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Messages - ybbun

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Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: January 20, 2008, 03:24:36 pm »
Ok, videos attached, hopefully this will work.

They each have a few re-records which are from save-stating at the beginning of the level, to stop having to reload each time.

Most of the runs exploit the scoring method where Sonic stays in a combo as long as he does not leave and touch the ground after hitting an enemy.

Only Labyrinth 1 and Labyrinth 3 are current records, so don't watch the others if you don't care lol.

The Scrap Brain 2 one is a bit weird because you have to enter the 3rd pipe with exactly 49 rings, and since there is no time pressure I left out lots of different ones at the beginning of the level. :)

Enjoy, heh

Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: January 19, 2008, 08:47:33 pm »
.gmv's are fine :o
in the .giz topic? Are you sure? ;)
I'll get them uploaded soon.

Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: January 19, 2008, 08:19:13 pm »
I want to upload my videos, both old and current records. However they were recorded on an older version of gens and are in .gmv format. Will this be ok? If not how can I convert them?

Movies I have:

Current records:
Labyrinth 1 score - 30630 (finished in 2:59)
Labyrinth 3 score - 27100 (finished in 3:59)

Old records ruined by recently-discovered glitches:
Labyrinth 2 score - 28530 (finished in 1:59)
Star Light 3 score - 28600 (finished in 3:57)
Scrap Brain 2 score & rings - 20700 & 172 (much prefer this level before the glitch heh)

Movie I don't have:
Scrap Brain 2 score - 27000. Got confused with a new version of gens and thought I was recording when I wasn't. Unlikely to be able to replicate this.

Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: October 21, 2007, 10:58:03 pm »
FILE: sb2.giz
GAME: Sonic 1
ZONE: Scrap Brain Act  2
INFO: Ring Attack Trick

This is the full RA .giz I made before ybbun told me about another trick to get to where the record is now. I promised not to tell that trick though, so this .giz is of a run without that trick. :(
Meh, it doesn't matter, you may as well make a video, everyone knows about the 247 now heh. I think the original technique (not using the fall-through-the-scenery glitch, and trying to get 172 instead of 169) was much more obscure and interesting than trying to get 247 with the glitch.

Competition Central / Re: Scrap Brain 2 Rings
« on: June 11, 2007, 04:44:21 pm »
Wow, how did you discover that? You do realise that if you'd never told us about it, the record could have been yours forever? hehe

As I know how to get 3 more rings, I expected to beat your record of 221 by 3 and so get 224, but I actually was able to finish with 247 rings! This is because the trick to get the 3 extra rings is so bizarre, that it actually frees up between 19 and 23 more for when you do this other trick! In fact, figuring out how to get 23 more and not 19 more is almost another trick in itself! This level has now got to be the best of any Sonic level in terms of ring attacking (if it wasn't already). But once you discover the secret you feel great.

I'm busy at the moment so will PM you the trick for the other 26 rings on Thursday or Friday. I don't think I want to reveal it because it will spoil it, though I could possibly be persuaded to lol.

Competition Central / Re: 107 Rings on Labyrinth 1
« on: April 06, 2007, 12:03:35 pm »
Woah... are there likely to be any other differences between the Japanese and American versions?

Competition Central / Re: All rings in SLZ 1, 2, 3 and SBZ 1, 2.
« on: March 03, 2007, 01:41:19 pm »
252 rings on SL3 maggot? Impressive. I can't build up the speed to get past the fan for the last one.

It's always nice to beat a top score shared by quite a few people isn't it! I've just got 28530 points on Labyrinth 2 :)

Competition Central / Re: All rings in SLZ 1, 2, 3 and SBZ 1, 2.
« on: February 27, 2007, 10:35:41 am »
Congrats on 172 rings on Scrap Brain 2! I'd held that record alone for 8 months, with 7 people on 169 rings!
Now all the S1 ring records are shared between at least 2 people
Thanks alot. Getting those extra 3 rings requires quite a clever little trick. Now I just need a little hint on those last few levels. :)
Unfortunately that is the only level where the trick is "clever". For SL1, SL3 and SB1 it's "brute force". I discovered the trick in those levels by attempting lots of different things that didn't look possible lots of times until one of them worked. For example, try going backwards through fans, getting up steep slopes, etc. Eventually you'll come across the trick. But you might try something for a long time and decide that it's not possible, even though it's actually exactly what you need to do.

