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Competition Central / Re: Getting 0:00:08 in Final Egg (SADX)
« on: June 29, 2006, 10:04:15 pm »
Windy Valley- I'm not sure about this one. It's easier on GameCube, at least, but I'm not saying too much, yet. Muhahaha!

Casinopolis- I got about 18 seconds with ekgnew's improvement, and I think 15 is possible. 12 isn't, so far.

Ice Cap- I say they're exactly the same. I remember falling out of the tunnel being just as easy
on Dreamcast, but I guess that's because I dash against the boulder clogging the tunnel.
Jumping through the door in area 2? I don't know. F-Man thinks it's easier on DC. I didn't notice.

Windy Valley (Tails)- GameCube draw distance: really bad, and with overlapping glitches that make it look even worse.
Dreamcast draw distance: really, really bad, with pop-up like 50 feet away. :(

Twinkle Park (Amy)- I don't know what this is about jumping over the castle.
I guess the doors aren't "sticky" on DC. Anyway, I would think it helps, but F-Man uses the other shortcut.

Emerald Coast (Gamma)- There are more robots on DC. robots=time=win

Hot Shelter (Gamma)-
from my guide:

"<3. Freeze time and go through the Hot Shelter repeatedly.> (GC:yes, DC:no)

At the end of the stage, instead of falling into E-105 Zeta's area, jump forward and land at Amy's goal.
Go to the end of the platform and stop in the doorway. Jump out there and turn right. If you hover straight
out there, you should be able to get through the walls of a red, cylinder-shaped room and land on
the button that changes the path of the bridge. Because time stopped before you went into Zeta's room,
you can explore the level as much as you want

But SadisticMystic said something about getting 128 minutes on DC, so that would give it the advantage.

Information Kiosk / Re: Summer of Sonic involvement
« on: June 29, 2006, 09:44:55 pm »
Like I said, maybe I can submit some SA videos. Expect about the same quality as my other videos.
Again, I'm not sure about finally releasing the big Windy Valley trick. It would definitely make a nice video.
If I do, though, I'll probably get beaten by F-Man, even though he doesn't seem to know the other shortcut. :(

Competition Central / Re: Getting 0:00:08 in Final Egg (SADX)
« on: June 25, 2006, 06:33:49 pm »
Yeah, that probably will help. Thanks. I tried it on the Dreamcast version (and it didn't work,
probably because of different walls), but I remembered that the ship is right above NiGHTS Pinball.

If your jump is getting cancelled, I think that means you're pressing B a bit after A.

Right after you release X and B, press and hold B and A at the same time to get the jump.
It's still hard to get a good jump from that ship, so try practicing on flat ground.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Funny video game moments.
« on: June 23, 2006, 08:46:50 pm »
GC, as far as I can see, holds a perfect 60 easily in 1-player mode.
I meant that 2-player is 30. 60 looks perfect, and 30 is a fairly smooth blur.
2P's framerate seems consistent, but it's just low, and it goes slow like some older games.
On GC, at least, the graphics seem to be as detailed, and the draw distance is as long as in the 1P mode.

I thought of some parts with bad acting or lines in Sonic games, but I forgot most of them.

One of them is, "I'll find Eggman and put a stop to his evil ways!"

General Sonic / Re: beating SA2B without Bounce Braclet
« on: June 23, 2006, 08:05:47 pm »
I think you might be able to jump up onto the roof of the tunnel before that area,
and then do a big jump to get around the walls to get near the lower parts of those
tubes beneath the boxes, but I might be getting that mixed up with Final Chase.
I might even be so mixed up that the whole glitch doesn't exist, and I just think it does.
I need to check that. (Maybe I'm thinking of jumping upward by using the roof as a ramp?)

General Sonic / Re: A quick poll...
« on: June 23, 2006, 07:59:29 pm »
Chaotix boss battles (against the robot armies) are kind of fun.
*BANG! + 200 rings*  Vector: "AHhhhhhhoaaaaaahahahoooaaa!"
...  *Team Blast pops up again* *BANG + 200 more rings*

Also, they're funny. Team Dark's is annoying because it messes up time-attacking
(it has to be relied on for a good time, restarting becomes even worse, and I
always happen to use it in the wrong place because I haven't memorized the stages).
Team Rose's isn't really that useful, and Team Sonic's has just that Light Speed Attack
feature, which doesn't seem too useful to me (and it's just a form of "Take this!" *Sonic goes
a mile away from the pole or propeller just to attack a stupid-looking robot*).

