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Messages - Pokemonmaster888

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General Sonic / Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« on: November 03, 2013, 01:57:21 am »
What are your favorite Sonic games? Only list the ones you have played. If a port/remake/re-release is very close to the original or is the same game as the original, such as SA2B, and the 2011 version of Sonic CD, it is included in the same spot as the original game. For remakes that add a lot to the original games (like Sonic 1 2013 and Sonic 2 2013), you can choose to list them separately or in the same spot as the originals. Games that are different, such as Sonic 1 for Game Gear, should be listed separately. Spinoffs are included. List them from best to worst.

1. Sonic Adventure 2 (B)
2. Sonic Adventure (DX)
3. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
4. Sonic 2
5. Sonic CD (I own the 2011 PC version)
6. Sonic 1
7. Sonic Generations (PC/PS3/Xbox 360)
8. Sonic Heroes
9. Shadow the Hedgehog
10. Sonic Rush
11. Sonic Advance 2
12. Sonic Colors (Wii)
13. Sonic Generations (3DS) (I wish the game was bigger and in full 3D for the modern stages)
14. Sonic Battle (This was a cool game)
15. Sonic Unleashed (Wii)
16. Sonic 3D Blast (PC/Steam, which is the Sega Genesis version)
17. Sonic 4: Episode 2
18. Sonic 4: Episode 1
19. Sonic Rush Adventure
20. Sonic and the Secret Rings
21. Sonic Riders (I can't remember if I liked Riders better than Zero Gravity)
22. Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
23. Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
24. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii)
25. Sonic and the Black Knight

I plan on playing Sonic Lost World, the Game Gear Sonic games, Sonic Advance, Sonic R, and Sonic the Fighters soon. I have played Sonic Rivals, but I don't remember much about the game. I have only played the demo of Sonic '06. I'd like to get Sonic Advance 3 in the future.

Wikkity! / Post your angry video game stories
« on: November 01, 2013, 09:32:09 am »
I think most of us have had an angry video game story that resulted in something being broken or damaged. I unfortunately have a story, and I know its consequences and it taught me a lesson.

I was playing Pokémon Ruby Version on my indigo Game Boy Advance and got to the part in the game where you are in the undersea cave with the hardest boulder puzzle right before Kyogre. It was 2003. I could not figure out for the life of me how to solve the puzzle, and for some reason I refused to look online to find the answer because I wanted to figure it out myself. I played for weeks and was wandering around Hoenn doing nothing really because I was so frustrated and bored, and I ended up one day battling a wild Pokémon and out of pure anger, I slammed my head right into my GBA and broke the inner LCD screen. It had a big black shape that blotched the screen, which is the result of the LCD screen breaking. The GBA worked but you couldn't play it because you could not see what was happening. I had to show it to my mom and dad and they were very disappointed in me. I did not get a GBA again until I fractured my finger in August of 2004, and I got a flame GBA SP as a present. I learned my lesson.

Wikkity! / This is a cool question, could you handle it?
« on: November 01, 2013, 06:06:37 am »
This is the situation: You are told you can go live in a wealthy mansion with people who would give you all of the video games, food, money, leisure activities etc. you wanted, but there was one condition: You had to get one first place untied stat for any Sonic game on TSC every week you were there, otherwise you would get kicked out. No more, no less.

What would you do? Would you accept the challenge, or stay home? Could you handle it? How long do you think you could stay there?

Wikkity! / Here is a video game riddle I made up
« on: November 01, 2013, 01:01:14 am »
I made up a video game riddle today while thinking about players who deceive other players in competition even though they may prove their records. It is about a player who has tricked everybody by proving records yet some of them are fake. Here it is.

"Say there is a player that plays games for competition, and is generally seen as a good member of the internet site he is competing on. He proves records yet has posted some false records in the hope that nobody notices. When he is proving records or playing those games, which is he more likely to be thinking about; a fish or a chicken?"

Please state your answer and why you think it is right. If you can't get it then brainstorm with other people to see if you can figure it out. I am interested to see what people have to say. It requires some abstract thinking.

Hiya Folks / Hi TSC! :O : A re-intro
« on: October 31, 2013, 09:51:56 pm »
I've been in the chatroom and on the site already so you may have seen me, or talked to me this month. I thought I'd post here just to get the word out.

Hi. I am Pokemonmaster888. Some of you will remember me, I used to be a very active member of The Sonic Center from May 2007-June 2010. I stopped playing competitively because it just got annoying, repetitive, and time consuming after those years. Most of my days now are spent in college and doing things at home. I play sports and games all of the time, and I'd rather play games normally than spend all of the time competing. You miss out on a lot of stuff when you compete and don't have a lot of time. Spending your time on internet sites all day isn't healthy. I plan on being on the chatroom and site maybe a few times per week so you might see me.

