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Topics - SpinDashMaster

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General Sonic / I finally found it!
« on: November 08, 2020, 08:51:13 pm »
Remember that time in IRC chat like, forever ago...

I told people I was certain of the release date of Sonic 3 being February 2nd of 1994 because of a Groundhog Day ad I saw as a child.

Well, here it is!

Beef / What I want to do
« on: March 30, 2016, 02:17:28 pm »
It's been many years since I've considered building my own site from the ground up. The last time I tried, I got lost and exhausted and decided to take a break. When I came back, I didn't want to make the excuse of laziness; so I made a rather tasteless prank -- and lost a very good friend or three in the process. The project died then and there.

I think this time, I'm just gonna pull up my big-boy britches and try to pull the process off myself. I realize this is a huge undertaking, and I'm going to have to somehow manage this, my boyfriend, and my awesome career all on one plate, but in truth this is how my life always has been. Anytime I've found myself against something I wanted to truly do, I sat down, laid the plans out, and worked day-in and day-out until it was accomplished. Those of you who know me from when I competed in S3/Rush know what I'm talking about, but it goes beyond that.

I've handcrafted several aspects of SCD's website before, and Strong Bad taught me quite a bit about using WordPress for sitecrafting. In my career, it's taken me many years to get where I am now, but it would not have been that way without lots of painful sacrifices to hobbies (such as this one).

I realize the backlash of making a post like this without a site to show for it is going to get tons of negative feedback. That's why I'm going to look at this every day from now on -- my daily reminder that time doesn't heal certain things. Only dedication and devotion do.

That's what I'm pledging to give today. I may not have anything to show right now, but I'm done timewarping to avoid problems. I'm going to do the same thing I've always done to solve my life's problems -- drill onward and onward until i make my own light at the end of the tunnel.

I hope I succeed.

Ugh, that irks me after I put so much effort in the direction I wanted to go with it.

The idea was to let it -not- be a speedrun because I wanted to let there be enough time for the tracks to play. (That's why I asked for a whopping two hours.)

I'd still like to replace all tracks, but instead limit the ones we can vote on. Is that a fair compromise?

EDIT: I've modified the list above to reflect the changes.

Emerald Challenges / Tired of seeing this lay dormant
« on: May 24, 2014, 11:44:08 pm »
We should either take this subforum down or let me do another season.

I've been wanting do do this for a long time, and I don't see much sense in setting up an entirely different website just to do that, especially since all the tools lay here.

But to have this just decaying here kind of makes me sad.

If you're a fan of classic trading card games such as Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, and the like, but felt like you lost passion for the games without a thriving online method of gameplay, (with exception to Magic, which has a few okay online adaptations) then this CCG might be just for you.

Hearthstone brews together many favored elements from the above-mentioned CCG series, whilst introducing powerful new mechanics that would otherwise be tedious to execute on a traditional table, like this card:

(By the way that card looks way better in-game)

There are 9 different classes you can play as, each with a Hero (with a unique activated ability) associated with them. Choosing your Hero determines your class, as well as the types of cards you can put into a deck. (Paladins can't use Mage cards, and vice versa.)

The objective is akin to Magic's. Beat the enemy hero to 0 Health (Starting total = 30). As for Mill consequences, if you should attempt to draw a card while your deck is empty, you take x+1 damage instead, where x is the number of times you incurred this penalty previously.

The best part about this game is that it is free-to-play, and earning cards for your collection also costs no cash, however you can buy packs in sets of 2, 5, 15, and 40 if you do not wish to wait to earn free booster packs. The non-cash option costs 100 Gold, and earning Gold comes from several methods, including Daily Quests, secret Achievements, or simply winning in Play mode or Arena mode.

This guide is fairly useful if you want to farm up some fast gold for building the deck you want.

Notably, unlike other CCGs, trading does NOT exist in this game. However, there is a nifty method to get the cards you want without hoping for it to pop from a booster pack. There's a Crafting Mode from your Collection menu, which allows you to Disenchant (basically destroy) cards you don't want/need in exchange for Arcane Dust, which you can then turn around and spend creating the card you want.

