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Messages - Strong Bad

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Competition Central / Re: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 competition
« on: October 14, 2010, 04:46:51 pm »
wat? How did you get sub 30 on those bosses? My best for Casino Street is 30"40.

additionally I got 1'08"23 on the Lost Labyrinth Boss.

News and Updates / Re: Sonic 4 Dated
« on: October 14, 2010, 04:45:31 pm »
It's a huge bitch to TA. Be patient if you're just trying to beat it. Learn the attack pattern. When he's electrified and jumps up into the air, go all the way to one side and wait for the targeting reticle to stop moving and then do a homing attack away from the wall, then go all the way to the other side. You'll be able to see him shoot the arm but it'll be out of reach to hit you. Then run back to the boss, stopping a short distance from him, and wait for the claw arm to come back down. Homing attack it and you'll get at least 4 hits in on the boss (jump, hit, homing attack, repeat) per boss cycle. After he comes back he'll jump around. After you get some practice with this strat you can actually just stand in a certain place each time and he'll jump over you.
It simply gets trickier later on when he fires the pink bullets and the laser.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: October 13, 2010, 09:23:33 pm »
no johns

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Megamix
« on: October 06, 2010, 07:33:23 pm »
the only thing i dislike about megamix is homing attack.
is that seriously something to hate me for? my opinion....? grow up, bro.

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Megamix
« on: October 05, 2010, 05:07:59 pm »

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Megamix
« on: October 05, 2010, 04:25:52 pm »
if only it didn't have homing attack.....

Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: October 03, 2010, 04:03:24 am »
so long as mike89 doesn't use autofire to get them sub-par spindashes and win.

News and Updates / Re: Sonic 4 Dated
« on: September 30, 2010, 06:13:59 pm »
if I get Sonic 4 and I hate it, I'm going to rape you all in competition.
if I get Sonic 4 and I love it, I'm going to rape you all in competition.

Competition Central / Re: Weird Capsule on SO2- New?
« on: September 25, 2010, 11:05:28 pm »
it's simply a graphical glitch caused by you not passing through a pathswapper. similar occurs in S1 and S2 when you zip through an entire level. the end flag post thing is all messed up.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your desktop! (2nd Edition)
« on: September 15, 2010, 04:33:11 pm »
you know what isn't cool?
having a folder on your desktop named "desktop" thus defeating the convenience of the desktop shortcut.

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: September 12, 2010, 06:59:11 pm »
[05:56pm]   <DsS>   D0N is the person who won the last tourney.
[05:56pm]   <FK3>   I kinda wish we have brawl tourneys up here. :(
[05:56pm]   <FK3>   *had
[05:56pm]   <DsS>   only difference is no one beat him last time.
[05:56pm]   <DsS>   I didn't face him last time, however.
[05:56pm]   <DsS>   Except for a friendly.
[05:56pm]   -->|   Koshi ( has joined #soniccenter
[05:56pm]   <DsS>   where he used fox.
[05:56pm]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v Koshi by CodeGirl
[05:57pm]   <DsS>   but yeah
[05:57pm]   <Strong_Bad>   hi fox
[05:57pm]   <DsS>   he has a solid DK
[05:57pm]   <Strong_Bad>   ...
[05:57pm]   <Strong_Bad>   hi koshi*
[05:57pm]   <DsS>   at least from what I see.
[05:57pm]   <DsS>   lmfao SB
[05:57pm]   <Strong_Bad>   i hate you DsS XD
[05:57pm]   <Koshi>   Ohai

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: September 11, 2010, 06:11:49 pm »

[06:27pm]   <werster>   also sb
[06:27pm]   <werster>   just saw your pic on post your face
[06:27pm]   <werster>   you look like mike when he gets angry
[06:27pm]   <werster>   <_<

