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Messages - ieatatsonic

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Wikkity! / Re: P.P.A.'s midnight doodles
« on: October 12, 2009, 04:20:52 pm »
I don't quite get it......

Wikkity! / Re: ⑨⑨⑨
« on: October 04, 2009, 09:24:39 pm »
No problem!

First off, ⑨'s real identity is Cirno, an ice fairy that originated in Touhou Koumakyou (aka The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil), for those who don't know. She's known for being a baka, which is where the nickname originates: In Touhou Kaeidzuka (Phantasmagoria of Flower View), the manual did a typical legends job where it places a number near something to explain it:

Notably, the Japanese next to Cirno's indicator, the ⑨, translates into "Moron". This is the origin of Cirno's nickname of ⑨.

Fandom (as huge as it is), also sometimes calls Reiuji Utsuho from Subterranean Animism "6" due to being another baka and because she's the boss of Stage 6. Like with this picture, she's called a "birdbrain" by another character in game.

All info is stuff from the Touhou wikia. Not sure if the "Moron" translates right: I know little about Japanese characters.

The text originally reads baka, which is pretty much idiot. Also, okku sounds almost exactly like the japanese word for 6, roku.

I've been trying to get better lately. I've mainly been doing Hidden base and PC. I'm not that good, but I've been trying out different things and just using my basic knowledge.

Wikkity! / Re: Suggest me some dramas/plays!
« on: October 04, 2009, 09:19:35 pm »
I'd also suggest some shakespeare. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is my personal favorite. Macbeth is also good.

In pyramid cave, how exactly do you perform the glitch at the 2nd key door?

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: The new way things are going down in LD
« on: September 24, 2009, 03:47:48 pm »
The Hypersonic topic was actually going pretty good (by the standards of Bses) until someone started writing poems.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: i call suspicion on llcooldave
« on: September 22, 2009, 06:03:01 pm »
Okay, That sounds reasonable. It didn't seem right, but since you got 260 on the GBA, I guess it is possible. I never really knew how I got mine, so maybe if I knew I could improve.

« on: September 22, 2009, 05:59:34 pm »
I looked at ORKAL's Hydrocity video and saw a questionable glitch in which he goes over the walls with knuckles, jumps, and skips almost the entire level. You'll know what I mean if you watch it.
But yeah, I dunno what to say about the LR glitch. It doesn't quite "modify" the game, since it just tries to run the PAL version. I still think that it's reasonable to ban it, though.

Wikkity! / Re: P.P.A.'s midnight doodles
« on: September 13, 2009, 03:14:42 pm »
Oooh it's ms. Bento box

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: i call suspicion on llcooldave
« on: September 12, 2009, 08:38:38 pm »
I got my 251 with a snapshot. When I did the initial run I knew that the time could be improved by 1 or 2 seconds....

But 6 seconds sounds odd, I mean with the strategy I used it's easy to get 251 and possibly a 252. I'm curious as to see what strat this guy used.

General Sonic / Re: On the 9th September of 2009
« on: September 12, 2009, 07:52:04 pm »
You should also realise that day was Cirno day

Wikkity! / Re: I have a dream.
« on: September 10, 2009, 10:49:29 pm »
My dreams are weird and detailed.

Let me tell you that my dream is divided into segments. It's like when I wake up in anothert dream or when the setting changes.

