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Messages - hfactor66

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Competition Central / Re: Sonic Forces rankings
« on: July 06, 2018, 09:07:21 am »
Would certainly give me new motivation to play the game again, since I have a LOT of CyberScore rankings on Forces, and I've been wondering the same thing for a while now tbh Since Mania charts were up within a month and a half. My guess as to why it wasn't prioritized is because the game didn't do well or because he who creates the charts is too busy, plus competition rules would have to be decided on for Forces competition, which I would love to help with, as I've done a lot of competition with this game already.

Forces has a lot of variables that can influence competition with Avatar and Avatar+Sonic levels, like the different Wispons with different perks and SOS missions, which has played a part in some people's WR times and one of my RAs that would have been impossible otherwise. I mean I would assume anyone wanting to compete in Forces is willing to go through the trouble of collecting all the Wispons for Avatar competition, much like collecting all the Chaos Emeralds for RAs in S3&K and Mania, but the SOS missions are something else entirely, since they are extremely random and waiting to get exactly the right one you need after failing the one attempt you get with it is really annoying.

Also for one Avatar level, there was a glitch that could be used to walk on the water slides and easily max out the score (99,999,999) and rings on infinitely spawning enemies that got patched in the day one update, so it'd be good to see whether or not that is allowed to be used in competition. Also ring cap is 999, even though some levels have MUCH more than 999 rings, but there's no way to tell just from the ring score like in Sonic 06 exactly how many rings you collect.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic 1 2013 - an RA Query
« on: June 22, 2018, 11:45:44 am »
Thing is, you're probably not the only one.

With as little communication with players as there is today, there may be no other choices but to either allow the shenanigans or nuke the sonic rings charts for S1 2013.

As for stats you feel are in violation, you can just submit 1 ring until you can replace it with a non-violating stat.
I can't imagine I'm the only one who has had this happen.

And yes, I've done that 1 ring resubmission before with an S3&K stat when I submitted a stat to the wrong level. If I were gonna replace it with anything it would just be a 113 run. I submitted the 116 run before I found out about what I showcase in the video, because it didn't seem to violate any rules. You could argue it still doesn't, but with that video in mind, is it really fair to let that slide? I just feel unless something changes to validate or invalidate the run, it shouldn't be up the same way I didn't submit the S+T 235 run.

Man, what have I started with this thread? I can honestly say I didn't think this is where it would end up, with the thought of nuking an entire chart coming up.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic 1 2013 - an RA Query
« on: June 22, 2018, 06:17:18 am »
Uh, I think I just discovered something that will completely turn the tables on this entire discussion...

The dupe ring bug occurred WHEN THEY WEREN'T IN FLIGHT.


This needed to be brought to light. I discovered this while playing this level one night and noticed one time after falling at the beginning that I had 5 more rings than I should have had, meaning I duped some rings without even flying as Sonic & Tails, so I recreated it as such for this video to demonstrate that flying as S+T is now not the only known circumstance in which duping rings is possible.

Given this information, this changes my view on allowing Tails as an AI partner for RA, since this duping bug seems to occur in more ways than one. This makes verifying a record in the future much more difficult in this category without video proof to ensure that no rings were duped. I see this going one of three ways.

1. All S+T RA records requiring full gameplay video proof, and ensuring that no rings were duped on a case by case basis, which I don't see happening, but it is one way to go about it in the future, ensuring that the player is aware that if any ring they collect is counted twice, their stat is void. (If some other lost soul decides to pick this up in the future anyway, lol)

2. Ban the use of Tails as Sonic altogether, and only allow Sonic alone to prevent duping rings from ever needing to be brought up again. This seems like the most likely option, since it eliminates the problem altogether, and makes for a lot less hassle. As much as I want to delve into exploring some of these levels with S+T in this game, the fact remains that if this bug can be triggered even without them flying together, then it is reasonable to assume that something this easily exploitable should be banned, since it can be done even unintentionally.

3. This is just an idea I've had for a while now, but it's similar to the Sonic Adventure games' rules that apply to Knuckles and Rouge's treasure hunt missions, which go like this;

Sonic Adventure: Rings you dig up and collect as Knuckles don't count.
Sonic Adventure 2: Any rings dug up and collected as Knuckles or Rouge, or thrown by enemies, don't count toward your total.

I don't see why we couldn't have a similar rule for this situation, like perhaps subtract 1 ring from your total for every duplicate ring you collect. I don't see that as an unreasonable proposal, since SA2's rule flat out says this in parenthesis. "If you can keep track of how many rings were obtained that way, you can subtract them from the final displayed total." If keeping track of rings that shouldn't count in SA2 and subtracting them is perfectly acceptable, then why not in this case too?