Competition Central / Re: Sonic R question
« on: June 23, 2006, 06:32:43 pm »
I'd probably submit records for everything eventually, but I don't know how quickly I'd do that, and
it would probably discourage me from trying each course repeatedly until I could do my very best.
Another problem is that the charts aren't very big, anyway. SA2 is a popular game with a lot of players.
Sonic R is not. This makes it just a bit more pointless to have all these charts.
I don't really care, though, as long as they don't affect the overall rankings too much.
(half or quarter value for a rank?)

Competition Central / Re: Getting 0:00:08 in Final Egg (SADX)
« on: June 23, 2006, 06:22:51 pm »
I guess I should mention that this is the trick I used for Casinopolis,
(and I did it first! :D ) so there's still a use for it on other versions.

Practice the trick on flat ground somewhere. First, try dashing while keeping the Light Dash energy,
then try some jumps. You can even try releasing the B button (or whichever button you first
pressed to charge the Light Dash) for a few seconds, as long as Sonic doesn't leave the ground or stand up.
(He'll automatically release the dash once he uncurls.)

News and Updates / Re: TSC4 - The future of game competition
« on: June 17, 2006, 12:59:44 pm »
Despite what people say, I have never had a problem with Windows' stability.
Uh... my computer randomly slows down or freezes every once in a while.
I blame XP. My old computer (Pentium 1, 200 MHz) with 98 is easily as stable as the new one with XP.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Funny video game moments.
« on: June 15, 2006, 06:02:41 pm »

Sonic Heroes
- Gamma: "I could not even beat Alpha or Beta."
- Massive slowdowns during multiplayer on the Cube version, I think it goes down to 24 fps at one time.  I don't know why I think it's funny.  It just is.

If you hold right during the fall right after the second rocket on Radical Highway, Shadow will grab onto the roof, pull up, fall, grab on again, pull up, get the idea.
1. That's not bad, but I like Amy's better: "We couldn't even impress Sonic like this!"
(Yeah, but as long as you get a D-rank, you will impress Sonic.
Only the worst of the worst are unable to impress him.)
2. The slowdown isn't funny. It's just sad, and it makes me want to cry.
What are the other versions like? Do they use worse graphics?
(The GC one runs at 30 because everything is displayed in full detail.
If the PS2 one tried that, the system would explode.
I guess it uses some pop-up and runs at a fast 30?
What about XBox? Does it use pop-up and run at the full 60?)
And whose idea was it to not skip frames (or skip very few)?
I haven't seen it slowing down, though. I haven't seen one framerate drop
in the 1-player mode (probably because the graphics look like PS2 quality),
and if there are any in the 2-player mode, I haven't noticed anything
(but then, I don't play it much).
3. Is the second rocket  the one that lifts him way up above the ground,
and lets him keep grabbing the ledge if you hold forward?
I don't know what holding right would do.
(Why can't I add quotes?) Yeah, Spinballwizard, I remember those.
There's also the thing in Mystic Mansion: *Marth presses A at
just the right time to lift the bobsled thing over the laser.
Just after Marth presses the button: Knuckles (or someone): "Jump, now!"
Of course, the first time, it would be: *CRASH* "Jump, now!"
I've heard about that Zero Wing stuff so many times.
"All your base are belong to us!"
^Especially that one quote.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic R question
« on: June 13, 2006, 06:32:27 pm »
A Time Attack division would be nice, and Reverse is better than Balloons or Tag in my opinion.
Characters wouldn't be a good idea, unless (like RPGnutter and PsyBorg suggested)
just a few characters were chosen. It's hard to divide them into groups, so maybe it could just be
Super Sonic / Sonic / Robotnik      or something.
The Tails doll is better than the other non-jumping characters, and it can hover, but
it's not actually a jumping character. The robots can glide over water, so Metal Sonic
and Metal Knuckles are basically just slow versions of Super Sonic.

