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Messages - Brian

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Woa! You guys talked a lot while I was sleeping xD.

Yeah, I think it's better to keep the original title of the topic, it makes it look awesome as you guys said, and it was mainly Paragod's fault, 'cause in my LD topic, he was one of the first ones to reply, and after this we and Jawzun started to talk about the stage and post our results there, these were good days for sure :D.

Yeah, it's called CWS, it was a great found :), it helps a lot in mission 5, since I don't need to waste time there, but instead of doing a spindash jump, I just hold the "A" button while charging and keep holding it until I reach that last place.

Hahahahahaha, thx guys for your help, I'll do my best to get sub 1:40, but I don't think your record is beatable, at least by me :/, even if I could, I probably wouldn't try to do it, since CE(and GH, but I can choose only one) is your signature stage, as EC is for Jawzun. And about the big pit jump, I did that 'cause I haven't put the usual method to work right, and jumping on that final rail happened to me only one time during a speedrun, but I've though about it earlier.

Hey Final, will you play FR again? If so GL dude :D, and don't forget to tape it, we need another awesome video from you :)

Oh... ok then :), thx so much man, you're surely awesome at this game, I'm still trying to get sub 1:40 in CE(I'm at 1:41 right now, but I haven't submitted it) while you got 1:36 years ago :D, btw I've taped a horrible, full of big mistakes CE run, did you see it?

I wasn't talking about the 2:12 run, I know you don't taped it :P, I wanted to see the 2:13 run, in your comment you said you taped it. Even knowing the shortcuts I can't get close to your time :/, I'm more capable to at least try to beat things when I see a video than when I just know how it's done :(

That surely is awesome. Only bad thing is that I was hoping for another awesome Sonic/Shadow glitch. :D <_<
But that's a really nice discovery nonetheless, Brian! *thumbs up*

Thx Final :D, yeah unfortunately it's not a Sonic/Shadow trick :P

Also Paragod, can you upload your Final Rush mission 5 video? I really want to see it, my time is very bad :/

Hi guys, I have some news, I've finally got a video capture card, so I won't need someone's camera anymore :D, and since we are talking about glitches, I have one to show you:

See ya'll later o/

« on: September 22, 2009, 06:13:04 pm »
Just a simple rule: Slowing down the game purposely by any means is not allowed. Also Thorn, transforming into Super/Hyper sonic does not have anything to do with any TA you do after the glitch being executed, you can't use them in a TA but you can use them in a stage and then just play another stage without them. But I think it'll ruin the game if people could use it to do speedruns, I'm totally against this glitch being allowed here.

Awesome video Paragod :D, and that shortcut... just epic, finally a great video of Pyramid Cave's first mission. I'm sure you can get a sub 1:35 there, you simply don't give up when you know you can do better :)

Competition Central / Re: City Escape 9 second time saver.
« on: September 18, 2009, 03:19:01 pm »
Hahahaha, I've tried this trick sooo many times through the last years without success :P, I hope SM is right, 'cause I don't want to see people beating the awesome CE record just using this trick.

o.O, I can't believe! You just saved my life xD, tell me please Mr Final, fast, faster, even faster, in no time :D

Edit: I know how it's done :D, what an easy thing, just put the key on the altar then use the super bounce to pass over the wall. I never though about that, thanks man :D

It indeed work, and it's easier to do than the one after the second check, I can get back from the 3rd check with no problem but I simply can't pass through the door before the second check, and if I do it someday I'll probably lose my rings or die trying to do the last part of the backtrack :(

I'm not posting so much but I read every reply you guys post here, I'm very happy you guys are getting so awesome times :D, especially you Paragod, I really wanted to see a video of Pyramid Cave mission 1.

I have some news: I've noticed something else about this glitch: Since we can pass through this door now, it's possible to get 10-10-20 from the checks, of course it'll be hard to do, I personally think that both mission 1 and 5 RA are harder than any other in this game when we are talking about backtrack, but I'm sure someone will get this one day.

