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Messages - magnum12

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General Sonic / The new games in the Sonic Series
« on: August 13, 2005, 02:41:25 pm »
A sword has been confirmed to be one of the weapons Shadow will use. This Black Arms Sword is a dark purple color and based on its size (relative to Shadow) is a two handed sword. So far, out of 30 weapons that may see play, the following have been revealed: Pistol, sub machine gun, rocket launcher, shotgun (a preview from TeamXBox, check, Black Arms plasma gun, and the Black Arms Sword. Shadow has also been confirmed to have the ability to pick up and throw stuff at his foes. So far, it seems that this game has great emphasis on player freedom; allowing the player to play the game the way he/she wants to, whether it be as a hero/villian, weaponless if they want traditional Sonic style gameplay, or going nuts with weapons (time attack style or otherwise).

General Sonic / The new games in the Sonic Series
« on: August 12, 2005, 08:53:33 pm »
For Shadow, I doubt ranged weapons would add much for time attack technique. You'll probably have to come to a standstill to shoot, so unless there is an obstacle that requires a gun, which there'll probably be some obscure way around, it'll be more about trying to get through a level without using a gun.

Melee weapons become a different matter.
It's been confirmed that Shadow will be able to run at full speed even when fireing a few rounds. From the videos I've seen, the heaviest weapons that Shadow can use at full speed so far are the sub machine gun and the Black Arms plasma gun. I think that it would be cool if Shadow can use twin weapons (light weight ones like the pistol) if players want to.

General Sonic / The new games in the Sonic Series
« on: August 11, 2005, 12:05:53 am »
This thread is for discussion our opinons of the three new Sonic games coming out this year. Here's mine.
1. Sonic Gem Collection: What will be obvious is that after this game, we can expect quite a few more players in the Sonic CD and Sonic R competition. To be honest, the only games I'm really looking foward to are Sonic CD and the two Vector Man games (would rather have the Streets of Rage games). I'm rather disapointed that Knuckle's Chaotix wasn't released. IMO, it would have been better to cut a few game gear games (already in SADX) to make room for KC. Regardless, I'm still going to buy this since CD alone is worth gettting this new compliation.
2. Sonic Rush: Really looking foward to this one. Unfortunately, that's all I can say about it since there isn't very much information about this game asides from what came out of E3.
3. Shadow the Hedgehog: I know people like to complain about the gun, but I think this game has some real potential. The weapons might even add a little strategy, depth, and intensity to the combat, something that IMO, felt a little weak in previous games. I just hope the game's challenge is considerably higher than the previous 3D Sonic games (which many of us can agree were not very difficult).

Gaming and Grazing / TSC Monopoly!
« on: August 08, 2005, 07:42:52 pm »
^^Why not Chaos 0? Or Metal Sonic?
I thought I mentioned Metal Sonic somewhere in one of my posts. About Chaos 0, that was an oversight and is a much better idea than the Chaotix and Tikal.

Gaming and Grazing / TSC Monopoly!
« on: August 08, 2005, 01:55:37 pm »
Since Eggman is going to be the Monopoly guy, I suggest that his piece be replaced with Tikal or the Chaotix.

Gaming and Grazing / TSC Monopoly!
« on: August 02, 2005, 05:33:19 pm »
We forgot about the income tax space. I guess we can call it Chaotix Detective Agency. In regards to the characters that replace normal pieces, the ten I'm thinking of are Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, E-102 Gamma, Shadow, Rouge, Cream, Egg Man, and Metal Sonic.

Gaming and Grazing / TSC Monopoly!
« on: August 02, 2005, 12:42:48 am »
Here's some of my ideas for Luxuary Tax (which I forgot and am embarased about).
1. If its an upgrade, perhaps the Crystal Ring or Ancient Light attack.
2. If it comes from something bad, perhaps it should be an ambush by either Eggman's robots or by the Black Arms.

