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Messages - Etch

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Competition Central / Re: WB Etch!
« on: March 31, 2012, 01:20:38 am »

Nice to be back here.  Not sure what possessed me to fire this game up again but I felt like I had unfinished business because only a few of my times are fully optimized.  Bit of a luck factor involved but lady luck has been shining down on me.

Might as well drop the videos here!

RR - 25"83 gp

RF - 19"60 gp

And here is one I just got tonight!

RC - 19"20 gp

I'll keep posting videos there when I get around to it.  After I get tired of Sonic R again, I might dust off my genesis and I see how I stack up against the big boys here.

Wikkity! / Re: How did you find TSC?
« on: August 31, 2009, 11:23:16 pm »
KMaCc asked me to try time trials for Sonic R, much to his chagrin later.

Competition Central / Re: Hey, remember when Sonic R was fun?
« on: March 06, 2009, 01:59:23 am »
Quote from: PPA
Hey, remember when Sonic R was fun?


Let this shit die, lol.

Stefan makes good points, I don't see why you guys think there is nothing competitive in landing some of those shortcuts.  When I came here, stuff on RC and RR was already allowed so I naturally assumed we were going for the fastest times possible.  I don't care if anyone else is having fun, it's about pushing the game to the max.  Due to the skill involved after hitting the shortcuts, I know a lot of the times can be dropped more.  Some of them are not that hard to get so I don't know what is stopping people, lol.  There are only a few places where you need some serious luck but there are ways to maximize your chance to fall through.

It's hard to play non-sc because of the tendency to just fall through walls.

Kmacc you scrub, you know I can only give you a fair fight.  No one is stopping you guys from just improving your times without glitches so if it is so much fun then what is exactly stopping you from mastering the game to some degree.  I need to look no farther than RE TA 3lap, anyone who knows what they are doing should get near 2'06-2'08 area, lol.

This game was poorly designed and as such, was easily exploited! >:]

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Possible BS.
« on: August 04, 2008, 12:15:18 pm »
It's just annoying sometimes know that imo (no offense to others) I'm the best Sonic R player, and yet I'm in 2nd by a good bit.


I never extensively played non-sc except RE because once I burst the bubble there was no need to go around the whole lame tracks anymore.  I am sure we would be very close though.  Since I am such a nice guy, I left your RE tag time alone even though it can go down a bit more.  Not having under 17 was bugging me.  Together though we pretty much have all the shortcut and non-sc Sonic R records.

I do normally play some levels but you fall through the walls, it can't be helped!

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Possible BS.
« on: August 02, 2008, 07:38:46 pm »
Most of the times on the charts suck ass anyways.  You should be able to get 2'05-2'07 on RE rev 3lap without falling out of bounds.  Nearest players are at 2'18 here, lol.

If you actually use super sonic and try sliding more you can easily rape the charts to #3 without exploiting any of the checkpoints.  Just being able to rank high without much effort should be motivation enough to play since it helps on overall charts here if you are into that sort of thing.  While non-sc racing may have it's charm, when you start going as fast as possible you realize falling through walls is not all that rare and makes finishing 3/3 laps a little hard on some places.  This thing has been beaten to a pulp so not much more to say.

I didn't realize DarkspinesSonic had such a good time on RI rev 3lap!

I nearly killed myself on that course to attain perfection, haha.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: Possible BS.
« on: August 01, 2008, 04:22:07 pm »
It's because I am so awesome like that.

Those remaining balloon and tag times annoy me so.

I was browsing youtube for various glitches and noticed some people could get out of bounds on RI.  Using a little logic, I decided to test if this game has checkpoints or not.  In any time trials game this is very important because if you can exploit it, it means you can do quick shortcut laps.  As expected, this game makes no attempt to place checkpoints in except for below RE which means no super fast flaps.  My main motivation came from Kmacc and previously sdj being higher up the charts so what better to beat them by finding some shortcuts, lolz.