See you guys :D

That was just awesome! But I think, I'll never be able to do that in my first try xD

Edit: Man! Paragod is very fast :D

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: HyperSonic7701
« on: September 12, 2009, 11:59:25 pm »
and this is a leader board site am i right
i just wanna post stats without this one day happening to me
and it seems that by stating one point or opinion about an event i see
about something this becomes a "hot topic"
Hahahaha, I`m a legit player, and got called out in my first 2 months here, and my topic became a "very hot topic", I just proved my stat and BAM! Problem solved :D, he haven`t done this.

Hey guys, It's been a while since our last talk :D, I want so much to see your pyramid cave runs Paragod, no matter if they're not the record, I'm with PoT and L2, I think you're the best Sonic/Shadow player ever, even if you say you're not, and your videos are much better than mine, they have the best quality, and don't use checks!

And about you PoT, I think you can get my mission 2 record in no time, you're so great at this stage :), and about the mission 5 RA, I don't know if there's an advantage in DC, but SM knows something we don't, 'cause he has one more ring than the other guys.

Hahaha, Cort told you that! I really want to see what'll come out of this :D

Vintage, if you can upload the videos, It'll be awesome, I really want to see them.

It was great to talk to you again dudes :D See you later o/

Pink, White and Blue are done :D, They were too fun, especially Pink.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: July 24, 2009, 04:06:00 pm »
OMG!!! It's PoT!!! I guess it's time to show how I look like(even if it's not so great :P)

General Sonic / How many items have you ever dug up in a row in SA2B?
« on: July 01, 2009, 12:22:27 pm »
I think this is something that almost everybody who played any knuckles/rouge mission in this game did. Well... I was playing Aquatic mine mission 4 for RA, then started to dig, looking for a magnetic shield. A lot of lives later I was still digging up things, but I've noticed that I could get 5 items in a row, I though: Cool! 5 in a row! Then the 6th came out, and it was: 6 items! Awesome! But I could get 9 items in a row!!! It's my record so far. I attached pics of the 8th and the 9th ones.

Now tell me how many items have you ever got in a row?

I mean: like if the game is on it's normal state(no crashing)

Excellent run yoshifan :D, I hope you guys get this stage down to sub 2:25.

You'll surpass me in CG soon FR7, but I'll do my best to beat you back :), now you have 2 competitions to win.

Also werey, this glitch you talked about seems great! Maybe it can be used to beat the current record for mission 3, and talking about your copy of SA2, if you put the chars to talk in japanese, you can play the game normally.

That's what I do in the m3 video, I though about this when I first saw your 1:41 run, it saves so much time :).

PoT is really loving CG, he'll be the one who will take your record Paragod :D

Brian, just wanted to say you did a great job on getting into the top 10 overall rankings for SA2B! As well as getting into the 80% red zone overall.  Are you going to go for the championship? you're definitely the time attack champion by far, but doing rings scores and bosses will be tough.

That being said, I haven't heard much of you lately, Paragod. Wassup?

heya fr7...not a whole lot going on, been doing some real life stuff for once, I keep trying to get good at SA2B but I just can't stand the game much anymore, all I do is get frustrated at my stupid mistakes, I think the days of me playing and playing til I get a crazy time are done. At least we got Brian to take my place :P  yes, he will eventually even get Green Hill and City Escape...,well probably...maybe not?..probably...most likely.

Thanks Paragod :D. Yeah, some rings attacks will be really tough, Sky rail was hell to do xD but I'll do my best to get the most RAs as possible, and I know how to get the CG's mission 5 RA record, but it's with a crazy strategy :). I won't say I'll go for the championship, but I'll get as far as my ability can get me, if I get the championship... great!!!

Don't feel like if your ability has gone, this sometimes happens, when you simply don't stay 1 hour playing something, but you'll get it again later :D, but I don't even think of getting records, they're awesome!!!

I haven't really followed Brian's progress in SA2, but now that I took a look at his profile, I can only say that he did in fact a great job. He might be much higher if it wasn't for him not having that much time to play due to his work, but it's also good to hear that he manages to do both.
Thanks Final, you're an awesome player, you'll get high on the rankings if you want to, your CG mission 1 time is great!!! You'll get a lot of the records of sonic and shadow when you stay playing these stages :D, you're great at finding new strats, and use them xD.