Gaming and Grazing / TSC Monopoly!
« on: August 01, 2005, 09:48:23 pm »
I won't have any time to play, but I'd gladly help in the game's construction with ideas. First things first, someone needs to make a photoshop picture of this whole idea. The Monopoly guy should be replaced with Sonic, the pieces should be of gray Sonic characters, and each property space should have a screenshot of the represented level on it.
-Purple (worst stages): These stages should have their screen shots in black and white and covered in cobwebs. I nominate Mad Space and Meteor Herd for this section.
-Light Blue (Ice): Ice Cap.
-Magenta (Urban): Radical Highway, City Escape, Route 99 (SAdv3).
-Color I can't remember (Aerial, including sky and space themed stages): Windy Valley, Sky Deck, Final Rush.
-Red (Fire/mountain): Red Mountain, Lava Reef, Sky Rail.
-Yellow (Coastal/water): Emerald Coast, Hydro City.
-Green (Forest/Jungle/Plains): Green Hill, White Jungle.
-Blue (Metallic): Final Egg, Death Egg (S3).
-Rail Roads: The places from Sonic R.
-Utilities: Twinkle Park, Casinopolis.
-Jail: Prison Island.
-Money: Rings.
Free Parking: Sonic Center.

Beef / The Sonic Center Things to do list!!!
« on: July 27, 2005, 02:37:29 am »
-Although I haven't played Sonic R yet, I believe the best course of action regarding those records should be to add the grand prix and time attack (both groups) and see if anyone wants the others to be added at less weight than the three I mentioned.
-Here's the info on the TBG issue based on what stages it can affect. *= possible but unsure.
--Time Attack
1. Sonic: All stages beyond Hang Castle.*
2. Dark: All stages
3. Rose: None
4. Chaotix: Grand Metropolis, Power Plant.
--Boss Attack: All boss battles except Team battles.
--Score Attack:
1. Dark: All stages (Time bonus)
--Ring Attack: All Team Chaotix stages.

General Sonic / Sonic Rush
« on: July 16, 2005, 10:56:17 pm »
Has any information about the new character (motives, personality, playing style, etc) asides from stuff from early news been released yet?

Beef / The Sonic Center Things to do list!!!
« on: July 16, 2005, 04:03:25 pm »
"2. Maybe the rankings could be re-ordered? don't know if that's hard or's annoying going back and forth from the gameboy to the pc only to find out the order the game lists the character's times is different from the way TSC does it. Not the end of the world...but it could help :D. Maybe if it only takes 5 seconds you could change the order rolko? :O"
-I agree, especially with the boss sections of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. They need some reorganizing (primarily by order in which they occur in the story or by character). Something that I've always wanted to see (but of very little importance overall) is a section in which our records are compared to other Sonic competition sites from Japan and other sections of the world.

Gaming and Grazing / The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« on: July 14, 2005, 03:32:02 pm »
The leaf shield can be avoided. A standing jump will not work, you have to jump towards Wood Man when he tosses the shield. The timing is still quite hard though, but its possible. I personally had more trouble with Electric Man and Gemeni Man.

Gaming and Grazing / The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« on: July 14, 2005, 12:25:44 am »
-Actually, I do have MMZ 1. Finished it in about 3 days. I just got MMZ2 last Saturday. So far, I've gotten past the bomb in the plane mission and have sucessfully maintained an A rank. So far, the third game in the series is my favorite although the fourth one sounds like its going to rock. (The Z Knuckle system looks sweet and the Cyber Elf system has been completely reworked. This new system gives Zero one super elf that has the properties of all three types. Each aspect has powers of levels 1-7 which cost elf points. Your elf penalties happen if your point totals exceed your max limit.)
-Back on topic, I've also been doing some no special weapon boss runs in some of the Mega Man games. So far I've been able to destroy all of the robot masters in Mega Man 1-4 and X1. I've been playing Paper Mario Thousand Year Door and I just defeated Gloom Tail in 5 turns using a strategy I've been working on for use against Bone Tail.

Gaming and Grazing / The unofficial video game accomplishment thread.
« on: July 13, 2005, 11:29:07 am »
Post your best gaming accomplishments here. However, they cannot be Sonic related because that would ruin the point of this site.
1. Castlevania Symphony of the Night: Defeated Dracula without using any weapons. (Currently working on a beat entire game without weapons run.)
2. Mega Man 1-4 and X: Defeated all robot masters without using special weapons.
3. Mega Man Zero 3: Defeated all 8 robot masters without taking damage during the fight. (I've also been working on a no damage run against the final boss but haven't been able to beat the final form with no damage.) I've also beat the game with an S rank.
4. Kingdom Hearts: Defeated Phantom, Ice Titan, Kurt Ziza, and Sephiroth.
5. FF7: Defeated all three optional weapon battles.