I was wondering about the speed shoes. They are allowed?
(I've been careful not to use them.)

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Funny video game moments.
« on: June 03, 2006, 02:10:39 pm »
Yeah, sometimes the CPU players kill themselves on easy tracks, and other times, they
zoom through super-tough areas that I have to slow down for! (eggFL's post mentioning F-Zero X)

About the characters in Sonic games sounding weird...

-Tails's voice ("Led's leave id tu Sodic" [made-up part] "SNIFF! Hey, cud you giv be a kleedex?"[/made-up part]

-Super Sonic's Story in Sonic Adventure (Sonic: "Ahah... I was on a snooze cruise, I guess."
Tails: "Good thing you're oka-" *voice clip ends, but his mouth keeps moving*)

-Amy's story in SA (Robotnik: *in normal voice* "Where do you think you're"
*voices fades into Robotniky-ness* "going, Amy?")
Strangely, he does the same thing in Sonic X, even though the actor is different.
(*Robotnik voice* "I'm taking that Emerald, Sonic." *normal voice with no emotion or anything*
"I found it first, so it belongs to me."

-after Chaos 4, I think with Knuckles (Knuckles *in weird, old voice* "Hey, Sonic!"
*quickly switches to normal voice* "You guys go. I have some unfinished business to take care of."
Tails *using ridiculously calm voice* "Hurry, Sonic. What are we waiting for.")

-when Sonic reaches a capsule before Tails ("I gat it!" *Marth makes jokes about Americans.)


And then there was that time my brother accidentally did something like F-Man's Windy Valley trick.
(This was quite a while ago, when my time might've been 1'40" or 1'38".)

General Sonic / Re: The Sonic trivia topic
« on: May 25, 2006, 02:54:49 pm »
So we are supposed to post here?

1. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's Deem Bristow. I didn't think his death was the reason, though.
Let's see... he died somewhere around winter/spring 2005... so the timing was right.
(Although... ugh... Sonic X... had the new actors earlier than that, the first game
with the new actors was Shadow the Hedgehog, released in fall of that year.)
I don't know, but I guess that's the answer you're looking for.

2. I can't remember exactly... __* Maurice Hedgehog       (* something like Olive, but I don't know)

3. don't know about the character, but I guess it's Shadow the Hedgehog

Thank you, Spinballwizard, for remembering my glitch! :D

Anyway, what matters is if it ruins the competition or not. If everyone could get 0'00"00,
there'd be no point in having any scoreboards if the glitch was allowed.

Oh, and don't forget Cannon's Core...

News and Updates / Re: noooo why sonic team why!?
« on: May 20, 2006, 04:29:09 pm »
The camera doesn't change to show him inside the tornado, rather I'm pretty sure it's an entirely new area. The fact that it changes music as well makes the level feel even more hyper and broken apart -- the game can't keep a single mood for more than a minute.

Huge stages are good. They're -great-. Of course, if you don't like a certain type of stage you would want them to be as small and short as possible, but I think anyone who really appreciated Knuckles stages liked that the stages were larger in SA2.

Gamers would think that the stages are excessively slow or hard, but not so much. You're not playing a bad Zelda, you're supposed to actively and briskly scout the stage to pick up a radar reading. Some rats think Chaotix stages are somehow better just because they are in the same areas as Sonic, when it really doesn't make it any better, if the items are harder to find and you have no radar to help you anyway.

The game doesn't imply you're no good just because you got a time record instead of a score record. The ranking is just a replay value thing. It's just a matter of knowing that it's based entirely on your score. (since one would guess that it would be based off /something/, and that something doesn't have to be everything, which is your suggestion)

If this game is Sonic Adventure 3 then what would be wrong with that?
1. I did say the tornado is a separate area. The music changes, the tornado suddenly gets taller,
and the slowdown just makes it seem more broken apart, like you said, but it's smooth enough to not
seem really bad. It's not like: *spins around in the tornado* *freezes for a few seconds* *appears in area 2*,
like it must have been in the Dreamcast version.

2 and 3. The main problem is the radar (which only shows one emerald at a time), but it's not all.
"Actively and briskly" exploring isn't good enough for SA2's massive space stages.
Random positions make time-attacking or (in SA2 space) even getting an A difficult and annoying.
Chaotix usually is worse, though.