Since shortcut times were already allowed on RC I wanted to push the envelope and see how much can really be done.  This is time trials, we want to get the fastest times possible.  Very quickly, Kmacc and I found a way to shortcut every other level by just going out of bounds and looping around the finish line.  Amy was the key with super sonic being used on just some flaps, RR and RE times.  Some break throughs are very rare and it takes a long time to get some of them.  Other ones can be done with some consistency when you get the technique down.  The most powerful is just driving through a wall as opposed to boosting into it with Amy or bouncing off of it and then going through like with super sonic.  As you can imagine going 3/3 on some of these can be challenging but if you are pwnsome enough and have enough skillz you can do them too.

I had some stuff posted before but I detest youtube.

Some examples

old scroll:

Good day sir!!!

Beef / Re: Sonic R again
« on: March 25, 2008, 06:57:37 pm »
Hypocrites for the loss.

You forget RR rev and RE rev are unintentional glitches.  By doing the normal best strat, you sometimes just fall through walls.  The goal is time trials so I don't see why we do not want to complete the courses as fast as possible.

I checked out some of the Sonic Adventure times and they are crazy!!!

Sneaking through doors to complete some levels in just a matter of seconds?  Obviously that was not intentional either but did that stuff get banned, no.  Too many other examples out there.

You have two choices, just goof around getting crap times or actually try and push things to the absolute limit.  "Time trialing is dedicated to the theory and practice of advanced videogaming.  This is about man versus machine.  This is about taking gaming above and beyond.  Faster times.  Higher scores.  More insane stunts.  Stuff you didn't think was humanly possible."

I explained everything I have done so far along with some videos so if that does not help "even" up or improve the competition I don't know what will.  I could have just said nothing.  Not playing out of protest won't change anything either.  These are the fastest times possible, done and done.  You just can't go around changing the rules to suit your own needs, that's just greedy.  You can never know what strats lie around the corner so thinking that was the only possible shortcut was foolish.  RR was added without any issues but as soon as RI was done faster, oh no it's time to abandon ship, I hate this game, throws controller into the wall and cries.  Even with freestyle, how will that motivate people anymore than they are now, they will only be farther behind point wise, lol.  I don't exactly think this is a popular or fun game to begin with, hence always low activity.  The music sucks and there is only 5 levels, wtf?  I just had to use some game instincts and sniff out the bugs to see how poorly it was made.

Playing is a choice, beat or be beaten.  I cry for no one.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic R FYI
« on: March 23, 2008, 02:02:36 pm »
Hey hey.... define fun...

Well, I could have hoarded this info so there would basically be no chance in hell of anyone trying to figure out all the sc's I did.  This at least expands the knowleadge of the game making competition possible.

RR and RE fallouts with SuperSonic are random shortcuts because you unintentionally fall out of the level.  Whether you want to finish the lap quicker after doing so is a choice but since this is time trials then why would you not want to get a faster time.

I wouldn't say this game is really wonderful or excellently designed because as I have shown, little effort was put into preventing this sort of thing.

About strafing and walking backwards, I don't think you can do that in this game.

Competition Central / Sonic R FYI
« on: March 22, 2008, 10:07:25 pm »
Lemme break this shit down for you folks.

The main concept I discovered was that you could loop around the finish line because there are no checkpoints in this game.  The game only knows when you are in bounds so if you go out of bounds and loop around back behind the finish line it thinks you went all the way around the course so the lap counts up.  The key is being able to move in and out of bounds so stick too far out of a fence or wall then you won't be able to go back outside the course to do a shortcut again.

Main Concepts
Amy - She boosts through walls or just wiggles through them.  Use her boost to go faster.
SuperSonic - He just falls through walls with pure speed or after bumping them a few times.

Sliding - Hold either left trigger or right trigger to turn sharper.
Stopping - Hold both triggers down to stop the character asap, like Amy boosting after breaking through a wall or SuperSonic to stop quicker to turn around.

3lap - Do as quickly as possible with looping after getting out of bounds.  Requires quick turning which involves tapping b (gas on the game cube so to speak) very quickly so you just walk in a tiny circle.  If you go back in bounds you are screwed.
flap - Get Amy or SuperSonic nearly perpendicular to the finish line without crossing it.  Move up very close to it and then start looping.  Unlike a 3lap, you can perfect your set up before starting the next lap.  With Amy, you use her boost to finish quicker.  SuperSonic on RC involves tapping the triggers quickly so he slides out in an even smaller circle or you can skid across the finish line, go out of bounds and then circle back around.