So, with no mandatory cost to the player, and a very simplistic ruleset if you are already accustomed to CCGs, Hearthstone is definitely worth a look. I'm certainly having fun maining a Paladin deck. (Though I only made rank 15 last month cause I'm a baddie.) Hope to see you dueling me sometime!

Beef / SAnic cRaYons
« on: February 10, 2014, 06:27:25 pm »
It feels like there's so many random colors floating about the forum as of late, just by highlighting user names. It's an eyesore, imo.

Hiya Folks / Beep Beep
« on: December 10, 2013, 06:35:18 pm »
Okay, so I've been taunted enough with a few ring record shatters to make a comeback.

Love me or hate me -- Looks like I'm gonna be doing just that, but with a less profound forefront than I used to have. My main competitive focus in gaming has shifted to World of Warcraft raids, and I intend to primarily pursue that front, since I've earned a rather privileged position in my guild (shocker, I know... I seem to do that everywhere I go).

I will pop up on chat rarely, and check the forums often. I'm primarily keeping an eye on the IC1 situation which needs attention when someone higher up gets a chance, because it will affect how I approach the RA.

Lastly, once those RA patches are sealed I intend to pick up where I left off -- Time attacking that game and not resting on my ring stats. Just bear in mind everything I do here will be priority #2 for my gaming time.

If you're interested in following me in WoW, my character is Boogooloo (Long story behind that name) on the Mal'ganis server, and the site for the guild that houses me is at

Here's to old friends.

Emerald Challenges / 2013 Challenge Season
« on: April 13, 2013, 03:14:38 pm »
SpinDashMaster's back and better than ever. The 2013 Challenge season is to open soon. I will need to have my credentials restored in this area and its subforums to begin work.

Inspired by GerbilSoft's Sonic Quoter Challenge!

Perform a Google Search with a quote from a Sonic game into it. You can't include references to elements of Sonic games (characters, emeralds, etc). The quote must be a full sentence containing at least 3 words. You can't truncate the quote nor add words that weren't in the quote.

Scoring is as follows for the first page of search results:

1 point for each relevant link
5 point bonus if your search results include Sonic Retro on the first page
20 points instead of any other score if Sonic Retro is linked on the first result.

If no relevant links occur on the first page, search again with quotation marks around the quote.
Scoring is the same, except half the result.

Emerald Challenges / EC 2011 Officially Concluded.
« on: June 14, 2012, 06:48:31 am »
You'll now notice that these forums are locked. I'm going to keep these threads in an archived space on the website, so don't worry if you haven't extracted your emeralds.

The 2012-2013 Emerald Challenges season is on hold, mainly because I'm not exactly sure where I want to host them next. (I do have some independent site development in the works, and I may move Emerald Challenges there in the future.)

Rules Revisions / Rankings for Riders Missions?
« on: June 02, 2012, 10:52:18 pm »
This chart addition was by the request of DsS. I want to see if enough people would be interested in submitting mission stats for Riders before making the chart. Feel free to voice your approval or disapproval and discuss.

Only times for missions that save your times will be tracked. DsS will reply with a full list of stages that would be tracked.

Emerald Challenges / Spoilers For EC 2012 Season
« on: May 29, 2012, 01:00:48 pm »
So, as you may have noticed, I have elected to close the Emerald Challenges forums down and wipe them clean. Why would I do such a radical thing?

As you might notice in this poll, there is a distinct distaste for Co-Op gameplay, while others rally to support it. To bridge the gap, I am going to put my most famous icon, the Emerald Challenges, to work as a tool to convey the idea of just how competitive and challenging Co-Op play can be.

That said, every single one of the Emerald Challenges in the upcoming season will be much like the "gold emerald challenges" of the past, in the sense that every color challenge will be constructed in a manner such that only two people working together can complete it.