4. Sonic is about speed, and time is the main category for most players.
It seems weird that the games choose score as the one thing to rate a run by.
The system with one mission and 3 grades solves the problems of the ranking systems in SA, SA2, and SH.

5. There's just one little problem: No matter how good a game is, I can't enjoy it much when it's on the wrong consoles.
(I'm not getting XBox 360 or Playstation 3, and I don't know if my friends are. They probably aren't.)
Even if it's released for PC, that'll be annoying. (Everyone in the family always wants to use the PC,
and I'd barely get any time for SA3 if it wasn't on Revolution.)

Information Kiosk / Re: How do i compete
« on: May 20, 2006, 04:07:00 pm »
There's a version of Gens that'll let you play Genesis games over the internet.
I think it's called Gens Netplay or something like that.

News and Updates / Re: noooo why sonic team why!?
« on: May 18, 2006, 08:56:28 pm »
I'm pleasantly surprised if SADX fixed this, but in SA, in Windy Valley you reached a tornado *loading time* then you get through the inside of the tornado *loading time* then appeared in a completely different area with cheesy music.

Now in Sonic06, we see Sonic grab onto an eagle. The eagle flies him a little, then the game is interrupted by a 'now loading' screen. When it's done, Sonic appears in a completely different area, on the ground, with the eagle nowhere in sight. Ugh. But this will be fixed in the final release... right? The gameplay in the demo wasn't finished yet, right? Only which parts are finalized and which arent...

I approve non-Sonic gameplay in the games, but I generally prefer if the characters have some speed, although not as fast as Sonic. But it doesn't really matter. As a fan, I really want character's speeds to be consistent from one game to another, and it would drive me nuts when they make everyone else Sonic clones. (Sonic Advance anyone?) The best non-Sonic stages are the hunting stages starring Knuckles, to me that was a pretty clever and it was addicting.

"Time-attackers are rewarded instead of ignored" Time attackers aren't ignored since you have a time bonus and your best time is recorded. Ultimately, the score which combines time and completion together, is much more interesting, and any good racer is capable of doing well enough to get the highest rank anyway. It only applies to the game's ranking system, and, in terms of replay value, having it based off score is just fine.

Heroes was not the most serious/franchise-defining release. The game was good considering its gimmick, imo. Controlling one character is best, but that doesn't mean we should hold every single Sonic game to that standard.
1. After Sonic spins around in the tornado for a few seconds, the camera changes
to show him inside it, and area 2 appears at the exact time that the camera changes.
The short pause might have something to do with setting up some little details, but I'm not sure.
(It comes about 2 seconds late in Speed Highway.)
When Sonic jumps out of the tornado, it does the same camera change and pause as before,
and Sonic lands in area 3 (The Air), which happens to have pretty good music (which is actually from Sonic 3D Blast).
Check out any of the DX videos (Windy Valley for example).

2. Okay, that's a little dumb, but at least it's not super embarrassingly glitchy.
That's just like... uh, what game does that, anyway? (I thought there was something.)

3. I don't mind as long as they're actually running. Amy moved at about a human's walking speed in SA,
and then she was suddenly going fairly fast in Sonic Heroes. (still not fast, but more than fast enough for a game to be fun)
Knuckles's stages would have been great if they had been like Sonic's.
Even the hunting wouldn't have been terrible if they had just set 1 position for each Emerald piece.
And then, as if the randomness wasn't bad enough, SA2 brought in some huge stages.

4. The time is recorded, but the ranking system rewards scores alone.
The time bonus isn't nearly enough, especially because restarting (which is almost always necessary
for the fastest times) resets the score to 0. I don't like that the game acts as if I'm no good
just because I set a time record instead of a score record,
and it also bugs me that there are so many missions to play for scores.
(A score-based system wouldn't be so bad if there was only 1 mission, although I still say that
my 1-mission system that rewards times, rings, and scores (with times being most important) is the best.

5. Yeah, I still think of Heroes as a kind of spin-off... like some typical so-so, multiplatform
game with the now-much-too-common gimmick of teamwork.
I'm still waiting for a Sonic Adventure 3, and this new game had better not be it (unless it comes to Revolution later).

