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Topics - Rolken

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News and Updates / Hey dudes I'm back!
« on: May 20, 2004, 10:31:03 pm »
Nothing really changed in my life... just, as Pachuka put it, I got my mojo back. (He left Sonic Cult within a half hour of me leaving here, coincidentally)

sup guys? :D

News and Updates / Wowzers, we're popular
« on: May 17, 2004, 10:26:38 pm »
Just poppin in for a sec... I got an email from the hosters saying we're nearing our bandwidth limit for the site this month already. Wow. To put that in perspective, we've used about 8GB this month already, and all of last month was around 6 (the limit is 10). (The number of unique visitors is growing at similarly insane rates)

That's cool and all, but obviously it won't work for the time being, so I turned off videos; now it should be fine, since they're the majority of the bandwidth consumption, so don't worry about hitting too many pages or anything. In the future, we'll probably need a bigger account, which means higher costs for me, so if anybody wants to donate either with money or ad clicks, that'd be much appreciated, haha.

edit: also sm and anyone else who FTPs get the new lib.php plz. :P

News and Updates / Signing out for awhile...
« on: May 10, 2004, 03:45:31 am »
Over the past few weeks my involvement with the site has diminished to where it's lately been near zero. This isn't just a case of Rolken being lazy; health crap is becoming increasingly problematic lately.

For the time being, I'm withdrawing from the Sonic community. SadisticMystic has mostly taken over the competition rankings and gamerdude the radio, so poke them with any problems (unless you can find me). The hosting fees are automatically taken from my checking account, so no problems there.

When I get back - and I will - I'll have shiny new toys to show off that I've been planning, like improving the radio, the Nexus project, and a better site layout. In the meantime, life goes on. You guys are what makes the site great. :p You can still catch me by email, though it might take a few days for me to get around to checking it. Listen to the radio and join the chat room, they love you. Seeya~

« on: April 28, 2004, 01:59:55 pm »
Games that suck
Sonic Labyrinth
Sonic Eraser
Sonic Schoolhouse

Games that don't suck
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Sonic Advance 3

Sites that suck
Sonic Classic
Sonic HQ
Secrets of Sonic Team

Sites that don't suck
Sonic CulT
Sonic Stadium
Green Hill Zone
GameFAQs (minus the boards)

Characters that suck
Any character that only exists in TV show or similar junk, and is not playable in a game

Characters that don't suck

People that suck
Yuji Naka

further bulletins as events warrant

News and Updates / TSC is 6 months old, woot
« on: April 26, 2004, 11:55:18 am »
Actually, a few days older now, but yeah. Rejoice and stuff.

News and Updates / ITT koalas
« on: April 20, 2004, 11:51:17 am »

Information Kiosk / How'd you find us?
« on: April 20, 2004, 11:41:41 am »
Just did you find The Sonic Center?

News and Updates / ARGH. I mean, we're back up.
« on: April 11, 2004, 11:20:40 am »
Unfortunately, our hoster hadn't bothered to backup our database for about a week, and the latest backup I had made myself was just before rings and scores were added. So all the forum posts / times / new members after that are gone.

To open things up again, I present you with new sections for rings and scores.  Now your horizons are vastly expanded, and you have three times the chances to obtain records!  They don't count in the overall rankings until I say so, just so you can all have a chance to put up your new submissions without such a volatile championship.

The hard drive TSC was on apparently died, which was why we were down in the first place.

Also, 300th topic.  Yay.

News and Updates / Sonic Jam (Sonic World) added
« on: April 07, 2004, 07:12:23 pm »
all the 10% of you who own Saturns, rejoice!

News and Updates / Guides are up
« on: April 05, 2004, 07:39:01 pm »
You can find them with everything else on the menu. Submit your own if you want to help the cause! ^_^

Leaderboard Disputes / ATTN: zac-a-maniac
« on: April 05, 2004, 05:59:11 pm »
I find it highly coincidental that your Chaos times are exactly the same as Mike's. Can you provide evidence?

Keep in mind that you are already on the edge of being barred from submissions for lying in the past.

News and Updates / Sonic Pocket Adventure
« on: April 05, 2004, 03:37:23 pm »
Check it out.  Fear my championship (which will probably last until someone else submits and then never occur again).