For those who can't find someone to help them at home using Gens+, there are two additional options. (Quoted from "One Final Challenge")

The first is called OpenKaillera, a mod of the well-known Kaillera software built-in with Gens. It comes with an input recording feature much like the .giz format, that begins recording when you start the game. Furthermore, it also has a P2P option that allows players to connect without needing the middleman of a server, significantly reducing the delay often seen through normal Kaillera play.

The other option is using normal Kaillera and playing with a judge, but only upon the judge's invitation. I won't have anyone asking a judge to play with them, because that would be far too taxing.

(Quote ends here)

I'll be providing packages of Gens 2.14 patched with the OpenKaillera hack.

I'll also be providing spoiler images soon :O

Emerald Challenges / Emerald Challenge Season to End in Two Weeks
« on: May 29, 2012, 10:58:33 am »
Alright, I've given this enough time for everyone to have their rounds at last year's EC set. I intend to wipe this forum clean and start a new set of challenges in the coming months, featuring an all-co-op set. Those of you waiting for some submissions to be judged, be patient, as my judges have been hindered again (if someone wants to help, send a PM and I'll recruit you/ give you the necessary tools).

You have two weeks. Get done what you need to get done.

Competition Central / The Co-op Center...?
« on: May 23, 2012, 04:43:13 pm »
I've had this idea for quite some time, but I want to take things a step further and share my idea -- especially since S4E2 promotes and ranks the concept now.

I'd like to begin a subsite of TSC called the Co-Op center, a competition chart list focusing on two players playing in each of the games' inherent Co-Op modes.

Here's some facts that would apply:

Creation hurdles -- Nothing new would need to be coded into the charts. When two people obtain a stat, they submit it to the site under their respective usernames (or just yourself if you got the stat with a non-member).

How it affects Sitewide -- It won't. Since everything would be tracked on a separate subsite, no changes will need to be made to the main TSC competition rules.

Old Stats -- in games where Co-Op and single player mode are not separated (e.g. Sonic 2/ Sonic 3), players may submit stats obtained in single player mode, but only from the same character as the one who takes the lead role in Co-Op (e.g. Sonic's stats in S+T charts in S2 is OK, but Tails' stats are not.). This would help create a benchmark for comparing single player stats against Co-Op stats.

Labor required -- after the subsite is made, I can handle basically everything else on my own (I've pretty much mastered chartmaking now that I did S4E2) and I already know how to create forums and competition rules and such.

Also for reference, the following games would be included:

Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Sonic & Knuckles
Knuckles Chaotix
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Advance 3
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Sonic Colors
Sonic 4: Episode II

So, what do you think? Want to embark on a new adventure with your friends? Post your approval or disapproval below and don't forget to vote.

You read correctly. The S4E2 and S4EM charts are now open to submissions. Feel free to submit away!

Make sure that you read the New Rules for the New Games first.

Gerbilsoft: oshi---- I broke that thing... just kidding. I have confirmation that both charts went up A-OK.

The strategies formerly banned in Balloon Park, Desert Palace, and Endless Mine are no longer illegal.

To be specific:

Go ahead and use the ceiling in Balloon Park.
Go ahead and do whatever it is that's breakable in Desert Palace.
Go ahead and jump from background to foreground in Endless Mine.

Rules Revisions / SCD/SCD11: Wacky Workbench 1 Ruling Implemented
« on: May 15, 2012, 01:16:45 am »
Rings Divisions
* In Wacky Workbench 1, you can't make the Angel Statue dispense rings more than once.

If your stat currently violates this new rule, please replace it with an abiding stat ASAP. Those proven in violation of the rule will be removed. (Eventually)

Rules Revisions / Sonic CD RA Rules Change
« on: May 15, 2012, 01:01:35 am »
Current Rule:

Rings Divisions
* The game's Time Attack mode is to be used for setting records.

Proposed Rule:
(Nothing) (Rings stats can be obtained in normal gameplay)

Post your approval or disapproval here and discuss.

Emerald Challenges / One Final Challenge
« on: March 12, 2012, 11:04:08 pm »
Right. So I have intent to release one final emerald, but only if there's still demand for it.

So I'll ask you EC fans: Would you like to see a final challenge color introduced here?