General Sonic / Sonic Rush
« on: July 08, 2005, 01:28:58 pm »
I was impressed with that game as well. It seems to incorporate Viewtiful Joe style 2D, especially for boss battles. It is a great time to get a DS now that the truly great stuff is either already released or coming within the next three months. (Wario Ware Touched, Meteos, Kirby, the new Mario game, Sonic Rush, Viewtiful Joe, and Castlevania, one of the most hotly anticipated games for the DS since its launch.)

News and Updates / HOLY FLYING TSC BATMAN ...again!
« on: July 07, 2005, 08:21:14 pm »
Once again, great job Rolken. I'm happy the submissions are back on line. Happy belated birthday to SprintGod. By the way, I added a post to the things to do list thread in order to restore some stuff that was lost. In addition to the stuff Nintendan put in, I added what I remember was mentioned before the site went down.

Beef / The Sonic Center Things to do list!!!
« on: July 07, 2005, 08:14:47 pm »
I'm adding this post to re-establish the TSC things to do list that was lost when the site went down. Here's what I remember being on the list.
1. SA3 Unidivision. (I have no idea what this will do.)
2. Time Machine
3. Score and Ring weight changes.
4. Percentages
5. Fix ranking script.
6. TBG moved to Freestyle.
7. Sonic Battle Time Attack division. (Ask sonicam about this. Note: We will need to make the use of Emerl's combo move be freestyle if this is added.)
8. Stuff for Sonic R. (Ask Sprint about this.)
If anyone remembers some of the other stuff that was on the list, add it here.

Hiya Folks / Hello?
« on: July 07, 2005, 08:06:45 pm »
Welcome back.

Beef / The Sonic Center Things to do list!!!
« on: December 15, 2004, 02:59:47 pm »
I believe moving the team blast glitch to freestyle was one of the things on the to do list. Regarding rings and score, score should definately have some weight. This is especially true for Sonic Adventure, SA2B, and Sonic Heroes where score is really important and should have as much weight as time. The 2D games score weight should be .5x-.75x. As far as rings go, they should have .25x at max since they're not really that important.

Gaming and Grazing / A new WC3 map I'm working on...
« on: December 10, 2004, 06:19:08 pm »
A while back, I posted a thread about a map for Warcraft III that I've been helping construct called Reign of Satire. This thread is about another project I've been constructing with the World Editor, one that I believe the rest of this community will like. This map, called Sonic Saga, is an action RPG hybrid that takes 4-6 players through an adbriged journey through Sonic 1-3, CD, and Adventure 1-2. I realize that mixing Sonic with Warcraft is like mixing oil and water, so I tried to put in as much of the fast paced gameplay as I could. The world editor can't do crazy roller coaster stuff so I'm making up for it with extremely intense, fast paced combat and bright, colorful visuals. The following zones are not represented due to lack of availible space in the map; Twinkle Park, Casinopolis, Sky Deck, Final Egg, Pumpkin Hill, Aquatic Mine, Route 101/its clone, and Sky Rail. The map has the following features:
1. Six playable characters from the start. (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, and Rouge)
2. Seven unlockable characters. (Can't spoil the surprise by telling who they are)
3. An unconventional experience system inspired by Chrono Cross.
4. Player versus player duels. (Last two segments of the game)
5. The ability to raise Chao. (Still haven't created hybrid species yet, but I have made combinations of running, power, and flying chao with hero, dark, or neutral alignments.) The end purpose of this mini game is the ability to have the Chao fight alongside your character. If their HP run out, they respawn in the garden, but the mana it takes to bring them to you is still spent.
6. A special reward for collecting all seven Chaos Emeralds.
7. The ability to advance as high as level 14 (as opposed to the default level 10 in a normal WC3 game.
8. The ability to upgrade your characters as if they were non hero units.
9. A time attack system (inspired by TSC, remind me to put this place in the credits and place an advertisement to join) where if you clear the stage within a posted time limit, you get an A rank in that stage and get a reward that activates when you enter the next stage.
10. Unlockable EX skills (inspired by Mega Man Zero 3) that are obtained as a reward for clearing a stage with the ring that was given to all characters at the start of the game. One of these abilites is Chaos Burst.
The current version in progress is version 1.05. As of now, it is in the final beta stages (for bugs and balance problems). The finished version will require the 1.17 patch to play. I'm currently aiming for a Mega Man Zero 3 difficulty setting that will require excellent team work skills in order to win at this map. An earlier version can be found at but it is an inferior version that still has some bugs that were ironed out in the new version. Hopefully, it should be fully playable for anyone that has WC3 and is interested by January 2005. :)