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: September 08, 2010, 10:58:44 pm »
[09:15pm]   |<--   Sylux has left (Ping timeout)
[09:23pm]   <MrSparkle>
[09:29pm]   -->|   Sylux (IGotSoul@4A67895D.AC8864AA.B3B0BB1.IP) has joined #metroidhunters
[09:29pm]   =-=   Mode #metroidhunters +q Sylux by Xbox
[09:31pm]   |<--   Cress has left (Ping timeout)
[09:43pm]   -->|   Cress (IGotSoul@4A67895D.AC8864AA.B3B0BB1.IP) has joined #metroidhunters
[09:43pm]   =-=   Mode #metroidhunters +q Cress by Xbox
[09:45pm]   |<--   Sylux has left (Ping timeout)
[09:46pm]   <MrSparkle>   argh
[09:47pm]   <MrSparkle>   this si why we can;t discuss stuff with you at all

[09:47pm]   <Cruizer>   but dss, that'd make you disloyal to umbs (don't wanna hilite him :x)
[09:48pm]   <Strong_Bad>   that'd make you disloyal to umbreon|slp
[09:48pm]   <DsS>   Why don't you want to hilite Umbreon?
[09:48pm]   <DsS>   oooooooooooooooooooooooo
[09:48pm]   <Cruizer>   :|
[09:48pm]   <Cruizer>   in anycase
[09:48pm]   <Cruizer>   Pay Attention DsS!
[09:49pm]   <DsS>   D:
[09:49pm]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +b *!Mibbit@8E3DAF19.C62D3E73.E99DF4C2.IP by Umbreon|slp
[09:49pm]   =-=   DsS was booted from #soniccenter by Umbreon|slp (Umbreon|slp)
[09:49pm]   <Strong_Bad>   cruizer, your facebook page doesn't say your relationship status
[09:49pm]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter -b *!Mibbit@8E3DAF19.C62D3E73.E99DF4C2.IP by Umbreon|slp
[09:49pm]   -->|   DsS (Mibbit@8E3DAF19.C62D3E73.E99DF4C2.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[09:49pm]   =-=   Mode #soniccenter +v DsS by CodeGirl
[09:49pm]   <DsS>   POWER ABUSE!
[09:49pm]   <Strong_Bad>   and that's so annoying
[09:49pm]   <Cruizer>   that's because its hidden
[09:49pm]   <DsS>   BAD UMBS!
[09:49pm]   <Strong_Bad>   SO ANNOYING >:@
[09:49pm]   <Cruizer>   mother can't hack that i'm a bisexual, so she isnt to know about my relationships.
[09:50pm]   <Strong_Bad>   can't hack?
[09:50pm]   <Umbreon|slp>   hack?
[09:50pm]   <Umbreon|slp>   o.o
[09:50pm]   <Cress>   ...hack?
[09:50pm]   <DsS>   ...
[09:50pm]   <DsS>   can't hack?
[09:50pm]   <Cress>   what the shit
[09:50pm]   <Umbreon|slp>   luxxy is a robot D:
[09:50pm]   <Cruizer>   :|
[09:50pm]   <Strong_Bad>   ninja'd x3
[09:50pm]   <Cruizer>   *facepalm*
[09:50pm]   <Cruizer>   Sorry, using slang here
[09:50pm]   <DsS>   wtf kind of slang is that?
[09:50pm]   <Cruizer>   Can't take the fact* :/
[09:50pm]   <Strong_Bad>   mother can't take it that you're an open-minded person?
[09:50pm]   <Strong_Bad>   u should tell her to grow up
[09:50pm]   <Cruizer>   SB: sexually no :/
[09:50pm]   <Strong_Bad>   that'll teach her
[09:51pm]   <Quartz>   I'm not certain that's even the proper use of that slang.
[09:51pm]   <DsS>   Are you saying I'm not open-minded because I'm straight!?!
[09:51pm]   <Strong_Bad>   Yes, I am.
[09:51pm]   <DsS>   You're mean. :(
[09:51pm]   <Cruizer>   Quartz: i've used it for yeears, i'm pretty sure i know how to use it
[09:51pm]   <Cruizer>   :/
[09:51pm]   <Strong_Bad>   You haven't even had sex with a man, how can you say you don't like it.
[09:51pm]   <Cruizer>   ^
[09:51pm]   <Strong_Bad>   YOU CAN'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER
[09:51pm]   <DsS>   ......
[09:51pm]   <DsS>   anyway, next topic.
[09:51pm]   <Strong_Bad>   U GOTTA GET ON THE INSIDE
[09:51pm]   <Strong_Bad>   AND READ ALL THE PAGES
[09:51pm]   <Cruizer>   Next topic: AD and DsS's wedding
[09:52pm]   <Strong_Bad>   YOU REALIZE
[09:52pm]   <Strong_Bad>   THAT YOU REALLY LOVE MEN
[09:52pm]   =-=   YOU (Strong_Bad) have been booted from #soniccenter by Umbreon|slp (I LOVE CAPS LOCK)
[09:52pm]   -->|   YOU (Strong_Bad) have joined #soniccenter
[09:52pm]   =-=   Topic for #soniccenter is “The No More Appreciation Center - - Where it's Furry Appreciation Day no longer! | And someone say something witty here since Flyingfox has ants in her underpants”
[09:52pm]   =-=   Topic for #soniccenter was set by SonicAD on Wednesday, September 08, 2010 4:40:04 PM

Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: September 07, 2010, 07:26:11 pm »
for FuzZerd so he can be cool and analyze my spindashes since he seems to be interested in them.
also do note that this is with a Gamecube controller. I can no longer use this baby which was used to record Angel Island 2 - Sonic (which had some of my best spindashes of all time.... OF ALL TIME!!!), and I can't use a normal Genesis controller on the computer, which is atm my preferred piece of equipment.

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: September 05, 2010, 04:56:25 am »
[03:40am]   <flying_fox>   lol on the news and updates
[03:40am]   <EssJay>   it was just 1 vs everyone else >_>
[03:40am]   <Zeupar>   Semantics. Ok.
[03:41am]   <Strong_Bad>   NEW RECORD
[03:41am]   <Strong_Bad>   man you guys suck, I just set a ton of records
[03:41am]   <eredani>   !record
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 1:28 on S3 / Freestyle / Launch Base 2 (Tails)
[03:42am]   <Strong_Bad>   LOLLLLL
[03:42am]   <EssJay>   I forgot what I came back in here for...
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 0:49 on S3 / Freestyle / Marble Garden 2 (Knuckles)
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 0:45 on S3 / Freestyle / Marble Garden 2 (Tails)
[03:42am]   <EssJay>   ..........................
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 0:47 on S3 / Freestyle / Angel Island 1 (Sonic)
[03:42am]   <EssJay>   exactly
[03:42am]   <flying_fox>   >_>
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 0:48 on S3 / Freestyle / Angel Island 1 (Tails)
[03:42am]   <Zeupar>   What is so funny about it?
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 1:21 on S3 / Freestyle / Angel Island 2 (Tails)
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 0:36 on S3 / Freestyle / Angel Island 2 (Knuckles)
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 0:41 on S3 / Freestyle / Hydrocity 1 (Tails)
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 0:54 on S3 / Freestyle / Hydrocity 1 (Knuckles)
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 0:27 on S3 / Freestyle / Hydrocity 2 (Sonic)
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 0:27 on S3 / Freestyle / Hydrocity 2 (Tails)
[03:42am]   <Zeupar>   Also SB, you suck
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 0:58 on S3 / Freestyle / Hydrocity 2 (Knuckles)
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 0:55 on S3 / Freestyle / Marble Garden 1 (Knuckles)
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 0:47 on S3 / Freestyle / Marble Garden 2 (Sonic)
[03:42am]   <Strong_Bad>   :)
[03:42am]   <CodeGirl>   [-New Record-] Strong Bad got 1:26 on S3 / Freestyle / Launch Base 2 (Knuckles)
[03:42am]   <eredani>   SB, you're a decent player and I'll let you finish
[03:42am]   <EssJay>   so uh...
[03:42am]   <eredani>   but you fail.

Wikkity! / Re: ITT A Marathon Of Epic Proportions!?
« on: August 22, 2010, 01:01:58 am »
If you haven't realized yet: never.