That's my proposal, I'd like to see your guys' perspective on this. If S+T does end up getting banned completely, then my 116 rings on Marble 3 with S+T should be revoked. Hell, I think it should get revoked anyway until an official ruling on this is decided, it doesn't seem very fair to submit a new record that could be in violation of a potential rule change due to a new discovery.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic 1 2013 - an RA Query
« on: June 14, 2018, 08:08:16 pm »
This is honestly a gray area that I haven't seen discussed. I'm surprised it wasn't brought up when Mania came out, either. Tails has similar behavior there.

This needs an open discussion, but imo this type of Tails control should be made explicitly legal as opposed to the typical 2P control.

And in the case of Mania (Not S12013 for obvious reasons) I'd suggest that flying as S+T should be perfectly legal.
I think in the case of Mania, this wasn't really an issue because there was no glitch with S+T where they earn credit twice for one ring while flying together, so there wasn't a need to ban the use of flying together as S+T, whereas here in S1 2013 it exists to prevent players from doubling as many rings as they can.

CyberScore's rule on this reads "Flying as Sonic & Tails in such a way as to obtain credit twice for any single ring is disallowed." Essentially, you can still fly as S+T, but if you earn credit twice for a single ring, your run is nullified. It does allow for more possibilities as Sonic (like 155 Marble 3) but it also seems more difficult to enforce without video proof, although I suppose the 1st place mandatory video proof rule can take care of that, but I'm not sure how strictly it's enforced.

I'm personally fine with banning flying as S+T together completely, because it makes sense why the rule exists, but I also feel like a runner shouldn't be punished for accidentally grabbing onto Tails and jumping off without collecting any rings when they were trying to set something up and failed to avoid grabbing onto him, as I've done many times in practice on GHZ 1 and Scrap Brain 3, where I was experimenting with a possible technique similar to my GHZ 1 technique here to top Sonic's long standing 123 rings record.

Had to reset many times due to briefly flying as S+T together in recording my GHZ 1 run to showcase for this thread. It doesn't look that hard, but if Tails is right on top of you when you put him into flight, you're pretty much guaranteed to grab onto him. >_> that's why I was usually trying to move around and put him into flight simultaneously.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic 1 2013 - an RA Query
« on: June 14, 2018, 02:40:32 pm »
Well, what's happening in S&K is that tails is grabbing the rings through his own AI control. As long as you're just fudging with Tails' AI and not directly controlling Tails, you're fine.
I watched Rusty's RA vid on Death Egg 1 to compare it to what I've done here, and in that run, I could see he manipulated Tails using Sonic to drop down a hole and grab 16 otherwise unobtainable rings. No player control, just AI manipulation. The same could be said about what I've done here, manipulating Tails to fly up using Sonic to grab some otherwise unobtainable rings. The noticeable difference though is that getting AI Tails to fly up in this game requires some direct input from the player to get Tails to fly and to keep him in the air, which is why you see me jumping constantly whenever Tails is airborne, because otherwise he just comes back down. You get him to fly by pressing jump twice while looking up, the first press makes Tails jump, and the second one makes him fly. It's sort of like a one and a half player thing, since you're meant to grab onto Tails, THEN you can freely control where Tails flies, but since I didn't grab onto him, as it's forbidden by the game's rules, I have to manipulate where he goes while keeping him in the air.

As I said, I can manipulate where AI Tails goes by moving Sonic around once he's in the air, so I don't have 100% control of Tails, but I have to use Sonic in a specific way to get him in the air and to keep him airborne. If up+jump as Sonic to get Tails to fly using Sonic and spamming jump to keep him in the air counts as direct control, then I suppose that would nullify this run.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic 1 2013 - an RA Query
« on: June 13, 2018, 04:22:57 am »
Were you controlling Tails in his flight? Controlling both S+T in game modes that have S+T is generally disallowed.

Ah, so I see. I did use Sonic to try and steer Tails towards them, which is easier than it sounds when he's off screen, evidenced by the fact that I just up and got the last two with Sonic's lightning shield. I can't control where Tails flies directly, except for how high he goes. Otherwise he just follows Sonic. A second controller was not used to control Tails in any way. I don't even know how you would get a second player to control Tails on iOS in no save mode, lol. This was done on real hardware, no emulation. My iPhone SE has built in screen capture, which makes me happy.