Its color will be gold, and themed by Friendship. It will require the cooperation of two players working together to achieve a goal.

For those who can't find someone to help them at home, there are two additional options.

The first is called OpenKaillera, a mod of the well-known Kaillera software built-in with Gens. It comes with an input recording feature much like the .giz format, that begins recording when you start the game. Furthermore, it also has a P2P option that allows players to connect without needing the middleman of a server, significantly reducing the delay often seen through normal Kaillera play.

The other option is using normal Kaillera and playing with a judge, but only upon the judge's invitation. I won't have anyone asking a judge to play with them, because that would be far too taxing.

Feel free to post your opinions here, as well as any questions you might have about this theme. If I see enough interest, I'll provide a spoiler for this last pair of challenges.

Rules Revisions / ? Boxes
« on: January 02, 2012, 09:34:20 pm »
This is a poll where we are debating the potential banning of ? rings in -some- games. I'll leave the opinions for replies to this thread. Here is the proposed ruling, Sonic Advance 3 used as a sample to block the ? boxes, more rulings for other games to come later--

Sonic Advance 3
Rings Divisions
You must use time attack mode in order for your stat to count.

Feel free to state your approval or disapproval, be it publicly or anonymously. You may change your vote in this poll at anytime (due to the fact that many people have changed opinions rapidly on this issue)

Also, it should be noted that should we include this ruling, any old charts affected by them will be passed to a freestyle division, and all players will be required to submit brand new stats for all levels into the new Rings categories.

News and Updates / Sonic Generations Charts are Up!
« on: November 14, 2011, 03:00:30 am »
Go submit, already! Make sure to understand a few key points though

Okay hold up. I screwed up the linking process again and I need GerbilSoft to bail me out. Until then don't submit. Fixed; submit away.

You may submit times you obtained from the Doppleganger Challenges to the Times or Uber Times category.

You may have a skill equipped to submit a time to Uber Times category.

You must not have a skill equipped to submit a time to Times category.

In Extra Division, if you obtained a time of 0:00.00 in a mission, you may submit 0:00.01 until support for the former time is added.

Use this thread to report bugs, rejoice, and yarn. We'll try to care.

Emerald Challenges / Flying Fox's Status as a Judge
« on: October 05, 2011, 10:26:32 pm »
It appears I've misunderstood (several times) about what exactly's going on with Flying Fox, so I'm going to relay one last time what I've heard secondarily, just so everyone is clear on the matter:

1) Flying Fox is retiring from TSC competition.
2) She is not retiring as a Judge, however her activity here will be greatly reduced.

If I'm wrong about something, now would be a good time to correct me. :(

Super Emeralds / Cyan Super Emerald Challenge
« on: October 01, 2011, 11:34:47 pm »
This is the end of the line. Your wait is over. I hold here in this post the last piece to complete the set.

To those of you pursuing the last of these challenges, to those of you staring out, to those of you who came to spectate, I give you my gratitude. I wanted this final version of the Emerald Challenge series to be my best, and I feel that it is. It couldn't have been this way if it wasn't for the fans, and certainly if not for Flying Fox and werster stepping in during my hour of need. I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.

As you all know, the theme of Endeavor will disable a key aspect of gameplay, demanding the player to engineer techniques to overcome obstacles that were once generic passageways.

In 2006, my Cyan Super Emerald became the most famous, particularly for its absurd difficulty index. No one was able to submit an entry; not even the best of the best from TSC could solve it, until I provided a solution video. Since this has always been such an intriguing and memorable theme, I elected not to deviate it, either.

Your final challenge takes us back to basics, to what is notably my favorite level from any Sonic game ever. As if it wasn't bad enough that Sonic 1 has such a minimal skillset, once I take away the only thing you have, you'll be grasping at every tool you can to help you succeed.

You will be constantly compelled, from the first three seconds of this level, to even after the boss fight is over and Robotnik has left. There are several areas in which, should you fail to snag the opportunity, you will be forced to concede defeat.