Call me Andrew. My old name is long and I have a new one that is much shorter, amd888. I abbreviate my old name as PM888 though. You can check me out on Youtube using my old name, I'm making some new videos. Who are some of the new moderators, active users, etc. How popular is the site etc.

I never forgot about The Sonic Center, just if you were wondering. Good luck in your games, and don't let them take over your lives. :)

If you have any questions ask them.

News and Updates / Re: TSC has been online for a decade!
« on: October 26, 2013, 01:46:15 am »
Hi to everybody!!!! Hooray TSC is 10 years old! 2003 that seems like a long time ago, but it is not too long ago. Good luck for the future. Yaaaay!!!! I'll submit a little more too if I get time and do not get angry over restarting a milliooon times. <_<

News and Updates / Re: Happy 6th Birthday TSC!
« on: October 27, 2009, 09:06:57 pm »
Yay Happy Birthday TSC! I need to get competing more when I have the time!

Wikkity! / Re: What to do for Sonic's Birthday?
« on: June 21, 2009, 11:43:13 am »
I will try to do something Sonic related, and have a tiny ceremony. I will also remember SonicAD, who shares his birthday.

Wikkity! / Re: Super Bowl 43
« on: February 11, 2009, 12:21:33 am »
Yeah, the Super Bowl was quite great. I was rooting for the Cardinals to win, as Kurt Warner (The 2000 Superbowl winner for my favorite team, the St. Louis Rams) was on their team. I also like the other players and have liked the Cardinals for a while. I agree that they should have won the game. If a few different plays would have went their way everything would've been awesome for them.

I've probably had the most fun competing in Sonic Heroes than any other game. :D

I have the same belief here. Yeah, the game is amazingly frustrating, but after playing it endlessly for 4 years or so somehow you get used to the frustration. That is when you start to get good at the game. Just make sure not to destroy your game or something along those years. I'm glad you finally see how much effort us Sonic Heroes players exert in order to acheive our goals!

Competition Central / Re: Eredani returns? An explanation.
« on: December 14, 2008, 01:47:41 am »
It is great to see you return to the TSC community Eredani. You have always been a major motivation to my Sonic Heroes play, and I wish you luck in your gaming once again. I also know how you feel with your Xbox problems, as my GameCube has had some of those problems since last August.

Wikkity! / Re: How did you find TSC?
« on: November 03, 2008, 03:25:32 pm »
I found The Sonic Center when I was trying to find a website with high scores and fastest times for Sonic Rush when I got it for Christmas back in December of 2005. I found it and another site, and joined the other site instead. In March of 2006 though, BenB17 encountered me on the other site's forum to ask me how I got my Night Carnival vs. Boss time (Which was the World Record then, I think) and requested that I joined TSC. I just said nah and left it at that, but then I decided to just join for the heck of it at the end of May in 2007. I distinctly remember a huge reason as to why I shouldn't have joined TSC, but I forgot it then and I still can't remember it to this day...

Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: October 16, 2008, 04:57:13 pm »
Great new Top Ten lists! They are really interesting, and I am eagerly awaiting the next one.

All right, I'll participate in the Brawl Tournament. My Brawl code is 2535-3298-8307, and my name is PM888. I'm looking forward to it!

Ooh, a Brawl tournament. I'll be very rusty due to not playing for a few months, but I'm all for it. I'll enter.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your voice!
« on: September 18, 2008, 05:07:24 pm »
I don't have nearly enough time to record myself saying that stuff, but I do have a video on YouTube of myself talking about my Chaos Emerald. If you are interested in hearing what I sound like, follow the link below. Just note this: My voice sounds a bit higher than it usually does in the video, and I took it at night when I was quite tired, hence the lamp providing light. My speech is kind of blurred and rushed too, but at least you get a general idea what I sound like.

Wikkity! / Re: My Yard!
« on: August 31, 2008, 07:47:15 am »
That is a big yard! The front looks perfect for playing sports on it. Is it big enough to accomodate any full sized sport playing field?

Wow, that does seem like a rather odd and surprising storyline. It is kind of hard to believe, so I am skeptical about it. The only thing to do I guess is to wait, and see what reveals itself in time.