Yes, it's allowed. That clever strategy has been used in the past. We appreciate that you asked.

"If something seems iffy, you probably should not be doing it. Or at least check with someone before you do." I mean, it's right there in general rules. Nice to see I'm not the first one to try this, but it seems like I'm the first to try this on S1 2013. If everything has been cleared up, this thread can be closed and if this is all within the game's rules and general rules, I'll bump Sonic up to 235 after five years since the game's release.

I love pioneering RA stuff.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic 1 2013 - an RA Query
« on: June 11, 2018, 05:29:22 am »
>Asking this forum for rulings in 2018

Fairly certain no one's even monitoring this place anymore.
I know there's a discord server, I just don't have discord. lol

There should be someone active on this site that can(will) answer this question. If not, then that is a problem which should be resolved. This is a relevant question about competition on the site and it would not be the first time a forum post or discussion ,such as this one, did not receive recognition from any of the site administrators.

As far as the ring attack goes, the run looks like it clearly does not break the competition rules, but that is just my opinion. Nice find.

Yeah, forum activity is very low nowadays, this is about the only reason I would use it. I didn't think the run broke any rules either, since Sonic & Tails never flew together, which is the only restriction to using Tails' fly ability as Sonic listed in the rules, but I still thought I would ask, since as I said in the original post, it seemed sort of like a gray area for this rule. I'm sure its original intent was to discourage using Tails' ability to fly altogether, (or using AI Tails at all as Sonic) so as to prevent players accidentally getting credit twice for a single ring, which is understandable. However, it doesn't seem like anyone considered the possibility of making Tails fly as Sonic and avoiding catching onto him to obtain rings Sonic can't reach on his own, hence why I decided to ask.

I know, it's a revolutionary tactic, right? It'd be cool to bump Sonic up to the 235 max Tails & Knuckles can obtain with ease.

Competition Central / Sonic 1 2013 - an RA Query
« on: June 06, 2018, 02:51:56 am »
According to the competition rules for this game, flying as Sonic & Tails together is not allowed due to a glitch that allows Sonic & Tails to earn two rings even though they only collected one.

However, never is it mentioned that I can't make Tails fly, I just can't fly while holding onto Tails.


Using this, I was able to make Tails fly up and collect the 10 rings without ever flying as Sonic & Tails together. (actually in the video, I got 8 of them with Tails, and got the last 2 with Sonic's lightning shield lol but you get the idea.) Video below. I got bored and recently started playing this again.

My question is, is this allowed? I didn't want to post it to the charts without confirmation, since this kinda feels like a gray area for this rule, (or maybe I'm just dumb) and no one else seems to have attempted this, as simple as this is honestly.

Wikkity! / Re: RealSonicKings - 293,100 points on EHZ 2 in 1 run? What?
« on: December 24, 2017, 04:21:34 am »
Man, this thread from last year has been resurrected? I totally forgot about this. Seeing that record pop up on my twitter feed gave me a good laugh that day XD

News and Updates / Re: The Charity Marathon is Here!
« on: November 07, 2017, 09:35:54 pm »
That's awesome! I'm actually doing a speech on Child's Play tomorrow, so this is great that I can talk about what you guys did, if that's alright with you guys.

Competition Central / Re: Old Stat Memories Thread
« on: September 19, 2017, 10:39:05 pm »
My fascination with the RA category in games derives from my childhood, because I always liked to see how many rings I could get. It was so satisfying to hit 100 rings for that extra life. Today, I've conquered RA on the Sonic Rush Trilogy, and done some of the easier Classic Sonic RAs from the Genesis days that don't require any glitches or exploits to do. Once the charts are posted for Mania, I'm hoping to lock in the RA records for GHZ 1, as I've done a lot to maximize this with Sonic & Tails as a duo and Knuckles. Oddly enough, I think Knuckles actually gets more rings in Time Attack mode than in normal play with all 7 Chaos Emeralds and being able to collect big rings for 50, because he literally cannot leave his spawn without gliding, which you can't do if you have more than 50 rings. >_> why u do this Christian?

UPDATE - nope, I was wrong, max with Knuckles in normal play with big rings is 641, just barely more than max in Time Attack, which is 624. It took me FOUR HOURS to get that 641 run.

Hiya Folks / Re: Newbie here!
« on: March 12, 2017, 03:40:02 pm »
Hey guys! I've just found out this forum, I love doing some speedruns in my free time. There's a lot of information on this forums regarding Sonic, I'm so happy that I googled that lol.

Is there any option to switch forum theme? Default one is really hard to read :<
Click on pick a skin to change the default theme. Anyway welcome to TSC, always nice to see some new faces.

