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Messages - magnum12

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General Sonic / Sonic Online Competition
« on: October 18, 2005, 05:04:11 pm »
The hard part is being without rings although I've beaten him without them.

Competition Central / The Top Ten Sonic players in TSC's history!
« on: October 18, 2005, 02:12:34 am »
Sadistic Mystic, Sprint God, Cybrax, Nintendan, Mike 89 in order from 5th to 1st.

General Sonic / Sonic Milestones
« on: October 16, 2005, 10:27:09 pm »
-Sonic Adventure:
1. Homing Attack
2. Light Dash
3. Horrible treasure hunting stages.
4. Even worse fishing stages.
5. Gamma and Big as playable characters.
-Sonic Adventure 2:
1. Shadow and Rouge.
2. Egg Man as a playable character (if you ignore Sonic R).

General Sonic / Sonic Online Competition
« on: October 12, 2005, 10:20:37 pm »
If I knew how to do the video method Nintendan does for recording times, I'd love to represent Team TSC for the Sonic Heroes section (if there is one) of the contest.

General Sonic / Sonic Online Competition
« on: October 11, 2005, 12:28:53 pm »
Too bad there's no competition based on console games (not roms or emulators) being planned. I can see it now; a large convention of Sonic fans from different fan sites meeting at one place as part of a grand contest to determine who the best players are. Then theres the $1000 question, "If we could pick 10 players (5 for 2D and 5 for 3D) to represent Team TSC, who would we pick?"

General Sonic / Labrynth Zone - My First Question
« on: October 07, 2005, 01:31:02 pm »
I'm not sure, but I think this should be at the Competition Central forum.

Hiya Folks / Like, hello and stuff
« on: October 06, 2005, 12:08:34 pm »
Don't lie, thats the fastest way to get banned, and the mods have ways of detecting cheaters. BTW, I know I've seen the image used for that avatar before, but I can't put my finger on it.

General Sonic / What was the first sonic game you owned?
« on: October 05, 2005, 04:50:52 pm »

General Sonic / If other characters were to get solo games..
« on: October 01, 2005, 05:33:13 pm »
-1. Check out some the gameplay footage of God of War at (warning, super violent which is why I mention sans M rated content) if you want to see how the combat engine works. (Trust me, its awesome.)
-2. MMZ is very similar to MMX, but with a lot more battle, a significantly higher difficulty, and more emphasis on melee battle. In that series, you level uped your weapons by destroying enemies with the weapons. For my game idea, here's the level up progression of the hammer. (Max level the player can get at any point = 1+ the highest stage number the player has progressed thorugh, which would make the final hammer level 8.) 1= default (one hit, but you can run while attacking), 2= 2 hit combo (must be still to do this), 3= 3 hit combo, 4= aerial spinning smash (up + attack while airborne), 5= spin dash with the added range of the hammer added to it, 6= anti air smash with hammer that launches Amy into the air (up + attack on ground but can be done while running, think up + triangle special move from MMX4 without the fire), 7= boomerang style hammer throw (focus energy for 2 seconds and press attack, 8= hammer cyclone (foward + attack while at full speed, which basically acts like Amy's ground power move from Sonic Battle that occurs while moving). When I refer to triangle jumps in 2D, the wall jump from MMX is proably the best fit.
-Edit: Although some would think such a fusion would hamper the trademark Sonic sense of speed, if its done right, a great mixture of speed and combat could be made. It is possible to time attack some of the stages in the MMZ series (and get a really good enemies destroyed rating at the same time) and destroy the boss (which typically have 2-3 times more vitality than MMX bosses) in about 2:30-3:00.

General Sonic / If other characters were to get solo games..
« on: October 01, 2005, 12:26:19 pm »
Don't get me started on emerald hunting. Those stages were horrible. The only levels that were more boring than those were fishing stages.
-Knuckles: I'm thinking that a brawler with the awesome combat engine used in God of War (sans the stuff that made it M rated) would be a good fit. Knuckles is supposed to be a warrior but we never get to see this aspect of his personality.
-Amy: 2D Sonic game combined with the combat elements of the Mega Man Zero series. The game would also allow players to find upgrades scattered across levels like in Sonic Adventure 2 such as the ability to use Triangle Jump and Light Dash.

General Sonic / If other characters were to get solo games..
« on: September 30, 2005, 02:54:17 pm »
This thread is for discussion of ideas for any game in the Sonic series that has a character other than Sonic as the main star. (aka spin-off games). Essentially, if someone like Knuckles, Rouge, Espio, etc. were to get their own solo game, what would be the best way of going about it gameplay wise?

