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Messages - Rusty Rom

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Hiya Folks / Re: Hey guys... getting off to a good start hopefully
« on: July 11, 2014, 10:34:33 pm »
Welcome to TSC dude... I see you're getting some good records here, guess you and me will fight a lot haha ;)

I guess everything about banning emus was already explained in this thread, and of course I vote against any emulation, mostly due to them cursed savestates that make any lazy guy think he's good at something when he didn't spend 1/10 of the time it would take on an actual system.
Naegleria brought up some good options to solve this issue as well. Honor system is just a Republican excuse not to improve the site policies and its proof methods. And I've had some bad experiences with emu players before... and some of them got caught in the act, even with them having good rep with this community.

Wikkity! / Re: I have a dream.
« on: June 04, 2013, 05:33:02 pm »
Here's my take: my dreams are generally straightforward and short, and also nearly all of them are related to girls, and they are sort of predictive to me (i can elaborate that in another post if there's interest). But 2 nights ago I had a particularly different dream, longer (roughly 10 minutes) and very detailed. I wrote anything I could remember the moment I woke up (thanks Gamepro011 for saving it for me since I was on my phone).

It all started with me apparently at home, where I found myself in my bedroom. there were also my dad and my boss, and the two were talking random stuff, I've shown something (that probably had to do with my job) to them as well. soon afterwards, I found myself in a place that were just like my IRL workplace (an electronics lab), but it definitely wasn't the same place because it was bigger. then, I realized that my workmates (some of them actually were from my previous jobs as well) started leaving the place, one on one, until it got empty. However I didn't get surprised by that. Then I walked onto another section of the lab, and saw one of my (currently IRL) workmates, whose name is Kleber, and he was welding some sort of iron/steel device. afterwards I walked back to the main lab, but then nobody was in there and the lights of the whole place went out. I exited the lab and went to the streets to search for my workmates, however I started running at mach speed (like in Sonic 06), and apparently would never get tired of that. but then, from the streets I ended up running in an area that looked just like... Planet Wisp (without any machinery though), with loops and stuff.From that area I ran into a field that looked a bit like the baseball field I trained for years, and then back to the streets, still running at mach speed. then I ended up in an unfinished house (or building since I had to climb a staircase). however there was all the regular stuff a house normally has like a stove, a refrigerator, etc. even the lighting was ok (though in unfinished state as well, with the wiring mostly exposed). I walked to the bedroom (unfinished as well) and in the bed there was no one but Andressa, my ex gf. She was apparently sleeping so I didn't approach her. but as soon as I turned my back, she woke up:

Andressa: Oh, what's up, Matheus? (she always called me this way)
Me: It has, uh... nothing to do with you. See ya. *sailor-like goodbye waving*

And then I exited the house/building.
I ran (at mach speed) back to the lab but this time through the streets only
As I got back to the lab, all of my workmates started getting back, but they all were completely drunk. I then walked into the main area of the lab and that's the last thing I remember.

Now some extra details:
1. The device Kleber was welding had a manometer in it.
2. Just before I exited the lab, I found some potato chips and ate some of them.
3. There was a frying pan with some sausage in it on the stove in the unfinished house/building, and it was still hot and steaming.

That's all

Board Games / Re: Ask the Next Person a Question
« on: March 13, 2013, 12:32:56 am »

What's your favorite MD/Genesis game other than the Sonic's?

Board Games / Re: Ask the Next Person a Question
« on: March 01, 2013, 09:18:29 am »
Rap (I'm a rapper duh), followed by techno stuff and vgm in general.

What's your favorite fighting style?

Wikkity! / Re: Post your gangsta face!
« on: February 08, 2013, 11:21:32 am »
TSC is da site, Sonic's da game
When it comes to Genesis, Rusty Rom is da name
More and Better is da cause, Brazil is da place
And now DarkAura, show ya gangsta face!