News and Updates / Re: New Heaven, New Earth. Introducing a new site rule
« on: January 10, 2017, 12:51:18 pm »
I think the new rule reduces players lying about ring stats or extremely easy records to tie, as it has been known in the past for players to just post stats for easy ring records, on the premise that they know they could do it if they tried it, so admittedly for some games it wouldn't be proving something extremely difficult, but it would prove that others are competing fairly.
The best example I can think of this is Shadow's Mission 13 in Sonic 06. Only 18 rings, which sounds really simple, except that 4 of the rings are out of bounds, which requires you to figure out how to get out of bounds to get them, and get back in bounds to finish the level. Took me months to figure out where the hole to get out of bounds was.

News and Updates / Re: New Heaven, New Earth. Introducing a new site rule
« on: January 02, 2017, 12:13:53 am »
It's nice to see something new on the homepage for once, it's a nice change. Hopefully we can stir up some activity with Sonic Mania & Project Sonic 2017 coming out this year, it'd be nice to see TSC a little more lively than it is now.

I suppose a rule imposing video proving records was inevitable, as proving records is moving away from using photos, as they can be unreliable. Guess I'm gonna have to figure out how to record my DSi when going for records on Extra stages in SRA, if I ever pick up that game again. If any place needed a replay button in that game, the Extra stages needed it. lol so yep, the time to get with the times has come.

Looking forward to seeing what 2017 holds in store for good ol' TSC, again especially with the new Sonic games we're getting this year. Yes I'm getting them, why else would I have gotten a PS4? Anyways, happy New Year TSC!

Gaming and Grazing / Re: So...what's up?
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:34:45 am »
Well I've been playing a lot of BO zombies lately on my PS3, but as far as goals on TSC, I'm trying to get all RA records on Sonic Rush Adventure. (aside from Deep Core, that doesn't even deserve to be an RA >_>) just need Plant Kingdom 1 with Blaze & it will be done, I'll have tied or beaten every RA record aside from Deep Core.

UPDATE: goal achieved, went ahead & did Deep Core anyway! :D 0p!

I'm also involved in the second biannual VGR Member Tournament of 2016, gonna be trying to win that. I placed third in the first biannual tournament this year & landed an interview with one of the admins/top players on VGR that got me on the front page for weeks.

« on: September 28, 2016, 04:25:51 am »
:D must've been very hard. I'm not even gonna dare to go for 152, that's too much headache, 151 was enough of a headache. Getting all 8 of those rows of 2 then racing to catch up to have a narrow chance at best to beat Johnny is so gut-wrenching and frustrating. I probably did have at least one 152 run but Johnny stole the win from me just as I was about to cross the finish line.

Hiya Folks / Re: Hey!
« on: September 25, 2016, 07:50:50 am »
It'll be nice to have you around SB, and I did the same thing on VGR where I competed for a while but never made an intro post on the forums.

« on: September 25, 2016, 03:57:20 am »
SRA Light Blue CE 151 Ring Joint WR
DhxplyzlxozkrItauraulyslya HOW DID YOU EVER DO THIS RA FF???

btw hfactor, when are we going to get back into that altitude limit fight? :)
I actually haven't played Sonic Rush in quite a while, but I will never forget that fucking boss, lol. I still haven't finished RAing SRA either, still got some charts to fill, even though I managed to become RA leader with eight charts blank, lol.

Never in my life did I play one boss so many times, taking it down to a god damn science, figuring out exactly what needs to happen in order to get times with Blaze like you & I did. Eggman did an extra move on me with Sonic when I got my Sonic time. I might have to break out that game and give it another go, been playing a little bit of Sonic Unleashed lately.

I've been trying to beat DsS' Windmill Isle 1 score on the Night stage on CS, and I'm within 10k of it. Once I get Werehog's stats up all the way, Imma attempt a speedrun of the Dark Guardian boss, it looks easy af lol.

I'm getting a PS4 for both of these new Sonic games. I've been wondering if Boom was going to be the end of Sonic, but these two games have changed my mind. Project Sonic 2017 looks amazing, and honestly wasn't expecting Classic Sonic to make an appearance in the trailer, which makes me curious about how he will play out in the game, story wise and gameplay wise. I've seen a lot of people calling it Generations 2.