RI - looping
Amy -
Either boost through the rock, slower/easier, or wiggle through it by boosting towards it, faster/harder.  Then you just loop around the fence but the part where the game sees you out of bounds is a little beyond the fence.

SuperSonic -
Inferior for the 3lap but I make the breakthrough look awesome.  He is good for the flap too.

RC - looping
Amy -
You can fall out of any side of the poles but I think this one is better.  You have to let the game know you are back in bounds so that is why I head towards the road after getting down there.  Rev is tricky because you just have to do it from the other side but not that complicated to figure out.

SuperSonic -
We seen this one a lot, supersonic does it the same way and is best for the flap.

RR - looping
Amy - Only good when the snow is turned on in GP mode.  There are those chamber things to your right at the start that you can drive into.  Go inside the one farthest to the right and you can go out of bounds in the right corner of it using Amy's boost.  Makes the flap a little easier to do, inferior for 3lap.  You can do it without the snow, just really hard.
SuperSonic -
Just got to get the feel for how to hop inside there.  It becomes quite easy with practice.  You are looping in a very tiny area so be careful!  If you can keep supersonic from falling into the water that would be the best.  Luckily, Sonic can't drown in this game.

RF - looping
Amy -
You can just wiggle through which is better or opt to boost through the wall which is easier.  If you are lucky, you fall through the wall to your left where I am boosting which gets you inside much faster, just need lots of luck.

SuperSonic - You just wiggle around a lot in that spot where you go through the wall with Amy.  If you are very lucky you might just pass through it or just after a few bumps into it.  Potentially faster but very hard to consistently do, also okay for flap.

RE - only course without looping
Amy -
There are three variations here, the one I do, instead of falling out of the level in front of the right pole like I did do it on the other side, and falling out of the level through the left pole so you are behind the finish line so facing forward in gp/ta mode.  For the 3lap, you got to hit it 3 times so that sucks.  You just got to play around with it a lot until you get lucky.  The left pole is faster for gp and ta mode but much harder to fall through.  The rev flap is extremely hard because you have to fall out of bounds to loop around to the part ahead of the loop, similar to how supersonic gets back on the track in his spot in rev 3lap.  Be very patient.

SuperSonic -
At the end, I am sliding on that wall.  If you are lucky, you can fall through it and bypass the loop to finish the lap faster.  I have fallen out in some other weird places but it is very rare so the more you play the better your chances.  Could be done 3/3 but its random.

Since it is very random where you can fall out, some of these records can be done still faster so if you are bored give this game a try and see what more you can discover!

Have Fun!!!

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: sdj6707
« on: March 22, 2008, 10:59:11 am »
Now that I don't have to worry about my times being beaten by a quick TAS run, I will get around to filming and explaining all the shortcuts I have found in Sonic R so far, also a time scroll of my recent stuff.  Some of them involve randomly falling through walls so I hope to at least show where those events can sometimes happen, lol.

This should make the game more "fun" for some of you guys. :)

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: sdj6707
« on: March 21, 2008, 01:31:47 pm »
LMAO - teh banned

I don't understand how you can play any of these games on the computer because of the ability to TAS.  If I were to start playing some of the other sonic games, I would dust off my genesis and fire it up.  The charts are only credible granted people are not cheating and following the site guidelines but it's just too easy here, right?  He has submitted lots of WR's just seconds after someone else took it from him.  Not to mention he reaches this level of playing in just a few weeks.  Kmacc did not trust him either on Sonic R for reasons he's stated before.

Good to see some action taken against him but I want the whole enchilada.

News and Updates / Re: Should we add Brawl?
« on: March 19, 2008, 12:07:04 am »
Well there is this

If you have charts here the rule should be only use sonic where possible, lol.

Beef / Re: Sonic R again
« on: March 16, 2008, 07:41:22 pm »
Balloon and tag? Oh, you mean the ones that no one gives two shits about.
That doesn't change the fact that R is fubar'd.

100% means everything

Since none of the scores are weighted higher than the other, good tag and balloon times are just as important as gp, ta or rev times.  This is just your opinion.