General Sonic / On location with Sonic Adventure 2:
« on: December 09, 2004, 10:29:04 pm »
Quite interesting. I could tell the game was based on San Francisco from the first time you see Shadow grind on that bridge.

Wikkity! / HAPPY BIRTHDAY SS101!!!
« on: December 06, 2004, 12:08:31 pm »
Happy birthday (belated as this post is)! May your records be long lived.

Information Kiosk / Site priorities
« on: November 28, 2004, 05:59:21 pm »
I'll also try to spread word of this site to my friends that play Sonic.

Gaming and Grazing / The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« on: November 28, 2004, 02:27:53 pm »
I finally beat Mega Man Zero 3 with a overall rank of S.  *Spoiler Alert* The final boss, Omega takes over Zero's original body (the body currently used by Zero is a copy but it is still Zero's mind in the copy), creating a "Super Zero" that's more powerful than the real Zero. Be warned, drop your guard for a second and you're toast against him. *End Spoilers* Thanks for the words of encouragement, they really helped out. :)

Competition Central / What was your first site record?
« on: November 28, 2004, 12:37:01 pm »
My first record was for Seaside Hill (Dark) score attack. I've had to reclaim it a few times though.

Gaming and Grazing / The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« on: November 22, 2004, 12:20:24 pm »
"Now if only there was a zelda time attacking site :("
I feel the same way about having a time attack for Mega Man games.  Right now, I'm working on trying to clear Mega Man Zero 3 with an end ranking of S. (Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.) I've managed to clear the intro stage in 1'25", clear the first fire stage using only the Z Saber, and cleared the fire monkey's stage in 2'15'.

Information Kiosk / How many members would a site like this want?
« on: November 21, 2004, 05:42:23 pm »
The more, the merrier. We could use some more players to make the contests more exciting. I would have never known this place existed if not for NintenDan's little contest on GameFaqs. We need to make our presence known in order to attract more players. The idea someone mentioned about some Sonic history is also a good idea.

Gaming and Grazing / Yay, i got to try out the Nintendo DS today!
« on: November 19, 2004, 01:07:41 pm »
I also got to play with the Nintendo DS at EB yesterday. The controls were weird. Shooting enemies by using the stylus allows for very accurate shooting without moving your chracter, but it requires that you waste a round turning and also means that you cant fire while turning. I predict that the stylus shooting set up will cause problems if a player runs into a really fast enemy or gets flanked. The double screen will be perfect for games such as Final Fantasy or the current style of Castlevania games as a method for quickly managing items, spells, the mini map, etc.

Leaderboard Disputes / About Rayku
« on: November 15, 2004, 09:04:43 pm »
"All I did was start the level a weird way, which is a glitch that's inside the level."
I've heard about some glitch where if you start some levels of SA2 Battle by doing a weird combination of moves, you can pass through the floor and get a really good time. Is this what's being talked about? If it its, then it definately undermines competitive gameplay (in this case it could degrade the SA2B time attack section into a contest of who can abuse the weird start glitch the fastest) and should be a banned technique. This "weird level starting" glitch reminds me of the infamous "Roll Cancel Bug". This bug actually degraded a high profile Capcom VS SNK tournament into a contest of who could abuse the bug more often and more effectively. The roll cancel incident can be found in an article from called "Playing to Win Part 2."

News and Updates / OH SNAP IT'S TSC'S BIRTHDAY
« on: November 12, 2004, 12:24:37 pm »
If there's going to be some new updates, don't forget about the Team Blast Glitch move to freestyle and the weight changes.

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