Competition Central / Best players at TSC?
« on: September 26, 2005, 11:11:54 am »
After much thought, I have decided to nominate Mike89 for best 2D player.

Competition Central / Best players at TSC?
« on: September 23, 2005, 08:15:16 pm »
2D: Tough call between Nintendan and Mike89.
3D: Sonicam. Cybrax is a close 2nd. (When is the last time's he's been here?)
Overall: Mike89

Gaming and Grazing / INTRODUCING...
« on: September 19, 2005, 11:29:43 pm »
I can't play the game. When I try to play it, a "The RPG Maker 2003 Runtime Package is not present or registered message."

Hiya Folks / Hello Everybody!
« on: September 13, 2005, 12:19:39 pm »
Welcome aboard. For strategies, I suggest looking in the videos section (some of them don't work yet), for they have some useful tricks for every game on the site. In regards to Sonic Heroes strategies, the people to look out for are Nintendan, sonicam, and myself. Good luck!

General Sonic / The new games in the Sonic Series
« on: September 09, 2005, 06:36:48 pm »
Here's a new trailer for Shadow the Hedgehog. This one came out yesterday and mostly consists of CG cutscenes. It is official trailer 3.

Wikkity! / I think it's time to apologize...
« on: August 31, 2005, 07:50:01 pm »
Firstly, I would like to apologize specifically to Cybrax, for thinking that, simply because someone sharing his SN had attacked and destroyed other forums, that he was the one responsible for attacking TSC.  No hard feelings, man; I hadn't realized that the attack's culprit had already been found and I desparately wanted TSC back.

Doesn't matter. Turns out that rumour was good for something after all.

Read this and you'll see why.

"<Psyroclasm> okay, since I’m the only one here who knows cybrax personally, I think I get responsibility for holding the TSC convention

<mike89> actually, I think that responsibility goes to SM

<mike89> do you accept?

<_> no

<_> and what about Artie?

<mike89> ask Artie

<mike89> but in the meantime, it lies with Rayku, I suppose

<Psyroclasm> all right

<Psyroclasm> he had an invite list

* gbagcn has joined #soniccenter

<Psyroclasm> consisting of who he thought were the 25 best players on the site

<Psyroclasm> it is as follows:

<Psyroclasm> CosmicFalcon, cybrax, DaleG, F-Man, FoxLuc, Ghost, Legogo, magnum12, megadrivechamps, mike89, NintenDan, oldskoolgamer101, Rayku, RPGnutter, Shadow Wedge, shadowgamer196, SadisticMystic, sonicam, sonichero, SprintGod, SuperSonic101, Turbos, yoshifan, ybbun, zealous"

-This is weird, I didn't know I had an invite. I'm also surprised that somebody thought of me as a good player since I've always considered myself sort of a two trick pony.

Gaming and Grazing / ITT, we TA anything not tracked by TSC
« on: August 28, 2005, 12:36:57 am »
Mega Man Zero 3: Final Stage, 6'12"

General Sonic / The new games in the Sonic Series
« on: August 26, 2005, 05:34:16 pm »
There's a new video of Shadow the Hedgehog that confirms that Knuckles and Rouge can become partners during certain levels along with some new alien weapon. The link is here:
Some new screen shots are also up, one featuring a grenade launcher. The link is here:

Wikkity! / Poll Time!
« on: August 21, 2005, 07:32:56 pm »
10-30 seconds.

Wikkity! / Website constuction help
« on: August 18, 2005, 04:58:45 pm »
-I see what you mean with the weapon restrictions and how they conflict with EX skills being allowed.
-In regards to MMZ3, here's the summary. The body chips I mentioned earlier are attachments that you find via secret disks that give Zero special powers. They are divided into 3 types; foot, head, and body. Foot chips make your character more maneuverable, making combat more fluid. There's frog jump (jump when touching the surface of water), double jump (return of X4 ability), shadow dash (pass through people, mantis battle can be brutal without this one), some chip that prevents slipping on ice, and ultimate (all powers in one, *spoiler ahead* find Phantom in cyber space and defeat him to get this one). Head chips give powers such as quick charge, very slow regeneration if stationary, and one other one I don't remember. Asides from elements, body chips give powers such as not causing some floors to collapse and preventing Zero from being shoved when damaged. These are found by defeating bosses. Cyber elves have been broken up into 2 classes. Fusion elves act like the cyber elves from previous Zero games. Satelite elves give the player increased power without being used up. Most of these elves tend to have considerably less powerful effects than fusion elves. A lot of the new EX skills that don't require elements to use are pretty good (especially the sword and shield boomerang skills). It's a shame that most of the gun skills require elements, since one of them is one of the best skills in the game. The non element gun skill is still great though. (Better than the MMZ2 one.)
-In regards to Mega Man Legends, only the buster should be allowed and the combined levels of the four attributes should be no higher than 12. (I don't remember the level cap for each attribute though.) Sub tanks and armor (level limit of armor is up to you) should not be allowed.
-For the blind fighting challenge, players should only have to fight the boss while blind fighting (they can reach it normally). I don't know if special weapons should be allowed (classic and X only) for blind fighting or not, but if they were,  exceptions should be made for the really broken ones (Thunder Beam, Metal Blade, Storm Tornado, etc).