Some of that was funny, but some of it wasn't. (Dr. Robotnik? That's a good thing!)
I didn't get some of it. The thing about Amy=Sally is funny, but I didn't think too many
people actually liked that. (It's from an old game, but it gets criticized a lot, doesn't it?)

I don't think the new games are great, but they're not terrible.
Sonic Adventure is my favourite one, and it's in between.
(Dr. Robotnik? Chunky-looking characters? A release date that will soon fit perfectly
between the present and the original Sonic the Hedgehog? SA is not "new".)

I have to go. Anything else I have to say can be added later.

News and Updates / Re: noooo why sonic team why!?
« on: May 13, 2006, 01:21:43 pm »
You rarely fall off for /no reason/, there's usually a rule to it and something you could have done to prevent it. At least it has that. (for example, knowing which types of platforms have an invisible guard or not) I know the games are sloppy sometimes, but that's part of the excitement. ANYTHING GOES!! >_>; But really, why adventure games can have badly designed superlame puzzles that's called a rewarding challenge, but heaven forbid you take steps to prevent yourself from dying in an action game.

Anyway I saw the Sonic Cult movies.... some thoughts:

- Sonic seems to move really slowly except for the 'mach speed part'.
- lol @ mid-level loading times, Sonic Adventure style. Hopefully they upgrade it to Shadow the Hedgehog style. The eagle that picked up Sonic in part one was no where in sight for part 2. But I'm sure they will fix that for release, etc.
- adventure stages lol
- the characters move slowly in the air. Springs keep them in the air for a long time.
There's always some rule, but that doesn't make it okay. It's not fun to lose for some almost-random reason.
If Sonic falls through the floor, it's because the floor is fake (Emerald Coast, Lost World)
or unstable (every "solid" floor and wall can be glitched through, or at least
the character can keep tripping on the edge as if trying to fall through).
If Omega runs off the cliff, it's because his homing feature is messed up, and because
there just happens to be no little invisible wall at the edge of the platform.
If Sonic goes crazy and jumps off the cliff, it's because his homing attacks are messed up,
or something that was supposed to be automatic either messed itself up or was interrupted by the player.

I haven't seen the videos yet. They're probably too much for my dial-up connection.

-more about this after

-I read somewhere else that SA had mid-level loading times. What was it like?
(SADX goes smoothly, except for the tiny pause that comes a bit after the next area is entered.
Chankast (with SA saved on my hard drive) is so smooth that I can only notice by seeing the lighting change.)
About this eagle, is it that something is clearly disappearing, like how there's just an empty space at the
back of the flat mountain in section 1 of Emerald Coast?

-Adventure Fields= :)

-Ugh... is it even worse than SA and SA2? (end of Emerald Coast, and also the vertical place in Green Forest)

what the ultimate Sonic game would be:

-If there were other characters, they'd have Sonic-like gameplay (like Tails in SA,
or Amy without the slowness... also without Zero or Sonic/Robotnik being annoying).

-Grades would be given for 3 categories: Time, Rings, and Score.
Time-attackers are rewarded instead of ignored, and there can be different challenges
without having a whole bunch of stupid, boring, or nearly-identical missions.
(just 1 mission and 3 ranks in each)

-Sonic Heroes did the first thing right, but it still wasn't great. The reason?
It wasn't "Sonic-y" enough. Fighting should be reduced to certain small areas or stages or something.
Maybe there could even be a few mini-stages based on SH or SA2 or something.

-less (or no) shooting, no hunting, and DEFINITELY no fishing

That's all I can think of for now.

News and Updates / Re: TSC4 - The future of game competition
« on: May 13, 2006, 12:32:07 pm »
I don't know if I'd really have any use for this yet.
Just about all I play is Sonic, and what isn't Sonic (F-Zero X, for example), Cyberscore has.
If this'll support custom challenges for SA (and if people will actually play them), that could be cool.

The main thing is to make sure that this is The Sonic Center, and that it's
about Sonic, with other games' charts just added in as a little bonus.