I warn you, challenger: plan this run before you attempt it. The only way you will earn this last piece of the set is to show me you are truly worthy. Plan the route. Perform the moves. Prevent disaster.

Good luck to you in this final challenge, and farewell to the Emerald Challenge series!

Cyan Super Emerald Challenge: In Sonic the Hedgehog, Complete Star Light Zone, Act 3 using only the D-pad buttons.

Jumping is not allowed. If you jump at any time during your run, it is invalid.

The challenge is complete when you step on the capsule to complete the act. You may stop recording then.

Super Emeralds / Purple Super Emerald Challenge
« on: September 25, 2011, 12:45:38 am »
We're nearing the end of the new Emerald Series, and just as promised, the most grueling challenges have been saved for last. This newfangled test of Defense will have you on the edge of your seat to the bitter end.

For the first time in an Emerald Challenge, I'm sending you to a Sonic 2 Special Stage. Within it, insult will be added to injury as you'll be required to take blows to your ring total while still making the quotas!

Endure the onslaught of bomb blasts, grab every ring you can, earn your scars and you'll be holding a new Super Emerald! Good luck!

Purple Super Emerald Challenge: As Sonic or Tails in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, go to Special Stage #7 (white). You must detonate two bombs before each checkpoint, and before collecting the emerald at the end of the stage, for a total of 6 bombs detonated.

The emerald must be collected, or else your run is invalid.
Knuckles is not allowed.

For convenience, a savestate has been provided in this post, taking you to an entry point to SS7. Please download it and use the "Load State" function in Gens Plus.

Super Emeralds / Red Super Emerald Challenge
« on: September 15, 2011, 11:37:28 pm »
Break time is over. Pressure's back on. Once again, I've chosen not to deviate the theme, but don't expect any sort of simplicity you might have felt from the last challenge.

You might have expected me to send you with the typical brute force fighting character, Knuckles, into the Offense challenge. Au contrare, it's Tails' turn to show that he has combat skills that rival anyone else's. In fact, using only his twin tail, he can take down the famous Wall of Terror boss!

It's going to be up to you, the challenger, to show off Tails' flight skill is good for more than just fancy platforming. Crush Stone with Whips, and Emerald #5 is yours! Good Luck!

Red Super Emerald Challenge: In Sonic 3 & Knuckles, go as Tails to Sandopolis Zone, Act 2 and engage in the boss fight. You may only remove the armor from the boss or land a hit on the boss' core if you are flying.

If you land a hit on the "Armor" or the "core" and Tails is not in flight position, your run is invalid.

The challenge is complete when you step on the capsule to end the stage. You may stop recording then.

You may begin your recording from anywhere that a lamppost is fully visible when the recording begins.

Super Emeralds / White Super Emerald Challenge
« on: September 01, 2011, 01:28:33 am »
In three releases, you've seen that I've been creatively deviant with challenges for which their themes had schemata that I was disappointed with. However, with the extreme platforming that I demand in the theme of Grace, it has been not only a wildly popular formula, but the root of several entertaining challenges that everyone tends to enjoy most.

Therefore, for this theme (and at least one other color) I have elected not to deviate their challenge types. I hope you'll enjoy this one as much as you have enjoyed my 2006 Super White: it's demands are similar, and yet you will still be compelled to invent a new jump technique, all this coming from Sonic 1!

White Super Emerald Challenge: In Sonic the Hedgehog, go to Spring Yard Zone, Act 3 and engage in the boss fight. You may not land any hits on the boss until the second-to-last brick is destroyed -and- its pieces are offscreen.

You may begin your recording anytime before Robotnik comes onscreen.

The challenge is complete when the capsule is opened. You may stop recording then.

Super Emeralds / Green Super Emerald Challenge
« on: August 17, 2011, 11:34:11 pm »
This is the third release, and by now you've noticed a steep grade in difficulty between what I expect from a Chaos Emerald Challenge and what I expect from a Super Emerald Challenge.

I also told you that this series was arranged in ascending order of difficulty, so from here on out, the punishment's going to get more and more severe as releases progress.