Wikkity! / Website constuction help
« on: August 18, 2005, 01:04:20 pm »
-I have some ideas for rules regarding the Mega Man Zero games. As we both know, these games can get quite nasty even without restrictions so less strict restrictions can be made with those games. From my experiences with MMZ3, (first play thorugh) I had more trouble with that mantis boss than I did with any other boss than practically any boss in the entire series.
1. Players can only use the sword.
2. No elemental chips.
3. No fusion elves.
4. All forms are allowed. (Unsure of ultimate form.)
5. No sub tanks.
6. All EX skills that don't require elemental chips to work are allowed.
7. All body chips are allowed.
-About the no upgrade thing with MMX series, I think it should be revised to no non required upgrades. This mostly applies to the first game where the player has to get the foot chip in order to get to Chill Penguin and after the final battle with Vile when the player automatically gets the gun upgrade.

General Sonic / The new games in the Sonic Series
« on: August 18, 2005, 12:46:57 pm »
Part of the "good things" to get Chaos Control includes killing evil characters based on what I've seen in the videos. To me, this skill like a 3X speed power that lasts for about 5 seconds.

Hiya Folks / Hi
« on: August 15, 2005, 11:10:14 pm »
Welcome. *Gives Shadow Wedge a full body suit of armor and a SWAT shield to block the eventual fake grenades and other things coming his way.*

General Sonic / The new games in the Sonic Series
« on: August 15, 2005, 09:20:52 pm »
I found this interesting post about the progress of Shadow the Hedgehog on game faqs. It's based off the notes someone at the Nintendo forums wrote. IMO, this is a very good sign regarding the game's probable quality once it hits shelfs on 11/1/05.
"I guess this will also be a good time to post someone a the Nintendo forums experience with this game at the Seattle Toy place:

(*QUOTE*)"The game played smoothly, but the frame rate skips a few times (I'm sure Sega will fix this in time for the release, along with many of the other bugs I found in the demo), but other then that everything played at a very smooth frame rate. The graphics where great, Sega spent lots of time on the new graphics engine. Shadow has a wide range of moves, X is now used to charge a spin dash or launch a sliding kick attack (Which can only be used while running), while B is used to attack with weapons or Shadow's new punches and kicks. Shadow can jump onto walls, and then run along them for a short time or jump off of them (Sometimes onto another wall), sadly you can't move up and down on the wall and Shadow will fall off the wall in a short amount of time. It's still a nice move while going up against the huge bosses. The game runs MUCH faster then any 3D Sonic game released yet, and even most 2D ones, Shadow's extremely fast running speed will shock you. Plus if you do enough good things, you can use Chaos Control, which allows you to zoom through the level faster then F-Zero GX speed (You don't have much control over it, as it goes by very fast). Even though the game is fast, it has a greater amount of combat then other games starring hedgehogs, and as most people know, you can pick up enemy's weapons after they are defeated. Luckily, this doesn't slow the game down a bit. You will end up dropping guns many times, because many enemies have shields that gun blasts won't get through, plus most of the guns have a very small amount of ammo. Gun's aren't the only weapons used though, you will be able to pick up dark, and simply huge purple alien swords.. These are simply a joy to use. Sega claims you can brake poles and use those as weapons, but this feature wasn't in the demo. As I mentioned earlier, if you do enough good things you will get to use Chaos Control, which will let you zip through the level at amazing speeds (Great way to get out of a battle), and if you do enough evil things you will get to use Chaos Blast, which will destructive blast that will destroy anything in it's path. These may sound like the team blast from Sonic Heroes, but it actually a surprising amount of depth to the game. Holding R will let you strafe, back flip, and do many other combat based moves.
The great thing about the game is something that reminds me of The Sims: the game reflects the player. The game is as violent or as none violent as you are, it's as fast or combat based as you are. As you probably know, the game lets you choose to be a good or evil, and you can change your side anytime you like. In the game there is a huge war: aliens have invaded earth, but
Dr. Eggman has invaded the aliens, but why would Eggman waste his time with a more powerful planet? That's part of the mystery, but I'm not sure if it will be solved in this game. Luckily, the game will solve the mystery of Shadow's past. Shadow is looking for the Chaos Emeralds, which have the power to return memories, how he will do this and who's side he is on is up to you. Shadow the Hedgehog will be released this winter and will be rated T for Teen. (All controls mentioned here are for the Nintendo Gamecube version)" (*end QUOTE*)"