General Sonic / Re: TSC on Summer of Sonic?
« on: May 05, 2006, 08:20:27 pm »
That sounds good, but one of my SA videos should be used.
(It doesn't have to be an existing one. I can make more.)
I've got Sonic's Casinopolis in under half a minute on GameCube! (also Tails in under 15 seconds)
I could make an Amy Hot Shelter video, but I'm not sure how many shortcuts I want people to see.
I'm even considering Sonic's Windy Valley*,but that's really risky.

Maybe you could use one of mine and one of F-Man's. :)

*That's right! Because I have 2 good shortcuts, I might actually give one away!
It depends on if F-Man can beat me with it.

5'11"??? That's crazy! Of course, he'd probably be only about 5'3"*, but that's still too much.
This is like that thread at 4Kids: someone somehow got the idea that Sonic is 5 feet tall.

*like Robotnik and Vector, who claim to be about 6 feet, but really aren't even close

Hmm... Adventure Fields? That could be a good thing. SA's were a little rough,
but they weren't terrible, and they were some of the best places for glitches, anyway. :D

News and Updates / Re: Nextgen Sonic may yet not suck!
« on: May 05, 2006, 06:25:05 pm »
What's wrong with a little combat? I enjoyed all of the extra fighting in SH, (Team Dark was by far, the most fun team to play as.) especially since one of my major complaints with Sonic games is weak or non-existant combat. Does anyone want to take bets on how bad the camera is, since we know that Sonic Team can never design a good camera. Here's the categories for prediction along with an example of a game in that category.
1. Blatently homicidal: (Sonic Adventure 2)
2. Bad: (Sonic Heroes)
3. Moderately incompetent (Shadow the Hedgehog)
4. Good: (3D Zelda games)
5. Great: (Kingdom Hearts 2)
The fighting is slow, and it wastes time. It's also frustrating, partly because robots just don't
want to get hurt (yes, that's you, you stupid helmeted fatso who is still nearly impossible to hit even
after the helmet is knocked off, thanks to a combination of stupidity and bad hit detection),
and because the characters are especially hard to control while fighting.
Omega usually runs in the general direction of an enemy when he punches,
but he still manages to miss it most of the time. If there aren't any enemies, he runs toward the edge
of the platform and tries killing himself. There's usually an invisible wall stopping him,
but sometimes, he slides right off the platform and dies. Vector and Big don't do that,
but they have stiff, slow controls, and they manage to waste even more time.

I agree about the cameras, although I haven't played Shadow the Hedgehog or Kingdom Hearts 2.
Sonic Adventure 2's is evil, not just for being uncontrollable, but also for doing stupid things and
getting stuck behind walls (and then staying there until Sonic kills himself).
I'd call Sonic Adventure's something around "bad" or "very bad".
SADX's Free Camera would be "good" if it didn't change back to Auto (become disabled,
act like Auto while pretending to be Free, or change the menu to say Auto again)
every time Sonic went into a different room or loaded a new area.

eggFL, I didn't think SA's bosses were really great, but they still beat SH's.
In SH, the battles are all button-mashing (bird machines), button-mashing and randomness
(team battles), or fairly fun fights against dozens of robots (but those aren't even bosses).
StH and StH2 beat all the other games. It's really fun to hit Robotnik really quickly
(instead of waiting for a chance to attack) without having to mash the buttons.

Okay, I'm done with the off-topic stuff.

Oh, there's one more thing: I just noticed that I can't quote from the Topic Summary.
Did someone already mention this in another thread?

News and Updates / Re: New Sonic PSP game
« on: May 05, 2006, 05:57:16 pm »
I kind of hope it is a disappointment. That way, I won't be missing much*. (I don't even have a DS.)
If it is good, they'd better include it in one of their Sonic collections for Revolution a few years from now.

I've been getting pretty upset about these Sonic games. First, they make a game that'll probably
exclude just Revolution. Now, they make a game just for Playstation Portable!
SEGA had better release 4 more Sonic masterpieces only for Revolution to make up for this.

*Yeah, I know that's kind of selfish. :( Still, they shouldn't keep doing this. It's rude and annoying
to Nintendo players, and they know that their games were successful on GameCube.