If this was such a problem then the guy who allowed RC shortcut in the first place should take the blame.

Beef / Re: Sonic R again
« on: March 16, 2008, 07:32:47 pm »
RC was originally allowed because it was the only stage that was broken.

I see, people just pick and choose what kind of rules to follow around here.

So if one shortcut is found its completely okay but if more are discovered then the game is completely ruined so just throw in the towel.  Don't you see the flawed logic here?  If people are upset with shortcuts breaking the game then why even allow it in the first place since RC was reduced to such short 3laps and flaps?

Flip flopping on the charts is really dumb.

It's not broken 100% anyway, there are still balloon and tag times.

Beef / Re: Sonic R again
« on: March 16, 2008, 05:49:52 pm »
So....what about the future competitors? You think they will want to have fun competing in a game that is fully broken?
Whether it is fun or not is opinion, frankly I don't care.

How many games really follow the designers' original intentions?  Allowing all sorts of warp glitches and shortcuts in other sonic games is really no different here.  These are simply the fastest times possible.

I wonder why RC was allowed in the first place, hypocrites.

Beef / Re: Sonic R again
« on: March 16, 2008, 04:22:03 pm »
My opinion is that the charts stay as they are

That sounded pretty clear to me.

All this caps lock stuff is annoying too, it won't help.

Beef / Re: Sonic R again
« on: March 03, 2008, 07:22:06 pm »
I'll say it again; ridiculous shortcuts that are relatively unfun, yet skip almost all the level, stay unbanned. See final egg and casinopolis sonic in SADX, about half of the new sonic 1 times, oil ocean 2, eternal engine 1 in sa2b, and various other examples I'm sure I missed. Glitches are not disallowed, and never have been, unless they remove all ability to compete or provide potential for infinite scores/times. SR shortcuts are still incredibly competitive, and take huge amounts of skill as well. I don't see reason to ban, myself.


There is no need to disallow the faster strats, whether they are fun or annoying is opinion.  These are the fastest possible times in the game and since RC was allowed long ago, everything else is fair game.

Beef / Re: Sonic R again
« on: February 29, 2008, 04:51:10 pm »
Well, all the current active submitters for the game are helping to further break the game.
Also, since I got no answer before, how is Amy useful on Resort Island?
sdj kept breaking levels, no point to just sit there and let him get them all =P

I made a video demonstrating the strat I came up with.  I got much better times now though.

Well, there goes RF and RR completely. XD

Beef / Re: Sonic R again
« on: February 29, 2008, 04:11:00 pm »
Now, since you're trying to completely break the game, I'll soon have zero interest in anything in the game.

Kmacc was not the first to submit sc times here.

You can't just let someone climb the ranks out of protest on how a course is done.  I really don't mind the sc's and glitches, this is just player preference.  If it's allowed on one place then everything else is a go imo.

He can't take all the credit either, we have been finding a lot of cool stuff. ^^

Beef / Re: Sonic R again
« on: February 26, 2008, 07:06:42 pm »
Funny you say that PPA because I am from

It was Kmacc who recruited me for Sonic R.

I run the mkds site and at least played enough to rank well there and on mk64 but the main problem with non-sc charts is that you have to make sure everyone is following the rules.

It's easy to race a good 3lap if you time the sc's so it looks like a normal run.

If this site is about getting the fastest times, just leave them there or face the complexities of keeping the integrity of two charts.  Either way, you got to get the job done right.

Competition Central / Re: New Sonic R glitch found!!
« on: February 26, 2008, 06:36:37 pm »
Well, the definition of fun varies from player to player.

I dare anyone to try and get near sdj overall because places like RF, RR and RE for the most part do not have sc/glitches and there is still the balloons and tag which require an extreme amount of patience/skill to pull off a good run.  These are not the only things that will make your rank and once you play them enough becomes second nature.

I think I found another one. xD

I was starting off on RE and fell out of the level near the start so there is the possibility of doing flaps under 20 seconds or more.  This place like RR are harder to do consistently but sdj has gotten RR down to a science in his 22"66 run.  Nothing is impossible but its definitely harder to attempt solid sc/glitch runs as compared to normal race coniditions.