Wikkity! / Website constuction help
« on: August 15, 2005, 02:17:43 pm »
Please post when you succeed on that. How is this going to work? I've got a little accomplishment that might qualify as hard mode although it will sound so crazy that some will not believe me. (Even my little brother still has no idea how this is even possible.) This stunt is the craziest self imposed handicap I've ever tried in any video game, let alone succeeded at. I managed to defeat Omega's final form (MMZ3) while blind fighting (closing your eyes or some other thing that prevents a player from seeing what's going on in the game). On top of that, I did it while only using the sword and with no sub tanks. All I can say about the experience is that it felt really weird. I was able to hear every move he was doing and made my moves based on them. (I used the splash damage of charged sword attacks to improve my accuracy, but even with that, I still lost some serious health during the battle.) There were even some very small bits of fear mixed into the battle as well. (Imagine the thought of a really fast light saber wielding psychopath stalking you. Now add in how not only can you not see him, but you can't even see where you're going as well.)

Wikkity! / A provocative new topic!
« on: August 15, 2005, 01:17:10 am »
I guess my picture could be one of Shadow with a sword. Significance: Shadow is one of my favorite video game characters and also represents the style of playing I typically have, single minded relentlessness and aggression with emphasis on melee combat.
-TSC related special ability: Squad Tactics. 4 green. If Magnum is attacking an opposing creature, he gains +1/+1 for each additional creature on the attacking player's side of the field. (Up to 2 creatures can give this bonus.) This bonus increases by +1/+1 if Magnum has Sonic Heroes equipped.
Mike's special power would be pwnage since he has more championships than some of the other site champions combined. Sadistic Mystic's special ability would have something to do with revealing face down cards without activating their effects and protection from cheaters/cheating spell cards since he's really good at detecting cheaters.

Wikkity! / A provocative new topic!
« on: August 14, 2005, 08:54:59 pm »
There's only one thing I can say about SBW's card. ROFL :). It would be great if you made Magic cards about some of us as well.

General Sonic / The new games in the Sonic Series
« on: August 14, 2005, 12:15:58 am »
Some more information about the game. Each stage (probably with an exception to final/near-final stages that could possibly be determined by your alignment) will most likely have 3 different missions, a light side mission, a dark side mission, and a neutral mission (just reach the goal). This gives the potential for lots of missions for players to compete in once TSC adds this game to the contests. Our traditional definition of TAing most closely resembles the neutral mission. Those missions may have great potential for TAing, especially if you play Shadow as a hero, since Chaos Control is a light side skill in this game. (The blue gauge in the videos.) Chaos Blast (the red gauge) is the dark side skill. Regardless, this game has great potential for some good score attack competitions, even if the point totals probably won't be as crazy as the ones in Sonic Heroes.

General Sonic / The new games in the Sonic Series
« on: August 13, 2005, 06:40:23 pm »
-From what I've seen, the sword is one of those powerful but slow weapons. I guess I won't be able to go into an effective Zero style rampage because of the lack of speed. However, the sword's range is decent for a melee weapon, damaging everything in a 180 degree swing.
-I've been checking a lot of previews on, and from what I've read, most of the critics (such as IGN) like what they played at E3. The addition of weapons does not seem to affect the series' trademark speed based gameplay. Asides from the control problems they had, the game is turning out quite nicely. These are rumors (unsure of accuracy) about some of the methods Sega is using to fix the control problems that were reported.
1. Shadow can now lock on to enemies and strafe them.
2. Shadow's traction is being increased.
3. Shadow's acceleration is being reduced.
4. The developers are also trying to fix the game's camera, something we can all agree has been a problem with the last 3D Sonic games.

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