Competition Central / Re: I'm going to look stupid...
« on: May 02, 2006, 03:52:22 pm »
Yeah, that was my video. :D

It's like mike89 said. I never really thought about what unlocks the Boss mode,
but I guess it appears when you finish Knuckles's story or something.
If it doesn't appear then, it will appear when you finish Super Sonic's story.
(but if you haven't gotten far enough to unlock it, you probably wouldn't want to time-attack already)

News and Updates / Re: Nextgen Sonic may yet not suck!
« on: May 02, 2006, 03:22:07 pm »
1. This is what SADX should've looked like. (Okay, maybe that's a little too good.)
2. Maybe they'll get true Sonic gameplay back. Sonic Heroes was like
"Super Smash Bros. Melee Adventure Featuring Sonic and a Worse Camera".
too much fighting and garbage puzzles, and no traditional stages to turn to (like in SA)...
3. (MOST IMPORTANT) I sure hope SEGA will do that betrayal plan* that seems so popular,
but do it in reverse for once (to be fair to Nintendo players).
If they don't, then they're deliberately trying to lose half their customers.
I'd rather pay $50 for a used Dreamcast just to play SA than $400+ for an XB360 or PS3
just to play this game (and possibly be a little disappointed like with SH).

*You know... give Nintendo a game to be made available only for GameCube
(and get the "ONLY FOR" triangle on the cover), wait a year or two, and then
release the same game for the other systems. Is it lying to say "only for GameCube"?
No, it's not. These new versions of the game are improved, so they aren't exactly the same.

I'd like to see this happen with the other systems for once.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Will you buy the Wii?
« on: April 29, 2006, 05:27:20 pm »
I plan to get the Revolution (probably a bit late, as usual),
but as you've probably guessed, I'm still calling it Revolution,
and I'll keep calling it that until Nintendo changes the name again. (if they do)
Only Revolution will get F-Zero, Zelda, and Metroid (and more than just that, of course),
and I've only been getting Nintendo systems anyway.

Nintendo will probably do well, but they still could make their reputation worse
(of being a kiddy toy company that makes simple, stupid, kiddish garbage games
and releases systems with bad graphics and doesn't get any 3rd-party games).
I doubt that they'll kill themselves with this system, even if it's bad
(and the name doesn't really matter).
Like some people have said, Nintendo has gotten everyone talking about the new system.
Although it's kind of in a negative way, this could work out well,
especially if Nintendo suddenly changes the name to something sensible.

<NintendoGuy>hay i gots-a grate' idea were, gonna change teh name to...
"Revolvolooshun" or whutever teh name is;

General Sonic / Re: Sonic trivia
« on: April 29, 2006, 04:33:45 pm »
Where did someone say "Angel Island"?
Anyway, Underground was 1992, and Palmtree Panic was 1993. Angel Island (Sonic 3) was from 1994.

About the Egg machine, I know (100%) that it was called "Eggmobile" in Sonic Adventure.
I'm pretty sure "Egg-o-Matic" was the earlier name for the machine,
so that would mean that they are slightly different. (In SA, the Egg machine
was bigger, and there were more boosters on the back, but it was basicaly the same as in StH.)

General Sonic / Re: Sonic trivia
« on: April 26, 2006, 04:35:38 pm »
1. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (or S3&K)
2. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for Game Gear (Underground Zone)
3. Eggmobile (I think it's also known as Egg-o-Matic)
4. Casino Night from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for Genesis
5. 50,000
6. 6 (7 is my 2nd guess... I can't remember, but it was probably 6.)
7. neutral-flying-flying

I don't know the others.

I think that no matter what system is used, there's always going to be a problem with certain moves that some can do and others can't.  Consider Casinopolis for Sonic.  Clearing the level in a few seconds can only be done by Dreamcast owners; GameCube owners will have to settle for second-best.  If there's a dividing line that separates "exceptional achievement" from tricks of the trade, I'm okay with reforming the system.
25 seconds (and lower) counts as "a few", doesn't it? Sure, Dreamcast has about a 12-second advantage,
but that's not much of a problem. Still, I know what you mean. Even though CP's problem is gone,
there's still Final Egg, which gives GameCube players an even bigger advantage.
It would be nice to get more points for getting way ahead, but there would be flaws like that.
(Also, I'm not way ahead in Hot Shelter like I was before. I'm not even ahead at all for now.
I wouldn't get a big reward for that stage, although I guess I could get a decent number of points for WV.)

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