News and Updates / Random updated stuff!
« on: April 05, 2004, 04:58:46 am »
You prolly already noticed that the home page got reshuffled; there's also a new spiffy head-to-head matchup thingy, and the Java chatroom actually functions again, all thanks to Rusty and I staying up into the wee hours of the morning. :D

Wikkity! / I like the way you move.
« on: April 03, 2004, 01:28:07 am »

News and Updates / Moving up in the world...!
« on: April 03, 2004, 01:20:44 am »
Today was our biggest day ever for both visitors and registrations. Welcome, new folks. :P

Edit: This is also true for today (the third). :D

News and Updates / yeah yeah, a few things are broken
« on: April 03, 2004, 01:18:19 am »
namely, the chat and radio

I'll fix them in a few hours; good things come to those who wait, etc. In the meantime, do yourself a favor and get mIRC.

News and Updates / Artie ownz
« on: April 01, 2004, 01:18:34 pm »

And a teaser... Artie (who runs TeamArtail) and I are working on a new site! What will it be? Only time will tell... ;)

News and Updates / Ranking color scheme changed
« on: April 01, 2004, 02:31:20 am »
HUGE update, I know. The times are colored similarly to the 3D games' A-B-C-D-E rankings now (1st, 2nd-25%,25%-50%,50%-75%,75%+). Pheer!

Wikkity! / Hey old guys
« on: March 30, 2004, 12:00:32 pm »
If you registered before we required email addresses, I am receiving emails through the forum that should be going to you. :P

News and Updates / Time to set some things straight around here.
« on: March 29, 2004, 05:06:48 pm »
The point of this site is not to be vindictive and haughty. If you are unnecessarily cruel or spiteful, don't expect to be embraced with open arms.

Rolken runs TSC. That is me. It is not SadisticMystic. I pay the rent, I do the vast majority of the work, yadda yadda. I honestly wouldn't care less about who knows it, except that there is a certain demeanor that I feel the site ought to project: one of openness, friendliness and helpfulness. People do not see that demeanor when dealing with Rusty (as I have been told repeatedly). He told me on IM essentially that he does not care to be nice to people, and recently he has proved it, and so now he no longer admins the community (though still the competition). I don't like having to do things like that, but the contrary isn't working anymore.

I think the concepts of ranks and respect based on how long you've been around the community is a stupid one, and so I will not take it into account. A "noob" who acts more intelligent than someone who's been around since the beginning will be more respected (by me, at least). Along that tangent, moderatorship is not a reward. It is a responsibility to the community to keep things running smoothly. Being a mod does not mean someone is intrinsically better or cooler (or even that I like them more), just that they happen to be the best at the job.

So... yeah. Have a nice day. :P

News and Updates / Sonic Radio - now a permanent part of TSC.
« on: March 27, 2004, 01:08:35 am »
Check it out at or on the main menu of the site. Anyone can broadcast, so long as you have a mike. :p Sign up in the Radio forum.

News and Updates / TSC will be hosting SAGEcasts today and all week!
« on: March 15, 2004, 06:53:23 pm »
Check out ANYTIME for the sounds of Sonic!

SAGE itself, a weeklong showcase for Sonic fangames, can be found at

News and Updates / More news coming in on Advance 3
« on: March 13, 2004, 09:37:14 pm »
It's slated for release in Japan on June 17. THQ's official release date for the US is for the first half of 2004, but if it goes like the last three Sonic GBA games, it'll be probably coming to the states around August or September, and Europe around October.

Wikkity! / TSC Tournaments
« on: March 13, 2004, 09:31:52 pm »
before anyone else gets confused, yes, it is possible to have both of those tournies on the Internet. I think this'd be cool if we could get together enough people who wanted to do it.