I have an alternate pic that will be posted if there's interest as well

Competition Central / Sonic 3 / Sonic & Knuckles Super charts proposal
« on: October 10, 2012, 05:00:58 pm »
More demonstration videos:

Death Egg 1 as Hyper Sonic:
This one is the best example of how Hyper Sonic can explore routes that are impossible to reach or to get out of as normal Sonic

Launch Base 2 as Super Tails:
Another example of how Super/Hyper forms allow for faster times

EDIT: S2 Super RA discussion will be moved to another thread

It does sound like a good idea, but it is quite a big change for the site.

Not really, if you take into account that there're charts already being used for this purpose, the problem is that said charts don't have any competition weight, which makes people lose interest in competing this way

Seems that opinions are very divided indeed... so I felt like uploading one more demonstration video showing why it's worth the addition of Super/Hyper charts for S3K (for S2 I'm definitely for the addition of Super Sonic RA's instead)

Super Tails and Hyper Sonic demonstration videos will be uploaded soon

Question: what do people think about tracking rings as Super Sonic only in S2? As people would know when Sonic reaches 50 rings and jumps he turns Super automatically. I just wondered if that was worth tracking since it would be some taing on the side and probably some careful planning.

Good point. I recorded a demonstration video showing what it would look like:

It really seems like a better usage of Super Sonic in S2 imo. However for S3K the better option is still to have normal Super character speedruns

Well then if you're going for consistancy, follow S4's lead and have them in the Time Category o.o

I see your point. However, if we were to relocate the Super divisions into the regular Times category, the chart would become too big. Besides, there's already an existing category tracking Super characters times but without the competition weight, so it's way easier for the admins (namely Gerbil) to rename it Super and establish the competition weight needed. When I said "making the charts more consistent" I meant that since we have Super divisions with competition value in S4, we should apply the same concept to the MD/Gen games, although the easiest process is the one I mentioned above.

Do note, for a new category of times, you're giving new sitewide points to the person who can TA with a Super character better, which will usually be the person that can TA a regular character better. Extra points for doing it with different characters would inflate the points that the best are getting by a largeish factor (since s2-3&k are heavily weighted). We don't want to give out extra sitewide points for no extra reason. While more characters in the Times Division would make the charts more bloated, they would still be weighed appropriately in the leadership bonus.

My intentions in adding Super charts are just to make TSC charts more consistent, not to "monopolize" rankings. I think of this measure as a way to stimulate competition, as you have one more variable to deal with. about the weight of the charts, I don't know exactly how the weight system works, but if you mean that Super charts should have less weight than normal charts, then it would be no problem for me.

To clarify, do you mean Super and Hyper would be lumped together (but there would still be three Super/Hyper categories for the three characters), or that it would all be lumped into a single category?

The Super category would have one division per character (2 for S2, 3 for S3&K)

Whoa, that's a fairly good amount of discussion in only 1 day indeed...
Anyway, here're some things I have to clarify since my post was kinda rushed

If you are to add them, you can't simply convert from freestlye. There's more than Super character stats posted there. Namely, glitch usage of the banned sort.

Oddly enough, you removed the bans for all the S3TA glitches yourself, which implies that currently the Freestyle divisions for all the 3 games are being used exclusively for Super/Hyper times.

S4 has Super divisions for times and scores, and you haven't made clear whether you propose to add both for S2/S3. Scores would be really  annoying for S2 in particular because you would have to avoid transforming throughout the level, and then transform at the end to comply with the letter of the law. Again, this would generate a feeling of "why are you making me do this?"

S3&K is daunting enough already -- you have to replay each level with three characters as well as having three divisions to compete in. If you're going to add Super, I suppose it would have to be Super for all three, and why not Hyper while we're about it? That would drain all the fun out of competing.

Proxima: my intentions are to have only times charts, since they already exist in Freestyle, I really agree with your point about scores so scores wouldn't be added. Additionally, for S3&K we'd have a single category where you can choose either playing as Super or Hyper characters (the only major difference between Super and Hyper is Hyper Sonic's air dash move)

Ok, seeing the recent changes that are being made to TSC, I think it's time for me to show my proposal as well.

S2/3/K currently have Freestyle divisions that are used for Super characters times. However they don't have ANY competition weight. And if you look at the S4E1/E2 rankings, there're Super Sonic divisions that have actual competition weight.