First off, My family went on a vacation. We were at what looked like a hotel pool, even though it was in the middle of a forest. We were swimming and my parents & grandparents were discussing things. I walked out and pulled out a gameboy adv. and started playing Sonic Advance 2. My sister came and showed me  this waterproof cover for the GBA and put it on it. I proceeded to jump in the water and play my game submerged.
Next I was at a waterpark that had 2 large towers, each with a few slides going down from the top. My siblings went on a slide and my parents & I went on another. Before I got to the bottom of the slide I fell off it and landed on a platform. This had a sonic-style checkpoint on it, so I touched it. I then found myself playing a sonic game, but it seemed reality. I call this FPVM (First-person videogame mode, this type of thing happens alot in my dreams).
Next I was at a campground with my family, a few cousins, and my church youth group. We were walking to a baseball field when my brother and one of my cousins ran off to some place, and I ran after them.
Next I found myself with the afformentioned people in a grocery store with noone except us in it. It was very maze-like. After going a few different directions I finally made it past the checkout counters, and apparently there was some pop-music singer singing&dancing, accompanied by a music video playing on tvs.
Now I was at a house, presumably my house. I walked out onto the front porch of the house and saw a little kid playing a GBA. he was also playing Sonic Advance 2. I looked out to the street and saw three men (I guessed they were in their twenties) Being handcuffed to various road signs. I looked down and noticed the kid wasn't there anymore. The rest of that part I can't remember.
Next I was packing for a boy-scout outing. I packed, and eventually my mom drove me to a place where all the scouts were to meet at. Right as I got there, I awoke in another dream.
I was in my house. I walked downstairs and asked my mom "what ever happened to that scout outing?" And she said "what scout outing?" This is when I thought I woke up.
But that wasn't the end. I was playing a game with my friend, and it was online and I was in FPVM. Everybody was going through an obstacle course, and I just so happened to stumble upon a shortcut. Right as my friend asked me how I did it, the scene changed.
Next up I was in Memphis, Tennesse. There was a really fast train that ran along a set of tracks. I was in a plaza where the train would pass by on 2 ends, so you could see it twice. I almost got hit by it when crossing the tracks. My family then broke into a warehouse and, again, the scene changed.
This time I was in a church with a whole bunch of dogs that all looked at my dog. My dad was holding one. I called out my dog's name and she came running to me. I then yelled at my dad "Dad, you're holding the wrong dog!"
Then I woke up.

Wikkity! / Re: ⑨⑨⑨
« on: September 09, 2009, 09:15:03 pm »
This is probably the best thing I've seen today.

Wikkity! / Re: Disney acquires Marvel
« on: September 02, 2009, 09:17:52 pm »
I thought the Orginization 13 members from KH were properties of Square-Enix.

Leaderboard Disputes / i call suspicion on llcooldave
« on: August 31, 2009, 05:07:35 pm »
i have looked at some of his stats, and some of them are questionable. i particularly want to mention his time for gnarly in smw.

please reply with a description of your strategy or a form of media.

also i know i can't call bs just because it 'doesn't look right' but this seemed odd

Wikkity! / Re: I need help with IRC
« on: August 22, 2009, 12:31:21 am »
I don't think I have a client.

Wikkity! / I need help with IRC
« on: August 22, 2009, 12:21:27 am »
Okay, so I've decided to try out going on IRC. I need help on how to connect to it and how to register on it.

Board Games / Re: Return of the genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« on: August 20, 2009, 05:50:08 pm »
Reality / TSC
What's the coolest screen name you've seen on the Internet that isn't yours?

What's the best dream you remember? (I know there's a topic for this, you can link a post of yours if need be).
The one where I raced SJ, SM, and Jawzun (it's in the topic)

Who do you talk to / hang with most on TSC?
Noone, really

TSC Furries: Poisoning the site, bringing smiles and happiness to the site, or just more users?
More users

Given one day as admin, what do you change around here?
Nothing, I think this site is okay the way it is

What do you think about these TSC fads:
* iSketch

* Mafia
interestingly somewhat fun

* SRB2

* Toulouse
Again, Idunno

What's your theory on DsS's skills? Genetic mutation, virus, disease, gift from God, result of the Vorlon touch, or something else? Is it (hopefully) communicable?
IMO mutation, but part of me wants to say virus. I'd say it could be communicable.

Does Sonic Team has one foot in the grave, both feet in the grave, or is it rising from the grave as an undead? Or *gulp* is it wising fwom its gwave as some sort of Altered Beast? *shot*
I'd say they have one foot in the grave. They have had bad attempts in the near past, but unleashed (not counting the night stages) was suprisingly fun. I think Naka should "have a spin" a sonic game again.

Cooler power-up to own: Super Leaf or Fire Flower?
Super feather. Then I could cause earthquakes with a nosedive.

Coolest "psychic" ability to wield at an unrealistic level: psychokinesis (telekinesis), pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, telepathy, empathy, etc.?

For those of you with a "fursona", or for those just answering for the lulz: your species, gender, and color are...? (I had to do it, sorry... I'm not appealing to a minority with this one anymore~)

Cooler height to be for a day: 1cm (0.4") or 50m (164'), Square-Cube Law be damned?

