:09:23 pm »
Yes, Gerbil toned down some of the colors between posts. I will say that I'm a bit sad that the two "cool" groups were condensed, as the second one was made particularly because the former "cool" group was an "ex-cool" group like how we have ex-admins; they simply don't visit anymore.

Also, SDM has violated Section I Part III Rules 4 and 6 and will receive a healthy dose of trout to the face.

News and Updates / Re: Sonic's future goes BOOM and site shenanigans
« on: February 15, 2014, 01:40:33 pm »
^ I'd actually like to see Prominent Members read from the top of the Sitewide Rankings instead of from the forum, simply because it's what any outsider would expect. That said, I'm not sure how practical that is to code, for reasons already stated.

Beef / Re: SAnic cRaYons
« on: February 10, 2014, 06:46:34 pm »
There aren't many different usergroups, though. We'll be building a BS-calling group, yes, and there's the old "cool" group and the new "cool" group in dark green and blue. All other colors are for admins or ex-admins, of which there are few. If you're seeing tons of colors around, then the problem is that nobody except the admins and privileged are talking. ;p

I am willing to agree that the contrast is occasionally high as I look at the Proto Good Future skin, but the idea of alternating row/post colors that are only slightly different is common to many forums and serves as a visual aid, so I won't slander the idea itself.

Hiya Folks / Re: My Introduction, SLICED THINLY (if you please)~
« on: February 07, 2014, 12:54:48 am »
Would you be the same Sol from Sonic Retro? I've seen you over there a few times. I'm just the quietest Techie around, so I never post. ;p

General Sonic / Re: A Sonic Game Dream.
« on: February 06, 2014, 10:26:20 pm »
I had a CRAZY dream last night.  It involved a new Sonic game.

So I was playing, getting used to the controls and everything... fast foward, where Sonic and Tails are heading to a fortress.  I'm guessing it's the final zone, but the dream was hazy.

Sonic was feeling depressed for some reason.  What I can tell from the start of the story, Sonic had another big fight with Eggman, went Super, and trashed Baldy McNosehair's toys.  Tails was also along for the ride.  They, however, fell for yet another elaborate trap and were sent to another planet.

Fast foward again, where Sonic is homesick.  Tails tries to cheer him up, but Sonic doesn't budge.

Then, out of nowhere, Alvin and Brittany- yes, I said it-of the, well you know, show up.  They cheer up Sonic, which somehow works.  He thanks them and runs into the fortress. (Guess what the setting is.):)

Into the fortress, where I can tell, I basically mastered the game.  Sonic was running full speed, collecting rings, boosting, running on and climbing up walls (Homage to Sonic Lost World), everything you want.  The goal ring was in sight, and 5 seconds later, I'm there.

And that's what I remember of the dream.

Thorn:  This isn't an extension of my posts from yesterday.  This is a true dream story.  If you believe in God, like me, you have visions of the future galore.

Just putting it out there, but your dream omitted all of the sports bandages, Hulk Knuckles, and the scarf. I'd've thought God would've shown you that part.

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