It might help to look at where the rings are for those levels and see what areas you need to access to achieve them. Doing this makes me baffled at how you got 227 on SL3 maggot :S

Competition Central / Re: All rings in SLZ 1, 2, 3 and SBZ 1, 2.
« on: February 25, 2007, 07:03:55 pm »
Congrats on 172 rings on Scrap Brain 2! I'd held that record alone for 8 months, with 7 people on 169 rings!
Now all the S1 ring records are shared between at least 2 people

Competition Central / Re: All rings in SLZ 1, 2, 3 and SBZ 1, 2.
« on: February 22, 2007, 12:06:54 pm »
SL2 is relatively straightforward, but SL1 & 3, and SB1 & 2 are probably the hardest levels in the game to max out, and require a lot of work. They're a lot different to other levels where you can just go through and collect all the rings.

And yes it's true that of those levels you can only get ALL the rings on SB1, but it's really hard to work out how, and possibly even harder to achieve it once you've worked it out

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: September 07, 2006, 10:21:42 am »
Those are very hard levels to do. In fact, getting the top time on any of the S1 levels apart from Final Zone is difficult (I've only managed SB3!) I think you'd be better off going for rings where you have several choices to be perfect, or scores (try Labyrinth 2 - 28130).

I won't be playing for a few days, am going away.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: September 04, 2006, 02:17:58 pm »
Well done on SB3 :) As soon as I get a record outright, you tie or beat it hehe.

I asked the person who did the tool assisted sonic run for what he did at the start of SY2, he said he didn't have a particular strategy; he just copied someone else's work in progress. Did you spend ages trying to get onto the star over and over again? The star makes it so that it's just like doing any other level, but you can only try it every 2 minutes, ha.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 30, 2006, 06:36:46 pm »
I've tried turning into a ball and pressing all sorts of button combinations before and during hitting the star and I achieve it about 1 in 50 - REALLY annoying.

It seems that if you turn into a ball at a specific place about half-way along you will hit the star and fall downwards if you don't press anything, so this seems to be the key. I think it's a combination of pressing jump and then up in the split-second before hitting the star but can't do it at 20% speed most of the time, it seems really random. Argh! I'm fed up of this for today

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 30, 2006, 03:17:28 pm »
Nicely done with SL2, now we both have an evil score, haha.

I'm completely baffled by SB1 - I'm either 1000 or 900 behind you depending on whether that annoying caterpillar appears along the bottom of the level. Well done on a great score on that level.

Do you know how to bounce on top of the star at the beginning of SY2?

Good luck with 19 on SB3; everything had to be perfect, which was hard with the jumps at the end. You just need to keep trying and you'll get there.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 29, 2006, 09:10:04 pm »
Good sleuthing. How did you manage to PM him in the end?

I also used the SB2 invincibility trick near the beginning of SL3. SL3 has FIVE invincibility boxes, and I get them all in the score run - but only one place to use the trick I think! It might be useful on other levels I agree, but some levels where it would be useful (like L1) don't have invincibilities.

By the way... Scrap Brain 3 has just been owned :D

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 27, 2006, 09:26:27 pm »
Perhaps you should PM Jamixesa?

The trick with the invincibility at the end of SB2 is really weird - it's bizarre what you have to do to get the combo!

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 26, 2006, 08:59:31 pm »
Well it might be possible but I certainly didn't achieve it! In the end I just ran through the level collecting everything, rather than trying to do the trick for that level. It was you who discovered the trick first and you're the only person who's pulled it off so congratulations!

I now only hold 1 rings and 2 score records outright so I'll have to keep the secrets to those, hope you understand hehe

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 23, 2006, 10:22:04 am »
Yeah, that's annoying too, as are both routes of Scrap Brain 2, but they're both possible. I once tried to get no rings on all the levels; the only ones I couldn't do were:
Marble 2 (rings when lava is chasing you)
Spring Yard 1 (rings after 2nd springer)
Spring Yard 2 (might be possible if you can get over the star right at the end like you do with the one right at the beginning, but I haven't been able to do this. I think I came up with some weird tricks to do the rest of the level's difficult parts though)
Spring Yard 3 (rings with the spike balls early on)
Labyrinth 2 (10 ring box hiding important switch)
Star Light 2 (two unskippable loops at start)
Scrap Brain 1 (all routes have tunnels with rings you must get)
Some of the other levels are interesting challenges though. Star Light 1 for instance is easy but takes forever.

Thanks for the score info, SadisticMystic. At some point I'll get round to doing a GH3 score and submit it as a replacement for the current error. Then I'll finally have a full set of accurate scores.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 21, 2006, 04:06:56 pm »
Yes, I guessed it was exactly that, but I've been busy and haven't played for a while. You must have had a lot of hits in a row - did you manage to get to 10,000 per hit? How many hits do you need before it's 10,000 each time?