For the sake of making charts more consistent, I propose that Freestyle divisions should be renamed Super and have actual competition weight. As for the rules, I had some discussion with Umbreon and we both agreed that the same rule from S4 could be used for the MD/Gen games as well. 

* In Super divisions, you must transform before the act ends in order for your stat to count.

Vote and post your opinion about it

General Sonic / Re: Your best speedrun!
« on: July 29, 2012, 10:38:42 pm »
It's really hard to pick up one in special... if it involves a zip, then mine would be Star Light 2 (I should finally record a vid of it soon). Now my best one without zips would surely be Stardust Speedway 2 (for which I have a vid)

Emerald Challenges / Re: Spoilers For EC 2012 Season
« on: May 30, 2012, 11:36:51 am »
Don't forget youtube vids as well, as I'll do the new challenges with my brother :V

Super Emeralds / Re: Blue Super Emerald Challenge
« on: May 28, 2012, 05:54:14 pm »

Chaos Emeralds / Re: Yellow Chaos Emerald Challenge
« on: May 28, 2012, 05:53:12 pm »

Done in under 6 minutes, guess a sub 5:30 is possible

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: March 09, 2012, 04:22:30 pm »
Me with my girlfriend :D

Hiya Folks / Re: Hello guys
« on: January 17, 2012, 09:21:45 pm »
If you'll compete on Sonic 3, feel free for asking questions about speedruns if you need help. I'll do my best (probably by recording videos showing my strategies).
Also, welcome to TSC!

Competition Central / Re: Sonic CD XBLA charts?
« on: December 22, 2011, 11:11:39 am »
My opinion: Sonic with the original version's settings would be together with the original charts, while Sonic with S2 settings and Tails would have a separate chart.

Wikkity! / Re: Predictions for 2012!!!
« on: December 18, 2011, 07:15:56 pm »
I didn't have the opportunity for getting the Master System games so it stands as a goal for 2012, along with goal #3.

Aside that...


Wikkity! / Re: Who uses emulators?!
« on: November 09, 2011, 05:22:00 pm »
My custom title says all... (R)

Competition Central / Re: I'm retiring from TSC...
« on: November 05, 2011, 06:38:26 am »
What the hell is happening here? 1st Flying Fox, and now you are also retiring? if things keep this way TSC will completely lose all the good players that show amazing feats like you and FF, and then I'll have nobody to compete with...

Super Emeralds / Re: Green Super Emerald Challenge
« on: November 03, 2011, 06:43:23 pm »
S3 standalone version

<Loved the ending with Tails - FF>

Super Emeralds / Re: Red Super Emerald Challenge
« on: October 31, 2011, 05:48:45 pm »

.giz files can go to hell now

<Looks fine to me this time - FF>

Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: October 15, 2011, 08:31:48 am »
New glitch: the Snapback. Let's see what we can do with this.

Also appliable at DE1T as well.
Not new for me, since I used it in my comeback video... (R)

Super Emeralds / Re: Cyan Super Emerald Challenge
« on: October 10, 2011, 07:00:40 pm »
This one has a special meaning for me, since I'm the main responsible for the inclusion of youtube vids for this EC series, maybe if it wasn't for my determination console players like me couldn't do these awesome challenges.

P.S. This challenge was very fun to do, even though it only took me literally 2 attempts for doing it (and recording it).

<I'm glad you enjoyed this. The fun factor's really important to me with this series. -SDM>

Competition Central / Re: Flying Fox is retiring!
« on: October 03, 2011, 08:34:15 am »
I only had one direct battle for a record with you (being Chemical Plant 1 Knuckles score), but it was by far one of the greatest battles I had since I joined TSC, and I want to someday have battles like that again. Not only this but also you were the first TSC player I added on MSN and at that time my english knowledge was very poor, but by chatting with you along with other people outside Brazil I significantly improved my knowledge and I'll be eternal grateful for this and for any other help you gave me, related or not with competition.
I think it's just a question of you getting better things to do but it doesn't mean you have to abruptly leave TSC. You could use only your spare time for doing something, but nothing in a overloading scale. Hopefully you'll manage to organize your life in a manner you won't have to abandon a thing you're really nice at...


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