Wikkity! / ITT long chatlog and brian gets tempbanned
« on: March 13, 2004, 09:24:48 pm »
(19:08:49) <Rolken> okay, rolken poll
(19:08:50) <NintenDan> I didn't get to say bye!
(19:09:13) <Rolken> I'm pissed at brian, so do I a) tempban him b) insult him a lot c) call him a nigger d) none of the above
(19:09:20) <_> A + C
(19:09:30) <Cybrax> hehe whats he doing now?
(19:09:32) <mike89> id stay away from c
(19:09:35) <Rolken> just being a jerk as usual
(19:09:40) <_> wait
(19:09:41) <SuperSonic101> a)
(19:09:43) <_> for C
(19:09:46) <NintenDan> on Aim or something?
(19:09:50) <_> just call him a niglet instead
(19:09:51) <Rolken> no, on the forum
(19:09:54) <Cybrax> yea C he will find you and kill you
(19:09:59) <NintenDan> oh
(19:10:12) <Rolken> he always makes stupid derogatory and insulting posts and I'm tired of it
(19:10:16) <NintenDan> A & B
(19:10:18) <Rolken> he and xebra
(19:10:24) <NintenDan> well C is a more specific of B
(19:10:37) <NintenDan> It's no wonder the two biggest jerks live in the same room
(19:10:38) <mike89> so B - C?
(19:10:49) <NintenDan> sort of
(19:10:53) <NintenDan> because N word is an insult
(19:11:46) <Rolken> okay, so a:3, b:3, c:1, d:0
(19:11:50) <Rolken> righto
(19:16:42) <Rolken> okay, second rolken poll - how long do I tempban him for?
(19:16:54) <SuperSonic101> month
(19:16:57) <_> 72
(19:16:58) <SuperSonic101> no
(19:16:58) <SuperSonic101> week
(19:16:59) <SuperSonic101> no
(19:17:01) <SuperSonic101> 2 weeks
(19:17:02) <SuperSonic101> yes
(19:17:03) <SuperSonic101> 2 weeks
(19:17:08) <NintenDan> 1,000,000 dollars...
(19:17:12) <NintenDan> oh, I mean
(19:17:13) <Rolken> wow, y'all're more harsh than me
(19:17:19) <NintenDan> 1,000,000 years
(19:17:19) <_> I believe bans are in terms of hours
(19:17:21) <_> I say 72
(19:17:30) <SuperSonic101> 24 times 14
(19:17:32) <Rolken> so I've got one for 3 days, one for 2 weeks, and one that won't happen
(19:17:32) <NintenDan> that sounds good
(19:17:40) <NintenDan> it says not to mess with Rolken
(19:17:47) <_> 2 weeks = 336
(19:17:49) <NintenDan> 3 days sounds good
(19:17:56) <Rolken> honestly, I don't care if people mess with me
(19:18:08) <Rolken> it's that he messes with the whole bloody forum
(19:18:23) <NintenDan> true
(19:18:28) <SuperSonic101> wait are we talking about xebra?
(19:18:29) <Rolken> okay, so I would've said a day
(19:18:30) <SuperSonic101> or brain
(19:18:34) <Rolken> brian
(19:18:37) <NintenDan> hes never bothered me, but I've seen it
(19:18:42) <NintenDan> a day isn't enough
(19:18:43) <SuperSonic101> haha brain
(19:18:44) <SuperSonic101> brain
(19:18:45) <Rolken> three days it is
(19:18:45) <SuperSonic101> brain
(19:18:47) <NintenDan> it will go by quickly
(19:18:48) <NintenDan> 3
(19:18:51) <NintenDan> like SM said
(19:18:52) <SuperSonic101> do it to xebra
(19:19:02) <Rolken> I already tempbanned xebra; I wanna spread the love around a little
(19:19:10) <mike89> :P
(19:19:10) <Rolken> shouldn't pick favorites
(19:19:17) <NintenDan> he will think nothing of a day and continue to bother
(19:19:35) <Rolken> honestly, he probably won't think anything of three days either, or any stretch of time
(19:19:40) <_> xebra is dealt with
(19:19:40) <Rolken> aside from "wtf rolken's a fag"
(19:19:51) <_> he can no longer say "relational database"
(19:19:55) <Rolken> lol
(19:20:04) <Rolken> anyhow, here we go! tempban!
(19:20:19) <_> or "relational database" with an alt-160 in place of the space
(19:20:42) <NintenDan> yay! Evil is on vacation!
(19:21:01) <SuperSonic101> Wee haw.
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Your member account at The TSC Forum has been temporarily suspended.

Your account will not be functional until Mar 16 2004, 07:24 PM (depending on your timezone). This is an automated process and you do not need to do anything to expediate the unsuspension process.


Board Address:

edit: in accordance with part b

edit2: he IMed me to inform me that he's not black, so image airbrushed with my mad paint skillz, now nobody'll know it was ever any different

Gaming and Grazing / Pokemon!
« on: March 13, 2004, 11:22:40 am »
we were talkin about it in the chatty; I played chromatics a lot back in the day but kinda got out of practice with gematics.

also would there be any interest in a TSC Pokemon tourney?

News and Updates / We're back...!
« on: March 11, 2004, 01:13:38 am »
Our hoster was having troubles today. Sorry 'bout that. All is well, all is well.

Wikkity! / ITT we share our musical tastes
« on: March 09, 2004, 05:48:59 pm »

now you can see just how weird Rolken is...! :D

edit: and you can also use HTML in your sigs since the board's dumb about dynamic images with BB code.

Leaderboard Disputes / Attn: blueblaze Re: advance2
« on: March 08, 2004, 10:02:38 pm »
Your Sadv2 times have been found to be untruthful; all of them have been suspended. itt you explain.

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