Coolest Sonic-game body to inhabit?
Tails. Then I could GET DOWN by wearing a badge. Also, flying is fun.

Coolest non-legendary Pokémon to be?

Coolest Halloween monster to be? (Use traditional definitions, not Twilight definitions)
Tengu (it's traditional in japan)

Coolest video game to play the main character's role in?
If you consider MMOs, I'd choose Maple. If you mean console games, I'd have to say TWEWY

Coolest TSCer to trade lives with for a day?
SM, just because I want to know what kind of job he has.

Wikkity! / Re: itt we guess things that link to other things
« on: August 11, 2009, 09:45:40 pm »
I have 23 of 25 uncovered

Wikkity! / Re: I have a dream.
« on: August 10, 2009, 03:53:23 pm »

Eventually, it all ended with a MAD of Yu-Gi-Oh!, involving some anime girl playing against Yami Yugi.

Niconico: now haunting your dreams *ieat shot

So Either way I'm a bird. Nice.

I was born 6/16, and I'm either an A or O.

Hiya Folks / Re: About Me
« on: July 16, 2009, 08:30:40 pm »
Hello there. Nice to see another person who likes the 3D games more than the 2D ones.

Wikkity! / Re: Don't like Twilight? Don't tell anyone!
« on: July 16, 2009, 08:28:45 pm »
I can't believe there are people who'd do that over a book! Even diehard Harry Potter fans don't act like that.

My sister is a twilight fan, but not that much. I'm glad she won't break someone's limbs over a book.

Wikkity! / I have a broken arm and tsc should entertain me!
« on: July 09, 2009, 12:49:47 pm »
I was biking yesterday with my family, and I broke my arm. What happened was My dad was making a sharp turn, I ran into him, and next thing I knew I was sprawled on the concrete with a bend in the middle of my right arm.

So yeah, basically I'm at home, bored, and I need stuff to do. Link to things. If it's NSFW, Say that by the link.

Wikkity! / Re: I have a dream.
« on: July 08, 2009, 10:31:17 am »
New dream that I remembered.

First, I was playing a game that seemed like a cross between SM64 and SMG. It also had Fawful (I was reading about the new M&L game, as well as SMG2 Right before I slept). It was very interesting, but it was also a lot Mario-like.
The next part was where my friend and I were playing a FF game and we were stuck on the last boss. Eventually, we were able to beat it.
The final part was immediately after part 2. I found myself playing a game that looked like Maplestory but with Touhou characters in it. I had some interesting attacks, such as one were I could make green and blue blobs fall down from the sky, one were I could change eneies into red blobs that would then melt, and one where I could make enemies explode like fireworks.
Not that much that I could remember, but I could remember some of it.

Wikkity! / Re: I have a dream.
« on: July 02, 2009, 11:51:46 am »

Anyway I'm going to try an experiment where I listen to a certain song, over and over, throughout the night and see if it influences my dream(s), assuming I can remember it/them.

The experimental song shall be: "The capital city of flowers in the sky," the stage 3 theme of Touhou 7. I dunno why. I just chose that. Blame my Touhou obsession.

I listen to music every night, and it doesn't seem to affect my dreaming (though I guess since a medley isn't focused around one single point I guess it wouldn't do much).
I think I'll either try listening to Airman Ga Tosenai (I can't defeat Airman) or maybe a Touhou song. Thanks for the idea.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: The TSC MMO topic
« on: June 20, 2009, 10:38:55 pm »
I currently play maplestory. My main character is ieatatsonic, on scania

Wikkity! / Re: Passing By
« on: June 06, 2009, 11:59:30 pm »
Buy guy. Here's a haikou

The fire burns out
But the flame is not dead yet
It can burn again

Wikkity! / Re: NEW AND IMPROVED: TSCA 2.0
« on: June 06, 2009, 11:55:05 pm »
For effective and unnaffectiveness, in RPGVX you can assign A,B,C,D, and E to weapons, were C is standard and E is unaffective. If you want a weapon that doesn't damage *insert* type, there'd be a box (weapon creation) where you can assaign these characteristics.

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