General Sonic / Re: Official Sonic Chronicles Discussion Topic.
« on: July 23, 2008, 12:07:15 pm »
I was liking how the game sounded a while back, but after seeing a few gameplay videos of it, it kind of turned me away. The gameplay seems pretty good, but the scenery and environment just didn't catch my interest. It is still a bit too early to make an actual decision of buying the game for me though.

General Sonic / Re: Sonic & The Black Knight. Wait, what?!
« on: July 23, 2008, 12:03:13 pm »
That certainly raises my hopes for the game. Hopefully it turns out to be quite good.

I actually only own one game I really consider to be a waste of my money, which would be Metroid Prime Hunters. At the time of its release, I had played every Metroid game except for Metroid II: The Return of Samus and Super Metroid. All of the other games were awesome. I had read all of the news about Hunters and thought it would be pretty cool. I spent my saved money on it a couple months after it came out, only to find out it was nothing I expected. I wasn't pulled in by anything of the game, something I got used to Metroid games doing to me. I only got halfway through the game to stop playing it in boredom. My biggest gripe with the game probably is the lack of area to explore, and that some of the regular bosses you encounter are pretty much the same thing, just enhanced. The plus to the game though is its online play, but that wasn't enough to keep me playing it. 

Wikkity! / Re: I won't be here from June 25th - July 25th :(
« on: June 25, 2008, 07:55:25 am »
Good luck, and have a fun month learning what college will be like. You're pretty lucky to have a scholarship, too. Anyway, I'll make sure you have some pretty heavy work to do when you get back!

Gaming and Grazing / Re: A shocking gaming related confession.
« on: June 16, 2008, 03:28:15 pm »
I have a few shocking game-related confessions I'd like to reveal.

1. I used to be happy about 6 years ago that I didn't own a game console, despite my friends all having one.

2. I've never played any Final Fantasy, Contra, MegaMan, or a survial-horror game in my entire life.

3. I originally had a Nintendo Wii bought from Wal-Mart on January 28th, 2007. A malfunction in the disc drive which caused the discs to spit back out again led me to getting a brand-new one from Nintendo.

That is really all I have.

General Sonic / Re: Dark Brotherhood trailer
« on: June 07, 2008, 06:16:34 pm »
Ah, this trailer keeps my hopes up that this game will be very good. Everything seems pretty nice, and I hope the finished game doesn't disappoint.

Wikkity! / Re: MK's excellent adventure.
« on: June 07, 2008, 06:10:04 pm »
Wow, that sounded very frightening and cool at the same time. It was a good story, however. Glad to hear that nothing was wrong with your computer.

Wikkity! / Re: ITT Iron man rocks.
« on: May 16, 2008, 07:52:47 pm »
Iron Man was a pretty good movie. In my opinion, I also found it a little more interesting than the Spider-Man trilogy. The action was all right, but the whole technology theme of the movie made it for me. I hope the sequel is great too!

Thinking in those terms does really mean something. I never really thought about it like that before you pointed it out, P.P.A.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT Super Smash Bros. Brawl Friend Codes
« on: March 10, 2008, 05:31:56 pm »
My Super Smash Bros. Brawl friend code is 2535-3298-8307. My name is PM888.

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Heroes Query
« on: February 03, 2008, 07:08:55 pm »
Ok, this is probably me being stupid, but it's bugged me for a while.

On speed runs (For example, Final Fortress, this one in particular: people do a few things which I am clueless as to how.

1) First off, speed. No matter what I do, I'm never as fast on rails, I'm just curious as to how people keep the speed so high (For instance, in the vid the person reaches the first rail at 8~9 seconds, yet I'm always at 10~11 seconds)

2) Rocket Accel. In the vid above, at ~17~18 seconds, the person RA's onto the platform in the distance. Try as I might, I can't get that far or that high regardless of what I do.

If anyone has answers to these, it would be greatly appreciated. If it helps, I have the XBox version.
Also, if there is an advance techniques FAQ of any kind, any directions to it would be appreciated to.

I know this is probably me being a helpless newb, but I'm always happy to learn new things ^_^
And thanks in advance.

I can help you with the Rocket Accel jump. Since you are having trouble with that, try rocket acceling, and then switching to fly formation, then jump. You can go far, and be able to fly, as well. That will help you to reach that platform, until you can get the long jump down, with minimal effort. For rails, if they are sloping downward, just grind and hold the button once, which keeps you at top speed. For horizontal rails, grind twice and then hold the button. I hope this helps.

Hiya Folks / Re: HI! New Member Here.
« on: January 24, 2008, 03:10:47 pm »
Hello, and welcome! I hope you have a great time here. Good luck in the games you compete in, if you will compete in any.

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