Competition Central / Re: New Sonic R glitch found!!
« on: February 26, 2008, 02:15:04 am »
Again with the small-turning... Tell me how the hell you do that! >:(

You just spin in place and tap the gas (b or x) on and off so you run in a smaller circle.

RC sc flap is a little more complicated but there does not seem to be anything funky with RI sc flap. ^^

Competition Central / Re: New Sonic R glitch found!!
« on: February 25, 2008, 08:29:50 pm »
Haha that's awesome. :)

I knew I couldn't get out of bounds with any other character besides Amy there.

So that must have been the one PPA was talking about.  I guess no one thought of doing the sc with that one either. ^^

Good job

Competition Central / Re: New Sonic R glitch found!!
« on: February 25, 2008, 02:40:03 pm »
Hey guys, here's my first video for Sonic R. :)

This shows all the times I have submitted currently on RI and how to perform it.

Who would have guessed Amy was better than Super Sonic???

It looks like it didn't take long for sdj to beat some of them.  I still agree with Kmacc that the PC poses an advantage over the game cube when it comes to sliding, unless we are just missing something.  I guess its my turn to await some videos from him now, crazy good flap there on RI.  Unless I figure it out myself soon a video of his flap would be nice.

Cheers boys

Competition Central / Re: New Sonic R glitch found!!
« on: February 25, 2008, 05:23:44 am »
Ah, I see. I'll be looking forward to the videos. :p

Ok, so... 2 or 5 courses are totally broken now due to glitches, and Regal Ruin (reverse only) is too. Fuck,

I think the glitch is old because I saw someone from here do it in a video but they did not think of using it to make a sc. xD

RI, RC, RR reverse, RE reverse are the ones with major shortcut glitches.

Don't be surprised if more surface.

Kmacc also mentioned that idea because let's face it, they are two very different styles of racing and the old times were very good but whatever you guys do, I'll just roll with it.

Competition Central / Re: New Sonic R glitch found!!
« on: February 25, 2008, 04:58:08 am »
Have you tried using the d-pad instead? Since the keys on a computer are digital too, maybe that works.

Also wtf Etch, those Resort Island times are crazy! Did you use the out-of.bounds glitch near the waterfall or what?

Nope I wasn't near the waterfall.

I already explained what I did to Kmacc and he was able to duplicate. ^^

You get out of bounds near the start and basically loop around while staying out of bounds to get the lap counter to go up.  I will get some videos up tomorrow. ; )

Competition Central / Re: New Sonic R glitch found!!
« on: February 24, 2008, 07:30:15 pm »
I read over some of the site competition rules and I am a little unclear on what consoles and stuff you can play on in order to have those times/scores count as valid records on the charts.

Sonic R is also on the Game Cube which is what I use, part of the sonic gems collection.

It can also be played on the PC and like Kmacc mentioned, it is not equivalent to the Game Cube.  I don't know what the game is like on the Sega Saturn so if anyone can enlighten me on what the beef is about what systems are allowed for Sonic R that would be great.

Competition Central / Re: New Sonic R glitch found!!
« on: February 22, 2008, 05:08:13 pm »
Wait... Is that how you found out about the glitch?  That strat is :O in terms of speed.

Sliding = Faster

Wherever and whenever you can do it, do it!

I have fallen a couple times too and I think it has to do with how fast you are going in that one section.  Kind of like RR which is random for me.

I'll be #3 in no time. ^^

Competition Central / Re: New Sonic R glitch found!!
« on: February 22, 2008, 01:19:12 am »
Kinda getting back into this game, I did RE glitch once today.

Anyways, I mostly worked on the RC sc getting 3"03 flaps and some decent 3laps for gp, time attack and reverse mode.  Kmacc is whipping me to that #3 spot.

Hiya Folks / Re: Hi all.
« on: June 26, 2007, 10:40:18 pm »
Hi, its Etch here and it is actually KMaCc who recruited me to try some sonic r myself.  I already got my first record here being Radiant Emerald reverse 3lap.  It could have easily been sub 2'16.  Still getting a full set here and it should be fun to try and push these times as fast as possible.

This is an awesome site!

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