See you guys later o/

Hi, long time no see guys, your beginning strategy is great yoshifan, but surely you lost so many seconds on the end, I liked your ending :D I never though it was possible to fall right on the goal rings from there.

Man your Cosmic wall videos are great! That final strategy on the mission 3 was amazing, such a little thing that no one ever noticed xD, and I still don't know how to get out of the ceiling :/

PoT, you have another player on the competition for the final chase record now, keep the great job guys.

See you all soon o/

Oh... :( ok, I hope you get a new recorder soon, I really want to see a mission 3 video :D

Thanks yoshi, it's good to see you posting here :D. I'll do my best to get as far as I can, I know how good you are, so I know it'll not be easy to get close or surpass you. If I could play at least 2 days per week, I would get a lot of new times, even if they are not so much better, especially the hunting missions :P

Wow!!! You have beaten the records that I really want to see in video, the mission 3 time is an incredible record! You recorded them right? I'll pray to your answer be "YES!"

I'll try it but I don't think it'll be easy, in this run I got to the check in 35.2x sec, it's my best second check ever, then I died but I wasn't trying to beat the record, so I used the check, when I took control of sonic again I did a homing attack then charged a spindash and started the decent, I hitted the springs at low 41, but the main cause that made this run be so fast was my ending, my scream was because of this more than anything else xD, my ending was too fast, since I simply can't do the ending right with blasest's strat, I tried with my old one, from my 51:47 run, but this time I did it perfectly.

I don't know when I'll get a camera again but be sure I'll at least beat your time in video, 'cause after this run I tried again and got 50:40.

One more thing, I've discovered 2 new little shortcuts on Green Forest: the first one is use the gravity control in the first loop skip instead of just do a homing attack, and the second one is in the beginning of the part where you go up the tree, when you hit the first spring, try to get the light dash in the middle of the way, stay holding the "B" button down and charge a spindash, now for the hard part, with the spindash charged aim to the wall in front of you and do a superbounce then immediately when you see the spring do a homing attack on it,if you done it fast and right you'll save at least half of a second.

Obviously it's hard to do in a great run, where you'll probaly be nervous at this point of the stage, but with this I got 1:30:99 in GC, could be lower if I don't screwed up my ending and used the third and the last checks :P

See ya'll dudes ;)

Thanks Werey :), you're awesome on SU, and you're a very fun guy xD.

Guys, I've never screamed when I've beat a record, but when I've seen the counter stopped at 50:29 I started to scream "OMG I can't believe!!! I can't believe!!!" xD. Great time, expecially 'cause I've used the second check once. I'll try to tape it whenever I can get a camera again.

See ya'll \o/

Guys... I can't convert to words what I felt reading what you guys wrote, I'm so happy to have found all of you here on TSC, it's so amazing to have friends like you all, why we need to live so far away from the others :/.

Jawzun, you have a great reputation, you're one of the best players of this whole site, you're the master of SADX, and owns in SSBM :D, so never think of you like a normal player, 'cause you all are awesome, and we all together are even better, see what PoT and Paragod did on Final Rush, look back in the time and see what you and me did with Green Forest mission 1 and 3.

Now to the good news, the mission 1 and 5 are up, I've uploaded a Green Hill run too but it's not so important(I haven't got sub 25 :P), and a check abused Crazy Gadget mission 3 run only to show some little touchups.

Hope you like them :)

See ya'll \o/

Hahahaha, I'll upload it today, then I'll put the link here. I don't have a great reputation as you and jawzun, yoshifan, SM and so many other awesome players have, but I'm happy for being known as a trusted person :), and this reminds me to say thank you for believe me when I first got the Green Forest record :D

Yeah, the first and the middle checks wastes "no time" 'cause you can do a homing attack to get more speed on the descent, then you'll match the time you would have if you haven't used it. It's too hard to talk about a 1:40 run now, but I'll work to build a way to do this ^_~

See you \o/

Look at the news page! With the middle check :/

The video will be uploaded today, after I get out of my job :D

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