Here's the next heavy blow: It's the exact opposite of a challenge you likely already completed. In the Pink Chaos Emerald Challenge, Tails wasn't allowed to be seen in flight nor swim position. This time, flight or swim are his -only- allowed positions. You'll be required to maintain a speed sufficient to never allow Tails to catch up -- at all times. Show me a fantastic feat of constant Speed and reflex, and you'll earn my new Green Emerald. Good Luck!

Green Super Emerald Challenge: In Sonic the Hedgehog 3, as Sonic and Tails together in Launch Base Zone, Act 2, Tails must leave the camera's view before the timer strikes 0:10. After that time, and until the wall in the boss room is reached, Tails must remain in a flying or swimming position.

The challenge is complete when you touch the wall of the first boss chamber. You may stop recording then.

If Tails is on-screen and seen in a manner other than the two allowed positions during the aforementioned time, your run is invalid.

Wallzipping is not allowed.
Slope Glitch is not allowed.
Controlling Tails is not allowed.

Super Emeralds / Orange Super Emerald Challenge
« on: August 08, 2011, 12:28:12 am »
Here begins the next rung in the ladder in ascension to mastery: the grand test of Observance. As often witnessed, my former observance challenges sent players on a tricky ring attack, compelling them to reach beyond their usual trains of thought, and pulling desperate stunts to ensure that they hold onto every ring they can.

This time, the game is changing. I want only a single ring from you in this challenge -- Not so fast. I want a particular ring, what we among the judges have decided is the hardest of all rings to acquire.

Pull off the hardest stunt in ring-attacking history, and you'll prove to me you're capable of getting any ring, thus worthy of this new Emerald.

Orange Super Emerald Challenge: In Sonic the Hedgehog 3 or Sonic 3 & Knuckles, go to Marble Garden Zone, Act 2 and acquire the ring displayed in this photo.

Tails is the only allowed character.

The challenge is complete when the ring is obtained. You may stop recording then.

Emerald Challenges / The Staff Hit a Speed Bump
« on: August 05, 2011, 01:18:14 am »
...But I'm back and we're going to be readied for action very soon!

We had several issues befall the three of us, including werster's machine breaking, ff's machine getting a virus from downloading one of my fonts, and my own internet completely exploding.

Fear not: we're all here, FF and werster are downloading the necessary things to help you, and while they do, I'm going to release the next challenge.

Stay tuned!

Super Emeralds / Blue Super Emerald Challenge
« on: June 19, 2011, 10:28:16 pm »
Okay, loyal Emerald Challenge fans! Your perilous wait is finally over. The real chalenges begin now!

You'll notice that my Chaos Emeralds from this season were quite mundane -- following a classic pattern that wasn't necessary to uphold the theme. This time, as I will show you in the challenge below, all that goes out the window.

Tonight you'll see the beginning of a chain of some of the hardest challenges I've ever written. But beyond that, they will -not- fall under the cliches they have been known to fall under. You will see true challenges of Speed, Observance, Defense, Calmness, Grace, Offense, Endeavor, et al, that will push you to your limits in each category.

When the Chaoses first released, I made the claim that I changed the order of release to patch up an early mistake. The truth is that I have released them in order of ascending difficulty!

That means this Calmness challenge is what I consider to be the lesser of all the others in terms of how hard it is to complete. In truth it bears a single condition, despite its wording: Remain steadfast, even while the resources are low. Do so, and you'll earn my first elite award, the Blue Super Emerald! Good Luck!

Blue Super Emerald Challenge: As Super Sonic in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, go to The Doomsday Zone and engage in the second boss fight. You may not land the first hit on that boss until your ringcount goes below 10. After the first hit, your ringcount must remain below 10 for the rest of the level.

The challenge is complete when the screen fully fades and the ending cutscenes begin. You may stop your recording then.
You may begin your recording anytime before the first boss leaves your view.
If your ringcount is seen at or above 10 at anytime in the video, your run is invalid.
If you die while the screen is fading, your run is invalid.

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