Here's a challenge for anyone - Marble 1 with no rings. It can be done, but it's really tough.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 20, 2006, 07:50:02 am »
I'm a bit skeptical of my GH3, given that I was mistaken on two other scores and only spent about half an hour on each level one afternoon - I might have to replace it :S

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 19, 2006, 09:44:53 am »
Thanks for the info.
For marble 1 it also took me ages. It's so annoying to get everything perfect! I'd actually figured out that 30330 was the highest possible score (that I could see) a while before you got it.
A lot of your scores are really good: SY1, M3 etc. so congrats.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 18, 2006, 08:28:42 pm »
Thanks for the tip. After some experimentation I've decided that I hate that level. Have achieved a token score of 71330 and am going to forget about it.

Question - is it possible to add/change a comment to a previously submitted time/score?

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 18, 2006, 08:00:38 am »
Thanks RPG

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 17, 2006, 05:32:20 pm »
maggot, for SL3, the trick is a bit like SB1, i.e. being able to do something that doesn't seem possible. In SB1 it's going backwards up a pipe that it doesn't look like you can, so look for similar stuff in SL3 and see if you can do it somehow. It's really annoying actually.

That might not seem like a helpful clue, but it is completely different to what you're looking for in SB2. On that level, it isn't at all about being able to do something that seems impossible. It's just a bit like a cool logic puzzle. Hope that helps a bit.

Can you give me a hint for Marble 2 please? I can't figure out how to consistently spawn that fly that goes from left to right and allows a big combo. Sometimes it appears and sometimes it doesn't.

Also, do you know how to get control of sonic at the end of the level in order to get the extra scores? I think it has something to do with jumping at a certain moment but I can't figure it out.

Also, what's the plan with getting the SY3 scores discounted - I'm coming to the end of score-attacking all the levels and want to know if I should try this one. maggot agreed that it shouldn't count so who should we talk to?

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 16, 2006, 09:18:07 am »
From your description it sounds like I'm doing the same thing in SB1. But what I meant was, to get the rings in the first vertical pipe at the beginning of the level, don't you need to use the same trick you used to get out of the other pipe at the top right? i.e. going up it backwards?

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 15, 2006, 08:59:34 pm »
Hey, if you'd kept that secret we could have had the record to ourselves for a bit :p

I don't understand how you were getting 297 before, because you need to use the same trick to get the rings in the tube at the start don't you? Or is there a way to get back to the top of that area?

Congrats on your SL1 score by the way - I tried to beat it but kept coming up short. Will try again though. As for the SB1 score, that must have taken ages and be really frustrating - I'm leaving score attacking that level until much later!

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 14, 2006, 09:44:58 pm »
Sorry, I used the screen wrap elsewhere in the level and that sentence wasn't connected to the previous one. Wow, I wrote it really badly :S I was just wondering what you meant by screenwrap sorry.

Getting the 10 rings does not involve a screenwrap, whatever it is...

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 14, 2006, 07:51:08 am »
I guess they're the 10 at the end of the topmost route (5+5)? I don't know what method you would've used to get the rest though, because according to what I do, if you can't get those, there are also some others you can't get. I used the trick seen in JXQ's speedrun of going through walls from the moving ledges, is that what you call a "screen wrap"?

I've got the rings in all the levels now - have equalled the top score for each one and beaten it twice (SB1 and SB2). SL1, SL3, SB1, SB2 and SB3 are the trickiest to work out what to do imo. SL3 was definitely the most hellish level, I was stuck on it for ages.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 11, 2006, 02:43:07 pm »
Never mind about the exchange for SB1, I figured it out - just achieved all 307 rings for the level, 10 better than the current record of 297 shared by 3 people. Now to beat the SB3 rings record and I've owned all of Scrap Brain, lol.

With no response from sonichero about his 238000+ on Marble 2 I suggest it should be deleted.

maggot you agreed about SY3 then went and got a new record for it!

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: doubt in sonic 1
« on: August 09, 2006, 03:42:45 pm »
Or maybe an exchange with mike would be better since you're top of everything in Sonic 1 :p

I think the Spring Yard 3 score should not be used. I was just trying it and it's so annoying having to wait and hit each of the stars 10 times. There are about 30 on the level, some in annoying places, and it makes the whole thing really tedious. SY1 and 2 can be done in under 30 seconds so the gain from hitting the stars is only useful to get the minor competition positions. What do other people think?

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