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic Adventure (DX) Casinopolis Times
« on: August 17, 2010, 05:04:10 pm »
The Casinopolis times strat doesn't even collect rings to finish the level anyway, so I'm doubting it's much of an issue.
At any rate, the rules don't specifically disallow this, so I'd say it's fine. Might want to wait until a Moderator/Admin shows up to verify before you submit, though.

« on: August 15, 2010, 01:07:29 pm »
PPA is a furry.

Wikkity! / Re: I'm on a boat.
« on: August 15, 2010, 06:29:19 am »
Fuck trees, I climb buoys motherfucker!

Wikkity! / Re: I'm on a boat.
« on: August 14, 2010, 01:01:30 pm »


Wikkity! / I'm on a boat.
« on: August 14, 2010, 12:50:40 pm »


Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: August 13, 2010, 05:02:31 am »
Here's me messing around in CP2-K trying to sub 3 score. Just about my best run ever is in here is when I make it to the 3rd pipes at 1:17. If I can just make it at 1:16 to set me up rather than having to wait a second, I think I can get sub 3.
PS: My best complete run in this .giz is 3:33 I think; I make it to the third set of pipes at 1:20 and have a mediocre rest of the run. My best complete run ever is in 3:24. I'll get there.

Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: August 11, 2010, 06:54:52 am »
Carnival Night 2 Sonic - Time: 1:27. Now this is some shit
What the fuck
How the-

argh rage, I tried getting the second zip for like a MONTH. Now I know I need to eventually go sub 1....

Competition Central / Re: Has anyone done this?
« on: August 11, 2010, 04:18:46 am »
I did it in 2:04 with Sonic.

Competition Central / Re: Why does like no one compete in Sonic 3?
« on: August 11, 2010, 03:56:48 am »
I have no idea how to make it consistent. In fact, I'm terrible at being consistent. The only consistency for me is inconsistency.

surtic: I'd like to congratulate you on 1:00 LB1-S. I am truly impressed. Keep up the good work, man. As a reward, here's a little sekret about AI1&2K-R.

FuzZerd: d'oh, gj 1upping me on LB1-S Score. I can't believe I never thought of that all those times I let Sonic sit there spindashing :/.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: HyperSonic7701
« on: August 10, 2010, 07:24:00 pm »
lol no, he saw that you lied about at least 1 stat.
which btw is grounds for permaban.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: HyperSonic7701
« on: August 10, 2010, 07:14:47 pm »
If that's true, there's DEFINITELY something wrong with that.
The administration pay for the hosting of this site, coded this site, and run the site and keep it going. They can do whatever the fuck they want.
Now, if they went around banning people for having two or more 23rd place stats, the activity of this place would likely drop pretty damn fast. Under TSC's current rules, competition is fair, at a high level, and active. Some rules can be contested, but TSC's policy on cheaters and BSers is one of its strongest points and why its competition has such a high level of integrity and respect.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: HyperSonic7701
« on: August 10, 2010, 07:08:18 pm »
proving yourself to plus/minus one hundredth of a second doesn't help, bro. like, the fact that you have the skill to and have obtained a time to plus/minus one hundredth of a second of a time you submitted doesn't help your case. the fact of the matter is that you BS'd in the first place with CENSORED.
TSC's policy is not up to you to decide. yeah, it sucks that because you BS'd you get bannzd forever, but sucks to be you, you shouldn't have BS'd in the first place. hell, if TSC's administration wanted to, they could ban a person for having more than one 23rd place stat, for no fucking reason other than that. not really much you can do about it. TSC's system has worked for a long time and has proven to be fair to all legitimate competitors. people who BS lose these privileges the second they BS.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: HyperSonic7701
« on: August 10, 2010, 06:35:42 pm »
yo dude, I ain't a moderator/Admin or anything, but it doesn't matter if you prove some of your stats. you specifically stated "I lied about those stats." 1 case of bullshit is grounds for a ban. in some cases it can be forgiven but eh, seems to me like you've been kind of annoying to most of the mods/admins, and your attitude is completely unwarranted granted the fact that you had BS stats.
in fact, this is the internet. you can get banned for doing anything.

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