Sonic Mania looks awesome too, really is a throwback to the Genesis age of Sonic games. (Capcom should take some notes about how you take a game back to its roots) I'm really excited that Christian Whitehead is working on this game, I played the Sonic 1 & 2 reboots for mobile and they delivered smooth gameplay of my childhood on my little iPod. Now I'll be paying to see Christian Whitehead's work on big-name gaming consoles, boy this is exciting. I still want a Sonic 3 & Knuckles reboot on mobile though, but that can wait.

Wikkity! / Re: iexrrr - SA2(B) - Route 280 - 276 Rings - Query...
« on: May 31, 2016, 10:10:55 pm »
This came up years ago and the strat was banned for submission years ago. I personally don't care either way since the duplication is limited in scope.
Interesting history, thx

Wikkity! / iexrrr - SA2(B) - Route 280 - 276 Rings - Query...
« on: May 31, 2016, 12:27:09 am »
iexrrr's Route 280 Ring Attack - 276 Rings

I have a query about this ring attack... I saw this pop up in my Twitter feed, and I know I don't play Sonic Adventure 2, but if I understand TSC rules correctly, you are not allowed to collect the same ring more than once in the same run. (under general rules,) If we look at the description on iexrrr's video, it says that, and I quote from the video's description, "...rings re-spawn a minute after they're collected, so you can backtrack to collect some rings twice." My question is, to someone who understands this game well, does this violate said rule that a ring may not be collected twice in the same run? Because this seems kinda sketchy to me...

No one posts threads anymore pretty much Hfactor. Even I pretty much stopped doing such things.

The only time I make threads is If I want to share a new strat I found to gamers of that sonic game I found it from.

I just wanted to let the thread creator know that I always have evidence for stats. Now do you understand why I replied in this thread.

However, I still look forward to more of your topics in the future. Your last
Halloween topics were interesting last year.

Not to bore you to death man.

By the way, if you didn't pay attention, my birthday was a few days ago, I was disappointed that none of you bothered to wish me a Happy Birthday, I guess such people don't care. I bet you still hate me back when I used to to flood the forum with my YouTube videos, I understand.
All I'm saying, is that there was no reason to inform anyone in this thread that you always have proof for your stats. It's completely irrelevant to the topic of this thread, and frankly I don't think anyone cares whether or not you have proof for your stats at this particular moment in time. So keep making videos, but to reiterate, we don't care.
P.S. Nobody on TSC wished me a happy birthday either on Thursday pal. There's no reason to make a forum topic about it.

I put in that comment because what this thread is about is similar to what LittleBigness did to me back when I had no evidence for my stats, that's all. Nothing to worry about the ones involved in this thread.
So if this thread doesn't even involve you, why are you even posting to this thread? There's absolutely no reason for either of us to be posting on this thread, I just couldn't let this stupidity go unnoticed. I'm sorry man, but you remind me too much of this guy in my group chat who annoys me to death.


I meant where did anyone in this thread accuse you?

I always have evidence for my stats, every record I get whether a great rankings run or world record, I always have a video for them to protect my TSC membership. Back when I was new to the site, I had angry players saying that my stats were not truly earned, well I proved them wrong because I had video proof for them.

I however had trouble putting evidence on the site for not knowing how to embed videos, then Infersaime told me one topic that I had to copy the URL from my video I want to add from my channel on YouTube and place it in the comments for my stats.

I learned how to embed videos after this day, my membership reputation is safe for years to come.

There won't be any complaints from my stats anymore.
No one was accusing you?

Hiya Folks / Re: Hey! Listen!
« on: March 24, 2016, 10:19:41 pm »
Welcome to TSC, nice to be seeing some new faces lately. Good luck with competition in the Sonic Advance series :)
I enjoyed the first and third ones, but the second one was kinda meh in my opinion, didn't really enjoy it that much. Those games aren't my main points of competition, that would be the two Sonic Rush games, where I lead in ring attack on both games. This site's got lots of records to test your skills, so try lots of games, put forth your best effort, find your strong suits and shoot for the top! Again welcome to TSC. :)

I do my research, don't I? :)
I would say so, yes. Very insightful I must say… does leave quite a few questions I'll say…

Wikkity! / RealSonicKings - 293,100 points on EHZ 2 in 1 run? What?
« on: March 19, 2016, 03:36:10 pm »
I saw this pop up in my Twitter feed, and frankly, I can't even begin to comprehend how this score is possible to achieve in 1 run of this level. Can I get some kind of explanation as to how you did this RealSonicKings? Because you're almost 200,000 points above everyone else on TSC on this level.
See for yourself.

Hiya Folks / Re: Yo
« on: March 19, 2016, 03:30:34 pm »
Welcome to TSC, and good luck in future competition!

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